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Topic: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact" (Read 12288 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #50
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

As the woman behind the desk informed Kai that someone was waiting for them, addressing Kai as “Sir”, Cross couldn’t help but wonder what they were going to be doing in this holonovel. Kai pushed open the door, which sported a nameplate engraved only with the letter W, and they strode into the office beyond.

They found themselves in a large, well appointed office. Oak panelling covered the walks, punctuated at intervals by tastefully selected artworks depicting old sailing warships and naval battles. The east wall of the office sported two tall windows which were framed by head brown curtains and which overlooked the Thames. Wall-mounted shaded lamps cast a warm yellowish light to the room, and the polished floorboards were covered in the centre of the room by a thick cream-coloured rug which sported a light red paisley pattern. Two small leather chairs sat closest to them, facing a large polished oak desk. Behind the desk sat a short woman in an impeccable black pant-suit with broad white shirt-collar and short-cropped white hair. The woman watched Kai and Cross enter with a stern expression which was visible over steepled fingers. The woman, presumably “W”, rose to her feet as Jillian and Annika crossed the threshold, leaning forward with her palms flat on the polished desktop. The stance gave her an imposing appearance despite her small stature.

“Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming on such short notice.” W began, looking over each of them in turn. “There’s been a development, and I’m going to be sending you into the field right away.” She straightened, picked up a manila file folder, and walked around the desk. She approached Kai, and handed him the file folder before retreating and leaning back against the desk, half sitting on the edge. The four of them remained standing, as W had not invited them to sit.

“The governments  of the Western Allied nations have been working on a new type of weapon, an electromagnetic array they would be mounted on a satellite. It could potentially be used to wipe out the power grid of any major city on the planet, but more importantly, it could be used to disable both nuclear launch facilities and nuclear missiles that have already been launched. The satellite was launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida 3 days ago.” She paused and gave them a concerned look. “The ability to neutralize nuclear weapons could turn the tide of the stalemate that has kept the Cold War at a standstill. The Western Allies had planned to use this weapon to bring the Soviet Union to the negotiation table in the hopes of ending hostilities across the globe. Yesterday, three of the scientists who had designed the weapon went missing. It is our belief that the Soviets have taken them against their will, and are planning on forcing them to help hijack the satellite.” W cross her arms, her voice hardening. “I don’t need to tell you that, should the weapon fall into Soviet hands, the Soviets would not hesitate to use the weapon with the aim of furthering their goals and the spread of Communism around the globe.” W rose from her perched position on the edge of the desk and moved to look out the window, gazing down on the Thames as she continued to speak.

“I refuse to let that possibility become a reality. Your mission will be to locate and extract the capture scientists, retrieve the satellite access codes, and destroy any copies the Soviets have in their possession.” W turned from the window to face then. “In the event that extraction is not possible, you are authorized to terminate the scientists and use whatever means necessary to deny the Soviets the use of that satellite. They cannot be allowed to gain control of that weapon, do you understand?”

”Yes Ma’am.” Kai said, immediately echoed by the others.

“Good. That file also contained a dossier on one General Gloscovich. He is a high ranking member of the communist party, as well as being in charge of the Soviet’s space warfare program. Our intelligence has him currently travelling back to the Soviet Union from a visit to Cuba. He’ll be making a stop in Bern, Switzerland before making the final leg of his journey home. You will go to Bern, intercept Gloscovich, and ascertain the whereabouts of the abducted scientists.” W sighed before she continued. “As you know, Switzerland is a neutral country, and therefor off limits as far as we’re to be concerned. As such, you cannot afford any mistakes. If you are caught, you will be disavowed. The British Government will deny any knowledge of your existence, and you will most likely be handed over to the Soviets to be executed.”

W walked back around behind her desk and sat in her leather upholstered armchair, giving each of them a level stare.

“You have your orders. Go see Mr. Quincy. He’ll kit you out for the mission and give you your travel details. Good luck to you all. The fate of the free world rests with you.”

With that, W turned her attention to the papers before her on the desk, giving the four of them the impression that they had been dismissed. The four shuffled out of the room and paused in the waiting room once the door was closed.

”This one is a little more in depth than the Victorian holonovel was.” Cross stated, grinning as he looked at his three companions. ”I think this could be fun!”

”Get in character, Wrinkles.” Jillian chided him, ”We’ve got a job to do.”

”And a world to save!” Grinned Annika, looking up at Kai. ”Lead on, fearless leader! We’ve got spying to do!”

“Mr. Quincy is waiting for you the equipment stores in Sub-Basement 4.” Ms. Pound informed them, leaning across her desk to look up at Kai, giving him a sly smile. “Unless you’re finally ready to run off together?”

”Piss off, bitch!” Annika growled as she placed her hands against Kai’s broad back and pushed him towards the elevator. ”This one’s mine!”

Cross could hear Jillian laughing as she took his hand and led him towards the elevators, trailing after Kai and the fuming Annika. She gave his hand a squeeze as they doors opened and they stepped in. Cross hit the button labelled SB4 and they waited as the doors slide shut and the elevator lurched into motion. Cross could feel the sensation of moving downward as the elevator lowered them into the depths beneath the building’s foundation.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #51
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | MI6 HQ | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour] @Fife

As the elevator descended towards the sub basement, Kai couldn’t help but think about what their mission was going to entail. It would obviously include ‘extracting information’ from the General in Bern, but also included getting into an enemy country undetected. He couldn’t help but wonder what Quincy would have for them.

As the elevator came to a halt at its desired destination floor, the doors slid open to reveal a large open space, bigger than the shuttlebay aboard the Endeavour. There were about 50 people working on different projects around the open floor plan. There were tanks, sports cars and numerous dummies in varying states of destruction. The quartet disembarked from the elevator and walked forward into the room in a state of awe. A young man with a lab coat on and thick glasses approached them and introduced himself.

”’ello! My name is Quincy and let’s get you all ready to save the world” he sounded chipper and ready to do his part as he lead the group to numerous gadgets and weapons on work benches in the middle of the room.

“As with every other mission, you’ll have access to all of her majesty’s aircraft. You’ll also have the usual firearms. The Walther PPK, silenced of course” he said picking up the black coloured pistol before setting it down and continuing, “AR-7 sniper rifle; BUT you’ll also have some gems I’ve been working on. This here? This looks like an ordinary woman’s necklace, but it contains a small EMP charge that can disable any electronics within 50 feet. Of course if you get into a real sticky situation, it can also double as an explosive charge” the relatively scrawny man said as he showed off a necklace which would be considered quite beautiful if the group hadn’t know it’s true purpose.

Kai glanced around the table and picked up a ring between his index finger and thumb, which caused the scrawny man to panic.

“BE CAREFUL! That can deliver an electric charge strong enough to leave a person unconscious for 30 minutes!” He quickly said before taking the ring from Kai. Kai looked at Annika and shrugged his shoulder as if to convey an ‘oops’.

”Maybe I can borrow that ring and go talk to that secretary upstairs” Annika said with her cute pretend angry face on. Jillian started laughing before she was interrupted by Quincy again.

“All the equipment will be loaded on to the plane for your trip to Bern. Speaking of which, your private plane is scheduled to depart Heathrow at 2330. You’re scheduled to land at 0440 which will give you a window of about 4 hours in which to extract the information from the Soviet General”

The group nodded in acknowledgment before Quincy showed them out of the large room towards a waiting limousine for the ride to Heathrow Airport.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #52
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Cross was still chuckling at Annika’s comment as the four “agents” clambered into the limousine, Kai and Annika taking the rear-facing bench seat and Jill sitting herself in the forward-facing seat. Cross entered last, crouching in the small space of the passenger compartment and twisting to shut the door behind him, more accustomed to shuttles than automobiles. The driver wasted no time in hitting the accelerator as Cross pulled the door shut behind him, sending Cross sprawling onto the rear seat of the car, his head coming to rest face down in Jill’s lap.

”Down boy!” Jill chastised through a fit of laughter. ”There’ll be plenty of time for that later! We’ve got a General to torture!”

Cross cursed under his breath as he righted himself on the bench seat next to Jillian, his face betraying his embarrassment as it burned a furious shade of red. At that moment the driver began to lower the tinted divider that separated the driver from the passenger compartment, and Cross had to fight the urge to lunge through the gap and twist the driver’s head off.

“There’s a fully stocked bar back there, so feel free to help yourselves!” The driver informed them, looking over his shoulder at them as he spoke. “It’s all proper stuff! Top shelf and all!” The driver continued in a thick cockney accent, glancing back out the front windscreen just in time to swerve the vehicle to the right to avoid slamming into a parked lorry. The sudden motion caused Cross to once again topple into Jill, his hands flailing to find purchase on anything to stop his fall.

He managed to keep himself upright, though only just. As he got his bearings, he realized that while his right hand had managed to brace itself against the door on Jillian’s far side, his left hand was braced directly over Jillian’s right breast. His gaze slowly travelled up from the offending hand to meet Jillian’s amused gaze.

”Hey there, Wrinkles. You having fun down there?” Jillian asked as she fought with all her might might not to break down into uncontrolled laiughter. Cross could hear Kai and Annika howling with laughter across from them as he removed his hand from Jillian’s chest and righted himself on his seat once more. This time he twisted himself to that his back was against the side of the car, with his foot braced to stop him falling towards her once more.

”How did you <fucking> humans get around without inertial dampeners?” Cross growled, eliciting another round of laughter from his companions. The driver had turned his head to face them once again, continuing where he left off.

“As I was saying, it’s all proper stuff. I would recommend the gin, myself. Love the stuff! Never touch the stuff on the job mind you…”

Another shift in inertia sent Cross sprawling forward this time, the driver having glanced forward once again and slammed on the breaks at a red light. The red tinge of Cross’ face seemed to turn to a maroon colour as this time the unfortunate hybrid found himself sprawled on top of Annika.

”Well hello, sir!” Annika giggled with a mock salute as Cross quickly removed himself from his subordinate, casting a panic-sticken look at Kai as he regained his seat once again.

”I know she looks sexy in that dress, Wrinkles, but try and control yourself!” This time Jillian found herself unable to hold back the laughter as she spoke, her whole body shaking as she wiped tears of laughter from her eyes. ”Maybe next time we should just put you in the trunk!”

Another 30 minutes and several more inertial mishaps later, the limousine finally pulled up in front of a private hanger at Heathrow Airport. The driver opened his door and hopped out, striding jauntily around the vehicle and opening the door to allow the passengers to disembark. He made the mistake of choosing the door immediately next to Cross, who shakily stepped out of the vehicle and immediately grabbed the driver by his shirt collar. With a curse snarled in Cardassian, Cross began beating the driver’s head into the side of the limo, the banging of the poor man’s face against the side panels almost being drowned out by the laughter of the other three as they climbed out of the car.

”For God’s sake, Cross. Save it for the General!” Jillian said after a moment, having expended a great deal of effort in an attempt to contain her laughter. ”It’s not his fault you don’t know how to sit still!” The scowl Cross gave her only caused the laughter to begin anew, prompting Cross to allow the severely beaten man to fall unmoving to the ground as Cross himself stormed off into the private hanger, muttering under his breathe.

Another 45 minutes found them aboard the private plane as it raced down the runway. Cross sat stiffly in his chair, handing maintaining a death-grip on the armrests. His ridged posture was a result not a fear, but rather to ensure that he didn’t go sprawling into anyone as a result o the lack of inertial dampeners in the antiquated aircraft. He had been thrown, against his will, into extremely close encounters with all three of his fellow agents during the limousine ride and had no wish to repeat the experience. Cross still seethed with rage, his teeth grinding as he wished he had beaten the driver a little longer. He remained grimly silent as the others talked among themselves, sitting in a relaxed manner and sipping their drinks as the plane’s wheels lost contact with the earth and the craft soared upwards, banking slightly to correct it’s course.

A flight attendant walked calmly down the aisle, apparently unphased by the shifting of the cabin as the plane soared through the air.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like something to drink, sir?” The flight attendant asked Cross in a sweet, sympathetic voice. “I know flying can be frightening, but it might help take the edge off your nerves.”

Cross let out a low growl and looked up at the holographic attendant, ordering an Old Fashioned in a voice that was almost strangled with anger and indignation before turning to the others.

”One word, and I’ll nerve-pinch the lot of you!” Cross snarled as he cast a furious glance at his three friends.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #53
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | 30,000 feet above the English Channel | USS Endeavour] @Fife

After Cross' threat at nerve pinching Kai and the ladies caused uproarious laughter for a few minutes, Jillian thought they should get down to work and plan what they were going to do in Bern. 

"Maybe we should figure out what we're doing in Switzerland" Jillian offered up as a suggestion. The rest of the group nodded in silent agreement with that, as Kai pulled out the dossier on General Gloscovich and opened it up, reading the highlights aloud to the team.

"Seems the General served during World War 2 and was there at the Battle of Stalingrad. He was handpicked to be the Chief of the USSR's Space Warfare Program. Intelligence says he has ties to the KGB as well" Kai said as he was interrupted by Annika.

"So needless to say, he's seen some shit" Annika announced as Kai nodded his head.

"Yep. He's about as hardened as they come" Kai confirmed, followed by a sip of his Whiskey before continuing on, "Say here though he has a weakness, he's a bit of a ladies man and prefers brunettes" Kai said while turning his attention to Annika as did the rest of the group.

Annika protested for a few seconds, "Wh..Me? Why?" before she finally relented, "Okay fine...what do I have to do?".

The group then sat in the private plane as they went over the plan of what to do. There was laughter and seriousness sprinkled throughout the plan. They had all decided that this plan was going to be their best chance at capturing the General alive while also ditching his security team.

Kai thought that before they started to arm themselves with the enormous stockpile of weapons on the plane, that the men should change before they arrived in Bern. The women were dressed appropriately for their plan, but the men should go incognito.

Kai reached into a bag sitting on the seat next to him and pulled out two seemingly identical black turtlenecks. He handed one to Cross who took it from the large man and looked down at it, seemingly confused.

"I'm not saying I invented the turtleneck, but I am the first to recognize its potential as a tactical garment. The tactical turtleneck...the tactalneck" Kai finished to bursts of laughter out of the ladies, but the still bewildered look on Cross' face pierced Kai's soul.

"It's okay though Cross, I got you a different colour so it's easier to tell us apart"

"They're both black honey.." Annika pointed out to Kai as she looked at both of the tactical turtlenecks.

"Wha..? Are you kidding? Mine's black and Cross' is a slightly darker shade of black" Kai said matter of factly before thinking they should move on to something Cross and Annika would find much more interesting.

"How about we go arm ourselves?" Kai mentioned which caused a big smile to spread across Annika's face and a small smirk start to appear on Cross' face.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #54
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Cross rose from his seat and strode several steps toward the rear of the plane, unbuttoning his jacket and shirt as he went. He doffed the garments and tossed them in a heap on one of the chairs before glancing dubiously at the “tactalneck” once again. As far as Cross could tell, it was black. He didn’t know where Kai got this “slightly darker” shade, but he was used to not questioning his friend at this point.

In Cross’ experience, questioning Kai was about as productive as arguing with a bulkhead.

”You know, Wrinkles, most people go somewhere private to get changed…” Jillian chided as he pulled the black turtleneck on over his head. Jillian’s half-joking reprimand brought Annika’s attention to the half-naked hybrid standing in the aisle, the sight of the myriad of scars which adorned his bare torso eliciting a ”Jesus!” from Kai’s paramore.

”Sorry.” Cross muttered, having put his arms through the sleeves of the tactalneck and pulled it to cover his body, tugging it here and there to adjust how it fit on him. ”I still forget that you humans are sensitive about these things. I didn’t really have a concept of modesty until I was liberated by Starfleet. You humans are so shy about bare flesh.” Cross had moved as he spoke, standing next to his seat and resting his left hand on the backrest.

”What the hell happened to your back?” Annika asked, eyes still wide with surprise.

”It’s a long story. Another time, maybe.” Cross replied neutrally before turning his gaze to Kai. ”Let’s crack open the armoury, shall we?”

With that, Cross turned and headed for the rear of the plane. Behind him he heard Kai’s footsteps tell him that the larger man was following. Near the rear of the plane the center aisle veered off to the left to accommodate a large, finely finished lavatory. Cross entered the lavatory, followed by Kai and the two women. Cross reached out and placed his index finger on the edge of the large wooden-framed mirror, sliding it down the edge of the frame until it felt an irregularity in the wood. Cross pressed his finger into the irregularity, depressing the button and causing the mirror to slide sideways into the wall.

As the mirror disappeared from view, the recess behind it was left open to their view. Inside was multiple racks mounted on the wall, supporting an assortment of firearms and equipment. Cross still had his Walther PPK in a holster in the small of his back, and now removed a silencer from it’s place in the weapons locker, along with a second pistol, a Colt 1911 this time, and a Skorpion vz. 61 machine pistol with two additional magazines. He pulled out a drawer below the mirror and extracted a single-point sling for the machine pistol and a shoulder holster for the Colt, then moved to the side to allow the others to access to the weapons locker as he shrugged into the holster and slid the Colt into it so that it was housed just under his left armpit.

”You know this is supposed to be a covert extraction, right? We’re not waging a ground war against the General’s bodyguards.” Jillian teased him, smiling as she shook her head.

”And if things don’t go as planned?” Cross asked as he clipped the sling to the Skorpion and positioned it so that the machine pistol hung down along his right side. ”Is Annika supposed to seduce the whole security detail?” Annika’s face reddened slightly as Cross grinned and squeezed out of the lavatory, moving to a small door which contained a variety of clothing further aft in the aircraft. Cross felt glad that he had done a bit of reading about the scenario’s kit selection as he selected a black overcoat and donned it, the coat covering him down to just above his knees and easily concealing the small arsenal of weapons he now carried. Cross slipped the spare magazines for the Skorpion into the coat’s right pocket, and deposited a spare mag for the Colt and two for the PPK in the left pocket.

”There.” Cross said as the other three filed out of the lavatory with their chosen equipment. ”Everything’s concealed. They’ll have no reason to suspect I’m carrying anything.”

”You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” Annika asked, regarding her CO with a suspicious expression.

”Of course he is.” Jillian grinned, walking up to him and throwing her arms around his neck. She planted a playful kiss on Cross’ lips and then pulled her face back. She gave him a sly look and asked, ”Is that a gun or are you just happy to see me, Wrinkles?”.

Cross’ face took on a green colour at Jillian’s teasing as he blushed, causing the blonde to giggle as she pulled away.

”I think Annika should go unarmed on this leg of the operation.” Cross said, glancing between the other three members of the team. ”If she’s going to try and lure the General away with her… charms…” Cross’ cheeks coloured again, the hybrid still uncomfortable with anything pertaining to romance or intimacy despite his relationship with Jillian. ”We don’t want to General to discover any weapons if he has…” Cross paused again, the green tinge in his cheeks darkening. ”Wandering hands.”

At that moment the flight attendant approached the group. The holographic woman glanced at Kai with an alluring look, which in turn earned her a venomous glare from Annika.

“Can I ask you all to take your seats, please?” The hologram asked, her tone sweet but firm. “You have a license to kill, not to loiter in the aisle of my aircraft.”

”Ok, let’s go over the plan again.” Cross said as they took their seats once more. ”General Gloscovich will be checking into his room at the hotel near the airport 45 minutes after we land. He has an escort of four soldiers, as well as his personal assistant. It’s been arranged for us to be in the adjoining suite, where the three of us will wait.” Cross continued, looking at Kai and Jillian. He paused in his recap of their plan as the flight attendant returned, carrying a tray with new drinks for them. Once he had a fresh Old Fashioned in his hand and the stewardess was retreating, Cross continued. ”Annika will make contact with Gloscovich…”

”Yeah she will…” Jillian interjected as she gave Annika a cheeky grin. Annika in turn stuck her tongue out at Jillian before the two broke out in laughter. Cross simple rolled his eyes and took a long sip from his drink as he gave Kai a sidelong glance as if to say “I give up, you deal with them.”.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #55
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | 34,000 feet above Besancon, France | USS Endeavour] @Fife

”You deal with them” Cross said in exasperation before returning to drinking his Old Fashioned. Kai in turn giggled about Cross’ frustration.

Kai picked up reiterating the plan after Cross gave up, ”Alright so Annika will make contact with the General pretending to be slightly drunk and looking for some ‘fun’”Kai said making air quotes with both hands before continuing, ”She’ll then try to bring him back to our hotel room. If she can’t bring him back to our room, she can go to his room. At most the General will have two guards stationed outside his room, with two more in the lobby downstairs and his handler in a separate room within the hotel.”

He looked over to Annika, ”Try to bring him back to our room though, that’s the primary plan” Kai finished and put his hand on her left knee, which in turn she put her hand on top of Kai’s. Kai smiled at Annika as she did it.

”Hopefully we can extract the information in a short amount of time” Jillian added, to which the group agreed that they hoped so as well.

The holographic flight attendant walked back to where the group was sitting when she put a hand on Kai’s right shoulder and rubbed it slightly before she announced, “The Captain asked me to let you know that we will begin our descent in a few minutes” after which she winked at Kai.

Annika was incensed at this and loudly proclaimed, ”Bitch, fuck off!” before taking Kai’s silenced Walther PPK from its shoulder holster and aiming it at the flight attendant’s head before pulling the trigger once. The 7.65 millimetre hollow point lead projectile left the muzzle of the pistol at 308 metres per second, entering the skull of the holographic flight attendant before Annika’s brain had registered that she had pulled the trigger. The holographic bullet entered the skull right between the eyes and exited from the skull just above the C1 vertebrae and logged itself in a seat on the other side of the plane before the holographic flight attendant’s body had even moved or reacted to the shot. There was none of the usual blood, bone or brain matter present as one would expect since the flight attendant wasn’t supposed to be shot, so it wasn’t written in as a parameter for this part of the program.

The group just stared at Annika after they processed what had happened, with their mouths agape.

”Woah.. Jillian said in disbelief while Kai slowly took the pistol back from Annika before putting it back in its holster.

”What? Everyone else gets guns, I just wanted to shoot something” Annika said.

”Is it out of your system now?” Kai said chuckling, which seemed to ease the tension in the plane, ”Now let’s get ready to get this done, oh and Annika, no more shooting flight attendants” Kai concluded and then felt the airplane start to descend from its cruising altitude.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #56
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Due to the fact that the flight attendant was not programed to be shot, or react to being shot, she did not react in any way. The program registered that there was supposed to be a hole in her head from the holographic bullet, but that’s as far as it went.

Thus, Cross stared at the attendant with wide eyes as she calmly turned to him as though nothing had happened, finding it slightly unnerving that he would see the plane’s cabin wall through a tiny gap in the flight attendant’s face.

“Would you care for a refill of your drink, sir?” The attendant asked in a sweet tone and Cross gaped at her wide eyed.

”Uh…” Cross hesitated, staring at the hole in the woman’s head for another moment before turning his eyes down to his mostly empty glass. He returned his gaze to the hologram, his eyes widening once more as the damaged yet smiling face of the attendant came back into view. ”Y-yes please.” He stammered, still unsure of what to think of the situation. As the attendant asked the others if they would like refills and then headed off to get the requested drinks, Cross turned his uncertain gaze to the other three, and suddenly they were all laughing.

”That was… interesting.” Cross muttered as he took a sip of his fresh drink.

”Apparently Annika just shouldn’t have a weapon!” Jillian giggled. ”She’s unstable!”

”Back to the plan.” Cross said, shaking his head and fighting back a smile. ”Once we’ve got the General separated from his guards and handler, we’ll extract the location of the missing scientists. Once we’ve got what we need, we’ll dispose of the General and move on to the next phase of the plan.” Cross paused and shrugged. ”Though that will probably have to be another day. We’ve only got the holodeck for another two hours.”

”Way to ruin the magic, Wrinkles…” Jillian said, giving Cross a gentle elbow in the ribs.

[This is the Captain speaking.] Came a voice over the plane’s comm system. [We’re on our final approach and should be landing at Bern International Airport in the next 10 minutes.]

”Ok. So we need to get moving as soon as we land so we’re ready for when the General gets to the hotel.” Cross reiterated.

”Once we get to the hotel I’ll help slutty up Annika’s makeup.” Jillian said, giving her friend a cheeky grin at her friend. "Not that she needs much help."

”Bitch!” Annika fire back in response before both women broke into laughter.

Several minutes later the plane shook as the wheels once again made contact with the Earth, and everyone could feel the plane decelerate. The plane taxied to a private hanger at the far end of the airport, the door to the hanger already open to allow the plane inside. As the four disembarked and made for the waiting car, Annika and Jillian continued to chat while Cross and Kai trailed behind.

”All I’m going to say is I hope she never sees someone flirt with you on the Endeavour…” Cross said quietly so as not to be overheard by the women. ”We’d have members of the crew “going missing” out the airlock.”


Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #57
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Bern, Switzerland | Holodeck 3| USS Endeavour] @Fife

"All I'm going to say is I hope she never sees someone flirt with you on the Endeavour...we'd have members of the crew "going missing" out the airlock." Cross said quietly to Kai as they trailed the ladies on the way to the waiting car.

Kai returned Cross' comment with a slight smirk but didn't verbally admit that Cross was probably right, although Kai doubted that Annika would do something like that.

As the car made its way through the streets of Bern, the quartet went over their plans again. Even though it would have been easier for them to use a holographic representation of the hotel, due to being set in the late 1960s they had to make use of printed photographs and blueprints. After they went over the plan, Kai was confident that the plan to capture the General would be a success, however, he wasn't sure if they'd be able to extract the information from him in time. 

Kai thought for a moment and decided that Cross should be the one to interrogate the General as Cross was on the receiving end of some abuse whilst on Bajor before Starfleet liberated him.

"Once we have the General, you can interrogate him Cross...using any and all means necessary" Kai said to the hybrid and winked at the end of the statement.

Just as he finished his wink, the car turned down a darkened back alley and came to an abrupt stop at the rear of the hotel. A Swiss police officer opened the door of the car and assisted Annika and Jill out of the car before turning towards the two men just exiting the vehicle.

"Dein Zimmer ist 700 Herr" the officer said in what Kai was German.

"I'm sorry? I don't speak German" Kai responded almost immediately

" is on ze zeventh floor. Zeven Zero Zero" the officer replied in somewhat passable English.

"Danke" Kai spoke, saying Thanks in German, to which Annika gave a look as if to say 'I'm impressed'.

They made their way to room 700 and entered it. Jill immediately started to work on Annika's makeup in order to make it 'slutty' and the men checked their firearms and made sure they were loaded. Once that was all done, Kai reiterated the plan one more time before they put it into action.

"Okay, so Annika will run into the General in the hotel bar and pretend to be intoxicated and try to pick him up. Meanwhile Jill will be sitting at a table with Cross while they observe both Annika and the General. Once Annika and the General leave, Cross and Jill you haul ass back up to this room. I will be sitting in the lobby reading a newspaper and wait until Annika boards the elevator before I start to look for her. Make sense everyone?" Kai asked at the end to nods from everyone else present in the room. Kai made sure he had his electrocution ring on and turned to Annika.

"Good luck! Okay, let's go people" he said and the group left the room and started to put their plan in motion.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #58
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

”Jill and I will go down now and get a table. Annika, wait five minutes before you head down to the bar. It would be best if we arrive at different times.” Cross said and he finish checking his weapons, concealing the last of them back in it’s holster beneath his overcoat. ”If anything goes wrong, get down. We’ll have to do this the messy way if things goes south.”

”First you bury your face in her crotch in the car, not you’re talking about her getting down and going south? Should I be jealous, Wrinkles?” Jillian asked with a sly grin, giving Annika a wink as Cross’ face coloured a deep shade of green. Cross stalked out the hotel room door, the sound of the other three’s laughter trailing into the hallway after him. Down the hall he stalked, stopping only once he reached the elevator. His finger punched the button violently, the anger of the button’s depression failing to spur the elevator to a sense of urgency.

”Don’t be mad, Wrinkles!” Jillian cooed, sauntering up behind the hybrid and wrapping her arms around him from the back. ”I can’t help it! You’re just so cute when you turn green!”

”I’m not mad.”

”Yes you are. And it’s adorable.” The blonde retorted, moving around him so that she stood facing him. ”I’m sorry! It’s just so easy to tease you! And if I make you mad, it just means we get to make up later!” Jillian giggled, finally breaking the stony expression Cross had been wearing. ”Yeah, I know you like that idea.” Jillian teased, pressing herself against him and pecking him on the cheek. She pulled away as the elevator dinged, heralding it’s arrival. ”Oops! Time’s up! Off to work!”

Cross growled as he followed the blonde woman into the open elevator, unable to understand how someone could be so endearing and yet so annoying at the same time.

As they rode the elevator in silence, Jillian stood in front of him and leaned against him, resting her head back against his chest. Cross could smell her hair, the scent making him desire her, which only served to frustrate him more in his current foul mood.

I better get to shoot someone soon… Cross though bitterly, fighting the urge to reach his hand inside his jacket to caress the machine pistol’s grip. Then the elevator doors slid open with another ding and Jillian had pranced off into the lobby, smiling her dazzling smile over her shoulder at him. Cross felt his frown slacken again as he followed her path, catching up to her when she paused to wait for him at the entrance to the hotel bar.

”Don’t think you’re going to get me drunk, now!” Jillian teased, slipping her arm around Cross’ waist and smiling up at him. ”This isn’t that sort of holoprogram, your perv!”

Cross rolled his eyes at the blonde pain in the ass, even as a smile spread across his face. They strode through the bar’s entrance and headed for a table in the corner which commanded a full view fo the small establishment. They wouldn’t be able to hear what Annika and Gloscovich said at the bar, but they’d be able to keep a close eye on the woman. They seated themselves and ordered drinks when a waitress came by their table, then sat and sipped their drinks as they waited for the brunette to make her appearance. Cross could see a man at the bar that he recognized from the dossier picture. Gloscovich was sitting alone at the bar drinking vodka, apparently neat. Five minutes passed, and still no Annika.

”Maybe I sluttied her up too much… think they’re having a quickie before she head down?”

”Have you ever noticed you reference sex a lot?”

”Is that a complaint, Wrinkles?”

Cross paused for a long moment, looking at the beautiful woman that for some reason had taken a liking to him. ”No…” He finally admitted, his cheeks colouring again.

Jillian’s laugh rang through the whole bar just as Annika sauntered through the entrance, looking alluring and tipsy, drawing the eye of almost every man in the establishment, Gloscovich’s included.

”Game on.” Cross muttered over the rim of his glass before taking a sip.

”Sounds like my kind of sport. We’ll have to play a game later.” Jillian said, running her foot up Cross’ leg under the table. Cross tried desperately to keep his attention on Annika and Gloscovich out of the corner of his eye, though found it exceedingly difficult as he choked on his drink.

Annika was leaning heavily on the bar as though she required to support to remain upright. She flashed the bartender a smile and ordered a drink. As the bartender rushed off at an unnecessary pace to fulfill to order, Gloscovich edged up next to the apparently drunk bombshell.

”She’s in.”

”You keep talking dirty like that and you’ll be "in" later tonight, Wrinkles.” Jillian cooed, causing Cross to choke and sputter on his Old Fashioned for a second time in just a few minutes. He saw Gloscovich place a hand on Annika's thigh even as Annika's drink arrived, the scene unfolding to the sound of Jillian laughing at him.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #59
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Bern, Switzerland | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour] @Fife

Cross and Jill had just left the hotel room to head down to the hotel bar and wait for Annika to arrive and she was to flirt with the General.

Kai turned to Annika with a shit eating grin on his face and spoke, ”Soooo…we do have 5 minutes..” while raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Annika moved in closer to Kai and put her right hand on his left chest and moved it lower very slowly and very seductively.

”That’s true mister” Annika replied as she softly bit her lower lip as if she was conflicted. Annika then brushed her hand over Kai’s genitals, from the outside of his pants.

”Oops…how’d that happen?” She said looking up to look in Kai’s eyes. Kai was irresistibly attracted to Annika and after she had started being so seductive, he had to have her now. Kai went in to kiss Annika, but ended up kissing the palm of her hand instead. He pulled back slightly confused and looked at her.

”Tell you what, after we’re done in the holodeck, you can take me home and undress me. You can do anything to me” the petite brunette woman leaned in closer and whispered, ”and I do mean anything..” as she winked at Kai started to push him towards the door. 

”But 5 minutes isn’t up yet!” Kai protested, even though he knew Annika was right.

”Well if we don’t leave this room now, we aren’t going to be leaving at all” Annika started to laugh, even though it was hard to stop it from happening now. She sighed as she finally got Kai out the door.

Kai made his way down to the lobby where he was to read a newspaper while waiting for the rest of the plan to progress. As he walked through the main lobby to the sitting area, he passed the entrance to the bar and saw Jill and Cross sitting at a table. Kai noticed that Cross had a green tinge to his face, as he usually did when with Jill. Kai was happy for his friend as Jill brought out the best in Cross and was helping to bring him out of his shell. This gorgeous woman, for whatever reason, had fallen for Cross and he was too awkward to fully appreciate it.

Jill has the patience of a saint Kai thought to himself as he sat down in one of the large leather bound chairs and picked up a newspaper. Kai unfolded the newspaper to read it and noticed Annika walk by on her way to the bar.

Better late than never Kai pondered about what could have been, especially a few minutes ago in the hotel room.

From where Kai was, he couldn’t see what was exactly going on between Gloscovich and Annika, but he assumed that since Cross hadn’t opened fire on everybody, things must be going okay.

Just then, Kai noticed a man enter the front door of the hotel. The man stood about 180 centimetres, with dark brown hair with some greying on the temples. He looked familiar to Kai, but he couldn’t quite place his finger on it. Kai stared at the man and the newspaper and was trying desperately to figure out who he was. The man made his way quickly into the bar and as the man crossed the threshold to the bar, Kai had an epiphany about who the man was.

Gloscovich’s KGB handler

”Shhhittt..." Kai muttered under his breath and hoped to hell that the plan was still going to work.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #60
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Cross had finally managed to get his breath back after choking at a third comment Jillian had made, this time involving choking noises, and was regarding the bar with a scowl as though to dare any of the oblivious patrons to laugh at his repeated difficulty in getting his drink down. That’s when he saw the man approaching Annika and Gloscovich.

Jillian jumped in surprise as Cross’ right hand darted into his coat and emerged again holding the Colt 1911, which immediately disappeared underneath a napkin that Cross placed in his lap. Jillian glanced in Annika’s direction out of the corner of her eye with a worried expression, leaning in towards Cross as though she was trying to seduce him.

”Who is that?” She asked, reaching out and placing her hand on Cross’ right wrist in an attempt to stay his hand and prevent him opening fire.

”His picture was in the dossier.” Cross replied without taking his eyes off the man. ”He’s Gloscovich’s handler from that Russian intelligence agency.”

”The KGB?”

”Yeah, that. Cross confirmed.

”Well stop staring at him! You’ll give us away!” Jillian hissed, reaching up with her hand and grabbing Cross’ face. She turned it to face her and locking her lips against his just as the KGB agent turned away from the General to survey the bar. Cross was caught by surprise, and found himself startled to inactivity, enjoying the taste of the Cosmo on the blonde science officer’s lips. When Jillian finally released him, Cross pulled his head back and stared at her for a moment with his unblinking eyes for a long minute.

Finally he forced himself to focus on the situation, and looked over just in time to see the KGB operative leaving the bar alone. Gloscovich was still at the bar and still focusing on Annika, though his hand had advanced several inches up her thigh.

”Looks like the plan is still on.” Cross muttered as he eased the Colt back into it’s holster.

”You don’t have to look so sad about it!” Jillian chastised with a smile as her grabbed the hand the Cross was in the process of removing from his coat. She interlocked her fingers with his and let their hands and entwined digits drop and come to rest on the table. ”We should take some leave sometime soon. Go somewhere nice like Risa.” Jillian suggested, looking at Cross and giving him a warm smile. ”Just the two of us. Wouldn’t that be great?”

Cross stared at Jillian for a moment, caught off guard by the sudden suggestion. ”It would be.” He finally replied, his expression warming as he squeezed her hand.

”And you can hold my hand all you want.” Jillian said with a wink. ”And anything else you want. But for now, you have a Russian to torture.” As she spoke, Jillian nodded her head to direct Cross’ attention to the door. Cross turned his head in time to see the General leaving the bar, guiding Annika through the doors with his hand on her behind.

”Kai may want to help with the interrogation after he sees that…” Cross mused with a chuckle as he and Jill rose from their seats and made their way out of the bar. They made their way through the hotel lobby and down the hallway towards the elevators. They passed General Gloscovich as he tried to help the “drunk” Annika keep her footing as she pretended to be having trouble with her heels in her intoxicated state. Cross and Jillian reached the elevators and rode it to the 7th floor and immediately went to their room. Once inside they went about drawing the blinds and turning off the lights, plunging the room into darkness. Then they concealed themselves in the bathroom and waited.

Several minutes passed before they heard the door to the room unlock. They could see light through the gap beneath the bathroom door, and beyond the door they could hear the drunken laughter of Annika and the General. Cross heard Annika excuse herself from the General for a moment, claiming the need to “powder her nose”. Cross and Jillian moved away from the door as Annika entered, closing the door behind her.

”He’s a fucking perv.” Annika hissed quietly with a scowl on her face. ”Give him hell, sir.”

At those words, Cross’ features broke out in a cold grin. He reached underneath his coat and extracted the Walther PPK while at the same time pulling the silencer from his coat pocket. Cross directed a wink in Jill’s direction as he screwed the silencer into place, then reached out and twisted the knob of the bathroom door.

”Where are you, my little duckling?” Came the heavily accented voice of the General. ”Should we have another drink while we get more comfortable?”

”Thanks.” Cross said as he strode out of the bathroom holding the PPK down by his side. ”But I'm not thirsty.” A cry of alarm escaped the General’s mouth as Cross levelled the pistol and fired once. The bullet took the General through the right knee, destroying bone, tendon and muscle alike as it made it’s way through the leg and buried itself in the sofa the General had been sitting on moments before. ”And I don’t think you’re going to be very comfortable over the next little while, General.”

The General let out an agonized cry and he collapsed to the floor, clutching his leg and looking in fear as the strangest looking man he had ever seen advanced on him.

Several minutes later the door to the room opened and Kai stepped quickly inside, closing the door behind him.

”Ah, Kai. Welcome.” Cross said with a pleasant voice and a warm smile that was somewhat spoiled by the blood spatter on his face. ”Meet General Gloscovich. He has informed me that he has no intention of telling us anything. I’ve been… explaining… to the good General that he has taken an unwise stance on the matter.” Cross stated as he stepped aside so Kai could see the General.

Gloscovich was tied to a chair in the middle of the room, stark naked besides a gag that was stuffed into his mouth. The man’s left knee was a bloody mess, and his nose was bent as an unnatural angle. His brow, nostril and lip had all split in the process of Cross “explaining” the General’s mistake, and blood ran down the bound man’s face and bare chest, making him appear pitiful and gruesome.

”You know Wrinkles, if you take the gag out before you beat him some more, he might actually be able to say something in between punches.”

”I’ll leave that decision up to our fearless leader.” Cross said as he cast a grin in Kai’s direction. ”He may have been trying to reveal the location of the scientists. It’s been hard to tell with the gag muffling his words.”

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #61
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Room 700 | Bern, Switzerland | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour] @Fife

Kai was both surprised and not surprised by what he saw in the room with what Cross had done to Gloscovich. He saw that the General had been stripped naked, gagged and of course his knee was a hot mess of twisted tissue, blood and bone.

Cross sure likes shooting people in the knee Kai thought to himself, which in turn brought a smirk to his face.

"He may have been trying to reveal the location of the scientists. It's been hard to tell with the gag muffling his words.” Cross had said to Kai with a grin on his face. He seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this part of the holonovel.

Kai crouched down next to Gloscovich and removed the gag from his mouth. The general coughed and sputtered for a few seconds before finding his voice.

”You will pay for this!” he yelled in Kai’s face.

”I’m going to have to disagree with you General” Kai said in an extremely calm voice, ”If you tell us what we need to know, you will live. If you don’t tell us, then life will become unpleasant for you shortly. It’s your choice.”

The General didn’t even ponder it for a second before he spat in Kai’s face. Kai stood up from the crouched position and slowly wiped the spit off of his face.

”Wrong choice my friend” as he reached into a bag and pulled out two metal spikes, approximately 15 centimetres long and 3 centimetres in diameter. Kai took one in each hand, with the sharp point pointed down. He walked over to the General calmly and promptly and efficiently drove the spikes into each leg of Gloscovich just above the knees. The spikes promptly embedded themselves in the General’s femurs. This caused the Russian man to scream in pain and his body to violently shake as a reaction to what had just happened. The man fought against the restraints to no avail.

”Did that jog your memory?” Kai asked the man, to which he had received no response.

Kai moved one metre to his right and grabbed the lamp off the desk. He grasped the power cord at the base of the lamp with his right hand, while holding the lamp in his left hand. He pulled the power cord from the base of the lamp and sat the lamp down. Kai then separated the now bare end of the power cord into two distinct pieces, still attached to the plug in, in the wall. Kai touched the two ends of the wire together momentarily which produced a small spark. 

Kai moved the wires towards the spikes in the General’s legs. He touched one bare end of the wire to the spike in Gloscovich’s left leg. Before he touched the spike in his right leg, he gave the man another opportunity.

”Last chance…” the man still failed to reply.

Kai then touched the wire to the spike in the naked man’s right leg and completed the circuit. The man’s entire body started involuntarily spasming, the man tried to scream in pain, but the electricity now coursing through his body, prevented him from making any sound or even opening his mouth. Kai removed the wire from the right spike after 5 seconds, giving the man the opportunity to think about whether to tell them the info they required or not.

”Hey cool…smells like burning!” Jill said which caused Kai and Annika both to chuckle.

”How’s the memory General?” Kai asked the man.

”Go fuck yourselves!" the injured man screamed at the room, to no one in particular.

Kai then turned to Cross, ”What do you think Cross? More electricity or do you have something else up your sleeve?”

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #62
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Cross had retrieved a hand towel from the bathroom and had been wiping blood form his face and hands as he watched as Kai electrocuted the General. The Russian seemed tough. It would take some doing to get the information out of him. Cross turned to Annika before he answered Kai.

”What did the other man say to the General in the bar?”

”He said their flight had been moved up, and they would leave in two hours. We’ve probably got about an hour and a half before he’ll be missed.” Annika replied.

Cross grinned as he turned his attention back to the General. ”An hour and a half, General. That’s a long time before anyone comes looking for you.” Cross took several steps towards where the General was sitting, stopping just in front of him and leaning forward. ”They think you’re having a good time with a beautiful woman, General. They aren’t going to miss you for quite some time.” Cross punctuated the statement by driving his fist into the General’s face, sending blood from the General’s already damaged visage spattering across the carpet of the hotel room. Cross retrieved the gag from the floor where Kai and dropped it and stuffed it back into the General’s mouth. ”I don’t want you spitting, General. So I’m going to work for a little while before I remove the gag and we ask you again. Keep that in mind when you answer next time.” Cross glanced at Kai and gave his friend a dark grin. ”Perhaps you can give our friend here another jolt to make sure he’s awake. We wouldn’t want him to doze off.”

Cross stepped back as Kai moved forward. He watched as the General screamed and spasmed from the electrical current passing through his body, his eyes bulging and rolling back in his head. After a moment, Kai removed the wires form the metal spikes, and the General slumped forward in the chair, breathing heavily.

”You seem like you’re enjoying this.” Jillian said quietly beside Cross, leaning lightly against him.

”You know I have trouble controlling my emotions.” He replied softly, glancing at the blonde woman who for some reason cared for him. Jillian noticed a strange look in his eyes. ”Especially my anger. This is oddly… calming… for me.” Jillian saw that Cross had a strange look in his eyes, a cold look that made a shiver run up her spine.

”He’s all yours, Cross.” Kai informed him with a wink. Cross smiled and strode forward again, this time crouching in front of the General.

”It hurts, doesn’t it?” Cross said, placing his right hand on the General’s left as if making a comforting gesture. ”It will stop hurting if you tell us what we need to know. I’m not going to remove the gag yet. I want you to understand what will happen is you continue to be uncooperative.” As Cross finished speaking he shifted his hand that rested on the General’s, gripping the General’s index finger. A snapping noise could be heard as Cross wrenched the finger upwards, followed immediately by more muffled screams from the General. Cross looked up form the disfigured digit and into the General’s face, seeing the bulging eyes that were tearing up from the pain. The General began to scream again, seemed to be trying to say “No” over and over and Cross took hold of the middle finger of the same hand, wrenching that finger up with the same results as the first one. The General sobbed as Cross took hold of the hand’s ring finger, shaking his head and making muffled noises as though pleading for Cross to stop. The screams resumed once again following the third snapping noise.

”I’m going to remove your gag in a moment.” Cross informed the General once he had calmed down. ”I would suggest that you cooperate this time. If not, it wil be some time before I give you another chance to speak.” Cross reached up with his left hand as though he were about to remove the gag, then gripped the General’s pinky finger and repeated the wrenching motion, setting the unsuspecting General into a new bout of screaming and thrashing. When he had finally calmed, Cross looked into teh General's eyes and spoke again.

"You should be happy, General. This is child's play compared to what the Cardassians did to me." Cross informed the agonized Russian in a tone devoid of any emotion. "I think it would be a good idea to cooperate before we have to become more creative with out methods."

Cross finally pulled the gag from Gloscovich’s mouth and rose form his crouching position, stepping aside to allow Kai to address the General once again.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #63
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Bern, Switzerland | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour] @Fife

After Cross had taken the gag out of Gloscovich’s mouth, he stepped aside to let Kai address the man once again.

The naked and injured man looked both confused and in pain. He struggled to fully comprehend what was happening.

”Cardassians? What is that?” the man inquired, seemingly unable to process the situation. The man’s eyes darted around the room; searching for the answers he would never get.

”Just tell us what we need to know General, then this can all stop” Kai told the General.

The man resisted answering the question, to which Kai put his large hand around the man’s broken fingers and squeezed. Gloscovich writhed in pain and tried to pull away, but Kai had the upper hand; no pun intended.

Kai squeezed the man’s fingers for approximately 20 seconds when the Russian started to show signs of wanting to talk.

”Okay…okay…if I tell you what you want to know, you’ll let me go?”

”Of course we will…” Annika replied in her sweetest voice with the slight hint of her Dutch accent showing through.

The General looked at the four of them in the room as if to see if the brunette woman was telling the truth. The others had their poker faces on and they must have been good ones, because the General started to sing like a canary.

”Okay…i’ll tell you, but it won’t matter. You’ll never get close enough anyways. The scientists and satellite are at our space port in Zvezdograd."

Was the man lying? Kai didn’t think so. The dossier included possible locations for Soviet space launches, and Zvezdograd was on that list. It seemed like a genuine answer from the General. His eyes hadn’t dilated and his respirations didn’t seem to change. They would have if he had lied.

”Thank you General” Kai said as he turned away from the man, who appeared to have a wave of relief come over his face, ”Cross, free the man” he said before passing Cross who was simultaneously reaching into his jacket to pull out his firearm and levelled it at the man’s head.

Kai had his back to Cross and the General when it happened.

BOOM was the deafening sound that reverberated around the room.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #64
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Cross watched the General spasm as the bullet tore through the bone and tissue of his chest. Blood poured out of the wound in the center of Gloscovich’s chest, sending a red cascade down the bare skin of the Russian’s torso.

”You… said…” Gloscovich choked out the words, most likely attempting to protest that Kai had said they’d let him live. Cross never found out if his guess was correct, however. Instead he silenced the General with another round from his Colt 1911, this time through the head. The General’s body continued to spasm as the chair fell backwards, slamming down on the floor.

Then the General was still. Cross stepped forward to look down at the General’s face, noting the look or surprise that was permanently etched on the dead hologram’s features. A pool of red blood spread slowly from beneath the General’s head, staining the carpet of the hotel room.

”Who needs counselors when you have holonovels?” Cross asked aloud, speaking to no one in particular. Then he took aim and fired a third round into the General’s body, the round entering the General’s head just below the role left by the second round.

”Jesus, Cross.” Jillian sighed, shaking her head at her boyfriend’s anger issues.

”I think you might want to stick with the counsellors, sir.” Annika giggled, then nudged Jill with her elbow. ”Your boyfriend’s a maniac! Call security!”

”Screw that. You deal with him.” Kai chuckled.

”You know I can hear you all talking, right?” Cross asked, looking up from the General’s body to give his friends a scowl.

”Oh, shut up and put the gun away, Wrinkles.” Jillian laughed, still shaking her head at the angry hybrid.

”So now we’re off to Zurblaghistan?” Annika asked, intentionally butchering the name that she didn’t remember or care to try and pronounce.

”Maybe we should leave a tip for the cleaners…” Cross said, looking down at the growing stain on the carpet. The comment received another round of chuckles from his friends, causing his face to take on it’s green tint once more.

”It’s a good thing you’re cute, Wrinkles.” Jillian laughed, giving Cross a wink.

”I don’t see how you think that…” Annika muttered, moving to stand next to Kai. ”Now this… this is a cute man.”

”Still here…” Cross growled.

”Hey, Wrinkles it totally cute! Is a scary, awkward sort of way! I mean, he’s…”

Jillian was cut off by the crack of three more gunshots. They all turned to see Cross lower the pistol which had again been fired into the General’s body.

”If everyone is finished debating my cuteness, I think our reservation on the holodeck is almost up.” Cross said, his voice calm and level but his cheeks burning a vivid green. ”I think we should end off here for today. I’m going to need a drink if I’m forced to listen to much more of this.”

”Aww, Wrinkles!” Jillian cooed, walking up and hugging him. ”Don’t be mad!” As she spoke, she pressed herself against him and nuzzled his neck. ”I’ll just have to make it up to you later.” Cross, aware that Kai and Annika were both still looking at him, turned a deeper shade of green and said nothing. Instead he pushed away from Jillian slightly and holstered the pistol her still held.

”Computer, save progress and end program.” Cross said aloud. The computer’s voice acknowledged his command and terminated the program, causing the scenery around them to disappear. The hotel room was replaced with black walls and floor, the floor covered in a grid of yellow lines. The doors were visible in the wall behind them, appearing in the same place the hotel room door had been.

”Well,” Jillian said, looking around the group as she moved closer to Cross once more. ”Should we all go for a drink to toast the General’s demise? Or are you two eager to call it a day and go enjoy how well I sluttied Annika up?” The question earned a chuckle from Cross, who was happy to find he was no longer the target of the jokes, and a friendly glower from Annika, who was all too aware how much Kai enjoyed how “sluttied up” she was at present.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #65
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour] @Fife
"Should we all go for a drink to toast the General's demise? Or are you two eager to call it a day and go enjoy how well I sluttied Annika up?" Jill asked, which had caused a small chuckle from Cross. Annika gave Jill a mock angry face and Kai already knew the answer, which he didn't hesitate to offer quickly.

"Oh I think we all know the answer to that one! Kai said as he put his arm around the beautiful woman next to him; while simultaneously winking at the other couple in the room.

Kai's immediate response was enough to garner even more chuckles from both Cross and Jill.

"Ok you two..have fun!" Jill began as both her and Cross started walking towards the door, " noise complaints" causing her to laugh as she left the doors of the holodeck.

"Any idea what you want to do mister?" Annika asked Kai while intertwining the fingers from her left hand with Kai's right hand.

"You?" Kai said/asked matter of factly.

This caused Annika to burst into laughter as she tried to cuddle into him and rested her head on his left bicep. The two left the holodeck and made their way to their quarters. It was a fairly short walk and Annika stayed as cuddled up to Kai as she could. Kai could smell the intoxicating aroma from Annika. It was a mixture of perfume and her pheromones. All he knew was it was his favourite smell.

They had arrived at their quarters and entered them. Annika said that she was going to put her shoes away and asked Kai to replicate her a drink. Kai went to the replicator and placed the usual order, for one whiskey and one Cosmo. He picked them up off the pad after they materialized and brought the whiskey up to his lips and took a sip before turning around. As he turned around he was surprised to see Annika standing there, naked. She smiled at him and playfully bit her lower lip. Kai smiled back at her and put the drinks down on the table next to him.

"well, I guess the drinks can wait" he playfully teased as he made his way over to her.

[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Security Office | USS Endeavour | 2 days later]

Kai sat at his desk going over the security reports from the previous night. Not much happened on night shift and Kai was happy about that. Him and Annika were due to meet Cross and Jill later that night for some more of the holonovel. He took a sip of his coffee and then sat the cup down on his desk. He glanced down at the PADD in his right hand and had just begun to read it when the door chime interrupted his thoughts.

"Come in" Kai said to the unknown visitor.

The doors swished open and in walked both Annika and Jill.

"What can I do for you ladies today? he asked the two women.

"A little birdie told me that the holodeck has another opening right before ours. It starts in an hour"

Kai was excited for this as it would give them more time to play the holonovel today.

He slapped his combadge, "Akoni to Cross"

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #66
[ Lt. Cross | Chief Tactical Officer’s Office | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Cross was sitting alone in his office reading over duty reports that PO Narelle had brought him. He had a fresh cup of green tea sitting on the desk in front of him, which he picked up and sipped as his eyes ran over the report. He placed the cup back on the table and flicked the PADD away, sending it clattering onto the surface of the desk. His duty shift was technically done, but he was trying to keep on top of things.

I fucking hate paperwork. Cross thought, reaching up and rubbing the ridged bridge of his nose. He took up the teacup again, and was taking a long sip of green tea when his badge chirped and he heard Kai’s voice. Cross lowered the cup from his lips and tapped the badge with his free hand.

”Cross here.” He said, glad for the distraction. Anything to get away from the reports.

[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ]

Cross strode purposefully along the corridors, wearing the same outfit he had been wearing when the holoprogram had left off. He’d liked the overcoat, and had replicated one which he now wore over his tactalneck.

Where does Kai come up with these ideas? Cross thought to himself as he rounded a bend in the corridor and came into view of the other three, who were waiting outside the holodeck doors. The women were dressed in their slinky dresses, and Kai in his tactalneck.

The three watched the hybrid as he strode up to where they waited, and greetings were exchanged. That done, Kai turned towards the holodeck doors.

”Computer, resume program Kai zero-zero-seven.” Kai said aloud.

[Program loaded. You may proceed when ready.] The computer’s voice informed them.

They group stepped through the holodeck doors as they slid open, finding themselves in the hotel room they had interrogated the General in. Gloscovich’s body had rematerialized when the program restarted, still tied to the chair and lying toppled over on the floor in a growing pool of his own blood, his body riddled with bullet holes.

”You sure know how to make a mess, Cross.” Annika commented, looking at the blood pooling beneath the General’s corpse and spattered across the carpets and, in some places, the walls. ”Remind me never to piss you off.”

”You wouldn’t listen anyway.” Jillian joked, causing Annika to smile at her.

”So we’ve got the information.” Cross said, looking around the group. ”We should probably get moving before the General’s men realize he’s missing.”

”Cross is right.” Kai said. ”We need to get moving. Let’s pack everything up and head to the lobby. I’ll get in touch with our contact and have him meet us outside the hotel.”

Several minutes later found them exiting the elevator with their bags. The group strode across the lobby and out of the doors, finding a car waiting with the same Swiss police officer from their trip in standing outside. The officer simply nodded to them and opened the door of the car, handing the women into the vehicle before picking up the bags and placing them in the trunk. As Kai stooped and entered the vehicle, Cross glanced around and noticed the KGB agent from the bar standing next to a vehicle tow cars behind them. The KGB agent was looking angry and checking his watch. As Cross watched, one of the soldiers exited the hotel and approached the KGB man, looking confused and shrugging his shoulders as he spoke to the agent. Whatever he said made the agent looked even angrier, and Cross smiled as he lowered himself into the car.

”I think the General has been missed.” Cross said as he closed the door and the car pulled away. ”I wonder what they’ll think when they find him?” Cross chuckled, thinking of the mess they had left in the hotel room.

”I think they’ll be a little surprised when they find the General.” Jillian said.

”So now we need to figure out how we’re going to get to Zvezdograd.” Annika said, leaning against Kai as the car sped down the streets of Bern.

”Getting into the Soviet Union won’t be easy.” Jill added, her expression turning serious. ”I did a bit of reading on the Cold War over the last couple days. We won’t be able to just take a flight into Kazakhstan.”

OOC: We need to make a few edits. Apparently Baikonur was renamed by Yeltsin in 1995. It was called Zvezdograd during the Soviet era.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #67
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Switzerland | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @Fife

”I did a bit of reading on the Cold War over the last couple days. We won’t be able to just take a flight into Kazakhstan.” Jillian said matter of factly. She was right though, there were no just commercial flights into the area and definitely no private planes allowed.

There was a solution to this problem though; ”We’ll do a HALO jump!” Kai said excitedly.

”Uh..a what now?” Annika asked.

”HALO. It’s an acronym for High Altitude Low Opening. Basically we jump out of a perfectly good airplane at forty thousand feet and we free fall for awhile at terminal velocity before opening the parachute at about one thousand feet. The combination of high downward speed, minimal forward airspeed, and the use of only small amounts of metal helps to defeat radar and reduces the amount of time a parachute might be visible to ground observers, enabling a stealthy insertion. Plus, it’ll be fun!” Kai said winking at Cross who had seemed unsure about the whole prospect whilst Kai was describing it.

As their car arrived at the airport and pulled up to the appropriate hangar, Jillian asked the obvious question. ”Where’s our nice jet with the comfy chairs?”.

”We’re taking this one, it’ll be do what we need it to do better” Kai said pointing at the massive airplane in front of him with a forty metre wingspan; the Lockheed C-130 ‘Hercules’. 

Annika whistled in astonishment, ”All that for the four of us?”

Kai nodded as he waved the group aboard the aircraft. The flight crew noticed they were boarding the aircraft and started the engines for immediate take off once they were aboard.

Once strapped into the less than ideal seats aboard the versatile airplane, their gear was stowed on a pallet in front of them.

”Once we reach cruising altitude, we’ll make sure it’s all there. Cross, would you mind going over the plan for us?”

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #68
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Cross listened to Kai as he explained the HALO jump, the whole thing sounding slightly insane to the hybrid. Was this really how humans went about things before they had transporters? Cross thought it seemed a bit excessive.

Then Kai was asking him to go over the plan. Cross looked over the file that had been handed to him as they entered the massive aircraft. It contained satellite photographs of the base at Zvezdograd, as well as profiles of the scientists and details on suspected enemy strengths stationed at the base. He looked over the photo analyst’s notes on the base, detailing the assumed use of each of the buildings. Launch site No. 1 was clearly labelled, with a correlating data entry detailing it as the site used to launch the first Soviet manner mission. There were several other launch pads labelled, though they were suspected of being ballistic missile launch sites. The intelligence available pointed at launch site No. 1 being the most likely launch site for the soviet satellite. The intelligence analysts also suspected that the kidnapped scientists and the weapons satellite would be held in one of the central facilities near launch site No. 1.

Cross passed the images to the others for them to look at as he spoke.

”Based on these images, the best place for us to drop is just south of the base.” Cross said, raising his voice to a yell to be heard over the drone of the aircraft’s engines. ”Once on the ground, we’ll proceed North, crossing the railway tracks and moving around Launch Pad Number One to the group of buildings just North of it. Intelligence points to those as the most likely location of both the kidnapped scientists and the weaponized satellite.”

A dark grin spread over Cross’ face as he continued.

”We’ve been authorized to use whatever force necessary to extract or eliminate the scientists, and destroy the satellite and any record of the related research.” Cross gave Kai a wink. The bright smile the hybrid wore gave Kai a slightly uneasy feeling. ”Basically, this is a smash and grab. If we find we can’t extract the scientists, we simply take them out.”

Cross turned his attention back to the file for a moment, looking over the details of the equipment they’d been provided.

”We’ve got a few weapons to choose from for this mission, besides which we’ll each be kitted out with infiltration suits, C-4 explosive charges, detonators, and radio transmitters. Once we have completed the mission, we’re to activate the transmitters and move to the RV in the field Northeast of the base for extraction.” Cross looked around at his friends. ”The mission profile calls for a quiet entry and stealthy execution of the mission. We’re to maintain as low a profile as possible, with active engagement of the enemy only as a last resort.” Cross wrinkled his nose as that piece of information, earning a laugh from Jill.

”Keep that up and you’ll get more wrinkles, Wrinkles!” Jillian yelled, laughing loudly enough for him to hear. Cross scowled as he rose from his seat, moving to the crates of equipment that sat on the pallet.

”The only thing giving me wrinkles is dealing with you humans…” Cross muttered as he moved, pulling off his overcoat and removing his shoulder holster and sling. He let the items clatter to the deck of the plane as he moved, stopping in front of the pallet and pulling the lid of the nearest crate open. Inside was a beautiful sight, a neat line of assorted black firearms. Cross moved to the next crate, opening it to find that it contained their infiltration suits, boots, gloves, and balaclavas. Cross pulled out his gear and moved out of the way, shedding his shoes, pants and tactalneck and pulling on the suit while the others moved to equip themselves with their own uniforms.

Once she had donned her gear, making sure the boys weren’t looking of course, Jillina pulled open another crate, revealing their HALO gear: Parachute systems, oxygen tanks, and face masks.

”Wow… that’s intimidating…” Jill said, loud enough for all of them to hear. ”Couldn’t we just cheat and beam down?”

Images of Baikanur I’m going off of: [Show/Hide]

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #69
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Over Kazhakstan | Holodeck 3 | USS Endeavour ] @Fife

Jillian had asked if they could cheat and beam down, but Kai reassured her that it would be fun and the safeties were on. It had taken a few minutes of convincing, but she had reluctantly agreed to the plan.

Kai made sure that he was outfitted properly after ensuring Annika and Jill had been prepared properly. Kai put his helmet on and clipped the oxygen mask to the one side of his helmet. He then pushed the mask against his face and took a deep, hard breath to ensure he had good oxygen flow and a good seal. It all worked just as expected.

[“Feet dry, time to drop 3 minutes”] came the voice over the loudspeaker in the rear of the aircraft.

The other three stood up and made sure they were ready to jump; rather fall at terminal velocity. Kai figured after they left the aircraft, they’d accelerate for about 12 seconds before reaching terminal velocity, 58 metres per second. After they’d reached that speed, they’d fall for exactly 3 minutes and 35 seconds before reaching one thousand feet above ground level and they’d deploy their parachutes.

That’s if everything worked out

The group moved towards the rear of the aircraft in which there was a large loading ramp that would open allowing them to jump from it.

[“1 minute”] The voice over the loudspeaker came on again.

The 4 held on to the bulkhead near the ramp; when the ramp started opening and a red light shone beside their heads. Kai looked out as the ramp opened and saw nothing but blackness. They had not turned on the navigation strobes of the plane in order to keep as low a profile as possible. The wind coming into the plane was probably around -50 centigrade, but they were well insulated against the cold. Kai was glad they all had the oxygen on as there’d be very little at this altitude, definitely not enough for the human body to survive.

After the ramp had fully opened, they waited in anticipation for a few moments before the light beside their heads turned green. Kai tapped Annika on the right shoulder and she moved to the very edge of the ramp before just falling off the edge of it. Jillian still seemed apprehensive, however she slowly walked to the edge right beside Cross. They both jumped off the ramp at the same time.

Kai was the last one and maneuvered to the edge of the ramp and turned around to fall back first. He leaned back until he felt his feet leave the airplane and he watched it become smaller and smaller very quickly. About 10 seconds after leaving the airplane, he saw a long cylindrical object streak towards it. The object disappeared from view for about a second before the C-130 exploded in a large fireball, which caused Kai to try and shield his eyes from the pure brightness of the explosion. Unable to do so, he oriented himself to be belly down towards the Earth. He knew that they had to get on the ground before anyone decided to shoot at them.

Unfortunately, he had no way to communicate with his teammates.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #70
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

Jillian had slowly approached the edge of the plane’s ramp, moving up to stand next to Cross. Cross looked at her through the clear visor of his mask, his eyes meeting hers. He reached out and took her hand, silently giving her a wink. The way he saw her eyes change behind her own visor told him she was smiling.

He nodded, telling her he was ready to go whenever she was. She nodded. Cross moved closer to the edge, and felt Jill resist the advance towards oblivion. Cross knew she was scared, even if this was just the holodeck, so he decided to help her.

Cross jumped, dragging Jillian out of the plane behind him. Cross wasn’t sure, but he thought he might have heard her muffled scream even through their equipment and over the howling of the air tearing past them.

Cross’ hand hurt. Jillian’s right hand gripped his left as though she was trying to grind it to dust. Given the fact that he had just dragged her out of a plane at 40,000 feet, she very well might have been trying to. Now that they had fallen away from the drone of the massive plane’s engines, Cross could clearly hear the woman’s screaming. Cross couldn’t help himself.

He laughed. Loudly.

And then Jillian had used her vice-grip on his hand to pull him towards her, swinging her free hand to swat his arm again and again, all the while screaming the words “IT’S NOT FUNNY YOU ASSHOLE!”

And so they went, plummeting at terminal velocity through the empty blue sky as she continued to beat him; her feeble, half-panicked strikes only spurring him on to more laughter.


Cross said nothing. He simply pulled her closer to him, placing his free hand on Jillian’s chest and giving it a gentle squeeze. The blonde continued to flail at him, but the blows were getting weaker as her shoulders began to shake. She was laughing now too.

”YOU ARE SUCH AN ASSHOLE!” She yelled, the laughter clear in her voice this time.

Cross looked through his visor at this woman who for some reason cared so deeply about him, aware of the fact even as she continued to beat him. His eyes met hers again, and he gave her another wink.

”SHUT UP AND LOOK AROUND YOU!” Cross yelled, gesturing with the hand that had been groping her just a moment before. He saw Jillian look around now, her assault finally coming to an end. Cross took the calm granted by the reprieve as an opportunity to look around as well.

In the distance the first slivers of the moon’s light could be seen peeking out from behind a large cloud bank, casting the closer clouds in pure shadow while at the same time casting a ghostly glow on the clouds beyond. All around and above them the stars twinkled, seeming somehow closer than when seen through the viewports of a starship. It almost looked like they might be able to touch the pinpricks of light if they reached out. North of them a shooting star streaked across the vast blackness of the universe, it’s brief trail of light flaring and dying in a matter of seconds.

Cross looked back at Jill when he felt her hand tighten around his, meeting her gaze again.

”I love you.” Jillian said, loud enough for him to hear, but not yelling this time.

Cross’ eyes widened in surprise, the words being new to his ears. It was the first time Jillian had said those words to him. The first time anyone had.

”I… love you too.” Cross said, knowing the hesitation made the unfamiliar words sound weak. Jillian seemed to understand, he hand squeezing his yet again. Cross stared at this remarkable woman for a moment longer, still amazed at the patience Jillian had with him, even now only having had a brief idea of his past. Finally, with a great deal of effort, Cross tore his gaze away form her and turned it to the altimeter strapped to his wrist.

10,000 feet.

”TEN THOUSAND.” Cross called to Jillian. She gave him a thumbs up in acknowledgment, then grabbed his right hand with her free hand, pulling him towards her. She dragged him close as they continued to barrel towards the Earth, pressing herself against him and wrapping her legs around his waist. She wrapped her left arm around his shoulders and hugged him tightly, her loud giggle easily heard now that her head was right next to his.

”I lied! You’re definitely getting laid tonight, mister!” Jillian informed him, causing a broad grin to spread across Cross’ face as they freefell through the open night sky.

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Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #71
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Kazhakstan | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ] @Fife

The other three had been on the ground already when Kai approached the ground underneath the open canopy of his parachute. He raised his legs slightly just a couple of metres above the ground. He gently landed on his feet and then immediately went down to his knees. He doffed the parachute rig from his body and made his way stealthily over to his friends in a low crouch-walk.

He approached them and whispered to Jillian, ”See? Told you it’d be fun!” Jill didn’t respond, but by the look on her face, Kai could tell that she did indeed have fun.

Kai looked around and surveyed his surroundings to take it all in. As best he could tell it looked similar to the photographs that Cross had showed them. Kai made sure his weapon was loaded and disengaged the safety. He turned to the group again and they formulated their plan.

”Annika, we’ll get you into that watch tower over there so you can provide overwatch for us. It should give you a fairly good view” he said as Annika patted the case carrying her silenced sniper rifle. ”Cross, you and Jill try to kill the power to the buildings where the satellite and the scientists should be. Okay let’s move people” Kai finished as the two groups went in different directions. 

After about 20 seconds, Kai keyed up his radio to ensure they had communication between everyone.

”Alpha team to Bravo Team”

[This is Bravo; go ahead] came the reply from the radio.

”Cross, try and remember no open engagements with the enemy unless you have to”

[I will try. Bravo out]

Kai turned towards Annika and whispered, ”He’s not going to try” as he giggled quietly.

”No way in hell he tries” Annika had replied trying to suppress her own laughter.

The two had reached the base of the watch tower and Kai brought his firearm up to a firing position. He looked back at Annika who had adopted a similar posture. Kai slowly opened the door and scanned the room. There was no other people in this room; just a set of stairs that wound their way up the tower. Kai motioned silently towards the stairs, and the two of them slowly and silently made their way up the stairs one by one. It took 6 minutes to reach the top due to their slow and methodical pace. Kai reached the top of the stairs first and saw that it opened up into a darkened flat roof. Only one guard was up here, smoking a cigarette with his back to the stairs. Kai slowly unsheathed his K-Bar and crouch walked up to behind the man. The guard had finished his cigarette and flicked the butt off of the rooftop. Kai stood up silently behind the man. He reached his left hand around the man’s head and firmly placed his large hand over the man’s mouth; simultaneously he took the knife with his right hand and moved into in a slicing motion across the guard’s neck. The one firm slice severed both carotid arteries, jugular veins and the trachea. The guard was unconscious before his body hit the floor and dead seconds later.

"Hey look, he's a human Pez dispenser!" Kai said to his girlfriend which had elicited a look of 'what the fuck' from her.

Kai motioned to Annika as to where the best place for her overwatch position would be. A few moments later, Annika had the rifle out of it’s case and set up.

Annika keyed her mic up, ”Bravo, this is Rifle One. Overwatch in place, Kai’s on his way to meet you”. She turned to Kai and kissed him passionately before sending him on his way to meet Cross and Jill.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #72
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

[Alpha team to Bravo team]

”This is Bravo; go ahead.” Cross acknowledge Kai’s radio transmission as he and Jill crept forward to through the darkness.

[Cross, try and remember no open engagements with the enemy unless you have to.]

”I will try. Bravo out.” Cross responded as he unscrewed the silencer from his H&K MP5A2 SMG, tucking the silencer into the cargo pocket of his uniform.

”Seriously?” Jill asked, a disbelieving look on her face. Cross gave her a wink, saying nothing. The two moved at a quick pace, covering the open ground between the insertion zone and the base. Cross held a hand up in a signal to stop, and the two lowered themselves to a crouch.

”There’s a guardhouse up ahead.” Cross whispered, gesturing ahead of them and slightly to the right. ”Let’s neutralize that before we proceed to the power station.”

”That isn’t the plan, Cross!” Jillian hissed, grabbing his uniform.

”If there’s one thing I learned in the Dominion War, it’s that plans rarely work anyway.” Cross replied. ”I also don’t want to be creeping through an enemy base with guard lurking behind me. We’ll take them out, and then kill the power.”

Cross moved off in the direction of the guard hut without waiting for her response, slinging his SMG and drawing the combat knife from the sheath at the small of his back. It wasn’t a fancy knife, just a 7 inch serrated blade with an unassuming wooden grip and a simple metal guard. He gripped the knife as he approached the guardhouse, not so much a house as a low concrete structure with a door and a wide opening which commanded a view of the surrounding field. The guard could be heard inside as he approached, talking in bored voices. There was the clink of glass, telling Cross they were probably drinking.

As Cross flattened himself against the side of the building he heard one of the guards speak, then the scraping of a chair. They door opened a moment later, casting a slash of light across the grass as the guard stepped out. The guard lifted a cigarette to his mouth and lit it, not looking around. Too much time in such an isolated place had made them complacent.

Cross ghosted away from the wall as the guard strolled past him, the man’s night vision obviously hadn’t had time to adjust yet, and it would prove fatal. Cross moved behind him and clapped a hand over the guard’s mouth, spreading his fingers at first to allow them to clamp around the cigarette as well.

Then he drove the blade of the knife into the man’s back, right through the right kidney. The man spasmed in pain for a moment, his whole body going ridged. Cross lowered the man to the ground as he spasmed again, then he felt the man go slack and removed his hand from the man’s mouth, the cigarette still clutched between his fingers.

As Cross pulled the knife free of the man’s back, he studied the small, smouldering white tube, smelling the harsh scent of the wafting smoke. He heard the other man inside the shack call out, looking for his friend. Cross put the cigarette in his mouth and sucked on it, then blew the smoke towards the door. The man inside complained, but Cross heard the creak of a chair as the man sat back down. Cross readied his knife again as he prepared to go in, hearing Jillian approaching form behind him.

Ten minutes later found them crouching behind a bush twenty meters away from the building that served as the base’s power station. A sound form behind them caused Cross to turn, bringing his weapon to bear on whoever was approaching them. The large form of Kai was unmistakable as he crept towards them, crouching down just in front of them.

”Cross, what the fuck is that?” Kai asked, staring at the large weapon the hybrid was now aiming at the ground.

”A machine gun. I found it in the guardhouse.”

”I tried to talk him out of it, Kai… Jillian said with a tone that dripped annoyance and resignation.

”Out of what?”

Cross reached into his pocket, extracted something from it and raised his hand to show Kai the detonator he now held.

”Lights out.” Cross said with a grin as he depressed the button with his thumb.

[ Lieutenant J.G. Annika Van Den Berg | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ]

Annika scanned the base through the scope of her rifle, peering out from her perch in the watchtower. She hadn’t heard from the others for a while, and assumed that meant everything was going to plan.

She hadn’t heard any sounds of gunfire, and a part of her was beginning to believe the alien hybrid had actually listened to Kai’s instruction not to directly engage the enemy.

Then light bloomed in the blackness of the night, casting an orange glow across Annika’s face. A guardhouse on the perimeter of the base had just exploded, sending plumed of fire and smoke soaring into the night sky to the accompanying sound of a loud, thumping boom. Three other buildings inside the base had also gone up, basking the area in a ghostly glow as every light in the base died.

”Jesus, Cross!” Annika groaned as she realized exactly how much havoc the alien had wrought.

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #73
[ Lt. Kai Akoni | Kazhakstan | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ] @Fife
The explosion had lit up the sky like the surface of the sun, which also producing a deafening boom along with a small shockwave. Kai slowly placed his palm against his face for a second before talking to Cross.

“What the fuck man? Did you miss the whole ‘silently as possible’ part of the mission plan?”

Cross had a large grin on his face and responded, ”Well technically, I haven’t directly engaged the enemy”

Cross was technically right. Even though the technicality was smaller than a single called organism. A guard appeared about 30 metres away from the trio, seemingly investigating the explosion. He was walking towards the group when his head exploded in a pink mist, leaving a headless corpse left to collapse to the ground.

[Might want to get moving, more guards coming] Annika announced over the radio. The three of them turned around and started sprinting for the building which was suspected to hold the Soviet satellite.

The group reached the large building very quickly, covering the distance in 20 seconds. Kai approached the entry door, with the right side of his body rubbing the outer wall of the hangar. Cross was right behind him, with Jill behind Cross. Kai silently opened the door and entered the building with the other two right behind him. Kai lowered his night vision goggles into place allowing him to see within the darkened building. Kai and Cross had noticed two guards in the room as soon as they engaged their night vision.

Kai aimed his silenced weapon at the guard on the left, while Cross aimed his new machine gun at the guard on the right.

Kai sent two silenced shots into the skull of the guard on the left, causing most of his head to disappear. Cross fired his machine gun at the guard on the right. Kai must have counted at least half a dozen rounds before the hybrid stopped firing. The loud rapport of the weapon reverberated throughout the room.

Kai walked over to the guard that Cross had taken out and kneeled down rooting the corpse for intelligence.

Might have been a little bit of overkill

After Kai found nothing on the body he stood up and noticed had some liquid on his pants. He tapped Cross on the shoulder and then pointed at the unknown liquid on his pants.

“Hey Cross, do you think this is blood or brain?”

Re: [2380/USS Endeavour] "First Contact"

Reply #74
[ Lt. Cross | Holodeck 4 | USS Endeavour ] @trevorvw

”Hey Cross, do you think this is blood or brain?”

Cross peered down at the mystery substance that now adorned Kai’s pantleg with a considering expression.

”Your guess is as good as mine.” Cross replied with a dark grin. ”You could taste it and see what you think?”

”Cross! That’s disgusting!” Jillian hissed from behind him.

”I guess it wouldn’t do you much good if you don’t know what brain tastes like.” Cross continued, ignoring Jillian’s disgusted tone. ”Scratch that idea then.” Cross shrugged before setting off towards a door at the far side of the room, moving carefully. His feet made no sound as he ghosted past the corpse of the man Kai had disposed of. As he drew near the door he heard a noise, sending him dropping to one knee. The handle of the door turned, and the door cracked open just as Cross unleashed a burst of machine-gun fire through the wooden door, firing ten rounds in total. A thud could be heard, then the door swung the rest of the way open as the body of the knob turner slumped forward, slapping onto the floor with a wet thud. Cross heard yelling from deeper in the building as Jillian cursed again, saying something about stealth.

Cross was having too much fun for stealth.

”No point now. They already know we’re here.” Cross said, turning his head to direct his shit-eating grin at his two companions.

He crept forward, uttering a curse as his foot slipped and almost caused his to fall as he stepped over the soldier’s body, the floor now slick with a spreading pool that appeared black through his night vision optics.

Cross turned his head to face Kai and Jill again, giving them a shrug. ”Slippery when wet. They should really put a sign down.”

”There’s something seriously wrong with you…” Jillian hissed as she shook her head.

”So I’ve been told.” Cross muttered as he proceeded forward. The yells were growing closer now as they moved through the door and down a short hallway, clearing two rooms as they went, one on either side of the hallway. The first room had been empty. In the second they found two soldiers crouching behind a desk, though they were dispatched quickly by Kai and Jillian's silenced weapons.

"You see, Cross? That's what doing things quietly sounds like." Jillian informed the hybrid with a glare as they moved out of the room and continued down the hall.

They came to a door at the end of the hallway and quietly pushed it open. They found themselves looking  out over a large room, the door they were looking through opening onto a catwalk on the second level of the room. The main floor of the room was set into the ground, and littered with various pieces of equipment and rocket components, as well as vehicles that were clearly designed to transport rockets to the launch sites. A large ramp sloped upwards as the far end of the massive room, ending at two large metal bay doors at ground level. Along the catwalk to their right was a set of stairs leaning up to a third level, a box-like structure that looked like it might house offices.

As Cross looked down at the enormous room, he saw a veritable anthill of activity, with soldiers running across the floor towards the stairs leading to the catwalk. Several bullets buried themselves in the wall beside Cross, causing him to duck back into the hallway.

”Problems.” Cross said, his joking tone from earlier now replaced with a serious one. ”We’ve got a lot of company headed our way. There’s an office or something one level up. The scientists might be there. You two go check it out. I’ll hold them at the stairs.”

Cross gave the other two a nod and stepped back through the door, after which the loud rapport of his machine gun could be heard. In the silence between machine gun bursts, shouts of surprise and panic could be heard form below as the soldiers on the main level of the hanger scrambled for cover under the hail of bullets.

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