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CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 0830 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | Hallway | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ]

The weight of command sure does put a lot of strain on the shoulder muscles. As she walked down the halls of the new Theurgy—the Ranger, supposedly—she felt her shoulders, back, and neck throb with stress-aches. Thank goodness she was no longer the XO. If she sat in that chair again, it’d be too soon.

She hadn’t eaten much more than a biscuit and tea over the past day. She never ate much to begin with, but even that wasn’t enough to sustain her. Her head felt dizzy. She just didn’t have the time to eat, there was always one crisis after another. Finally there were no crises. There was just her, and breakfast. And she knew who she would request to have breakfast with.

She’d sent a message beforehand, making sure he was awake, and willing to have breakfast for her. He  would understand all of her complaints, or at least the ones that were important. And honestly, she needed to feel like a normal person, and have some competent, sane people nearby. And, to be honest...she had been worrying about him. She didn’t know if he was well, or even alive. She didn’t know why so much of her thoughts were on him, considering they just met, but he was there alongside all of the other people she had been worrying about.

She chimed his door, trying her best to put herself back together while she waited. Her hair was already perfect, no hair out of place, no wrinkles in her clothes, and she made herself look composed. She could tell though, because she could feel it, she looked tired and exhausted. She just hoped Parnak wouldn’t see just how poorly she handled command.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #1
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

Over the last few days, Parnak hadn’t found much time to get on with his plans for redecorating his quarters. Overall, the feel was still very Starfleet. Grey walls, leading to darker grey chairs and that one plant in a small square pot that seemed to be in the corner of every recreational space. He remembered a near identical specimen from his quarters aboard Starbase 84. Perhaps it was a specialised breed, specifically designed for life aboard space facilities. He wasn’t a botanist though. If he wanted to find out, he supposed he would need to ask. Add another pointless task to the list.

He hadn’t planned to be visited by a Bajoran Cardassian Hybrid with a chip on his shoulder the size of his clavicle nor did he expect that Tancredi, his favourite tease, would succumb to an insipid tumour placed by unknown aliens. Life often found the ability to get in the way and it was doing so at an alarming rate. He unexpected situations to the best of his ability, limited as they were on this ship and it was only this morning when he finally received the message he craved above all others.

The small amount of doubt that niggled in the back of Silim’s mind had caused him to be concerned that, just perhaps, he had done something wrong with Ejek and she was avoiding him. If so, it would have been devasting. She was a solace, a taste of home in an otherwise foreign place. Even if she did wear the trappings of Starfleet. When the hybrid from the Cayuga had declared himself a patient however, it finally made since. Obviously Ejek had been separated. Ordered onto a different vector. Parnak reflected on the fact that even good messages can come in strange wrappings.

He hadn’t managed to accomplish much in terms of interior décor, but what he had were small simple changes. As he placed down a tea tray onto a small coffee table, he hoped Ejek would notice them. Maybe she would even approve. He wanted the girl to feel welcome. The tray itself was the same that he was used on their previous visit, silver and ornate. This time it had been joined by an equally ornate teapot, almost gourd shaped, with four squat little legs and a long thin neck of a spout. Inside was steeped Red Tea, waiting for the chance to be poured into simple glass cups. Flanking the tray either side was a small collection of food, each placed into their own low sided bowls. The selection was adequate, he supposed. Alterations to the traditional Cardassian breakfast had to be made where the replicators were unable or unwilling to create an edible version of the popular dishes. He had supplemented Regova eggs with that of a chicken. He had managed to find something that looked like Lobar bread called Pancakes. With other things he had been luckier, apparently the Replicator had Feyt. An unexpected treat.

Standing up after placing the tray, Silim ran a hand through his long straight hair and looked over the selection. This would have to do. The chime from the door indicated that Ejek was here. Pausing momentarily, like an animal in headlights, Parnak smoothed out a crease in his dark tunic before calling out.


The doors parted and there she was. Any visitor would have garnered a welcome grin, but she elicited a wide smile. Ejek had chosen once again to wear her uniform. Not that Parnak particularly minded but, after his activities with the Captain’s Yeoman, he did wonder if would ever see her more relaxed. Approaching her, he held his hand to touch palms.

“And here I had thought you had forgotten about me…” He teased.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #2
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ] @Arista

Just as she lifted her eyes and the doors opened, she saw him. Right away her heart felt lighter than it had been before this whole thing started. And what a smile too. She wondered if...maybe he was faking it? No, she decided, let’s not be worried about that. No anxiety for five minutes, please.

And yet, there it was again, the anxiety as he offered his palm and she had to decide what to do. He was being wonderful, and she wasn’t sure if she should answer him in kind. It was certainly more touch than she was used to.

She resolved to answer this situation the same way she did the first time. After her momentary hesitation, she pressed her palm against his, but only for a brief moment.
“You must think very poorly of me if you think me forgetful.” If she was welcomed in, then she would enter, glancing around at the room and eyes lingering on the subtle changes Parnak had made. She honestly did not expect him to pay his room any mind, considering what they’ve just gone through, but perhaps he was not quite so instrumental on his vector as she was on her own.
“In my defense, I was on vector 03 of the Theurgy as the second in command. Apparently no other qualified individuals were on that vector at the time.” She allowed herself to sink into a chair. She was tired, and her whole body felt heavy. Still, she sat up, her legs together, smoothing out the wrinkles in her jacket. Even exhausted, she wouldn’t let herself look less than perfect.

“This is the first time I’ve had some downtime since the ship broke into thirds. Even if the vectors weren’t so far apart, I doubt I would’ve had time to send you a message. It was much like what I imagine caring for daft, trouble-making children must be like.”

She paused, just to enjoy the room as it was. The breakfast he served was...far more than she was ever used to eating, and yet, absolutely beautiful in how it was set up. Far beyond the meager skills she had as an occasional cook in the kitchen. The array of different foods, the bright, cheerful colors, the smell of tea, freshly brewed...she almost wanted to eat a big breakfast. Almost.
“You must not think too poorly of me then, if you’ve set all this out just because I was coming to visit.” She allowed herself a thin smile, “I see you haven’t forgotten about me then.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #3
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

The words she spoke back, did nothing to dampen the excitement Parnak felt at seeing this woman again. In fact, her reaction caused him to quiet snort a short, sharp breath of air through his nose. She amused him so.

There was no chance that she wouldn’t be granted enter to this place. Silently he waved her entrance, watching the female as she stepped into his inner sanctum. Alongside the small changes he made to the dinnerware, there were other, more subtle shifts. A small piece of non-offensive glassware that seemed to sit on a shelf in every Starfleet quarters was gone. In its place a small figure, dark, as if made from jevonite. It looked almost Hebitian in quality. Parnak wasn’t a member of the re-invigorated religious movement on Cardassia, but many wealthy and wealth-aspiring homes on Prime had Hebitian-esque paraphernalia. Perhaps it was a link to the past, from before Cardassians where Cardassians, otherwise it could be an attempt to show cultural status. Many treasures of the past were long since gone. Sold to fund the expansionist dogma of the union. All Silim knew is that he had long stared a similar looking icon in his family house and without it, there was no way this set of rooms could seem like a home.

He tried not to stare at the counsellor stalked her way through his abode, nor did he want to imagine the Federation fabric sliding over Cardassian skin. After a few seconds, he averted his gaze, instead looking towards the painting he had hung not ten minutes before. The was an impression on the caldera hidden amongst the Droneth Mountains on the isle of Elar. The large cauldron-like hollow had formed following the evacuation of a magma chamber, and Silim could remember his visit there as a child. He had been in sheer awe of the size the volcanic feature. He easily could recall the speech father gave regarding about how it had once been a volcano that had collapsed in onto itself, making sure a large crater.

Movement in the corner of his eye snapped Parnak back to reality. No point reminiscing about the past when there was something even more captivating here. Following Ejek, Silim trailed around the couch from the opposite side. Settling down next to the woman, the male Cardassian sat with a more comfortable ease that many he could share time with. He would even look past the disappointment of the shortest palm touch he could imagine.

“There is no possible way that I could forget about you.” He said as a matter of fact, even if it did come with the smirk on his face. Taking a firm grip of the handle of the silver teapot, Silim carefully poured out the hot steaming liquid into two of the waiting glasses. Offering one to Ejek, he continued “Besides, I have been told a good host anticipates the needs of his guests.”

If she were anyone else, Silim would have pandered to her, pretending to be interested in what she had to said. Instead, she held his attention. He really did want to know more. Relaxing, pushing back against the couch to find the small amount of solace that these Federation designs allowed, Parnak watched his guest with hungry, eager eyes.

“Now, I am on figurative tenterhooks.” Parnak spoke, deliberately flippantly, amused by the topic. “Tell me more about this babysitting you had to endure.” 

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #4
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ] @Arista

Ejek glanced over and saw Parnak's smile, and at once she was reminded of why she had come here. She felt wanted here. Valuable, even. She wasn't fully convinced that she was, but it was nice to pretend sometimes. It made her smile back, a little bit of warmth coming from her chest as she prepared to do what she had been dying to do for days; complain.

“Well,” She began, “You may have heard of the Cayuga? A ship attacked by Borg and in distress when we arrived. I had not one, but two little heroes during that situation. Making dramatic, dangerous decisions, even when other options are available to them. Stupid decisions, really, all for an ounce of glory, like this entire situation is a holo-sim.” She laid her hand on her forehead, pinching the bridge of her nose. “One ensign thought it wise to act as if a one-man army against the Asurians. There were other security officers available to lead—plenty, really. This ensign showed a shocking lack of judgement concerning his own safety in preference of acting like the lead hero in a trashy adventure holo-novel. If I had not been there to beam him to emergency surgery, he would not be here—which brings me to another story. Parnak,” She glanced over at him, her eyes suggesting she was in the middle of a rather chilly rant. “Do I resemble in any way—perhaps by my tone of voice or the way I carry myself—a transporter operator? Or has the Federation’s protocol changed in the past three years, and now the second-in-command is in charge of transport? Because I see no other reason to be contacting me for an emergency beam-out, unless this ensign were either purposely attempting to frighten me or stupid.”

She took a break from speaking, just so that she could have a small sip from her tea. The situation with Jimmy still stung. It had scared her so badly, and then she went and ruined their friendship right after. To top it all off, Jimmy would likely do this exact same thing, over and over, until nobody was there to save him. She took a deep breath  trying to remove her emotional connection from this, but she just couldn't.

“He took his reprimand rather childishly, even. I have full confidence he will continue this behavioral pattern until he is either dead or incapacitated.” She set her tea down. It was hard to dispel the image of Jimmy's body, broken and twisted and mangled, not breathing—
“Perhaps then, I am an unfit leader, but if that were the case, the  I should not have been made the first officer.” She had not yet touched the food, though she was looking over it. There was so much variety, more than she had ever had for a breakfast. She eventually decided on something light, biscuit-like. She wasn’t really sure what it was, really.

She felt so tense and angry she didn't feel much like eating though. The tidbit of food remained on her plate and she set her tea down. She suddenly regretted deciding to be so open… She glanced over again at Parnak, looking him over for his emotional response. Scorn, maybe, or he would correct her. He was older, after all, and would know more about leadership. She noticed his jawline, it looked strong and handsome. Great  now she was a fool in front of a wiser man and an attractive one.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #5
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

“There is a saying…” Parnak begun, pausing to scoop a small lump of feyt with a torn piece of flatbread. He put the bean paste into his mouth and savoured the flavour for the merest of moments before continuing. The whole break lasted just enough time to set the tension. “That it is futile to change the course of a river at its most rapid. Instead you should have chosen to do so at the beginning when the flow is but a mere trickle.”

The truism was told to children to help them plan their schoolwork. Trying to change things close to the deadline was often their hardest, yet if they had planned their time correctly, at the start of any project, changes would be easiest to make. He had told the saying to many a student who had asked him for an extension. For those, he omitted the next part that he told Ejek.

“For the longest time, I thought that was the only part. However, when I was in the eighth order, I was told of another.” He flashed a quick grin to the woman. “A trickle is fine and well but, to make the biggest change requires the strength to harness the stream at its most ferocious.

“You may not have felt like you have made progress yet, but it is still early. Your ministrations may have caused a chain reaction that will change the course that would-be hero’s life.”
He tried to be comforting. What Parnak didn’t say was his real feelings. That Ejek’s actions could have also pushed the Ensign in the opposite direction. It would be unjust and uncouth to do so in this setting. Besides, if getting their head separated from their shoulders was the only way to slow down this person with a deathwish, then perhaps it was better just to get it over and done with?

Before he turned completely philosophical on the poor woman, Parnak stopped on the subject. Instead, he indicated to the small plate still grasped within her hands as he reached for more curd.

“Is the selection not to your liking?” Silim wasn’t pressing on the issue. Rather than harsh accusations, he wanted to guide the counsellor to be open in this environment. It was a safe space for them to be together. Open, honest and unashamed.

There was a wonderful peace in spending this time together. It was calm, cultured and so very Cardassian. If he could work out what was halting her appetite, then he would very possibly invite her to breakfast every day.

“Oh, Speaking of the Cayuga.” Parnak said, with sudden realisation that this was the setting for her frustration. “I had the infelicitous pleasure of already meeting someone you might know. Izar Bila.

Silim was careful, using enough inflection to make it known that he knew that Izar was a patient but not too much to come off as completely sarcastic. He would have to tread a fine line.

“I don’t wish to meddle in your business.” He said, the calm, conversation tone that Parnak had been using disappeared. In its place, a stern warning and an intense look from deep oaken eyes. Taking a long sip of red leaf tea, he continued. “But watch yourself with that one…”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #6
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ] @Arista

She was getting frustrated. Parnak picked up on that, and he led the conversation to safer ground. It was probably for the best. She intended to complain, but as she felt a dull ache in her neck and head, she realized the tension was simply far too much to bear. She’d work out her stress another way, alone. As you always are and will be.

How cruel that she could not relax around arguably the most relaxing person she’d met since...well, at all. She smiled to herself as Parnak gestured to breakfast, an actual feast, and all she would partake in was tea. She asked for breakfast with him and wouldn’t eat. The irony made her sick.
“Your selection is far more than I could’ve hoped for, and also far more than I could ever eat.” She set her cup down, and finally took a nibble of whatever the hell she had picked up earlier. She didn’t really taste it.

But something stopped her, made her feel flavor on her tongue and fluff in her chest. She looked over at Parnak, her own cloudy eyes meeting his. In some ways, it was like rainwater seeping into the ground. The gentle lesson he imparted to her, his warmth, his smile, his kindness...They began to sink in. In other ways, it was a lot like being hit by a Miranda class dropping out of warp. Colors actually looked brighter in that half second. All of this, and the highly skilled counselor had absolutely no clue what name this emotion was, just that she was watching him the way some people watch a sunrise, her eyes caught on his like great oaks that reached out and scraped the stormy, grey clouds, parting the skies, letting light through...

Oh, but he was talking. Speaking of Bila. She had no idea how much of her facade she had dropped, but she maintained it suddenly, appearing casual once more. Her accidental pause was convenient, as she had food in her mouth anyways. Once that was done, she spoke,
“My doors are open to everyone, as they must always be. I am to approach all clients with an open mind. As much as I would like to treat strange men with suspicion, I’d be a poor counselor to do so, and I take too much pride in my work ethic to do otherwise. Unless, you mean to suggest Bila would do harm to me…?” She had her eyebrows raised.

She could not, both by the confines of her position and by law, talk about Bila as he was in session. The strictest interpretation of the code of ethics suggested that she should not even acknowledge that Bila is her client until Bila himself makes this apparent. That interpretation proved to be too much—after all, on a small ship, everyone visits the counselor eventually. Unfortunately, as much as she’d like to delve into discussion about other people, she could not, and would not. Not for Parnak, not for the Captain, not until she was ordered to do so and even then, she’d give as minimal as possible. She hoped her breakfast partner would understand. Somehow, as she returned to his eyes, she thought he might.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #7
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

He snorted a small puff of air through his nostrils in amusement to her response. How typical.

“I trust you to look after yourself.” Silim admitted. In the end, Parnak decided not to pursue this line of conversation. Hybrids had their own way of causing havoc within Cardassian society and if his inane attempts to push himself into Parnak’s life was anything to go by, the Science officer from the Cayuga would continue to live up to the expectation. If he had seated just a tiny nugget of concern within Ejek’s mind, then he would be happy. “I just want you to be careful.”

He paused, meditating on his words. He did care for the woman, but why exactly? Was it that she was a welcome taste of home? Was he so starved for Cardassian attention that he’d take it from any he’d find? Or was it something more? Staring through the viewport, out into the endless blue of the nebula, Silim knew he’d have to deal with some soul searching. That would have to come later though, after his guest had left.

“More tea? Perhaps something more refreshing?” He queried, playing the ever-gracious host as he turned back to the counsellor. It was a shallow attempt to return to paying attention. A rare slip in a man usually focussed.

“I can’t say that I had anything as frustrating as your time in the second seat while you were away.” He shrugged. A coy smile on his lips. Even when he talked about himself, he brought it back to Ejek. “But, if frustration is what causes you to come to breakfast, then I could do with a little more in my life.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #8
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ] @Arista

She wasn’t pleased that she made Parnak laugh, but she could also hardly call it a laugh. Bemused, perhaps? Whatever it was, she had to make herself tear away from those eyes. She considered her nearly empty cup of tea with a thoughtful look, a smile coming to her face as she came upon new realizations.

Whether Bila was a threat to her or not, she couldn’t say. She’d be on the lookout for aggression, in either Bajoran or Cardassian form, but she didn’t expect to find it. Rather, she found Parnak’s response to be informative. He didn’t like Bila. Was it racial? Surely, it was, but he would know that a halfie like Bila isn’t a threat to the Cardassian Union all the way out in the Azure Nebula. If anything, the Cardassian union benefited from a traumatized, anxious man out in the middle of nowhere, made busy with Federation work. Perhaps Parnak was threatened in his position at work? Either that would mean Parnak is not quite as brilliant as he seemed, Bila was far more brilliant than she knew, or there was another reason.

Perhaps Parnak didn’t want to have to compete for her affection?
She smiled wider. The idea was entertaining, though probably not true. Still, it wasn’t thatentertaining, so why did she have this silly smile on her face?
“Isn’t that interesting...” She admitted, then, “Yes, I would appreciate more tea.” She offered him her empty cup, now becoming accustomed to hospitality. She wondered when he would come visit her, if he would do so.
“I would be happy to see more of you in good times as well as bad, and I’m a much nicer person when I’m not quite so frustrated.“

There were a number of topics she wanted to bring up. Some of them were more surface-level than others. Parnak was a box of treasures to pick through and admire. She laced her fingers together and thought about them.
“...You were in the eighth order?” She started again. “I’d like to hear more about your life then, if you wouldn't mind divulging.”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #9
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

The way Ejek moved and spoke couldn’t help but bring a smile to Parnak’s lips. Of course, the Cardassian smiled a lot. It was a great distraction tactic. Something for someone to focus on or put them on edge. He had practiced the art of the fake smile and Silim was an expert. For Ejek, though? What she got was genuine. He couldn’t help but be tantalised by the way she broke her gaze to look at her cup.

He was ready and waiting by the time she asked for a refill. The silver teapot in one hand. Instead of taking the cup from her, he enclosed his other hand around her own, guiding the teapot to fill the cup they both now held. Once full, Parnak allowed himself to hold on for an infinitesimal moment longer before releasing.

“Oh, I think if you were any more of a pleasant guest, I’d never let you leave.” He teased lightly, placing the pot back onto the ornate silver tray where it belonged.

After refreshing her beverage, he sat back. Silim had stolen a touch and now he watched for the reaction. While he did so, he feigned though regarding his question on his past.

“Glinn Parnak was a very different man to the, undisputable, outstanding specimen you see before you now.” Silim knew that Ejek would understand the humour in his ridiculous claim. “I had joined the military as I believed that I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps. I was completely sure that path was the only one for me.”

Taking his own cup from the table. He checked the contents before sipping.

“20 years I served the glory of the union. Eighth Order. I accomplished many things. Even taking a part in the so called ‘Federation-Cardassian Wars’.” It was strange to reminisce about his past out loud, especially with someone wearing a Starfleet uniform. Anyone else, Parnak figured, would not enjoy listening to such a subject.

The glory days of the past were not all as distinguished or magnificent as remembered with rose coloured glasses and very soon, the truth began to wash the illusion aside.

“Do you know the way that things go, when what you fight for starts to fall?” He asked, almost rhetorically. Parnak wasn’t looking to his guest now. Instead, he clutched the cup tightly as he pondered out the windowscape. “And then, in that fuzzy picture of realisation, the writing stands out on the wall.”

So clearly on the wall. He concluded, feeling the same apprehension as he did at the time. Knowing that he wasn’t happy and would have to uproot his entire life.  In the end, he was still running. Perhaps that was why he had taken the joint mission to Starbase 84.

“One good thing about my time in the Eighth.” He finally said, breaking the mood with the set up for a joke. “I found out how little I care for bunk beds.”

Smug Parnak returned with a wide, self-satisified, grin. The façade was up again.

Re: CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Reply #10
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ] @Arista

She expected that he would take the cup from her, as he’d done in the past. What she had not expected was that he would hold the cup with her, hand over hand. His was so much bigger than her own, stronger, and yet his touch gentle. If she were any more pleasant, he wouldn’t let her leave.

Her first reaction felt like a flutter in the chest like nothing she’d ever felt before. Her second was dread; every time someone hit on her, she ruined it. Would she do it again? She didn’t know what she should do or feel. How long would it take for him to realize how...bad she really was? How long would it take for him to start ignoring her? Or...die?

She shoved her feelings out of her focus and listened intently while Parnak spoke about his time in the eighth order. It was like so many counseling sessions, where as someone spoke, she’d be the stoic, all-knowing mentor. And here, she could sense something. A sore spot.

She wondered if now was a good time to confront him. Second meeting, and she found they were both holding back—her more than him.  But Parnak wasn’t her client, and she could also trust that he’d reveal what he wanted, when he was ready to do so. As he concluded, she met his eyes. His facade really didn’t mean much to her. She had a glimpse of what was under it, and experience in counseling had given her the knack for making good inferences about people. What it did tell her was that he was done with this topic.

She didn’t know what to say. Perhaps if she were older, wiser, maybe she’d know. She wasn’t old and wise, she was young and foolish, and that stupid trick of his had her absolutely intrigued. Damn if he didn’t know how to tease.

“I’m sure they weren’t. As much as I chide them, I least I cannot complain about Federation’s beds.” She smiled and set her cup of tea down and decided she was happy enough—or maybe stressed enough, if she kept allowing herself to think about the future—to indulge in something a little more substantial than her usual breakfast of a biscuit and tea. Feyt, perhaps, since she had not had something actually tasty in a long time.

“but more than that-- you ought to be ashamed of yourself.” She taunted back, though insincerely. “You  dangle such an interesting part of your life in front of me and hide it away almost just as fast.” She took a bite, and regretted not having done so sooner. This is a good breakfast after all. “You’re certainly trying hard to keep me returning to you. Are you afraid, maybe, that I’ll find a breakfast partner more interesting than you?”

She doubted she would, but maybe she could prompt him to reveal exactly why he was chasing so hard after her. And maybe, if she was lucky, she could keep him chasing. Maybe if he didn't see right through her, kept her guard up, this wonderful feeling would stay. She felt like she was newly 18 again, or at least, she felt like how an 18 year old should feel.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #11
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

It was safe to say that Silim Parnak was enjoying this meal, with a doubt, but it wasn’t until his companion goaded him back did he truly know that she was too. Platitudes and compliments had already been thrown about to lay the foundation but, when Ejek told him that he should be ashamed, Parnak saw a spark. It was a burst of life that he had nestled the last time they convened but now he had managed to blossom, and it was glorious.

“I can’t let all of my secret out straight away, can I?” He laughed with a wide, toothy, smile. Teasing the poor girl. “Besides, if I did, this would turn into a shri-tal. I don’t know about you, but I intend to make it at least past lunch.”

The shir-tal, a Cardassian ritual, was carried out when a Cardassian was about to die. The tradition involved the dying revealing their closely guarded secrets to a family member, secrets which could then be used against the family's enemies. It was very seldom used with those who weren’t immediate family. It was a subtle hint that Parnak felt close to Ejek, saying she was like family without actually saying it. He wondered if she would continue to grasp what had been said between the lines as she had done so previously.

“I seem to remember…” He followed up quickly, not allowing for her to contemplate the subject for very long. “That the last time we shared a repast, we allowed each other three truths.”

The truths had been wasted, Parnak concluded, thinking back on it. He had asked petty questions about her hair or trying to determine her true intentions. Now though, the precedence had been set, and he would use every advantage he had.

“I rather enjoyed that quid pro quo situation.” Silim mused aloud, entertained but refraining from snickering. “So, as loathed as I am to act like some Ferengi information peddler, to get more, you must give more.”

The gauntlet had been thrown and Parnak leaned back to get himself comfortable. Watching the counsellor with hungry, waiting eyes, he couldn’t help but wonder what she would bring to the table.

“What you give, I’ll leave up to you…”

Re: CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Reply #12
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ] @Arista

For the smallest second, she wondered if she had gone too far in scolding the older man like that, even jokingly. She was so used to being so cutting with her words, she couldn’t fully trust herself to be kind with them either. Relieved she was to find that he...liked it! It’s as if he became more animated the more she prodded him. Was she really that delightful...?

Yes, she must be. Unless she was being too hopeful, she thought he was trying to make her feel...right. Like she belonged. That comment about shri-tal, it almost suggested to her, almost, that someone in this entire forsaken galaxy would think to share the rite with her. That maybe, after all she’d been through, she was Cardassian after all. It was the most tangible shred of hope she’d had for what seemed like eternity. It made her feel like running around and jumping and shouting like all the other damned fools aboard the Resolve. No, time to calm yourself down Zelosa. You’re not a child anymore.

Still, she was so overjoyed, she was hardly offended when Parnak brought up his silly game again. It made her feel like perhaps, just maybe, she could take the risk. She looked at him, and...didn’t like how he was looking back. Perhaps, she wondered, men were just like that? No, because she knew men who only ever looked that way at dinner time. It made her cross her arms and legs, as if to hide her body from him.

“Here I thought my host was so generous, too.” She lamented, with just a touch of sarcasm and a pout to top it all off. She didn’t have to lay it on so thick for him. He’d get it.
“Well, if you must have me go first…”

“I visited Lakarian City, once. As a girl. It was my family and I. It was an important trip for us. We were...not well off. It took a long time for father to save for that one.” She admitted, with a shift that would imply she was not comfortable with it, not yet. “Anyways, though I was supposed to stay with my family, I ran off with my sister, under the guise of needing to use the bathroom. Instead we followed a bunch of boys just a bit older than us around, told lies about our age, and spent most the afternoon being swooned over.” She smiled, no, grinned. “They bought us all manner of sweets, and those were nothing compared to how they fawned over us. We were only found when my father happened to find us in line for a ride. There was no punishment he could've given us that would have made us choose differently. I suppose the two of us were too eager to grow up back then.” She sighed, her smile still on her face. That was the most disobedient she’d ever been. For a moment, she had gotten lost remembering how things used to be. Her family, Cardassia, her life, it was all so right...not anymore though. It was distant now. Buried in the past, burnt up and discarded.

Despite how nostalgic it would inevitably make the two of them, she hoped Parnak would talk of something similar. Childhood stories had a way of revealing fascinating things.. Now, to prompt him;
“...and, well, it didn't end after that." She smiled, "there's more to that story. But you’ll have to divulge something of equal value yourself. Not that I expect an upstanding man such as yourself has ever been so naughty before, even as a child."

Smooth as silk, Zelosa. She hoped this dream would go on forever.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #13
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

Sitting back, Parnak wore a smug, satisfied look on his face as he made himself comfortable for story time. The chance to revel in a past long since gone. What people chose to share was often a great insight into not only the way people worked, but their current mood. Ejek, seemed to be joyful. Teasing with a pout before speaking of her time in Lakarian City.

“I bet you escaped under the boardwalk to escape the herding crowds…” He chortled at the concept of a precocious little Ejek demanding sweets and affections.

The story seemed familiar, somehow, he doubted that there was a single family who hadn’t managed to make it to the amusement centre at least once. Even the poor made it there, as proven by Ejek’s tale. It was surprising but, as he recalled, even the darkest cave can house the brightest gem.

The idiom had always been frustrating to Parnak when he was younger. His family wasn’t the rich elite, but he had been comfortable. It was unpleasant to think of those struggling, but Ejek’s story had brought happiness to the room. The glimpse in the world which was. Lakarian City was almost more famous than Central City itself.  Its leisure facilities were well known across the union. Some even said that Lakarian was a jewel at risk of being washed away in the way it lurched over the ocean.

The Jem’Hadar put a stop to that. 2 million dead and a city decimated from the face of the planet. It would be easy to get side-tracked with the horrors from 6 years ago, but it was exactly that. 6 years. Times had moved on, and so had Parnak. Now he found himself sharing stories with an interesting companion. A small part inside, wanted to make a snide joke that, in fact, one of the boy’s that young Ejek was fawning over was in fact himself. It was crude and ill conceived, so Silim quickly squashed the urge.

“I wish I had such a fun first date story. I was introduced to my first girlfriend by my family.” He shrugged, nonchalant about the whole subject. It was quick common for Cardassian families to bring their children together in a bid for political or social influence. “She wasn’t an unpretty girl, though she had a rather harsh resting face.

“For 8 months, I did the dutiful for my family and played the well-intentioned boyfriend. One day, she decided that she wanted to share secrets in an attempt to bring us closer together. After I had given mine, she broke things off. It seemed I didn’t give her the same boost within her friend circle that our relationship did to our families.”

Parnak took a break from the story to lean forward and grasp his tea, bringing it up to his lips. After savouring a small mouthful, he continued.

“I bided my time and over the hot summer months, I spent weeks collecting Pelid Beetles. You know, those little black beetles that make that cricking noise and scamper off into little crevices? Well, on what was supposed to be our second anniversary, I snuck in with a couple of boxes while she was out with Ralan Dukor, her new boyfriend.

“Let’s just say that homecoming was particularly surprising.” He finished, sharing a knowing look to his guest. “Apparently Dukor was more afraid of Beetles than she was.”

Re: CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Reply #14
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ] @Arista

Just imagining the entire plan, how long Parnak must have had to sit on that plan and prepare and collect. Catching bugs like a small child! But the vengeance he enacted. It was so petty, so silly, and just like theme park candy, so, so sweet. What a triumphant story for a young boy. It also described to her exactly what that boyish twinkle in his eyes meant. He was trouble, no doubt. Her mother would've disapproved, but Ejek was charmed anyway.

As he told his story, she was careful to watch him. His body posture, his tension, his tone, even sinple things like how he would move his fingers or the creases of his eyes could tell her so much about how he felt and thought. She found that, as she was reading him, she just fell into the moment. For a time, her worries about whether he would still like her or not faded. After all, he had just revealed he had a secret too. Whether he conciousnesly or subconsciously knew it, he mentioned it. Something that he said drove off a potential love. Chances are good his heart had something to share. Just like her.

"How his face must have been--and hers." She was all smiles. For once, anxiety had fallen off her shoulders. She laughed quietly, her mouth covered by her hand politely.
"Ah, my first boyfriend...he was the young boy from the theme park, ironically. Apparently, he must have been quite smitten. He had no status to gain from me, except that fleeting pride all young boys have when they claim to have a girlfriend, so I had foolishly thought he wanted me. My mother was thrilled, to say the least. She had dreams of marrying me off into a better family. She hoped, and I suppose I did too, that my first love would be my only."

She was sitting back, regarding the breakfsst laid out in front of them, a finger slowly twirling her hair. Her eyes wandered off, lost in the story she was telling.

"...Some months into the relationship, a day came that he wanted to be more intimate. Discussion devolved to an empty argument, until he let me know that I was much like a flower bearing no fruit. Nice to look at, but useless if I did not yield. Well," She offered a dry laugh, "I wish I could tell you my own vengeance was clever and thoughtful like yours, but I had not yet developed the patience. So for quite some time, I tore him apart with my words. All his insecurities laid out in front of him and antagonized...I was not yet gifted in the art of reading people like I am now, but I must have had some latent skill even then. I don't recall what I said, but...When I last heard from him, he was in long term therapy. My mother was distraught. I don't think she ever forgave me for ruining her dreams of a better life for me."

And so she was vulnerable. Whatever happened next was in Parnak's control, not hers. She had nothing left to do but meet his eyes, smile as if she were sharing gossip and not insecurity. Logicslly she knew it was for the best, if Parnak was truly going to be a regular partner, he ought to know instead of her constantly trying to hide it and making their talks tense and surface level. But to hide was easy, safe, familiar. So for now, at least, she was out of the shipping container, baring herself to danger.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #15
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

Ejek was not the only one watching. When the tables turned, and as she told of her first boyfriend, the doctor watched his comrade. The counsellor had been smiling, obviously amused, but she shared her tale there was a change. Mirth had been replaced by a wistful look. Almost a longing. When she finished, she turned and looked to him with apparent expectation.

“Parents have the greatest desire for their children to succeed. Even if they go about it in an incorrect manner.” He said, not trying to defend Ejek’s mother’s actions, nor to condemn her. It was merely an observation.

Even though Cardassian meals tended to be a place of great discussion and challenging, certainly within a family space, Parnak knew he needed to be careful. He was privileged in many ways. His parents had always supported him, no matter his choice. When he had decided to leave the military and start his career again in the sciences, his mother never judged him. At least not obviously.

“The question that I wonder about is not whether you should have complied to obey the wish of your mother, but if you could have found happiness if you did?” He hadn’t necessarily meant to ask the almost rhetorical question out loud but, as he had, he would own it.

“We’ve talked previously about how haven’t been happy in a long time and how you could be happy here” He indicated to the room around them. This was a safe space, or at least he hoped she felt it was. “I think the idea of you dousing the bright fire that burns so gloriously within, even for a moment, would have been worse than whatever guilt may feel from the perceived disappointment of your mother.”

Re: CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Reply #16
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Ranger vector of U.S.S. Theurgy ]

Perhaps she’d overplayed the bit about her parents, just a little. It wasn’t the issue she intended to focus on, but it was an issue at least. She wanted Parnak to notice that she had a dark side, or at least, a side that she thought was dark and terrible and awful. She wondered if this was his way of ignoring it. Perhaps he just didn’t care, but she doubted someone like him ‘just didn’t care’.

She’d decided she was done with food for now. She’d already eaten more than she was used to. She could eat more, but she never did. That’s not how Ejek did. She tried to make herself sit back and relax, but she was still tense. She always was. Her shoulders began aching again, as they sometimes did.

“You flatter me.” She pointed out, and offered him a smile “But I’m no fool, Parnak. I have one of your truths, you have two of mine.” She sat back and watched him. She purposely hid her response to his kind words. They were strengthening, but they also brought up old pains she’d rather leave hidden.

It also struck her how his words were very individualistic. That was unique, she thought, and if he honestly believed them, maybe that’s why he felt himself such an outcast among Cardassian society. Peculiar indeed; she filed that tidbit away for later.

“There’s much about you I still don’t know. Perhaps some more of your time in the eighth order? Your family, or perhaps your career?” She offered him some prompts, in case he was struggling to think of himself, so filled his mind may have been with her.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #17
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

 When she called him a fool, Parnak couldn’t help but snort a short, sharp breath of air out from his nose. She had cut through all the minutiae of the previous topic and brought it back to her wanting more about him. He couldn’t help but grin, unabashedly amused.

“The first rule of the theatre, or so I have been told, is to keep the audience wanting more.” He teased, trying to sound almost reasonable in the way that he attempted to bypass the inequality between the pair.

The meal between them seemed to be over. His companion had ample opportunity but was no longer grazing. That was fine. If she was full, Silim would then be happy. That and a meal on Cardassia didn’t end with consumption, the meal could continue as long as they wanted and continued to converse. The dining table was a central point of a Cardassian home. It was a focal point for family to discuss and challenge each other. Many children were forced to defend their views from cross examination from their elders - whether parents, grandparents or others.

As Parnak contemplated the family aspect of the meal that had just shared, he allowed silence to creep into the room. Seeing if his guest would wait or try to fill the awkward gap. After a few more seconds though, Silim laughed gently. His ribbing was in good taste, but still present.

“Let's mix things up.” He said finally, pleased with himself. “You have the choice. Which part of me do you care to hear about the most? Family, Military or Academic?”

Of course, she could choose something complete outside that remit – calling on his love of the theatre or some other hobby. If he had learnt anything about Zelosa Ejek so far, it was that her beauty was only one small aspect. What he truly enjoyed was her mind and how she challenged him.

Now, he challenged her back. Would she thrive after being placed in control, or would she wilt? Stumbling and paralysed by the choice. All Parnak knew, is that he looked forward to what the counsellor would choose.

Re: CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Reply #18
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista 

Despite her anxiety in other areas, Ejek did not seem to have an issue with silence. In fact, she rather relished it. The use of silence in counseling was one of her favorite tricks. She had been using it long before she became a counselor, just as Parnak did, but only now did she fully understand the power it could have, the understanding it could yield. She spent the time watching Parnak and his face, just the way she would in her own counseling sessions. What would he do, she wondered.

And he didn’t disappoint.Throw the issue back into her lap, did he? She didn’t mind. She could choose any at random and she had confidence that she’d be able to find the rest out later. Or could she, given the theme of her entire life? Everyone died horrible deaths. Would this precious slice of heaven leave her?

Precious slice of heaven? Ejek, that was nauseatingly cheesy. Let’s turn this down a bit.

“Well, if it's my choice..." She mused, taking a perfect second to answer and no more, "What exactly do you do in your free time, when you're not working and inviting women to meals? Surely you don't just sit around and look good for everyone." She continued to study him. Theatrical was an apt word to describe him. She never got tired of watching. After all he was entertaining. That’s all this was, right, entertainment, some conversation, breakfast...

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #19
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

Silim couldn’t help but chuckle softly at her reply. Not only did his guest indeed choose a topic of her own design, but she tried to hide her inability to play within the rules by giving some compliments alongside. Now, Parnak was never one to turn down an appreciative gesture, but the whole concept of the situation amused him.

“I’m afraid you’ll find my time aboard Theurgy dreadfully trifling.” He shrugged nonchalantly but continued. “No dinner date after dinner date as you seem to be suggesting.”

It was slightly cruel, feinting small outrage when, in fact, Ejek had managed to stroke his ego quite well. There was, however, no benefit in continuing the charade past its initial joke. Besides, he wanted to tell this story.

“Mainly I have been adding the small touches to my quarters, though once that is done, I hope to once again to be able to pick up something that I haven’t done since leaving Cardassian space.” Parnak had chosen his words carefully. He started with the mundane and built to something he hoped would tickle her fancy. Pausing, he appraised her interest. “And that is clock making.

“When I was just starting out as an undergraduate, I was having difficulty with the precise fine motor skills needed to remove a specific gland from a Vole. Life in the Eight Order, you see, had a bit more of a general ‘just hit it’ mentality rather than pinpoint accuracy.” As he told his tale, Silim gesticulated in provide impact. “When I spoke with a friend who was a surgeon, she suggested that I needed to take up a hobby that promoted the techniques I needed to improve upon. Apparently, this was a common technique and that she regularly engaged in quite intricate needlecraft.

“To that end, I took a walk down to the night markets to clear my head. There I found an elderly man selling hand made trinkets, one of which was a pleasantly carved mechanical timing device. It was for boiling eggs. Speaking with the man, he told me about how he had carefully placed all the spring and mechanisms in the precise order needed to make it work and I was enraptured. Soon, I began to make my own, learning from guides and tutorials. The ability to not only practice my skills but to end up with a final product is amazing.”

It probably was a dull hobby but Silim didn’t care. It brought him joy and he had shared his story with passion and excitement.

“I have made approximately 280 clocks and timing devices of various sizes.” He admitted, it was a relatively modest boast, after all, he had been in the field for a few years now. Looking back at his guest, he contemplated before continuing. “Once I replicate a new set of tools, perhaps I could make one for you?”

Re: CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Reply #20
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

As he spoke, the delight grew on her face. The hobby surprised her so much, she thought maybe he could have been lying just to amuse her. This was quite an absurd lie though. Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction, and this certainly seems strange. The delight with which he spoke of it though, it entranced her. She found herself smiling with him.

“Clocks?” The delight was palpable in her voice, “Out of all things, clocks...Well! I’d certainly enjoy something to decorate my quarters. I haven’t gotten around to it yet. A statement piece, perhaps?” And if Parnak’s tastes in home decor were the same as his clock-making taste, she’d likely find herself with something quite charming. At worst, he was actually horrible at making clocks, and it’d be ‘destroyed’ in any one of the myriad of certain disasters that were due to fall upon them at any moment. How strange Parnak was. How unique.

“Well, my turn for a truth?” She sat back and thought, but not very hard. She knew what she wanted to say now. It flowed easier.
“Well, for some time before traipsing around with the Federation, I worked at the Bureau of Identification. As a filing clerk, specifically. Five years, and on that fifth year I was genuinely excited to be considered to head up a project to update our department’s database. As if molars and blood tests and medical records were my only aspirations.” She laughed, despite herself. No, she wasn’t old, felt like a whole other world, and back then, she was a whole other woman. A girl, really.

She didn’t fail to pick up on his comment about the eighth order. Something about the tone, or maybe word usage piqued her interest. She wondered if there was more. If there was, would she find what she wanted to know by pressing directly, or would she tease it out of him, bit by bit? Something about Parnak seemed to strike her as an outsider, of sorts. As if he was just a smidgeon too odd to really fit in, but not odd enough to stick out. Perhaps she would figure out why here.

“And what did you do in the eighth order that apparently required you to adopt a ‘just hit it’ mentality?”

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #21
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

Parnak couldn’t help but feel delighted at Ejek’s acceptance. She would like a timepiece. In fact, she even felt that she would enjoy it. With a cool smile, Silim tried to figure out what sort he should make for her. There were so many different types.

Amusingly while Parnak ponder, Ejek moved on. She wasn’t going to wait for Silim to choose a topic of her life. Nor was she going to offer. She would share what she wanted. This was something that he could admire. While she spoke and shared her story from before the Federation, the elder Cardassian watched his guest. Once again, analysing her actions and meanings from the way she conveyed herself. There was no more tea to be had. No more meal to hide behind. They had both finished long ago; all that was left was to feast of each other’s company.

Ejek’s ‘truth’ was adequate. A simple tale of her work and the type of woman she was before. Perhaps she still was. Order amongst chaos. They both had found the latter, and if he could say little else, he enjoyed the former that she brought to him.

With her short story finished, amid a half-hearted chuckle at herself, the counsellor turned again to his past. This was the third time Ejek had raised Parnak’s military past and it gave him pause. What was the compulsion? Like most of the general populace, did she have a romanticised impression of the guard? Or was she just a fool for a man in uniform? This would be something he would have to test at a later date.

Sharing a pleasing look with his compatriot, he smiled.

“Now that, my takhmar, is a story to save for the next time.” There was no malice or teasing in the way that he spoke. Parnak was genuinely happy for the woman to be in his life.  It was just that this meal they have together was coming to a close.

“As much as I wish I could stay with you all morning, I’m afraid duty calls.” He shrugged, disappointed at his own timekeeping skills. “I suspect as Chief Counsellor for a vessel, you have no end to your workload.”

Tahkmar - Kardasi for Darling, Dear, Sweet. (A term of endearment)

Re: CH02: S [D06|0830] Breakfast Club

Reply #22
[ Lt. Zelosa Ejek | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

Just as she was really starting to get into it too. At first she thought perhaps being cut off at this particular moment was intentional. A cliffhanger, meant to keep her coming back--as if she would be disinclined to do so later--but then she got a glance at the time, and sure enough she had stayed far later than she’d meant. The usually prompt Ejek found herself a little embarrassed that she had stayed so long.

But it eased. Her tension was not so strong here, not when she has smiles and takhmar’s thrown her way. Flutter flutter, went her chest. Be still, went her mind. She did have work to return to, a life outside this little heaven. She didn’t want to return, but at the very least, her work would seem much more enjoyable today. Not only that, but Parnak left her with an edge over him.
“Well, I only got two truths out of you. I suppose that means next time we meet, you’ll owe me one more. With interest, if you’re not hasty.” She smiled at him, then stood up and began to help Parnak clear off the table, collecting up the extra food and plates for the recycler. She felt bad not eating much, but he didn’t know that she eats light in the mornings. Now he did. Next breakfast would be smoother.
“In all seriousness, Parnak, thank you. It’s much easier to return to work having started my morning off well. And I do look forward to that clock. I expect it to be a good example of the work you do.” She spoke, all smiles as she cleaned. She’d be out the door soon, but for now...just a few more moments together.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Day 06 | 08:30 hrs. ] Breakfast Club

Reply #23
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | VIP Quarters | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @FollowTomorrow 

“With interest?” He chortled as he repeated her words before joking. “Be careful, with an attitude like that, you might end up with tube grubs for breakfast.”

He stood, ready to see his guest out. Though, for some strange reason, she started to collect the plates and various dishes. Parnak watched for the merest moments just to get check exactly what she was doing. He had planned to clear up after she had left. Was this some form of Federation custom that she had picked up? He wasn’t aware of such things but, then again,    he was an exobiologist and not an anthropologist.

There was no point in waiting and certainly not to see if she collected everything herself. Silim quickly scooped up various dinnerware and fed them back to the replicator for recycling. Ejek, the ever-pleasant guest, kept the conversation going. A serious tone hinted at the truth in her words.

“I’ll be sure to make the clock as radiant as you are.” He said with a smile, loading the last plate away. “My greatest work.”

There was nothing left to tidy unless, of course, Ejek wanted to rearrange his quarters. If that was the case, it would have to be a topic for another day. Instead he led his companion to the door. After all, a good host would always see his guests out. Stopping just before the doorway so it didn’t activate and allow the last moments of their time together to be captured by any passer-by’s.

“I appreciate you joining me.” Parnak spoke, his eyes using the opportunity to take her all in. “Before you do leave, there’s one last thing.”

He couldn’t help but give a cheeky smirk at what he had planned.

“Computer.” He called out to the ever listening voice in the void. “Update Lieutenant Ejek’s access privilege to my quarters. Grant full rights.”

There was the tell-tale tone of acceptance and the gesture was done.

“You’re no longer a guest here, Ejek. Come and enjoy my little sanctum of Cardassia as you please. No need to call ahead.”

He held out his palm with the hope she would press it.


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