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Topic: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines (Read 11508 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 05 [1307 hrs.] Tan lines

Reply #75
[ Ens. Faye Lintah Eloi-Danvers | Hondartza Luzea beach | Aldea] Attn: @Nolan   [Show/Hide]

There were a lot of pros and cons to weigh in on at the moment. Chiefly, the idea of flashing whatever poor transporter chief beamed them back aboard the ship. Shuttles were in a premium at the moment. Given everything that she had done so far, Faye was feeling quite impish and pleased with herself. The idea of teasing a transporter tech - whom was surely over worked - had its appeal. But the problem was, that was on the ship.

Everything that had happened on Aldea had happened under the guise of not being Starfleet officers. Behaving like tourists on vacation - randy ones at that - would actually help sell the story that they weren't Starfleet. A Starfleet officer would never, ever participate in an orgy in the middle of a public beach. Never ever - and never mind that Faye knew for a fact she wasn't the first to try something like this on a shore leave. Usually those stories started with, 'So, I finally visited Risa...' This elicited a giggle that Faye waved off, letting out a small sigh.

"As much as I like the idea of giving one of those poor, overworked Transporter tech's an eyeful as 'thanks' for all their hard work, I think showing up starkers would get us in more trouble than it would please the tech. Assuming they even like pretty young ladies."As she said that, she tapped Riley on her nose. Personally, she thought it impossible for anyone not to enjoy such a sight, but she knew that not everyone was her - sensible, as it was. She then tickled Riley under her chin, just a bit, and turned to face the ocean. "When we beam aboard we need to be at least covered, and mostly sand free. That we we won't get any reprimand about indecent exposure in public spaces. It's one thing for me to strut around nude on this beach, or in the holodeck, or my quarters. Something else entirely if I walk into the mess hall, or down a random corridor in my birthday suit." She had always liked that terran expression, one her adoptive mother had used quite often, with various levels of annoyance, in regards to Betazoid traditional tendencies.

"I do like the idea of getting something to eat first. The cuisine here is pretty good from what I've had so far." The locals had provided plenty of meals during the negotiations that she had attended to date - among other things. "So I think we should go rinse off in the ocean, since its closer, wrap those towels up tight, collect our stuff and get a bite to eat on the way back to the transporter station for beam up." As she spoke, Faye slipped one of her hands into Riley's. The moment she sensed the girls agreement - not even heard just sensed - she took off like a rocket for the surf, pulling Riley along by the hand in a pell-mell sort of mad dash for the ocean. They crashed into the wavers, Faye giggling and yelping at the cold water on sticky, sand coated, sun kissed skin.

Once the initial shock wore off, the young ensign dunked herself under the surf entirely, submerged for a strong 10 count as she shook her head beneath the surface. Then she popped back up like a jack in the box, sputtering a bit as she wiped water from her eyes. Sand was mostly swept from her skin, but she immediately began the job of brushing the rest of it off with her hands, and helping Riley to do the same. There were simply places better reached by someone else, than herself.

This didn’t take too long, and soon enough, the couple were headed back to the beach, arm in arm, the Betazoid peppering Riley’s shoulder and forearm with little kisses as she tucked her  head in to rest on the girl.


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