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Topic: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range. (Read 13076 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.


STARDATE 57639.97
APRIL 12, 2381
1830 HRS

[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

It may have taken a few days, but Fisher had finally started to settle into his new surroundings aboard Theurgy. In fact, he’d finally managed to find some decent sleep the night before, no doubt stirred on by a pleasant late-night experience he’d shared with someone. It had gone a long way toward renewing his will and desire to do more than read reports, issue orders, and brew over delays and setbacks. So much so, that he’d also managed to make time to seek out one of Theurgy’s physical training facilities, specifically the main upper gymnasium located on Deck 06. There he’d gone through the strenuous exercise regimen he’d adopted years earlier, that had served him well enough in keeping him in shape, as well as alleviating some of the perpetual stress carried in his permanently damaged lower back. He had been feeling more like himself, and as part of that he’d decided to seek out a little additional training after cleaning himself up in one of the gym’s sonic showers.

He’d had a particular Holodeck program in mind as he exited the turbolift on Deck 08. One he’d stumbled across a day earlier when absently perusing through a list of those that were available, and though it was technically a personal program of one of Theurgy’s Officers, he didn’t see the harm in checking it out. Besides, it would save him from having to create a program of his own.

“Thea. Please punch up program, Kingston. Alpha-Tango. Two-Two.” He ordered as he stood just outside of the Holodeck doors.

[The program is running.] Thea replied an instant later, and Fisher nodded in acknowledgement before stepping through said doors.

Immediately, he felt the heat of the artificial sun projected overhead, blazing in an open and clear blue sky as in the distance, he heard the sound of wind gusts picking up gravel throughout what was a recreation of an outdoor shooting range, located somewhere in North America. It was almost like being home again, he thought. Almost. Holodeck programs were surprisingly realistic and could fool you into thinking they were the real thing with incredible accuracy. But that didn’t change the fact that in his mind, he knew that almost everything around him was being generated by light emitters, and projected force-fields. Still, this program seemed more real than others, given the complexities and imperfections in the general landscape, leading him to believe it’d been a recreation of somewhere that actually existed.

Approaching a long row of divided wooden tables, Fisher struggled in the sunlight to look over the wide assortment of weapons that had been generated and laid out neatly. At least until he noticed a few sets of polarized sun-glasses and protective headsets also laid out for use. Retrieving one of each, Fisher slipped the glasses on and was glad to be able to see clearly again. The headset he hung around his neck, not necessarily needing it just yet, but also keeping it readily available for when he would. Which would be soon. His now protected eyes scanned the contents of the many wooden tables, and he began to recognize many of the ancient-Earth firearms that had been recreated for this program. Clearly, whoever had made it, was an aficionado of sorts. There were muskets, flint-locks, breach-loaders, repeaters, bolt-actions, semi-automatics, and full-automatics; a plethora of old projectile weapons favored during the 19th through 21st centuries.

There was also a table of modern energy weapons, ranging from Starfleet designs, to that of Romulan, Cardassian, Klingon, and even Jem’hadar. It was quite an assortment, Fisher thought. Turning to face the opposite direction, he saw a long open pitch of land with range targets set at different distances, all the way out to a kilometer, and even further.

“Not a bad program.” He commented to no one as he selected a breach-loading rifle from the table, specifically an old Remington Rolling-Block Rifle, that had been from some time in the mid-19th century. There was an admirable crudeness to the wood and steel designs of old Earth weapons like this one, that conveyed a pleasant tactile sensation when holding. Energy weapons never seemed to duplicate that feeling, though they were often times far more effective in neutralizing targets. Unlocking the breach by turning down the rolling block, Fisher then opened it to inspect that it wasn’t loaded. On the table, just adjacent to where it’d been resting was a small carton of brass cartridges that seemed the right fit, so he selected one, and slid it into the chamber of the firearm, before closing the breach once more.

Slowly he stepped away from the table, and after remembering to put his ears on, he brought the rifle up to bear on his shoulder and exhaled deeply as he lined up the sight picture, before holding his breath, and squeezing the trigger. The concussive force and bang of the gun might have startled someone else, but Fisher had been through programs like this one before. Maybe not as diligently programmed, but still, he was used to the abrupt nature of ancient firearms and had struck center-mass on the one hundred-meter target he’d been aiming at. A satisfying ping echoing from down the range to announce his accurate shot.

“Not bad at all.” He remarked with a sense of satisfaction.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Security Center, Master-At-Arms Office | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy, Vector 02 ] Attn: @Swift

Just another day at the Klingon shipyards over Aldea, the once legendary world with a cloaking device but now having to rebuild their knowledge about everything but the Arts. Adam felt sorry for their ancestors who decided to put their lives in the metaphorical hands of a computer, he wanted them to see their world as it is now and the damage that decision cost their descendants.

Though that was impossible. He hoped that when humanity gets to a stage where they’d explored enough and were at peace with the other powers or managed to get them all to join the Federation, that humanity will remain active in pursuing dreams, active research and maybe the occasional conflict or two to keep the restless from making any bad decisions. Adam would seek to do things, alone if he had to, he vowed.

In front of him at the table were 3 exosuit sets, he was cleaning and maybe patching if any missed the maintenance rounds. Adam got a rag and cleaning solution, got to work on the boots of the first set. It was mundane work but A. it had to get done and B. he found it relaxing. He’d had enough of Aldea for a while with the Pirates, and pretending not to be what he is: Starfleet.

He will make the Parasites pay dearly for what they have done to Starfleet and the Federation. He hoped that Captain Ives was also interested in helping the other powers clean house of the Parasites as well if they believed the Captain or not. They just had to catch one and keep it alive, maybe if they could put Nicander’s parasite on display? Perhaps if he brought it to his department heads attention then they could have a discussion about it at the next senior staff meeting?

Thea then appeared on the other side of the table. She greeted him before informing him that one of his personal holodeck programs was being used by another officer, and one of the new arrivals as well. Adam thanked Thea but asked her why she allowed someone else but him access his holodeck programs as he quickly finished the first exosuit’s cleaning before putting it all into a neat pile.

She seemed unable to answer and vanished. He rolled his eyes and left his office and made his way to holodeck 2.

[ Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

Adam entered the holodeck and at the arch programmed for a pair of eye shades to block most of the light out. He made his way to the weapons practice area and found a man standing at the target range holding a rifle. It was slightly smoking, so Adam deduced that the man had fired the rifle.

He sidestepped to see the target and it was hit in the center. Adam was fighting the urge to be impressed with his annoyance that someone accessed his programs. ”You are aware it is rude to run programs that do not belong to you?” Adam said as he folded his arms and assumed a puffed up stance to look bigger. He momentarily didn’t consider what to do if the man was a superior officer.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #2
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Lowering the rifle from his shoulder, the Chief Intelligence Officer took a deep breath of contentment as he re-cocked the hammer, and then opened the breach to extract the spent casing, which fell softly to the gravel coated ground beneath him. Fisher had been unaware that behind him, an arch had appeared, and through it had stepped the owner of this particular holodeck program, Lieutenant Kingston. Through muffled ears he heard the comment made to him and turned to face the man. He was careful to keep the rifle pointed down and away, demonstrating a significant knowledge of trigger and muzzle discipline, as though he’d been through a training course on proper range protocol sometime in the past. Slipping one of the protective ear-cups off to allow him to better hear, he momentarily appraised the Master-At-Arms before speaking.

“You must be Lieutenant Kingston?” he asked, reaching out with his right hand to offer a greeting as he held the rifle in the fold of his left forearm.

“Oh, right sorry... I’m not uniformed.” He remarked, understanding that he’d come right from the Gym, and though he’d afforded himself a shower in the wake of a moderately strenuous exercise, he’d not opted to change back into a proper uniform. Instead he’d chosen to remain in a standard issue set of Theurgy sportswear. “I’m Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fisher.” He introduced himself. “I apologize for accessing your program, but when I found it listed, it seemed too good to pass up checking out. I had a similar range program saved at one point but wasn’t able to fit it into my isolinear catalogue before making the trip to Epsilon Mynos.” The program he had in mind wasn’t nearly as well articulated as this one though, and hadn’t seemingly been based off of a real-world location, as this one appeared to have been.

“Hope it doesn’t bother you too much.” He said as he walked back to the tables lined with various weapons, replacing the Remington rifle.

“It is a hell of a decent program.” His comment spoke of the assumption he’d just made, that the Lieutenant wouldn’t press the issue. As he then examined the assortment of firearms laid out before him, he looked back to the other man. “Damn fine selection of available arms as well. It’s not often that you’ll see a program with Remington Rolling Blocks, Martini Henrys, and Sharps Rifles all rendered with this much accuracy. Either you really know your stuff, or whoever made this program does.” Fisher had of course reviewed the crew manifest, and having now remembered seeing Kingston’s name, recalled that the man was assigned as the Master-At-Arms for Theurgy, which meant it was just as likely that he was the expert behind this fine program.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

As the other man turned around Adam couldn’t help but do a down-up inspection of him. Well built and wearing those tight sports gear did not help stop his mind from fantasizing. No! Stop it! He chided himself and listened to the man as he was offered a hand. Adam slowly reached out to accept it.

The man introduced himself as a Lieutenant Commander, but not his department. Adam wasn’t sure what to make of that. Why keep it to himself? Adam wondered and shook the superior officer’s hand twice before letting go. ”Yes, I am Lieutenant Kingston,” Adam answered, ”sir.”

Another archaic firearms hobbyist it would seem as he knew his 21st century weapons. He himself had searched high and low for all the information he could, as well as any surviving pieces from that time and gaining possession of them was hard work. Adam at times was only allowed to take holoimagry of the weapons as he took all angles, closeups and scans of them all.

Considering the detail of the program Adam looked at his work and grinned. He had done well. Though he was still annoyed as he gestured at the other man. ”Thank you. I did my best, though it would have been nice to have been asked first, sir, as I am sure you would like to be should someone run one of your programs without your permission.” Adam said though he was done with that side of the situation.

”Is the Remington rifle one of your favourites?” He asked moving onto more pleasant discussion as he walked over to the assortment table. A bow and quiver full of arrows was on the table as well along with other types. He liked archery as well, he sometimes thought about designing such a similar weapon with current day technology. Adam wondered what it would be like as he waited.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #4
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Please... no need to stand on formality here. I’m off duty. Drew is fine.” He explained as the man had confirmed who he was. Fisher in turn nodded as an acknowledgment, feeling it necessary to press on with the issue at hand. “Noted.” He said simply, willing to make a conceit to the Junior Lieutenant, if he was so inclined. “If you’d like, I can end the program now, and forget it ever existed.” There was a genuine tone to his voice, as though he hadn’t meant to intrude into the man’s private programs. “I didn’t mean to offend.” Slipping off the heavily polarized sunglasses, he appraised Kingston with his green eyes for a moment, to gauge whether or not this would indeed be a lingering concern. Fisher understood that he’d crossed a line in accessing the program without prior approval, but hadn’t figured on something like a firing range causing much of an issue. He wondered if perhaps this program had some other sort of significance to Kingston.

However, he could sense that the Master-at-arms wanted to move on as he shifted topics. He was interested in whether or not Fisher had a favorite among the weapons.

“Hmm... oh, the rolling-block?” he regarded the weapon as it now lay on the table again. “It’s up there.” He confirmed, though not necessarily willing to identify it as his absolute first preference. “There’s just something grounding about these old firearms. Take the rolling-block for example; it just takes you right back to the American Frontier. Hunters would use them to bag big game, feeding their families as they made their way west across the plains.” It was clear that Fisher had an appreciation of ancient American history, and that much of his interest in these weapons stemmed from there. “The weapon was so effective, that the irresponsible frontiersman nearly hunted Bison to the brink of extinction.” His attention then went to another wood furnished firearm, and his fingers ran over it in a tactile sensation.

“The old Henry Repeater. The kind that Wild Bill Hickock, and Cowboys would wield during old west shootouts. To get to even touch one of these, even if it’s just a holographic re-creation, is an awesome thing.” He moved down the line a little more. “Not sure I have a specific favorite... but... well, actually...” he stopped before an arrangement of mid-20th century weapons and selected one in particular. “...this! This might be the one.” He regarded the weapon in his hands, his eyes trailing over it with an appreciation. “The M1 Garand.” He exclaimed. “Y’know, my great, great great... well, my American ancestor held one of these when he stormed the beaches of Normandy during Earth’s second world war.” Supporting the rifle with his left hand, he selected an enbloc clip from the table, and examined it momentarily.

“He saw that weapon all the way through to the end of the war and brought it home as keepsake afterward.” Carefully, Fisher held the charging handle of the rifle with the back of his hand as he pressed the enbloc into the magazine, thus preventing his thumb from being accidentally ‘bitten’ by the bolt carrier upon release. His thumb clear, he released the charging handle, and the action chambered a round neatly. “That same rifle hangs in a display to his memory on the wall in my family’s brewhouse back home, in Boston.” Looking down the iron-sights of the rifle for a moment, Fisher grinned at having the opportunity to wield a weapon similar to one his ancestor had taken into actual battle. Looking back to Kingston after lowering the rifle, he realized he’d gone off on a sort rambling nostalgia.

“How about you? Any of these hold a special place in your mind?” he asked, honestly interested in uncovering this mutual interest.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Well he wasn’t quite ready to use first names or nicknames, Adam smiled. ”You’re forgiven sir and I’m not comfortable just yet with such informality, I’m a creature of habit, may I request time.” He asked with a chuckle.

”Are you referring to the recoil? In terms of grounding.” Adam asked, he had moved to stand at the table with the bow and quiver full of steel capped arrows. ”I firmly believe that we will need archaic weapons at some stage as for however advanced an enemy may be, they will not be able to defend well against the primitive.”

Adam gave Andrew an appreciative head bob. ”A feeling of touching history, it is powerful, I agree.” Adam agreed and smiled.

”Personally I prefer the Bow and Arrow, I did Archery at the Academy and during high school.” He said as he picked up the Ancient Egyptian bow and quiver full of stone arrows. The bow was beautifully carved and made from wood that had various hieroglyphs all over it. The bow that was next to it is far more flowing design, and had no known languages on it. It was Elven from the old Earth fantasy writings that were common as many humans wanted to believe in myths and legends and so made real weapons that looked to be from those mythical species.

Adam himself actually would like to meet those species if they do exist, though it could be said Vulcans are the space Elves. Not so much the Romulans, though Elves were known to be manipulators. Orcs could be the Klingons, they share a warrior culture. Dwarfs were another story as there weren’t really any subterraneum height challenged species yet encountered by the Federation who specialised in mining and weapon forging. Yet anyway.

The bow Adam held was already strung and ready to use. He picked up the quiver and slung it over his torso as he approached the same place Andrew had been standing when he used the firearm before. The Master-At-Arms pulled out an arrow, somewhat jerkily considering that they had been on the run he hadn’t had much time to get any practice in, put the arrow tail into the string and expertly pulled it back. His elbows in just a little off perfect form, he took a slow breath and let loose the arrow a few moments as he aimed it.

It impacted the center of the target, maybe a smidge off to the right. He smiled still.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #6
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“Fair enough.” Fisher acknowledged the Lieutenant’s preference at remaining a little more formal for the time being. Which was absolutely his right to request. Fisher was after all, still very new to the crew, and still somewhat of an unknown. It made perfect sense for him, and them all to be relatively tentative around him until there was a trust developed. Of course, his role as the new ‘top spy’ probably didn’t do him any favors either.

Through the polarized eye-protection, he watched as the Master-at-arms moved before the many tables, stopping before one that featured a series of different bows, and quivers that were associated with each. For himself, Fisher had never really been much of an archer. Sure, he’d had a little practice here and there in holodeck programs, though none as diligently detailed as this one was. He could hit a target out to a certain range with one but lacked the finer tuning of that skill to hit out beyond that. He definitely preferred something he could bring to bear on a shoulder and aim down sights with. Still, he recognized the utter ubiquity offered by a bow, as anywhere you went, you could likely fashion one out of the local flora. Firearms were limited in that regard, as when you ran out of ammunition, they then served as little more than a crude club. You weren’t going to be repacking cartridges out in the middle of the woods, the way you could craft an arrow from literal twigs and sticks.

“Yeah, I suppose in a sense I am referring to the recoil. Which of course is substantial when compared to that of an energy weapon. When you fire one of these...” his hand ran over another example of ancient firearm, this particular one an old Lee-Enfield Mk I bolt-action rifle. He grinned at the feel of its warm inviting wood ‘furniture’ against the tips of his finger and admired its beauty and form. It hearkened back to a day when weapons were something of an art form, in addition to being practically designed. Something that went out of style in the latter half of the 20th-century, as polymers and plastics became more popular. “...the tactile sensation of that impulse against your shoulder, really hammers home the idea that you’re firing a weapon. Something real, and tangible. Not a burst of photons, or energized particles. Phasers don’t relay that feedback when you fire one.”

He nodded to Kingston, feeling a little at ease in the moment. He’d not had a chance to enjoy this hobby of his in almost ten years. Holodecks weren’t exactly all that commonplace among the locations Fisher had been stationed to. Hell, running water was often times hard enough to come by.

“An interesting thought, Mister Kingston.” He admitted to the notion that these old weapons would yet play a role again in the current age. There was definitely a benefit to them, as they offered a far greater level of concealment when firing from a position. Energy weapons would light up the sky and give whoever was being shot at an exact fix on the location of that shot’s origin. That fact had actually played a bit of a role in Starfleet’s eventual redesign of the standard issue Phaser Rifle, when they went from a primarily beam-fired weapon, to that of a pulse-fired one. This new ability to fire a succession of shots greatly increased the suppressive capabilities of Starfleet phaser rifles and evened the odds during the Dominion War.

“You must be talented then.” Fisher acknowledged the Lieutenant’s personal history. “Probably better with it, than I am with these.” He again motioned to the firearms on the table. “Still... it takes an incredible level of skill to be a decent shot with a bow at a greater distance.” He selected the Lee-Enfield, wielding it in his hands as he examined it a little more closely. A wind kicked up ever so slightly, swirling about them. It felt like real wind. Smelled like real summer air. The program was something of a masterpiece, Fisher thought for a moment as he enjoyed the sensations. “How about a bit of a competition? Call it, an exercise even.” Fisher raised an eyebrow to the man, turning to look down range at the various targets offered. “During Earth’s first World War, the ‘tommys’ would practice something called the ‘mad-minute drill’, in which they would fire an Enfield, like this one...” he regarded the rifle with a gesture. “Five rounds. Reload with a single stripper-clip. And fire another five rounds. Their target 100-yards away.” He pointed to one that was roughly that distance, maybe a tad so more, given the likelihood the distances were measured in meters instead.

“The idea being, they had to do it in under a minute, in order to be considered a proficient enough shot to go off and fight. I say we try and duplicate that exercise, with a caveat. This Enfield at 100 yards, against a Bow of your choice at 50 yards.” The relative shorter distance would make the challenge a little easier for the Lieutenant, as bows would take far longer to traverse the distance than a .303 cartridge. While the slower cycling of the bolt would offer a greater challenge to Fisher to keep up. Though, the Enfields were known for being remarkably smooth to operate. “Whoever hits their target with ten accurate shots, first, is the victor.”

“You game?”

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Adam grinned though it didn’t quite reach his eyes as he wasn’t quite as practiced as he'd have liked considering all that has happened. Since being labeled a traitor along with the rest of the crew, all the mayhem after that, the Borg invasion where he got injured and being in stasis till only recently there hadn’t been much time for the pleasant things in life.

He was going to make time now. ”I’m sure we could alter a phaser rifle to have a recoil,” he commented with a smirk. A competition huh? Adam thought as he listened to Andrew. ”I am game indeed, now?” Adam asked, though there wasn’t much to do and no pressing matters that was taking up Adam’s time so he was up for it.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #8
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Having unlocked the bolt on the Lee Enfield, the CIO retrieved a pair of the .303 caliber stripper clips that went with it; pinning one of them between his off-hand at the rifle’s fore end, against the wood furniture of the old gun. The other, he slotted into the open magazine, and with a bit of pressure from his thumb slipped the five cartridges down into it, only to have then quickly racked the bolt closed; the action simultaneously chambering a round, and having flung the empty stripper clip off some distance, where it landed with an audible metal ping. Replacing his grip hand back as he steadied the weapon, Fisher was careful to keep the now loaded weapon down range; even if safety protocols were active, old habits died hard, and proper firearms precautions meant treating any weapon as if it were loaded, regardless of whether or not it was composed of force fields and projected light.

“I’m sure it could be done, but I think that might compromise the accuracy of them to a point. Or it might startle some fresh ‘boot’ who hasn’t handled one before.” He mused, imagining a young crewman panicking when their usually recoil-less Phaser Rifle kicked back at them. They’d probably think it had exploded in their hands or something.

“Sure... one second.” He raised an index finger.


[Yes, Commander Fisher?]

“Would you please save a new copy of this program. Call it Kingston. Alpha-Tango. Two-Two. Fisher Variant.” There was a momentary pause as Thea invariably went about completing the request, creating a second version of the holo-program in her databanks. Fisher had figured this was the best way to make an addition to the program, without altering any of the original version that Kingston had made himself. Afterward, he’d delete the copy out of politeness, of course.


“Excellent. Thank you. Would you please now make an addition to it. Please access reference files for ‘Range Safety Officer’, compile it into a holodeck personality program of your choosing, and then please render in real-time.” He waited again, as there was another momentary delay from Thea as she carried out his instructions. An instant later, a fit raven-haired young woman in a pair of tight black Lycra-spandex pants, with a form fitting black sports-bra resolved into the program before both Fisher, and Kingston. She wore a pair of crimson range safety glasses and seemed to appraise the both of them for a moment, before she approached the course line. Watching her, Fisher raised an eyebrow out of curiosity, wondering what personality profile Thea had accessed in order to create what they were now witnessing. Shaking his head to dismiss a thought, he looked back to appraise the reaction of Adam before making his way over to the shooter’s line, rifle at the ready.

“Shooters. Make ready!” she barked out, looking back to again see if the Kingston was going to step to the line.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Adam grinned again as he still appreciated the female form even though he seemed to be focusing on the male one for now. He quickly put the quiver over his head and torso. He grabbed the archer glove after putting the bow down upon returning to the table and put in on his arrows hand, the Master-At-Arms then picked up the Elven bow and turned to the woman again. ”Thea, please replicate a pair of purple range safety glasses for me.”

”Of course Lieutenant.”

The safety glasses with a purple hue identical to the woman in front of them appeared in Adam’s free hand now that he had the quiver strapped on. He put them on and grinned again. ”Nice glasses, thank you Thea,” he commented as he gestured at the new program.

”You are welcome Lieutenant.”

”Hey, we aren’t even in position yet Miss.” Adam stated annoyed at the new hologram, ”we will announce ‘ready’ when we are prepared, understood?”

He waited for her to confirm before turning to his colleague. ”3 rounds Commander?” He asked and made a few steps towards the targets to go to the 50 yards marker. ”Oh I forgot to ask, what are we playing for?” He posed with a smirk. Though it was all bravado but the Commander didn’t know that.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #10
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

The holodeck program just seemed to regard Kingston with an air of neutrality; she would of course accede to his wishes, as she was nothing more than projected force-fields and photonic light, dictated by a strict adherence to safety and protocol guidelines that governed all holographic programs. But clearly, there was a personality profile that was being drawn upon, and it certainly seemed to exude a certain confidence that was moderately aggressive in tone. For his part, Fisher already liked the addition he’d made to the overall design of the program; both from an aesthetic stand-point, and also from a tonal one. He liked the apparent competitive nature of this new part of Kingston’s program, as it seemed to excoriate the two of them with an almost impatient glare. Her hand held high, she waited in accordance with Kingston’s demand, and waited for his command to call for open-fire.

“I think she likes you, Kingston.” Fisher teased, watching as the young Master-at-Arms approached the firing line.

“Three rounds. Call it a best of three, then?” He was intent on treating this as a competition, as he’d kind of missed the simplistic rush of one. A need to fulfill his Alpha-tendencies to dominate and excel in the presence of other males. In his position as a Lieutenant Commander, in-charge of a staff of subordinates, and tasked with playing nice with other departments, Fisher had to subdue some of his more aggressive and competitive tendencies. Only during the rare times that he was afforded an escape from reality, in this case through a sort of duel on the holodeck, could he really tickle that particular competitive need. Today, he was getting a double dose of that, though he’d already lost the first of such exchanges in a mix-martial competition with the ship’s Chief CONN Officer. Right now, he needed to redeem himself. Otherwise he would likely spend the next few weeks intensely training, as a sort of punishment, and an attempt to regain his edge.

“How about loser has to track down a ‘REAL’ bottle of the winner’s preferred spirit of choice? No synthehol substitutes. Real alcohol.”

Fisher brought his rifle to his shoulder, as he looked to gauge Kingston’s reaction.

“Unless you have another proposal?”

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

”Oh please.” Adam said with a flap of his empty hand as he headed for the 50 yard mark. ”Best of three,” he confirmed, real alcohol? He wasn’t much of a fan of it since coming out of Stasis as he had tried, twice, but maybe it was because of what he had tried.

Though he could always mix it with other drinks. ”Okay, let’s see what you got, big man!” Adam called back, with a smirk, he pulled out an arrow and strung it into the string of the Elven bow. He brought the arrow’s end with the string part of the bow up to his cheek as he held out the wooden part of the bow an arms’ length out in front.

He recalled his lessons, breath, focus, breath, focus and aim before slow release on exhale. He didn’t really expect to win against a gun, seriously they were faster and had technology on their side while it was strength and technique was the only allies a Bow and Arrows had.

Maybe he could ask the Captain if Admiral Anderson could send him a bottle of something for Fisher in a supply shipment of some kind. Though other methods of gaining possession and possible merchants on different worlds were not completely out of the question. Adam had to start planning all that now though as the female hologram called fire, he quickly refocused his mind on the competition and released the arrow.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #12
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Fisher had his supply lines, some more illicit than others, but it was just one of the benefits of working as a spy. He needed those networks in order to facilitate his effectiveness as an Intelligence operative. Most of the time, he would get back channel information from them, other times he’d smuggle important items to agents working in the field. Then there were the few occasions that he’d made use of said illicit supply lines for more nefarious, or even personal reasons. You could only make so many items with standard Federation replicators, especially if you didn’t want to raise alert or suspicion from Engineers, or even Command personnel. If anything, this bet might give him reason to explore the status of those supply lines, not that he was planning on losing of course.

“Let’s do it!” he looked to the range-safety program.

Raising her hand, she waited to ensure that both Officers were at the ready before she hastily dropped it. “Open fire!”

With that, Fisher quickly aligned his sight picture over the silhouette of the target roughly a hundred-yards distance, and with an exhale he squeezed the trigger until the bolt cam was released, the spring releasing the tension of the firing pin, which homed in on and struck the cartridge contained within the chamber. All in an instant of course, as the .303 caliber round discharged. Immediately a cathartic ‘plink’ rang out through the holodeck range, signifying a hit, and without delay Fisher’s hand moved to work the bolt, cycling out the spent casing, before locking in another fresh round. The heat of the moment was on, as it were, and he knew that Adam would be firing his own projectiles in as rapid a succession as possible, without having to re-align his sight picture each time, or having to stop to re-load his weapon in the middle of his ten shots.

One down, he soon fired a second, once again finding the center-mass of his target. Everything was going swell, until he fired that fifth round, and mistakenly chambered what he thought would be the sixth, only to frustratingly realize his miscalculation when a trigger pull signified an empty chamber when no satisfying bang emerged from the rifle. “Shit!” Fisher exclaimed as he wracked open the bolt, and hastily fed in the stripper clip. Though he knew he’d lost the initiative in the moment, he was still determined to make it to the end. Re-shouldering the rifle, he took aim, and resumed firing, having fallen behind Adam and his pace due to the mistake.

He would lose this first-phase, he was sure of it.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Breathe, focus, breathe, focus and aim before slow release on exhale. Adam quickly loaded his bow with another 2 arrows and just as quickly dispatched them at the target. He was loading the next 2 when he didn’t hear any bangs from Fisher for more than a minute.

Adam began to think he may win after all as he aimed and pulled the string a little further. It was risky as the string could break and then he’d have to get a new one. It held however and he fired, Adam didn’t check to see their impacts as he reloaded another 2 and aimed. He fired after a breath, once again reloading instead of watching the arrows.

He wondered about Fisher and the urge to look back was nearly overwhelming. After all he was concerned that the other man may have injured himself somehow. Though that thought was ridiculous as the safeties are on and he’d have to actually shoot himself to do any damage.

His next 2 arrows were ready as he could reload absently now with all the training and archery practice he had once did coming back to him as muscle memory took over. If you look you will give him an advantage. Adam thought as he went through the release process of breathing.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #14
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

To his left he could hear the archer working his bow in rapid fashion, launching arrows by the duo, rather than one at a time, which was both an interesting and surprisingly effective strategy. Though the accuracy of Kingston's shots likely suffered slightly from an inevitability of projectile spread, he could conceivably fire off twenty arrows in the time it would now take Fisher to fire ten rounds. The Chief Intelligence Officer’s miscalculation, however slight it had been, was just the impetus needed for him to lose the initiative, and by the time he’d re-wracked the bolt on what was to be his eighth shot, the female range officer called out loudly as her hand was raised high into she sky.


Realizing that he’d just lost, Fisher sighed heavily as he lowered the weapon from his shoulder, and instinctively cleared the bolt out of safety consideration.

“Shooter number two, ten shots to eight. Your winner!” She exclaimed, pointing to Adam.

Turning round to face the Mater-at-Arms, Fisher afforded him something of an approving nod, acquiescent to the fact that he’d lost the first round of their little competition. Though a smug little grin still crossed his face as he was ready to lodge something of a brag. “Y’know, had I not screwed up on my re-load, I was on pace to beat your ass.” There was a playfulness to his tone of voice, which belied an appreciation of having engaged in this exciting competition. It was after all, a most welcomed distraction from the harrows of the real world. “All the same though, I guess we sit at 1-0 in your favor.” As competitive a man as he was, Fisher hated losing more than he even liked winning, and there was very much a difference in those two thoughts. “Give it a minute or so, and we’ll go another round, eh Kingston?”

The spy stepped away from the firing line to retrieve another pair of stripper clips.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

”Excuses.” Adam said after he returned to the table, a little more smugly then he intended. ”We did agree to best out of 3 rounds after all so sure, a minute or 2 of rest is a good idea.” His firing arm hurt a little from repeated sharp motions and the lack of practice, he put the bow and quiver back on the table which the simulation was programmed to refill any ammunition of any weapon placed on it.

Adam wondered if Andrew noticed that or not as he considered maybe changing the bow and or the arrow types, mainly as a testing exercise. He hadn’t actually used all the bows or all the arrow types since he had last updated the program. That was before he had joined the Theurgy crew, was something angry with them? Did the grand design of the universe or reality have it out for them? Why them?

Breathe, focus, breathe, focus and aim before slow release on exhale. Adam snapped back into that rhythm for he had had this mental conversation before and it never gave him peace. Perhaps they were put into this situation to fight and save the galaxy from the Parasites by some other faction that wanted to support life and the light. Adam quickly did a deep slow breath and cleared his thoughts of the ones that no possible answer could come by any means to him.

He glanced over at the other man. ”What is your job on this ship sir?”. Adam asked, it was soft and genuine curiosity as he had to know, though he could ask Thea or look up the ship’s manifest as it should have been updated by now. However, asking the other man had more social value and hoped it wasn’t too forward, though the crew had to rely on one another now more than ever so it was important to get to know one another.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #16
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Grinning at the teasing rebuke that Adam had offered Fisher in the wake of his ‘excuses’, the spy slipped one of the two new stripper clips that he’d retrieved into the open bolt, and with a thumb depressed the five fresh rounds of .303 caliber down into he magazine. At the same time, he heard Kingston approach so as to replenish his quiver of arrows for what would be the next phase of their competition. It was good to take a moment breathe while he could, and in fact allowed his heartbeat to settle back down from where it had momentarily spiked during the adrenaline rush of competition. All the while, he sensed that there was something deeper in terms of thought going on in his compatriot, though he dared not dive into the matter, as they were only just acquaintances as of the moment. Maybe another time, if Fisher and Kingston grew to be more familiar and friendly with each other, he could seek to relate on a different level than was generally afforded to other members of the crew.

As the question came up regarding who Fisher was, he found himself appreciative of the fact that for the moment, he was still something of an enigma among the crew. That was good.

“I mean I could tell you...” he teased, a bright grin crossing his face. “...but then that would mean I’d have to kill you.”

The old cliché was one that he, and so many other members of Starfleet Intelligence liked to cling to and unleash during moments which offered this kind of amusing conversation. For his part, Fisher let the grin leave his face as though to emphasize the seriousness of the threat before he erupted with a bout of hearty laughter. Laughter which faded just abruptly as it had started. “I’m serious.” He reiterated, playing his best over-the-top poker face, before offering a genuine laugh that would disarm any concerns that had been raised. “Sorry, old habits diehard when it comes to spy tropes.” He admitted, balancing his rifle in one hand as the other went to scratch at the back of his neck. “I’m the new Chief Intelligence Officer.” He finally explained before stepping away from the table and re-approaching the firing line. “You probably would’ve known that, had I not specifically asked for the briefing on my presence be kept to departmental heads only, at least for a little while. An ambiguous presence affords me a great deal of movement when it comes to getting settled in.”

Looking back over his shoulder at the range-officer program, he saw that she was watching their every move in anticipation of the next bout.

“Gradually however, the proverbial cat is being let out of the bag.”

Raising his rifle slightly, Fisher took a series of deep breaths as he waited for Adam to rejoin him at the line, this time he would envision a victory, and would keep better track of how many rounds he fired. He wouldn’t repeat the same mistake he’d made already, No, this time he was determined to even things out, and make the third-round of their bout be the deciding factor. It was a thrill when things came to an inevitable head in life, just as it did in sports. Watching for the range-officer, who in turn waited for Kingston to return to the line. Still, there was a window in which their pleasantries could continue. “How long have you been aboard, Theurgy, Mister Kingston?” he asked, genuinely curious as to just how much of the crazy history of this ship he had been subjected to. Regardless of the answer, he imagined that later on he’d find himself reviewing Kingston’s file out of habit.

Knowing what he shouldn’t was his business, after all.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

”Well well well,” Adam said, with an eyebrow raised Vulcanish. He had some experience pretending to be a spy with the old holo novels surrounding the genre of 21st century literature, over his Starfleet career. There were a few similar ones from the other species in the Federation, though much different in terms of goals, what is evil and how to fight the evil. ”Aren’t you all about information, Mister Spy, so shouldn’t you know how long I have served on this ship?” Adam questioned teasingly.

He smirked. ”I am one of the original crew assigned at launch. We will succeed in our mission. We must, there’s no other course of action.” Adam declared though doubt could be heard if one knew how to hear it.

He prepared his bow and put the full quiver back over his shoulder as he joined the spy at the line, ”Well shall the best win!” Adam said before heading off to the 50m mark again for the competition.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #18
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

“I’m all about information, sure; but I’ve only been with the crew for so long. I knew your name, and your face. More minute details can fall by the wayside unless you warrant addition inspection. Seeing as how you’re the Master-At-Arms, and not necessarily a rival, I didn’t seem warranted.” Fisher mused, his rifle coming to rest at the ready when Kingston re-claimed his own position at the firing line. With a nod, the range-officer could tell that both competitors were ready, and Fisher awaited the signal to open-fire. This time, he was confident that he could best the archer. Exhaling deeply in order to clear his mind, he felt his surroundings gradually blur until all he could focus on was his target. Learning to shoot with precision was one of the first things that was taught to Intelligence Field Operatives by their handlers, and Fisher’s had been something of a stickler when it came to the practice. In fact, of the junior-operatives that Fisher had worked along side right out off of the Farm, he had ranked highest in marksmanship.

Though that was with a phaser rifle, not with an old-earth Enfield Bolt-Action.

Still, the general practice was the same, and at this range he didn’t need to be overly precise. Alacrity was far more imperative. As it was, when the range officer let her hand fall, and cried out with another command to commence firing, Fisher felt his instincts take over. The first shot didn’t even register with him, though it did with the target down range, dead center-mass. Quickly his firing hand escaped the grip, attached itself to the bolt-knob, and cycled out the spent cartridge in about a fraction of a second. The next shot coming in immediate succession, then a third, a fourth, and lastly a fifth. All five rounds finding their mark, in a small two-inch grouping on the steel target. His attention transfixed, Fisher had completely blocked out his opponent’s own fairing as his hand opened the bolt, then inserted the stripper-clip and fed it’s rounds into the magazine. Once re-racked, he shouldered it, and proceeded to fire the remainder of his five required shots, each of them yet again finding their mark.

“CEASE FIRE!” cried the raven-haired range-officer.

And as the world suddenly came back to him, Fisher could sense that his performance had been about as perfect as one could expect. His ten shots fired in surprising succession, and sharpness. Lowering the rifle slightly, he opened and cleared the bolt out of habit, even though he knew the last cartridge had been spent. Safety dictated such a measure, regardless of the situation.

“Shooter number one, ten shots to seven. Your winner!” she exclaimed, gesturing to the sage-eyed spy.

A wry little smirk crossed Fisher's face as he looked back over his shoulder at the other man.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

It looked like it was Adam’s turn to utterly screw up his reloading of arrows as his arm seemed to be aching with the repetition that he should have been practicing weekly to keep the motion in his muscles. So as the arrows fell to the ground Adam had to reload quickly and his stress rose.

This caused many shots to go a little wide, short and somehow up; only 7 hit the target, only just. ”Dammit!” Adam cursed when the range officer called the round to an end. He just stared at the target and shook his head slowly. ”I got cocky and overconfident,” he muttered and glanced over his shoulder at Andrew.

The spy was smirking like a self-satisfied git. Bah! Let him. Adam thought as he nodded at the Chief Intelligence Officer, ”Thea, could you refill my quiver please?” He asked in a normal voice, it would be hard for Andrew to hear as he was 50 feet ahead towards the target.

”Of course Lieutenant.”

Adam glanced at the quiver and smiled. It was filled again, though he did a quick look around him and found no arrows, Thea must have moved them for him. ”Thank you.” He gave a single wave to Andrew. ”One all, one more to go.” He called.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #20
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

With a deep exhale, Fisher felt his adrenaline rush slowly subsiding from the second round of their competition; a competition he had thankfully evened up at one victory a piece. Still, Kingston made it a close competition, and had demonstrated an impressive skillset in how he operated his bow. Once again letting the rifle settle under his left forearm with the bolt open, he turned to the other man and offered a reassuring nod. “Can’t win them all.” He meant to reassure him, as he stepped away from the firing line and approached the nearby tables once more, needing to retrieve another set of .303 stripper clips if he was going to participate in the third and penultimate round of their competition. “I should know.” He added, the memory of his defeat at the hands of the Chief Conn Officer still fresh in his mind, and in fact still fresh in the ache that permeated throughout his body. The Trill had pushed Fisher to the brink in the squared-circle, and in fact had gotten the best of him, though it had been a close competition, just as this one was proving to be.

“I appreciate your optimism, and your determination.” He commented in response to Adam’s prior testament that victory was a necessity.

The reality was though, that while Fisher was equally as determined to rage in opposition of whatever grim fate may await them and their mission, he wasn’t as overtly confident that they would ultimately succeed. At least, not in any sense which would feel like a victory in the end. He had a notion that any such victory would come at great cost of life. Be it his own, or even many others. There was a consideration to express the conflict he felt in regard to the matter, but he opted instead to keep such pessimistic and negative thoughts to himself. It would have been wholly wrong of him to share such a sentiment, and as it would have been equally as dishonest to have attested against such feelings, he instead kept quiet and decided against opining. He would focus rather on the here and now, and the pleasant atmosphere of this holodeck program, and the enjoyably competition that he and Kingston were sharing.

“One more.” He nodded in acknowledgement, stepping back toward the firing line.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

Adam was about to return to where he was to fire his arrows from before what Fisher just said registered again. ”Wait, you should know? Why should you know?” He asked, ”did you lose to someone else onboard?”

Just the possibility that the spy had been defeated before he came to the holodeck to use Adam’s weapons program was somewhat satisfying to know. The Master-At-Arms will have to go and congratulate the person who won and ask what their competition was.

Adam added after a moment as he couldn’t wait to hear. ”Who was it and what did they beat you at?” He asked. ”Are you planning a rematch?” At this point, Adam wondered what else he was good at that he might be able to beat Fisher at. He’d ask what else Fisher liked to do in terms of sporting and maybe games as well.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #22
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

As the range officer continued to appraise both Fisher and Kingston in anticipation of additional competitive rounds yet to play out between them, the sage-eyed Chief Intelligence Officer cycled the bolt on his Lee Enfield closed then open, and once more in quick succession. The feel of it was damned good he thought again before letting it remain open, so as to insert one of the new stripper-clips into the magazine notch. With a thumb depressing the rounds of .303 down into said magazine, he heard Kingston’s question and with a grin which reflected how fresh the bout was in his mind. “Yeah. I just came from the ship’s gym prior to this. I may or may not have put a bit of a hurting on a number of your fellow Security personnel.” Wracking the bolt closed, which sent the emptied stripper-clip flying off in a random direction, Fisher was careful with where he pointed the now loaded rifle as he continued his explanation. “Hell! Thought I was on a good run, until the Chief Conn Officer... of all people... stepped in and managed to force a submission out of me.”

Rolling his shoulders, Fisher nodded to Kingston as if to beckon him to make ready for the final round of their own competition.

“As for a rematch....” he shouldered his weapon, peering down over the range at his target some 100-yards distance away, and imagined in his mind how he would best the Master-At-Arms. “...maybe another day, when I’m not so sore.” He of course wasn’t opposed to meeting Lieutenant Veradin in the squared circle a second time, as their first bout had been a moderately entertaining one, even if Fisher had ended up losing it. But there was the added notion of truth to his statement on the matter, that he was indeed a little sore, and perhaps his ego slightly bruised at having lost such a bout. “Ready, Mister Kingston?” he asked, raising one of his thick eyebrows inquisitively before the man indeed made ready. His attention shifting back to the range officer, Fisher waited for her to give the command, and when it came he squeezed the trigger on his rifle, hoping he’d manage to beat Adam to the magical number of ten-targets struck.

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #23
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Swift

While the Chief Intelligence Officer was preparing his weapon for the next round, Adam too was testing the bow's string. At the points of the bow and the string's integrity, sometimes overuse can lead to wear and tear on the fibres, therefore altering the arrow's speed and trajectory in undesirable ways.

Adam stopped when he heard that Fisher had defeated many security officers, well most weren't that capable at hand-to-hand or other forms of physical combat, so he wasn't that surprised. He was about to pull an arrow out when Fisher mentioned that the Acting Chief CONN Officer was the one who defeated Fisher.

That instantly put a smile on his face, Adam liked Derik Veradin, a lot, he regretted their last encounter as he had made a mistake by his behaviour with the Trill. He had begun a connection with Rhys Williams, and he wasn't going to give that up. Adam wondered if Rhys would enjoy a third lover, though their relationship was still developing and fragile. He'd have to wait and see when was the right time to ask.

Fisher though failed to mention what the competition between him and Derik was when he gestured for Adam to return to the 50-yard marker to end theirs. Adam did know that Derik was into wrestling, so perhaps it was that. He would have loved to have watched that match considering the chance to observe Derik's strengths and weaknesses as well as both men's bodies in… Adam blinked when he realised that Fisher asked if he was ready. He may have squeaked just under his breath as he refocused his mind on the competition. ”Yes, yes. Are you?” He asked in an attempt to get back into the game, ”prepare to start looking for that prize you will owe me.”

Somewhat of an empty boast, Adam knew it. He was already distracted by certain thoughts that were tapping at the edge of his mind begging to be heard. Adam walked off to the 50-yard marker without waiting for a reply and pulled out the first two arrows. He reached the marker and stringed the arrow ends a moment before he added. ”Thea, I am ready, tell Commander Fisher.” He stated and pulled the string back to his face as he waited.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 33 [1830 hrs.] - At the Range.

Reply #24
[ Lt. Cmdr. Andrew Fisher | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

With his rifle at the read, and with Kingston seemingly also at his own ready mark, Fisher let his thoughts of the surrounding clear out and focus solely on the target some 100-yards distance. The boastful remark from Theury’s Master-At-Arms had also settled in on the mind of the Chief Intelligence Officer, who in fact had already begun formulating plans on how he would get his hands on ‘real’ liquor, this far from Federation space. He assumed that given Aldea's status as a growing port, there would likely be market for such items. He would just need to inquire and contract the right people to go about gathering them. In fact, while others might have been content to simply collect a small number of rare items that were necessary to the completion of the bets that they were making, Fisher saw it as more of an opportunity to get a wider array of things that were hard to come by.

His mind wandering as his machinations began to expand, he nearly lost track of the range safety officer as she raised her arm, then let it fall accordingly as Kingston had made clear his intent to being their final round of this competition.

Squeezing the trigger, the first round fired from the rifle struck true to the center-mass of the steel target with a satisfying ‘plink’ that was all but lost on the spy as he cycled the bolt with alacritous movement. It was a well-choreographed process at this point for Fisher, as his finger returned to the trigger lightly, and once more depressed it until the recoil impulse sunk through into his shoulder. ‘Plink’ again. Yet again, just as there wouldn’t be for the remaining eight shots, there was no time to enjoy the satisfaction of a well-placed shot. Instead, he worked through the bolt, and fired. Again. Again. Then, after the fifth shot, he left the bolt open, and slipped the stripper clip into it’s slot at the open magazine, and with a thumb pushed down the five brand new .303 cartridges inside, before re-wracking the bolt closed. Re-shouldering, he took up aim and resumed his assailing of the target, very much aware of Kingston’s own deft movements as part of this game they were playing.

“Shit!” he exclaimed, as in an ever so slight frazzle of speed over focus, the ninth shot trailed just off of the left edge of his target. An entirely common thing to happen when firing a weapon in such quick procession, but it meant he’d have to make a second reload of his weapon if he were to qualify the requisite ten shots on target. Still, after firing his tenth shot, he could tell by the sound of in-flight arrows going down range, that he had successfully outpaced Adam to this point, though he wasn’t sure by how much he had. Regardless, he needed one more hit to claim victory, and rather than fumble with another stripper clip, with his right hand he indelicately ripped one lone cartridge free and slipped it into the open chamber of his Lee Enfield rifle, then slammed home the bolt, shouldered, and fired the last of his demanded shots. Annoyed that he had needed to make such an on the fly adjustment, Fisher snatched the rifle from his shoulder as he looked to the range officer for an appraisal of who had won their competition, and wasn’t surprised when he saw her arm raised in Adam’s direction.

“CEASE FIRE! Shooter number two, ten shots to nine. Your winner!”

“Damn!” once more, a very minor mistake on his part had cost him the round and effect the competition. With a still satisfied, yet personally disappointed grin across his face, he trudged toward Kingston so as to play the good sport and held out his hand to shake gracefully.

“Almost had you, but all the same. Well played, Kingston.”

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