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Topic: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds (Read 9540 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #75
[Zyrao Natauna | Anger | Fighting | This Isn't Safe | This Isn't Support]

He said he wasn't attacking her.  Looking at her as though she was losing her mind.  There was a good distance between them still because she was still, very much, on the edge.  Already, she could feel the skin on her body crawling.  She had spent so many years alone, and so many years, building up a personality which was built on trust, honor, and the needed to beat a fucking face in from time to time.  She had stood up for her rights, and the rights of others.  She had been oppressed over and over again before she rose up to the person that she was.  Only the Klingon had allowed her to be a free person, to stand on her own, and to create something of herself.  Their warrior culture spoke to a deep seated notion in her core that told her to defend herself at the cost of all else, and to defend those she cared about. 

This wasn't care.  This was something else. 

He bit back at her, telling her the Romulan was fine.  As if she had a moment to ask since she had come back into the damn Quarters.  Her eyes went absolutely cold, she was so ready to throw a punch, right into his throat.  He wouldn't get a face shot, if she went for the throat he would stop talking for a while and right now his silence on the matter was exactly what she needed.  Zyrao pinched the bridge of her nose to the point of pain trying to keep herself from taking those much needed steps to his much needed facial assault.

As she looked up he was staring at her as if he was waiting for her to do something.  Sure enough, a moment later, he asked her if she was going to fucking attack him.  The grey eyes, native to her kind, seemed to just stare at him for a moment.  Then all the fight drained out of them, and hurt replaced them.  Zyrao brushed a hand through her hair before letting her hand fall back to her side with a harsh slap on her own leg.

“Is that how you see me, then?” she stated, more than asked.  “You stand there and you are being self-righteous.  I offended you, I went too far, I left you to pick up the pieces.  Not once did you ask if I was all right, why I might need that space.  What I might have done after I found my head space returned.  You are far into your own world to really truly extend that care outward to me.  Instead of being angry that I needed that space and I left because I could do nothing to help the situation there, you accuse me.  Scream at me, and try to goad me into a fight after condemning my earlier actions with the girl?”

Zyrao shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.  “This won't work Thomas.  You and I.  I did something quite wrong, and needed to recenter myself.  I lost control, something that I value highly not only in my line of work.  Your words at the dinner party were true and I needed to figure out what I was going to do moving forward.  This, was not what I expected to come back to.  I had hoped to come back and talk calmly about the situation.  Perhaps visit the Romulan to apologize for my grievous errors upon her face.  However, instead, I was attacked by the person I thought would understand the most.  Have you never lost control?  You are as short tempered as I.” she reminded.

Shaking her head she began to make her way towards the door, there was nothing left to say.  “I do not believe we can support each other, as lovers, like this.”

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #76
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

The moment of pressure was building on, rising higher and higher as the boiling point neared. He had provoked her and he could see the fire in her eyes, the stance ready for her to hit him wherever it might hurt. He called her out on it and his eyes were locked on hers. He was ready for it, pumped up on anger, rage and what else. However, Zyrao surprised. She did something Thomas didn't expect as he could suddenly see the fight bleed out of her eyes as she brushed a hand through her hair and shook her head.

In turn she called him out. Asking him if he saw her like this, a woman with blood fever and a need to see blood and crack bones. He blinked as his own rage still churned inside of him and he cocked his head slightly. Clearly not having expected this reaction. She lashed out, verbally, yet not in a way their conversation was going. Oh no, the El-Aurian chucked the words in a way that made Ravon question his own actions. He blinked as his stance took on a less ready to fight state and he furrowed his brows slightly.

It was right there if she'd look in his eyes. The realization that she had a point and that he in fact, did not form a team with her on this matter. He lowered his arms as his hands flung loosely by his hips as he parted his lips, yet she wasn't done. She told him that he had her wouldn't work. Not like this. That was a jab that he couldn't have blocked, as much as he'd want it to. It was a punch that went far deeper than his flesh, muscles, nerves or bones. It hit him straight in his heart and at the place he had reserved for the El-Aurian after his turbulent ordeal on the planet with Zephyr.

She reminded him as she pointed out that his fuse was just as short as hers and he looked down in defeat now as he swallowed and shook his head slightly. Not trying to fight her this time as he knew, just as well as she knew, that she was right. On both accounts. It painted an ugly picture, a picture that in her eyes was just what it was. A picture that Thomas hadn't thought over as he had been boiling over the moment for too long it seemed. He had failed to let go himself, he had essentially failed her.

He could hear Zyrao change her position in the room as she moved through the room towards the door. She called it, they couldn't function like this. Not as lovers. He looked up now as he found no words to counter what she had said. It took the entire walk to the door before Thomas spoke up "You're right." He paused for a second as he looked back up at her and gestured to the couch "About all of it. I did fail you on the level of a lover. I screwed up beyond that even." he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Let me try at least to be a better friend. Please, have a seat. Talk with me." he suggested to her.

The pilot had seemingly taken his peace with the matter. The simple words Zyrao had spoken were sound, they fit. As bright as they had burned, the fires of their relationship had been too much to be contained. Instead, the flames devoured them whole and torched down down to the place where they had started. Perhaps something could be salvaged between them, though it wouldn't ever be in the capacity of lovers again.

Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #77
[Zyrao Natauna | It Ends | It Began and Ended With a Bang | Two Stars Too Bright]

She was halfway to the door, when he spoke. 

Zyrao paused in her step, hand already reaching out for the panel with the intent to push it.  But, instead, he stopped her with his words.  She was right, she knew that, and that he realized it too now was a boon.  It would make what had to happen now much easier for the both of them.  The strategist turned slowly and looked at him.  He agreed that he had failed her as a lover, and that they weren't good for one another, they weren't.  She had hoped so, and tried to be what he needed, but she could not fit the way he needed her to and he could not the man in her life that she so needed.

Now, he asked her to give him a chance to be a better friend.

For a long moment she stared at him.  Because, they had become something, even if it wasn't healthy or safe to pursue it, there was a bond there.  She did not believe herself fully capable of leaving Thomas out of her life all together.  That would betray the bonds that they had already forged together in their short time.  She definitely would rather have something than nothing out of the whole ordeal.  She crossed to the replicator and pulled out some booze, two cups full of ice, and crossed back to the couch.  Uncorking the bottle, she poured them both some of the dark amber colored liquor and handed him a glass before taking her own.

“Our bond may not be suitable for what was intended, yet, I cannot just walk away from what we might have instead.  To a friendship, one of understanding and closeness.”


Re: Day 04 - Day 30 [ Variable hrs. ] Brief Encounters and Growing Bonds

Reply #78
[ Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

The strategist stopped and was almost out of his quarters before she turned around to him and faced him. Ravon looked right back at her as she seemed to think about his words now. He hoped that she didn't see his words as a feeble attempt of him to try and rekindle their romantic relationship. He knew she had made her point and set her mind. A line of thought he could follow and one he truly respected considering the time he had spent with Zyrao. Regardless, Zyrao was new to the ship, she could use some friends and whilst Thomas had been mad at her, he still felt things for her.

She moved once more and made her way over to the replicator and produced alcohol and ice before walking over to the couch. Thomas followed her there as she uncorked the bottle and filled the glasses. He sat down besides her, leaving some space in between them as she handed him his glass.

She toasted and the pilot smiled warmly at her with a nod "To friendship and closeness." The two of them talked after that. Clearing out any problems that might still linger. Thomas asked about where she had gone and how she was feeling while Zyrao informed about the Romulan. Drinks were consumed and the two eventually did lean closer into one another again. Up to a point where the two of them were just laying against one another as they shared more stories about losing control. About how some of their impulsive actions had caused them problems.

Ravon for example shared about his violent outburst towards Rawley, his wing woman. How it had resulted into a discussion post Harbinger and lead to him going MIA indirectly. He spoke about the condition he had, how a Vulcan had messed with his mind and had made him do terrible things. It was a night of openness and of rekindling a friendship that most people wouldn't be able to have.


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