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USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

[Ens Thomas 'Razor' Ravon | Canteen |Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen

It had been forty minutes since Thomas had returned from his patrol session with Breacher and Snakehead. His fellow pilots had gone off to do various other things while the young ensign had decided to fill how stomach with whatever he could scrunch together in the ship's canteen. It was pretty late if not ungodly as most of the ship seemed asleep besides the people on shift. Shut eye sounded like a tempting offer yet not on an empty stomach. Oatmeal was the only thing left to offer at the moment and as the viscous substance splattered down into his bowl from his spoon, Thomas looked up as a young non com hurried in the canteen with a stack of PADDs.

The pilot studied the teal colored uniform before carrying on with his meal, only to be disturbed not much later by a group of crewmen who seemed to close in on the teal colored uniform. A quick glance made it rather obvious that the person seemed to be in slight distress as the other persons closed in. The war had certainly brought everyone on edge and the fact that the Orion crewmen was stuttering as the other provoked him didn't help. It seemed like they were just out to ruin the crewman's day and throughout the ship tensions were at an all time high. Security had been called out numerous times throughout the day for brawl, heated discussions or worse. This seemed like just another case of that.

Thomas was about to stand up and mix himself in the issue before a Cardassian of all people came into the bar. He looked at the man who spotted the trouble as well and it didn't take long before it seemed like the man would attempt to save the day. Which was odd considering most Cardassians really didn't care about others. It really was a strange sight to behold a Cardassian in Federation uniform whilst just outside the ship's hull a full fledged war was raging. If the man wouldn't be wearing an outfit and be holding a gun, Thomas wouldn't doubt a second to smoke him right than and there. Yet this situation got interesting as he dropped his spoon in the bowl and just watched the unfolding scenario before him. In the back of his mind he wondered if he'd have to call security or not.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #1
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

Izar crawled as well as he could to the canteen, all of him dark circles under his eyes and exhausted brain. He had been trying for hours to translate the latest data provided by the sensors into something moderately useful, but so far he hadn't succeeded. Tired and hungry as he was, he was not going to advance too much in the project, so he had decided to throw something into his stomach before continuing with his job. In those moments he felt almost capable of killing someone in exchange of a larish pie and a glass full of kava juice. Almost. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he felt capable of fill up the cook with his verbiage until he gave in and decided to replicate his order, ignoring the energy restrictions to which the starship was subjected.

Unfortunately, his plans were cut short as soon as he put his foot in the canteen. The dining hall was empty, hardly a handful of scattered cadets, trying to swallow an inedible concoction that appeared on the menu under the name of "oathmeal", and a group of bully-boys that Bila knew too well. A disgusted grin crossed his face without being able to help it. Those pieces of crap had joined the crew more or less at the same moment as him, a year ago. They had grown bolder and meaner since the begingin of their shared cruise, believing themselves as the definitive defenders of the Quadrant, but when the tension of the war increased and the list of dead and wounded had begun to rise numbers every day, the attitude of that pack of fools had only evolved in something worse, becoming more and more abusive each day. Unsurprisingly, Izar had been one of the targets of his attentions, venting their anger in his Cardassian ancestry. So far he had managed to get out of those encounters relatively unharmed, suffering only a couple of shoves and some broken Padds. Apparently the Orion wasn't going to be so lucky, the boy stuttered submissively, while the bullies seemed increasingly emboldened. When one of them scattered his padds across the floor of the canteen, a burst of righteous outrage erupted inside the young hybrid.

On a normal day, he might not have intervened directly and simply made a call to security, but today he was fed up, he needed a little justice in the world. He really needed to know that the Prophets didn't just turn their backs on such abuse, even though he oughted to be the right hand of Their Will. So he approached the group, carrying his best fake smile and raising his hands in a conciliatory manner. "Hi there guys, did you find a new hobby pestering this poor kiddo, why don't you pick someone of your size?" He said to introduce himself in the group, more boldness in his voice that he really felt. The thugs didn't seem too impressed by his introduction and received him with a mixture of raised brows and grins of superiority. "Shut the fuck up, Spoon Head, stick your nose in your own business" growled Moore, the leader of the gang, balling his fists. "When we put an end to this green schmuck we still have a couple of thrashing for you, snitch lizard". Izar wrinkled his ridged nose, unable to overlook the insult this time. "I'm a bajoran, you illiterate monkey. I know that between you and your cronies you don't put together a full brain but please, at least have the decency of preperly speaking, and not just throw out some nonsense out of that septic tank you have as mouth" The chemist knew he was taking things too far, but he wanted the attention of the thugs focused on him so that the orion had a time window to escape that conflict without harm.

He realized that he had completely achieved his goal when he took a spiteful blow in his jaw that throw him spreadagled against the tables behind him, a fine line of blood splashing the wall.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #2
[Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen 

It felt like watching a holovideo as the science officer tried to break up the ongoing bullying. Sure he put up a great verbal show, yet Thomas could feel from a mile off that it was going to escalate into something more physical. Thomas however believed that every man and woman should be able to look after themselves. More than once had he seen that this idea didn't stroke with reality, those able to do the actual fighting usually had to intervene when needed while those who couldn't suffered fates much worse. While Thomas contemplated about his view on life and self defense, the situation turned out of hand as the thud of a first punch was handed out to the scientist. The ruckus made a few people look up, yet none actually intervened. Even the Orion crewmate just kept put like a deer caught in headlights. Moore went over to Izar and shoved him off the table to the floor, in order to deliver him a few swift kicks to the face and ribs, presumably stomach as well.

The first kicks were delivered and by the time the third kick was scheduled to hit, Thomas simply cleared his throat. He had moved away from his table and positioned him through the ranks of the group before positioning himself behind Moore. As Moore turned around to see what was going on, a right hook connected to his face which sent him head first against the canteen's serving counter. Moore was dazed, yet got up quick enough to see who dared to punch him. Thomas smirked and shook his head "You know, there's something about you-" he stopped talking as Moore lashed out to him. He evaded the initial blow before the gang closed in on him and grabbed him. A new punch from Moore hit him in the gut and Thomas felt the air running out of his lungs.

A new punch hit him in the face and before he got punched again, he kicked Moore right between the legs before kicking him again under the chin. It sent the man down to the floor, crashing down just besides Izar. Ravon was pissed now as he wrestled and freed himself from the hold of the men holding him. A few more hits were taken by him, yet an equal amount if not more were lashed out. The whole ordeal lasted for about two minutes before the group ceased their efforts as security was called to the scene.

Moore was out cold on the floor and Ravon wiped the blood of his lips as he squatted down to feel for a pulse on him "Fuckface." he murmured to him before he looked at Izar "You alright?" he asked with a faint smile as he looked at the gash Izar had sustained from provoking Moore.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #3
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

Before he could do anything against it, Bila was dragged from the place where he had collapsed and, before he could do anything to prevent it, a torrent of kicks began to rain from everywhere. The first one left him without air. The second ended all the hunger he had so far and brought bile to his mouth. At that moment all he could do was curl up on himself, trying to protect his face and his battered guts as best he could. It wasn't the first time in his life that he was in such a situation, he knew that sooner or later his tormentors would grow tired of their absence of reaction under their ministrations. The only thing he hoped was not to get too bruised, he didn't feel capable of making a convincing excuse right after that.

However, when the beating was in crescendo, an unknown voice emerged out of the blue and soon he found Moore staggering by his side, facing a new challenger, one that seemed considerably tougher than the scientist. Izar didn't miss that unprecedented opportunity to unscrew himself as quickly as he could and try to get away of the brawl over his hands and knees. To his surprise, the newcomer seemed just enough to deal with the whole group, despite being widely outnumbered, so the hybrid was able to reach the place where the young Orion was frozen in place."He-hey kid, work your butt off-of here, quick" He sputtered as well as he could given the pain that was growing fast in the lower part of his face. The young boy looked him with his eyes almost out of their orbits and remained petrified on the site. Bila didn't have too much time to deal with this in those moments and pushed gently the Orion, growing bit exasperated. Finally the young man got the idea and bolted off the canteen, his Padd completely forgotten where they had fallen.

Meanwhile, the fight had reached its expected end when a security team arrived to take charge of Moore and his cronies. "You alright?" asked the ensign that had saved him after he managed to pick himself up off the floor. In response, Bila put her hand to the underside of his jaw and felt its state. The gesture was answered by a burst of pain and a brown blood stain smeared his fingers. "I think I'll survive," he replied, a wry smile etched in his face. "But I'm afraid that Moore's therapy to make me even more good-looking isn't having the desired effect." He shaked his head, trying to push aside the brute out of his mind. The movement made his bajoran earring clink softly.

Then he raised his head to look at the other ensign, tall and lean, he might well have been one of the thugs who had tormented him, but instead he was there asking about his condition. He looked like the kind of person Bila had a tendency to avoid because he had the adjective troublesome written with neon lights in the middle of his forehead, but he couldn't deny that at least he seemed to have his principles in the right places. "I must say that thanks for helping me with that scumbags, although you must recognize that I had almost has the situation controlled" He chuckled. "My name is Izar Bila, ensign Izar" he added as he held out his hand in front of him as introduction.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #4
[Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen  

Security was fairly agitated that the ensign TACC CONN officer had taken matters in his own hands. He was told to head to the security center for a debrief later on and that surveillance would clear him or not in case he lied about the entire ordeal. The pilot had waved it off and muttered that he'd head to security after clearing himself with medical. Thus after Security hauled off with the troublemakers, Thomas had addressed the science officer who took most of the beating.

The comment about surviving and reacting poorly to the therapy of the Moore made the pilot chuckle "Mmh, I do think they won't be able to fix that face in any case." he joked along with him whilst offering to help him up. The man seemed to do so fine himself though and Thomas straightened himself as he smiled faintly, looking at his wasted cold meal now. His eyes drew back to the man as he mentioned that he nearly had the situation under control "Oh, yes, clearly." he nodded "You really almost had them on the ropes." he smirked as he shook the extended hand. "Thomas Ravon." he said in turn. "Nice to meet you." he smiled before he nodded to his table he had been seated at previously. "If you don't mind, I'd try to finish my late night meal."

He walked back to his table and took a seat as he prodded the substance a bit before taking a few more scoops out of it. It taste abysmal at best and he shoved it away before he sighed. He looked at his new companion as he shrugged "How long have you been stationed here?" he asked as a bit of crew interaction couldn't hurt "I'm guessing you're one of the science guys?" he asked further as he took a more relaxed state and massaged his knuckles to soothe the stinging pain from the punches he had dealt out.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #5
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

The young hybrid broadened his smile when he saw that Ravon responded positively to his jokes, revealing his true character under the dark circles of his eyes and the recent bruises. Maybe he wasn't a cunning face reader as he prided himself to be. So he nodded and went to the counter himself, limping slightly. Unfortunately, when he saw the dough Thomas was serving in his plate, an acid reflux came to his mouth, clearly reminding him of the mistreatment that his stomach was suffering just some minutes ago. As hungry as he might felt when he entered the canteen, right now he doubted he was capable of swallowing such a concoction, and he knew that he had consumed less edible stuff in his short time in the refugee camp. He suppressed a retching and opted to move on from the food and serve himself an infusion of terran herbs.

Picking up the steaming mug with both hands, Izar sat in front of Ravon, watching in silence as he took a spoonful of the gunk, swallowed it, and then he decided to push aside that witches' brew. "It tastes worse that it look? I think you should congratulate whoever has prepared... that... it's a real feat to convert a porridge in a war crime," Bila pointed out before answering his questions. "I joined the crew in my cadet cruise, just before the Battle of Sector 001, this junk was one of the few that survived that engagement. So you could say that my baptism of fire was ... intense for a blue-shirt" He chuckled, shaking his head. "At least I had a field promotion thanks to that nightmare ... it happened...a year and a bit ago? Two years ago? I dunno, I've lost track of time since then." Bila had never been a thrill-seeker, but since he had enlisted in the Thunderchild, he had had adrenaline rushes to satisfy two lives. He had spent most of his time on board between flushes of panic and being scared shitless for more time that what any body could handle. But at least he had managed to stay mostly functional so far. He took a sip of the hot drink, and instantly regretted it when the excessively sweet drink upsetted his stomach even more. “And yeah, i'm a science nerd, a chemist. Don't hesitate to come to my lab if you want something stronger than syntetol” he joked. "I cannot assure you that you don't end up smoking or that your guts don't explode at some point but I could guarantee that you would have the high of your life" He added with a deadpan expression. But he couldn't resist the urge of laughing and soon he cracked his seriousness' mask with a peal of laughter. "And you, Tom? Can I call you Tom? A brawler for sure, let me guess, security pup, a birdman or maybe a stowaway? " He asked, a mischievous shine in his eyes.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #6
[Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen   

"It tastes just how it looks, only... More replicated." Thomas replied as he laughed lowly and shook his head "I wouldn't go as far as calling it a war crime." he shrugged "A genocide on tasting buds for sure." he smirked before listening to the tale of the Bajoran raised Cardassian. Or was it Bajoran? He was impressed that the man joined as a cadet during the full blown start of the Battle at Sector 001. He nodded as he wondered what it must've been for people just aboard the Thunderchild, unable really to hold your own fate in your own hands.

He remained quite and a subtle yet interested expression appeared on Thomas his face as the man mentioned moonshined booze. Of course risk of his own life would be involved, but then again that was the best kind! As he started laughing, Thomas simply smirked along as he look the man in the eyes "Man, Sector 001, how did that even go? I mean especially for a blue shirt." he asked inquisitively. "I mean, I only heard about it and read the debriefs from other pilots, but man, that hell was intense."
It hinted to the next part of Izar's question as Thomas shrugged "You can call me Tom, I've been called worse."

"Well, so far I'm going for Birdman, though they haven't noticed that I stole the uniform and killed a pilot for it. But hey, at leaast I got the ropes on how to fly a fighter. he said with a straight face before he rolled his tongue over his teeth "You know, just kidding, birdman for sure." he grinned before he punched him in the arm "Izar... I'm just going to call you Ice. Has a better ring to it. Plus you kept your cool talking to those guys so..." he grinned "Tell me, how come you look pretty much like a Cardassain... But have that Bajoran kind of ridged stuff as well?" Not that I don't know biology, but you know, what's the story behind it?

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #7
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

"Oh! You are interested in how was the Sector 001 stuff? That was a walk in the park, I swear" answered Bila with a light tone, taking a small sip of his tea, hoping that this time it would not ruffle his guts. Once the hot liquid reached his stomach peacefully, he sighed with pleasure and continued,  a dark grin set in his face. "Vice Admiral Hayes mobilized the Thunderchild to Typhon sector when I was a two-week rookie on board. As you can imagine, the department heads didn't tell the cadets a shit, we had no idea what we were going to face. But luckily, we were science nerds, so we were in charge of part of the sensor array, so when we arrived at the Sector and we received the signals of more than thirty Federation vessels, even the most foolish of the freshmen knew that something big was happening. But surely I DIDN'T expect the fucking Borg. That was... disturbing" The hybrid leaned back in his chair and looked straight into Ravon's eyes, to increase the drama of his pause. "I was assigned to lab 4, science console 6, under the tutelage of junior lieutenant grade Issac Corwin. My role was mainly to observe and not bother too much to the grow-up guys. " He chuckled "I guess you have no idea what we do blue-shirts in a red alert, so I'll told you: tactics and ops takes control of half of the sensors of the ship, for aiming and make all the harmful stuff that you big goons love. That means that half of the sensor arrays are in our hands for scout new enemies, look for weak spots, warn of obstacles to the pilots... basically we gather data and poke you in the shoulder when we find something useful or if we found that the enemy is burning your tail. Anyway, before we knew it, the USS Endeavour spearheaded the attack, the USS Bozeman and the USS Defiant just behind, the rest of the fleet just in a half circle in the background. The entire fleet fired at the Cube as soon as it show in sight, the space lit up like a supernova, the sensors were saturated with electromagnetic interferences due to the amount of phasers and torpedoes fired in unison. Exquisite as fireworks for sure. When the metaphorical smoke dissipated the damn Cube was still there, without a scratch. . It was as useless as if we had tried to tear it down with a gob of spit and hard words. Then, that fucking monstrosity rammed against us. The USS Lexington was the one that received the worst impact, almost a hundred dead and was adrift. This junk received an blow that took off a quarter of the bridge ahead and damaged seventeen starboard decks, but you know this rattletrap is a tough nut to crack, so it endured the blow, lifted the contingency force fields and began the chase of the Cube, full warp speed, straight to Sol System. But... the thing was that all Science Post in the bridge had been shattered to pieces and you know most of the labs are set on starboard ... so we only left a few ensigns and cadets in charge of the sensors under the command of Lt. Corwin, who since that time was the head of sciences by failure to appear any other candidate" Bila took another swig of his infusion and scratched distractedly his bearded chin, looking somewhere behind Thomas. He remembered clearly that day, the knot in his stomach and the trembling in his hands that had accompanied him for days after the battle.

"Surely you have read the reports, the fleet didn't manage to stop the Cube and we arrived near Earth's orbit in no time. At that point the fleet had already lost nearly twenty starship, including the Vice Admiral flagship. Our captain however decided to keep the attack, if he need to sacrifice the ship for Earth, it was a good plan for him. From the laboratory we did the impossible to look for weaknesses in the Cube's hull, trying to predict the adaptations of its shield so that each shot counted. Especially because every time the starship swept over that thing, it could be the last one. We endured much more fire, all the screens showed warnings of system failures, so Corwin decided to evacuate the cadets. I... I stayed." He shrugged slightly, an apologetic smile in his face.

"Do not kid yourself, I was scared shitless, but we were about to find the weak point of the Cube and its power grid had started to fluctuate, it was necessary that we continue with what we were doing, at least to send the information to the other vessels before they turned us into star dust. At least that way the Earth would have a chance. I was the only cadet who stayed in the laboratory and  till today I still don't know if I had more cold blood than I imagined I had or I was so scared that my legs didn't answered to my brain commands. And just in that moment the USS Enterprise appeared to save the day, Captain Picard indicated where to shoot and the cube exploded, letting out a Borg Sphere, something we had not seen until then. What happened to the sphere and the Enterprise is in the reports, this ship was so damaged that we could barely leave the battlefield and reach the drydock. But as you see, it was quite an experience. And I hope that now you have more appreciation for the work of the guys in blue.” He added winking an eye and smiling broadly. The hybrid had always considered himself a master storyteller and he hoped the pilot would have felt some of the excitement that he seemed eager to feel. For his part, Izar hoped not to find himself in a battle with a borg cube in what remained of his life, and he hoped it would be long, boring, and with his head stuck in his lab.

The chemist chuckled when Thomas followed up his joke about the birdman stowed away in the starship, and received with a smile from ear to ear his new nickname. He had been called many things throughout his life and Ice was possibly one of the least offensives. Nor did the double connotations escape him with his real and figurative coolness, which only made the name more appealing to his ears. However, the smile froze on his lips when the pilot asked without thinking the recurring question that sooner or later always everyone made him. Izar leaned forward, elbows in table, and studied for a few moments the puffs of smoke that came out of his cup, trying to formulate an answer in a way that was not offensive but don't let an open spot for more awkward inquires. As much as he tried, he couldn't avoid that a grimace of irritation was reflected in the corners of his fake smile. Finally he looked up again, crisscrossing his fingers and staring into the eyes of the other ensign, his expression totally serious. "My mother used to tell me that it is difficult to understand the decisions that you need to make when you were starving and fearing for your life. I leave to your choice to decide if she chose to love one of her enemies or she sold her body to keep herself alive. I've never asked, because whatever was the answer of that choice, it is what gave me life and I don't feel entitled to judge her for that. Let's just say that back then if you are a woman with a half-cardassian son, you were marked as a collaborator both for bajorans and cardassians. And that complicated a lot both of her life and my childhood. We sought political asylum in the Federation when we were able to escape from the refugee's camp and we were granted citizenship of the Trill Homeworld in 2362. I can't deny that my appearance is cardassian, but I've been raised as a bajoran for a bajoran mother. But i'll not deny that I AM cardassian too, this is what I am." Bila continued, glancing intently at Thomas, challenging him to question his right to be there or to delve further into his past.

However, the stare contest didn't last long, and soon the scientist looked again to his mug, sighing. When he looked away from the cup, the hybrid thaw another smile in his face "Don't I look like a trill? Yeah, I know you cannot see my spots now, just wait after i finnish my shedding "


Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #8
[Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen    

As Izar began talking about the battle for Sector 001, it did provide Thomas an insight in what the guys in blue were actually in charge of. Sure he had figured that they ran the sensors and what not, but to have it explained to him in such detail made him feel somewhat humble towards them. Unsure if he'd ever admit it though, he looked at Izar as he spun the tale like a true storyteller. The suspense somewhat increasing despite the already known outcome. Thomas knew what had happened in the end, but to have an eye witness account of it... It made his hair rise on his arms and shivers run down his back as he listened attentively and hooked on his lips.

"Did you get any recommendations or medals out of it?" he asked curiously. Granted the man only did his job even when the odds were impossible and stacked against them. It was something that was in Thomas his eyes was nothing more but common duty. A pledge he had sworn when enrolling and while being enlisted. It was good to know that the Cardassian looking Bajoran knew what fear was. Was this why he had such a big mouth? Why was he not more respected? Perhaps because the ship had stocked up on fresh recruits?

"Either way... You guys in blue surely have an underrated job. I thought all you guys did was prod plants and experiment with tribbles and what else." he admitted before he smiled and leaned back. The second part of Thomas his  question was met with more of a disguised grimace of irritation as he weighed his answer before parting his lips once more. Thomas listened with an equal amount in interest to that story. However it turned out to be a more grim story than he had anticipated. He could understand how hard it must've for Izar's mother as well as for Izar when he was growing up. The next question just hot out of Thomas as he knew it was a touchy subject, yet he wanted to see how far the man would go in answering the questions. He nodded as he explained his asylum that had been granted on the Trill home world and he smiled a little before his expression became serious once more.  "I take it you never managed to backtrack who your father was?"

The attempt to crack a joke about not looking like a Trill made Thomas laugh before he shook his head "I bet... I highly doubt that Trill spots would actually look good on you. No offense." he grinned "But, that must mean that you were popular among Trill girls? I mean, don't they love something special?" he asked winking before he couldn't help but bursting out into laughter.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #9

[ Ensign Izar Bila| Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

As it seemed to be common in Thomas, he hadn't finished speaking yet and the pilot has begun shooting questions again. For a moment Bila wondered if the human wasn't in fact a human but a kind of hybrid of human and machine gun. It seemed right for a birdhead. He couldn't supress a telltale smile when the image hit his mind, and cocked his head slightly looking for the similarities between Ravon and the weapon. Finally, he shook his head and prepared to answer. "That's right, they gave me a couple of decorations as they give to all those who survived that attack, well we only received the Star Cross those whose department had lost more than three quarters of the staff and continued working as a full crew. In short, they're a couple of very pretty and shiny things that are picking up dust in my locker. At least I got a field promotion to ensign and so I was able to join this wonderful war. Just what I had always wanted "as he was talking, his smile became increasingly ironic. He had never been a warrior, he had no interest in the great battles. He had joined the Starfleet to explore, expand the knowledge of the Federation. That one of the contenders of the current front was, moreover, part of his people didn't help him to feel more involved, rather on the contrary, given the growing hostilities that he was suffering, like the one that had been developing just a few minutes ago.  Yeah, this time he had stuck his ridged nose into other people business, but possibly if Moore and his thugs had seen him before the Orion, he himself would have been the target of his attentions in first time.

While reflecting on this, he unconsciously brought his hand to his battered jaw. He instantly regretted doing it, when a burst of pain crawled from his jaw to his checkbone. Izar grimaced in response and tried to stifle the unpleasant sensation with another sip of infusion. "In any case, yeah, in times of peace we mainly dedicate ourselves to making experiments that explode or distill moonshined elixirs. When all this is over I want to develop a couple of ideas to improve the range and accuracy of the sensors, but I think you will not be too interested in me rambling about it for a couple of hours. But it's going to be cool, I told you," he added, smiling impishly again, and shrugging slightly. "In any case, if you get a tribble take it to the lab, I have some ideas of what  I could do with one of them ... return it to life after electrocute it, or ... well, better if i don't go all in in the first round " He said with his better wicked grin, the one he used when playing poker.

And it was fortunate that he had put that expression on his face, the one he knew he could hold for hours, because Ravon asked again about his father. Izar wasn't sure if the pilot intended to offend him, was too curious or simply didn't think about the repercussion of his questions... or plainly didn't think at all. He decided that possibly two of the four options were valid, so he answered  the question without losing his smile for a moment. "Oh? For sure I tracked who my father was, Gul Dukat, he's famous for being a Bajoran lover. Moore and his goons know it, that's why they hate me" He cocked his head again, looking Ravon straigh in the eyes, his mischievous gaze impassive  "Or maybe there aren't such a list of cardassians serving in the military who humped bajorans more than twenty years ago within the reach of fed archives. Maybe now would be the best time to look for him, being in the opposite faction of the war. You can imagine it? Hi Mister Cardassian Soldier, remember that torrid night in Adarak? Well, I must told you I'm your crotch spawn, are you happy to meet me?" While saying all this, Izar put a finger to his forehead, simulating an old terran pistol on his temple and finished the sentence with the gesture of blown his brains out. "I'm too handsome to die like that. Or exotic as the girls in Trill said. Too bad I wasn't too interested in them, my only mistress is science” He only chuckled softly and drank another sip of his thea, evaluating his fellow.

"But Tom, let's stop talking about me, what about you? Waitwaitwait, don't tell me a thing." Bila draped her eyes theatrically with one hand and waved the long fingers of the other in the direction of the other cadet. "Dad was from the Fleet, security or something dangerous with big guns, he saved Mommy who lived in a colony in some crazy mission and they fell madly in love. They moved to Earth, some place in the countryside close to San Francisco. Papa wanted you to follow in his footsteps, but you had the brain of a bird, so you top some poor pilot and ended here as a stowaway ... I'm right? "

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #10
[Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen

Thomas smiled a bit broader as the science officer in front of him mentioned the medals he achieved for the battle. He laughed softly as he told him that they were just gathering dust in his locker "Shame... I figured you might've gotten some scientific use for them by now." Thomas joked as he shook his head laughing again "At least a field promotion comes in handy." he shrugged before a faint smile covered his lips. Obviously it didn't help as much in the current predicament they've found themselves in. Thomas wondered what it felt like to wage war against one's own species. Sort of own species at least. He wanted to launch the next set of questions already, yet the green skinned man had already started talking after touching his battered jaw.

Thomas' face winced as the Cardassian seemingly regretted to touch that spot "Want some ice for that?" he offered as it looked rather painful. Waiting for the reply of his conversational partner, Thomas did or didn't get up to get a pack of ice to have it soothe the swelling and pain. The banter about moonshine and tribbles had the pilot laughing at times and just smiling in overall as the man showed off his wicked grin. The Bajoran hybrid didn't seem to mind the privy questions as he seemingly just kept on grinning at those questions. The way he spoke about it though had Thomas realizing that it in fact was a more touchy subject. Perhaps he had overstepped there as he spoke freely about his 'father'. Thomas shook his head as the words became more grim and he looked at Izar "Alright, I get it. Not really an option to go and seek him out and question him about... The past." he concluded.

The final sentence of Izar made Thomas chuckle as he shook his head "Such a typical thing you science guys have to say." he laughed softly "My friend, science can be a mistress... But damn, a girl can be so much more." he grinned before shaking his head "And yes, I know that's exactly what a stow away bird man would say." he grinned. The grin faded though as Izar returned the question to him now about his parents. The green skin going off like a gattling
gun himself as he indulged himself in a prediction round himself.

He listened to the Cardassian amused, if only for his theatrical behavior as he guessed about the origins of the pilot. When he was done, Thomas shook his head as he searched the table for a drink, one he had consumed far too long ago "Close, but no cigar." he answered Izar. He cleared his throat and looked around before he leaned in and sighed "Fine, only fair for me to share my background as I stuffed my nose in yours." he said with a softer voice "Mom and dad were indeed Starfleet, not that I know what fields they were in as I got jettisoned out of an escape pod with the ship's medical officer. Both parents out of the picture before i could even have my first memory." he smiled bitterly "You know, so far for the green pasture on Frisco right?" he tried to humor up the situation "Anyway, we were picked up by the Rutledge and dropped off at Starbase 173. The medical officer that had been with me since the escape had turned into my legal guardian. So I grew up with her as my mother, not knowing about my biological parents." he continued "From there on out I became a space rat, living on the starbase as I got in all sorts of petty problems and mischief. At fourteen I had visited the Brig quite a lot as I rebelled against anything with authority and the sorts. Life was good at that point one could say." he smirked.

"When I was fifteen I was in class on the starbase's prototype educational program. It was a sort of preparation schooling to enlist for Starfleet. So I guess my future had always been sort of set." his eyes looked up to Izar before continuing "I still remember that day vividly... Being called away from class, I figured one of my shenanigans had been discovered yet the security officers of the Starbase came with graver news. An accident, a tragic one really, had injured my mother at that time. She was dying and I was plucked from class to say my last goodbyes." He paused as he moistened his lips, seemingly reliving the moment as he cleared his throat once more "She passed away a few hours later, confessing that she hadn't been my true mother. She shared what she knew about my real parents and what they were doing, what kind of people they were before..." he rolled his tongue against his cheek "After that I completed the training at the starbase, Federation being my guardian. I was nothing more but an orphan I suppose at that stage. At seventeen I got shipped to Earth to follow basic training and the sorts. Which eventually lead me to this bucket and to a conversation with you." he concluded as he smiled. Despite the heavy story, Thomas seemed to go over it lightly. The true scars still hidden underneath it all and the rage brewing inside him contained after the brawl he had pushed himself in.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #11
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

Bila was relaxing little by little as Ravon continued with the friendly banter, although his poker smile didn't leave his face at any time. What he did was gratefully accept his offer of ice with a simple nod. When he rested the ice cube in his jaw, a chill ran through his body. In addition to the general appearance, he had inherited from his unknown father a low tolerance for cold. Probably he could support it better that a full-cardassian, but still he trembled easily and get cold in seconds. While the palliative worked instantly, much earlier than it would if it were simply Bajoran, it also numbed half of his face, leaving him unusually silent.

At least that way he could quietly listen to Ravon's story. What he hoped was a common story of a human that joins the Starfleet for the thrill of adventure and the glory, soon became it a sad tale of loss, abandonment and the Fleet as the only refuge and only destiny. Just as himself, outcast from mostly anyplace but the Fleet. He allowed himself to leave his relaxed pose and composed a more serious gesture, according to the story he was listening to. In large part, he regretted asking the question and trivializing his assumption about Thomas's past. It seemed that the pilot's intervention to save him had been endorsed by the Prophets themselves, although Tom seemed to have the tact of an avalanche of rocks, he had more in common with that human than with most of the companions he had had in the Trill Science Academy Yeah,maybe  Ravon had some advantages over him (belonging to one of the founding races of the Federation, not having the complications of a hybrid ancestry, etc.) but Izar, at least, had family. Small and millions of light-years away, but he knew that, in the chaos of the War, of the madness to which they were subjected day by day, he had someone who loved him and a place to call home. The birdman had nothing similar except that junk.

When Tom finished speaking, Bila stared him for a long moment, assessing him with his dark, hazel eyes. He took a last drink of his infusion, drained the sweet drink to the dregs and finally directed an apologetic smile to the other cadet. "Hey, sorry to bring up those sad memories again, birdbrain. I don't want to be .... nosy. For the love of the Prophets, I've messed things up " He apologized himself, his words slightly faltering due to the insensibility of half of his face.

"Allow me to pay my fine for my indiscretion ... and for save my gray ass form Moore's attention" he said resolutely as he got up from the table. "If you're so kind to accompany me to the lab, maybe I'll have something to brighten up the night. Or liquefy that tiny brain you have, i'm still not sure " He added, grinning again.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #12
[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen

The pilot imply shrugged as the scientist apologized for bringing up the sad memories "Hey, I sort of kept asking about your background... So I sort of had it coming." he answered soberly to the question. Prying so deep into the personal life of someone usually had its consequences. Especially with the wonderful tact he had used, perhaps something to work on. Social skills...  At least it showed some similarities to their lives and Thomas couldn't help but feel somewhat connected to the other person.

As the Bajoran Cardassian apologized in full the pilot couldn't help but bare his teeth while laughing softly "Really, it's fine." The interest getting caught by the next set of words the scientist as he straightened himself "Oh by all means, pay up." he grinned "I'm pretty sure it'll brighten up my night. Besides, my brain probably developed some sort of resistance against bad alcohol."   he joked as he stood up to join the man.

He walked over to the man and tapped him on the shoulder with sufficient force. He did so deliberately to see how well the man could hold up against some physical banter. He doubted the man would ever try to stand up to him for a sparring session. However perhaps in the future he could teach Izar some tricks to at least defend himself. If he'd ever consider a more physical approach to defend himself instead of using that mouth of his.

Thomas let Izar lead the way as the left the canteen, the two of them walking through the corridors of the Thunderchild as Thomas continued to make some small talk with Izar "What do you do for a hobby? You know, besides moonshining." he asked as they stopped at the turbolift.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #13
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Corridors | Deck 16 > Lab 4 | Deck10 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

The smile quickly returned to Izar's face as soon as the pilot accepted a retribution. The half-bajoran stood up and innocently turned his back on the other ensign ... to see himself almost instantly stumbling and taking a few quick steps forward, trying to regain his balance. He didn't succeed and only one adjacent table saved him from seeing himself again with his bones on the ground. Even with everything he couldn't avoid hitting his jaw with the edge of the table. He stood for a while crouched, holding his face in pain, and trying to make the little black and white spots disappear from the back of his eyes. He supposed that it had been a show of camaraderie proper of thugs, something he wasn't used to.

He stood on his feet again with all the dignity he was able to recover, as if absolutely nothing had just happen, he smoothed out his bloody uniform and turned to face Ravon without bothering to wipe the thread of brown blood that slipped back down his broken lip. "I guess this means you like me? You know, I'm not accustomed to birdmen courtship so I need to double check " he said innocently, with a knowing smile spreading mischievously in his battered face. Without waiting for an answer, he retrieved the ice cube and put it back on the battered jaw, trying to relieve that new lash of pain. When he crossed the lintel of the canteen, he dared to touch with the tip of his tongue the most painful point of his mouth and discovered with consternation that one of his tooth was moving.

They moved down the corridor to the nearby turbolift, where Tom asked what his hobbies were. The chemist scratched the sparse bead of his healhty cheek and stepped inside the lift before answer. "Well, moonshining has been taking up most of my free time 'cause, you know, it allows me to buy some quiet time. No bullies trying to tear my teeth apart and stuff.  It also continues to be an exercise in chemistry, you know, my mistress," he said with an eye to Ravon. "When we didn't have energy rationing, sometimes I cooked, you know, the old style, but it's impossible to find decent ingredients lately ... And it's like every experiment, you need pure components to be able to synthesize something decent. It's the difference between a fine chowder and a bowl full of soapy water. You know, mostly like the concotion you've tried to engulf. " Izar shook his head, still amazed that the canteen could perpetrate such outrages against the palate. He knew that he was possibly one of the few crewman aboard that ship that had been on the verge of starvation, so he was able to gobble up anything that was put in front of him if he had no other choice ... but that's why he had come to appreciate much more the delicacies of the culinary art. But in those moments that was another lost battle.

The lift doors opened on deck ten, taking the hybrid out of his musings. He patted Ravon's broad back gently, pointing out the general direction they were heading and walked to the laboratory 4 with determination. "We used to have a night of poker in the department, but since they killed Tarita and McRaven received a medical leave, we haven't had enough people to play lately," he explained, shrugging slightly. "That has greatly reduced my rations of the replicator which is very unfortunate." Izar let his annoyance transpire in his voice as he said this. The rationing made everyone's life more difficult and he had no interest in hiding it.

At that moment they arrived at the lab, when crossing the doors appeared before the view of both ensigns a neat room, with the luminous parameters established with a dim lighting. There were several work stations around the semicircular room, however, Izar ignored all of them and went to a short corridor to the left of the lab, which led to a tiny room, completely internal and even worse illuminated. The center of the room was occupied by a work table divided into three sections, most of which was occupied by PADDs forming a surprisingly tall and unstable-looking pyramid. The chemist came around the table and opened one of the panels behind the table, which let out a whiff of acid and chemical smell. After a series of manipulations behind Ravon's back, blocking the pilot's vision with his lean body, he handed Tom a small jar, more or less the side of a glass of water, filled to the top with an off-white powder. "Let me show you how this work"

He closed the panel he had opened, going to the main section of the lab, to the replicator. "A jug with one liter of water, twelve degrees, with an aluminum spoon and two glasses. Are you listening, Tom? "A tall jar materialized in the replicator, Izar used the cutlery to add a couple of tablespoons to the jar and instantly the water became a bright chartreuse color. "The darker the color, the strongest the drink, but if it turns something close to blue, don't drink it. Chances are you liquefy your guts ... but you can use it to degrease parts of your fighter. " Without further ado he served a couple of shots. "A toast?"

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #14
[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen

The tap on the back was mostly meant for camaraderie yet the force of the slap might've been too hard for the half Bajoran as  he stumbled forward and nearly crashed into the table. Thomas stood baffled at the sight of it and he shook his head "Damn... You alright Ice?" He watched him recover without any help, yet his lip seemed pretty bust regardless. Upon hearing him ask if he was liked by the fighter pilot, Thomas started laughing "Yes, yes it does... I don't beat all my friends into a pulp though if you think that. You're just pretty... Weak." he said jokingly before he started laughing. He'd tap him again on the shoulder yet refrained from it, fearing he'd break a bone this time.

As he stepped in the lift with the scientist he listened to him sum up his different hobbies. Besides moon shining, Thomas wondered if 'time off' actually meant something to the guy or not. He looked at the scientist with a serious face as he nodded and chewed on his lip. When the lift arrived at the science decks Thomas shook his head "You Izra... You have quite the boring hobbies. No offense." he smiled faintly. To the pilot the free time used to himself was vastly different. "I mean, I understand that you can get your... peace of mind out of it." he paused "But man, I need to get you on a holodeck... I'll show you what R&R can truly be." he winked.

Thomas was guided in the right direction by Izar and he followed the path "That doesn't mean though that I'm not interested in whatever you can cook up as a chef though." he continued as they started walking. Ravon's interest peaked however when he mentioned poker night "Poker night? For real?" he asked with a very interested tone "Oh man, you'd still be a man short... But I'd love to chip in if you guys accept department intertwined games." he smirked as a grin came over his features.

When they arrived at the science labs and the doors opened, Thomas looked around in the lab. It all looked neat and by the book, exactly how you'd picture science labs. However Izar lead the pilot to a side corridor and soon they arrived at a very small room. The pilot looked around intrigued by it all, though none of it really made sense. Yet as the half-Bajoran pulled a panel away a strong whiff met his nose as he covered his nostrils "Fuck sake..." Thomas looked away as Izar did something which clearly he didn't want to be seen. When done the pilot frowned.

He took the jar that he was given and listened carefully to his instructions. He nodded as the scientist explained what he had to do next and he grinned at his joke before nodding once more. He watched him fill the shot glasses before he asked for a toast. Thomas took one of the darker shades "A toast.To our sad pasts... And to new friends!" he smiled as he ticked his glass against Izar's before winking and downing it.  The sensation of it burning through his throat as he squinted his face together yet reveled in feeling how very much alive he was. He looked over to see Izar's face as he imagined the alcohol would not be a great thing to feel with the battered face.

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #15
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Lab 4| Deck 10 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

Izar smiled broadly at Ravon's toast, the hybrid could count with the fingers of one hand those he considered his friends and that the pilot had decided to make a spot between them, had pleased him. Possibly under other circumstances, the pilot wouldn't have been someone he had actively choose, but he found his straightforward attitude refreshing. He doubted that he could have a conversation about metaphysics with that human, but he didn't expect any duplicity from him either. And for someone accustomed to analyzing even the slightest variation of tone in his fellows, in search of any sign of rejection or disgust, it was relaxing.

So he raised his glass to Tom and swallowed the green liquid in one gulp. The fluid stung inside his mouth even after he left it on his way to his stomach, warmed his body and lightened his brain. Bila clicked his tongue, disillusioned "Nich, this is the loose remittance, too much Cyclohexenone and ascorbic acid ... it's barely vodka level" Despite his words, he poured himself a glass again and offered Tom the jug, so he could drink at his whim. For his part, he swallowed the second shot, savoring the deep citrus flavor of the drink. Idly, he thought that drinking a couple of glasses of that resembled to sucking a pound of lemons, which was pleasurable for him, but he didn't know if that mixture of distilled alcohol and acid would be pleasing to the human. He had inherited a Bajoran palate, familiar with strong flavors, but had no idea how that brew could react into the pilot's stomach. "If it's too strong for you, I can dilute it... or add sugar. But I hope that a hunk like you could keep up with the pace of a weakling like me" He challenged him again, his impy grin barely hidden for his small glass.

"Going back to what we'd been talking before ... Do you really think that I don't know how to relax? Then I'll have to submit to your teachings I guess, and accompany you to the holodeck" he said with a dramatic gesture, as if he had no other options in his life than obeying the pilot. "Anyway, I owe you the integrity of my ribs and you'll have to declare in Security sooner or later thanks to my bigmouth, so take it for granted. I only ask you that we don't join any big battle, I think we both are well served by them in real life "

Bila picked up the spoon and stirred the contents of the jug thoughtfully, then added a little more whitish powder and continued stirring the drink. Little by little, the liquid acquired a teal tone, more opaque, and the room was filled with a particular chemical scent. Withouth hesitation, the scientist poured another two glasses and took one for himself, although he didn't hurry to drink it this time, waiting to Ravon to do it first. "As for the poker night ... yeah, I think I could get a spot for you, as a personal favor. We bet replicator rations, lab shifts, Latinum bars and, in my case, jars like the one I've given you." As soon as he said this, Izar scratched his bearded cheek, frowning. "Maybe I should give that a proper name, I think almost nobody is able to remember the formula. Anyway, at the gaming table we would be you, me, T'Vai of stellar cartography and Smith of xenobiology. If you want to bring another birdman, choose one that is able to keep his mouth shut, but I warn you that we mean business when we play poker "he said with feigned seriousness. "If you prove to be a decent player, maybe I could consider teaching you to play tongo, in case we dock in DS9 at some point of this lovely cruise... you just have to show me that you are capable of defeating a Ferengi"

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #16
[ Ens Thomas Ravon | Canteen | Deck 16 | USS Thunderchild ] Attn: @Numen 

Hearing the Bajoran hybrid click his tongue had turned Thomas his head towards him. As the scientist declared the drink wasn't even to vodka level, the pilot laughed softly. He wasn't looking to get wasted or hung over in order to not function the next morning. Some illegal minor strength alcohol however would do just fine for a post shift like today however. He shook his head as Izar asked if the drink was too strong for him "Nah, I've had stronger drinks than this." he shrugged "A good drink to just wash away some pain though." he grinned as he nodded at Izar.

He let the remark about keeping up with a weakling pass by as he saw no benefit in toying around some more with the man and just savored the drink as he refilled his glass and kept his eyes locked on Bila. A smirk appearing on the face of the pilot as the overly dramatic Bajoran submitted to his idea of holodeck time. The request to not join anything too violent made the pilot laugh as he shook his head "Oh man, those are the best." he joked before he thought it over "I think I might have just the program for you though. Some buddy of mine introduced me to it during my academy years. It has violence, but also demands a certain... Flair to it. Some smart talking, strategic thinking. I'll hook you up some day." he grinned as he wondered how the Bajoran would do in the scenes.

As Bila added new contents to the drink and it turned more teal, Thomas looked at the content of the jug before Izar poured him a new glass. The pilot had remembered that blue was bad, yet teal came somewhat closer to blue in any case. He noticed the man not drinking from the drink first and he sipped from it first to check how much stronger the drink had become. In the meantime the man in the room with him began to talk about poker.

"Don't expect me to do lab shifts, the rest I can work with." he laughed as he nodded at the other player names. He had been invited in the occasional poker game with the Tacc Conn group and made a bit of a name for himself as he proved to be among the top players in their group. Usually leaving with more than he came to start with, he was quite adept to the game and knew how to play it. Of course, pilots were mostly easy to see through, especially when running shifts with them more than one would sleep in a bunk. "I don't think any of the birdmen would be interested. Not yet anyway, they much prefer to keep their game to themselves." he informed the new acquired friend.

Tongo was a game Thomas wasn't quite used to, he looked Izar in the eyes and faintly smiled at the mention of beating a Ferengi. A tough challenge that was, especially for a human, yet not impossible. "Well, we'll just see if I survive a game of smart poker with all these science people." he said humbly, knowing all too well he'd put up a nice game for them should they prove to be harder than he expected. After all, how hard would it be to defeat a few science nerds?

Re: USS Thunderchild: Unexpected friendships

Reply #17
[ Ensign Izar Bila| Lab 4| Deck 10 | USS Thunderchild ]
Att.: @Nolan

Bila looked pensively at the pilot while he reiterating the virtues of the holoprogram he was planning for them. Of course, the violence was not attractive for the hybrid, less on a night like that, but the strategy, elegant solutions using his gift of the gab and masterminding ... that really sounded like his kind of fun. So he nodded at the proposal, hoping that one day, Tom would introduce him to that ... R&R that the bird-brained claimed he needed so much.

The conversation took lighter courses, the jar of alcohol was depleted and several more followed it destiny, coloring glasses in the whole spectrum from golden to teal. Bila soon found himself smiling with more sincerity than he had done in a long time, his tendency to adapt his behavior to the circumstances, forgotten for once. He felt genuinaly at ease with the pilot, Tom was kind of a good-hearted bully and, oddly enough, he was one of the few people with whom the hybrid felt he could be himself. With his sharp tongue, his double meanings and his scams on the edge of regulations. Soon his affected smile became more natural, though not less mischievous, that was too integrated in his nature to disappear completely.

Hours later, when the scientist staggered back to the junior officers' quarters, his head light with alcohol and his feet clumsy, he couldn't help but think that he had found a true friend in the pilot ... and how little he would last in their poker table. Bila chuckled softly and shaked his head. They were going to pick the poor orphan clean, he was convinced, maybe he had to compensate him with a couple of his "special jars" for not having warned him that it was impossible to read when he was bluffing. But he would learn sooner or later, surely they would spend more time togheter from then on. Only time could tell but Bila was convinced that the strange events of the night had led him to his future best friend. And he thanked the Prophets for that before he collapsed on bed, almost instantanely asleep


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