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Topic: CH05: S [D05|1300] Reman Miscommunication  (Read 8113 times) previous topic - next topic
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CH05: S [D05|1300] Reman Miscommunication

Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Auctor Lucan @Stegro88
Anyone within earshot of the recovered Reman vessel in the hangar bay aboard the Helmet was getting treated to many colorful curses, both Human and Trill as yet another alarm sounded from within the vessel. Derik yelled again at the computer of the ship he was currently tasked with deciphering. He had one pad of Reman language translations and another with suspected Reman operations from bad, old, Federation intel, and then he had the main cockpit console in front of him blaring a klaxon and an orange light. “No, no, no! Frak you and your fraking, insufferable, hell-fiend, piece of…” the last word was drowned out by the alarms as Derik tapped away on the console, trying to silence whatever was going on. Finally, he pleased the strange Reman machine and the noise and lights stopped.

He slumped down into the rather uncomfortable pilot’s chair in frustration. He’d been at this for an hour and was no closer to figuring anything out, and all of this after a full shift on the bridge. He was tired, he smelled of sweat and was just overall cranky. Didn’t they have the damned Reman aboard the ship? Why wasn’t he here helping with this? Was he still being debriefed? It was time to find out. This was pointless when their new visitor could make this so much easier.

He tapped his combadge, “Veradin to Commander Dewitt, are you near the hangar bay ma’am?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Dewitt | Main Bridge | Deck 01 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Mathis @Stegro88
Seated in the Command Chair on the bridge when the call from the Chief CONN Officer came in, Jennifer couldn't help but smile a little despite how dire their situation was aboard. She exchanged a glance with the other bridge officers before she tapped her combadge, shifting her legs where she sat and leaning on her hand.

"Not exactly, Mister Veradin," she said, her shift just having begun and her looking forward to many more hours before one of the other senior officers would take over command of the Main Bridge. "Is there anything I can help you with, though?"

A moment of thought later, she caught on to what he might be having troubles with, remembering the orders he'd been given in relation to the shuttle bay at that hour. "Ah, could it be that the Apache is giving you troubles?" she asked, not in the least patronising, but with warmth and understanding towards such a plight. She had anticipated that his task might not be as easy as it sounded, given that the handling of Federation shuttles was one thing... and trying to make foreign tech do anything at all quite another. Having been in command of the Black Opal, she was not unfamiliar with technology and the development of such. The drones recently used against the Savi was a good example - the project having its roots on the Opal before Tovarek finished them.

"If you need Lorad, he is available now," she said, settling the matter for the handsome Trill, "and good luck, Lieutenant."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #2
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
“Thank you, Commander.” Derik acknowledged before tapping his combadge again to close the channel. He mulled over the option she had just given in his mind. He hadn’t actually met Lorad yet. He’d never met any Reman before, even in his civilian freight days. All he’d heard and read is that they were large, tough, and had survived being slaves of the Romulans for centuries. That, he imagined, would harden any race. Having been lost outside of the Alpha Quadrant for three years, he wasn’t as caught up as he probably should be on various foreign affairs, or the state of the Romulan Empire, but so far they were trusting this one to help, so he’d been told. Rumors also existed that some Remans were telepathic, but that could all be hearsay. Finally he shrugged and tapped his badge again.

“Veradin to Lorad.” He waited a moment for the response.

“Could you make your way to the Apache? I’m having some issues with the security lockouts and could use your expertise.”

He waited patiently for the next response and to see if Lorad would want to help him or not. Would he allow random aliens into his ship’s controls, even if they had helped to rescue him? He just leaned back in the uncomfortable chair to wait.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #3
[Tesserarius Lorad | Library | Deck 15 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Mathis

"Veradin to Lorad." Came an unknown male's, presumably this Veradin's, voice from Lorad's combadge as he sat in the library. "Could you make your way to the Apache? I'm having some issues with the security lockouts and could use your expertise."

The Apache. Lorad had not been inside it since they had brought it aboard. He had shut the ship down as best as he had been able, deployed the landing gear and lowered the rear ramp. Then he had specifically handed Samala's gunbelt to a waiting security officer to be placed with his own before walking out of the shuttle bay with a pack over his shoulder. The remaining knives in his own cabin, along with the disruptors in the cargo hold, they could handle themselves.

Now, he was seated in the Theurgy's library. He had spent the morning in the ship's gym but after lunch he had decided that a trip to the library to work on his language skills would be a better use of his afternoon.

He had quickly found himself distracted from his intended goal by a book on the history of Terran melee weapons; specifically, the section about knives. He was fascinated by all the varieties that humans had designed throughout time. How differing cultures that had never met each other had developed a similar blade for a similar purpose. He was even considering seeking out the quartermaster to determine if it would be possible to have one made while he was aboard. But which to choose? Perhaps the Kukri? But now that could wait as Lorad tapped his combadge to reply.

"Lorad to Vera-din," Lorad said in Standard, knowing he had mangled the man's name as he had heard it. "On my way."

[ Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ]

He had taken a turbolift up to the Upper Shuttle Bay where the Apache was being kept. Entering the open area, he slowly approached the ship that he and his sister had crewed for 27 days. He couldn't see the damage from the explosion from this side of the ship and Lorad was grateful for that at least.

Walking up the ramp, Lorad was confronted with the cargo hold. The access hatches for various ship's systems were open and the cloaking device had been removed and taken Lorad knew not where. All the disruptors were gone as well, but that was only smart. Entering the passageway, Lorad fixed his eyes on the cockpit and kept walking. They had brightened the lighting as much as they were able to make it easier for them to work but with his visor on, Lorad hardly noticed.

Entering the cockpit, Lorad found a man, a Trill judging by the spots on his neck, sitting Samala's se... the pilot's seat. He appeared frustrated as he tapped at something on a PADD in his hand. He hadn't seemed to have heard Lorad's arrival.

"You asked for my help," Lorad stated, his voice echoing around the compartment and statling the Trill.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #4
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
Startled was definitely one way to put it. Derik nearly jumped clear out of the chair when the deep voice rumbled behind him, echoing in the ship’s cabin, fumbling the PADD before catching it again. He turned and saw the Reman, Lorad, that he’d asked to come assist him. The man had arrived sooner than Derik had expected. He took in Lorad, a bit intimidated by what he saw, though he kept it from his face. The Reman stood a few inches taller than him but much thicker and powerfully built throughout his body. Derik cleared his throat in a vain attempt to cover up his initial reaction and stood to greet the man. “Yes, hi, that I did. My name’s Derik Veradin.” He held out a hand for the Reman to shake, unsure if that was a shared custom or not.

He stood there in an awkward silence for a moment before pointing to the ship. “This is a nice ship you’ve got here. It’s in good shape, all things considered. I’ve been tasked by Commander Dewitt to see to repairs, getting her flight worthy again, and all that. However, I can’t even seem to get past the security lockouts in place, would you mind helping me disengage those?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #5
[Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Mathis

This Vera-din needed to learn to monitor his surroundings. If Lorad had had malicious intent, this Trill would be a cooling corpse on the deck. But he looked young and so could learn if properly taught. He was shorter than Lorad, about the same as that man, Marquez, Lorad remembered. He was also lighter as well; even lighter than Marquez. He would also need to learn how to react better to surprises. Glancing at the man’s outstretched hand, Lorad grasped it with his own, careful not to press into the Trill’s hand with his claws. 

“Samala, my sister, she said she changed the lockouts so that only she or I could access the Apache’s main control systems,” Lorad said in Reman as he released the man’s hand. Stepping forward, he leant past the Starfleet officer and rested his hand against a seemingly bare piece of bulkhead next to the control station. The metal lit up, outlining his hand in a soft green light before darkening once again.

“Ship unlocked now,” Lorad said in Standard as he stepped back into the center of the cockpit cabin to give the man some room. He had scared him enough for the moment, he thought. “Commander Dewitt. She tell you to fix Apache? It is fixable?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #6
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
Derik was able to hide his reaction to how strong the other man’s handshake was. Luckily the Reman didn’t get his claws into the pilot’s hand. He smiled as the other man unlocked the ship’s security controls in a way Derik would have had no hope of doing. Apparently, there was a hidden biometric panel and would only unlock for him or his sister. He’d read some of the reports and felt bad for the man’s loss, but he figured he shouldn’t bring it up. He didn’t want to offer hollow platitudes. They weren’t friends or even really acquaintances yet, and they had work to do, once they got to know each other a little, Derik would offer his condolences.

“Ah, clever security measures. I wish the Federation was a bit less straightforward with ours sometimes.” He turned and tried to sync his PADD with the ship’s interface again, this time it was giving him a promising ‘working’ notification as the connection was made and the PADD translated the UI for him. “I’m not sure about fixing it, to be honest. I’m a pilot, not an engineer, but it seems in once piece, I don’t see a reason why our people couldn’t get it up and running again. We can use all the help we can get out here, and additional ships could come in handy. I'm here to get a handle on how to fly it and be able to train my CONN officers in case you need a co-pilot for a mission or something of the like.”

He leaned against the chair as he waited for the PADD to finish syncing, which could take a few minutes. “So, I’ve read some of the reports, but I’m curious to hear your story of how you came to be with us. Are you liking it on board?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #7
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Mathis

Lorad was honestly surprised that Starfleet security was not as subtle as the Apache’s was. Samala had told him when she had reset the security to just the two of them that they had gotten the idea from Starfleet, believing that all their consoles had some form of biometric security embedded within and connected to the central computer to track access by everyone throughout the ship. But if what this Trill said was true, then that may not be the case. And Lorad was not going to say anything about it. It was not his place too.

“I hope you right about Apache,” Lorad said in Standard as he looked around the cockpit, remembering some of the events that had occurred there while Veradin did something on a PADD. And then said something about a co-pilot that was odd to Lorad. Did he not know what the stations on the ship did? He waited for him to stop speaking before he responded.

“Apache not need co-pilot,” Lorad declared as he raised his hand and pointed at the forward station. “Pilot controls the ship.” Turning to the starboard station, Lorad continued.  ”Tactical station for controlling weapons and sensors.” Turning to the portside and final station, Lorad finished. “Engineering station for power distribution and repairs.”

“As for this ship, I have not seen much of it,” Lorad replied as he thought back on the last day. “Not had time. And my story? What would you want to know?”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #8
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
Derik smiled as Lorad explained the various stations of the ship. He’d guessed at their functions before and hadn’t realized how literal his new Reman friend was. “Oh, right, yeah, copilot was a bit of a loose term. I just meant someone to have your back, I mean back you up, I mean… sorry…” he paused while he realized how many idioms he used in everyday conversation, “someone to assist you,” he landed on finally.

He considered what he would want to ask the Reman. He didn’t know what to ask with the elephant in the room of his sister. “Any part of your story you’d want to share. How you got this ship, its name, how you came to be out in the nebula, anything really. Take a load off.” He gestured to one of the open seats.

He waited a moment before looking over at him, not able to hold in wanting to express sympathy for the other man, knowing at least in part what Lorad might be feeling. “We don't have to talk about it, but I wanted to tell you that I’m very sorry for your loss. I lost one of my brothers a few years back. It gutted me.” He hoped he hadn’t crossed any social faux pas or brought it up too soon for the man to want to talk about it. It had taken a while to want to talk about Tehren, his baby brother. Even seven years later, it still ached when he thought about it.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #9
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Mathis

Lorad was surprised at the Trill’s words. He had not expected many on this ship to want to speak with him, far less want to know about him, given his species and what it could mean if Starfleet discovered he was aboard. And sympathy was certainly unanticipated. 

"Thank you," Lorad acknowledged, showing gratitude. "But Samala is in stasis. Hologram doctor said she can be healed," Lorad corrected, having assumed that Veradin's brother had met a more permanent fate.

"On our journey, help with Apache would have been accepted more than once," Lorad noted as he remembered several instances when someone at the engineering station would have helped. "Ship was built for crew of three. Less can fly it but better with all." Thinking what to say next, Lorad sat down at the tactical console he had grown so familiar with.

"It was early in the morning and I was awoken by the ground shaking. Romulans were attacking the base. I killed several in my room when they transported in," Lorad recollected, his eyes losing focus slightly as the memories came forward. "We, my father, sister and Samala's mother, we fought through base to maintenance hangar. We killed more Romulans. But then father and Pakena were trapped. They said to leave. I grab Samala and run. We take ship from hangar and destroy others."

"As we fly away, base self-destruct. Father and Pakena gone now," Lorad explained. "Only Samala and I left."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #10
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
The more of Lorad's past that Derik heard, the deeper a frown formed on the Trill's forehead - the grief of such loss evident in words more than the Reman's tone. At least that sister of his might yet make it, put in stasis as she was. If the EMH said she could make a recovery, her chances were not too bad, Derik thought, but regardless what may happen to that sister, Lorad had still lost the rest of them to the Romulan Civil War.

"My condolences," he said quietly, turning to look at the Reman controls, which still made no sense to him. The controls were not at the forefront of is mind, however, but rather the cost of war, and how there seemed to be no end to it. "The Reman people are fighting a war for freedom. And the Star Empire cannot stop this freedom movement through atrocities, as the dispute of Remans is a problem of human treatment, equal rights, and freedom."

Having said this, Derik looked back at the Reman and gave him a small smile. "I come from the Resolve, came aboard this ship after a large battle at Starbase 84, but before then, the Resolve had to travel through Romulan space to get there. We encountered other Reman refugee ships, and Captain Kendrick did what he could to lend them aid and provisions before we continued our voyage. Hopefully, they made it to this planet the Klingon Empire has given for you. At least that's what the refugees claimed, that there was a new - perhaps temporary - home for the Reman people."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #11
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan @JayLatte

A war for freedom might be overestimating the effect that the Remans were causing. An insurrection might be a better way of describing what his people were trying to do. The Romulans knew that Remans beyond their control were out there. If that had not been known before, after Bacury III it was a fact. But the Remans had learnt from previous uprisings, each of which had failed and caused an unbridled culling of their species. No, this time, they were careful. They lived in independent groups that didn’t know about each other. They hid themselves, biding their time until the right moment to strike. Because they had learnt that one false move would undo everything they had achieved. 

But this Resolve, that Ver-a-din had said he had been on, it had helped his kind during their journey. He, like many, had heard rumours of a Federation ship travelling through Romulan space, but he had never known the name of it. It seemed appropriate, if Lorad understood the meaning of the word correctly.

“Neither the Praetor nor the Empress would like to lose the, strength, that the Reman people bring to them. And while the Praetor condemns us, the Empress seeks to coax us to her side. The Klingons have done the most for my people so far but what do we become as a people while a protectorate of the Klingons. And what do they get?” Lorad wondered, not for the first time as he cast an eye around the ship’s cockpit.

“Remans fight for independence. We seek to be free from all those that would use out strength as their own,” Lorad proclaimed firmly, staring the Trill in the eye. “Only then can we become who we are meant to be.”

“But we are both here now, on this ship. We have other responsibilities to uphold,” Lorad said calmly. “I thank you for the help you gave to my people. It seems my debt to you and your people continues to grow.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #12
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
It was growing more and more obvious that the Reman in front of him was one of incredible knowledge and passion. While on the Resolve, Veradin was, at most, acutely aware of the Reman political climate, and largely sympathetic, yet detached from the actualities it dealt to their species and culture. It was easy to lend help and continue to fly in the other direction of the refugee ships, but he hadn’t imagined the gravity he would feel when sitting face to face with someone of such recent uprising.

As he continued to listen to Lorad’s heartfelt words about his own race and their relationship with the Star Empire and the Klingons, he grew more and more contemplative on how their treatment was looked at with a blind eye for so long. How odd, he asked himself, was it that the Federation supported the Bajoran fight for independence, holding disdain for Cardassia, yet swept the slavery brought upon the Remans under the proverbial rug? Prime Directive or not, the Reman people were needy, and the Federation had the ample means to assist the enslaved, yet there was no rebel faction for their freedom. No Maquis fighting behind their cause. They were truly alone in their efforts.

It was then when Veradin truly understood how alone Lorad must feel. Estranged from his race, his home destroyed, his parents presumably dead, and his sister in stasis. That loneliness was something he could never have fathomed.

He plopped his pads on the console, crossing his legs and turning his full attention to the gentle giant. He had helped him unlock the ship, the least he could do was make him feel like one of the crew, a part of a team. “You have no debt to us, Mister Lorad," he smiled, "It is in our principles to offer aid to those in need. That goes without restitution.”

He motioned for the Reman to take a seat, offering his time to ensure he felt heard and welcomed aboard the Theurgy. “I’m just glad we could add you to our crew. While we aren’t the… er… standard Starfleet bunch you’d find, we do our best to uphold our morals. Those of which are a reason we want to make sure your ship is up and running. It's truly a valuable resource to the ship.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #13
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JayLatte

A valuable resource to their ship. Is that the only way these people can see the Apache? What would they say if I called their ship a resource? Their computers? How would they react to that?

Lorad shook his head slightly to dismiss the angry thoughts going through his head. They would serve no positive purpose in the current situation. Truly, the Apache was a valuable resource. But to Samala and Lorad, it had become so much more than that. From avoiding Romulan patrols and fighting off Orion Syndicate ships to just being a safe place where the two of them could retreat too and try and forget everything that had happened. That part hadn't worked very well due to the Apache being a physical reminder of what had happened.

"Apache is not just resource to my sister and I, Ver-a-din. It is link to past," Lorad stated calmly and slowly in Standard. "But you. You came from Resolve but now on Thurgy after battle at Starbase 84. Why would you come here if ship is called renegade? Why not to somewhere else?"

Lorad knew little of Trills. Really the only thing he did know was that some of them were implanted with a symbiotic creature that shared its memories. This made those trills very wise and adaptable, depending on their accumulated knowledge. But it seemed like a very high risk to imperil not only yourself but another creature as well. 

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #14
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
From his position in the cockpit, Derik cleared his throat and stretched his eyelids with his eyebrows raised. He had made a mistake. Mentally scratching off the spots on his forehead, he thought, A resource? What were you thinking? Could you be more insensitive?

Now Derik, in his time as a Starfleet officer, did not have a great relationship with diplomacy. That was something he hadn’t really needed in his childhood, and rarely thought about while flying for the Trill trading company he once held employment with. And he wasn’t too experienced as a diplomat on the Resolve either, as his position at the helm of a hiding starship hardly called for it. He tended to handle situations with snap judgement, and thought with his whims, and other body parts, before he did so with his mind. He was revered, and contested, by many for being the hot-headed, party-hard, fly boy with his head in the clouds. And while he would admit these were true, he had morals, and he had compassion, especially for those who have experienced personal loss. Tehren wouldn't have in any other way.

Placing a hand over his heart and reaching out to the Reman, he tried to allow his voice to remain apologetic and genuine. “I have to apologize for my phrasing, Mr. Lorad. I don’t mean to…” he puckered his lips and momentarily turned his focus to the deck plating while conjuring a word that the Reman would most resonate with, “De-value the importance of the Apache to you and your sister. I only mean to say that I, as with the rest of the crew, are very appreciative that you have allowed us to study, and utilize it.”

He coughed softly again into his elbow, making sure to articulate his words accurately as to not give the refugee any unintended negativity. “I have to commend you for that, too. I know it’s probably difficult, considering how much this vessel means to you and Samala. That does not go overlooked.”

He couldn’t help but pause a moment before answering his question about why he came aboard the Theurgy to begin with.

“Well…” he started, running a hand through his hair, exhaling through softly puffed cheeks, “I suppose it was initially for necessity. We were ordered to abandon ship by our Captain, Kendrick. I was only following orders, respecting the chain of command. But we all knew it was more than just following orders.”

He swallowed hard, drawing back the vivid memories of the topic of interest. “We knew it was for the better, too. Theurgy, while she is renegade in the eyes of Starfleet Command, she carries the truth about that very organization, that of which has grave consequences for the entire quadrant. When we abandoned ship, and Captain Kendrick sacrificed his life to fight for Theurgy’s mission, I knew it was our duties as protectors of our principles that we had to continue that mission.”

Realizing he was beginning to digress, he set some inertial dampers on the subject. “Or maybe we just wanted the hell off the Resolve,” he joked lightheartedly, shaking off the poignancy of his previous words, “We had been on it three years straight.”

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #15
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JayLatte [Show/Hide]

"You did not know,” Lorad said, referring to Derik’s earlier comments on the Apache merely being a resource. “But thank you,” the hulking Reman acknowledged as he considered his words. He mentally made a note to find someone that could help him with his improving his grasp of Federation Standard. 

“Your ship now keeps Samala alive. If ship is damaged or destroyed, Samala dies,” Lorad explained rather bluntly. “I do what I can to keep Samala alive.”

“Especially after what I did,” Lorad thought to himself as his mind replayed the events of the previous morning once again. He had come so close to killing his sister with his curiosity and now he had to make up for that.

“A question,” Lorad said. “You stuck for 3 years in Romulan Space. How you know that Theurgy was, as you said, carrying this truth? I not understand this.”

It seemed like an incredible risk for this man and his crew to take after what he said they had been through. Stuck in space, away from their home and help. Finally making it back and deciding that helping a renegade ship was a better idea than just going home. If Lorad had been through what they had, he would want the rest.

And yet, after everything that Lorad had been through, during the Dominion War and since then, Lorad was still fighting. Perhaps the odds and opponents had changed. But he was still a soldier with a war to win.

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #16
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
Derik accepted Lorad's "thank you" with a soft nod and smile, as to not make a bigger deal out of it than he already had accidentally. It was not his intention at all to insult the Reman, and thought it best to put that to rest rather than opening another can of warms with his impulsive mouth.

Continuing to access the computer controls, he began to further acqaint himself with the Apache. Even through his voyage through Romulan space, he never found himself in the need to pilot a Reman vessel, so the system and its configurations were fresh and foreign, like a new game he wanted to play but didn't know the rules to yet. Veradin promised himself that there wasn't a ship he couldn't fly. As his flight control console began to revive, he turned his attention back to Lorad to comfort him on his distress over his injured sister.

"Now I can't speak on behalf of our medical staff, Mister Lorad, however I do believe she is in capable hands. We've ressuciated many officers after having them in stasis. I can't medically ensure her safety or promise you any outcome, but I do know that Starfleet Medical has a strict Hippocratic Oath which must be sweared to. They will do no harm to your sister."

Lorad didn't say much in response, so Derik assumed it was too tough a subject to converse about. HIs sister was, like he had been told, all he had left other than his ship. It wasn't his place to urge more words out of the already emotional refugee, especially when Derik had no experience as a ship's counselor or go-to listener. In response, he remained in his duties to furthering his knowledge to the ship, tapping amongst the controls and pinpointing the specifics of the technology. In the silence, his face became perplexed as Lorad asked another question about his place on the Theurgy.

"We took Captain Ives's word on the matter. It had been obvious the ship had been taken through hell and back during the course of its flee from Starfleet Command. You can imagine how we were all skeptical at first, but after being shown more and more evidence to their claims, it was like we would be ignorant to deny the truth. And Captain Kendrick had our loyalty and trust. He had gotten us safely through Romulan space for three years, and it would have been scathing to dismiss that and betray his motives. He quite literally gave his life for a mission he was unwillingly thrown into. So I pledged to do the same. I'm here because of it."

Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #17
[ Tesserarius Lorad | Apache | Upper Shuttle Bay | Deck 11 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @JayLatte

Lorad wasn’t sure what to say to the Trill male that sat in the pilot’s seat of the Apache. The man was here due to his loyalty and belief in a Captain Kendrick. The man was now dead and the Lieutenant had given his word to follow through on his former Captain’s final acts.

And now, here he sat in the cockpit of a Reman transport docked in the shuttle bay of a renegade Starfleet Dreadnaught. He was tapping away at the control panels but didn’t appear to Lorad to be sure what he was doing. Hopefully the ‘mission’ that the Trill had mentioned was going better.

“What do you want to know about Apache?” Lorad asked as he relaxed into the chair a little. Being on this ship again; he had thought he would be anxious or uneasy but instead it found it oddly relaxing and calming. It was... familiar. “I am not Samala but I know of ship. A little. I can help you to know Apache.”

And it would keep him busy. So that he didn’t wander a strange ship filled with strange people that all looked at him differently. The gazes they had were not of ill intent but rather of their own unease at his presence. 

And then there were his own memories.


Re: Chapter 05: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1300 hrs. ] Reman Miscommunication

Reply #18
[ Lt. JG Derik Veradin | Hangar Bay | Vector 1 "Helmet" | USS Theurgy] @Stegro88
The pause was a comfortable one, which Derik understood to be out of respect from the Reman's side. After all, what did you say to someone after what he'd just told him? It was all quite messed up, to say the least, with the loss of the entire Resolve, Captain Kendrick, and a lot of friends that he'd spent the last three years with. No, the silence that followed was one of recognition, and respect towards the dire straits he and his crew had been through. For that, Derik was grateful to the Reman.

The question was a welcome shift, coming to focus on the matter at hand. The Apache.

"Yes," said Derik, concluding the laments and retrospection, "Why don't you start with..."


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