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Topic: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler (Read 5589 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

[ Krekic | IKS Vor'nak | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

Krekic was annoyed. They had been trying to fix the internal sensor relays in this section of the ship for several days now without any success. The sensor units themselves were new and functioning properly but the data collected was not being sent correctly to the ship’s computer. Currently, the ship believed this section was damaged and exposed to space when it was intact and fully pressurised. It was not an exterior section either, but the main computer could not interpret the data as false.

One of their…. passengers, he was told, was skilled with computer systems and had been sent down to him that morning as they neared the Aldean system. He had wanted the issue, whatever it was, to be corrected before their arrival so that he could visit the Targ pits but here he was, several hours after they had entered orbit, still working. And worse, he had tripped a circuit and the ship had now locked down the section, sealing them in.

“I thought Federation experts were better than this,” the Klingon growled, taking his frustrations out on the man that was working beside him. “If they were, this would have been fixed already and I would be drinking Bloodwine now. What is taking so long?”

OOC: Welcome aboard @JediMaster

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Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #1
[ Lt. Jg. Akel Isavid | IKS Vor'nak: Computer Core | Aldea ]

Akel really hated being around Klingon.  He was forced to hop aboard the SS Stinkhole in his mad dash and wanted nothing more than to sit peacefully in his cabin.   The Klingons, had a very different idea.  They had not asked if he was willing rather demanded he go. He was practically picked up by his new shadow, he didn’t bother to learn the shadows name.   The Klingon computer he did bother learning, it was the most disorganized digital system he had ever seen, it took him two whole days of constant work just to get the system in harmony with each other, it was Akel’s version of a masterpiece . 

Knowing how impatient his shadow was becoming, and he would not be impressed by the large amount of work completed, Akel decided to be as to the point as possible.  “Your computer system was a mess, I had to fix it before fixing the problem you brought me here for,”  he was about to say more but was interrupted by his padd.  “Ahah, found the little gremlin.  You have caught a computer virus thats eating the data running though this particular conduit.”  He couldn’t help but brag a little has he showed the results on his screen.

“All I have to do is bypass that data conduit and you will be back in business.  Your computer system is much faster now as well.”  Giving his best Starfleet sales pitch he added, “you will need to replace the conduit eventually along with a few other replacements I have started making you a list”

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #2
[ Krekic | IKS Vor'nak | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

“Finally, the Starfleet ‘expert’ had gotten to the bottom of the problem and corrected it. Now he could be off the ship and enjoying himself,” was all that was running through Krekic’s head as he only partially listened to what he was being told. Perhaps he should have listened more carefully, but he was too tired and too interested in being someplace else to concern himself with details for tomorrow. With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the issue. 

“Yes, I will look at this tomorrow and assign it to be done,” he said, his tone reflecting his state of mind as he moved over to the door. Pressing the button, the door opened smoothly, freeing them from their confinement. Beyond the door, to his surprise, was a female Klingon wearing a Starfleet uniform. “Well, if I had known you were going to be waiting for me, I’d have cut the door open hours ago,” he joked with a toothy smile.

“You smell like Targ shit,” the female fired back without pause. “Leave before I have to find a shovel.” Perhaps it was the calmness or intensity with how she had responded, but something held Krekic’s tongue and he stomped off down the passageway without a word. With him gone, the female turned back to the door and the Starfleet Officer beyond. 

“My name is Chief Petty Officer Mickayla MacGregor,” Mickayla introduced herself. “I have been sent to escort you back to the ship, sir.”

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #3
[ Lt. Jg. Akel Isavid | IKS Vor'nak: Computer Core | Aldea]

Akel knew almost immediately his shadow wasn’t paying attention to him in the slightest. It was obvious he had no interest in the repair efforts nor making any of the suggestions a reality. It didn’t really matter much to Akel as he already had a way around the moronic Klingon. Having full access to the Vor’Naks computer system he would just submit the requests himself. Names he didn’t retain but user identification numbers he did, it was the only thing he really knew about his shadow.

He was in the middle of uploading his Martok approved change requests when his shadow walked over and opened the door.  The shadow was flirting with someone, who apparently was not interested.  Being rejected almost made Akel feel sorry for him, but was caught up in her response. Why are people always using fecal matter in relation to people. He wondered before realizing a few things; One,his Padd was showing his upload in the name of a Klingon who he obviously not.  Second, he was staring rather stupidly a Klingon wearing a Starfleet uniform. Third, she mentioned she was there to get him. 

Pulling himself out of his own mind Akel quickly hid his padd, stood up, and tried to sound professional. “Well hello there, your wearing the right uniform so I suppose that’s something.  I have a few bags in what’s laughingly called my cabin.  Do you have access to take me there?”  He put forth an obviously filthy hand, well obvious to everyone but him, to shake her hand.

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #4
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | IKS Vor’nak | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

“Looks like someone got caught with their hand in the cookie jar,” Mickayla thought as she watched the man quickly shove his PADD out of sight. Her eyes narrowed at his reaction, but she said nothing as it was not her place. She would add it to her shift report though in case whatever he was doing was more than what it seemed to be. Given their vessels situation, a spy or saboteur was potentially disastrous. His response to her introduction though, was...perplexing. She hoped she was reading too much into it, but her gut was telling her that this was a man that didn’t like Klingons. 

“I got here, didn’t I?” was the initial thought from Mickayla at what she considered a stupid question. Klingon shipboard security was much like Starfleet’s in that certain areas of the ship were kept more secure than others. Like the compartment that they were occupying. Nevertheless, she held her tongue as she reached out to shake the officer’s hand politely.

“Of course, sir,” she answered politely, ignoring the dirty hand. She was used to getting her hands dirty; it was something of a job requirement. “If you would like to follow me, I can lead you there.” Saying nothing more, she intended to travel in silence unless the man chose otherwise.

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #5
[ Lt. Jg. Akel Isavid | IKS Vor'nak: Computer Core / hallways | Aldea]

With more swiftness than he intended, Akel placed his padd in its on the back storage and stood up to follow the security officer. He couldn’t help notice how non typical this Klingon was acting compared to others.  Depending on how she accomplished her job, Akel may actual grow to like her.  There must have been some reason she was wearing a Starfleet uniform not a Klingon one and nothing ate at Akel more then a puzzle.  “I need to lookup her service record” adding one more item to his mental checklist did not bother him at all.

Now that he had decided to play nice, he would need to have polite conversation.  “I am Akel by the way, Akel Izavid.  Thank you for coming to retrieve me, for a while I was worried they would keep me” Akel wasn’t thinking about where he was going, just blindly following behind his guide. “So, I am not sure how much to tell you but I brought as many non replicate able computer equipment I could.  It was a pain and the butt to carry onboard so I am thankful for your help.  How long have you been on the Theurgy?” 

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #6
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | IKS Vor’nak | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

“They would never have kept you. You're Human,” Mickayla thought to herself as she led the officer through the maze-like passages of the Klingon vessel. Combined with the low lighting that her species preferred, it served to make life difficult for those that were unwelcome aboard, like an enemy boarding party. Still, it didn’t take them long to arrive at where she was told he had been staying during the voyage to Aldea.

“This is it, Lieutenant,” Mickayla announced as she assumed a position next to the door before replying. “All the computer equipment that you had brought with you as cargo has already been transferred to the Theurgy. The only remaining inventory to be moved are your personal effects within your quarters,” she informed him, her voice remaining neutral. “And I came aboard the Theurgy 28 days ago, sir. In the aftermath of the Battle of the Apertures, as we are calling it.”

She hoped the officer had prepacked his gear and effects before he had begun to assist the Klingon with their computer issues, or, if he hadn’t, that he travelled light. The day was getting on and she wanted to finish her remaining assigned tasks before getting some rest.

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #7
[Lt. Jg. Akel Izavid | IKS Vor’nak | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88

For the first time in a long time Akel was unaware of the passage of time as they walked. This bothered him slightly, and he performed an internal analysis of why.  After several moments, he came to the conclusion that he was slightly afraid of his previous Klingon shadow and was amazingly relieved to be around anyone but him. 

Yanked back to reality when the officer announced there arrival at his ‘cabin’. Having only stored the non essential parts in the Klingon cargo hold he smiled at the thought of her trying to be helpful by automatically transferring them.  He had kept 4 large duffle bags worth of parts in the corner under a force field. After disabling his makeshift security device he struggled to pick up the two heaviest bags and handed them back to his guide “Those are very sensitive components.  Would you be ok carrying them for me.  I have the other two.” 

He couldn’t help but notice the slight hint of relief in her face that he was well organized and would not take any time to pack. This increased his respect for his escort, as he preferred to be extremely well organized at all times.  “Lead on, I am ready to see a starship interior again.”

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #8
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | IKS Vor’nak | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

Mickayla had had every intention of remaining outside while the Lieutenant gathered what few personal items he had probably brought with him. To the best of her knowledge he, and the others, would probably have had to travel light given their circumstances and methods of travel. So, when the door opened and she saw the multiple bags sitting in the corner of the room under some sort of force field, Mickayla was both surprised and annoyed. Especially when the inevitable request to help carry them came soon after. The only relief she found was that the Lieutenant’s other belongings were packed in short order.

Their journey off of the Vor’nak was unhindered and they quickly made their way through the station, Mickayla saying nothing as she led the way. As much as the Klingons assured her that the facility was secure, recent events had somewhat called that into question due to the politics between the Great Houses. So, better safe than sorry she thought as they approached the closed door that was one of the entrances to the Theurgy. Stepping up to the closed door, and the two armoured security members assigned to guard it, Mickayla set both of her bags onto the ground and hit several keys on the panel next to sealed door. With a rush of air, the opened doors behind them sealed shut.

“Chief MacGregor to Security Ops. I have Lieutenant Izavid. Standing by for anyon sweep in Airlock Three,” she said after activating her combadge. 

[Welcome back Chief,] a disembodied voice sounded in the chamber. [Sweep commencing in three, two, one...] Mickayla tuned out the loud hissing that belied the entrance of the subatomic particles. She had been through several of these sweeps prior to this one and was beginning to get used to them. Besides, if the man was infested, odds were she would never survive the encounter in the sealed chamber. [Cycling phase variations now. Please stand by.]

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #9
[Lt. Jg. Akel Izavid | IKS Vor'nak | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88

Entering a Federation starship was like taking a warm bath for Akel. The environmental controls were always set to an exacting standard dictated by much higher engineering minds then his.  He fell so very sorry for making a stranger carry his bags and was about to apologize for it when his attention drifted back to attention at the named anyon sweep. For the life of him, he had no clue why there were sweeping all those onboard the ship. 

As the sweep began, panic swept over Akel. He had no clue what that type of scan would do to his implant. ‘Gosh i so wish the admiral would have told me more than just run to the Theurgy’ He had just finished his thought when his implant literally shocked the back of his neck.  It happened four more times, each time getting stronger that then last.  He tried not to react but the forth shock brought him to his knees. He reached his and back to uncover the device from his uniform, he had to turn it off before it knocked him unconscious.  With a quick tap in the external control the device turned off.

Of course with the inhibitor off the emotions all around him started their invasion into his mind. The most noticeable was his companions. For some reason she was afraid of him killing her. He looked back at the security officer realizing he must look like a very insane person.  “I am so sorry about that” he said looking up at her. It was only after the apology the though came to him about being still on his knees.

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #10
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Airlock | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

“No matter how many times I go through this, I still get goose bumps,” Mickayla thought to herself as she stood and waited for the sweep to finish. Beneath her uniform, she could feel her skin reacting to the changes in the air, the tiny hairs standing up in a vestigial response to how she was feeling. Others had reported nervousness during the sweep but Mickayla still wondered if her reaction was caused by the events aboard the Versant. She didn’t consider herself to fear the sweep, and if it did detect the presence of an Infested, then she would probably be dead long before help could arrive. She had fought an Infested before and they didn’t die easy. Fighting one while sealed in an airlock; Mickayla believed that was a death sentence.

When the first twitch came from Lieutenant Izavid, Mickayla’s tenseness jumped to eleven as the two armoured figures reacted. One of them passed his rifle to the Klingon before drawing his pistol while the other joined Mickayla in training the barrel of his long gun on the new arrival. He had continued to twitch more and more but had done nothing threatening as yet. When he dropped to his knees, Mickayla almost considered calling Sickbay but she couldn’t take the chance until the sweep was complete. She watched as he reached up to the back of his neck and revealed some sort of device there before deactivating it. The action did little to settle the situation as the three Security officers kept their weapons trained.

"I am so sorry about that,” the man apologised, looking up at them. 

[Cycle complete. He’s clean.] the voice announced a moment later. [Should I contact Sickbay?]

“Stand by,” Mickayla advised as she relaxed her trigger finger slightly. The sweep was clean but there were still questions that needed answering. “Sir, I require an explanation about what just happened. Specifically, what is that device on your neck?”

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #11
[Lt. Jg. Akel Izavid | IKS Vor'nak | Aldea] Attn: @Stegro88

It was painfully obvious how bad the current situation looked and that he had once again made an outstanding first impression.  He was cursing himself for not figuring out some way to explain his personal malfunction.  Not only was he making a wonderful impression he would never have the chance to move to another command.  He had burned the bridges with anything Starfleet for a long time.  Of course, then there was the potential problem of getting shot by an obviously nervous group of officers. 

The command he was given by the Klingon security to explain himself was added to the increased measure of emotions flooding into him now that he had turned his implant off.  After taking a few minutes to try and separate the many hundreds of feelings he was now having he spoke a calmly as possible.

Without making any sudden moves he spoke “I am a Betazoid, kind of a messed up one, and in order to not have your feelings become mine I had this inhibitor implant installed.  Whatever scan that just happened must have messed up one of the regulators.” 

He waited a few moments for her to process his words before asking “May I stand?”

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #12
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Airlock | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

[Chief, I can confirm what the officer is saying,] the disembodied voice interjected before the Klingon could respond. Mickayla had left the channel open to the Security Centre, just in case, and it seemed the whomever was on duty over there was on the ball. [Sensors in the airlock have determined that the device is indeed an inhibitor implant worn my Betazoids, among other species.]

“Thank you, petty officer,” Mickayla acknowledged, her tone more relaxed. “That will be all,” she finished before closing the channel. The two armoured figures had also adopted a calmer stance at the new information being injected into the tense situation. “You can stand, sir,” Mickayla said to the Betazoid officer as she considered her options about where to proceed from here.

“Lieutenant Izavid,” Mickayla said, addressing the officer once he was again upright. “My orders were to locate you and to bring you to Lieutenant Commander Stark. However, as that has taken longer than expected, and with the possibility that you may need to attend sickbay to check your implant, I believe she would be accommodating to see you at another time tomorrow,” Mickayla continued, stating the man’s options. “However, the choice is yours, sir.”

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #13
[ Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Airlock | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn @Stegro88

Noticing the weapons lowering before the officer agreed to let Akel stand up added to his already calming demeanor.  He still was being flooded by the emotions of the other officers onboard Theurgy and he barely was able to stand when he was allowed.  It took almost all his mental focus to stand from the crouched position and tried to make it seem as effortless as possible.  When arriving upon his feet, Akel straightened his uniform for his current state and realized that his obviously annoyed Shephard was speaking with him.

Focusing all his thoughts upon what the officer was saying he gave as much attention to her words as possible. He heard his name, his new commanding officers name, and something about being longer than she expected…. In his mind he commanded his willpower to focus.  He was not longer; this was taking longer, he chastised himself for not understanding.  Sickbay was mentioned, along with a delay in checking in.  Then she was just waiting for him, as he was wading through the monsoon of emotions. 

He could barely remember how to speak at this point as he uttered “yes…sorry for all the problems….  If you could just tell me where quarters are, I will take my stuff….” He paused for a few moments, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts. “Sooo sorry for the bad first impression, thanks for the rescue.”  He tried his best to put on his best I am not an idiot expression and waited. 

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #14
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Airlock | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

Mickayla knew that they needed reinforcements. She knew that without them, their mission would fail from attrition, if nothing else. She knew that has declared traitors and renegades they they weren’t exactly going to get the cream of the crop wanting to join their side. And Mickayla hadn’t been on duty when the other recruits that had arrived with Martok came aboard but if this was an example of what they could expect from them, then perhaps it was time to think of a nice retirement plan. Far away on some unexplored planet where she could hope to die from old age before the Federation or anyone else could catchup with her. It was embarrassing.

“It’s alright, sir,” Mickayla assured the officer as the airlock doors opened and granted them admission to the ship proper. “I will escort you to your quarters as I believe it unwise to you wander the vessel alone in your condition,” the Klingon continued as she picked up the bags she had been carrying. “I will though require an answer to my questions, sir. Do you need to attend sickbay now? And when would you like to report to Lieutenant Commander Stark? Now or tomorrow morning?”

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #15
[ Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Airlock | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn @Stegro88

Akel knew that he had just made the most horrific first impression to the officers and crew and these were just the first few people that he met.  If the Klingon security officer would ever talk to him again, he would have to work hard to make it up to her.  He was good at his job but he looked like a fool and it didn't help that he had been trapped on a Klingon ship and then the damn scan had messed with him. 

Trying his best to smile and realizing how late it was he responded to her "I will escort you to your quarters as I believe it unwise to you wander the vessel alone in your condition, I will though require an answer to my questions, sir. Do you need to attend sickbay now? And when would you like to report to Lieutenant Commander Stark? Now or tomorrow morning?"  He had no interest in going to sickbay as he hated doctors. "My quarters will be just fine thank you" he mentioned as he walked through the airlock. 

Once he stepped completely through, Akel was assaulted by another wave of emotions from the crew.  Using every once of strength he was able to remain on his feet but it was obvious he was in a great deal of pain.  He tried to remember the officers name and couldn't for the life of him so to distract himself, he decided to simply ask for her name "By the way, I don't think I ever got your name chief." He stood waiting for both her direction and for her answer. 

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #16
[ CPO Mickayla MacGregor | Airlock | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn: @JediMaster

Something was definitely off with the Betazoid male standing before her, but she wasn’t trained in medical matters before battlefield first aid. And past that, her experiences with the species were limited, except for Faye Eloi-Danvers, but that was an entirely different data chip. It was her opinion though, that the officer needed to attend sickbay. Up until the scan that had apparently damaged his inhibitor chip in some manner, Lieutenant Izavid had been controlled, if not a little odd. Now, he was all over the place. And his latest comment stunned her.

“I am Chief Petty Officer Mickayla MacGregor, sir,” the Klingon recounted, remember when she had introduced herself aboard the Vor’nak. “And if you are sure that you do not need to attend Sickbay, then your quarters are this way,” she said, pointing off to the left. She was already mentally filling in the report she would be filing once she returned to the Security Centre, along with a request for Thea to monitor his condition for the next few days.

Leading the officer through the warren of passages that made up a large vessel while carrying his additional luggage was of no bother to her and Mickayla soon had the man standing outside the door to his assigned personal quarters. Setting the bags down, she turned to look at the man.

“If that will be all, sir, I will return to my duties,” Mickayla said formally. “What would you like me to tell Commander Stark about your arrival?” Mickayla knew what she’d like to say but it wasn’t her place to speak for an officer.

Re: Day 28 [2200 hrs.] Straggler

Reply #17
[ Lt. Jg Akel Izavid | Airlock | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy | Aldea ] Attn @Stegro88 @Brutus

Trying to recover as much dignity as possible after the bad first impression, he vaguely remembered her name was MacGregor, and felt rather dumb asking her name again.  His vision kept shifting back and forth blurry to focused. Akel did not have much time before he ended up in the fetal position, and performing that trick for MacGregor would surly get him an emergency trip to sickbay.  He followed through obediently behind her hoping that his position would not betray his declining mental state. 

Akel did not really follow the passage of time nor their route taken from the airlock to his new quarters.  Truth be told, he only knew that he had arrived when she placed the bag the bags Akel asked her to carry.  He was trying to determine how to excuse MacGregor when she spoke "If that will be all, sir, I will return to my duties," he was gaining excitement when she added "What would you like me to tell Commander Stark about your arrival?" This made his headache worse as he tried to focus on what to say.

"I will let Commander Stark know I arrived on board.  Thank you for retrieving me and for carrying half of my baggage.  Again I would like to apologize for my issue. "  He put down his bags and gave the Chief his best Starfleet salute "You are free to go

Akel opened the door, shoved his bags through, and made sure it was locked behind him.  Spending a few seconds getting familiar with his new home, he fell to the floor being overwhelmed by the thousands of emotions around him.  He crawled his way to the edge of the bed, drifting in and out of consciousness, drifting through the sea of emotions onboard the Theurgy.  Recalling his mental fortress lessons learned after his accident, he began rebuilding his puny natural barriers.

When he was able to open his eyes without almost vomiting, and could speak out loud without almost fainting, he went to the computer terminal at the desk and began compiling a message to Commander Stark. 

Commander Stark,
I have arrived on board the USS Theurgy, it was very late and I did not want to disturb you this evening.  I intend to report directly to your office in the AM.  I am attaching Admiral Anderson's official / unofficial orders for my transfer to this ship under your command. I am also attaching my personnel file.  I look forward to visting with you in the morning.  Please contact me immediatly if you require anything before our meeting tomorrow.

Lt. Jg Akel Izavid

Shutting off the monitor he fell back upon the floor drifting to unconsciousness for a little while longer. 


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