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Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: PRO S [ Day 1 | 1200hrs ] ALL ABOARD the Crazy Train!
Last post by JacenSoloDjo -
[Conference Lounge | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @TWilkins‍ @Ellen Fitz‍ // @Dumedion‍ 

There was a wry smile there on her face that did not reach her eyes. She had, more than once, run into people who questioned the medals and why she didn't seem to actually care. What she cared about was the people who hadn't survived to earn their own. And indeed, why wasn't she chasing the same line of upward mobility as her father? Because mainly she feared being taken and plopped behind a desk, was usually her answer. She had also run into more than one chickenshit in her career who had earned nothing but thought it made them better to be a higher rank through some dirty dealing. No. Much better to be a Lieutenant in the field than an Admiral behind a desk. Captaincy maybe some day in her future, but not right away. She still had quite a lot of career to get through. But if the pattern that showed in her dossier held, perhaps a promotion was on the horizon if not a change of position giving her more authority. Wars and crisis always had a tendency to provide people with those kinds of changes since time immemorial. (Admittedly, one day she did hope for more responsibility but actually verbalizing those hopes could backfire in any number of ways.)

Internally she raised a brow at the mention of Hauq and Qo'Nos. Hmm. Outwardly she simply nodded slightly. She may or may not have to poke at some old SFI files before the big exciting meeting, as well. Just to refresh her memory, though she forgot little sometimes small details could be overlooked or slip away without constantly needing to know them. "Muy bien. I'll make a note of them for later," she intoned. Might be good to check-in with Madsen, at the very least, her training reminded her. 

The brunette nodded as she noted Cross's gaze go from her to somewhere over her shoulder. As she hadn't heard the door actually open she didn't feel a need to turn and look even if the little paranoid voice inside of her urged it. She rose from her seat so smoothly it almost looked like Kath had teleported into a standing position; one millisecond she was sitting and the next she was snapped to attention. The chair didn't even make a single noise as she pushed it back from the table. 

"I'm sure I'll come up with something eventually. When things are a little less hectic," she admitted. She didn't qualify 'little less hectic'. Times like these, it was all relative, wasn't it? At least there had been no quizzing about her relatives. Ahh, wordplay. 

One scarred hand grabbed her bag and she easily swung it over one shoulder. Her stance was so strong she didn't wobble as the bag slapped her in the back audibly. Maybe she would have a bit of time to unpack, or at the very least use up replicator raw material to build the specific decorations she could already see fitting the ship she found herself on. Good thing uniforms were mostly wrinkle resistant, as she hated replicating them even if it gave her space for other items when she went to a new posting and so kept them in her bag, neatly rolled up at the top of her bag for quick retrieval. 

She then went out the door, passing the next crewman with a polite nod, and stepped into the turbolift once it arrived. Less than an hour to get settled and refresh on all the intel she would need. Not a problem. She had had tighter turnarounds. 
Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: [2376] Entanglement of Chaos
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[Ens. Enyd Isolde Madsen | Safe House | Cardassia Prime ] ATTN: @RyeTanker

Enyd refrained from rubbing her temples as the Cardassian and Starfleet personnel argued around her. She’d given them Ontatt’s requirements, and, as expected, an argument broke out. Superiors were contacted and put on audio to likewise join the argument. Leaning against the wall adjacent to the door leading to Zark and Ontatt, Enyd sighed. If they could just stop measuring penile lengths, they could actually accomplish something.

“Very well,” Ghin Torlan’s gruff voice tinged with finality pulled Enyd from her thoughts, “we agree to these new terms.” The ghin glanced at Javec, waiting until the aide mirrored his action of giving a firm nod before gesturing toward Ontatt’s door. “The fucker is held at a neutral location, guarded by Starfleet and Cardassian forces; the security code to enter the location is kept only by the Castellan and the head of Starfleet stationed on Cardassia.”

Before Enyd could move to convey the information to Zark or Ontatt, a plain clothes officer left to do that very thing. She nibbled her lower lip, thinking over Ontatt’s intel so far before raising her hand in an old-fashioned manner to get attention.

“So then the mission to infiltrate the financiers will likewise be a joint operation?” She made eye contact with all those present though her question was directed towards her CDO, still currently on the line.

[ Yes, once Ontatt is sufficiently secured and made ‘happy’ enough to give us the rest of the intel, a joint operation will be conducted between the Castellan’s choice operative and our own. ]

Enyd frowned. She didn’t like the sounds of that, if only because it sounded like she was getting grounded. Now was not the time to argue with her superior, though, and while Javec gave her a look that made her think he was getting the same feeling, he wisely kept his mouth shut and remained on his side of the room.

The plain clothes officer returned to the main room then, Ontatt in tow, Zark close behind. Enyd caught the Andorians gaze and shook her head. They had much to talk about later, in a more private setting. A few more arrangements were made before a few plain clothes departed alongside Torlan’s men, Ontatt and the disgruntled Ompayan, in tow. Enyd, Zark, Javec, and the remaining members of the original team and the plain clothes were left behind, awaiting transport vehicles to take them to their species correct bases.

Still not feeling they had enough privacy to offer Zark apologies or explanations, Enyd sat beside her new friend, occasionally reaching out, brushing her hair away from a bruised cheek and offering other little physical affections.

[ Some hours later ]

Showered, cleared by medical, and dressed once more in her normal uniform, Enyd was not at all surprised when the CDO called her into his office. The glare he gave her was a bit of a surprise, considering they’d been successful in apprehending Ontatt and, apparently through Ontatt, had uncovered a deeper plot that still threatened the Cardassian rebuilding efforts.

“Why are you even a diplomat, Madsen?” When he spoke, the officer sounded older than his physical age. “Your shenanigans reek of Intelligence efforts. Were you rejected from Intelligence and opted for diplomacy as a backup? Figured you could talk your way out of a galactic incident using diplomacy only after you used your wiley ways to gain access to information otherwise best handled by Intelligence operatives?”

Enyd smiled despite the man’s frustration, “You’re not far off base, sir. My grandmother forbade me to enter Intelligence after both my parents died in the line of duty. Figured diplomacy was the other side of the same coin, with a lot of overlap occurring for mutual success.”

“You’re not in the least bit sorry for what’s happened, are you?” He stared at her, nearly gape-mouthed. “How have I managed to overlook your audacious nature until now?”

“I AM sorry for the loss of life, sir. Many good Cardassians died getting this information and in getting Ontatt. But as I see it, sir, many more may have been given another lease on life now that we have these leads to follow-up on. If I’m not mistaken, sir, my job as a diplomat is to represent and protect Starfleet interests and Federation citizens through facilitating strategic agreements, promoting trade, and fostering alliances. Within these parameters, I believe it is necessary to step out on occasion to create negotiation opportunities.” Enyd shifted her weight onto her heels a moment. “And I do not wish Ensign Zark to be penalized for assisting me, sir. She was assigned to keep an eye on me, as we both know, and I misled her into joining me on this last mission. She is a professional and should not be held back on account of my actions.”

Her CDO groaned, breaking eye contact long enough to scrub both hands over his tired-looking features.

“I don’t know what galls me more, that you somehow continue to get things accomplished that do, in fact, benefit Starfleet and the Cardassian efforts to rebuild, or that I can’t force you to sit out this next misssion.” Enyd’s eyes widened and she actively fought the urge to beam. Her CDO caught the subtle emotional tell and glared. “Before you get too excited, listen to what I have to say…”

[ Corridor outside Ensign Zark’s quarters ]

Enyd gave an old-school hand knock against the door. She’d already checked with medical and Zark should be in her quarters by now. However, considering the woman hadn’t answered her console chimes and now the banging, Enyd wondered if she was passed out from pain meds or off on her own mission.

“Zark! I’ve got news! Let me in!”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: PRO S [ Day 1 | 1200hrs ] ALL ABOARD the Crazy Train!
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[ Cmdr. Cross | Conference Lounge | D. 8 | V. 2 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @JacenSoloDjo @TWilkins (@Dumedion since hottie Hauq was mentioned)

“Of the battle veterans on board, I cannot think of a one who has ever willingly worn the medals in public or shown them off like it was some primary school show-and-tell day. Fuck, if there were folks like that on board now? They’d have been humbled by circumstances into keeping a lid on such things. And you’re completely correct, if not you then someone else. At least, that’s the ideal we want on this ship. Just because we are operating outside of official Starfleet sanctions doesn’t mean we’re going to get lax on keeping up with training. Knowing that your squad mate is up to par with their training gives that little extra boost of confidence when facing the types of odds we’ve been facing. And that you’ve faced before.” Cross reached up, scratching behind his ear. “In my experience, people who want leadership and roles of influence are likely the last who should be in those positions. From where I’m sitting, your lack of interest or enthusiasm to throw clout around with the younger crew is precisely why you’ll do fine keeping an eye on them.”

MacFarlane seemed to pick up on his sarcasm without difficulty and responded in kind. Cross smiled. She would fit in nicely with the old guard while bringing in the much-needed new blood. When she asked about specific chatter for trouble, Cross’ smile fell and he shook his head.

“Our chief diplomat, Madsen, has a firm contact within the IDF who has been keeping an eye on our people when they’re on Qo’Nos and who also feeds intel that may impact our position. Colonel Hauq is his name, and while I’ve never met the man, he’s proven himself trustworthy, if not typical Klingon charmingly cantankerous. He tends to come out of the shadows and melt back into them, so I can’t guarantee that he’ll be among Martok’s group when they come aboard later, but if you get a chance to meet up with him, he’d be the one who knows the most about any potential threats.” He gave a mirthless chuckle. “And while she’s not in the Intelligence department, Madsen has a knack for discovering things and being in the middle of things, so she’d likely be another one to check in with, along with the Intelligence department as a whole. They’re on their game, good people.”

A blinking light at the door’s console alerted Cross that another new transfer was waiting in the corridor. While not wanting to rush MacFarlane, at the same time, he didin’t have time to dawdle.

“Good to know, lieutenant. Unless there’s anything else you’d like to discuss at this time, I believe you can dismiss to your quarters, get things settled, and then find a good window to watch the vectors separate. The Ranger will be getting underway in about an hour or less.”
Main OOC Board / Re: Main OOC Thread
Last post by Brutus -


Everyone give a big welcome to @TWilkins, who is returning to the sim after a long absence with our new Chief CONN Officer!

  Ens. Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth                                     Chief CONN Officer

- Writer: @TWilkins

Ensign Sylvain Llewellyn-Kth was the Chief CONN Officer serving aboard the USS Bowman, a support vessel tasked with aiding Federation colonies along the border of Talarian space. When the Bowman was unexpectedly recalled in 2381, and redeployed to support Task Force Archeron, Sylvain was contacted by an old colleague of his mother’s, Rear Admiral Joseph Anderson, as part of a covert initiative to recruit capable Officers for the renegade starship, the USS Theurgy. The Admiral was concerned that if Sylvain was targeted by the Infested, his unique precognitive capabilities could be put to devastating use against the Theurgy’s efforts to prevent all out war. This and Sylvain’s exemplary, if not brief, service record, made him a suitable candidate to join the USS Theurgy Crew.

Sylvain will arrive during Episode 2. Our current Chief CONN Officer, Chief Warrant Officer Larrant, has been having technical issues with his pod. With the arrival of an experienced officer, he will make the decision to step down and return to his role as a navigational specialist.

Welcome aboard!


Welcome to Ellen's fourth character, Ehfva Feynri!

  Ehfva Feynri                                                             Civilian

- Writer: @Ellen Fitz

Vulpinian civilian Ehfva Feynri was onboard the USS Cayuga when it came under attack from the Savi Scion forces. Ehfva, her mate Intelligence Chief Petty Officer Keokuk, and the entire Cayuga crew were held captive by the Savi near the Hobus Star, where most met the same fate as their captain of being recycled by the Scions. She remained a tormented hostage, waiting for rescue! Ehfva has already entered the story in Chapter 4, The Remains of a Crew! If she survives her ordeal, Ehfva will return with the away team on the Erudite and arrive on the Theurgy at the end of the episode.

Welcome aboard!


As you might have noticed, we're very excited about killing off some NPCs during this episode! They sit around, take up space, breathe our air, and generally get in the way of new player characters. Everyone is welcome to take someone out in a blaze of glory! However, before you kill any established NPC, be it a former PC who's player left or an NPC who's always been an NPC, you must ask permission from the GMs.

Some of the NPCs have plot armor.

If you'd like to request a suit of armor (mage armor, death ward, full plate, etc.) for an NPC, you can ask one of the GMs!
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 3 S [ Day 1 | 1200hrs ] ALL ABOARD the Crazy Train!
Last post by JacenSoloDjo -
[Conference Lounge | Deck 8 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @Ellen Fitz‍ 

For the first time, Kath seemed... not rattled but also not smug or dismissive. The record was what it was and yet... and yet. There was something there, a haunting in her soul. She had gotten off a lot better than many of the people she had served with, and it still settled over her at the most awkward of times. How to explain? The feeling was complicated. But her face only flashed from its calm for a split second and then it was like nothing had changed at all.

"Indeed. I keep them in the box they came in, in a drawer. They make a lot of noise in there when the ship shakes," she said, clearly joking but also not lying. "Half of them are wrong place right time," she added, and there was something in her voice that couldn't be exactly pinpointed. "I am who I am. If it wasn't me, it would be someone else with the same ribbon rack." Honestly, at this stage of her life she had been content to be in the background, sinking in her hours and just being the best Starfleet officer she could be. So she could have a dossier that wasn't considered exceptional just because her father was who he was. She wasn't a glory hound, and that had kept her in many peoples' good graces, as paradoxical that might sound. 

Her fingers drummed on her arms as she kept them folded politely on the tabletop. Kath didn't much like to talk about that part of her dossier. She did what she was told, what was right and she got rewarded with scars and a pretty little ribbon, and a story she never told except if she was so far into the bottle that she was on the floor (which was, honestly, a relative rarity; in fact she couldn't remember when she had been well and truly drunk). But then, the scars thing was entirely her fault for her thought process about them.

A pause then a chuckle, shrugging her shoulders. She didn't find herself as the teaching type, wasn't sure she actually had the temperament. Being on an even keel in the thick of it was one thing. Being able to sit and teach someone how to fire a phaser without flinching every time it did as it was told... But, monkey see monkey do. Maybe. Her age combined with experience that tended to be equivalent to someone far older than she was, meant she was not unaccustomed to taking some under her wing accidentally. "I'm not sure you'd want to make that my official reason for walking the corridors, but it's unavoidable they'll learn. In some way.

"Much appreciated. Standard is fine, but I'm sure I could actually translate some of it into Ferengi." Very little of it, but some. Her arms unfolded and she brushed a hand along the side of her head that was cropped extremely short to where it was almost a buzz. She liked the sensation of the hair there on her palm and it helped her think. "I'll be sure to add it to the database if I do," another joke. A computer could easily do the same thing with less man hours devoted to the task. But then, linguistics was her thing

"I guess it's a good thing I'm not planning to dress to the nines for this little get together." Look at her so cleverly referring to an earlier topic and flashing a smile wide enough for her canine teeth to be seen properly. "Yeah... If I had my druthers I would not have Klingons in the same room as Romulans, especially on a space-faring vessel." It was, as her mother would say: Muy mal. Very bad. "Martok's always had issues when it comes to him being Chancellor. Why should now be any different when a pledge of assistance is needed? I'll keep my ears out." And hopefully another war doesn't start right in front of the dinner table. She wouldn't ever consider herself an expert on either Klingon or Romulan politics, but she had heard much both from NuQach and channels that officially she had never been monitoring in the first place. (And yes she did make the connection of talking about Ferengi a few moments ago then making a crack about ears.) She wasn't nearly as familiar with the Romulan side of things. She would have to do a quick review before things got started in earnest. 

She pulled her arms back with a soft sound of fabric against polished wood as she sat up straighter in her seat, felt the scar across both of her shoulder blades stretch and ripple. "I assume there's been no specific chatter of possible trouble on either front. Just a general sensation? Anyone specifically I should try to keep my eye on?"

Kath's head canted slightly, studying the tabletop for a moment. "'preciate it. But, I don't actually have a firm preference. I'm fine with any duty shift. I was on Gamma at my last posting. My sleep schedule has always been flexible," she half-lied. She'd always been a night owl, when night actually meant something, anyway. But she would take any shift given and make no complaints. Because now wasn't the time for them. And she was telling the truth about being understanding if she got the shitty shifts by being new boots in the corridors. She could do Alpha, just make sure she's loaded up with coffee-and-chicory. But Delta? Delta was still plenty late at night. Delta still sucked for many people but not her. "Delta's fine." More than
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH. 3 S [Day 01 | 1315] Seeding Unknown Soil
Last post by AbsintheDeux -
[ PO1st Artimis Saugn | Arboretum| Deck 22 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] @Ellen Fitz

Now alone in the massive area, Artimis could not help but frown. She had aspired to get in contact with a higher-up officer and instead had made contact with a group of lower-ranking officers. She wasn't sure if that really aided in her assignment or not. Her Masters had been unspecific on the topic of friend and relationships, but she was told to blend in and not to stand out. She was designed to obey the traditional social graces and be polite and courteous, but it was in the name of her mission.

She wondered if she was even allowed to make friends or even find a lover. She was trained to handle sexual situations should they arise, she was meant to be passive and let the other take the lead. She was meant to obey. She knew it put her at some risk, but it also kept her safe from certain risks as well. She was not combatant and not physically strong enough to win most fights, her design was to manipulate, survive, and follow her directive.

She walked the paths of the garden-like area and paused to smell the flowers as she mused over her purpose and her Master's intentions. She found herself gazing at a magenta flower, its petals nearly the same color as the petal-like filaments that made up her hair. It was not so different from her, only a minor quirk of a strange planet's evolution caused her species to come into being and the long complex process that created her was the result of so many other things that had to happen first. She was a flower that had gone down a very different path...

She shook herself and looked around, realizing that she had been intently staring at a flower for too long to be normal.

She let out a soft laugh and turned to head toward the nearest turbolift. She had things to do and needed to get ready for a social event later, something that promised to be very interesting indeed.

Interregnum 01-02 S2 / Re: Day 09 [15:30 hrs,] Once Upon the Island
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Pirate vessel qu'DuHSum | BIQ'a'bIng Ocean | Unnamed Island | Qo’Nos] Attn: @P.C. Haring

“Yes, I understand.”

Cross’ eyes narrowed as he watched Hathev leave to search the rest of the ship. There was a new edge in her voice that matched the new firmness in the lines of her face and the quality of her movements. She’d admitted to dispensing of the Klingon pirate captain in a fashion that had been far less logical and borderline emotional.

Despite her request that he remain nude, Cross still prowled about the cabin until he found a loose-fitting tunic and a pair of trousers that, while they’d need a belt, would work. Nearby, he likewise found a pair of boots and socks. Satisfied that they wouldn’t be putting into port with him entirely in the nude, Cross padded on silent steps over to the port side window. The sea was calm, a welcome change to the chaos they’d just lived through, and the weather seemed to promise fair seas for the remainder of their journey. Cross knew better than to trust the weather or his luck, so he made a mental note to see if the ship had any weather scanners they could use to prepare for the worst and if it would come for them after all.

There was no telling if the surviving pirates had comrades still lurking out here they could contact to get a second go at them. Just as there was no telling if other unsavory things were lurking above or below the waves between here and port. As much as Cross desired Hathev, and a part of his mind and body burned at the thought of resuming their intimate caresses, there were still so many unknowns about their circumstances. Before he could get to the business of thoroughly fucking her the way they both wanted him to, Cross knew he’d need to dot all their survival i’s and cross all their safety t’s.

Then there was also the emotions business.

Cross replayed some of the conversations between them from before the Klingons attacked, then fast-forwarded through the action sequences of their harrowing escape. Again, there was something about the clipped manner of her voice when she’d spoken of the captain that tripped the wire in his mind. It reminded him of the mind meld that’d gotten them into this mess of a sort. Not that being with Hathev was a mess but…

Cross groaned. Even in his own mind, he was an expert at digging holes in regards to romantic, intimate thoughts.

Hearing her footsteps on the wooden planks, Cross pushed away from the window and returned to the bed. Instead of lying down, he perched on the end of the bed and quickly caught her gaze when she re-entered the room.

“You asked me to guide you through your connection with your emotions, Hathev.” He patted the mattress beside him. “And what we just went through, what you went through while I was unconscious, merits a conversation before we get back under the sheets.”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 3 S [ Day 1 | 1200hrs ] ALL ABOARD the Crazy Train!
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[ Cmdr. Cross | Conference Lounge | D. 8 | V. 2 | USS Theurgy ] ATTN: @JacenSoloDjo

Cross snorted at her ‘trenches’ comment. “Yes, lieutenant, I am well aware of your time in the trenches. Not to trivialize the reality behind the awards, but I must say, it's a good thing our medals don’t clink and jingle in this era, or else anytime you wore your full dress regs, they’d hear you coming a parsec away.” He glanced over her shoulder a moment to note whether there was someone else at the door waiting to be seen, then returned his full attention to MacFarlane. “I am always thankful when veterans join our ranks. Though many have been battle hardened through the shit we’ve had to live through, there are still more than a few onboard who struggle with the reality of our circumstances and could do well with more ‘trench time’ mentors like yourself.”

As MacFarlane spoke, adding in requests and inquires, Cross picked up his personal PADD and keyed in instructions.

“The technical manuals and the systems changes have been forwarded to the console in your quarters. Call me distracted by our upcoming vector separation, but the information is merely in Federation standard. Maybe after our mission, I could find an illegal Ferengi translation for you to chew on.” Setting the PADD back down, Cross took a deep breath. “Your history with the Klingons was one reason why I assigned you to remain with the Helmet. I believe your expertise will assist the negotiations. And as we are both well aware, neither the Klingons nor the Romulans have a stellar history of approaching the negotiation table without a few disgruntled members seeking to double-cross the leaders or sabotage the negotiations as a whole. We’ve already been given some indication that all is not peachy among Martok’s forces, and undoubtedly, the same will ring true for Donatra. Your unique skills will help keep the balance in favor of mission success.”

Her question regarding the shift had Cross glancing back at the PADD momentarily. “We are operating on four shifts right now to keep everyone as alert and ready as possible. You are on the Delta shift right now, but I can make a note if you’d prefer the Gamma shift.”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH 2: S [Day 01 | 1857 hrs] Expectations
Last post by Ellen Fitz -
[ Lt. Cmdr. Cross | Arboretum Cafe | D. 20 | V. 3 | “Ranger” of USS Theurgy] Attn: @joshs1000

The Vulcan gave a nod of understanding. “Our youth galvanizes us in one way or another.” He pushed away from the back of his chair, dropping his elbows on the table to lean closer. “When people find out I was created by Cardassian scientists in a lab whose purpose was to create hybrid super soldiers, they automatically assume I hate Cardassians.” He snorted. “Truth is, I was young enough at the time and knew nothing else but the Cardassians in a caretaker role. When the Bajoran prisoners rebelled and killed all the Cardassians, broke into the lab, and likewise killed the older Cardassian guard who’d been like a drunk uncle figure to my lab sister and I, well, suffice to say I have found it far more difficult to reconcile my disquiet around hyper-vigilant and religious Bajorans than any Cardassian. It was the Bajorans who killed the guard and my sister, and if it weren’t for Starfleet personnel showing up right at the last, they would’ve killed me too.”

Cross gave Lok a reassuring smile of acknowledgment. “Though this is the first we’ve met, I have read over your file, and I believe you, Lok.” When the Kzin brought up the Vulcan fighting styles, he chuckled. “I practice sha’mura, among many other martial art forms. I was never keen on the meditation-style movements or the mind puzzles my mentors tried to get me to embrace while I was still a hybrid. Much preferred the ‘application’ style movements like sha’mura. But now that the Savi were ‘kind’ enough to make me a full-blooded Vulcan, I’ve had to explore the meditation shit to get a wrap on my new biochemistry.” He gave a nonchalant shrug. “What about you? Not so much, what style of fighting do you like, but what helps you relax and get out of ‘work mode?’”
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