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Topic: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds (Read 11292 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #25
[Zyrao Natauna | Forethought | Always Planning | More Than You Know | Golden Reflections]

He seemed to notice the sheer amount of thought that went into what she had put together for them.  If only he knew the half of what she had done to prepare.  The way she had calculated their walking patterns and speed, the way she had researched Terran cuisine because it was the only place she knew for sure he had been on for long enough to sample the food.  She knew that he had attended the Academy it was in his records which she had been able to get her hands on just enough to know that, but was unable to know more than that.  She didn't want to dive too deep because she didn't want to breach his trust and she certainly didn't want to get in trouble.  He seemed pleased by the fried bird and the fried root vegetables.  It was good to see a smile on his face.  She didn't think he was likely over the young woman that had brought him such misery he sought blood and pain, but he seemed to be seeking less of that and seeming more pleased with what he currently had instead.

She was glad for that.

He admitted that when they were at the ocean it was clearly something that had to be done, taking a plunge in the warm water.  Her brow rose.  He was right though, the fact that they weren't likely to see another beautiful ocean with soft sand in their near future made it even more cherished.  He asked her if she was trying to impress him and she only grinned.

“Only trying to make sure there was something palatable for you.” she said as if it were no big deal, as if the planning she had done wasn't painstaking in all it's avenues.  He would likely, learn that she was one that almost planned too much when it was her show, than was necessary.  But, it was in her nature to think of outcomes, escapes, and things like that for all the scenario and how to best set the day to be as productive as possible while still retraining the goal. 

As he bit into the food and claimed it was good she gave a bit of a nod.  He told her that he had his own templates in his Quarters to produce them and some dipping sauces that he liked.  “You'll have to share those templates with me for the future.” she stated as she picked up her favorite spiced fruit and began to eat it with her fingers.  It was her favorite thing and Drex had always had it ready for her after their fucking in his offices or where ever he sought her out.  It was her favorite thing to eat.  However, a moment later a piece of fried bird appeared in front of her, and the grey eyes that belonged to the El-Aurian slid over to assess the man feeding her before she leaned that last bit forward and took the bite. 

“I have not tasted your fried bird before.” she stated.  Then she began to chew, she chewed slowly tilting her head to the side slightly as she let the flavors of the bird and the sauces meld over her tongue together along with the crisp crust, the tender interior, before giving a nod.  “It's unusual, almost bland but not, the crust is rich and crunchy which is flavored and the sauce allows the bird to be tasteful.  This is intriguing, I think.” she said having swallowed the food and weighed in on her opinions of it.

They shared various things, after the fried bird taste, she fed him some of her spiced Klingon fruit bites, and hoped that he liked them.  They continued sharing food, feeding themselves and each other.  He leaned back with the drink in his hand, and Zyrao put aside her dish, to pick up her own glass.  The sun had finally reached the point of true beauty.  He admitted that she was right he should see it, causing her to offer him another one of those rare, true, smiles. 

“Of course I was correct, you should know this by now.” she winked at him playfully.  She was surprised though, when his arm fell around her and he held her closer than they had been moments ago.  Zyrao decided not to worry too much about it, or read too much into it, because he was still likely hung up on the little Scientist that had crushed his heart.  They were just friends, even though, once more she felt as though her being was being tugged towards him, she told her being to calm down it was unnecessary to get attached to someone that could not unattach himself from his previous heart's desire.

“There are some things, Thomas, you have to see with your own eyes to truly believe and appreciate.  In the universe, there is such beauty hidden among the evil and the darkness.  Among those that would do the most harm to the ones you care for.  Yet .. there are places such as this where beauty reminds you of hope, and hope will give you another step.  Every step is a way forward.  It will not always be a quick trip but it will be worthwhile in the end.” she stated softly, her voice gentle, but there was a great deal of belief in her words.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #26
[ Thomas Ravon | Some Beach | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

As Zyrao mentioned that he'd have to share the templates of the chicken and various sauces he had stored within the Theurgy's systems, he had to laugh and nod "I'll forward the recipes over to your database when we get back. You can be the judge of it yourself." he smiled as his eyes gazed to the horizon as the colors changed at every moments notice now. When he did offer her a piece of chicken, he could tell she investigated it first before taking a chomp out of it. The pilot couldn't help but chuckle as she analyze the food almost and he couldn't help but laugh a little "Glad you enjoy the bird." he concluded with a smirk.

In turn, Thomas was offered more adventurous options by the El-Aurian as she fed him what she seemed to have a knack for. It tasted quite different in comparison to the chicken. Though it wasn't bad per se, he took  few more himself as it seemed to fall in good flavor with his as he eventually came to a stop with feeding Zyrao and himself. Obviously when she pointed out that she was always right, the pilot shot her a sideways look before shaking his head "What's that?" he teased her as he shook his head.

As Thom held Zyrao closer, she began to take in an almost philosophical way. Heh adn't expected it from her and as the final rays of sunlight dissipated under the waterline he spoke up "Well... That's.... Quite..." he seemed to be weighing his words, as if choosing what he'd say to her "Wise? Or should I say... Deep?" he smirked lightly. Not wanting to cause any offense to her he wasn't sure what to answer to her "I mean, who knew that behind all that sexy badass danger hid a wise philosophizing elder." he now teased her as the temperatures began to drop quite sensibly.

As the sun had gone over the horizon, a new spectacle began to unfold. The various shades of blue, purple and black mixed through the skies in various degrees and forms before darkness was all that remained. The stars came out of hiding and the constellations were all wrong from what he had observed from Earth. It did remind him of times with Zephyr, though he felt that this moment with Zyrao was different. Better?

He could feel the cooler air descend on his skin and tugged the blanket closer against him, by doing so getting somewhat closer to Zyrao for warmth as their bodies did store up some of the heat from the sun. Thomas looked up at the night sky as his hand slid down Zyrao's shoulder, moving over her back now before eventually moving back to hold his glass "You know... what you said earlier..." he whispered as the sound of the ocean's waves were creating a rather nice ambient sound behind them "I've seen my share of evil and destruction... Perhaps I've even gazed at the beauty of the universe at times as well." he laughed softly before he shrugged "Moving forward is essential I suppose, us war dogs can relate to that. If you're standing still, you're a prime target and dead in the next moment... Though right now, I think I'd be happy to stand still, here... With you."

He tugged the blanket closer around them, his side pressed against hers as he turned his head to face hers. He looked at her skin in the night sky, the little light provided in contrast to her face. He could smell the ocean on her and he slowly reached his hand out to caress her cheek before turning her head to face his. His eyes looked into hers as he narrowed his for a second "Thank you." he whispered "For bringing me here. To get me to this point."

The pilot left a moment of reprieve to let the words sink in, yet before he allowed the strategist to reply, he leaned in as he stole a kiss from her under the Aldean night sky.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #27
[Zyrao Natauna | Aldean Sunsets | Copper Colored Kisses | A First Move | Surprising a Tactician, A Special Skill]

The sunset was lovely, the way that it almost made the water glow from underneath.  Giving it a streak of warm golden tones across the ocean lapping as the waves moved and undunlated.  The surf itself was pretty mild today, no real whitecaps and the breeze was gentle, likely the reason.  It was nice to just sit out here, fresh air, on a planet she knew well, a place that would almost but not quite call home.   She wasn't sure if she would ever, truly, find a home.  She supposed, technically, it wasn't impossible to eventually label a place as home.  But, here, she was completely unsure of having one.  She had a Quarters, and on Aldea she had an apartment, but neither of them had she ever used the term 'home' when describing.  Home was something that she would have to find at some point.  She found that when you had a place to call your own, a place to lay your head, a place that bled the stress from your body.. it was home. 

She had yet to find all of that in a singular place.

Thomas seemed taken back by her speech.  She chuckled softly as she could tell he was seeking for the words he wanted to use.  It was adorable that she had actually made him mostly speechless.  He finally found the words wise and deep causing her to actually laugh out loud without forethought.  She hadn't intended for it to be like that, but he was searching so hard for a word that was likely not to piss her off and yet describe the wording that she had used.  Thomas told her that who knew behind the sexy badass danger hid a philosophizing elder.  Again, another laugh.  “Well, I am old.” she reminded him with a grin bumping into his body with her own since his arm was still around her. 

The temperature began to drop and she pulled out one of the blankets from the bag to put around their shoulders since they were both a bit damp and had taken off most of their clothing earlier because it was wet.  The purples, blues, and blacks began to fill the area around then and she found it was really quite beautiful.  It always had been, and this time with company, made it even better.  She almost thought about putting her head on his shoulder, but then, they were not that way.  Though his hand moved over her back nicely it eventually moved back to his drink.  Zyrao was not the sort of hopeful young girl that would read into each and every move he made.  If he made a move, she would know it and then they could move from there.  Figuring out exactly what they were, how this was all going to go.  But, right now she was firmly in the friend category though she would be lying if she said she did not wish to be more than.

Not enough to be putting labels on it, just enough to get a chance to experience the chance for such a thing.  She had not found anyone that was more than a  passing interest.  Most of the people she tended to attract where those that wanted to bed her and go.  Which had been fine, but Zyrao was trying to find someone that she could build something with at some point.  Not necessarily immediately, but at least somewhat. 

Thomas said that she was right, he had seen his share of evil and destruction.  He had seen the beauty of the universe too, but moving forward was always key.  Especially for the soldiers they tended to be.  Though, he said he would be happy to stand still here, with her.  Her brow rose, because that last bit there surprised her.  She had not expected the commentary where he enjoyed watching the sunset with her.  He reached over for her, and his hand cupped her cheek slightly.  It surprised her, again, apparently she could not read Thomas as well as she thought, though she hadn't been looking either.  Now she was, her grey eyes searched his lovely orbs as he caressed her cheek.  She felt her heart slide up into her throat and continued to look at him.  He thanked her for bringing him here and to getting him to this point.

“I have done nothing you could not do for yourself.” she stated simply, but further words were lost when he closed the distance and kissed her.  Zyrao was not as surprised by this action because she had seen it coming.  In his words, the touch on her face, and the look in his eyes.  Her plump lips kissed him back, her fingers brushing just barely his strong jawline while their lips stayed together in a fairly chaste but romantic kiss, especially for a first kiss.  Zyrao leaned in and deepened it just a little, adding a little of her own passion.  Nothing that would make him feel pressured for anything, but as first kisses went she hoped he would remember this one.  She didn't even use her tongue, and yet, kissed him thoroughly.  As the kiss ended, her teeth softly grabbed onto his lower lip pulling it just slightly out with her before letting it go back to it's regular position.

A smile crossed her face as she turned back to face the ocean.  He had started something he could not take back, and she hoped that he was actually ready for this.  If she was going to pursue him, then he would know such, and she hoped that he would do the same back.  “Come lay with me.” she stated simply after several moments of charged silence where she held herself back from doing what would come naturally.  Kissing him again, taking him here on this jetty.  No, she wished to wait, to continue to let him run the course at the moment.  Once she was certain his heart was mended she would concern herself with actually being a bit more forefront.  Zyrao pulled the blanket out from around them, and lay down ontop of their still damp blanket.  Once Ravon lay beside her, she put the blanket over the both of them, laying on her back she looked up.

“The stars will be out soon, if you don't mind staying a little longer.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #28
[ Thomas Ravon | A jetty in the dark | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

It was funny how life could hand you moments like these. Moments where almost impossible things seemed to happen. With the loss of Zephyr to Khorin, Thomas had figured that he'd never fully trust anyone again to give his heart to. Perhaps Skye if she'd been alive still. He had never expected to feel these things again. Especially not for a woman who was a complete opposite of the woman he had fallen so hard for. Yet here they were, lips against one another as all of it felt oh so right. The sun had darted under the horizon and Thomas' heart felt like it was beating in his throat as he gave in to the moment.

The moment of their kiss was one that would probably return more than once in Ravon's memory. It was a fairly simple action, one that did bring warm feelings to him on the jetty. The warm blanket around them did provide with warmth as did Zyrao's body. However the kiss brought that extra bit of warmth on the inside. Zyrao broke the kiss before deepening it just that little bit. He gave in to it and poured just enough passion into it as well to feel himself lost in the moment. Not a bad thing per definition, though as Zyrao tugged at his lower lip with her teeth, it did make the pilot smirk slightly.

A silence hung in the air and the two looked at one another under the night sky before Zyrao requested him to lay with her on the slightly damp blanket. He kept looking at her and after a few seconds joined besides her as he looked up the sky and smiled content. Zyrao wrapped the blanket around them, the two of them close against one another. He didn't try to overthink the situation, not trying to think what he should have to do next or anything. He just let the moment move on its own pace as he gave a slight nod "I'm fine with waiting for stars to start shine." he answered her as he did nestle himself closer against her, his arm moving up to wrap around her once more to get her in a more comfortable position. 

Sure the jetty wasn't the softest position to lay on, though the blanket helped. Ravon figured Zyrao wouldn't mind a bit more warmth against his and being able to rest her head against his body. He ran circles against her shoulder before running his fingers through her hair. A new silence arose and it was broken as the first stars began to flicker against the night sky. Strongest stars coming into view as slowly but surely the other stars came out of hiding "I forgot how magical it is to see stars appear out of nowhere..." he whispered as he broke the silence "Never really had given it much thought when I grew up aboard a station... Yet on Earth, it always did get my attention when I as out." he confessed to her.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #29
[Zyrao Natauna | Starlight Company | Anywhere Can be Beautiful | The Right Company Changes Everything]

Zyrao was not a romantic woman.  She wasn't the sort that you brought home flowers, jewelry, and things like that.  Though, to be fair, she had never experienced a true relationship that wasn't built on the need to survive.  It was sad to think, to look back, and realize that any time she had built a relationship it was out of survival and not true desire to be with someone.  The only person she had wished for an actual relationship with was back on El-Auria two hundred years ago.  After that, when she was held prisoner or kept as a slave for various races, she had used her body and the power that it held to get what she wanted.  Usually freedom, and if not freedom, power until she could find the freedom she desired in some way or another.

This was something new to the woman.  She had wished to find a place, here on the ship, not out of convenience or necessity, but instead, because she wished to find someone that could benefit her life.  Here on the Theurgy she had slept with quite a few people, yet, nothing had stood it's ground.  Which was fine, she wasn't against trysts, she wasn't against a single night of fun and sated physicality, but she had hoped at some point she might snag someone that could be a partner in a larger sense. 

As Thomas lay beside her Zyrao knew that she was thinking too far ahead.  He was likely still hung up on the young woman who had stolen and broken his heart.  It was hard to recover from your first love, Zyrao knew that all too well.  She still remembered her El-Aurian partner with fondness though the love feelings she had hidden for such a long time and never confessed had faded over the centuries. Thomas didn't have centuries, and likely, it wouldn't take that long anyway for him to pass his emotions.  Perhaps, instead, he just needed someone else to focus on.  She would hate to be what she had heard was considered a rebound.  But, if that was the case then, she would move on.

She was surprised when his arm came down close to her, as if he was hoping she would lay on it.  For a moment, Zyrao studied his face in the darkness as her eyes had adjusted some time ago.  It wasn't that she didn't like the gesture it just surprised her, which was hard to do, considering her past.  Maybe he was more over the young heart breaker than she had realized.  That or he believed himself to be.  She lifted her head slightly and he put his arm underneath her pulling her close to his warmth.  Zyrao turned onto her side slightly to make it more comfortable and rested her head in the hollow of his shoulder pressing her body against his warmth.  The only things that were still wet on her was her shirt and her bathing suit bottoms.  Under the blanket though the wind could not reach their wet clothing and it was much warmer. 

His fingers danced over her decorated skin and then raked through her short hair.  Zyrao had never, honestly, had a situation like this.  Most would call it romantic and yet Zy was hesitant to do that because she was still unsure of his standing.  Over time, perhaps, she would grow more comfortable with standing beside him.  She quite liked Thomas, she quite liked how they worked together, and played together, and enjoyed life in the little moments when they could find one another on board the ship.  Now with this new leave having unfolded she was treading water she had never known before.  Zyrao had played at it before, when it was necessary, but it was never in earnest as it was now. 

Thomas' voice slid into a whisper as he talked about the stars and having not watched them come out like this in a long time.  A small almost smile crossed the El-Aurian's lips for a moment.  He continued talking about how he had grown up on a station and hadn't actually seen the phenomenon since Earth.

“I've always held a fondness and love for the stars myself.” she stated calmly in a quiet voice.  “When I was held captive, when I was a slave, when I was a gladiator, these were sometimes the only good moment of the day.  Even though it proved another day had passed, there was something in the quiet beauty that could be soothing.” Zyrao confessed.

She still had the scars and the tattoos of her life long torture.  She could have them removed with Starfleet medicine if she wanted, but she didn't.  There was no need to erase the past.  No longer did she wake up nightly from her nightmares, though they plagued her from time to time, she no longer cried out or cried, she woke up drank tea and slept again.  She no longer sought anyone to place salve on the wounds, instead, she had pushed past them herself; alone. 

“I have an apartment.” she stated, after a few moments of silence had passed.  “Here on the planet.” she clarified.  “If you would wish to stay the night.  There is not much in it, any longer, most has been moved somewhat to the Theurgy, and a great deal of my belongings were lost with the Hakkarl.” Zyrao's voice mourned the loss of her items slightly, her books and teas that she had collected from around the universe had gone into nothing when the ship had taken the brunt of the triggered protective systems around SuD Lang. 

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #30
[ Thomas Ravon | A jetty in the dark | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

Feeling Zyrao's warmth against him seemed to relax Ravon's body somewhat as he kept looking at the sky. He wasn't aware of the internal struggle or thoughts going on inside Zyrao's head as he simply moved along with the moment. He could feel the moistness of her shirt and bottoms against his skin. A slight moment of coldness before it grew pleasantly warm. Heh ad told her about the stars and she filled in her own experience with star gazing. It made Thomas turn his head towards her as she spoke of her life as slave or gladiator once more and he pressed his lips together as he listened intrigued to her. When she was done he gazed back up to the stars.

A silence fell between them once more and the temperatures continued to drop slowly but surely. The soft breeze from before now effectively cooled down their bodies as Zyrao spoke up about having an apartment on the planet. Thom looked back into her eyes, as good as he could in the dark of night and underneath the night sky. Was she inviting him over to sleep with her or just at her place? He gave it some thought as she spoke of the destruction of most of her collection and possessions when the Hakkarl was lost at Sud Lang. She wasn't the only one who had lost something at Sud Lang as Thomas still had a pilot mission in action during that particular mission.

It served him to stay silent for a little while longer than he'd expect to reply to Zyrao's suggestion "An apartment you say, planetside." he summarized it as he smiled and shrugged "I can spend a bit more time on the ground I suppose, Though I think I'll have to leave just after sunrise if I want to make it to my patrol shift." he answered her as he was still on active duty. Waiting for her response and agreement, he slowly got up with her and started to help her pack the items they had laid out to dine. His robes were still rather damp and he simply tugged them on "I hope you still have a shower at your place cause I'll need it to warm up a bit."  he grinned at her before walking back over the beach with her. He helped her carry the bag as he insisted to carry it as they talked furthermore about her collection. He was curious as to why she favored the hard copies of paper no less.

After a good trek they had arrived in Aldea Prime and moved up with the elevator to Zyrao's place. With a chime the elevator opened the doors as they walked to the door of the apartment. Thomas hanging back a little for Zyrao to open the door, before following her lead into the apartment. The place had indeed been lacking personal stuff as most of it had been vacated to the Theurgy. Though the temperature inside had been more comfortable than outside at this time of day. Ravon's eyes looked for the bathroom as he inspected the apartment further and noticed the couch and the single bed in the bedroom.

He thought back the first time he had Zyrao in his room, where he had neglected to ask her to sleep in with him in his bed. He wasn't quite sure where her mindset was. Sure the two of them had seen one another naked and had explored one another's body more than once in combat. Yet there was something different with sleeping next to one another supposedly. Not that they couldn't just sleep next to one another and just do that, but after the shared kiss earlier on today. He wasn't sure what the right thing was as he didn't want to rush thing for both him and her.

The robes however were becoming quite a nuisance as the dampness of it had shaved and scraped against his skin. He started to tug it off again as he nodded to the bathroom "I'll grab a quick shower if you don't mind and I'll take the couch if you prefer it to sleep." he suggested, his eyes moving over Zyrao before coming to a stop at her eyes. Since eyes could tell so much about a person, he wanted to see how Zy would react to his suggestion.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #31
[Zyrao Natauna | Nothing More Than a Building | Nothing More Than Sleep | This is Not a Push]

He seemed intrigued by the prospect of her apartment.  It seemed easier than returning back to the ship and separating.  Not that she was pushing for anything to happen but she might as well allow him into her domain.  She gave a nod as he pursued forward and confessed that he would likely need to leave just after sunrise if he wanted to make his shift.  Her dark eyes, shimmering slightly in the darkness, looked over at him.  She was unsure if he was saying that so they didn't spend all night exploring one another or if he really had the shift.  But, she wasn't overly worried about it either way.  They had only just kissed, and while some kisses could lead to more after the first, she still knew that Thom was fairly fragile and did not intend to push forward unless he did. 

“Leave when necessary.”

They rose and began to put the blankets and food back into the bags.  She didn't want to leave any evidence of their time behind.  Pulling the bags up onto her shoulders, bulkier now that things had been just shoved in there for the time being, they began to walk towards the city.  Martok had set her up nicely in the city with a great view of the beach from her balcony so it wasn't very far at all.  He told her that he hoped she still had a shower and a chuckle came from the El-Aurian. 

“Well I didn't move it to the Theurgy if that's what you're implying.” she teased.

Once inside her building they rode the elevator up to her floor which only contained a couple of large units.  She palmed the door and her biosigns were read before it slid open and they stepped into the spartan environment.  It wasn't much different when decorated, really, but she appreciated clean lines and lack of clutter.  She moved over to the replicator and got rid of all the food and the wet blankets that she had gotten together for the day.  The temperature in the room adjusted to their wet cold bodies and began to warm up slightly.  There was a couch in what had once been the living area but instead of facing a large video screen it faced a large bank of windows that lead out to a balcony and a perfect view of the beach.  A bit further on was a bed, still made to military perfection, waiting with a singular lamp on an empty table nearby.

He spoke and her eyes turned to catch him as he mentioned taking a shower.  She pointed just past the bedroom to a small almost hidden door the way a book shelf was positioned, though empty, to where the bathroom actually was.  “If you don't mind, I'll join you for the shower, I'm quite chilled myself.”

The two entered the bathroom and shed their wet clothing into the sink so that they wouldn't have to worry about puddles from their still damp clothes.  The water in her shower was warm and a welcome relief on their chilled bodies.  Stepping under the stream neither of them made it sexual they just cleaned themselves, though Zyrao's eyes wandered when they could because Thomas was a very good looking man.  Once they finished, she replicated herself some clothing, just a simple tank top and underwear in a simple black color.  Her replicator still had all her favorites and sizes saved.  She stepped to the side allowing him to get what he needed while she dressed herself and stepped out into the room.  Replicating a few blankets and a couple pillows she got the room more comfortable unsure of exactly what Thom liked she left the rest folded on the corner of the bed perfectly aligned with the corner.

When he came out Zyrao was making the couch with two small blankets and a singular pillow.  As he emerged dressed she motioned to the bed.  “You have a shift, I do not, I'll sleep here tonight.” she stated calmly as she slid down onto the couch.  If he tried to fight her about it, she would only shrug and state.  “I have slept far worse, Thomas.” as she killed the lights to the room so that the darkness descended into the Quarters.  For a long while Zyrao would lay awake staring at the ceiling and listening to the breathing of Thom across the room.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #32
[ Thomas Ravon | Apartment Block | Zyrao's place | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ 

The El Aurian joked that her shower hadn't been moved to the starship above and Thomas shook his head at her giving her a look which subtly said 'Wise ass' . He had looked around the rather simple rooms and as Zyrao mentioned that she'd join him in the shower, he gave her a nod as it was her apartment after all and he surely wouldn't mind having some company. The two of them showered together and it would be a lie if Thomas hadn't glanced Zyrao over more than once. Her toned body always nice to gaze at, though he didn't make a move.

When Thomas emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist, Zyrao was preparing the couch for the night it seemed. His suspicion confirmed hen she stated that he had a shift the next day whilst she didn't. Thus he was entitled to her bed. It made the pilot smirk, yet he didn't object as he gave her a slight nod and walked over to the replicator.

'Never argue with a woman that's a strategist, at least when you know you won't get the upper hand.' it was a thought that amused him as he replicated himself some shorts and a tank top to sleep. He dropped the towel to the floor and changed into his night clothing before recycling the replicator out of habit. Afterwards he walked over to the bed and glanced over his shoulder, the need to protest winning from his previous thought "Are you sure? This is your place after all, I can sleep perfectly on a couch." he said trying to convince her though he got his answer and he shrugged as he placed the pillows and blankets as he installed himself in the bed.

Ravon attempted to sleep as he stirred and rolled around in the bed and eventually found himself staring up at the ceiling as well. His mind bugging him as he sat up and glanced over at the couch. He could hear Zyrao's breathing as well and he assumed she wasn't asleep just yet "You know, this bed is big enough for the both of us right? So do me a favor and join me. To ease my conscience." he suggested with a faint smile. His conscience was just fine, though he at least wanted her to get more decent sleep than on a couch "Plus we're both adults right? Nothing wrong with sleeping together." he added, not aiming to have this turn out into anything sexual. He respected Zyrao too much for that, not that he wouldn't want to. Yet now was not the time for it.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #33
[Zyrao Natauna | First Night | Sleeping is Awkward | Big Steps]

She could tell that Thomas was uncomfortable with the whole situation.  The fact that she had decided to take the couch before he could offer it for himself.  She knew him well enough to know that would have been his first move, but Zyrao was older, and she had slept on the floor of Breen mines, in filth, she had slept in nearly empty escape pods with dying people beside her, she had slept in far worse than a couch.  It didn't bother her in the least to give up her bed to him, besides, it was a good one and he could probably use a decent amount of sleep before his shift.  Flying was different than fighting Klingon idiocy. 

“Positively.” she answered his final inquiry before he climbed up into the bed.  Zyrao was the sort of person that worked and lived with military precision.  Her bed was always made sharply and lacked any kind of wrinkles or loose sheets.  Every day the sheets were pulled to, tucked perfectly, the pillows plumped then squared, it was just how she was.  She could not stand for disarray it made her feel uncomfortable and unsettled.  She could not sleep without her Quarters being neat, but oddly could sleep elsewhere without the same issue.  She supposed it was something psychological but didn't desire to pursue the knowledge one way or the other.

Zy pulled back the large comforter from the couch and slid underneath, the apartment was set to get cool as she preferred to sleep cold than warm, and the thick blanket helped.  It was folded in half just properly so that it wouldn't fall to the floor.  Sliding between the layers, Zyrao lay back on her back with one arm curled underneath her head against the pillow as she looked up at the ceiling of her Quarters.  Normally, before bed she had a cup of tea, read from one of her books for a little while in the dim lighting.  It brought back memories of teaching Chloe to read a couple languages and reading them to her when she was too frustrated to do it herself.  It brought back memories of all the times that tea and books had given her a peace of mind that she could not find elsewhere.  Relaxation and the ability to take herself somewhere else for a little while.

She was uncertain how long had passed when she could hear Thomas shifting up in the bed area, and she was pretty sure he was sitting up though her eyes did not cast that way.  He began to speak about how big her bed was, and how it could easily fit the both of them.  So perhaps she would be willing to join him to ease his conscience.  For a moment, she was silent, and though she wasn't asleep she didnt answer.  But, a moment later a soft chuckle excited her chest as a smile crossed her face.

“For your conscience only then.” she teased slightly. 

Sitting up she twisted her body and let her legs out of the blanket.  Standing up she carefully folded the blankets and sheets to the end of the couch so that she could take care of them in the morning.  Picking up the pillow she crossed the Quarters and towards the bed where he still sat waiting for her to come and join him.  Dropping her pillow in the spot beside him she pulled the blankets back long enough to slide between the warm sheets and lay down.  It was more comfortable than the couch, for certain.  Zyrao turned on her side to face him as Thomas lay back down beside her, facing her as well.  Zyrao curled one arm up underneath her head to support.

“You seem to be in much better spirits these days.” she stated into the dark room looking at his form in the darkness with her grey eyes.  They almost seemed black in the nearly dark apartment.  “The kiss, by the ocean, was quite the surprise.” there was a smile on her voice though, as she said it, surprised but welcome for sure.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #34
[ Thomas Ravon | Apartment Block | Zyrao's place | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ

After calling out to her that they could easily share the bed, there was silence. It made the pilot wonder for a second if she had already fallen asleep or if she was just thinking over the suggestion. He was about to let himself drop back down on his back when Zyrao's reply came to do so for his conscious only. It made the pilot laugh softly and shake his head as he scooted over a little to give her some room to join him.

He could hear her bare feet tapping over the floor as eventually he could make out her figure in the dark. He could feel the bed shift as she joined him and he laid back down, turning on his side to face her. His arm underneath his head as well as he tried to make out her face more properly. She stated that he was in far better spirits lately. She mentioned the kiss and Thomas had to smile as she called it quite a surprise. The way she said it made him feel more comfortable as it seemed like she had enjoyed it herself.

"One might say I'm full of surprises." he answered her softly as he reached out with his free hand. he managed to cup her face slightly before moving the hand up to run through her hair "But I do feel better lately... I feel..." he paused as he wasn't sure how he had to describe it "I suppose.... Reborn could be a right term." he whispered as she shrugged "Either way, I feel happier around you... At ease..." he carried on as he slowly edged closer to her.

"Plus, kissing you really felt nice." he said a tad tauntingly to her before leaning in to kiss her once more. The two bodies melting against one another as they just kissed and touched one another. It wasn't frantic or overly sexual, yet more explorative and easy going. Thomas wasn't going to push for anything sexual, he just enjoyed the way they kissed, the way their bodies felt against one another. He deepened the kiss every now and again though before they eventually broke off as air became more needed.

"I really like you Zyrao." he confessed to her as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close against him "But I don't want to rush things. If it's okay with you, I'd like to take this one step at a time. I don't want to ruin things between us by rushing it." he whispered as he hugged her and grinned "Plus, don't think this means I won't hit you as hard or hold back when we'll go sparring again."

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #35
[Zyrao Natauna | Surprises Keep Coming | Learning One Another | First Night | Another Step]

Her eyes had adjusted well enough to the darkness around them.  So she could see him, completely at ease, when he lay there beside her.  Laying in the same position she was, facing her.  He was a very good looking man, she had to admit, and honestly, she was glad that their paths had crossed that day in the gym.  If nothing else, he had been someone that allowed her to feel desired on the ship.  Desired in a way that was not sexual at all times, it grew tiresome to be tonight's special, and yet never anything more than that.  Zyrao was not implicitly looking for a romantic relationship.  She was old enough to feel that if one happened, then it happened, but she wasn't going to go actively searching for one.  However, any sort of normal relationship was just as amazing.  She would take a true friendship as well, finding that she sought to make connections. 

Perhaps it was the loss of her people, perhaps that had made her covet actual relationships more than any other thing.  Of course, those tied with having a purpose in her life.  Honestly though, having a true friend, someone that she could spend time with, talk to, and enjoy experiencing life with was something that made life worth living.  She had met many people after stepping onboard the Theurgy but she could not call any of them friends.  Perhaps Dewitt, but, even then there was the underlying sexual needs that populated that relationship.

He claimed he was full of surprises, and a slow grin crossed her face.  She didn't disagree, they had shared quite a lot of activities together recently.  From his flight around Aldea, to her sunset, and general conversations when they had time to run into one another.  His hand reached up to cup her cheek, and she was glad a moment he could not see the color in her face since it was such a rare thing to have someone do this to her.  As his hand slid through her short, still damp, hair he began to tell her that he felt more settled, reborn, he claimed was the word.  Happier when she was around and more at ease.

“I am glad that I could assist you in your healing.” she said confidently, having hoped that it would be the case.

Kissing her had been nice.  Another chuckle exited her lips, but it was caught dead to rights when he closed the distance between them.  He had been getting closer by the moment and now their lips melded together.  The kiss by the ocean was chaste and gentle, as was this first one.  However, as their lips continued to meld together she could tell that he was getting more than just a good feeling from it, he was enjoying it.  She was too, her heart was beating a bit in her chest.  Her own hand slid up to his elbow cupping it slightly before sliding her palm up to his shoulder and then to the back of his neck.  Their lips were dancing together slow and surely allowing for chaste and deep to switch back and forth between one and another to just enjoy the feeling growing between them.  The kissing softly ended as their lungs cried for air.  She lay her head back on the pillow but they were only a few inches from kissing again if they so desired. 

Thomas admitted to liking her, and wrapped her in his arms pulling her closer.  She shifted herself on the bed so that he could hold her as he wanted.  Allowing her body and his to continue staying with one another.  Touching in every way possible through their clothing.  He admitted he did not wish to rush things and wanted to take things one step at a time.  He feared ruining what they had just started developing by rushing everything.  It wasn't something she wanted either, honestly, she quite liked Thomas and the time they spent together.  The last thing she wanted was for that to get all messed up because they jumped into something too quickly and burned out before they had really smoldered.

“I am fine with taking it one step at a time, Thomas.” she admitted to him.  “I do not desire for this to be one and done, instead, I would appreciate the slow build and the longevity rather than a fast paced regret.” she confessed.

He hugged her to him and Zyrao found her head resting on his chest, one of her arms looping over his waist to hug onto him as well.  He promised her that this didn't mean he was holding his punches during their next sparring match.

“If I ever catch you holding your punches as we grow closer, I will castrate you and hang your hairless balls over our bed.” she stated with enough seriousness to her voice he would know she was totally being truthful.  She wouldn't actually castrate him, and honestly, it was probably a very Klingon threat, but that was just her way.  Still she looked up at him and smiled.  “I hope you never hold your punches verbal or otherwise, because I can assure you, Thomas, I won't.”

Zyrao lay her head back on his chest listening to the thrumming of his heart beneath his rib cage.  It had been a while since she slept with a man who she actually desired and not someone she was using for the position she needed.  Her eyes fell closed while she rested against him and enjoyed the feel of being held. It was an odd feeling, especially since the last person that had held her was Sera and that was just a couple night -thing.

“I am letting you decide how fast this goes, Thomas, you will find no pressure from my end.  I will promise you that I will seek no other.  I can be patient.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #36
[ Thomas Ravon | Apartment Block | Zyrao's place | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ

As the two of them were in a close embrace, both of them confessed of any fears and bubbling feelings that seemed to be arising. Like Thomas had admitted that he didn't want to rush things, Zyrao replied to him that she was fine with taking it slow. She even went as far as telling him that she rather wanted this to pan out on the long run rather than a quick fling. The situation they found themselves in being one that Thomas hadn't quite experienced in a long time. Sure he had had his fun with Dewitt and such, though nothing as wholesome as this.

His thoughts shifted over to Skye Carver, the Lone Wolves pilot whom he had grown close to. They were in the same stage of exploring, perhaps a bit further physically yet not this far emotionally. It would be wrong to think that he was completely over her. Sure he had the time to heal and mourn over her loss. Zephyr's reappearance had been more of a bomb while Skye was the slow feeling of a knife wound. He hadn't talked about Skye with a lot of people if anyone really. Besides his rather public outburst when he returned at the battle for SB 84.

His thoughts shifted over back to Zyrao as she claimed she'd castrate him if he dared to hold his punches against her. He had to laugh even though the threat sounded quite serious. He nodded as she told him she wouldn't be holding hers back at all "Good to know." he replied to her as he rolled his fingers against her skin, drawing circles. She told him she could be patient and that she'd seek no other. It made him frown slightly as he looked back down at her.

"Does that mean I need to take no other either?" he asked her teasingly, knowing he was testing his luck with her now "Or will I find myself castrated nonetheless if I do so?" he laughed as he already prepared to be swatted or punched at already. Whatever altercation there arose, when it passed over he was still laughing "No, I've had a few flings over the past few weeks, but nothing since we met. I can wait as well." he agreed with her as he lifted her chin up to kiss her once more.

The two settled down eventually in the bed and after a while the embrace faded as both could find a more comfortable position to sleep in. Not that both of them were far apart, they still laid close against another, yet nothing more happened further as sleep took the both of them. The next morning, Ravon's badge chirped to inform him that his shift would start soon. He got upright and stretched himself before looking over Zyrao. He caressed the back of her neck and hair before he got up. Drafting a quick message for Zyrao for when she'd wake up before he requested to be beamed back to the ship. More specifically to the changing rooms of the Fighter Assault Bay.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #37
[Zyrao Natauna | Sparks of Discontent | You Don't Understand | Back Me Up | Learning Curve]

Zyrao stepped into Thom's Quarters.  They were both hungry, the little snacks that they had served at the Oceanside party were not made to actually fill the stomachs of anyone.  However, she was too angry at the moment to eat.  Things had not gone as she had expected in any way at all this evening.  The black skin tight dress with a flare swung around her as they stepped into his Quarters.  She pulled her head over to one side, then the other, trying to stretch out the tension that was threatening to take over her shoulders.  She had tried to rationalize, she had tried to think about what she wanted to say, she knew that calmness would be more valid here than being angry and lashing out, and yet.. emotions were sometimes hard to put into molds that you desired them in.

It was odd, because the last time they had left one another things had been better than ever.  Shared kisses, shared beds, opening up a little bit to one another.  She still remembered the feel of his hand waking her up brushing against the back of her neck and through her hair.  She still remembered the kind but very Thomas note that he had left on her bedside table.  Secretly, she had been using it as a book mark in her very diminished Quarter collection for the time being.  However, this was different. 

It had started off well.  He had pulled her in and kissed her deeply in front of his people.  Which meant he was claiming her, in his way, as something more than a friend.  She was not just a date, not just a fling, she was something.  Zyrao herself wasn't even certain what that thing was, but, she was also interested in sticking around to find out.  Zyrao had been quiet since they had beamed back on board the ship and walked through the corridors.  Though she knew that he could tell that she was seething.  As much as she enjoyed his company, she did not enjoy, him calling her out like that in front of his friends.  Once the doors closed behind them both she turned around.  Crossing her arms underneath her chest and looked at him.  Only made more dangerous by the thick eye liner she wore this evening.

“Play.. nice?” she asked leveling her gaze at him.  “He let Eboh die!” she cried out as she raked her hands through her hair in frustration.  Messing with her hair and taking it out of the beautiful well cared for do that she had done earlier to look nice tonight.  Her eyes shifted over to the man and she sighed softly, trying to come to terms with her own emotions, trying to come to terms with all that had gone down this evening. 

“You can't put me in a place Thomas!  That's not how this works!”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #38
[ Thomas Ravon | Apartment Block | Zyrao's place | Aldea Prime | Aldea ] Attn: @BZ

Barely a ord had been shared ever since they had left the event on Aldean soil and during their walk to his quarters. Ravon's footsteps seeming to sound so much louder as he marched to his quarters, or perhaps that was just what it felt like to him. The doors opened for him as he stepped into his quarters after letting Zyrao go in first and  braced himself for what he imagined would be the tirade that Zyrao could've been holding in for quite a bit. He stopped at the door as it closed behind him and allowed him to lean against it. Creating a slight amount of distance between them before he unbuttoned the official uniform and faced the El-Aurian in the magnificent black dress.

Her whole demeanor looked even more menacing with the black eyeliner  yet Thom wouldn't be Thom as he actually liked the way she looked even more now. Pissed off. Thus came the words he had used earlier that evening, perhaps not the most tactical choice of words to use. He knew Zyrao to be the one to hold back on things, so why would she do so against Izar Bila. Wasn't it a normal thing to say on his behalf to save his friend from possible certain death?

Zyrao seemed more emotional about this in all the time he had known her. His eyes moving over her face as she shouted to him. He shook his head slightly as he huffed, yet refrained from saying anything. It was only when she told him that she couldn't put her in a place that his reaction was triggered.

"First off, he didn't let Eboh die. You didn't see what kind of a wreck he was the hours and days after it." he stated calmly, carrying on to open the rest of the uniform vest before taking it off and flinging it to the couch "Second. I did what I did in order to protect my friend. I know you, or at least I think I do." he said with a bit more bite to it "We don't hold back, why would you hold back against him?" he asked her before taking a few steps closer to her.

"Besides, why would I need to hold back against you? We never agreed to that? Fuck, I was threatened to have my hairless balls nailed to the wall above your bed if I did!" he shouted as he kept looking in her eyes. He wasn't in a fury though, he was still more calculated about it. Guess those classes with Dewitt had thought him something.

"Or tell me how you imagined this would work? That I would back you up even when I strongly disagree with the opinion you had. Roll over like a fucking targ to please his mistress?" he asked her, tauntingly, wanting to get the bulk of her emotions out. Eboh seemed like a particular sore subject it seemed and if she couldn't unleash her rage on Bila, he'd gladly take it for his friend, but he anted her to get this out of her system.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #39
[Zyrao Natauna | Clearing the Air | Understanding the Grounds | New Uncharted Territory | Learning Lessons]

Zyrao was a very strong and independent woman.  She didn't like to be told to do things in the regard of her personal life.  Not like that, especially not in front of people, and not where she stood alone.  Thomas was one of them, Thomas was accepted, he had a place here, respect, and a ground to stand on.  She didn't, she knew full well she was nothing but a convenient interloper.  The fact that Thomas viewed her as anything but was a nice change.  There were a few others that also felt the same way, though, she had to admit.  Cross had taken her as she was, there was Sera... another interloper like herself, Dewitt, and Commander Ducote who did not think she was ill placed among them.  But, there were many that did not seem settled when they were around her.  Part of her believed it was because of her attitude and demeanor.  She intimidated people by her sheer presence and she understood that but part of it came with the Starfleet attitude that officers only were important and intelligent.

It seemed that Thomas was fine to stand there and let her vent her frustrations to him until she hit a nerve.  She wasn't exactly sure what she had hit, but something had struck him because his face changed.  He was ready to battle now, which she was glad for, because had he stood there and taken it he would a  lot less attractive.  She liked that he knew how to fight, she liked that he wasn't going to be the sort to back down from her.  She didn't want a pussy, she wanted a man that knew what he wanted and stood his ground.  However, she also wanted someone that would back her up when it was necessary. 

He pushed off the wall and stepped towards her and told her that Bila hadn't let Eboh die.  Her eyes watched his every move.  He explained that Bila had been torn apart when he had come back after failing in his mission to keep her kinsman alive.  Her brow rose.  “You're right, I didn't see him.  Because he's been too much of pussy to track me down and talk to me about the situation.” she said firmly back at him.  Zyrao refused to get distracted by his taking off of his uniform jacket and the toss on the couch.  Even though she was a hot blooded woman and was all too aware that she and Thomas had not yet taken that step.  Most of her relationships had started with the physical first and moved towards the emotional later if it developed.  Thomas was the opposite of all that she knew.

“You know me to the extent that you do.  I'm not going to kill the man.  He might have walked away with a black eye.” she admitted with a non-committal shrug of a shoulder as Zyrao crossed her arms under her chest again her black nails almost blending in with the dress that she wore.  He took another step towards her talking about how they didn't hold back and he didn't expect they would hold back on others either.  “You think I'm just a violent person?  Why because I'll kick your ass when it comes down to it?  You think I'm a what is the term Earthens use.. a .. loose canon?” she asked incredulously.  Her eyes lighting up with fire from within.  Oh he was getting her feisty now.

“I have self control.  Do you know how many people I would love to shove my fist down their throat on a daily basis and yet I do not.  I'm not actually a Klingon.” she reminded him.

He was looking in her eyes now, he wasn't in a fury, she didn't see the light of fire behind them but she was still not just going to give in to what he was saying.  He was wrong, not that she was entirely right, but they both had made mistakes.  Growing as a couple was going to have those bumps and issues in the road.  It would be hard for them being two very strong willed people and yet she knew that the chances were neither of them were likely to give up easily.  Truthfully, Zyrao was the sort to thrive on a fight and it only made her desire Thomas more when things got physical, or tight for a little bit.  When they could both express themselves in the ways that they wished to without fear of true judgment. 

It was during his last speech about rolling over like a targ that she took her own step forward.  Getting right in his face, the heels helped that, as she looked straight into his eyes.  “I don't expect you to roll over on me, but I sure as fuck don't expect you to treat me like a kept woman in front of people only you are friends with.  You know I am the odd man, out there.  And yet, you tell me to be calm.  There were so many other ways you could have gone about doing this.” she reminded him nearly poking him with her finger but just being shy of actually doing that. 

Part of her wanted to shove him against the wall and kiss him.  Part of her knew that if she did that it would be very very angry sex.  Something was to be said about angry sex, but it would be their first time and she didn't want it angry. 

“You don't understand.  You stand here and defend your friend, it's admirable, really.  However, you cannot fathom finding someone of your own nearly extinct race only to lose them hours later.  You cannot understand the feeling, to know, that he was right there in my grasp and then he was gone.  And the one fucking person that was supposed to keep him together until he could get healed up or whatever you want to call it.  He failed!  He failed!

She swallowed softly. 

“I.. failed.” she looked away but didn't move a step back from Thomas.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #40
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

"He is a pussy, but besides that, he's a lot more fragile than you'd imagine." he snapped at her before shaking his head "Besides, giving him  black eye would probably result is breaking his mushy skull. Fuck, if I just give him a good pat on the back, I'm pretty sure I break some ribs or whatever mushy bones he has. So yes, I had to step up." he answered her as he wasn't seeming to let this go without a proper fight. She upped her words and game by asking him if he saw her as a loose cannon, a violent behaviorist that would take any chance to get in a fight. He had to laugh, involuntary, since it reminded him of himself before he was promoted to this position. How carefree the world was and how much trouble he got himself into.

He could see the fire in her eyes, the tension in her figure. It was fucking hot. He clenched his jaws together as the whole situation wasn't supposed to be turning him on, they were mad at each other! He tried to keep his head on the situation at hand "A loose cannon no, a violent person... Perhaps.. .At times, totally towards me." he grinned teasingly "So why you wouldn't mean to kill him or hold back, I'm pretty sure you'd do worse to him than intended. I know you're not a Klingon." he paused for a second, being grateful for that notion before continuing "But you ought to know, like me that once you get a first punch in, the line to hold back fades far faster. Especially when they're linked to stronger underlying emotions." he answered her, hinting towards Eboh's fate.

As she hooked in to his comment about being a Targ, he rolled his eyes. He knew she was right about that part, perhaps he ought to have handled it differently, yet he shrugged  "Maybe... Probably." he waved it away. She was close now and his body was feeling all to ready to catch a first strike from her, yet it didn't come.
And it took a little while before the core of the matter surfaced, at least in Thomas' eyes. She spoke of her kin and how Eboh's passing had been the fault of Bila as he had promised to save him, or at least promised to try. Ravon swallowed as he kept looking at Zyrao. She concluded that she failed and he narrowed his eyes as he gave her a shove to her shoulder, not a rough or hard one, but more like a tap to get her out of those thoughts. He lead his hand back to her face, turning her head to have her face him.

"Hey. Don't put yourself through that." he pointed out to her "You didn't fail anyone. Eboh died under the circumstances that could've killed anyone else, you and me included. If anyone is to blame it's the fucking Borg or whatever parasitic bull crap entity is behind this whole show." he breezed nearly now, having had his share of losses. Having blamed himself for those losses while in reality, there was little to nothing that he could've done to change their fates "I've been in a similar spot, not as radical as yours... But I've lost loved ones and friends... Family. I blamed myself for that too, but in the end... You have to come to terms that all of it was beyond your control. he said with a bittersweet tone to his voice as the losses he had gone through still stung.

Talking about loss had brought the fire back in his eyes, the anger that he felt and still raged deep within him surfacing when he talked about it. He looked in her eyes and he couldn't help but stiffle a laugh as it seemed inappropriate "You know you're fucking hot when you're pissed off right?" he added teasingly as he literally just wanted to have her here on the spot. He tried to lighten up the mood that had turned somewhat foul since the party. He wasn't mad at her and he wondered if she could forgive his behavior. His stomach growled in protest though as he cupped her cheek "I'll try to be more... Supportive." he whispered to her as he looked in her eyes "But if anyone talks shit about you, just know that I'll make sure they'll regret every letter they spilled." he whispered.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #41
[Zyrao Natauna | Truth Matters | Why is Anger so Fucking Hot | Needing You in New Ways]

Apparently, Bila lacked a skeleton.  Which made the view of the man fall even more in the eyes of Zyrao Natauna.  It wasn't that he needed bones of steel but just to actually own a backbone would be to his benefit.  Her eyes bore into Thomas'.  She wanted to hit him, she wanted to push him away, she wanted to scream, she wanted to kiss him like she had never kissed him before.  Their first kiss had been gentle, and then a little bit of heat but neither of them dared to do more than that.  No, they were far too careful.  This though, this burning fire inside them she could see it in his eyes and he hadn't even said anything about it.  But, right now, thinking that he had a friend that needed to be held up because he had been born without a spine was something that was quite disgusting really.  It definitely didn't make her feel as though she should be more gentle with him, that was for sure.

He told her that he didn't think she was a loose canon, but that she was a violent person.  Her brow rose, and he mentioned that she could be towards him.  “That's different and you know it.  This is safe ground.” she reminded him that they had always promised they would never hold their punches especially in a fight.  She did not expect a gentle man in that aspect, but she did expect one that had her back.  He told her that giving him a black eye .. throwing that first punch would have made her hit the red zone.  She had already been in the red zone the moment she had seen Bila and he was right, that if she had hit him it would have been hard to stop.

“You're right.  Had I started.” she admitted, because she also wasn't one to tell lies if at all possible.  Honesty, straight up, was the best policy.  Though she might lower the impact she would never sugar coat anything that was of import. 

He seemed to agree that he could have handled things differently especially when the board in front of them was set up for him to win and not her.  As she confessed her feelings on the matter, he shoved her shoulder.  She allowed it but the death glare that she lasered him with told him that a second run would not be a fucking good idea.  Especially if he didn't want a sickbay visit tonight.  But then his hand brushed up against her cheek, to her face and turned it back over to him.  She sighed softly, some of the tension, though not all, bled from her shoulders.  He told her not to put herself through that.  That it wasn't anyone's fault.  It was the Borg that had done this and the parasite that no one could rid the fucking ship of. 

“I have not .. found any of my kind in almost two hundred years. Thomas..” she whispered, the weight of those words settling on his shoulders for a moment as she looked down.  Her hand came up cupping his, the one on her cheek, and then looked back up at him.  “We had plans to talk, to.. get to know each other... and then he was gone before any of that could happen.” 

Their eyes met again and he admitted that she as fucking hot when she was pissed.  A sharp bark of laughter escaped her lungs and she shook her head.  “You too.” she admitted, a husky tone taking over her voice.  Thomas told her that he would be more supportive in the future and that if someone tried to fuck with her or say anything against her that he would make sure they regretted it.  A smirk crossed her face as she closed the distance between them and kissed him. 

Their heat, their passion, pouring into the kiss.  She could only hear their heated breathing as their lips mashed against one anothers and her hands shifted down his chest exploring the fabric over the muscles she wanted to remind herself of.  The kiss broke, and Zyrao looked into his eyes for a long moment.  She was tempted to start more.  To kiss him again.  To rip the fabric of his undershirt off his body, it was useless, and served no purpose here.  But then his stomach grumbled, and her eyes shifted down to the offender only to have her own follow suit.

“I think it best we get some food in us.. because Thomas...” she whispered softly brushing her thumb across his lower lip slowly.  “I really don't think we'll have energy to eat afterwards.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #42
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

Zyrao pointed out that if she was violent with him, it was different entirely. She was completely right about that, though it didn't take away the part where both of them used aggressive behavior to their benefit. She did grant him his point that if she had spilled a first punch that it would be the start of a fucking kill spree.

She opened up about not having found anyone of her kind in over 200 years. A notion that was frightening really, but perhaps that was because Thomas couldn't, and probably wouldn't, live that long. It made Thomas silent for a moment before he did what he did to try and lighten the mood. The thought did cross his mind though that perhaps if Eboh was alive, the two of them might have established a thing on their own. It was a random thought though, not one he was going to share with Zyrao.

She had to laugh at his admission of her sexiness when she was pissed off and he was returned the favor as he had to laugh shortly about it as well. The distance between them was closed and instead of a physical fight, it became something else physical. Their lips crashed against on another and this time they were filled with more lust and passion to it. He could feel those black nails of hers raking across his shirt as they kissed and in response, his hands rolled over her dress, feeling up the skin underneath as they came to rest on her rear to pull her closer against him.

As she brushed her thumb across his lip, he bit into the thumb before sucking it gently "Mmh..." he purred before letting go of her thumb "Food sounds like a good idea. Proper food, not that shit snack we got planetside." his hands cupped Zyrao's rear in the meantime and gave them a soft squeeze as he thought out loud "Proper filling meal... Any suggestions?" he asked her.

He heard her responses and could laugh about a few of them before he shook his head "Oh! I know exactly what we need." he smirked "Proper meal for after a fight. An actual fight that is, good nutrients, yet somewhat greasy at times." he announced proudly "Trust me.". He let go of her walking to the replicator as he fiddled with the settings and punched in what seemed to be one of his favorite settings. The meal materialized in a round shape and the scent of pepperoni instantly filled the room "May I introduce to you, a double pepperoni with extra cheese pizza. Terran delicacy." he grinned as he held the pizza which had handily been replicated on a wooden round plate. The pizza came in sliced and Thomas was curious what Zyrao would think of it, much more think of the taste.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #43
[Zyrao Natauan | Terran Fare | Interesting Choices | Coming Down Off a High | You're Lucky You're Cute]

He bit into her thumb, it was something that turned her on rather quickly and made her almost toss him on the couch right now.  It was times like these that having a slit all the way up your thigh made a good moment much easier.  She wouldn't have to worry about the dress getting in the way she would just toss it over the side of her hip and still enjoy taking Thomas in the way she had been fantasizing far too much as of late.  But, he told her that food really did sound like a good idea.  He was probably right though, as much as she wanted to rip his clothing asunder to the point where they would be finding shreds of the fabric for weeks to come, she knew that taking it a bit slower on the first go could create a more memorable and long lasting impression.  Zyrao was not here for just a good fuck, if she was, she would have done that day one in the showers.  No, instead, she was here to find something that could be built upon.  Whether that ended up in something brilliant or not later would remain to be seen but just taking that first step was enough for now.

“Yes, those small bites weren't worth much of anything.  It really should be seen as an act of torture to feed hungry officers so little.” she smirked.  He looked over at her and asked if she had any suggestions.  Zyrao was always one open to trying new things and never really shied away from much of anything when it came to food.  She had lived a long time with the Klingon and they ate some truly vile looking things.  More so than that, when you lived part of your life as a slave you ate whatever you could for protein and to last one more day in the hopes of freedom.  Hope, could drive a person to eternity.

“I'm open.” she said with a simple shrug of her shoulders.

Thom seemed to have an idea.  Her dark brow rose as he turned and headed for the replicator.  Zyrao moved over to the couch and brushed some miscellaneous debris away from the location she intended to use to sit.  It seemed that while the place was a bit more put together than before it was still not what anyone would call clean.  Zyrao was what many could call a neat freak and she had learned someone had said it would be considered Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.  Though, Zyrao did not find that a military precision lifestyle should be considered as such she was fine with whatever label people needed to put on her way of life.  There was just no reason to have mess.  Not that the crumbs being on the floor was more appetizing to the older woman but they were better than them getting into her dress.  He claimed whatever it was he would bring to her was both nutritional, good, and greasy.

“Color me intrigued then.” she chuckled as she tucked her skirt underneath her and sat down on the now-clean cushion.  Something smelled good anyway, and her eyes watched as he brought over a large round flat pan with some sort of dough on top.  The dough was cooked and covered with some cooked meats and melted cheese.  It steamed and looked quite interesting it was definitely something that Zyrao had never seen before.  Her brow rose as he explained it was a double pepperoni with extra cheese pizza. 

“Pizza.” Zyrao leaned over and studied the dish.  Nothing was moving, everything was cooked, and it smelled quite nicely.  It was cut into eight slices and she was unsure of how one was to eat it because there were no utensils.  That was until Thom grabbed one of the slices by the thick bread on the outer area and just bit into the pointed other end.  She picked up a piece and found that the dough held shape well enough until just before the tip where it went a little limp.  She turned the piece around and took a bite.  Instantly her mouth was flooded with the tomato sauce, the cheese, the small bit of spices on there somewhere.  It was actually quite good and the dough gave it an extra thickness that was just right.  Just enough crunch just enough soft. 

“This is good.  I've never had this before.  Did you have it on your starbase?” she asked curiously as she took another bite quite content to eat her entire piece.  She finished her first piece rather quickly and grabbed for another.  Hardly taking a breath she began to eat on that as well, enjoying the flavors and how they morphed with the various pockets of grease and the various bites of pepperoni which seemed to be the small rounded meats.

“What other culinary secrets are you keeping?” she asked pointedly with a teasing look on her face.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #44
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy] Attn: @BZ

Ravon couldn't help but grin as Zyrao mentioned that the small bites at the event were to be considered as torture "Yet, I remember someone telling me that it was most surely a party, while someone else considered it as work." he smirked as he teased her. He let his eyes move over her attire and her make up as she answered him that she had been open to suggestions on what to eat.

He had given a nod and went to the replicator as she went to the couch. As he noticed her wipe some things off the couch before setting down in it herself, he had to smirk and made mental note to at least keep his quarters somewhat more tidy. Not that his quarters were like a barn where everything would lay anywhere and dirt would be all over the place. Yet he had noticed how Zyrao's quarters had been more impeccably clean compared to his.

Whilst the replicator produced the pizza, Thomas continued to remove the official parts of his uniform as they itched his skin to death. By the time he walked back over to her with the pizza he was still wearing the pants and had swapped the shirt for an easier fitting tank top. Still noticing the gorgeous dress Zyrao was in he smiled faintly "Say, if you'd be more comfortable, you can take the dress off and slip into something more comfortable." he informed her "Not that I mind seeing you in this..." he gestured at her dress "But I'd hate it to get dirty..." he pointed out before taking a seat next to her.

He had to admit that he had fantasized on the surface what would lie underneath the dress of Zyrao. How he had been tempted to feel her up, though couldn't for professional reasons. His mind had already teased him enough about ravishing her on the stage for all to see as he really couldn't care less what people thought. On the other hand, he knew their relationship was different than just hard, brutal, lovely sex. In fact, they hadn't done that deed yet. Though the tension between the two of them were rising higher and higher each time they met. The crescendo would have to start at some point.

He watched her take a slice after she had inspected the food he had placed in front of her, the way she pronounced him had made him laugh a little as he took a slice himself and eagerly dug into it as it never failed to deliver what it had been designed for. The flavors easily his favorite as he munched and closed his eyes for a second. he only opened them once more when Zyrao mentioned that it was quite good.

"Beats those Klingon dishes I've tested on the station..." he smirked "I'd not had my first slice of pizza till I was on Earth. Terrans have numerous flavors of this and it comes in all sizes and shapes." he answered her as he watched her eagerly take a second one to keep enjoying herself with the food. Thomas took his time as he relished the taste of it and he had to smirk as she asked him what other culinary secrets he hid from her.

"Well, I might have a few more, but I can't let you have all of it at once, now can I?" he teased her back as he leaned back in the couch and finished up on his first part before taking the next.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #45
[Zyrao Natauna | Getting Comfortable | Time Together | Another Evening Well Spent | Getting Used to This]

When he told her she could change into something more comfortable, Zyrao thought about it.  It wasn't like the dress was uncomfortable but it was more impractical for what they were doing now.  So despite having only just sat down and gazed at the fare they would be consuming that evening, she rose herself off the couch and went to his replicator.  Quickly she dialed in some of the patterns of her own favorite clothing.  She went for a large button down shirt which would probably be far closer to Thom's size than her own and a simple pair of black leggings.  The shirt was a simple ivory color, with button cuffs and buttons down the center in black gems.  Zyrao reached behind her to unzip the dress and slid it down her arms stepping out of the puddle of fabric.  It was evident she hadn't worn any underwear at the party at all.  Pulling on her leggins she pulled them up over her flat stomach and the pulled the over sized shirt on her body and buttoned it in the center with the three most central buttons letting the collar lay open quite a bit giving some air to her tattoos and one of her shoulders.

Returning to the couch eating pizza began and their conversation continued.  He had not enjoyed pizza until he had visited Earth and there were many other good food he would be willing to show her, but not today.  She would have to wait for them.  A smirk crossed her face once she picked up her third piece of pizza and dug into it.  Zyrao was not one to gorge herself but the food was good, the company was better, and the fact that she was no longer at a Starfleet party was best. 

As the third piece of pizza made it's way to her stomach she got up again and walked once more to the replicator.  She got herself a glass of water, she didn't do well with alcoholic beverages, and she refused to drink replicated tea when she could walk to her own Quarters for the real deal.  She also replicated a chess set.  Zyrao returned to the couch and set the board between them and the water next to the pizza on the table.  Setting up the board quickly she grinned over at him.

“Care to take on a tactician?” she asked curiously with that grin on her face that tended to get her in trouble.  With the board set up she grabbed another piece of pizza.  Truthfully she hadn't eaten much lately, and she was struggling with what would be her place on the ship once they took off and didn't need a Klingon Liaison any longer.  She hoped to speak with Commander Ducote about it.  He seemed sensible and had a solid head on his shoulders.  Something she hoped would benefit her and the ship everyone seemed to respond well to him.  She would call him an Officer's officer.  He didn't lord his rank around like some she had seen in the past, and one name in particular came to mind, but instead allowed himself to be seen as more of an equal.  Someone approachable and she was certain he was finding it quite easy to get officers to seek him out for various things.

“To raise the stakes.” she explained.  “Every time you liberate one of my pieces from the board, I will reward you with a kiss.  But, be careful.” she teased holding up a finger, “they'll get more heated as we go.”

And with that, she made the first move.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #46
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

At his suggestion to change clothing, Zyrao had risen up from the couch to walk over to the replicator. Thomas had followed her with his eyes and as she undressed and bared her naked frame, he couldn't help but chuckle a little as she hadn't worn anything underneath the glamorous black dress. He remembered to make a comment about it later, if she'd always go naked with a dress or not for future reference.

They shared some more small talk before the tactician stood up to get herself a drink and a chessboard. Thomas frowned slightly at the sight of it as she placed it on the table and her question was met by a grin. "Mmh, I would, but I'm pretty sure the odds are set for this match." he answered her, it had been ages since he had played the old Terran game. He watched her in the eyes and could tell there was more to it.

She explained ho the stakes would be raised and he had to grin as he nodded as he made up for himself that the best way to get to this game would be with an aggressive play style. It would be the easiest way to rid her of the pieces on the board, though it would most certainly not grant him a victory. The true question was if Thomas was even considering a victory or just wanted to feel her lips on him.

As she opened the game, he quickly followed, clearly favoring a rather aggressive tactic as more pieces were moved. He left the remaining pieces of pizza for her as he could feel that itch in the back of his head to want to win the game regardless. He established an initial strategy and tried to anticipate her moves. It didn't take long before his aggressive style had one of his pawn ready to be taken out, which made him raise a question "So, what if I lose a piece. What do you want to happen in that case?" he asked her teasingly.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #47
[Zyrao Natauna | Strip Chess | Never Play a Tactician | Even if You Are One | There is No Loser]

She could tell that he wasn't sure about playing the game, or perhaps it was more that he just knew he didn't stand much of a chance of winning the actual game.  But, she was more than glad to play with him and it would give them something to do.  She was always interested in making whatever memories she could with him and any time spent with Thomas was good in her opinion.  The small fight they had only just had was nothing really and she wasn't going to let it bother her.  Though, she could see where if it became an issue it would eventually dissolve into something that they would have to work through.  For now, it was a mere blip on the radar. 

They played, moving their pawns over the board and she was taking him quite gently.  She could have won in exactly seven moves, but she decided to let him slip through some of the traps she had laid for him so that it was more fair.  As his first pawn fell though he asked what she wanted and she grinned confiscating his piece from the board in her fist.  Brushing the top of the little piece against her lower lip those black encased grey eyes shifted over to him as heat burned behind them. 

“Well you certainly don't need the shirt.” she reminded him watching as he shed the offending garment and it wadded up on the floor at the foot of the couch.  Zyrao continued to play and when she lost a piece on purpose a heated hot kiss was shared.  The two played back and forth for a good twenty minutes with hot kisses, lost clothing, and more skin revealed as every piece hit the deck.  She had been toying with him, baiting him, her King was in a position where she could take him any time she wanted to and yet was completely and utterly protected.  She could have called check mate but that would have ended the game far too early and she had quite enjoyed the tactical foreplay.

She looked over at him, his King was about to go down.  She was down to her tank top and nothing else, he was completely naked and she could very much tell he was interested in what she was offering today.  Zyrao slid into his lap, feeling him pressing against her in all ways.  She curled her finger underneath his chin and pulled it up so that they were in yet another heated kiss.  His hands slid underneath her tank top to explore the skin she was waiting to expose just because torture was rather enjoyable at this moment.  Her tongue slid into his mouth not for the first time as she pressed her body against his.  He might think her mind was off the game but even as he pulled her tank top upwards and off tossing it to join the ever growing mess on his floor, she reached her hand out and popped his King down for the win.

Thomas hoisted her up off the couch and carried her off to his room itself.  The lights flickered on as they entered and crashed into the bed.  Zyrao was not the type to ask for the lights to be turned off so unless he was that sort the lights would stay on as they fully explore each other's bodies.  Her lips and teeth nipping and biting and kissing at his muscular shoulders.  His own hands exploring over her skin fully.  No clothing in the way, she couldn't feel any of the awkwardness that had plagued their kissing before when he was still hung up on the other woman.  Instead, she could just feel his excitement and her own.  Zyrao rolled him over so that he was pinned underneath her now.  Deepening the kiss more so now as she teased him with her body.  Using her legs to grind herself against his length but not giving him access yet.  No, she wanted to play as much as possible and foreplay was half the fun for sure.  She had been waiting so long to get to this point she was quite certain to enjoy herself.  She broke the kiss from his lips and moved down to his neck sucking and nipping at the skin there.  Waiting to see if and when he would take back over control.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #48
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

As fun as playing chess was, Thomas knew he didn't hold a chance against her. The fact that he lasted as long as he did was probably because the tactician had a game of her own in mind. Ulterior motives to dragging this game out for so long. Not that the pilot minded as he lost pieces of clothing faster than she did and the rewards for taking some of her pieces were quite a reward indeed. All the actions they had done had left the pilot in attention for her. His arousal clear and on sight for her as she certainly seemed to be amused by it.

As expected he was going to lose this game, a thing he'd normally be less happy about as he was quite competitive. Zyrao however had chosen to come and sit on his lap instead before delivering the final blow to the game. She turned his attention to her entirely as she drew another heated kiss from him, one he was more than eager to give as their tongues danced and some biting was put in play. He could feel him poke against her and she moved against him which only stimulated his hardness. He managed to remove the tank top she wore and left the both of them bare to one another. A sight they had both seen before yet was different under the current circumstances.

With his king fallen, Thomas decided that it was high time to move this to the other room. The lights jumped on and he didn't mind as they fell onto his bed and she bit and nipped at his shoulders. He had to smirk and laughed at it as his hands moved over her body, exploring every bit of it without holding back. His mind was seemingly over Zephyr and Zyrao was the one who had claimed a place in his heart now. The tactician a tease for sure as she used her legs to stimulate and tease his manhood, denying him the pleasure to fully have her. He smirked and let her have her fun as she pinned him down, yet it wouldn't be long before he'd take control back.

As she kissed his neck again, his body arched against her, seeking friction against her before his hands moved over her sides to her hips before tossing her aside and switching position as he got on top of her. He held her by the wrists down against his bed as he smirked at her. He was quite as adept at tease her as she was to him, his hips grinding against her as he let his length brush against her thighs before grinding it against her sex without going in for the kill. His lips kissed her neck, denying her a kiss on the lips as he moved down to her shoulders, biting her back at a similar spot before moving further down as he licked and kissed her breasts. He moved from one to the other and varied his interaction with them from kisses, to biting and suckling. He moved from the soft flesh to her harder nipples and teased her further before moving back up to taunt her by leaning it yet denying her the kiss.

The teasing continued for a while, both of them taking turns in seizing control. Eventually though the need for the both of them became too high and their bodies had been covered in a sheen of sweat as both Thomas as Zyrao were panting before they had even started the actual goal of all this teasing. They had explored one another's body to a full extent, having teased, edged, toyed and loved every aspect of it. Thomas took his position on top of her now, nestling himself between her legs as he looked in her eyes with a ragged breath "I..." he looked deeper into her eyes as he seemed to think if he should say it or not "I love you Zyrao Natauna..." he shared with her eventually, feeling the need to inform her about it.

Giving her a few seconds to either reply him or not, he pressed himself against her, his body melting against hers as he slowly but surely breached into her heated core. The initial intrusion was met by a gasp from him followed by a groan as he kept going until he fully sheathed himself inside of her. The last thing he had to explore of her and the same could be said from her point of view. Instead of keeping it slow though, the need and urge to continue at the pace they had been going flared up again. It would turn rough, intense, hot. Yet in the end the two of them would be completely satisfied and most definitely exhausted.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #49
[Zyrao Natauna | At Last | Pillowside Confessions | How to Surprise an El-Aurian 101]

It was exactly how she hoped it would be.  Both of them fighting on the sheets of his bed.  Gaining and losing control.  Loving either side of it, Zyrao of course had a fairly dominant personality only deemed more so by her life with the Klingon for such a long time.  Yet, there was something about fighting and getting dominated from time to time herself that she found a turn on as well.  It was all perfect, it wasn't what some would find hot.  She had heard tell of many that preferred soft and gentle.  Yet, what they were doing right now was perfect.  The fight, the tease, the biting and licking, the sucking and finding ways to tease and almost torture each other.  Learning each other's bodies, their likes and dislikes, the way that they moved together in a sexual way was unique and different.  Zyrao wouldn't have it any other way, she enjoyed the hunt.  It was what made her more excited, the ordinary was dull and Zyrao had been around a very long time, she appreciated that Thomas was just as dominating in the sheets as she was.  A fight of wills, a testament to the trust they had for one another, something that had been building over the full month they had spent on Aldea.

Covered in a sheen of sweat that later would probably require a shower.  She didn't mind at all though, because it showed how far they had pushed each other to enjoy the night that they had first decided to take that next step.  They had slept side by side, they had eaten together, danced together, flown together, and many other things.  This was their first night in this aspect and it was one that Zyrao had long waited for.  Normally she would have gone in for it initially but she had respected his need to heal and had waited for him.  The wait was more than worth it.

Thomas pinned her down again, only this time she could see the hunger in his eyes had changed.  Now, he was ready for what they both wanted.  To take the plunge and this relationship to another level.  It was one that Zyrao was most excited to take that step and she hoped he would not regret it later.  She had worked hard to allow him to take his own pace on this.  He hovered above her, and again, his face changed.  Her heart thumped heavily in her chest for multiple reasons.  He looked as though he had something to say.  A moment was filled with the thought of him saying he was not ready.  Of course, she would not be concerned, though she would be disappointed and probably pissed off if he stopped her now.  After all of this. 

As a tactician she was rather disappointed in herself that she did not see it coming.  Perhaps it was because he was very closed off about his emotions over all.  Especially in the time it was taking from him to heal from his first love and hope to pursue someone else.  So she was fully surprised when he told her, pausing a moment to think if he should state it, that he loved her.  Surprise dawned on her face, and it was not something that she could hide.  She was so taken back by his words. 

Unsure what to do or say, the seconds where he waited came and went and he plunged into her.  She held onto him as he began to take her.  Not fast at first, both of them learning the feel of one another in a bit of a slow start but it didn't last long.  Neither of them were the sort to let it go on in that slow way.  It wasn't very long at all before they were smashing their bodies against one another.  Neither of them quiet, neither of them gentle, and yet it was mixed with nothing but passion and desire for one another.  Even though it was rough and hard she did not feel the least bit disappointed but instead truly enjoyed every moment they were together.

Later, after they finished, they lay together in the dim lighting of his room.  His arm serving as her pillow in his bed, she was resting on it as they lay together, the sweat on their bodies having dried for the time being.  Zyrao looked up at him, and he looked down at her with satisfied grins on their faces.  She was concerned though, about the love.  Only because it had been a very long time since she had felt love or been truly free to love anyone.  Sometimes she wondered if she was capable of it at all, she certainly cared for him.  Cared for his well being wished no ill will.  She did not want to share him with another, and did not want to be shared herself.  Zyrao thought back to her times with Thomas over the last weeks.  Their times together, their first kiss, the fun they had, the deep conversations they had.  Her anger at the woman that broke his heart, and yet at the same time, glad for the opportunity to be the one to mend it.  She thought about how many times the man crossed her mind when she was not occupying it with work or some other activity and how when she was in the gym and her mind was empty she thought of him. 

Zyrao knew that she had deep feelings for him, and quite an attachment.  Was this what love was?  Was this what people wrote poetry and stories about?  Her feelings for Thomas were quite different than others might believe.  They were hard, fast, and stalwart.  They were the kind that would kill a fucker should harm come to him, but also the kind that proved she was resolute in them both being independent and yet standing together.  More about being together as a strength than dependency. 

Zyrao rolled onto her stomach still in his arms but so that she could face him more easily.  Reaching up she brushed some of his hair through her fingers.  “I have an inquiry.” she stated calmly.  “I do hope you do not take my inquiry incorrectly, I am only curious why you believe that you love me.  I have not heard this phrase since my time on El-Auria.  Sometimes I fear I have forgotten what it means and I wish to know... what it is that makes you so sure of your feelings.”

Zyrao hoped she had not ruined everything.  But, honestly, she wanted to see if her emotions and his met up.  If they were the same then she knew what she was feeling.  She could put a word, a human Terran, Standard word, to the bundle of emotions that she felt for him as well.  “I request this to know if what I feel for you is quantified as love as well.”

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