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EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner


[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Docking Bay Lounge of the USS Allegiant | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
After the Allegiant had docked, a triage team arrived together with a handful of crew that set out to repair the worst damages. Dewitt had thanked the crew still alive and conscious. Some left via emergency medical transport, and others walked out of the scoutship on their own feet. She lingered, standing there behind the CO chair in the middle of the small bridge. After the battle, there was a lot to process. Not the least the death of Yukimura, whom she'd served with for all the years on the Black Opal.

For some reason, Zyrao Natauna had yet to leave the bridge. Dewitt, still leaning on the chair, turned her head to look at the El-Aurian.

"Well done in talking to Martok," she said quietly, her green eyes creasing lightly at the corners when she smiled. The bridge still smelled of death, more exactly the stink of seared flesh - morbidly making one's mouth water. "Let's get out of here. I could use a drink, if you're game."

Having said as much, Dewitt led the way through the Allegiant towards the aft airlock, where they would pass the makeshift weapons rig - all empty of Hellbore torpedoes. Soon enough, Dewitt listening to Zy talking, they reached the docking bay lounge, and there was a replicator there. Dewitt had sworn off drinking, however, so tempting as it might be...

...she would still make something without any alchohol or synthehol in it.

OOC: For reference, @Numen  @Fife  @Jm Von Cat  @Nolan  @Masorin  . A starter for where Dewitt gets the mission to go to Aldea ahead of the Theurgy. Just something to help you knowing how the Allegiant docked. BZ's character Zy needs to relay a message to Martok for that mission, and Ives and Zy has yet to meet after the Coreless Moon debacle. So Ives will be showing up there and give Dewitt the mission, and also hear her side of the story about the mutiny. So three birds in one stone thing, four counting helping Allegiant crew know how they docked. Optional posting, meant for me and BZ, really.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #1
[Zyrao Natauna | Down time | Girl Talk | Meeting of the Minds | Klingon Connections]
@Auctor Lucan

The battle was over.

After the heavy and noisy chaos of the Bridge during a battle, there was something almost beautiful about sitting there.  In the silence, letting the memories and the echoes of the situation before hand resonate with you.  Most people rushed off the Bridge as soon as they could.  Some to friends and family that they would wish to rendezvous with.  Others, just wanted to get away from where the explosions, the near assimilation, and the chaos had happened.  Zyrao however enjoyed the peacefulness that descended over a Bridge afterwards.  It was a quiet that almost had a tangible quality to it.  You could nearly touch it, experience it, and let it settle around you.  Quiet the mind.

She wasn't alone.  Dewitt was here as well.

Dewitt who had knocked the Festered Piss Nozzle off his stool.  She wasn't sorry for the mutiny, the ship had worked much better without him at the center of it all. Once he had left the bridge, the wounded egos of those that had supported him ironed out and they had been able to move forward.  No Captain was able to make the popular decision all the time, and many times, they had to be the one blamed when the ship had to go in a direction that was unsupported.  But, as a Captain there was the larger picture to take into account.  It was no one person's goal or story, it was the ship as a whole.. the mission.. the directive that came into play.

Zyrao was oddly casual at the moment, her feet were up on the console she had been using leaning back in her seat.  Arms crossed underneath her chest, she rested herself for the moment.  She had no where to go, no one to go find.  She worried for Sera but knew the fiery woman would likely be busy.  There was no hurry, and it wasn't like she and Sera were a solid thing at least, she didn't think so, women were fickle and she knew Sera had been with others since her.  It didn't bother her, it just was something she kept in the back mind.

Grey eyes flickered up at the words from the center seat.  Dewitt had taken notice of her being on the Bridge still.  A 'thank you' was nice to hear with her own ears.  A smile on her face, a bit of a smirk but slightly wider than one.  Not a true smile, but one that showed it was nice to hear something positive where she was concerned.  Whatever people would say about Dewitt, she was kind and respectful to those around her regardless of rank or Starfleet education.  “Of course.  I do not mind helping.” she stated calmly.

Dewitt looked like she was ready to leave.  Zyrao couldn't blame her, this ship had been boarded, people had been attacked, died, nearly assimiliated.  It hadn't been a good run but the outcome, at least, had been what they needed.  Now they were safe, or, moderately so.  Dewitt mentioned getting a drink, off ship, and Zyrao's brow rose.

“Always up for a good drink.” she stated as she rose to her full height rather smoothly.  Boots smacking the deck plating as she lifted and dropped them to the deck in her movement.  Standing she followed the red headed woman off the ship and out underneath it.  Zyrao looked around at the sheer size of the Theurgy, it was something amazing for certain.  Standing within it made one feel very small and this was only the most minute part of the whole thing.  They walked to the lounge that was connected to the landing bay.

Stepping through the door she looked around at the lounge as Dewitt made her way to the replicator.  There she got herself something to drink and once done, Zyrao stepped up and replicated herself something good. Only, hers wasn't booze, as much as she could use one, she didn't know if it was actually time to relax now or not.  So she got herself a replicated tea.  It tasted like sand paste, and lacked the full quality of real tea leaves.  But, it was better than water.  Sitting down at one of the small tables in the lounge Zyrao sipped her sad excuse for tea and leaned back trying to take her mind off of all that had been going since she had come on board the ship.

“You did well, Jen.” said the El-Aurian.  “During the whole situation.  The Theurgy, the Allegiant.  All of it, I thought you should know.” she said simply.  Zyrao was shit at handing out compliments often but she could see the weight on Dewitt's shoulders and had hoped that stating what, Zyrao thought was obvious, would at least help lighten the load a little bit.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Docking Bay Lounge of the USS Allegiant | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
The stink of seared flesh lingered in Jennifer's nose even when off the Allegiant's bridge. It followed her into the lounge as well, laced with her own fresh perspiration. The smoke from that ruptured conduit was still in her hair, and... while she walked, the memory became vivid to her.

Once the lights stopped flickering, Dewitt saw her sleeve was on fire. The Allegiant was still heaving, but she loosened her safety harness and got to her feet, eyes wide as she tore off her jacket and threw the burning garment from herself - the plasma defying the flame retardant textile. Her eyes settled on Masuda, who's chest and face were scourged clean through cloth, skin and flesh - twitching on the deck. Smoke rising form her undershirt and hair, she wanted to go to her former First Officer's side, but duty compelled her to take the man's station instead. She'd been a Tactical Officer during the Dominion War, and she was the best qualified. Her harried gaze swept the bridge, taking in the damage and to detect any more casualties. Then she looked at the damage report. "Shields at 7%. Hull breaches in three of the sealed sections! Helm, retreat into the debris field! Allegiant to fighter escort, are you still out there? Follow our lead and regroup!"
She had caught herself on the edge of the replicator, blinking away the memory, only the smell still lingered. "Mint Limeade," she said, and hiked up the sleeves of her red undershirt while she got what was essentially a virgin mojito. She needed the mint to dispel the worst of the scent. She had seated herself while Zy got her tea, but she didn't look up when the El-Aurian joined her.

Only when her company spoke did she react, having spent the silence reviewing the outcome of the mission in her mind's eye.

"You did well, Jen. During the whole situation.  The Theurgy, the Allegiant.  All of it, I thought you should know."

Hearing that, her green eyes rose to Zy, and a small smile came to her. "Thank you," she said, remembering her drink, but she didn't reach for it. "I don't know how many might agree with you, but I'll take it. It does mean a lot to me hearing it from someone who's been around for a century or so?" She posed it like a question, since she didn't know the El-Aurian's age, only assuming she was old based on her species and how her tattoos suggested a long life led with many different factions in the galaxy.

She picked up her drink then, and breathed in the scent, before sipping it. It was as refreshing as she remembered it. She swallowed, a frown passing over her face. "You know, Masuda and I were at each others' throats from time to time on the hidden starbase I used to command. We thought we were so different until I realised, later, that we were quite alike. The difference was our level of responsibility, and how we applied ourselves towards tasks no one cared about. At least," she clenched her teeth shut, raked her hand through her hair, ignoring how blurred her vision had gotten, "at least we did something that mattered, together, before he died. He was my second-in-command, but he ran the base in all the ways I didn't. Wish I could have told him how I... How he never left the Black Opal wanting, and that I was - in the end - proud to serve with him."

Bitterly she raised her glass with the spicy drink. "To Yukimura, and the rest."

No more had she drunk deeply before the sliding doors parted on one side of the empty lounge, and when she set her glass down... she saw who had entered. She cleared her throat, left the glass on the table and rose from the chair. She faced the procession of people. "Captain Ives."

Indeed, there he was, leading a group of ten new repairmen, all of whom who did not stay in the lounge. They headed into the Allegiant, joining those who were assessing the damage. Ives however, slowly walked up to the two women in the lounge. He inclined his head to Dewitt, and then turned towards Zyrao.

"It's my pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Zyrao Natauna," he said, a faint smile to his Asian features as he extended his hand to shake hers. "A bit belatedly, I realise, but welcome to the Theurgy. I virtually just stepped aboard, but already, I have heard how you managed to reach through to Martok - resolving the matter of his distrust towards this crew. The Theurgy is in your debt, and I hope to speak with you at length. About the Hakkarl, and your decision to join us, among other things."

Then, Ives turned to Dewitt, and a concerned frown was there. "I have a more pressing concern, however. Just as I heard of Natauna's feat, I also heard what happened at the third Rendezvous," he said, and Dewitt knew she'd have to recount the events for Ives again before he asked, looking between them. "You were both there, so please, tell me how the Bellerophon was destroyed, and Commander Trent was deposed from command of Vector 01."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #3
[Zyrao Natauna | Meeting the Maker | Right Side of the Story | Truth Can Hurt | Final Telling]
@Auctor Lucan

Jen looked rough.

The kind of rough that likely came from her internal demons.  Zyrao had seen such looks in the face of her allies and enemies many times before.  Fuck, she'd be lying if she said she hadn't seen it in the mirror a time or two.  Watching the set of her shoulders, the look on her face, the glare in her eyes, Zyrao waited.  It was best not to interrupt such moments because they tended to take them out on you.  Those demons were never the kind that appreciated the interruption but she knew the woman would come back out of it at some point.  And, she did.  Ordering her drink she came to the table and sat down quietly.  Zyrao watched her, taking in her demeanor.  The set of her shoulders, the exhaustion in her face, the way that her body sagged slightly.

Relaxed but not at ease.

After Zyrao's words, the woman offered a small smile.  Zy returned it with a bit of her own.  Zyrao was tired, and she was mentally so as well.  Tired of standing up for herself, tired of being beaten down, tired of the battle.  And secretly, worried about Eboh.  He had been taken off the Bridge as soon as was possible and she hoped they were able to reverse the nanobots and the damage they had done to his body.  She still wanted to talk to him, to know him.  Jen spoke, saying that she doubted many would believe the same but she would take what she could get. 

“Many did not witness the events first hand.” she reminded the young Commander.  At ease, she leaned back in her seat sipping the placid water that some might wrongly label tea.  As Jen picked at how old Zyrao actually was, stating a century or so, the grin that had once played on the El-Aurian's lips deepened a bit with playfulness.  “Two, actually.”  she said with a shrug and a long sigh.  A slight nod.  She had never been the sort to feel 'old'.  Her race was known for living an extremely long time. 

Jen began to speak, Zy felt it was likely more for her own benefit than to carry on a conversation but the El-Aurian didn't mind such a thing.  Being someone's sounding board was fine for her, she just wanted to be there for Jen.  She had been through hell and back since Zyrao had come on board and hopefully the others would notice.  Hopefully, she would be given accolades for all the sacrifices and so forth that she had to make during this time.  Ives had seemed pretty sound of mind back when Zyrao had spoken to him a while ago, now, who knew what the Versant had done to the Captain.  She could only hope that the shapeshifter would retrain his and her sanity.

Then the emotions hit, and Zyrao was unsure of what to do.  She wasn't sure she knew Jen well enough to reach out and give her comfort but it was clear that the death of the man she spoke of had hit her hard.  Zy had no idea they had gone back so hard and she didn't know what the Black Opal station was but only hoped that the grief of losing someone she was close to wouldn't plague her for too long.  She reached forward and took the woman's hand gently giving it a soft squeeze.  Hoping that it conveyed her thoughts better than words.  “The pain will pass and I do believe, he will know.”

She couldn't say for sure, she hadn't known the man, other than the very busy and hectic bridge.  Any loss was hard but a loss with history was even worse than that.  She hoped that Jen would find the rock in which her center was built around and utilize it to continue moving forward.  The Commander raised her glass to Yukimura and the rest, and Zyrao did the same taking a sip of the tepid water before suddenly the doors to the lounge opened.  Both sets of eyes; green and grey shifted over to the opening it had created.  There was Ives with a full retinue of people in his wake.  Zyrao leaned back again in her seat letting go of Jen's hand and seeing what it was the Captain would be wanting right now after having come back.

Jen got up from her seat to great him, Zyrao rose to do the same.  Only because, thus far, the Captain had earned respect.  Once she gave the Captain a nod in greeting he turned to address her specifically.  Zyrao pushed her hand forward and respectfully shook the man's hand giving him a nod in return.  “Captain Ives, it's good to see you off-screen, finally.” she said calmly and smoothly.  Her eyes told of their centuries of experience and the confidence as she stood in front of him just a civilian herself spoke volumes.

He mentioned that he had only stepped onto the ship a short time ago and already he had heard of her assistance to the crew and the ship as a whole.  She gave a slight half-smile.  “I was glad to help.  Jennifer, was a pleasure to serve under.  Allowing my skill set to be put to use instead of wasted.” she said with a small nod towards Dewitt who stood nearby.  Zyrao would happily serve next to Jen again, though the truth was... mutiny was a bitch.  It usually took down both parties, but she had helped to save the crew and continue the mission so hopefully something was in her favor.  Ives seemed like he had a good head on his shoulders.

“At your leisure, I would be happy to discuss those subjects.” Zyrao said simply.  The mood turned, not sour but changed, when Ives looked at Dewitt and asked for them to tell their stories.  How the bridge had changed, what had happened, and how Trent was knocked down a peg or three.

“I will not mind giving my retelling of the events, Captain.” she stated calmly, and proceeded to do so with the same flare, wordage, and points that she had used when she had done the same thing to Wenn Cinn not all that long ago.  She knew, hearing it first hand from the people that had witnessed it, would make a difference.


Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Docking Bay Lounge of the USS Allegiant | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
Jennifer listened to Zyrao, and like the first time, she cringed a little bit at the choice-of-words about Trent, since they were a tad too colourful in the context. Thankfully, Captain Ives didn't bat an eye, calmly just listening to Zyrao and likely putting credibility to her as an outside party in the matter - just like Wenn Cinn had done. When Zy was finished, Jennifer sensed how the focus shifted to her even before Jien turned her head, and she folded her hands behind her back, beginning where is tarted right after the Continuance Protocol had been executed, and what Trent had said to her.

That damning order that told her what she hadn't want to hear - how Trent had abandoned the mission in favour of a futile rescue operation. So, just like when she had seen Cinn in the Ready Room, Dewitt retold the events as they had appeared to her, later corroborated by the tactical logs. Since the talk with Cinn, she had written down all that she'd said in her report, so it was still fresh in her memory. "If you still decide to give back command to Trent, him being your First Officer, and you need a scapegoat to preserve the chain-of-command, I will understand, and I will play along, admitting to any fault you find in my actions, Captain."

She looked towards Zy as she ended her telling of the events. "Zyrao Natauna give me a lot of credit for the Helmet not being destroyed, but it was the crew as a whole that should get the credit. Despite the awful timing forced upon me, they kept their heads on their shoulders and accepted my orders. In a joint effort, despite how the Dauntless was firing against us, and the Archeron being inbound with its fleet, we managed to save the survivors of the Bellerophon, and reunite with the other two Vectors."

When the two had finished, Jien had begun to pace slowly, his eyes upon the initiated repairs of the Allegiant. It took a short while before he spoke, turning his eyes back towards Dewitt. "Were there any others involved in the debriefing with Wenn Cinn?"

"Yes, Ensign Faye Eloi-Danvers, sir," said Jennifer, still remaining the way she stood with her hands behind her back, shoulders squared.  "As a Betazoid, he wanted her present. Since I was the... aggressor in taking over command, Commander Wenn likely wanted to ensure that I had no hidden intentions, verifying my word that I did what I did to preserve the crew and the mission."

The Captain gave this some thought, then he nodded. "I will speak with her as well then. You already understand that while your intentions were noble and the outcome was favourable, you have also done something that is in violation of the core principles of service to the fleet. That you did so anyway, out of loyalty to the crew and this ship's mission, is something that doesn't escape me. You've made this difficult in the long term, but you've have likely done the right thing in that situation."

"I understand Captain. I am not concerned with my career." Jennifer said, having expected no less. "I wish only to further the cause and do what I can to prevent the pending war, better yet expose the enemy."

The Captain gave this some thought, glancing towards Zyrao, and then towards the Allegiant. "I have suggestion," he said, and he changed... to her female form. Jennifer had never really gotten used to those transitions, but at least she made no outward reaction this time. Jien Ives' voice was the same in tone and dialect when she spoke next, only having a more female pitch to it. "According to sensors, the engines of the Allegiant did not suffer much damage during the battle. I have an assignment for you, Commander Dewitt, and I may even have an interim position for you depending on the outcome. As for you Miss Natauna..."

The Captain's female form turned to the El-Aurian next, a faint smile to her features. "You have already spoken for us when dealing with High Chancellor Martok, and given us an ally in the Klingon Empire. This crew is already in your debt. Could I trouble you with the same kind of help once more?" she asked, putting her hands on her own hips while she spoke in that crystal clear voice, and her oaken eyes - the same as those of her male form - rested easily on Zy's grey irises. "I am sending the Allegiant out there, under Dewitt's command, to find a Klingon subspace relay station, and to request speaking with Martok about safe harbour in the Aldea Prime Shipyards. We're close to the Epsilon Mynos system, and the Allegiant will be our forerunner. For now, would you be willing to authenticate our identity, so that Dewitt can reach Martok over comms. This - should he stand by his word - so that he can make the arrangements with the General posted at Aldea? You need not go with Dewitt, unless you so wish. A recording would suffice."

Jennifer took a deep breath, nodding, ready to take the Allegiant out again. She was aware that Ives had only spoken about this short trip, and she didn't ask what kind of role Ives had in mind for her later. Nor had Ives told Natauna what she had in mind in the long run, focusing on the immediate needs first. Dewitt could but hope that Ives would divulge what positions she had in mind for her and Zyrao after Zy had made her decision on continued assistance.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #5
[Zyrao Natauna | Truths Aren't Always Easy | Backing up the Right | New Designations | Fight or Flight]
@Auctor Lucan

Jen told her story, basically the same way that she had told Wenn.  Selling herself under the boat of life and how she was fine with whatever happened. Zyrao had to bite her tongue to stand up for the woman again.  She had done it in Cinn's office and she wasn't against doing it again but she felt like Jen needed to make peace with whatever was going on.  However, as Jen mentioned that if Ives gave back command to Trent and needed a scapegoat Jen would volunteer.

“the fuck you will.”  Zyrao said without meaning to.  “Look, Captain, I'm not the person to come to when it comes to being in control of a whole ship.  But if she hadn't done what she had done... we would have all fucking died.  End of story.  So, I refuse to let her be a scapegoat and I doubt I am the only one.” she stated looking over at Jen as if to say 'try me'. 

The Captain's tone began to change and Zyrao shifted her eyes from Jen to the captain who was turning into her female form.  Zyrao wondered if she did that from time to time to stretch her muscles, to remember that she could do it, or if she had just been male long enough she longed for two chest-bumps and less hanging between the legs.  The Allegiant was needed elsewhere, it would seem, and Jen would be taking care of that.  Now, the tables turned back to Natauna who stood there with her replicator water flavored tea getting colder by the moment.  Perhaps a bit of chill might make it more palatable though she was pretty sure only booze could do that at this point.

Ives mentioned that the Theurgy was indebted to her because of her work with Martok.  Her brow rose curiously, and she tilted her head to the side.  “I'm not sure you're indebted to me, I did what I could to help.  It's nice though, to be appreciated.  Jen was the only one that actually respected me when I came on board and allowed me to use my skill sets to be of assistance.” she said looking at Ives, there was a kinship between Jen and Zyrao, at least on the El-Aurian's side.  They had fought together and hoped they would be having a drink together sometime soon.  Jen seemed like a person that could be fun off duty.  Dewitt was heading out with the ship and would be contacting Martok.  It seemed that Ives would rather like to have a message from Zyrao herself to do that with so that they could make sure of the safe harbor that the Theurgy gravely needed at a time like this.

Zyrao thought about it for a moment.  She almost thought about taking a sip of the liquid that someone in Engineering decided was tea, but thought better of it.  No need to swallow more tasteless fluid.  She truly hoped they could get to Aldea Prime, she had a place out there and she could collect some of her books, some actual tea, and other things she would need.  Perhaps there was an old picture of Chloe around there somewhere.  It had been a long time since she had been back to her place.

“I would prefer to accompany Jen, if that's all right.  I feel that a face to face with Martok would go better than a message.  Klingon deal mostly face to face, and they would be wary if I suddenly disappeared after I was the one talking to him through most of this.  I think it's best that I am there in person.” she explained to the Captain.

Of course, she wished for Sera.  She wanted to track her down and just make sure she was all right.  If nothing else, they were friends, but she did care for the woman's well being.  She hoped that she would have time to at least just check on Sera before she went out.  If not, she would have to shoot Sera a message and explain what was going on so she would not worry.  Sera was her own woman and Zyrao had no thoughts of her 'choosing' Zyrao over anyone else.  Whatever happened between them would be what it was.  Still, the El-Aurian at least cared.

Now it was up to Ives to tell her what to do.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Docking Bay Lounge of the USS Allegiant | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
The universal translator truly made a choice selection of cursewords when the El-Aurian spoke in her native tongue, and Dewitt was caught a bit unawares when Zyrao protested her offer to preserve not just the chain-of command, but the morale of the crew.

It was clear Jennifer had a vocal supporter in the Klingon strategist, who not only lauded Dewitt's decisiveness, but said that the very survival of the Vector had been because of her. She was certainly not about to take that credit, but she had already said to Ives that it was the collective bridge crew's effort that made them prevail. Therefore, she just cleared her throat, not challenging the woman's word, but at the same time not acknowledge that there was any kind of truth to the claim.

Ives, however, she had seemed to take it all in stride, watching and weighing them before she'd moved on to the talk of the mission. A mission that Zy wished to join, her claim about being there in person seeming like the wisest choice. They could not squander the opportunity to solidify an alliance with the Empire. Zy had Martok's ear, more so than Ives, and Dewitt felt more confident in the success of the mission with the El-Aurian with her.

"Excellent," said Ives, and glanced towards the Allegiant again. "I think we might have to remain in drydock for some time, under the protection of the Klingon Empire and the Aldeans, and with such a prolonged stay, I need a representative when dealing with both the Aldean Defense Committee and the Klingons in the Shipyards. Moreover, in the long term, Martok and his Generals will likely need a representative aboard this ship, to speak for them but also allow them to stay updated about our mission and the Infested."

Having said this, Jien turned to look at Dewitt. "If your mission today is successful, and Trent proves to be the cause for what happened to the Bellerophon, I would like to make you our Mission Liaison Officer, and speak for me when dealing with the authorities on Aldea." Then, Ives turned to Zyrao. "Miss Natauna, if you are willing, I also need a Klingon Empire Liaison. Not just here, but after we depart from Aldea Prime. You have proven yourself loyal to this mission, defecting as you did at the Coreless Moon, and yet you retain your good connections with the Empire. Therefore, you would be ideal to coordinate between us and the High Chancellor and his forces. In short, it is my hope that you will be able to convince Martok that you may be his liaison here."

Dewitt saw the reason in Ives' suggestion, merely being surprised in how far ahead Ives was already thinking, despite how the immediate needs to the ship were paramount. She found herself quickly enough. "I can imagine this assignment will likely keep me off the ship to some extent, until this... 'Miss 619' situation blows over? It would also keep me and Trent separated?" she asked, having seen that aspect too.

"Call it a fringe benefit, since given your loyalty to the mission, I can't think of a better candidate," said Ives, and there was no hint of lies there. "I trust you with this responsibility, and I know you will not fail me."

"Aye, Captain, and thank you." Dewitt looked towards the Allegiant as well. "In that case, I will be recruiting a new crew for the mission from the Allegiant. Zyrao, I'll see you shortly. Am I dismissed?"

"Yes, and good luck," said Ives, and while Dewitt walked towards the exit of the docking lounge, she heard the Captain speak to Zy. "So, what say you? I wish there was more time to talk. I just hope, regardless this poor reception that you've mention, that you are willing to give this ship and crew a second chance?"

Leaving the lounge, Dewitt found herself hoping quite a lot that Zy would say yes, and that she'd be able to convince Martok about her role in the way Ives described. After what Jennifer had done... friendly faces had become rare. Stepping through the airlock, she felt her hand... where Zy had touched her.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #7
[Zyrao Natauna | A New Offer | Actual Respect |  Finding a Place | Something Worth Doing]
@Auctor Lucan

Zyrao knew she would stand by Jennifer Dewitt no matter what.  Not only had the woman exercised her abilities and the abilities of those around her.  But, she had treated Zyrao not as a hindrance but as a boon.  Allowing her to actually be part of the mission she was on the Bridge for instead of pushing her to the side and consistently reminding her that she was an outsider.  There was respect.  It wasn't about how you were when you first met someone, it wasn't about boots on a desk top or not being best friends.  It was about, when the time came, there was mutual respect.  You treated them as you would want to be treated, and you gave them a chance to prove themselves before you counted them out.  Not everyone was geared this way, but Zyrao did not feel that respect was given without being earned.  Respect was tentative at best until it was earned and Zyrao could be loyal when she wanted to be.

As Ives began to explain more about what was going to be needed once they got the Allegiant fixed up enough to head out, Zyrao leaned her hip against the table crossing her arms over her chest as she listened.  There was a lot to do, and there would need to be a mission liaison and someone that would be the bridge between the Klingon and the Theurgy.  Zyrao could understand where all of this was coming from.  She knew that there were likely many Klingon on board that would actually do well in this position, so she hoped that Ives could find the right person.  Martok would not trust just anyone, she had taken years to earn his trust, but she had it now.

It seemed as though Dewitt would have a position, yet, and Zyrao looked over at the seemingly surprised woman with a bit of a grin.  As if to say, 'told you not to sell yourself down the river' so to speak.  She gave her a bit of a nod, as if to say 'I told you, you had merit.'  But she said nothing out loud.  Zyrao was an old woman and she had been around the block more times than she cared to count.  However, she was quite enjoying the fact that she was with new  people.  She had spent so very long with the Klingon she was actually quite interested in seeing where life would take her next.    Would she stay on Aldea, would Martok adopt her into his own people, what would she do?  Could she stay here?  There was Sera here, but Zyrao had a feeling that Sera was not the settling down type. 

Zyrao wasn't sure she was either, but she would prefer to have someone she could actually hold onto when she wanted to instead of a frequent visitor.

Natauna heard her name, and she was surprised.  Looking over at the Captain with her cool grey eyes she found herself presented with a possible job offer.  To be the liaison between Martok and the Theurgy.  To serve here as the eyes, ears, and help of the Klingon.  Her brow rose because she had not expected such a position to go to her.  She was not Klingon and some might think that would be an issue but Martok did trust her and she had been an honorary Klingon for a long time now.  Dewitt seemed as surprised as Zyrao was but she had assumed that Ives would see past Dewitts actions and to the strength it took to make them.  However, she herself expected to be tossed off in Aldea to rejoin the Klingon.  Dewitt was ready to go figure out who she wanted to take on their new mission and once dismissed she said she would see Zy around.

“I'll be there momentarily to assist.”  Honestly, working side by side as much as possible with Jen settled well with the old soul.  Zyrao respected and appreciated the red headed woman much more than she had expected to when they had first met.  Then, she had been underneath the thumb of a infected anal boil.  Without him, she was able to shine.  Zyrao's grey eyes followed Jen as she left the lounge and the doors closed so that Zy couldn't see her any longer.  Finally, her eyes flickered back to Ives who was asking if she would take the position offered.  If she would stay with the Theurgy

“I will not lie to you, Captain.  Myself and Sera nearly left, when given the chance.  Neither of us received a welcome of warmth, nor the notations of respect that we rightfully deserved.  We failed in our attempt to leave.”  Zyrao felt that being honest and open with Ives would further earn the respect of the Captain, that and Zyrao had no reason to lie.  Being open with the woman who had just offered her a job and position on this ship was important to the El-Aurian.  “If I had met you, before I had served under Jennifer Dewitt I might have told you what I thought of your ship, and it would not have been kind.  However, as such, once a change was made, I am certain you know which change I am speaking of, things were different and I feel much more of use.  I cannot stand wasting time or efforts.  I do not expect to be listened to all the time but I expect to at least be heard.”

She stated calmly.

“I felt a kinship with those I fought along side on the Allegiant.  It was there I began to feel that here might be a place to stay despite the fact that I have been a member of the KDF for a very long time.  I am old, my experience is vast, I thank you for the position offer.” she said calmly.  She never looked away from Ives, but instead, kept eye contact the entire time.  “If you think myself a good candidate for the Klingon Liaison then I would gladly use my skill set, my connections, and my efforts to help the Theurgy in the future.  I would, appreciate the position, and thank you for it.”

“I am eager to continue to work along side Commander Dewitt.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #8
[ Captain Ives | Docking Bay Lounge of the Allegiant | USS Theurgy ] @BZ 
When Dewitt mentioned Sera, Jien had to think for a moment in order to remember who it could be that the El-Aurian meant.

In all likelihood, it could be the Câroon scavenger that had helped them find dilithium on the Coreless Moon. On top of all other things that had been said by the Klingon Empire defector, Jien was hardly surprised she had wanted to leave. Had Trent not understood that she had betrayed the KDF for their sake? Why had he not welcomed Natauna with an open mind? Clearly she wasn't behaving like a Starfleet officer, but that didn't make her any less of an asset.

"Oh, I think the two of you will have plenty of common grounds in which your duties conflate. The connection the two of you seem to have was a contributing factor to me getting the idea and making the suggestion," said Jien with a faint smile, wondering briefly if the two had spent a lot of time together off duty as well. She folded her hands behind her back. "Make sure to launch as soon as the engineers have run their diagnostics and made the critical repairs. Bear in mind, also, that you still need to convince Martok that you may speak for him during our continued mission. Most importantly, we need them to hide the fact that the Theurgy is getting repairs at Aldea Prime."

Frowning as she glanced towards the deck, she added. "Whatever compelled this ungratefulness towards you, be it ignorance of what you did when you defected, or people being intimidated by you because you're not wearing our uniform, I hope that I will be able to bridge that henceforth." Jien stepped up to the El-Aurian again, her gaze steady on hers. "I look forward to speaking with you at length, about the Coreless Moon, the Hakkarl, and your past, but right now, we need Martok's aide, and you are key in getting it." She reached forth to shake her hand once more. "Godspeed, Zyrao Natauna."

With other pressing matters to tend to, Jien turned to leave, so that Zy might get aboard the Allegiant as well.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #9
[Zyrao Natauna | Moving On |  Finally, Recognition | Settling Into New Things |  Onward and Upwards]
@Auctor Lucan

The connection?

Zyrao shifted her eyes to the door where Jen had recently disappeared.  Was there a connection?  She did quite enjoy working with Jen and they seemed to have like minds on many things.  Zyrao had been worried when Jen was the one to rip the stolen pips off of her collar when Zyrao was poking at Trent.  But, once that had passed, Jen had treated her with nothng but respect and had utilitzed her as much as possible in the coming hours spent together.  Though, she had reached out to Dewitt earlier, their hands connected, was that something new?  Was there something there?  Zyrao wasn't even sure that Dewitt was open in that way, but... her mind snapped back to Ives who mentioned that she had picked them to work together because they worked well.  A bit of a smile glanced across her features. 

“She is good to work with.” she reiterated her former statements.

They were to head off as soon as the Engineers signed off and the repairs were made.  “I will do my best to make Martok understand your plans for me, his empire, and us working together.  As well as our hope to stay hidden long enough to keep your ship together.” she gave a bit of a nod.  It was nice to talk to someone that was on her level.  Or at least, didn't speak down to her.  Regardless of her having not gone through an Academy to learn the things in her life that she was fluent in she still knew them.  Her race was often referred to as the 'Listeners' but she also felt that they were 'Learners'.  She wanted to be educated and she never stopped thirsting for the knowledge of things she had not yet accumulated.

Ives admitted that she was unsure why people had treated her so rashly, but, she hoped to mend such attitudes now that she was back on board.  Zyrao gave a  nod.  “It does not reflect poorly on you, there are some here, ..” she paused a moment, realizing that Dewitt and Sera were the people that came most front to mind..”That have been quite kind and open to me.   Those I served with on the Allegiant treated me well.  I believe it was the situation at hand, the stress, and perhaps certain people casting poor light.  I appreciate that we can all be adults and move on from the distaste of the past.  I too look forward to future discussions with you, Jien Ives.” she said as she pushed her hand forward to clasp the Captain's and gave it a firm shake.

“Jen and I will keep you informed.” she said as the captain turned to leave the Lounge.  For a moment Zyrao stood there, alone, letting all of the thoughts in her mind settle around her.  She needed to contact Sera, she didn't know if Sera was even alive, hurt, or dying.  She needed to check in with her before she ran off again.  Slowly she lowered herself to her seat again and pulled out her PADD.

Zyrao sat down in front of the PADD.  Left in the lounge after Ives had left, Zyrao brushed a hand through her hair.  Unsure if it was unkempt or not, but, she needed to make sure of something before she took off again.  She and Sera were friends, and Zyrao wasn't even sure that the woman was even alive.  "Computer, contact the Sabine." she said in her melodic native language.

[This is the Sabine... Is that you Zy?]

"In the flesh."  Zyrao grinned a bit of a smirk playing over her features as she heard Sera's voice on the other end.

[Burn you, what were you thinking heading out there? How did it go? Did we win?]

"We won, my Fire Spark." she gave another grin.  "I was asked by Jennifer Dewitt to come with her and help.  After the whole incident on the Bridge I felt that she could use my help and we had worked well together.  So I went.  Turned out to be a good thing since we ran into Martok and the Klingons and I was able to use my connections to smooth the waters and help turn the tide on the battle.  I'm glad you are all right though.  I was worried you were not as I had not heard from you.  Please tell me you are all right?  Are you injured?  I worried for you out there among the fighters and the Borg."

There was a long pause. [Burn me that's good news. I was defending my ship against drones, and I ended up defending some Starfleeters that got trapped in the shuttle bay as well. Where the hell are we though?]

"We all went through a subspace aperture.  Now on the other side, we're heading for a place called Aldea Prime.  It's just outside Klingon space.  I've been asked by Captain Ives to be the arm of the Klingon Empire here.  They need me to help convince and remind Martok that we need sanctuary for the time being.  I've told Ives I would do it and will be heading out on the Allegiant again."

[What? Are you flaming kidding me? You're heading out again?]

"If I didn't know better, I would think you were disappointed."  Zyrao chuckled with a bit of a tease to her voice and a smile playing on her full lips.  "Ives has asked me to stay on the Theurgy, as Klingon Liaison and to hopefully help us continue our good relations with the Klingon.  I have agreed.  However, I made sure to tell her, how we almost left and of course, why."

[All right, Miss Fancy Klingon Liaison, sound like the Captain took it well,] a friendly chuckle, [just swing by the Sabine any time you want after you return. I still have some of this loot you brought, so I'll be fine. See you later!]

"I will find you when I return.  Don't lock yourself in the Sabine, I have learned there are some redeemable qualities to the Theurgy.   Don't count them out just yet, just watch your back."  Zyrao checked the time on the wall and then looked back at the PADD.  "I need to go, the Commander and I have to make preparations for our trip ahead of the Theurgy.  Be safe, be well, Sera."

[Oh, I doubt I'll find girl as fine as you to share my bunk with, but make sure get your ashes hauled as well. Can't be all Miss-Imporant-Klingon-Spokesperson, okay? Got to have some blasted fun too. You be safe as well, and don't be a stranger!] Then the connection was cut.

Zyrao sat there for a moment.  Someone to haul her ashes.  Why was it that Jen's face popped into her mind again, her grey eyes flickered to the door.  She didn't want to assume anything, it wasn't right and Jen was still mourning the officer she had lost in their battle with the Borg.  Still, Zyrao was not a chicken and she would be helping no matter what.  It was true what Sera said, she wanted to find someone to share her bed with, and Zyrao could understand that.  The Fire Spark was too loose of a canon to stick with one person she moved around much like the element she embodied.  From one thing to another she flowed.  Burning brightly, quickly, before finding new fuel. 

There was nothing wrong with that, Zyrao had gone through those moments in her life too.  Wanting meaningless fun, but there were times the El-Aurian felt lonely.  She wasn't sure that she wanted someone to marry but someone she could hold onto.  Someone she could build with.  Perhaps one day she might see herself fit to pursue something new; she had never been married, never wanted children.  She still didn't want children.  That, she supposed could change, with the right person in her life but no one had ever filled the spot for Zyrao.  Perhaps she was too old and too hard to please.  Perhaps she was just too afraid of losing someone else she held dear to her when two centuries ago she lost the last one.

It's time to move forward, Zyrao Natauna.  Whatever that may entail. she chastised herself quickly and stood up.  Taking Jen's cup and her own, she tossed them back in the replicator and pushed her PADD back into the pocket of her Klingon flight suit.  Settled her disruptor in it's spot again, the familiar weight and feel of it was like coming home.  She hoped to never have to give up her weapon again.  Zyrao stepped out of the lounge and back onto the Allegiant.  She headed for the Bridge assuming Jen would be on there but instead she found a set of gold shirts.

“Na' toime fer ya ta be 'ere jus yet.”  The man was older, thick red beard laced with silver as he looked over at Natauna. 

Zyrao stood there blinking a moment.  Her head tilted to the side as a dark skinned short haired man ducked out from under the burned out console he was trying to fix up.  “I told you man, no one can understand a thing you say.  What he said was, it's not time for you to be here.  We're still working on this and being up here will only make you in our way unless you have Engineering training in your back pocket.”

Zyrao gave a slight smirk.  “Unfortunately, I don't, but I was just looking for the Commander.”

The older man garbled something else in his odd language that Zyrao could not put together and the UT on her chest was not even trying to puzzle out.  The dark skinned man gave a grin showing off his white teeth.  “Yeah yeah... she went to one of the Quarters on the ship for now.  We don't need to work in them, so she's probably hip deep in paperwork and star charts or whatever it is she does.”

Zyrao gave a nod.  “Thanks.”

She turned as the two gold shirts began to bicker back and forth but she didn't stay to listen because it wasn't important.  Right now, she wanted to track down Jen.  Heading down the small staircase that took her from the upper to the lower deck, Zyrao thought about where Jen would go.  Reading the various door panels with the help of her UT she figured that the Captain's Quarters was the best place to start since she was technically still the Captain of the Allegiant

So she pressed the buzzer next to the door.  “It's Zyrao.” she called through the door.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Captain's Quarters of the USS Allegiant | Docked w. the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
After taking part in the repair plans that the engineers outside had established, Jennifer Dewitt had more or less been ushered off so that she'd not be in the way. The repair team had very little time to get a lot of things done, but after being told that the CO Quarters of the Allegiant were largely intact after the battle, Jennifer had descended to the lower deck and used her authorisation to enter the office. She'd never had the time to familiarise herself with the area during her last two missions, but entering, she realised that it wasn't just a conference lounge and a sitting area in the first room - with a private study and a replicator in the corner, there were also two back rooms - one being a bedroom with a large bed and the second being a fully featured private restroom. When she saw that there was a sonic shower there, the stench that lingered in her undershirt and her hair reminded itself. Oh, but she knew exactly what her priorities were then.

First, she'd powered up the computer console in the largest room, and entered the available crew roster. She picked from the lists, surprised that officer Varder Ridun had decided to make himself available, and once she had made her recruitment and let Thea alert those who were to report to the Allegiant, headed straight for the two back rooms. In the bedroom, when the sliding door parted, she heard the chirp and turned her head. Zyrao...

"Enter," she said, letting the sliding doors part for the El-Aurian. Standing in the doorway, she gave her a smile. "I've handpicked the crew, so I was about to freshen up. Make yourself at home." Then she stepped into the bedroom, the sliding doors closing behind her. She wasted no time in getting undressed, shedding the ruined clothes on the UFP-embroidered bedcover. She caught herself thinking about Zy while she did it, very aware how she was just in the other room, but since the mission was about to begin as soon as the repair team was finished, she dismissed the fantasies that came to her. She knew it was just the adrenaline thinning out, remembering how she got after a battle from when she'd fought in the Dominion War. She was no longer the Chief Tactical Officer on the USS Rapier, but she was still the same woman, with the same kind of needs.

Soon enough, she was in the sonic shower, turning up the sonic wave frequency range and being very happy that the repair team hadn't cut the power to it. The reverberations caressed her body and made vapour of grime, sweat, blood and residual smoke rise from her body. The relief was so immense she literally moaned, running her hands over her body and through her hair...

...not hearing the sounds outside the frosted glass stall.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #11
[Zyrao Natauna | Moments of Opportunity | Moving On | Connections | Someone to Hold]
@Auctor Lucan

Zyrao could hear Dewitt's voice from the other side, saying that she could enter, so she did.  The door slid open and the El-Aurian began to enter.  Looking at the tired red headed woman made her want to hug her.  She hadn't ever really been much of a hugger, and the Klingon didn't really hug, it was more of a wrestling match with penetration parts.  But still, there was something about the sheer exhaustion that was evident on the young woman's face that made Zyrao wish that she could just take a moment and pause the young thing.  From one thing to another, to another, and she didn't think that Jen had taken a single minute for herself.  It was proved right a moment later when Jen mentioned that she had hand picked the crew that would come with them on the Allegiant on ahead of the Theurgy.

“I would have assisted, you know.” she admitted with a shrug of the shoulders.  “I do not know the staff like you but I know of the people I have worked with thus far.”

Still, Jen had already done all the work and so the point was moot.  Jen mentioned that she was going to go clean up and shower and to make herself at home.  Zy rose her brow but gave a nod.  She looked around the room, it wasn't large but it was comfortable, clean, and out of the way of all the Engineers that were crawling all over this thing like an infested picnic.  Brushing a hand through her hair as the door closed between them Zyrao didn't really know how to make herself at home.  Sit on the couch?  Sleep on the bed?  Replicate something that was probably digusting and tasteless?  She would kill a man, legitly, for real tea at the moment.  But, all of that wasn't really calling to her in the least. 

She could hear the shower start up, the whole Quarters was so quiet.  Zyrao looked at the desk and then she looked at the rest of the place.  Reaching up she scratched the back of her neck and realized just how grimy that she felt herself.  Zyrao opened the door and looked at the bedroom, there was nothing special here but through it was the bathroom and she could hear the sonic beats going against the body.  I'm absolutely filthy, I should wait my turn. she thought to herself leaning against the door frame for a moment and rested her head back.  Letting her eyes close for the moment just letting the tension bleed out of her body. 

Again, she scratched.

I hate being filthy.  It was one of the hang ups that she had left over from all her years as a slave and gladiator.  She hated being dirty, she hated being itchy, she hated when her hair was greasy and her skin had that layer of film on it.  Jen is in there.  Naked Jen is in there. she reminded herself, and swallowed.  Sera's words mocked her mentally about how she should allow herself to see other people and enjoy herself.  That wasn't exactly what Zyrao had meant when she said to give other people on the ship a chance.  But, she could understand what Sera was saying.  Not to let her hold Zyrao back, and not to allow herself to get hung up on a woman that was such a free spirit.  She shoved off of the door jam and made her way over to the bathroom.  What if she doesn't want me in there?  She might not be one of those people that share her showers.  Zy opened the frosted glass door and stepped in.  Grey eyes shifted around the average size for a bathroom and the shower stall that was currently being used.  The silhouette of the young red headed woman stood out lovely against the frosted door.

Zyrao's hand shifted up to the zipper that kept her black Klingon flight suit on her person and unzipped it revealing a lot of her tattoos and pale skin.  “You know, I believe you forgot something.” she said into the room as she stepped out of her uniform and put her disruptor and PADD to the side on the counter.  Tossing the uniform to the side laying crumpled and dirty in the corner of the bathroom she slid the door to the shower open a bit, and poked her head in. 


With a dirty grin she stepped into the sonic waves and her eyes turned into those of a hungry wolf as she stalked across the small stall.  Her eyes stayed on Jen's lovely green ones.  Not yet taking in her body, there would be time for that, if she didn't get tossed out on her ass.  She stopped where their bodies brushed up against one another.  Her hand reached up to cup Jen's face, pulling her within and inch of Zy's own.

Letting their eye contact linger for almost too long, letting the tension build in their stomachs before she brought their lips together.  Tentative, almost at first, a test-kiss, to see if Jen would answer the call.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Captain's Quarters of the USS Allegiant | Docked w. the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
The voice from outside the stall startled Dewitt, immersed as she had been in the feeling of the sonic shower's waves - in how they were vibrating against her. She turned her head, listening, for the hum of the shower had distorted the voice more than the frosted door had. "Zyrao?" she'd asked, too quietly to be heard, in all likelihood.

Then, the El-Aurian peeked inside, and Jennifer couldn't answer her when she'd said she forgotten her when going to shower. Jennifer closed her mouth, having found it agape, but try as she might, she couldn't come up with any witty retort. The significance, perhaps, was in how she couldn't even must an objection. The anticipation of what the exotic alien woman might do next stayed her tongue, and she found that she stepped back to let her come inside. She wanted to keep looking into her eyes, but it was kind of difficult when the sonic waves made fine vapour rise from the woman's tattooed skin - drawing her green eyes to yet more tattoos than she'd seen on Zy before.

Jan swallowed, feeling how the anticipation of the moment summoned those idle fantasies she'd had about Zy just a minute earlier. Surely she couldn't have fallen asleep whilst in the shower? Was this just a daydream?

Oh, no, it certainly was no dream. For then Zy brushed her body up against hers, the contact of the other woman was electrifying. Even better than the shower. She sensed rather than saw that hand of hers slide into her hair, and she felt that light pull. She had no reason to deny herself this, much less refute Zy. She had some experience being with women, but married to her duties as she was, she'd never settled down with either men or women. She felt that she should say this before... whatever was happening proceeded much further, but the next moment...

... her mouth was sealed against the El-Aurian's lips.

She didn't quite taste human, but Jennifer couldn't pinpoint what it was that made her different. Perhaps it was just her imagination, knowing Zy was over four times older than she? Either way, she found herself making a strange sound deep down in her throat, and she lifted her arms to embrace her. She'd had sex before the battle, with Thomas Ravon of the Lone Wolves, but this was something entirely different. Whereas she'd been in complete control of the man, leading him on and outwitting him before it, there were no games played here. No greed of her own, but a spur of the moment... perhaps two women celebrating victory? She didn't know.

But she did know that she wanted nothing rather than Zy in that moment.

In mere seconds, there was nothing chaste about the way she kissed the El-Aurian, and her hands began to explore those tattooes by touch - traversing the sights she'd made with touch alone. Her eyes had fluttered shut a long time ago, and wherever the vibrations of the shower touched Zy, so did Jennifer - gradually exploring everything about her.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #13
[Zyrao Natauna | Spur of the Moment | Not Much Time | Making the Most |  New Connections]
@Auctor Lucan

Zyrao was not a nervous woman, she never had been, doubted she ever would be.  And, there was one thing about living with Klingon and being a former slave; you lost your desire for modesty.  She wasn't embarrassed about the scars that cris-crossed underneath the skin of her back and underneath the heavily tattooed skin.  She never turned away from those that asked about them, she wasn't embarrassed about her past, many would be.  But, the past had made Zyrao who she was.  So as Jen's eyes raked over her pale tattooed skin, Zyrao didn't blush or hide herself.  She wouldn't have stepped into the shower in the first place if she didn't expect to be on display.  The fact that she had only recently acquired a taste for women was intriguing to her.  She had no idea where it had come from or if she had just lived long enough to enjoy exploring other avenues.

As they kissed, she could tell that Jen was feeling it out.  Trying to decide if she liked it and possibly how much she liked it.  But, suddenly, it was as if Jen decided to go with it and they were kissing heatedly and with great passion.  Zyrao stepped forward again as Jen's hands surveyed her body with their touch and pressed the red head against the wall of the shower pinning her there.  Zyrao kissed the woman soundly until they broke away from it because they needed to breathe.  Both of them looking at one another.  Breathing heavily, sharing the air and the shower. 

A slow grin crossed Zyrao's face.  “I think you need a deeper clean.” she whispered brushing her fingers softly against Jennifer's neck teasing the tender sensitive flesh there before she let her entire body kneel down in the shower to enjoy all the flavors of her Commander.

==A Bit Later==

Zyrao lay in the bed, with her shoulder acting as a pillow for the red headed woman who lay entangled with her.  The sheets and covers were pulled up over their hips, and the two of them lay enjoying each other's company.  Her fingers traced against Jen's skin, and trailed through the now clean and vibrant red hair.  Both of them were clean, and a lot of tension released in the shower as well, neither of them too excited to move just yet. 

“It can wait.”  Zyrao said firmly, as Jen shifted as if to get up.  The green eyes looked up at her almost questioningly.  “They will let us know when the ship is ready, until then, you are mine and mine alone.”

The confident grin that played on the El-Aurian's lips promised that everything was going to be just fine no matter what happened.  Her fingers tilted Jen's head up slightly settling it in a bit.  “Rest.  It's an order.  One I think you can take from me for just a little while before you have to go back out there and be the Captain of this ship.  At least, your mind.. your eyes.” she whispered as she leaned down and kissed each eye lid making sure they were closed.  Shifting she pulled Dewitt closer and cuddled the woman to Zyrao's chest.  Stroking her fingers through the long red tresses.

“I will admit, Jen..” she whispered softly in the low lighting of their room.  “Ahhhh, keep those eyes closed.” she warned with a teasing grin.  “..I will admit that the prospect of working alongside you so closely definitely swayed my thinking on taking the position that Ives offered to me.” 

She didn't say it to make Jen feel like it was her and her alone that was the reason she had stayed.   It wasn't, but she wanted Jennifer to know that it was more than just a job title that wooed her to the Theurgy.  It was the thought of something.. even just a friendship, though she was some how finding herself hoping for more. 

“You have been good to me, since we met, I thank you for that.  For seeing the asset I can be and not the burden I can make myself be.” she said a bit of a grin on her pale lips again.  “I would like the chance to get to know you better and on a more deeper level.” she said brushing her fingers through the woman's hair again. 

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #14
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Captain's Quarters of the USS Allegiant | Docked w. the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
The sex with Zy had all been a blur of pent-up need for release, the adrenaline after the battle playing its part. It had been like on the Rapier, where she'd had the same cravings as she'd had right then, and the El-Aurian had accommodated Dewitt's every need. They had started in the shower, until their legs gave out and they'd finally managed to reach the bed in the adjacent room. Jennifer's heart was still beating more quickly than usual, and her throat felt parched - mind wiped clean. She moved to stand, by impulse, but Zy had dissuaded her. "Fine," she'd said with a lazy grin, eyes hooded.

There was something... decadent about the way she lay sprawled in the bed with her head on Zy's shoulder - the twisted blankets barely covering them. She could feel the light bruising of fingers against her skin, but the most welcome feeling was how she'd been able to completely reboot after the battle. Eventually, Zy had moved, embracing her and telling her to rest, kissing her eyes. In her lethargic state, Dewitt couldn't be more content, draping one arm around the other woman's waist as they laid there - ignoring the world beyond the bulkheads. Zy was speaking, and Dewitt summoned a smidgen of concentration to hear her.

Had she been a reason why Zy accepted Ives' offer? Why was that? Had the El-Aurian already decided to have sex with her? No, the answer came gradually, enigmatic in meaning, but clear in how Zy was grateful for the way in which Dewitt had seen her merit when Trent had failed. It made Jennifer raise her head, propping herself up a bit and looking at the unusal KDF officer. "Let's just call it good taste," she said ruefully, lifting a hand to run it through her short hair - her green eyes still hooded. "Though seriously, I do look forward to work alongside you... despite how much I've enjoyed you serving under me."

The double entrande might be clear enough given the intimate setting they shared. If nothing else, in the way Jennifer met the woman' eye in the bed they were sharing. "I must tell you, however," she said brushing her thumb across those lips of her new lover, "I'm bad at relationships, so while I look forward to get to know you in every way I can... I am wed to my duties. I can offer a lot of myself, but the mission will always come first for me. Captain Ives released me from a prison-like command, and I will not let anything - or anyone - make me forget that. I am not just indebted, but I fight to restore the Starfleet that the Infested have taken from us."

As serious as her words had been, she tilted her head next, peering at the woman. "As for a deeper connection... I don't know." she leaned up, breath against those full lips. "I think you just learned how deep I go."

She jested, playing with words, but after she gave her a deep kiss - fingers entwined in dark hair - she finally gave the answer Zy wanted. She'd teased her enough. "It would be my pleasure to get to know you too, in more ways than this."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #15
[Zyrao Natauna | Quiet Before the Storm | Heading to Negotiations | Klingon in the Sheets | Badass on the Bridge]
@Auctor Lucan

There was something about sex, probably some lame scientific reasoning behind it, but the stress seemed to bleed out of your body when you reached the orgasm at the end.  When you crashed into the sheets after every muscle in your body went rigid all at once before collapsing back to it's inert form.  When the sweat beading on your skin proved how hard you worked to get there, and the stupid smiles on your faces proved it was totally worth it.  Zyrao was not always one for cuddles, when she was on the Klingon ship you finished your deed and headed out, or you fell asleep with a giant Klingon laying on top of you making it hard to breathe.  She had never really connected with anyone outside of the necessity to be of use and put herself in a better position.  Likely, it was just easier not to get attached. 

Zyrao wasn't sure if she was looking for something one would consider a relationship though she knew she would like to connect with someone.  Have someone to come to when her days were shit, and someone to talk to.  Someone she could curl up against from time to time, she didn't need every day.  Zyrao was a strong woman; but that didn't mean she would refrain from someone being there forever.  If the right person ever crossed her path, she hoped she would have the balls to chase them.

Good taste, Zy grinned at the woman and let her play with the short hair on her head.  Zy had kept it short for as long as she could really remember.  Never wanting long hair and it was easier as a soldier not to have to mess with it.  She had never longed to change it, though it had grown out a lot when she was a slave because of lack of care.  Once that part of her life had been put behind her, she found herself shaving parts and cutting it back off so she didn't have to worry about it any more and she could own her own body again.  The body with the tattoos in various languages, with the scars that riddled her back.  “I look forward to you serving under me some time.” Zy grinned teasingly.  “Until then, I think beside will work.”

A thumb brushed across the plump lower lip of the naked El-Aurian.  Zyrao listened to all the words that Jen said.  She wasn't upset or mad.  She hadn't expected anything from Jen and when you expect nothing it's easier not to be upset by them.  She would take what she could get from Jen, and hope it would be enough.  If it wasn't, someone, some day would be, though the El-Aurian still had hundreds of years of aging to go if she didn't die first.  Zyrao's calloused hand reached up and brushed across Jen's face to cup her cheek slightly.

“For now, that is all I need.  I'm a busy woman, we will be busy but serving together often.  I am not expecting you to lay claim to any kind of status.  I just merely, wish to know you, spend time with you, enjoy you.  I do not ask for more than that.” she promised the young woman.  She could understand being wed to the job and Zyrao was really no different.  Besides, she wasn't sure that she was anyone's cup of tea.  For now, she just wanted someone in her life she could be herself with.  Have a cup of tea with, enjoy the sights of the universe, work beside.  It was nothing more than that.  She and Sera were good together, but, Sera was very similar to her and Zyrao wasn't sure that Sera could understand everything that was Zyrao.

Jennifer moved in close, their breaths mingling slightly as they breathed together.  Speaking that she could already go deep, as proven.  A teasing grin crossed Zy's lips before they were enveloped in a heavy kiss.  She enjoyed the kiss.  Letting it go on for a while, her finger tips playing against the sensitive flesh of the neck.  When the kiss broke, Zyrao's eyes were laced with desire again, though she didn't think they had enough time to enjoy themselves fully again.  Brushing her fingers through the vibrant red hair as Jen spoke again. 

“I look forward to doing just that.” she said.  This time it was Zyrao that pulled Jennifer into a long but soft kiss.  She didn't want to build up the heat of the moment, because she was sure the Engineers would be banging on the door soon to tell them it was time to actually get back to work.  Break time was over.  She rolled jen into the bedding and climbed on top of her straddling her slender waist with her body.  Kissing her heavily though breaking it just before it could get too heated.

“I want you to know.” she stated while she had Jennifer pressed into the mattress.  “That I think you made the right move on the Bridge.  I think you are a fantastic commander, not just that you look good in and out of your uniform.” she stated calmly looking down into the captivating green eyes.  “Tell me something about yourself, anything.  I want to start knowing you now until the engineering crew finish and we have to work again.”

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #16
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Captain's Quarters of the USS Allegiant | Docked w. the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
There was no chance to answer Zyrao when she'd said she wanted to do exactly what Jennifer was prepared for - to bond with her outside the call of their duties. The El-Aurian kissed her and pushed her over on her back, making Dewitt groan playfully in the back of her throat. She certainly didn't offer any resistance, instead letting her hands wander over the quite exotic figure of the woman whilst she straddled Jennifer's hips and waist. Their time was likely up any minute, but Jennifer would make the most of it while she could, especially when her new lover was being so frisky.

When Zy finally pulled away, Jennifer's heart was beating quickly in her chest, and she wouldn't be amiss to continue what the KDF officer had started anew. As it were. Zy had parted her warm lips from her own to tell her how much she lauded Jennifer in her decision on the Helmet's bridge. The jest about her looking good out of the uniform as well made Dewitt laugh in a slightly husky way. It certainly was the first time she'd been complimented for both mutiny and her body at the same time, and she wasn't entirely sure how to respond. What she did was to continue lazily running her hands over Zyrao's sides and front when she straddled her, and hear how Zy wasn't quite finished. Such an open-ended question.

"Before I came aboard the Theurgy," she said, her throat still a bit parched from their in-between duties frivolities, "that command I mentioned? I defended fellow crewmembers that had returned to Starfleet, having been pardoned for their involvement with the Maquis."

She had no idea if Zy knew who they were, and truly, it didn't matter much in the context. Slowly, she sat up, Zy still in her lap, and propped herself up with one arm behind herself. Doing so, she smiled mischievously, and began to trace those tattoos and collar bones with her lips, punctuating her sentences. "They may have been officially pardoned, but in the eyes of my Commanding Officer on the ship, they were still traitors. He, and the rest of the Senior Staff, truly treated them like dirt, and I found it appalling. So... I spoke up."

Dewitt may have strayed very close to one of the hardened peaks before her mouth, the nails of her free hand scraping against one of Zy's buttocks, but she continued to talk. "Right is right. They had been pardoned, so I could not look myself in the mirror while they were treated like dirt. It wasn't how Starfleet officers should conduct themselves. Needless to say, after my brief but loud campaign, the Captain pulled a few strings to get me out of his hair. So, I found myself shipped off to command a small weapons facility close to the RNZ... until the Theurgy arrived."

Having said as much, her mouth had wandered over to the other side of Zy's chest, and she lay her warm mouth around that peak, to taste the sweat of their previous exertions. Pulling away, she grinned a little, biting her lower lip in full knowledge of how she was teasing the El-Aurian. "How about you? Your turn."

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #17
[Zyrao Natauna | Pillow Talk | Time to Know | Story Time | Making the Most]
@Auctor Lucan

As Jennifer decided to speak, Zyrao stayed where she was and listened.  It was comfortable and nice.  The sounds that she could pull from Jen rivaled those she could get from Sera.  Zyrao was still open to relationships with the male species as well, she didn't mind either one though she found herself enjoying the new territory of female lovers.  Jen was beautiful and smart.  Zy found herself enjoying the fact that she could learn some from Jen and make a friend at the very least.  She just wanted to enjoy herself and have a good time.  Maybe one day she would settle, or she would, find some one to spend more time with.  She was in no hurry.  Zyrao was not the sort to go searching for someone.  It would happen, or not, when the time came.

Jen spoke about people that had returned to Starfleet after being involved with the Maquis.  Zyrao wasn't sure who they were, she might have lived a long life, and she had met a great deal of the scum in the universe but she had not met the Maquis.  Honestly, she could tell by Jen's tone that it was another one, so she could just be glad that it wasn't something she needed to make happen.  She could live a good long time, without meeting any of the other scum of the universe.

Her luscious red head sat up and Zyrao shifted to allow them both a bit of space but mostly staying close.  The Commander's lips brushing against one of the many tattoos that adorned the El-Aurian's body.  She had so many, and she had the scars from the whips, the beatings, and the gladiatorial ring that marked her body as well.  Many hidden underneath tattoos but many were just plain scars.  She was not a seamless beauty but what Zyrao lacked in smooth skin she made up for it with the sheer amount of confidence she exuded from her pores.

Zyrao's grey eyes slid closed as the woman began to speak while she kissed at the pale tattooed skin before her.  Something about the Captain being a raging dick and the senior staff following along like they needed someone to do their thinking for them.  Jen had stood up for them; of course she had, her sweet Jen.  It seemed that she had a great track record for standing up for what was right.  What wasn't always seen as the most popular decision, it was right.  Just like on the Bridge.  Everyone would label her a Mutineer, but Zyrao and many others would see her as having pulled the trigger that should have been pulled sooner.

She took a pause in her speech and brushed close to one of her tight peeks.  Zyrao inhaled a heavy breath, her chest shuddering and causing the pink erect flesh to brush just barely against the retreating lips of her lover.  Jen brushed over towards the other breast and this time as she finished speaking about how she was shipped off to the Romulan Neutral Zone before the Theurgy found her.. she began to feast on the flesh.  Zyrao let out a groan that came from deep within her stomach as she felt the pull of the nerves towards her lower extremeties. 

Biting her lower lip as Jen pulled back and looked up at her playfully, Zy almost wanted to pin the woman back down to the bed and have her way.  She enjoyed Jen and the way they fit together.  Still, fair was fair.  So since Jen was being the naughty little girl that she was, Zy pushed the red head back into the bed sheets and leaned down suckling on Red's neck long and slow and luxuriously. 

“I did a stint with the Kzin.” she said softly blowing cool air across the now wet and red skin of Jen's neck.  “most of the tattoos your teasing lips were hovering over earlier, were because I was thrown into a ring which pit fighter against fighter.  I once read a novel, that referrenced a similar system on Earth.”  Zyrao said as she kissed Jen straight down the middle of her torso.  Lips carressing the flesh right down her center, carefully not touching anything overly sensitive just yet.  The torture of Jennifer Dewitt was a delicious treat.  Going lower and lower as she spoke, her lips punctuating each word on the way down. 

“It was called a Gladiatorial ring.  This Earthen term, the Klingon oddly have something similar though it is a game and people desire to participate I was forced.  If I wished to eat, to bathe, to sleep, to live, I must win.  Win I did.” she said as she finally found the sweet spot she had been looking for at the apex of Jen's thighs and began to feast on her red head once more.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Captain's Quarters of the USS Allegiant | Docked w. the USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ
"Mmmh," was all that Jennifer managed when Zy decended on her neck - having pushed her back down unto the bed again.

Oh, how she meant to tease her, to get back at Jennifer for the way she'd teased her. Dewitt looked at her face through hooded eyelids, her rueful smile remaining, even when she bit her lip. Zy built Dewitt's anticipation, tracing kisses along her neck, and descending her physique in the dim light of the bedroom. Slowly, she began to undulate her body against the El-Aurian's ministrations, and over the course of her teasing path, the greed of her own body made it hard to listen to the story about the Kzin and the Gladiatorial ring.

Soon enough, Zy stopped teasing her, and applied her mouth in full - Jennifer keeping her legs spread for her. The soft, yearning sounds that escaped her couldn't be stopped held back, her blood already warm from before. She felt the waves of satisfaction roll through her, making her writhe on top of the twisted UFP-embroidered sheets. She pinched the hardened peaks of her own breasts between her fingers since they ached so. The sounds she made were deep and quiet at the same time. She was oh, so grateful for every moment they lasted - these motions that the older woman's mouth was making.

It had been far too long that she'd been with a woman, so Jennifer found herself breathing heavily quite fast once more - like an echo of what they had been doing for the past twenty minutes or so. "Keep going," she murmured thickly, not sure if she meant her story or what she was doing.

[CPO Vasquez to Commander Dewitt.] said a voice on the intercom right then, and before the voice continued, she had groaned in disappointment. [Repair team seven here and the critical damages are fixed. You're good to launch, and your crew seem to have arrived as well. We're packing up our tools and leaving now.]

Closing her eyes, Dewitt's fingers ran down to curl into Zy's hair, not sure if she was pulling her up or holding her in place. A bit of both? Either way, she cleared her throat and spoke in her usual voice. "This is Dewitt, acknowledged, and t-thank you."

Once the brief exchange was over, she propped herself up on one elbow and tried to coax the other woman up from betwixt her legs. "H-Hey, stop. I need to go," she said thickly, at least meaning to give the El-Aurian a last kiss before she had to get back into her uniform. If the woman wouldn't stop, however, she'd have to shimmy away and escape the bed, or something.

Re: EPIL: S [D06|1140] Forerunner

Reply #19
[Zyrao Natauna – Klingon Liaison | Too Much of a Good Thing | Perfect Timing | Time to Work | Postponing the Thrill]
@Auctor Lucan

It was clear, Jennifer Dewitt was enjoying herself.

Zyrao enjoyed the way that the young woman moved underneath her.  The way she took charge of her own pleasure and rode the waves of sensation that Zyrao was raining down upon her slender body.  The sheets were a mess, they smelled of the two women and their activities, and time was so very limited.  All she wanted to do was enjoy herself.  Not think about the pressure of putting the alliance with the Klingons on her shoulders.  Not to think about all of the things that were necessary, to think about how she still had no place upon the Theurgy.  A job, yes, but no place to rest her head.  It would come, she assumed, with the new position, but for now she knew that until then she would still be seen as an interloper, and honestly likely even there after.  She knew that there were other civilians onboard and they might be respected, but they had likely entered onto the Theurgy in completely different wants than the El-Aurian.

Zy didn't want to move too quickly, she had hoped to have time to drag it out and make Jen beg a little.  The end game would be worth it.  But, then the intercom crackled slightly and in mid moan Jennifer cut off as someone called that they were ready. The engineers deemed the ship space worthy and they were ready to head out as soon as she got up to the Bridge.  Zyrao pulled back, grey eyes studying the face that lay there likely exasperated at the interruption.  Hands curled into her dark hair and Zyrao rose her head slightly the muscles in her neck and shoulders working underneath the tattooed skin there.

Jen confirmed and thanked the woman over the loud speaker and then looked down at her El-Aurian, stating that she had to go.  Zyrao took the moment to slowly crawl up the red headed woman to look into her lovely green eyes.  Those that had captivated the El-Aurian from the beginning.  With a grin, she slid her hand up Jen's side from her hip to her chest resting there between her chest and arm.

“Are you certain?” she asked giving Jen a quick lingering kiss.  “I think you could spare another few minutes.” Zyrao kissed her collar bone as Jen began to squirm a bit underneath her, likely trying to escape.  “I think you will regret leaving now.” she warned the young woman as she twisted to the side and began to get off the bed trying to get away from Zyrao.  The El-Aurian's lips twisted into a playful grin. 

“You'll be up on the Bridge, thinking about me between your legs, and all the tingling won't have stopped yet, and you'll have wished you had stayed for a little bit longer...” she teased the woman as she got up as well and began to get dressed.  Sliding into her Klingon uniform and began to zip herself into it. 

Jen began to make for the door but a quick movement caught the red head and Zyrao pulled her into a heated and hot kiss, because, she was feeling particularly evil today.  Letting Jen go she gave a grin.  “See you later, Captain.” she said in a husky tone before she brushed passed Jen to head to the Bridge with her giving her a vice view of her back side. 

 - FIN

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