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USS Endeavour: Milk Run

[ Ensign Laurel Okhala | Mission: Pilot for Science Team Observing Astroid Anomaly | January 2381 | USS Endeavour Shuttle Craft 4 ] Attn: @Fife

Sitting at the helm of the shuttle craft was a relief. No C'Rusor breathing down her neck, judging her. Just her and the ship . . . and Lt. Cross and Lt. Watanabe, but they were acceptable distractions. So far everything had gone smoothly. The shuttle really did pilot like a dream compared to the complexities that came with putting a Starship through her paces. Sure she wasn't fast and couldn't really fight but, a nice easy coasting could be relaxing every once and awhile. Plus it was nice to be trusted with piloting on her own. She had graduated in October and they were still rather pushy about not leaving her unsupervised. How they thought she was ever going to be ready to take over for C'Rusar when he wouldn't let her try . . . she wasn't sure. After the whole hazing/bitch work incident with Ducote and Blue, things had been better. C'Rusar had taken the pole out of his furry butt and recognized that she was a talented student. Even so, it didn't mean he wasn't a little rough around the edges with everyone.

Looking over at the intense scrutiny Watanabe was putting into her readings, Laurel turned back to watch the large chunks of inert rock lazily tumble past the view screen. Occasionally, she would alter course, but really they were in no danger where they were more or less parked in space. It was so calm out here. It was nice. Just the thrum of the engines and the occasional tsk from Watanabe. Cross had been unusually quiet though. She had noticed when observing on the bridge that he liked to keep busy. This must be a terribly boring mission for him to oversee. She felt a little bad for him.

In a decision that would have made Counselor Reynolds proud, Laurel decided to try an start up some conversation. "So why did they think we needed Tactical on this mission, do you think Lieutenant?" She asked, swiveling her seat to face Cross. She had been trying to build a rapport with the people she worked with on the bridge, now that she was being posted there more often. This seemed like a good time to do it, without C'Rusar jumping down her throat for not having her 'eyes on the road.' She internally chuckled as she could almost hear his gravely voice reprimanding her.

Re: USS Endeavour: Milk Run

Reply #1
[ Lt. Cross | Mission: “Tactical” for Science Team Observing Asteroid Anomaly | January 2381 | USS Endeavour Shuttle Craft 4 ] @YasyraTrill

Cross leaned back in his seat, his eyes half closed, and gazed out into space. Cross loved being out among the stars, though his duties as Chief Tactical Officer aboard the Endeavour didn’t afford him much opportunity to go out on shuttle missions. Since there was next to nothing for him to do on this particular mission, Cross afforded himself a little time to enjoy the view. Even after serving over 7 years on various Starfleet ships, he still marvelled at the vastness of space and the beauty of the stars.

“So why did they think we needed Tactical on this mission, do you think Lieutenant?” Ensign Okhala asked. Cross had become accustomed to the soft thrum of the engines and the quiet noises Lieutenant Watanabe was making while going about her business, and the sudden noise so close to him caused him to jump slightly as the Ensign turned her chair to face him. Cross relaxed again and inwardly chastised himself for being startled so easily. He turned his chair towards Okhala and regarded her with pale blue eyes, giving her a half smile. Cross tried not to smile too much around people until they got used to him. More than one person had remarked on how strange it was seeing a Vulcan smiling, and Cross had become somewhat self-conscious about the remarks. Ensign Okhala seemed to be making an effort to be nice, however, so Cross figured it wouldn’t hurt to appear friendly in return.

“To be honest Ensign, they didn’t. I’ve appointed Lieutenant Wright as the new Assistant Chief Tactical Officer, and I’m letting him get his feet wet.” Cross explained, “He’s been handling all of the Tactical department’s operations for the last two days and will continue to until tomorrow night. I want to make sure he’d be able to do the job if I was incapacitated or killed.” Cross’ features took on a slightly amused look as he continued, “He’s been doing a commendable job, but it’s left me with very little to do. I actually volunteered to be part of this mission, and the Captain gave the ok.” Cross chuckled softly before he continued, “I honestly think Amasov felt sorry for me. But it gives me a chance to get out among the stars. I don’t get many opportunities to see them like this.” Cross turned his gaze to the stars again and murmured to himself, “Almost makes me wish I’d been a pilot…”

“I’ve noticed you’ve been on the bridge more often lately,” Cross began, turning back to Okhala. He suddenly found himself feeling a bit awkward talking to the Ensign now that he was no longer talking about the job. Cross was not particularly adept at small talk, and although his friendship with the boisterous Lt. Akoni  over the past year aboard the Endeavour had certainly helped him open up, Cross still found idle chit-chat to be a challenge at times. “That’s... got to be a big change.” Cross winced slightly at his weak attempt at conversation, and pressed on. “How are you adjusting? I would think that piloting the Endeavour would be an exciting prospect."

Re: USS Endeavour: Milk Run

Reply #2
[Ensign Okhala |Mission: Pilot for Science Team Observing Astroid Anomaly | January 2381 | USS Endeavour Shuttle Craft 4 ] Attn: @Fife

At his question, Laurel felt a smile threaten to take over her face. Despite her frustration with the glacial pace C'Rusar was taking with training her for her new position, it was still incredibly exciting. A dream, that just 4 months ago, she would have said would never be possible because her direct command didn't like her and she was unable to make connections outside of her department because they kept her so busy doing menial work that she would never get a chance to prove her piloting skills anyway. Blue and Ducote changed that, her gratitude was very deep as far as that was concerned, Counselor Reynolds had been a large help as well. "It is, sir. Since before my sister left for Starfleet when I was seven I've thought of nothing but being out here piloting." She smiled as she looked out at the sky. "She's a fighter pilot, but I knew that wasn't for me. I wanted to pilot the big ships. The ones my mom gave me models to build when I was younger and the ones I studied the specs of when I was frustrated and needed something to occupy my mind, after my father and I had a row."

She sighed again, "The bridge is sometimes a bit awkward, the Captain and Commander Ducote are great, have been really wonderful to me, but C'Rusar and I have always had a bit of a . . .  strained relationship." She chuckled self deprecatingly, "It's a charm I have on my mentors, it seems."

Looking back over at Cross, self consciously, "What about you sir? Why tactical?" She managed to stutter out awkwardly, she rarely ever talked so much, much less gave such private information out willingly. She could almost hear her father's disappointed lecture in her head.

Re: USS Endeavour: Milk Run

Reply #3
[ Lt. Cross | Mission: Tactical for Science Team Observing Asteroid Anomaly | January 2381 | USS Endeavour Shuttlecraft 4 ] @YasyraTrill

Cross watched as the muscles in Ensign Okhala’s cheeks twitched, as if she had been about to smile but had held it back. He had never really spoken to the Ensign before, but from what he had seen of her on the bridge she was very reserved and not very outspoken.

Remind you of someone? Cross mused to himself. He smiled at the Ensign’s description of her relationship with C’Rusar. Cross had heard that the CONN Officer could be a bit prickly at times. In actuality the word “asshole” was common among the descriptions he had heard. Cross had rarely had dealings with him, or any of the CONN department for that matter, so he withheld any judgement of his own.

”What about you sir? Why tactical?”

The Ensign seemed to stutter the words. Cross smiled, and almost failed to hold back a laugh. He knew he was awkward in social situation, but it would seem that Ensign Okhala was as well. It seemed they were kindred spirits in that regard. The hilarity at the fact that the two most awkward officers on the Endeavour were currently in a shuttle attempting to have a conversation was not lost on him. He managed to keep his face straight, however, and thought over the Ensign’s question for a moment.

“I didn’t start out in tactical. I was originally a security officer. I wasn’t qualified for any of the more technical departments.” Cross leaned back in his chair and glanced out at the stars for a moment before turning back to Okhala and continuing. “I never received any sort of education until I was around 17 or so. It took a lot of work and catching up to qualify for Starfleet Academy at all. I spent 3 years as a security officer before I transitioned to the tactical department.” Cross glanced towards the back of the shuttle, where Lieutenant Watanabe was muttering something to herself as she worked. Cross turned his gaze back to Okhala and widened his eyes, silently conveying that Lt. Watanabe was a little strange.

“I only knew I wanted to be a Starfleet officer.” Cross continued, “I owe a great deal to Starfleet. I never had a specific path in mind though.” Cross studied Okhala for a moment. “Do you really believe that your strained relationship with your mentors is of your doing? It seems to me that it would most likely be a result of their own opinions. Not everyone views Romulans in the kindest light. Even half Romulans.” Cross smiled, hoping Okhala would understand that he held no such bias towards her. “I know I’m guilty of the same thing when it comes to Cardassians. I try not to let it taint my actions as an officer, but unfortunately I’m not always successful.” Cross shrugged, feeling somewhat uncomfortable and embarrassed with the last confession. He didn’t know why he felt at ease around his fellow hybrid. Perhaps he saw his own awkwardness and alienation reflected in her.

 - FIN

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