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Topic: Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH01 Blood For Blood (Read 18231 times) previous topic - next topic
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Plot Discussion | EP05 P2 CH01 Blood For Blood


Since Ziegler is Stark's former First Officer, the first and second Rendevouz with the other Vectors will be missed, since the Stallion will remain with the Cayuga and assist in her repairs as well as its own. This thread denotes the first encounter, and all Supplemental Threads that are started will either have to be set before this time of 1130 hrs. on Day 04, or afterwards. Just like in the interregnum, Supplemental threads are started at your leisure! Supplemental threads relating to the Stallion or the Cayuga should be named Chapter 03: Supplemental [ Day X | YYYY hrs. ] Insert Title, and they should extend no further than the end of Day 05.

These are the main tasks to solve, your Mission Objectives in this Chapter:


Primary Objectives:
- Brief Captain Ziegler about the truth of the Theurgy's mission and the Savi
- Brief Stark and Ziegler about the Borg threat to the Federation
- Return main power to the Cayuga, w. the help from O'Connell's department
- Before the third Rendevouz opportunity with the other Vectors, find where the Borg came from
- Either just the Stallion makes it to the third Rendevouz, or the Cayuag does too

Secondary Obectives:
- Bonding between the two crews, any one-on-one scenes
- Implementing new ideas or tech for fighting the Borg and/or the Savi

New objectives may be added depending on development.

Known staff on the Stallion and Cayuga both can be seen in the new thread as well as the Main OOC board. :)

Battle Bridge & Closest Deck Interior Blueprint: [Show/Hide]
Everyone with present characters should feel free to set up Supplemental threads at your leisure. You have the mission objectives for the Chapter, and we go from there. I am present with Masuda Yukimura, but since he is an NPC, feel free to have him played in your posts as well if so required.

Here are some random ideas that have come up in the process!
  • A private/offical reunion scene between Ziegler and original Theurgy crew, like Stark, Cir'Cie & O'Connell.
  • Perhaps Zelosa Ejek and Mektari Dumral should meet, them both being Cardassians mixed up in this.
  • Perhaps Lillee t'Jellaieu should meet Vanya, them both being of Romulan origin!
  • Same with Cir'Cie and T'Panu, them both being Vulcans.
  • Salem Martin might be very interested to hear from any old Resolve crewmember if his twin sister is still alive He wouldn't even know the Resolve made it back to Starbase 84 yet.
  • Winter Bannin, having lost a lot of Security people, might be a tad sceptical to the outlaw Theurgy crew? Is this an aspect worth to consider? This could be set up in the main thread as well as any Supplemental threads.
  • Triton, if you are willing to write Six at Mariner's side, Six being Borg would be quite a controversy because of what happened to the Cayuga. Perhaps this might even involve the two Captains too.


Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

Reply #1

    • Winter Bannin, having lost a lot of Security people, might be a tad sceptical to the outlaw Theurgy crew? Is this an aspect worth to consider? This could be set up in the main thread as well as any Supplemental threads.
    • Triton, if you are willing to write Six at Mariner's side, Six being Borg would be quite a controversy because of what happened to the Cayuga. Perhaps this might even involve the two Captains too.


    Meeting with Six, most definately. I can see the exchange including a litany of Jimmy noting some of the similarities with the Borg and Humanity, "Your people opt for cooperation and... generously... share your technology and philosophies with others, and both our peoples know how to protect ourselves. I'm a security ensign, same as you."
    Six: "Then why do you keep a distance between the two of us?"
    Jimmy: "I don't do handshakes is all."
    For the Cayuga, that'd be an interesting meeting. But Cayuga sentiments toward the Borg may be an interesting point of argument: Mariner's boyscout personality will have him sticking up for a fellow crewmate... even if he is reluctant to be in the same room as a Borg, his poker-face tells otherwise, but he soon enough grows to know her beyond her implants. Convinced otherwise that Six won't in fact assimilate other crew and indeed prove to be a tactical asset against the Borg, he'd stick up for her.
    Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
    Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
    "No one left behind."

    Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
    Security Officer, USS Theurgy

    Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
    Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
    "You're not the only one with a gun,"

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #2
    Okay, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing with Ejek in From the Ashes. Someone with more guile and cunning than I, help? 8P

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #4
    Well, I finally got my first post up for Mairsa!

    And I may need to get to B'Nila sometime soon...

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #7
    Ops! I forgot an edit when I had finished the post. It was not:

    [Tactical alert. Three vessels approaching. Bearing Five-Two-Niner Mark Four. ETA, thirty seconds.]

    It was...

    [Tactical alert. Four vessels approaching. Bearing Five-Two-Niner Mark Four. ETA, thirty seconds.]

    Two for each ship, the Theurgy and the Cayuga. Sorry for the discrepancy!

    Also, though they are pesky and all, they're called Asurians and not Assurians, @Brutus . ;) I made the edit for you.


    Auctor Lucan

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #10
    I'm in need of opinions here. My next post will pertain to Ensign Six launching a cyber attack on the Asurians through the communications of the saucer in the "Stallion's" bay. Given the Cayuga's about to be destroyed by the ramming saucer (to quote the boss's OCC note, "the fourth [saucer] is about to kill the Cayuga permanently from within, lest something definitive is done about it..."), in your opinion, should Six try to save the Cayuga when she begins her cyber attack?

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #11
     Probably worth a try!
    After the beating she's taken, I'm not sure the Cayuga is in anything even close to working order. If she's saved, she'd probably be useful to cannibalize in order to repair the Stallion though. Maybe patch that big ol' hole you lot are sporting?

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #12
    Save the Cayuga! Maybe we can help it limp to somewhere safe for those Cayuga crew that don't want to join the Theurgy.

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #13
    I agree with @patches, instead of destroying the Cayuga and adding to the list of yet another ally/potential ally ship biting the dust, lets instead see this one to safety for a change. @Multificionado, if Six has any ability to save the Cayuga, I hope you'd let her save the ship. let's break the repetition of losing allies and allied ships.

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #14
    Six has the ability to do what she can from the saucer on the Stallion, and this in regard to either of the four assailant saucers - the one on the Cayuga included. :) Might mean the Stallion gets more heat, though!

    Looking forward to read what you think Six - as a character - would do in her current situation (and not what the OOC opinions suggest you should do). It's pretty character-defining, this choice, provided she has taken the whole situation into consideration. There is also the great difficulty in which to understand and use the controls to struggle with, so anything can happen. :)


    Auctor Lucan

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #15
    That's an excellent point. It would do to include some struggling on what needs saving first.

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #16
    I'm for whichever option grants more chances of survivability, given the recent... manifest fluctuation but I'll risk Jimmy if there's a preset (rather than ambiguous) fate for whatever happens to the Nebula-Class.

    I even came up with some creative ideas to whichever solution. I'd hate to have the thing self-destruct if it can't be saved, warp core breach, etc.

    Solution 1) The Cayuga is saveable in which case Jimmy leads the away team to secure and and render aid to that ship.

    Solution 2) He remains on Vector 3 in the event they themselves are subject to  hostile attack and must be dealt with by whatever means necessary and methods available.

    I'm a swing vote until a CoA (course of action) is ruled on.
    Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
    Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
    "No one left behind."

    Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
    Security Officer, USS Theurgy

    Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
    Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
    "You're not the only one with a gun,"

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #17
    Well, is he a coward or not? ;)

    The Cayuga is not a Nebula-class though, that's all I wanted to clarify. Will be interesting if he mans up and goes against the odds. He only has about a minute to beam aboard the Cayuga, but he might just make it. Or not. Depends entirely on what he brings.


    Auctor Lucan

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #18
    I'd say beam aboard the Cayuga. A lot more heroic. :)

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #19
    I the writer don't intend to martyr or kill him.

    He the man wouldn't hesitate to do his duty.

    Char deaths are a touchy issue these days, at least imho.

    To clarify, he had about 1 minute to save Resolve's logs, data, etc. various enough 'essence/memories' of Resolve, defying orders in the process to save as much of the ship as he could. Ergo he's a risk taker but from OOC standpoint, I choose not to kill him off.
    Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
    Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
    "No one left behind."

    Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
    Security Officer, USS Theurgy

    Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
    Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
    "You're not the only one with a gun,"

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #20
    Oh. Okay. Then maybe remain on the "Stallion." Guard the impounded saucer or something, I don't know. It's your decision. :)

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #21
    Latest post edited! For those who already read the post with the Asurians inside the Cayuga, is has now been edited since it took things too far too soon. The saucer is not pulling out of the Cayuga, not going in full reverse, and not in any way or form attacking the other saucers. It is still lodged inside the Cayuga.

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #22
    With a chance to shine, I can write up a whopper. It'd have to be on the badassery side, but it'd definitely outshine Picard's away team to the Scimitar. Maybe two other NPCs to join him to link up with Cayuga but to ideally be the vanguards for the counter-attack. In the event there's a time limit, Jimmy will be on point to attempt to save either Cayuga or download her data rods the way he did for Resolve.

    It's no secret I want a third character, but trading off existing ones was my reluctance to commit. Big 'was.' Kahless once said, Sacrificing an Empire to win a battle is no victory. For this to work, obviously some Cayugans'd have to help/trust him. I think I've got enough elements to begin a ch reply.
    Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
    Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
    "No one left behind."

    Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
    Security Officer, USS Theurgy

    Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
    Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
    "You're not the only one with a gun,"

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #23
    Excellent idea! :) I look forward to what you have in mind!

    Re: Plot Discussion | EP05 CH03 From the Ashes

    Reply #24
    The post is complete but needs a once-over via JP to be in play. There's one space open either for the second armed away team member or the third be on Ziegler's (or another officer, perhaps Salem Martin's) orders to render aid. Tentatively, there's room for perhaps one more but I can solo it as Mariner with little editing as I initially intended.
    Lt. Commander Leon "Striker" Marquez
    Chief Tactical Officer, USS Theurgy
    "No one left behind."

    Ensign James "Jimmy" Mariner
    Security Officer, USS Theurgy

    Lieutenant (J.G.) Alessia "Angel" Garcia
    Valravn Fighter Pilot, USS Theurgy
    "You're not the only one with a gun,"

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