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Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #50
Jumping in real quick here. Great catch, SummerDawn! Indeed, K'Ren would not be able to attend to the Nebula Entry briefing, nor the Strength in Unity one, since she is in surgery/recovery at the time. Liam Herrold will simply have to brief her instead when she wakes up at any time you think convenient that evening.

Indeed, for simplicity (me cutting some corners here) you can all have 1600 hours as a reference for when Thea goes to warp. Then, you can start Prologue threads set at any time between 1600 hrs. and 1900 hrs, where Chapter 01 begins, and continues through the end of Day 01. Day 02 is off limits right now, but will be opened up for story development when we have dealt with the Nebula Entry briefing.

Zenozine: Indeed, with the medical logs the Devoted would likely think Hylota responsible for the eye surgery on Morali, not liking her involvement in desecrating his body and twisting it into its current human form (just as much as they hate anyone involved in the Phoenix Project and Morali's fate).

Hope that makes sense! :)


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #52
Ok, so I posted my new thread. Lahkesis is on the ropes and the Devoted are gonna mess with her, she could use a hero. At this point it is open to anyone to come in and rescue her.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #53
your hero is a giant space lizard.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #54
For Resolve Virus Outbreak
I would like to volunteer Dyan for sickness, but her Velsren sac might actually fight the symptoms for her so she'd never get sick. If you like, the Theurgy could draw from her sac again, though whether or not she'll allow it to happen may depend on how her interactions immediately after her trauma go.

For the Devoted of Morali
Vivian Martin becomes a target because the Devoted wants Morali for CSO. Martin is attacked on Day 02 after her position is announced.

This will almost certainly elicit a response from Suq in some manner. I can't imagine Suq as the kind to pick a fight, but I'm sure he'd at least want to speak with Martin to find some solution, if he isn't one of the people to rush to her aid. Not sure if that's plot relevant, but it'd be a character interaction at least??

For Family Duty
Depending on Dyan's interactions after her trauma, she may either be a part of the mutiny or would fight against it. If she's a part of it, then maybe she could be assigned to guard the weaponry and then actually give it out to the mutineers instead?

For Resolve Disarmed
Suq won't give up his weapon without a fight and would probably outright lie about not having one if he could. I think I might've accidentally already written that he has his weapon in the hangar bay and he had it while speaking with Billy Bob before then, so maybe he's sneaking it around as contraband? I could also go back and edit these points out, but Suq feels his weapon is the only thing that gives him a little bit of control over the chaos that is reality right now.

It'd create an awful image of the Theurgy if they made a scene taking the little phaser from an already emotionally compromised Suq, and Suq's subsequent panic. Is that something that we'd want to do...?

For The Asurian Threat
I'm sorry, I don't know what Dyan will do! It depends a lot on the reactions of people around her. If there's a meta reason to swing one way or the other, I will though, but it might have to be pointed out to me. I'm not that clever of a writer lol

General Character scenes

I still think F'rell and Suq would be interesting to play out. Really, I'd love to play Suq with everyone, so if you're just looking for a general rp partner, Suq (and Dyan, if she stops being moody) are free for everyone to play with if you'd like, please shoot me a message!

I also think both my characters need counseling but neither would just walk into the counselor's office (except for Suq, who only really goes to Ejek for purely friendship purposes). They might need a little bit of prodding

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #55
Just one quick comment before I need to hit the sack. Early start tomorrow:

For Resolve Disarmed
Suq won't give up his weapon without a fight and would probably outright lie about not having one if he could. I think I might've accidentally already written that he has his weapon in the hangar bay and he had it while speaking with Billy Bob before then, so maybe he's sneaking it around as contraband? I could also go back and edit these points out, but Suq feels his weapon is the only thing that gives him a little bit of control over the chaos that is reality right now.

It'd create an awful image of the Theurgy if they made a scene taking the little phaser from an already emotionally compromised Suq, and Suq's subsequent panic. Is that something that we'd want to do...?

I think I wrote that the Resolve's senior staff would be asked to hand over their weaponry at the end of the Conference Lounge meeting, and if they refuse, they would have taken the weapons anyway? Sorry, FollowTomorrow. In those posts you wrote Suq had a weapon on him, you have to edit that out. Sorry for the trouble, and its really on me since I should have been more clear on that. I thought it was by posting it at the top here. My bad! Hope you can make it work anyway, and that Doc M. won't have to edit his posts too, but it is super important.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #56
What about the rank and file?  Are they unarmed as well by 1700?  The folks waiting outside sickbay in that scene haven't been processed yet.  It could be possible that they still have their phasers but won't by 1900.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #57
Just one quick comment before I need to hit the sack. Early start tomorrow:

I think I wrote that the Resolve's senior staff would be asked to hand over their weaponry at the end of the Conference Lounge meeting, and if they refuse, they would have taken the weapons anyway? Sorry, FollowTomorrow. In those posts you wrote Suq had a weapon on him, you have to edit that out. Sorry for the trouble, and its really on me since I should have been more clear on that. I thought it was by posting it at the top here. My bad! Hope you can make it work anyway, and that Doc M. won't have to edit his posts too, but it is super important.


Auctor Lucan
Hey Lucan!! No problem, I'll  be writing the weapon out of his posts and replace it with something else, maybe a modified hypospanner or something personal to him that could still act as his safety blanket until he trusts Theurgy better. Thank you!!

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #58
Not sure what I want Dev to do, since she will be wrestling with her own inner doubts and uncertainties. Perhaps becoming sick with the virus will force her to rely on her new ship mates?

Any feedback is certainly welcome, as I have no quite got a handle on Dev's integration with the crew.
Lt. Devyrie "Dragon" Okhala
by Burningtransformation

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #59

The rank and file new to the Theurgy would - if they wore any - carry their weapons on their persons between 1600 hrs and 1900 hrs, but since they have yet to be given crew quarters at that time, leaving them somewhere on the ship would be unlikely. Also, they might want to be armed, right? So they would in all likelihood still have any weapons they carried on their persons. Since Theurgy security officers are kind enough but still keeping tabs on the new crew up until 1900 hrs - but not removing the weapons from them - the chance for them to stow away weapons somewhere on the ship would have been nominal.


As for Dev, a few ideas spring to mind. very bare-bone, and needs some further thought and details.

  • Dev learns about the conspiracy where Ian Hawthorne sold classified Starfleet depot coordinates to the rebels in the Romulan Civil War, and that one of those Romulan operatives had been on Starbase 84 the same day as the battle occurred. She could learn the code name for the Romulan too, since it was heard in a transmission. The Romulan's codename was "Auroto", and Ian Hawthorne's was "Aidoann". Auroto translates from Romulan to Apparition/Ghost/Spectre/Phantom/Phantasm or something like that, and Aidoann simply means moon.
  • Auroto could have some kind of affiliation to Dev's father, perhaps? She might recognise the codename, and thus learn that there is even Tal Shiar operatives working with Donatra's rebels. Knowing that there was a Romulan spy on the base, and reviewing the evidence and transmission that Hi'Jak (Kaligos) brought aboard, Dev would be able to verify that Captain Hawthorne was, indeed conspiring with the Romulans. His actions were indeed prone to instigate a war with the Federation once the current Praetor saw the rebels were armed with cutting-edge Starfleet tech.
  • Also! The tactical logs from the Theurgy's previous battles will include the encounter with a Mogai-class Romulan warbird at the Black Opal. The Black Opal is one of said depots that Hawthorne 'sold' to Donatra. Perhaps she could speak with Jaya Thorne or Sithick (EAC or Kaligos, up for it?) who was stationed there when the Romulan warbird boarded the station, and Jaya Thorne or Sithick could tell Dev how the Theurgy crew repelled the boarders from the Black Opal and almost crippled the warbird. That might say something about the idea that the Theurgy crew are supposed to be Romulan traitors?
  • Dev's father could also have some kind of affiliation with an ex-Tal Shiar agent named T'Mei. T'Mei is not her real name, the agent changing appearance to be a Vulcan when she defected to the Federation,, leaving behind two sons and an abusive husband. One of those sons were Drauc T'Laus, who also just came aboard the ship. After T'Mei defected, she had a new child, namely Nathaniel Isley, who just recently learned about his Romulan heritage (always having thought he was Vulcan).
  • Considering all the above, I would suggest Isley (also written by Kaligos) ends up talking with Dev, and perhaps he approaches her with his new-found knowledge about his Romulan DNA? Isley, as one of the original Theurgy crew, would also be able to tell her about the Theurgy's voyage and affirm the veracity of their mission. The building blocks are all there, with Kaligos writing Isley, Hi'Jak and Sithick, all three whom could tie Dev closer to the Theurgy's cause! For sake of variation, you also have EAC's Jaya Thorne too.

Hope this brainstorming of mine has opened some doors! :) Kaligos, you up for it?


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #60
Excellent suggestions! Jaya would be happy to chat up Dev. :)
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #61
Sithick, jack and Isley are all free for most of the afternoon on day one. Isley has an important meeting later at night, but any of them are available and I am always willing to rp more.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #62
It occurs to me, following Deacon's genetic reversion on Day 2, any of Morali's supporters might see it as further crimes perpetrated by Dr. Nicander (or, if not him, others in his medical team, etc) as they likely wouldn't realize (or believe) Deacon's true ancestry or the medical necessity behind the reversion.  I can almost see this leading to conspiracy theories about genetic purifications, making everyone more 'human', etc.  I'd say in such a situation, the larger the tin foil hat, the more interesting the ride...

After all, after that, the most alien looking crew members will be the ovri, F'rell and Sithick, the latter of which will have been in sickbay quite a bit in recent days, especially if they're sampling his blood to help cure the virus.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #63
Wonder how many will think that K'Ren's hybrid nature is a perversion of her Caitian ancestry? Deacon & K'Ren might have to hole up against the incursions of 'genetic purifiers'. :P

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #64
Honestly, I really want to see what will happen to the cultists deciding they can try to tune in the ship's token velociraptor...

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #65
Hahaha, I like how you guys are thinking... The Devoted become more and more interesting. I think the key is to not have them *too* stupid, very idealist, and actually thinking they are doing something right in persecuting the people behind the Phoenix Project (which made Morali into a human).

I have yet to update the top list, but I think we all have things in order, just some starters due.


Auctor Lucan

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #66
I had an idea where Tessa converts to the religion, going as far as to lead sermons and quote scripture.  She would pass off the violent actions of the Devoted as "the actions of a fringe group of extremists that do not represent the religion as a whole," believing that the Morali religion is based on faith, not second guessing what Morali the Savior wants.   To her credit, she would be mortified if she actually witnessed the actions of the Devoted but due to the stress of losing almost the whole squadron she's retreated into her own little world right now.  Or not, this is just an idea.

Sample scripture:

"Let he who knows the future cast the first stone."

"And an officer of the Theurgy approached the Man From the Future, asking about the things to come; and He said 'Get out of My face; I need to hit the head,"  So remember my friends, when someone gets in the Savior's face, we should hit that person in the head."

"And a crewman of the Theurgy approached the Man From the Future, asking what He wanted us to do, He turned and said 'Act as you would if I wasn't here.'  And so my friends, we are who we really are when we act as if no one is watching; the deeds we do in secret reveals our true identities.  But always remember, that which we are going to do, He already remembers..."


Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #67
If she's looking for religion, may I introduce her to our one true lord, The Fanged God?  :)  I mean, Deacon is a freaking priest.  :D

Then again, the Fanged God isn't opposed to shaping the future, but knowing it?  Naah, he's not keen on that.  Victory when you know for certain you will win grants no honor.  So I suppose this "Moralism" is almost the opposite... "Do not fear the future.  You should embrace its uncertainty for its  boundless potential of opportunities at personal greatness, glory, honor."

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #68
Lol those scriptures though!  That's amazing!
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #69
Oh Lord, I hope I get everything right based on memory alone after that load of info. Typing from a phone by the way so pardon any type-o's I might miss.

Just a random thought and I apologize if this has been brought up already (though I swear I read everyone's reply) but would it be possible to draw samples from the Resolve crew to help accelerate the search for a cure?

And if Drauc and Parnak were recently innoculated maybe there's enough "fresh" samples from them?

@arista, totally up for Krystal meeting Parnak to make good on her promise to violate him...I may have said that the wrong way...or not...

Also, Heather McMillan is a biologist, so maybe she might want to help out extra hard regardless of the risks to her person as a form of penance for knowingly harming a person and breaking her pacifism. Also, @CanadianVet, your little Radiant is probably about to have a very bad day. ;)

Keeping in mind how physically frail as well as extremely susceptible all Radiants are to toxins and viruses, Heather will definitely get infected if she gets close to anyone else with the virus in them. And what is non-life-threatening for most can and usually is fatal to a Radiant so there's a chance she may have an adverse as well as an even more potent reaction to it, with the danger of a coma or death.

No pressure.

Krystal will be quite active and about on the ship wherever she's allowed and will happily join her old crewmates for drinks and reminiscing. She's also probably going to bond and befriend commanders and those in charge as a form of transference of attachments based on those lost from the Resolve. So anyone wanting an eccentric, vulgar, uncouth redhead that can outdrink most Klingons under the table as a friend/frenemy/human pet are welcome to PM me to arrange your character's coming to "Why did I ever talk to her?!?"  Status with Meony (That's what she answers to).

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #70
You, Miss Triage, are a horrible, horrible human being.  I love it!  :P

Now there is a call Trent won't be able to make; save the little Radiant by throwing her in stasis, or keep her drugged up to her eyeballs and working on a cure while the disease is eating her alive...

But if time permits, I believe a certain XO would love to spend some time with a certain Radiant; he's got a fair bit on his chest, too.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #71
I just wanted to offer my two cents in case there was still an opportunity to get Hayden involved in a few more threads. I don't want to step on any toes for events already in progress, but as I caught up on my reading, there were a few things that occurred to as potential hooks for Hayden.

Obviously, any character who could use therapy is welcome to come see Hayden. I know there are already a few therapy threads planned with the new assistant chief, but Lord knows, this crew certainly takes the cake for most traumatized. :-) Off the top of my head, I was thinking Cameron Henshaw might appreciate someone to talk to.

I think it would also be cool for Hayden to be an observer or even a participant in the interrogation of Maya. Given Hayden was so torn about clearing the doctor for duty given her tenuous mental state, I could see O'Connor being shocked and feeling more than a little guilty over recent events.

Arista, I'm looking forward to having our two characters finally interact. :-)

Also, just generally, I expect Hayden to be in the infirmary quite a bit taking care of the wounded and Hylota's recently delivered offspring.

I'm sure more ideas will be forthcoming, but for now I just wanted to offer a few ideas while they occurred to me.

I have one more reply to do, and that will be coming tomorrow after physical therapy.

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #72
Well, for Hayden, if you're creating a list of traumatized people needing counseling, you'll probably want to add Deacon in there somewhere.  I suspect after his time in sickbay on day 2, some of his history will come to light with some aspects of his psychological profile likely needing to be sent to Hayden as a result (I've spelled it out in his wiki entry). 

Re: Plot Idea Listing for Interregnum 04-05

Reply #74
It sounds like everyone and their mother needs counseling. If we wanted to, the counseling department could find it in their best interest to screen the officers for mental health problems?

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