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Topic: CH01: S [D01|1240] Knight's Finest Hour (Read 6559 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH01: S [D01|1240] Knight's Finest Hour

[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn


With the order to depart Aldea given, the Theurgy was abuzz with activity, the crew working hard to get the ship ready. There were a thousand things to be done in far too little time to meet Captain Ives's deadline, but as she worked, Lillee didn't hear any complaints. All it took was watching the vids of Paris to focus everyone's mind on the job.

The holiday was over. The war was back on.

After the news came in, Lillee had spent time in a shuttle, performing hurried last minute inspections of the Theurgy hull and nacelles in one of the small type-9's. Afterwards, moving too quickly to let herself think, she got stuck in with the rest of the shuttlebay crew, confirming that each of the Theurgy's auxiliary craft was secured, operational and ready. Lillee didn't let herself think about Earth, about Paris, about how close her children were to such a horrendous atrocity. She couldn't.

Nevertheless, try as she might to ignore it, Lillee had to eat eventually, had to take a break...or at least, that had been a plan. Shower, change into a new uniform, grab lunch, get back to work. All of that changed when, on her way back to her quarters, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye: a door that was, for some reason, slightly ajar. It was such an oddity that Lillee hesitated, frowning, before she realised why the door wouldn't automatically close. There was a black bra stuck in the doorway, a strange sight in itself, but most odd of all, it was quite clearly an Aldean bra. The gold trim and cross-hatch straps were distinctive.

"Lash mi'va?" Lillee muttered in her native tongue, bemused, stuck between investigating and simply walking away. She glanced up at the door code and her frown deepened, an eyebrow rising. "Uriah Ahern? Knight? Sash kufv mi? Arrnho cam vah'sa?" Then the obvious answer came to Lillee and her eyes widened in alarm. All it took was a couple of steps towards the doorway and a careful sniff to confirm the obvious: there were two people in Knight's quarters, one of whom surely had no place aboard the Theurgy. "Fvadt! Knight, vu mae hannae!"

Annoyance rising, Lillee tapped her combadge, her frown now turning into a scowl. She paused, wondering who to call. Commander Ravon? Commander Kingston? Fvadt, Commander Ducote himself? Knight surely deserved it. Nevertheless, Lillee pursed her lips, glanced either way to make sure there was nobody else in the corridor, then spoke. "t'Jellaieu to Havenborn. Salvo, I think Knight has just done something extremely stupid. Meet me at his quarters immediately. If this isn't fixed in the next...fvadt...twenty minutes, Ravon and Ducote are going to skin him alive."

fvadt: a Romulan curse word that approximately translates to "damn".
Lash mi'va: "What is this?"
Sash kufv mi? Arrnho cam vah'sa: "What the hell? When did you start wearing a bra?"
Knight, vu mae hannae!: "Knight, you fucking idiot!"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #1
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Daniel Havenborn’s Quarters > Uriah Ahern’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn: @Griff 

Daniel was sitting in his quarters working on revisions for his holonovel.  Programming and coding was much better done on the PADD than in the holodeck, that time was better spent testing and showing it off.  He was halfway through chapter twelve’s revisions when he heard his intercom.  Hearing in from Petty Officer t’Jellaieu she mentioned that Uriah had done something stupid.  It wasn’t like his friend to do something stupid, he wondered what it could be.  He saved his progress and put the PADD down.  Getting up he walked out of his quarters and down the corridor, Uriah had quarters close to his so it wasn’t a terribly long walk.

As he neared Uriah’s quarters he saw Petty Officer t’Jellaieu standing outside waiting for him.  He wasn’t sure why she had called him and then he noticed the bra, at first he assumed it was hers, did he steal her bra for some reason but as he got closer he noticed the pattern.  That was definitely an Aldean pattern, he had bought a similar looking one for Miri just a couple days ago during his last trip down to the planet with her.  “Petty Officer, what’s going on?”  He asked her seeing the look on her face.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #2
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridor | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn


During the brief time Lillee spent waiting for Havenborn, she (covertly) picked up the bra, but the temperamental door seemed to have decided that in fact, it wanted to stay partly open. Lillee, with no alternative, simply stood in front of the open door. She wasn't even certain why she was helping the fool, besides lingering loyalty to a fellow Wolf. Knight had seemed like a decent RIO and he had treated her well while they flew together, but she hardly knew either him or Salvo. Wasting time, hiding the bra behind her back and thinking wishfully of a much-needed lunch waiting for her below decks, Lillee imagined all the creative ways that Knight might be punished. She truly had no patience for such foolishness. How did the man not notice the cursed red alert?

Nevertheless, when Salvo (Lieutenant Havenborn, she reminded herself) arrived, the look she shot at him was pure irritation. "You can probably guess by this," she said with an annoyed pout, holding the bra out but swiftly hiding it behind her back when a pair of security crewmen walked past. "Knight found some Aldean girl. They're still in there. If we leave the system with an Aldean civilian onboard...I can't even imagine how much trouble he'll be in."

Lillee sighed. "Earth was bombed two hours ago and he's spending time with some girl who shouldn't even be aboard. Truly, Lieutenant, if you want to report the fool, I think he'd deserve it, but he's your RIO. I thought that you should decide." She frowned. "And there is no way I'm going into his quarters without reinforcements, anyway."

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #3
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Uriah Ahern’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Griff 

As she held the bra out and swiftly hiding it from a passing pair of crewmen Daniel couldn’t help but smile inwardly.  He would never understand why some people felt the need to hide a simple garment, it wasn’t like she was holding a sexual aid device of some sort.  As she explained the situation Daniel simply nodded.  He understood what Knight was going through, Meony had recently left the ship and he had intended on wooing her so it seemed that his friend had sought comfort in the arms of another woman.

When she mentioned the bombing on Earth he didn’t react, the part of him that was still a patriot had secretly enjoyed the fact that Earth had been attacked.  However he realized more so that he didn’t react so much because to him Earth was just another planet, it was sad that people had lost their life in the attack but there was nothing he could do about it from here.  What he could do however would be to save Uriah’s ass both figuratively and literally.  “Understood Petty Officer, I’ll handle him.  Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.”  He said as he made his way towards the door pushing it aside and walking in.

Stepping into the dimly lit room Daniel could make out two bodies on the bed, clothes were scattered all across the floor.  His eyes caught movement on the bed as he noticed a feminine form sitting up to see who was coming into the room.  Daniel let out a small sigh then with a authoritative, stern voice he spoke.  “Lieutenant Junior Grade Ahern, stand to attention!”   Uriah immediately leapt out of the bed, his body reacting primarily on instinct standing at attention completely nude from head to toe.  Uriah saw the look on Daniel’s face and he knew he was in trouble.  “Explain yourself.”  Daniel said sternly.

“Not much to explain sir.  I met Adira down on Aldea and we hit it off down there and I brought her back to my quarters and the rest is history.”  Uriah said.  Daniel nodded then looked around the room.  “So you didn’t hear the alarms going off.”  Daniel said, it definitely wasn’t a question.  Knight looked around and saw that the light panels had lit up.  “Shit.  I’m sorry sir.”  Daniel looked at him and sighed, he and Knight had served together for a long time, this was probably the first major screw-up that he had done since they served on the Persephone“Alright, get yourself cleaned and dressed, I’ll be back in an hour.”  Daniel said as he turned to Petty Officer t'Jellaieu.  “Petty Officer, would you be so kind as to escort our Aldean guest to the transporter room please?”  He asked her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #4
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Uriah Ahern's Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn


"One moment," Lillee said with a sigh, her eyes fixed on the Aldean woman who was scrambling to reclaim her clothes. She completely ignored Knight's own nudity, having seen the man naked in the Wolves locker room daily and having long since grown used to it.  Before Adira could put anything back on, Lillee stepped forward, gripping her arm tight. "We must make sure that security has not been compromised, yes, Lieutenant? After what just happened on Earth?"

Lillee was conscious of her strength, not gripping too tight, but the look in her blue eyes was murderous nevertheless. "Explain quickly, please, then we go to the transporter room. How do you come to know of this ship? Few Aldeans have the security clearance to know about us and fewer still are allowed onboard. How did you meet...uh...Uriah?"

She was no interrogator as the hesitation made clear, but nevertheless, Lillee maintained her glare on Adira, the attractive woman being the same height as her. She glanced at Uriah, her voice cold and savage. "Oh, while she was busy fucking your brains out, Paris was hit by a thalaron bomb. Three million people are dead and Starfleet are arming for war with the Romulans. Was it a good fuck, at least?"

Lillee was out of line, knew it, but couldn't stop herself, still much too raw after the events of that morning, the terror and horror from seeing the FNN newscast not quite faded. It took a serious force of will not to crush Adira's arm as Lillee's heart pounded and she tried in vain to control its rage.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #5
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Uriah Ahern’s Quarters | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Griff 

Daniel shrugged his shoulders, what happened on Earth was a tragedy but it also happened fifty some odd light years away, it wasn’t exactly like it was on their doorstep and honestly it wasn’t that big of a deal for him, he wasn’t quite sure why it was such a big deal for her as well, she hadn’t been born on Earth.  Daniel just waited a moment while she asked her question.

Adira however looked at the woman in front of her, she knew of the Theurgy because of her position in the Aldean Defense Forces, small though it may be.  “I serve on a patrol ship in the ADF, I’ve been working alongside Theurgy’s fighter squadron all month.  I met Uriah at Gui’s Coastal Bar and Grill, I recognized his voice and when I introduced myself he remembered me and we got to talking and he offered to bring me onto the ship.”  Adira explained.  “As for permission aboard, Uriah told me it would be fine, no one would know about me being onboard.”   She glared at Uriah.

Uriah looked back at her and shrugged his shoulders as if to say ‘that was the plan’.  When the Petty Officer spoke next Uriah was about to say something when Daniel looked at her and spoke.  “That’s enough Petty Officer, he’s still an officer.”  Daniel said, leaving out the ‘at least for now’.  “Now carry out my orders and escort her to the transporter room.”  Daniel said looking back at Uriah.  “As for you, get dressed, clean this place up and then you will sit on your bed until I return am I understood Lieutenant?”  Daniel ordered.

Uriah still standing at attention nodded.  “Yes sir!”
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #6
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Uriah Ahern's Quarters | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn


Lillee took a series of deep breaths, forcing her anger under control. She wasn't truly upset at Knight (well, she was a little), but was just taking out her frustration and worry on a convenient target. It was logical, and Lillee mused ruefully that her old Vulcan friends would've been satisfied at her using logic to control her anger. Of course, she still wanted to wring Uriah's neck, so it wasn't entirely under control.

"Right," Lillee said in reply to Havenborn, but before anyone could do anything else, Thea's voice sounded.

"All hands, secure for departure. All hands, secure for departure. Evacuate all airlocks and docking umbilicals. All remaining non-authorised personnel, report to transporter rooms for immediate debarkation."

Lillee swore under her breath. "We have less time than I thought," she said, crouching down to pick up the various discarded clothes on the deck, but upon picking up some of them, she realised that all of the clothes were torn to shreds. Even Adira's panties had been torn, presumably during her and Uriah's passionate rendezvous; none of her garments were wearable.

"You have to be joking!" Lillee exclaimed in exasperation as she looked up at Adira and Uriah, rubbing her cranial ridge, before shaking her head. "There's no time to get new clothes, we need to go now." Not giving the voluptuous Aldean any choice, Lillee grabbed the naked woman's hand and dragged her along behind her to the door. Opening it, Lillee peeked outside both ways before looking back inside.

"It's clear, let's go," she said, looking at Havenborn. "Please, Lieutenant, I could use your help to back me up. If they catch me sneaking a naked Aldean girl off the ship, they'll think that she's my lover instead." Lillee absent-mindedly checked Adira out; athletic, short red hair, rather full breasts, pretty eyes. "Not that I would mind under other circumstances, but I am with someone. She's much more beautiful. Lieutenant, can you lead the way, please?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #7
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Uriah Ahern’s Quarters > Deck 12, Transporter Room 3 | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Griff 

Hearing the ship-wide announcement Daniel cursed internally, it was bad enough that Uriah had been caught the way he had been and now the ship was about to leave dock and the system behind.  He looked around the room and noticed that most of their clothes had been torn, wearable but not to any degree to cover anything.  As the Petty Officer grabbed the Aldean woman and escorted her towards the door, after looking out into the corridor she looked back and then asked him for help.  He looked at the two of them, then looked back at Uriah.  “You’re going to owe me for this too.”

He walked over to the two of them and unzipped his uniform jacket the draped it around the naked woman.  It wasn’t much but it would at least cover her up some.  “Alright, let’s go.”  He said as he walked out of the quarters and out into the corridor.  The key here was acting like nothing was wrong, if a crewman ran into them and Daniel was acting like nothing was wrong then that should put them at ease, if nothing else his rank should put most crewmen in their place and let them move out of the way.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #8
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu | Corridors/Turbolift | Deck 8 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn


"Okay, let's go," Lillee said, pulling Adira along with her as she walked swiftly down the corridor. She kept her ears perked, listening carefully, painfully aware of what would happen if a senior officer came along to see them sneaking a naked Aldean off the ship. If Captain Ives or Commander Ducote caught them...well, best not think about that, Lillee thought to herself sourly. Despite having been onboard since the escape from Earth and having been awake since the beginning of the Azure Nebula campaign, she had yet to even meet the captain or XO; she had no way of knowing if they were the type to laugh or punish. There were stories, certainly, but Lillee had learned a long time ago to treat any ship's rumour mill with serious skepticism.

And, she mused, Lillee had served under both Romulan and Starfleet captains who had seemed to take pleasure in ripping apart their subordinates for even minor infractions. Those were not pleasant memories.

The threesome reached the turbolift without incident, entering it. "Deck 24," she said, and the lift promptly began speeding along through the length of the Theurgy from one end of the ship to the other.. Lillee glanced at Havenborn, flicking some blonde hair out of her eyes. "It'll take a little longer, but that transporter room is almost never used." She paused, an awkward silence settling over them, and Lillee shifted her weight slightly, impatient for the lift to get to where it needed to go. Nevertheless, no matter how sophisticated the lift was, it would take at least a couple of minutes to travel the seven hundred meters distance.

"So..." she said, still holding Adira's hand as she glanced at them both. "I speak in friendship, Adira, truly. Was he any good? I did wonder sometimes when I was in the squadron. I wasn't interested myself but I did hear stories, and I remember from the locker room that Knight is in good shape." Lillee's blue eyes flicked to Havenborn, this time with a distinct glint of mischief. It was just a distraction, much like banter during the terror of battle, and Lillee embraced it. "And you, sir? Did you spend time with any locals?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #9
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 08, Uriah Ahern’s Quarters > Deck 24, Transporter Room 5 | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Griff 

As they walked through the corridor towards the turbolift Daniel kept a swift pace, if the ship was this close to leaving port he was reasonably sure that there’d be no senior officers roaming the corridors anymore.  Any senior officer that held any bridge position was likely already on the bridge so there was little worry about that.  What they had to worry about was senior officers that didn’t hold bridge positions like Commander Ravon, but he was fairly sure that the SCO was likely in his office.

As they entered the turbolift and the doors closed Daniel was going to choose deck 12 as it held Transporter Room 3 and that was the closest but apparently the Petty Officer felt that a Transporter Room that was further away was their best choice, he wasn’t really in a mood to argue or fight it he just wanted the Aldean woman off the ship.

Adira stared at the woman holding her for a moment, first she had scolded her like she was a child and now she was speaking in friendship?  This woman was certainly odd.  “I enjoyed my time with Uriah.”  She stated plainly.

Daniel paid little attention to the banter, he honestly just wanted to escort Adira off the ship then go deal with Uriah and get back to his work.  When the Petty Officer addressed him though he shook his head.  “My time on the planet was spent with friends among the locals not with them.”  He stated, wishing that the turbolift car would go faster.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #10
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu & Lieutenant Commander Cross  | Corridors/Turbolift | Deck 24 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn


The awkwardness in the turbolift having reached an impressive new height, Lillee chose to keep her mouth shut, silently wishing the turbolift on faster. Adira looked profoundly uncomfortable, and on reflection, Lillee sympathised. The woman was stuck on an alien spaceship, naked save for a jacket, relying on two strangers to get her off the ship before it left the system. They were certainly unusual circumstances.

Lillee felt her stomach quake and she frowned in irritation, thinking wishfully of a good lunch that she was missing, perhaps a lunch she could've shared with Anh-Le. Knight, you owe us for this you veruul. Finally the turbolift reached its destination and swiftly (with some relief) the three of them left the lift and proceeded on. Lillee took point a few meters ahead, swearing in her mind the entire time even as she kept alert. Fortunately, even though the Theurgy was abuzz with activity as the ship prepared to leave the dock, that part Deck 24 was quiet. Main Engineering was slightly further forward with its own dedicated turbolift, so there was no reason for any engineers to venture elsewhere on the deck.

Fortunately, they reached the transporter room without any issues. Lillee stopped outside it, now looking profoundly grumpy herself, her attempt at battle humour having been defused in the turbolift. She glanced at Havenborn, the man looking striking in his white uniform shirt.

"Can you...ah...sweet-talk the transporter technician, Lieutenant?" she asked, but before Havenborn could reply, Lillee's head swivelled down the corridor at the barely audible sound of boots on carpet. She hurriedly gestured for Adira to get into the transporter room, and the door had barely closed by the time someone came into view down the corridor.

The man who strode down the corridor wasn't Ives, Ducote or Ravon, but nevertheless, it was bad. Commander Cross had a reputation for having a duranium rod permanently wedged up his ass, permanently disgruntled and far from friendly. The Vulcan looked distracted, but upon seeing Lillee and Havenborn outside the transporter room (Havenborn without his grey uniform jacket, and Lillee looking distinctly awkward), he frowned and stopped before them.

"Is everything alright here?" he asked with his characteristic deep voice, clearly suspicious as his far-too-sharp eyes flicked between them, and then to the transporter room door they stood outside of.

veruul: a mild Romulan insult, roughly akin to calling someone uncultured or barbaric

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #11
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 24, Transporter Room 5 | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Griff 

Daniel was thankful when the turbolift finally reached Deck 24, in a few short minutes Adira would be back on her planet and Daniel could go back and speak to his friend and subsequently assign a punishment to him.  The turbolift ride had given him plenty of time to consider what would be a good punishment.  He decided to assign Uriah to maintenance of their fighter.  When he wasn’t on duty he’d spend that time upgrading their systems, purging obsolete information, etc.  Daniel sometimes handled that himself to give the fighter techs a break considering that they had a whole squadron to maintain and upkeep he figured that helping them out every so often was the least he could do.

As they continued their walk through the corridor there wasn’t any foot traffic which Daniel appreciated.  When they approached the transporter room, the Petty Officer asked him if he could sweet talk the transporter operator, he wasn’t quite sure what she meant by that but he had no problem going in and giving the orders for Adira to be transported back to the planet but apparently they didn’t have the time for that as the Petty Officer shoved Adira into the transporter room and Lieutenant Commander Cross appeared at the end of the corridor walking towards them.  He didn’t know the Commander all that well so this would be a new experience.

“Yes Commander, just dealing with a minor disciplinary issue.”  Daniel said, if Commander Cross wanted to know more all he needed to was ask, Daniel would be more than happy to inform him but he also knew that there wasn’t much time before the ship departed.  “If you’ll excuse me a moment Commander.”  Daniel said as he stepped up to the door and walked inside.

“Listen, I just want to go back to my dorm, I don’t see why that’s such an issue.”  Adira said for the umpteenth time.  As Daniel walked into the room he noticed how Adira was clutching his jacket around her.  "And I told you ma'am, I don't know who you are and until you can provide me with some identification I can't let you go anywhere."  The transporter operator said.  Daniel looked at the operator and cleared his throat.  “Ensign, if you would be so kind as to set the transporter for her housing unit that would be grand.”  Daniel said as he walked over to Adira, the transporter operator watching him for a moment before eventually doing what he was asked.  “You can keep the jacket, I just need my combadge.”  He said as he reached forward with his hand and took it from his jacket.  Adira looked up at him and nodded.  “Thank you for helping me with this, and I suppose thank the other woman too.”  Adira said.  Daniel nodded as he fixed the combadge to his chest as Adira gave the transporter operator the coordinates for her dorm.

A moment later the transporter operator looked up and nodded at Daniel.  “Looks like you’re all set to go.”  Daniel said as Adira stepped up onto the transporter pad.  “Thank you again.”  She said.  “Al-salam alikam.”  Daniel replied as he nodded at the transporter operator who began the transportation process, this was all highly irregular but the officer had more pips on his collar than he did so he did was he was ordered.

Al-salam alikam: Peace be upon you (Arabic)
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #12
[PO3 Lillee t’Jellaieu & Lieutenant Commander Cross  | Corridors/Transporter Room | Deck 24 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn


Havenborn's explanation only piqued Cross's suspicion. The commander was about to ask another question when the doors opened, Havenborn walked through it...and both Cross and Lillee were provided a view of a woman's ass, her top half covered by a uniform jacket, but the bottom half completely bare and clear to all.

The doors closed behind Havenborn, leaving Lillee facepalming. "Commander-" she began, her tone exasperated.

"Don't even bother, Petty Officer," Cross grumbled. He seemed to be seriously regretting his decision to investigate, which only made him even more bad-tempered. "Yours or his?"

The tone, along with being addressed by her rank, was enough to straighten Lillee up. It was one thing to be casual with Havenborn; rank became an optional extra in a combat squadron, and even if she'd been reassigned, it had only been a week. Cross, however, was a very different prospect. Standing there, Lillee was profoundly reminded of her days as a youthful uhlan, perpetually overawed whenever talking to a khre'riov or, Elements help her, an actual admiral. Cross even had the ears; swap the uniform and he would've fit in perfectly aboard a warbird.

"Neither, sir," Lillee answered, privately cursing Havenborn for leaving her alone. "It's...well..."

Cross snorted. "I don't care. I know Mister Havenborn. Who are you?"

"Petty Officer Third Class t'Jellaieu," Lillee replied more firmly, her back straightening, even as she wondered when she'd last had to stand to attention like this before a pissed off officer. Years, at least.

"Does that individual pose a threat to the safety and security of this starship?" Cross said quietly, although something about his tone was even more threatening than if he'd raised his voice.

"No sir," Lillee answered. "She has full security clearance. Lieutenant Havenborn is dealing with any..." (oh, what did he say?) "-disciplinary issues."

Cross narrowed his eyes for a moment. Lillee's skin crawled, but finally, he relented. "Fine. I don't need to know any more. We have bigger things to deal with. Carry on, Miss t'Jal...t'Jel...Petty Officer."

"Yes sir," Lillee said in a rush, scarcely believing her luck. She only hesitated a second before turning around, hearing Cross continue on down the corridor. Seeing that Adira had gone, she sighed in relief, looking at Havenborn. "He didn't care, Lieutenant. Knight's in the clear." She paused, eyeing Havenborn with curiosity. "May I ask what disciplinary actions you have in mind for him?"

khre'riov - Commander General, a rank in the Romulan military broadly equivalent to a Starfleet commodore


Re: CH01: S [D01|1240 hrs.] Knight's Finest Hour

Reply #13
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Deck 24, Transporter Room 5 | USS Theurgy, Vector 3 ] Attn: @Griff 

As the blue white beam of the transporter activated he watched as the young woman disappeared and all that was left was an empty pad.  Daniel turned about to leave the transporter room when the doors opened to reveal Petty Officer t’Jellaieu.  He nodded as she stated that Commander Cross didn’t seem all that interested in the situation.  He found that a little odd but the man was in Tactical and not Security and Petty Officer t’Jellaieu must have convinced him that this wasn’t worth his time.  Either way the situation was resolved and now Daniel had the unfortunate duty to reprimand his friend.

“Uriah is far from in the clear as far as I am concerned.”  Daniel stated.  If they didn’t need every pilot they had at the moment Daniel would have considered suggesting to Ravon that Uriah spend thirty days in the brig, but if the past couple of months had taught him anything, they were going to need everyone at their posts.  “Well unfortunately the brig is out of the question.”  Daniel said thinking some more as he motioned for them to leave the transporter room and continue their conversation back to the turbolift.  “I’m going to assign him to thirty days of maintenance and upkeep of our fighter during his free time, that should send the right message.”  He stated.  If Uriah was too busy working than he couldn’t get into any trouble. 

They reached the turbolifts and  waited for a moment as a car arrived.  Daniel stepped inside after Lillee did and as he was about to return to his quarters Daniel's combadge chirruped, he tapped it and responded.  "Lieutenant Havenborn here, go ahead."  A moment later he heard Miranda's voice.  "Danny, meet me at the Arboretum Cafe in ten minutes."  She said.  Daniel looked at Petty Officer t'Jellaieu.  "It seems I have new plans, Uriah can wait."  Daniel said.  "Deck 20."  He said and the turbolift began its way up.  It was a quiet ride and when the lift stopped and the doors opened Daniel gave Lillee a curt nod and walked out of the turbolift heading for the Arboretum Cafe.

Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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