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Day 13 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

"Wolves Reunited"

Stardate: 57563.71
March 13th 2381
09:30 Hours

[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Having been released from Sickbay and placed officially off duty until at least next week, Logan had first gone and visited Zeke, the two friends having caught up and spoke about what had transpired during their last battle and their various injuries before getting a little drunk in celebration of their very much still alive status the night before.

Today he had two things on his agenda and was working on the first one now. Logan stepped out of the Turbolift and made the short walk into the Fighter Assault Bay and started making his way across the deck, giving a nod and greeting all the engineers and other crewmembers who worked there, smiling, shaking hands and thanking all of those who welcomed him back. Although new to the crew, he was a Wolf and it was always good to see an injured member of the family return to the pack.

Eventually he made his way over to his Valravn’s birth and cursed under his breath. His poor girl had clearly had as rough a time of it as he and Zeke had. Her left wing which had had a sizable chunk of it sheared off during the battle had been removed. Her hull had several large scratches and scorch marks streaking along her once pristine white hull and what looked to be at least half of her internal circuitry were spewing out of her frame and spreading out over her birth in multiple directions.

“Oh baby you look as bad as Zeke and I were.” He said to the ship that had been his for over a year now and stepped up to pat her nose. “Sorry you got banged up girl, we all did. I’m sure they’ll have you patched up and flying again in no time.” he said, giving her another pat.

He had turned on his heel and was about to make his way to the exit when he spotted NCO Colin Jefferies coming out of one of the maintenance bays. The young man in his early twenties was a skilled engineer and the one assigned to his Valravn. Despite only having a few interactions with him since he came on board the two had hit it off pretty well, which was good. Logan always felt it was best to know the person responsible for looking after his bird, although he would still give her the once over himself just for his own piece of mind.

The Engineer, once spotting him had smiled brightly and started jogging across the deck, clearly happy to see him. “Wraith! It’s so good to see you up and about, you gave me quite a scare when you got back and Angel had you emergency beamed to sickbay. You and Zeke both hurt and the Valravn too it wasn’t a good time for me…or you I suspect.”

Logan chuckled and patted the younger man on the shoulder. “Not really from what I hear. It’s good to see you Colin and thanks.” the pilot replied before glancing over his shoulder “So how’s my girl doing? Is she as bad as she looks?”

Colin glanced at the fighter and nodded slowly “At the moment yeah, those Borg graviton torpedoes did a real number on her. Luckily, we had enough resources to replicate a new wing, that will be going on tomorrow all being well. Some of the systems were knocked offline or just fried, hence the wiring and your rerouting wasn’t exactly standard either.” He answered.

“Hey desperate times call for desperate measures.” Logan replied with his hands held up. “Besides I knew you’d be able to fix that.” He added with a grin.

“True and I’m not complaining man, I know you had to do it to get yourself back, it’s all good.”

“So how long is she going to be out of action for?”

Colin smiled “With a bit of luck I’ll have her good as new by the end of the week and ready for active duty again the start of next week.”

Logan smiled “Great timing, that’s around the same time that Zeke and I should be cleared to fly too.” he said.

“Well then I’ll pretend that I totally knew that and it’s all part of my plan to make you believe that I am amazing.” Colin chuckled, earning a chuckle from Logan. “Of course, that will only happen if I actually get back to work.”

Logan nodded and patted the engineer on the shoulder “Message received. Thanks Colin, I’ll see you later.”

Bidding the engineer goodbye so that he could get back to work on his fighter, Logan made his way out of the Fighter Assault Bay.

“Computer locate Lieutenant Alessia Garcia.” he asked as he made his way towards the port turbolift.

“Lieutenant Garcia is in the Lower Gymnasium on Deck 14.” Answered the computer.

Stepping into the turbolift, Logan smiled. He hadn’t seen or spoken to Alessia since the battle at Starbase 84, when she and several others had defected, unlike him at the time who had remained “loyal.” While he was certainly looking forward to reuniting with his friend, he knew that that particular conversation was not going to be a fun one.

“Deck 14.” He ordered the lift, taking a deep breath to prepare himself as the doors hissed shut and whisked him on his way.

Re: Wolves Reunited

Reply #1
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

It had been a few days since the aftermath of the battle and things had for the most part started to settle down. The Theurgy was docked at the Aldean shipyard to be repaired, those who had shore leave were getting ready to leave the ship. The Wolves and their ships were being prepped for their patrol duties with the Aldeans, life was slowly returning to somewhat normalcy.

As for her, she had been slowly working her way through the stages of grief. Right now she was very firmly set in the Anger stage, based on the beating she was giving the punching bag in front of her right now. Alessia was angry and if she was being entirely honest with herself it wasn't just grief but numerous things. Taking a swing at the bag with her right hand, her fist connected with a thud, the bag swinging back and forth with the hit. Then again as she followed it up with a left hook, then a right jab and another left.

Wearing a black sports bra and sweatpants, sweat glistened off her soft skin as she fought the bag. It was early in the morning so the gym was empty besides herself, at least for now which was good for her. She didn't really want anybody to witness her venting her anger, it was why she had opted for this gym and not the Wolves own gym, too many people she saw regularly, be it the engineers or her fellow Wolves might see her and she didn't want them thinking any less of her, which was silly she knew but that was her way.

After a flurry of punches her thoughts drifted to everything that had happened up to this point. News of the Theurgy's "betrayal" the battle at Starbase 84, learning the truth about the parasites. All those deaths because people refused to believe them. Joining the Theurgy during that battle after learning the truth. Not having Logan join her...them when she left. Reuniting with Leon and that one night they'd had, deciding to explore a relationship together. Coming to the briefing for their next battle and seeing Logan sat at the back of the room. The next battle and then returning to find Logan half dead in his Valran, her brief encounter with Rawley in the showers, finding out that Leon had died...

She paused in her thoughts and stared at the bag as she thought about those two men. Two of the most important people in her life if she was being honest with herself, Leon her old friend and potential partner: Dead and Logan, her best friend since their time at Luna testing the Valravn's both taken from her. She hadn't gotten to speak to Leon before he died and she'd hadn't spoken to Logan since before the battle at Starbase 84. She'd hated that he hadn't joined them during that battle but was so happy when she'd seen him in that briefing only to find him in the cockpit, now he was in stasis, possibly able to be treated but who knew when that would be...if ever, she didn't know.

Her eyes narrowed as she felt her pain and anger bubbling inside her. It wasn't fair. Why did life want to take all the men she cared about in her life away from her? First her brother and now Leon and Logan. Why? What did she do to deserve this kind of punishment? Letting out an angry, pain filled yell, she swung at the bag as hard as she could. Putting all her anger and grief into it, the bag swinging back and forth as she launched into a flurry of strikes. Lost in channelling her emotions into her hits, the pilot failed to notice the sound of the doors opening behind her.

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #2
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Stepping out of the turbolift, Logan made his way down the winding corridors until he reached the gym and stepped inside. Looking around there was nobody in the room and arched an eyebrow at the fact that nobody was in there. The computer had told him that Alessia was in here and the turbolift hadn’t taken that long to go up two decks, although that didn’t mean that she couldn’t have left.

That was however just the main room, the sparring area was behind the door on the opposite side of room and the Spaniard did like to get in some hand-to-hand on occasion. Crossing the gym he couldn’t help but grab the nearby basketball and fired it at the hoop, cursing when the ball circled around the rim before dropping to the ground and rolling back to him as if giving him another opportunity. “Maybe later.” he muttered as he placed the ball back and continued on through the doors into the sparring area.

Immediately he saw her laying into the punching bag like it had insulted her entire family or something. Opting to casually lean against the wall just inside the sparring area, he crossed his arms over his chest and one leg in front of the other, watching her for a few moments as she continued to lay into the bag, really hitting it with all she had. Hard jabs and quick flurries and arched an eyebrow, he’d seen Angel spar before but never this aggressively, although he had an idea what it might have been, he’d taken a look at the casualty list after he’d left sickbay and saw one name on there that he recognised, albeit only because Alessia had mentioned him once or twice while they were on Luna. Given that and the fact they hadn’t spoken to each other since Alessia original “defection” back during the battle at the Starbase, Logan wasn’t exactly sure how to start their first conversation before deciding to just be his usual self and see how it went.

“Damn Garcia, what the hell did that poor punching bag do to earn such a beating?” he asked with a smirk.

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #3
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Oblivious to the fact that she had company, Alessia took a few more swings at the punching bag before hearing a voice from behind her. A very familiar voice, one that she hoped would be the actual person she thought it was when she turned around and not her mind playing a trick on her. Grabbing the punching bag to stop it swinging she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again and turning around.

There, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and that stupid smirk of his on his face stood Logan Hale. Friend. Brother. Smartass. Slowly taking a few steps towards him, Alessia wiped the sweat from her brow on the back of her tapped hand as she approached him wordlessly. Breathing heavily from her "workout" she came to a stop before him and looked up at him, her eyes meeting his.

"Logan?" she whispered softly relieved that he was actually standing there in front of her when he nodded in response. Her eyes narrowing she pulled back and punched him hard in the shoulder before launching into a string of Spanish so fast that not even another native Spanish speaker would be able to comprehend what she was saying beyond the fact that her tone indicated that she was angry ...Don't you ever scare me like that again asshole!" she finished in English before launching herself at him and wrapping her arms around him, clinging to him tightly as if he was going to leave her again if she did.

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #4
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Logan wasn't exactly sure what he was expecting Alessia to do upon seeing him. Smile and be glad to see him maybe, tell him that she was glad he was okay perhaps. Crack a joke about him being frozen...there were a few things that had come to his mind. A really hard punch however was definitely not one of them, nor was the string of incomprehensible Spanish that followed, leaving him standing there in silence, the smirk on his face immediately vanishing with the punch. Then after Alessia had gotten out everything that she clearly had needed to, he found himself being gripped tightly having had the woman do a small jump at him.

Wrapping his arms around her waist he held her back and smiled. "Okay a few things, first of all....OW!" he said, rolling his shoulder slightly in the hopes of helping banish the throbbing in it from where he'd been hit. "Second: Even though I don't speak Spanish I'm pretty sure what you just said wasn't very nice." he added, although his tone was soft and full of humour. "Third: It's not like what happened I did on purpose but I will try not to scare you like that again." he added, rubbing her back lightly. "'s good to see you too." the pilot finished, giving her a gentle squeeze.

The two remained there in silence for several minutes,  Logan opting to let Alessia decide when to break the contact between them, which he had a feeling wouldn't be for a little while based on the vice like grip she still had on him, not that he had a problem with that she was his friend and she clearly needed this at the moment so he would give it to her.

"I'm guessing it's been a rough few days huh?" he asked, feeling her nod against his chest, still not having said a word. Another brief silence falling between the two before Logan decided to speak again, his voice a lot softer this time. "I uh read the casualty list from after the battle..." he began, taking a moment to give the woman a moment to prepare herself for what he was going to bring up next, although Logan figured she already know what he was going to say. "...I saw Leon's name on there. I'm so sorry Alessia, I know the two of you went way back."

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #5
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

If Alessia was being entirely honest with herself, she needed this embrace. She was a pretty tough chick and rarely did she like displaying so much emotion in front of other people, she liked people believing her to be a tough chick and badass but deep down, in private, behind closed doors, especially in moments and situations like this, she was like everybody else. She wanted to be held and comforted by someone she knew wouldn't judge her for it or to not think of her as a badass once she was done, Logan was one of those very few people she allowed herself to be like in front of.

Still as she clung to him, feeling his arms wrapped around her, she listened to his words even while listening to the beating of his heart against her ear. Alessia allowed herself a small smile as he listed off all his things, his Ow making her chuckle slightly and had to admit that what she had said wasn't very nice at all, but while she partially felt guilty about both hitting him and the words she had said, part of her also felt like he deserved it for putting her through what he had, even if the injury wasn't planned. Something that was third on his list of things, at least he promised to try not to do that again. It was only words of course since he couldn't actually guarantee that, just as she couldn't either but the sentiment was nice and then he said it was good to see her too, and it was. It really, really was.

She hadn't said anything to him yet. She couldn't. It was taking all her strength not to completely break down and cry and she knew that if she tried to speak her voice would crack and let him know just how close to the edge she was. Just because she was comfortable around him didn't mean she wanted their reunion to begin with her a blubbering mess if she could help it.

When he said that it had been a rough few days she nodded against him. That was a fucking understatement. A brief silence fell between them only to be broken by his voice telling her that she had read the post battle casualty list and swallowed hard against the lump that formed in her throat. She knew what was coming but she kind of hoped that the wasn't going to say it but he did as he apologised for her loss.

That was all it took to break her. It started as an audible sob in the back of her throat and less than a nanosecond later the dam burst and her tears came. She never made a sound as she cried or wailed in pain but she cried. She cried hard as everything that had happened, everything that she had been holding inside of herself since the battle had ended started silently spewing out of her.

Alessia's grip on Logan tightened as her fingers curled into his shirt, her body shuddering and trembling with every tear and every thought from the last few days. The news about the parasites, joining the other side. The realisation that the one person she'd truly wanted...needed to come with her from the Wolves and believe her had remained behind. The battle, finding Logan in his Valravn when she'd landed, the news about Leon and then getting wasted in the bar that night...everything, all the pain, all the anger, the guild, the loss, the shame that she had been bottling up was finally being released.

She hated that she felt like this, she hated that she wasn't strong enough to keep it all in, she hated losing control, hated losing people. She hated that she'd felt like she was drowning in all this emotion and she hated that she needed someone to be her rock for her to deal with it all. Yet she was so glad that she finally had that rock and that she could let herself go and open the floodgates to let everything out. Hopefully it would help, even if it was only a little.

Slowly but surely her tears stopped and her body started to relax, the shudders getting less and less until they too stopped, although she was still trembling as her breath came in short, uneven gasps. Sniffing, she slowly pulled away from him, just enough to be able to look up at him without breaking his hold around her, not wanting to be let go just yet.

She could see how wet his shirt was from her tears and was a little embarrassed at the fact she'd pretty much soaked through it. "Sorry." she whispered, barely audible as she felt a mixture of embarrassment and fear at her current situation. Embarrassment for breaking as she had for while she was comfortable around him enough to allow herself to be like that in front of him, she never had before or told him that she was comfortable doing such things around him and that lead to her fear. She knew Logan and knew that he wasn't the type of person who would judge her, at least the logical part of her brain knew that...the emotional part however was now doubting it and the emotional part was currently in control. and it made her too afraid to look up at her friend, in case she did and he didn't look at her the same way again.

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #6
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Logan wondered if mentioning Leon was a good idea or not the moment he'd said it but before he could say or do anything he heard the sob, albeit barely and again before he could react he felt Alessia's entire body tremble and shake against him as her grip tightened around him even more than it already had been. He could feel her fingers gripping his top and although the woman in his arms wasn't making any sound it was clear she was crying.

To be honest, Logan didn't know what to do. He'd never seen Alessia like this before. She'd always kept deeper emotions locked up pretty tight. Sure she'd laugh along with everybody, flirt...anger was clearly one she had no issue displaying and so on and so forth but nothing like this. Granted he didn't think she was an android or a psychopath or anything like that, far from it but he just assumed she saved these kinds of displays until she was alone. The fact this was happening meant that she'd clearly been holding everything in and couldn't bare it any more.

He hated to see anybody suffer such pain and heartache, even more so when it was a friend, somebody he cared about. If Logan could, he'd take away her pain or at least take it on for her, but he couldn't, that was life. All he could do was be there for her and that was what he would do.

"It's okay." he whispered softly "It's okay Alessia, I'm here, I've got you." he added then winced, thankful that her head was buried in his chest so that she couldn't see the cringe he'd just done at what was the lamest, most basic words of encouragement he could think of.

Remaining silent, he opted to just hold her and gently rub her back until he felt the shakes of her body start to settle down. Based on the lack of big movements and the shaking but steadier, albeit uneven breaths he could hear it was possible that the tears had stopped, although he could still feel her trembling in his arms.

Feeling Alessia pulling away from him, he was about to let her go but when she only pulled back slightly he got the feeling that he probably shouldn't and instead left his arms around her, looking down at her as she whispered a sorry. Although he wasn't entirely sure what she was apologising for. For crying? Or for dampening his shirt, neither of which she had to apologise for. However since she was looking at the large wet patch on his shoulder, he guessed it was for his shirt.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure it will survive." he replied, noticing that she wasn't looking up at him, instead focussing down. Something else that wasn't like the Latina he'd known all this time. Maybe she's embarrassed about breaking down in front of you? his mind offered up as explanation, which was silly since she was human and was hurting. Silly but logical considering the type of prideful woman Alessia was.

"Hey..." he said softly as he gently placed his thumb and forefinger on beneath her chin, lightly giving it a gentle nudge to encourage her to look up at him. "...You okay?"

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #7
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Even though Alessia hadn't acknowledged that she had heard his words of comfort as she cried, she had and they were appreciated. She even managed a small chuckle when he told her that his shirt would survive.

She froze briefly when she felt his fingers against her chin and resisted the nudge to lift her head at first until finally giving in and slowly lifting her head, her eyes trailing up his chest and took a deep breath before reaching his face, ignoring the panic about what expression she might find on his face. When her gaze finally got there, she internally cursed herself for being so silly. The only look on Logan's face right now was one of concern for her, which of course why wouldn't it be?

"Are you okay?" It was a simple, yet stupid question considering she had been bawling her eyes out just a few moments ago and yet it was a question that she hadn't really thought about since the battle. She knew she hurt and grieving but that was to be expected but beyond that she hadn't thought about it, really thought about it until now. Normally she would shrug it off and say she was fine and not really dwell on things until they had passed but she'd have to ask herself that question, especially because Logan...annoying pain in the ass that he could be would know if she wasn't being honest with him or herself.

Remaining silent for a moment she truly thought on it and felt a pain in her heart "No. No I'm not okay." she whispered with a slow shake of her head. Sniffing and wiping away her tears, she wanted to try and regain some composure before talking about her problems again, at least that was what she told herself anyway.

Looking up at him she noticed the piece of metal covering the side of his forehead and wondered how she had missed that. "Are you okay?" she asked, nodding her head in his direction, hoping to change the subject, at least for now.

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #8
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Of course she's not okay you idiot. he thought to himself as Alessia shook her head and wiped away her tears but before he could respond, she had flipped the table on him and asked him how he was with a tilt of her head in his direction, no doubt having spotted the unmissable piece of metal covering the side of his head now.

"Noticed my new fashion accessory eh?" he grinned. "Jealous?" he added before spotting Alessia's eyebrows twitch and start to furrow into a glare. Opting to jump ahead of it he dropped the smile and nodded his head. "Yeah I'm okay. It's taking a little getting used to, mostly the whole not having any feeling there now thing...and it's limited my number of hairstyles to...well this one but other than that it's all good, no need to worry about little old me."

At first he thought that would have been enough for his friend but based on the look he was getting, she wanted a little more than that. Personally he didn't see that there was much to say but maybe she just wanted a distraction or something, in which case what the hell. "It's nothing fancy, just happened to shatter a chunk of my skull during the fight and the doctor's couldn't put it back together again, so it was either this or have a structually unstable skull...which apparently isn't a survivable condition." He explained then gave her a smile "Who knew?".

"Seriously though it's okay, rather this than be dead. I'm fine and Zeke's fine too that's all that matters. In fact we should be flying again by next week all being well." the pilot added. "What about you? Do you want to talk about it?"

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #9
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

"It's kind hard not to notice it." Alessia replied and could have hit him when he added the jealous comment, all with a grin. He'd been seriously hurt if that's what needed to be done to him and yet he was acting like it was a massive joke. She loved the guy but there were times when she wished he would take thing seriously.

What Logan lacked in serious bones in his body he made up for with observational skills since she hadn't even begun to glare at him or say a word before he suddenly became serious and told him what had actually happened. When he was done, she could hardly believe it. She had been the one to find him in his Valravn and had had him beamed to Sickbay after all, so she knew it was bad, but not that it was as bad as that.

Still Logan eventually reverted back to his jovial self and made light of it at the end of his situation. Alessia did not find it amusing. Reaching a hand up slowly, she reached toward his head and the implant. Her fingers stopping briefly just before reaching him and flicked her eyes over to meet his, asking for permission. Receiving a non-chalant shrug in response she placed a finger against the smallest part of the implant near his hairline and slowly traced along the edge of it. Credit to the doctors as it felt like it moulded perfectly into his skin and the rest of his head. "Does it hurt?" she asked, eventually pulling her hand away.

While she genuinely wanted to know the answer to the question, she was also stalling so that she would be able to avoid having to answer his question. She honestly didn't know if she wanted to talk about it. She knew she should talk about it with someone, but knowing and doing were two completely separate things as the old Earth saying went.

Re: SD 57563.71: Wolves Reunited

Reply #10
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan
"That is a fair point." Logan chuckled; the implant certainly was indeed noticeable he couldn't argue with that. When she asked him if it hurt, he shook his head. "No not at all, in fact it doesn't feel any different to before I had it, at least not when I'm doing normal things like talking to you here, like this. There's no feeling to it though so laying on my side or water and so on that touches it I've got nothing there, which can be a little odd. Takes some getting used to. He answered.

While Logan knew that Alessia was genuinely curious and concerned about the new addition to his body, the spacer also knew her well enough to know when she was stalling. He did have to admit that while he wouldn’t ever push her into something if she truly didn’t want to talk about it, he was curious what, if anything she would say now to try and potentially buy time. She couldn’t really use his injury any more since there really wasn’t much else to say about it.

“So what about you? You never did answer my question, and you know I’m not going to let you off the hook that easily.” he told her with a grin, although he only held it for a few moments before dropping it. “However if you don’t want to talk about it, that’s fine too just know that I’m always here for you if you or when you do.”

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #11
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Alessia listened to Logan as he spoke about his new implant and nodded at his explanation about how it felt and the whole having to adjust to no feeling there and would have to agree, that would be an odd thing to have to get used too. It also highlighted just how badly hurt he had been and how close they had come to losing him, but they hadn't and he was fine that was the important thing she kept telling herself. Logan for his part seemed to be taking it all in his usual laid back stride, something that still amazed her. It seemed like nothing ever really fazed him...or at least he never showed it anyway, either that or he really was just that laid back.

When he asked about her again and told her that he wasn't going to let her off the hook that easy, the pilot actually grumbled. She figured deep down that he wouldn't but a girl could hope. With a sigh and a shake of her head she shrugged. "I know I didn't and I figured you wouldn't let me off that easily but it was worth a shot." she replied with a small smile. "As for wanting to talk about it I..." She paused and thought for a second. Part of her knew she had to talk to somebody, had to get everything out. Her small cry into his chest earlier had helped a little and she'd already experienced what might happen if she kept it all in and that was something she didn't particularly want to repeat, not again. However the other part of her didn't, wanted to handle things herself and not show weakness, not even in front of Logan.

To his credit, like he always did Logan just stood there, watching her, waiting in silence and giving her time to think and decide what she wanted to do. Eventually she nodded "...I do, but not here." she finally answered before stepping around him and over to where her water bottle and towel were laying, gathering them up. Turning back to him she gave him a soft smile. "I'm all sweaty from my...workout. Can you give me half an hour to shower and come to my quarters, we can talk there? Unless you have other plans?"

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #12
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Lower Gymnasium | Deck 14 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Logan chuckled and shook his head "Of course not but since you already knew that I don't feel bad about it in the slightest." He replied, grinning. At least he was getting her to smile, that was something at least he thought as he watched her. He could practically see the wheels turning in her head as she thought about whether or not she wanted to talk to him about everything she had gone through.

He had meant what he'd said, he would indeed go with whatever she decided, be it talking or not talking. She had helped him get through some stuff of his own back when they were test flying the Valravn’s, it was only fair the he returned the favour now should she want it. For now that meant patiently waiting for her to reach a decision until eventually she nodded. Logan watched her take a few steps past him to gather her things before asking him to her some time to shower before coming to her quarters. "No I don't have any other plans; I am all yours." he answered and gave her a smile. "Hell I’m off duty for the entire week at least so I have no plans at all. So your place in about 30 minutes. Sounds good." he replied as the two made their way out of the gym.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #13
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Alessia stepped out of the shower feeling more refreshed as she finished tying the ponytail in her hair. Opting for  pair of sweat pants, t-shirt and her Wolves hoodie. Logan was due in a few minutes and she briefly wondered why she had said she wanted to talk. Because you do Chica and you know Logan is probably the only person you can talk to. her inner voice replied. The Spaniard knew she was right of course but still she wasn't sure if she was ready too. Then you shouldn't have said yes and invited him here then should you? her inner monologue added.

Taking a deep breath the young woman could feel her anticipation and heartbeat rising with every passing moment, the anticipation and nervousness slowly building along with what she knew was yet another breakdown if she didn't get control of herself. She'd already lost it in front of Logan once and she didn't want to do so again a second time.

"Water, cold." she ordered from the replicator, hearing the familiar hum and seeing the shimmer as the machine created her order. Taking it she gulped in down in record time and took another breath, inhaling and exhaling slowly. "You've got this girl, you've got this. she muttered to herself even as everything internally remained on the edge of a cliff it felt like, just waiting for the perfect moment to take a swan dive off of it.

Before she could even attempt to drive those feelings away, the familiar series of beeps of the door chime rang out. Well whether she liked it or not, it was time. "Come in."


Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #14
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

In the 30 minutes he had to kill, Logan had swing by Zeke's quarters to check on his best friend and RIO, the two talking about how their recoveries had been going and looking over the information the Aldean's had provided the crew for when they were patrolling. Granted neither Logan nor Zeke had been medically cleared to fly yet, nor was their Valravn currently in any condition to fly but all those things should be changed by next week so the two had decided to get the work in now so that they would be ready to go when both themselves and their fighter were fit for duty. IT was pretty basic stuff, and it looked like mostly they would be dealing with pirates and the like, something that Logan had experience in, having both chased down pirates back during his early years flying his parents old cargo freighter and then with Starfleet, as well as when he'd left Starfleet and been a smuggler. The pilot briefly wondered if he'd see any new pirate tricks during their patrols, that would be fun.

Eventually though, the two friends had finished and Logan made his way down to meet with his other friend. Hitting the door chime, the door opened with a hiss at Alessia's call for him to come in and stepped inside. Taking a look around, he noticed a few things that Alessia had scattered around the room, that he had seen before back when they were at Luna, his fellow Wolf having started to decorate her place to make it feel more homey, unlike his, whose quarters, if it wasn't for the unmade bed would look like nobody actually lived it it was so undecorated, although that probably had something to do with the fact that all of his stuff was back on his old ship, the one he had abandoned to join the Theurgy.

"Hey." he smiled as his attention finally settled on her. "Love what you've done with the place." he added with a wave of his hand around the room. Judging by the wet look to her hair it was evident that Alessia had just barely gotten out of the shower making the pilot wonder if maybe he should have waited a little longer before coming down here instead of being entirely punctual. He did however have to chuckle at how similarly dressed the two were, both having opted for sweat pants and a t-shirt. The only difference was that Logan wasn't wearing his Wolf hoodie, that was back on his old ship along with most of his stuff and winced at the realisation that it was going to take a lot of replicator rations to replace that stuff.

"Am I early?" he asked "Cos it looks like you just stepped out of the shower so if you need a little more time I can come back in a little bit."

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #15
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

As he stepped inside, she immediately saw him take a look around, not that she could blame him, she would do the same thing in his situation. There wasn't the greatest of things you could really do to personalise your quarters on a starship but it was always interesting to see how others had decorated theirs and wondered what Logan's looked like. She could remember what they'd looked like back when they were stationed on Luna, he had quite the eye for design back then.

In her case, she mostly had a few small pieces of artwork hanging on the walls and some pictures of her family, nothing too big or grandiose although she had reconfigured the lights so that they emitted a dark blue glow around the room instead of the normal white since it helped her relax and fall asleep in the evenings.

"Hey yourself." she smiled back and chuckled "Thanks, it's not much but it's just enough to make this place feel like mine all things considered. How about you? I remember you being pretty good with the whole decorating thing back at Luna." she added even as she looked at him and arched an eyebrow. Did he just check me out? she asked herself before shaking her head slightly. Of course he didn't, it's Logan it's probably because you look like you just stepped out of the shower her inner voice countered.

As if to answer it, Logan asked if he was early and in fact did point out that it looked like she had indeed just stepped out of the shower. Told you. her inner voice said smugly. Shaking her head, Alessia smiled "No Logan, you're not early. Although I did just get out of the shower a few minutes ago, if you'd been a little earlier you would have seen me naked!" she smirked. "Can I get you anything? And make yourself at home, we're certainly not going to talking standing the entire time." she added as she motioned to her couch. 

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #16
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Logan chuckled at her comment about him being pretty good at decorating, truth was he'd just gotten bored one day and shoved anything he thought was cool in various places around his quarters and it happened to mesh...not that he would tell anybody that of course, it was all perfectly planned out that way. "Well you know me I do my best but no my quarters do not look anything remotely homey. In fact they're bog standard at the moment. For one thing, haven't had the time what with arriving, interviews and then the big battle and getting put in stasis thing. Also I don't actually have know stuff, it was all on the Orcus when it blew up and what I replicated was on the Dauntless before I joined the Theurgy. Haven't had a chance to replicate any of it yet."

When she told him that he wasn't early that was a relief but couldn't help the grin that made it's way onto his face when she mentioned that had he been a few minutes early he'd have caught her naked. "Well damn it, next time I'll have to be a little earlier than." When he invited him to make himself at home and motioned to the couch, he did just that, plonking himself down on it and shook his head "Nah I'm good thanks."

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #17
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Alessia cursed in Spanish and shook her head, of course he hadn't had time to do anything with his quarters what with everything that had happened to him, what a stupid thing to ask. She at least had had a few days to replicate some things to make the place feel a little homey and she always kept a few pictures of her family in her Valravn just in case something were to ever happen to the ship, that way she wouldn't lose all her pictures. Shaking her head, she looked at him with a mixture of sadness and guilt at not thinking about. "I'm sorry Logan that was stupid of me, I didn't think."

At his comment about being a little earlier to catch her naked she swung out and punched him in the shoulder, albeit this time softer and more jovial than when she had earlier in the Gym. "Very funny smart ass." she chuckled, shaking her head. When he told her that he didn't want anything she nodded, following him to the couch and sat down next to him.

Turning to face him, bringing her legs up and crossing them, she realised she didn't know where to start this conversation. There were so many things they needed to discuss. "Why didn't you come with us?" she found herself asking before she could even really think about what to say. "When we joined the Theurgy during the battle at Starbase 84. I went, Dev went and lot of us went but didn't. It was something she had been curious about ever since she had defected to the Theurgy during that battle and had first noticed that his IFF hadn't been with them. It might not have been the best way to start their conversation but that was what she had blurted out so that was that, no taking it back now.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #18
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Logan watched as Alessia cursed in Spanish,  something she only did when she was really mad, although whether she was mad at him or at herself he wasn't entirely sure and since he didn't speak Spanish he had no way to know. However the fact she apologised to him would seem to imply that she was mad at herself rather than him. "Don't worry about it Alessia it's fine." He smiled. "Besides you've had a lot on your mind the last few days, it's understandable." he added and held a finger up towards her when he saw her begin to open her mouth to retort. "Ah, not a word okay. I like you far too much hold something like that tiny thing over you, it's all good."

However after his little joke he found himself, yet again on the receiving end of a Garcia punch to the same shoulder, albeit it with far less force this time. "Ow!" he cried, mock rubbing his shoulder. "What's with you and the hitting today, jeez?" he asked although smiled with her when she called him a jackass and shrugged.

Now on the couch however, Logan wondered where there conversation was going to start and where it was going to end. It didn't take long to get his answer when she came out and asked him why he hadn't come with the other White Wolves when they had defected after the Battle at Starbase 84. While now he would admit that he had made a mistake not joining back then, given all the facts he now had, he would have to answer her given his perspective back then and shrugged. "I could ask you why you left." he countered, immediately wincing internally, he hadn't meant for that to come out sounding so accusatory but he got the impression that that was how it had sounded.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #19
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Alessia sighed and shook her head. While Logan had a point, she did indeed have a lot on her mind, it's not like Logan had been around long enough for her to forget such a simple thing. Not to her surprise her fellow pilot immediately forgive her and brushed it off, essentially telling her to shut up when she had opened her mouth to protest, drawing a small smile from her.

"Oh I barely touched you." she countered with a chuckle. "As for what's wrong with me, well the first time you crept up behind me and the second...well that was just your smart ass comments. You know the thing that usually gets you into trouble."

While she knew it was probably a bad question to open with and maybe even had expected him to ask why she had defected when she had, Alessia certainly hadn't been expecting it to come with such an accusatory tone.  "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked. "If you must know, I got the message and it seemed to make sense with the things that we had seen happening, the unusual orders from Command and the Theurgy seemed to have at least some answers. You saw the same message that we did, what? Didn't you believe it? Even if you didn't, then what? Did you just assume that we'd all decided to defect to the Romulans? Dev and the others? Me? Is that what you thought?" she replied and asked, her voice getting louder and angrier with each word.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #20
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

"Yeah but you hit me in pretty much the same spot as earlier and that one did hurt." He grinned and then shrugged at her comment about his smart ass comments getting him into trouble since there wasn't really much else he could do to argue that one. While most people who knew him knew that that was just his sense of humour there were those who didn't that had lead to a few...discussions...with fists in the past.

He knew that the tone of his own counter question had sounded wrong and as Alessia spoke, he couldn't help but wince slightly as the fiery Latina got angry with each word as she spoke. This wasn't how he thought or wanted this reunion to go but at the same time, she wasn't exactly seeing things from his perspective either.

"Yes I saw the message, of course I did but come one Alessia they were accused of treason! That message could have been a lie and we had no way to know for certain if it was true or not! What was I supposed to do huh? Take the word of accused traitors over my own Command, even with the unusual orders? It's not like it's not something the Romulans and traitors would say to cause suspicion in the ranks." he countered, his own voice raising before sighing and shaking his head. "As for you, Dev and the others I didn't know what to think. Hell there wasn't much time to think and I'd like to think that you weren't. Not you or Dev or any of the others, it was a tough spot to be in, for me and Zeke. Hell it was part of the reason why we joined the Task Force to find you and figure it out. At least try to see it from my side too, besides it worked out in the end didn't it? What's the big deal?" He asked.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #21
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

Alessia just rolled her eyes at his comment about hitting him the same spot as earlier. If he was genuinely hurt then she would have apologised...probably but since she knew he was kidding, there was no way he was going to get one, or any sympathy for that matter.

While she sat there and listened to his side of things, she had to admit that Logan did have a point. It was a tough spot to be in, with very little time to react. She had certainly had to make the same decision in the moment and the two of them had simply gone the opposite way at the end, Alessia went on faith that the odd things from Command were part of something bigger and Logan had gone with his gut that they were lying, it seemed like in his explanation that there was nothing personal in it. He also said that he'd like to think they weren't that was something at least. She had actually started to calm down a little until his what's the big deal comment, because while it had worked out in the end and he had joined them, he didn't understand what the big deal was and why she was pissed.

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal? The big deal is that you weren't there! Do you know what it was like to come to this ship, glance at my IFF to see who had joined us and not see you there with us? I wasn't 100% sure if they were telling the truth or not and it would have been nice to have you there with me but you wasn't. she yelled at him "We joined a ship of potential traitors because we believed that they were telling the truth about Command and the unusual things they were doing and you didn't come with us and while you might not have believed them it felt like you didn't believe us when we joined them, you didn't trust us, the people you'd known and flew with for years!" she added, still glaring at him. "That you didn't trust me." she finished after a moment's pause, her voice, once full of anger now filled with sadness.

Letting out a shaky breath, she lowered her head. That was the real reason she was so mad that he hadn't come with her. ""Do you know what it's like to feel like your best friend doesn't trust you and feel like he now thinks you're a traitor?" she whispered sadly "It hurts Logan. It really hurts. Then knowing that I might not see you again, and if I did it would be in battle and that one of us might have to..." she paused as a lump in her throat caused it to close up. Not that she had to finish the sentence, the implication that one of them might have had to kill the other in battle were they on opposite sides was obvious.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #22
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

Logan tried to keep his own anger and frustration in check as he listened to Alessia talk, about how hard it was to come to a strange ship and not have the person she trusted the most be there with her during an uncertain situation, even with the rest of the Pack that had gone with her.

"You think it wasn't the same for me? How do you think I felt watching all of you side with "the enemy" and turn your back on us? To have to go back and wonder why those very same people that we'd known and flown with for years just turn around and at the time betray everything we had sworn to serve and not know why? It wasn't exactly a walk in the park for me either Alessia!" He yelled back.

Then things took a hard turn to port when her tone changed and she said that she didn't think he trusted her anymore. The shaky breath  she let out telling him just how upset she was as she was, looking away from him now, down at her lap as she spoke about feeling like her best friend didn't trust her and was a traitor before branching off into if they had met in combat. It was something he had tried not to think about, even though Zeke had asked him about it while they were hunting down the Theurgy. When she was done, Logan felt like an asshole.

Shuffling over on the couch, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her, after a brief moments hesitation feeling her relax and allow herself to be pulled against him.

"I never once thought you were a traitor. I didn't know what to think, I knew you and the person you were so part of me knew there must have been a reason why you went with them, I was just confused if anything but I never thought you were a traitor, not deep down. As for the other things, I do trust you and if it had come to that...I wouldn't have fired the first short at least. I would have tried talking to you first, get some answers." he told her. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't come with you back then and for making you feel like that."

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #23
[Lt. JG Alessia Garcia – “Angel”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Vox

With her head down, Alessia listened to Logan as he spoke and she felt awful. Thinking about it of course he would have felt like that, just as she had done with him not coming with them, he must have felt the same having seen them all fly off and join the enemy and not know why. She actually winced slightly when he yelled at her. He had never yelled at her before in the entire time they had known each other. Sure she had yelled at him or yelled in his presence plenty of times but the other way around? Never.

She felt him shuffle along the couch, feeling it move with his weight and then his arm around her shoulders and give her a little tug, coaxing her to lean into him. At first she resisted, but only for a moment before allowing herself to be pulled into him, resting her head against his side.

"I'm sorry too." she whispered. "I wouldn't have fired on you either and would have tried to talk to you too." she added, at least they both knew that they would have tried to talk first, that was something.

After a moment's silence she turned and lifted her head up to look at him "I was so happy when I saw you in the briefing before the battle but then you got pulled away before the rest of us so I didn't get a chance to talk and then you...well you know." she muttered. "Then when I found you in the Fighter Bay... She paused as the memory of him lying there in his Valravn's cockpit a bloody mess flashed through her mind, causing her body to shudder. "I thought I'd lost you having only just gotten you back." she whispered.

Re: Day 03 [0930 hrs.] Wolves Reunited

Reply #24
[Lt. JG Logan Hale – “Wraith”  | Alessia's Quarters | Deck 15 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Revan

"Well I'm glad to hear that you wouldn't and would rather talk it out cos that would make things rather awkward otherwise." Logan chuckled. When he felt Alessia shift slightly, he looked down at her, his eyes meeting hers as she told him how happy he was to have seen him in that briefing and smiled, before having to listen to her go on to explain how she had found him after the battle and thinking she might have lost him, which caused his smile to vanish.

"I was happy to see you too, just sorry I couldn't talk to you before the fight." he told her and gave her a gentle squeeze "I know, I can't imagine what that was like for you, I'm sorry. I'm glad you found me though, according to the Nurse Jovela if you hadn't gotten me beamed over when you did it would have been a different story, so thanks for that." He added, although there was humour in his voice at that last part, the genuine thanks was clearly there too. "But come on, you know you didn't need to worry, I'm not that easy to kill, proved that during the Dominion War." he smirked.

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