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[2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Corridors | Main Building | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
She was late! Cam hadn't thought the class would drag on as long as it did, but Admiral Briggs had quite a great deal to share, and many of the cadets, Cam included, had so many questions for the man, most of them failed to keep track of the time. But Cam was a double major, and had classes that sometimes nearly clashed with one another, and it made the girl wishful for a time machine that could let her keep up with all her classes and coursework. Then again, that would probably bring Temporal Affairs breathing down her neck. Or she could end up becoming some sort of lizard.

She poured on the speed in her walk, her left arm full of PADDs and books when she rounded a corner, right into the chest of a tall woman who probably outweighed her a significant amount because the petite cadet found herself bouncing off the person and landing on her butt. “Ow!” She looked up to see a Romulan woman, and Cam needed a moment to recall that there was a Romulan in the academy. Extremely rare, as far as history would indicate, so Cam found herself staring a little longer than she normally would, before she shook her head and tried to get to her feet, “I'm so terribly sorry, I was in such a bloody hurry, I wasn't watching where I was going. Uh...” she struggled to remember the woman's name.

Wasn't there some talk in the academy about a Romulan who was actually an android or something like that? Cam thought there wasn't much substance to that rumour, because this Romulan looked pretty organic to her.

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #1
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Corridors | Main Building |] Attn: @Triage  


Vanya had just come from Bio 310: Principles of Exobiology, which covered Structure of biogenesis of other lifeforms including the development and evolution of non-carbon-based life. Cellular crystalline structures, silicates, and nonoxygen environments. Students study a wide variety of lifeforms including the Horta of Janus VI and information form a Study of Morphagenic Lifeforms by Dr Julian Bashir. The course also includes a brief survey on artificial lifeforms.

Or so the course catalog read. In application there was much more to it. Today’s lecture had been by the before mentioned Dr Julian Bashir. Whom, had seemed to think quite highly of himself and found himself very interesting and rakish. Vanya found him rather annoying in all honesty. His lecherous leers at herself and some of the other students where not appreciated by the Romulan, though some of the other cadets fawned and fluttered their eyes his way.

The cadets adoration made the lecture tedious to Vanya. She was there to learn from her professors and guest lecturers, not breed. He could have covered roughly 32.5% more information if he’d cut out the flirting and self aggrandizing.

Still he seemed to know what he was talking about when he did talk about it so some information had been wrung out of the dross.

Vanya had been heading down the hall at a brisk pace, which was her norm. Dark green eyes bright. Chin up, shoulders back, hands clasped behind her back. Her hip length straight black hair was up in a high pony tail, as was her current custom, swishing behind her as she moved. Just before she made it to the junction of corridors a smallish human rounded the corner and made contact with Vanya at ‘’Ramming speed!”.

Sadly Cameron’s mass and velocity were not sufficient to prove the victor in that collision and she rebounded off Vanya’s ample chest and ended up on her rear in the hallway. Padds clattering across the tiles.

Vanya’s dark green eyes went to the girl and her head tilted just a bit. A slender dark brow rose as Cameron spoke and then a gentle nod was offered. Then a hand with sleek fingers reached down to offer Cameron assistance in rising.

“No need to be sorry. It seems I’m a great deal stealthier than I imagine myself to be. I crash into things all the time. Please forgive my lapse in attention.”

The woman’s voice was a pretty soprano, with distinct Romulan accent. The dark green eyes did not glare at Cameron. Did not sneer. If anything she seemed pleasant.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #2
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Corridors | Main Building | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
To her great relief, the woman was not upset. Cameron wondered if perhaps she was more Vulcan, or just Vulcan altogether, and the subject of a false rumour...then again those ridges on her forehead told her the rumours had plenty of substance. “Thanks,” said Cameron, accepting the offered hand, and she grabbed up as much of the PADDs she dropped as possible, “and honestly, you could have been a thundering tank and I still wouldn't have been able to avoid that collision...heh.”

She laughed a little nervously, still worried about triggering the woman. Romulans were so volatile, more so than Andorians, from her experience and knowledge. She just did not need an angry Romulan on her case.

“I'm Cameron Henshaw.”

Clumsily wiping strands of long hair from her face, she looked up at the woman, thinking she was quite striking, and thusly she was curious as to why she'd also heard that quite a few people were giving the woman a hard time. Is it because of the war? Almost everything was because of that, these days.

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #3
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Corridors | Main Building | San Francisco ] Attn: @Triage  


Vanya saw the woman take her in, the eyes lifting to her face, ears, and finally forehead. She could almost chart the observation and thought process. She’d seen it often since coming at the academy. It was what came next that was of interest and sometimes disappointment or pain. Thankfully Cameron did not filter into those last two categories.

The hand was taken and she was careful not to crush Cameron’s delicate bones or fingers. That would not at all improve on the first impression already offered. So Cameron was gently assisted to her feet.

“You’re welcome”

Her slender pointed brows went up, as Cam described being oblivous to oncoming armored vehicles and a gentle sympathetic chuckle escaped her. The statuesque Romulan knelt and helped Cam recover the few Padd’s she’d missed and offered them to the Cadet.

As the padds were offered Cameron laughed nervously and now, on one knee looking up, Cameron was taller and looking down at Vanya. She took the nervous laughter and her face softened. She had also witnessed a bit of fear and nervousness from other students. Rising slowly as to not startle, or.. blow the smaller cadet off her feet she waited till Cameron had the Padds organized and sorted and what not and offered her hand to shake in the human way.

The flesh was warm and soft to the touch, and her grip gentle. Firm but not crushing. Dark green Romulan eyes looked straight into Cameron’s own, as she accepted the introduction and gave her own.

“A pleasure to meet you Cameron Henshaw.

I am Vanya”
Shaking the human’s hand, she leaned in conspiratorially. “Formerly of Romulus.”She offered the young woman a wink.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #4
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Corridors | Main Building | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
“I gathered that much,” said Cameron with a half-smile when Vanya told her she was formerly of Romulus. “pleasure to meet you.”

She felt that supple strength in the woman's grip and she knew the Romulan was controlling the strength she applied. Cam was likely made of glass in comparison to her, to say nothing of her height. “Do you miss Romulus much?” she asked out of curiosity, and then her eyes wandered to the chronometer on her wrist and she swore to herself, “Oh bollocks, I'm running so late!”

Casting a glance at the tall woman, she gave a sheepish look, “I'm so sorry to cut and run, but I'm missing class and a surprise test. If you're free later, would you like to meet up? I think it'd be rather interesting talking to you and getting to know you...I really have to go now, I'll see you later, bye!” She took off like a rabbit, frantically scattering one or two cadets in her wake.

She ended up not being able to meet the Romulan on that day, but the next day, she almost bumped into her again though she had a free period, and she was just wandering to clear her mind. “Oh hullo, Vanya. Nice to see you again!”

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #5
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Corridors | Main building | Earth ] Attn: 


Vanya had to chuckle a bit. Ok the joke had fallen a touch flat, there was a chance this humor thing would take a bit more practice. A nod was offered to the dimuative human at the greeting. “The pleasure is mine as well.”

When asked about Romulas she smiled. “Ahh ch'Rihan...” A bit of a pause as she reflected. “I find that I do miss it. It’s very green. Lush with vegetation. The cities are beautiful with sweeping sharp lines and a strong feel. The smells. Yes… there is a lot to miss of Romulus.”  She didn’t exactly get into her defection from the Star Empire or how she found herself here. She’d literally just bumped into the poor human who would likely find it overly strange should she suddenly pontificate about such things with out asking.
Then Cameron was darting away to get to her class. Vanya watched her go with a look of clear bemusement on her face. A soft chuckle escaped the Romulan and she shook her head gently turning and heading on to her own next class. Humans could be sooo funny!


A few days later Vanya had been coming from a class and was making her way, glancing up she saw Cadet Henshaw coming and adjusted her own course to avoid a repeat collision. Too many of those and the human would damage herself and it’d be all Vanya’s fault for her bouncing off Vanya’s breasts once too often.

Vanya was carrying a Gym bag over one shoulder, with a long handled grip sticking out of the zippered pocket. A nod was given to Cameron and a slender pointed brow rose.  “Hello Cadet Henshaw. Nice to see you as well. Hope you made it to your test. The instructors here are rather unforgiving of tardiness… but a lot fewer disintegrations than back home. “
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #6
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Parade Grounds | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
She wasn't sure if she made a good impression on the Romulan the other day when she'd taken off like a rocket for her class, but in her defense, it was important, and Vanya understood at least. But at her mention of disintergrations, Cam broke into a hearty laugh, but her eyes never closed or left Vanya's, and she abruptly stopped laughing to ask, “Wait, were you being serious?”

She didn't presume to know, and it wouldn't be impossible if they wanted to encourage nothing but excellence. It would be a first hand account for the young cadet, and she was horrified at the thought, as well as puzzling out just how many Romulan cadets survived to graduation!

As they spoke, cadets and students milled about, and two men walking by spotted Cam conversing with Vanya and made less than subtle gestures or hints that they were talking about them. Cam's eyes briefly wandered over to them, frowned, then turned back to the tall Romulan. Was there something about her that others knew and were now gossipping about it? Cam usually had no trouble reading people, but Vanya was a Romulan, and they weren't exactly well known culturally outside of hostile encounters most times.

She blinked and shook her head, smiling, “I'm sorry, it's just I keep thinking about Vulcans, and I apologize for stereotyping or applying a stigma, the Romulan ridges aside, I'm continually taken aback when I realize you're possibly making a joke...I suppose it'll take some getting used to.”

She quickly cleared her throat and looked distracted, “You had been telling me about home the other sounded like you were most fond of it...might I ask, what prompted you to leav...LOOK OUT!” Cam quickly tried to push Vanya out of the way when a small stone was hurled towards the Romulan by one of the two cadets she had seen seemingly making comments about her and Cam.

D'ye think it'll make a metallic noise?” one of them had asked loudly enough just before Cam gave Vanya a warning.

Map of Starfleet Academy Grounds

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #7
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Grounds | San Fran | Earth ] Attn: @Triage 


Vanya grinned liking this human. She was fun. When Cameron laughed, Vanya kept a straight face and watched her, till the laugh cut off and Cameron asked if she was being serious. Vanya let it hang there for a few seconds then broke into a grin.

“Of course not. We aren’t savages.” A bit of a chuckle and Vanya motioned softly with delicate looking fingers. “Please forgive my joke. Romulan senses of humor may be an acquired taste. You’d have to ask Natalie. She’s helping me learn Human ways."

Vanya watched Cameron look off to the side and her dark green eyes tracked over that way. A pursing of her lips. This wasn’t strange but it wasn’t exactly the best part of Vanya’s days at the Academy. People talked. There was a lot to talk about it seemed and Vanya stood out for a number of reasons so the talk was a touch more frequent than for some other Cadets.

Looking back to Cameron, and a tilt of her head. When compared to a Vuncan, Vanya scrinched her nose.“You would not believe, how often I get that. I’m thinking of getting a headband or something. I mean. Do I come across that stiff?”  

Then Cameron was asking about Romulas and why Vanya might have left. Such a thing clearly was very uncommon and it was a fair question. Before the Romulan could articulate a response, “Look out!”. And Cam tried to push Vanya out of the way. Which.. didn’t work well. Vanya moved about two cm, if that. Romulans alone were about three times as strong as humans and Vanya.. well she was something else.

The warning did allow for something though. Vanya’s left hand came up quick as a viper and TWAP! The rock was caught bare handed. Vanya’s dark green Romulan eyes went first to Cameron. “Are you ok?”

Then to the two men. Her hand was still up from where it had caught the rock. Slender pointed brows came together in what was most clearly a displeased face. Looking RIGHT at the two men her hand -clenched-.

CRRRRRRRRRRUNCH! Then those slender fingers opened and little tiny bits of gravel and dust rained out.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #8
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Parade Grounds | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
The woman felt like a pillar! Whatever she was made of, it couldn't be enough to make her that heavy! The last time she felt something that solid, she was pushing herself up from the ground after being run over by some crazy cadet that had a major sugar rush. She never even saw who did that. And never mind that, but the Romulan's reflexes were downright super...well...superRomulan. She caught the stone without even pausing to see what Cam was panicking about. That kind of hand-eye coordination and response time is like someone responding on highly trained instincts, or...something more.

She was staring open-mouthed like an idiot, and it took her almost five seconds to register that Vanya had asked her a question after catching the stone. So were the other two cadets. Normally Vanya never saw it coming, but Cam's warning was all the Romulan needed.

Just as Cam was regaining the ability to articulate a response, Vanya went and proved her unnatural aspects again, by crushing a rock in her bare hands! What was going on?!? “” said Cam, looking astounded at the Romulan. Her mouth opened and closed several times before she finally found coherence again. She shook her head rapidly and took a breath audibly, “How in the bloody blazes did you do that?!? And don't tell me it's the protein bars!” She crushed a rock in her bare hands. “I know Romulans are strong, but that is...that's...OY, HASTINGS!

Cam abruptly wheeled on the two men, marching up to them, suddenly all thunder and fury, jabbing a finger towards them, “IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN, I DON'T CARE WHO YOUR FATHER IS OR YOUR UNCLE, I WILL TAKE YOU TO ADMIRAL JANEWAY MYSELF, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? YOU DO NOT THROW ROCKS AT FELLOW CADETS! AND YOU, GORDON, THE SAME GOES FOR YOU!”

Satisfied, and the two men suitably cowed, whether by Cam's fury or Vanya's display of strength, or both, the young cadet turned on her heels and marched back to the Romulan, “Follow me?” she asked, heading back towards the campus.

[ Cameron's Shared Quarters | Academy Campus | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ]

Her roommate was out, so she figured this was the best place to have an uninterrupted conversation, and Cameron wanted answers, now.

“Vanya...I hope I can ask this, but...what are you?”

It was no longer a matter of who. Cam played it over, and recalled the solidity of the woman when she accidentally bumped into her the other day said a lot about the possibility. After all, there was Commander Data, or even cyborgs, and most of them had synthetic skin that could hide their artificiality. But Vanya was warm, and so...alive. She had a sense of humour...of sorts.

Map of Starfleet Academy Grounds

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #9
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Various Places | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Triage  


Vanya glanced over to Cameron and tilted her head a bit and dusted her hand on the dark gray cadet uniform pants, and replied with deceptive casual ease. “With my hand?”

Then a bit of a dark grin crossed her face. “Good genes?”   Then the little human was belting out a  “OY HASTINGS” which made Vanya blink. Did she slip into some hither-before now, unknown Human language? If so why was the UT not keeping up, oh wait she was yelling ‘at’ a Hastings. Which must be a human name. The Romulan glanced back over to the men, now being yelled at by the diminutive one.

Then more than yelling. She was marching towards the men and Vanya moved to follow. Intense curiosity flooding through her circuits. What was she.. Oh… Ohhhhhhhh! Cameron lit them up and good. Vanya’s pointed brows went up in surprise and then a soft smile tugged at the corner of her lips. The little one…. How…. Surprising. How… wonderful.

Cameron asked her to follow and Vanya nodded and followed along placidly enough. Sneaking little glances at Cam out of the corner of her dark green eyes as they made their way. Soon enough they were in a dorm and up to Cameron’s shared room. Vanya entered and looked around. Eyes taking in all the details. So curious was she about other people, species, and how they lived. She roomed with a Martian Human and Natalie was delightful. She was mentally contrasting and comparing Natalie’s side of their shared room and this room that Cameron had led her to.

When the question was put to her, Vanya looked to the human cadet and took a seat. Smoothing down the cargo pants of the uniform and then letting her dark green Romulan eyes flicker up to the other young woman.

“A cadet?…… Member of the Science Track?…… Specializing in Life Sciences?.”

A bit of a pause and she held the other woman’s gaze. “A Romulan, here at the Academy, in clearly charged political times?”

Another beat and she looked at her own hands. Then again back up to Cam’s eyes. “…….. a life form, not 100% of flesh and blood.. but also of duranium and circuitry? Someone built… for a reason….. a reason I did not wish to do. I… refused to do when I learned enough of my creators… and others, to know that…. That purpose was wrong?”

Another beat and Vanya answered truthfully. “I am what you might call a Romulan Android, Cameron Henshaw.” She then waited, her eyes…. A touch.. apprehensive, of how Cameron might react. It was not well known here at the Academy. Most of the flack she took was for being a Romulan. But surely some of the instructors had let slip enough hints and clues, through their own prejudice, that some Cadets were starting to catch on. Very few knew the truth. Cameron was now one, and Vanya waited….

For the young woman’s judgment. 
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #10
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Cameron's Shared Quarters | Academy Campus | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
Well Vanya's a bit of a smartass.

With her hand, indeed! Cam could bloody well see she crushed the rock with her hand, thank you very much. The question had been how the bloody hell was that even possible?!? And good genes her posterior. Cam had terrific genes, and they don't allow her to crumble rocks to sand. These were the thoughts that went through Cam's mind while she verbally lambasted Hastings and Gordon well and good. Vanya had followed her, apparently curious at what she intended to do. Whatever the Romulan woman was, there was a code of conduct that...quite sadly, some humans had yet to ingrain into their natural tendencies.

She wasn't entirely unaware of the motivation behind it, of course. The atrocities and rumours of the dark aspect of Romulan nature was not lost on her. But she couldn't bring herself to truly stereotype someone in that manner. The fact that she was here, in Starfleet Academy, meant the woman had been subjected to intense scrutiny, investigation, and interrogation even of the highest level, just as they might have once done with Klingons, and despite all that, she was accepted here. To Cam, that meant she ought to be accorded with the same level of respect and consideration as would have been given any other fellow cadet.

They were now in the relative privacy of the shared quarters, which was quite comfortable and had all the amenities and even luxuries a cadet could possibly need to function and perform with distinction. The young cadet was particularly neat and tidy, with just a hint of obsessive compulsive disorder, from the way her PADDs on her bedtable was particularly arranged at a particular distance from her hand where she'd normally lie down. Her bed was prim and proper to the point it looked like it was brand new and just set for someone, or was still unoccupied. The distinction was such that her roommate almost looked sloppy in comparison, but it was just neat and tidy, while Cam looked like she would shoot the tiniest speck of dust with a phaser set to vapourize.

The study desks nearby showed a few personal items belonging to each occupant. Once again, Cam's was fairly obvious, with a neatly arranged holoframe with a picture of herself and her parents, and another with...her adoptive family. There was a gold icon placed before the frame with her biological parents. Her roommate apparently kept a tribble for a pet, which sat contentedly on the desk, purring now and then.

Cam's room overlooked the oceanside of the campus, providing a rather invigorating view to wake up to every morning.

She had asked her question and waited for Vanya to respond, but she was somewhat nervous, excited, and pensive.

Unsurprisingly, Vanya was trying for the typical "lame answer", probably gauging to see how gullible Cam might be. Well, Cameron Elisabeth Henshaw was not known for being gullible, and her face had a "Try again." look on it, and she enforced this by folding her arms over her breasts, and her right foot tapping. Her next answer almost made the girl sigh aloud and roll her eyes, but she instead kept her expression largely unchanged, and watching Vanya, but her foot tapping picked up speed.

Third time was the charm.

Cam stopped tapping and her arms dropped to the sides. It was one thing to suspect, another to realize she was right. She resisted the urge to state aloud that she knew it, and let the woman go on. All she did was affirm that she was a female Romulan Data, in essence. Soong could go eat his heart out, now. The Romulans had apparently beat him at this game.

Part of her wanted to panic and ask Vanya to leave. But the more rational part of her reminded her that Vanya had shown nothing but kindness, consideration and even a sense of humour, something she understood Data had trouble with. Android or organic, Vanya was very much a woman and alive. Tugging at the hem of her uniform, the girl took ginger steps closer, then sat down next to the Romulan android, studying her with renewed interest. Uninvited, she picked up one of Vanya's hands and held it in both of hers, lightly squeezing it, trying to feel the metallic structure underneath soft skin. “Well,” said Cam, after a moment and she looked up at Vanya, “credit to the Romulans at making something better than we ever have. That explains why you felt so heavy and solid when I tried to push you just now.”

She smiled, accepting that she made friends with an android. If anything, that was just a unique quirk to her friend. “I don't suppose you've met Commander Data, by any chance?”

Map of Starfleet Academy Grounds

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #11
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Cameron’s Shared Quarters | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Triage 


Vanya could be a bit of a smart ass. People were flinging rocks at her after all. In this instance though she wasn’t actively trying to be. It was more a matter of gentle evasion, which to her credit, Cameron picked up on pretty much right away. 

Observing Cameron’s room she found it very interesting and a little bit telling. Her ‘experience’ with humans was not fathom’s deep but she’d been trained pretty intensely… before. So some things stood out to the Romulan. Both sides of the room were distinct, as if there was a line of demarcation down the middle. The exacting nature of the positioning on Cam’s side was noted. The way things were lined up, not just neatly but nigh on perfectly as if a tricorder may have been employed to scan the distances and set up the locations of the items. Vanya’s dark green eyes measured them and found small inconsistency but for a biological, it was impressive.

The bed was made as crisp and clean, all to regulation. Vanya bet you could bounce a coin off it. Eyes went back to the desk and paused on the holo-frame for a moment. Cam and her parents. A momentary look of longing as she looked at the familial scene. That was something Vanya would never have. Then another with a different family. The Romulan glanced between them, from one to the other. Curious. She then looked to the gold icon before the frame. Cataloging it as well.

A soft warble and the android’s eyes flickered over to the other side of the room and pointed brows rose. Ohhhhh! A tribble! Vanya’s fingers flexed once, wanting to pet it, but they were having a conversation.

She paid attention to Cameron.

A few answers were given. Again not really in the hopes that Cameron would believe them but giving herself a bit of breathing room. Could this girl be trusted? Well she had gotten angry at those boys. Jumped right in there. So after a bit Vanya gave her the truth.

A look of conformation crossed the girls face which confused Vanya for a few seconds. Had she known? Then Cam was coming closer with careful steps. Vanya made sure not to move swiftly or do anything to scare her. By now she had figured out that merely breathing near some humans put them in damn near a panic. Her size didn’t seem to help that aspect any. Then Cameron was sitting beside her and Vanya tilted her head to watch her.

The human then took one of Vanya’s hands in both of her own. Gently squeezing and prodding. The flesh felt warm. Soft, pliant. She didn’t feel plastic and squeezing and what not she felt firmness inside the flesh but not sharp or strange. It felt ‘like’ bone. That is to say there was firmness in the right places and nothing that would ‘give her away’ under a tactile examination. The flesh was warm and as Cam inspected she could even see fine hairs, as all mammals have on the arm. As she looked Vanya smiled and gently curled and flexed each finger in sequence. The nails were painted a dark metallic green.  It all seemed extremely life like.

“It’s a partial explanation. I’m also 2.88M tall, and Romulans are a bit more solidly built. Not quite as solid as me though”

When she mentioned ‘better than we have’, in conjunction with Data she looked up to Cameron and then down a bit chuckling.

“Oh yes! I have actually, met him. He came and testified at the determination of my person-hood. It was his testimony that prompted Starfleet to ‘award’ me the rights of an individual. Before that it was up in the air. As for being ‘Better’ than what you have. Not really. Different.” 
She looked at her own hand.
“We were built with different aspects in mind. Originally I was to be an infiltration operative.” She looked to Cameron.“Built to be the perfect spy.”  A shake of her head and mild look of clear disgust crossed the Romulan's face. “But they built me too well. Seeing themselves gods, they built me in their own image. I was ‘too Romulan’.  While I can change what I look like, the aspects of my nature could not be accurately hidden. I still come across as ‘Romulan’ no matter what I look like. They couldn’t hide their own cultural egotism. I couldn’t even pass as Vulcan, much less Andorian or Tellerite.” A bitter laugh. “I’m a failed experiment, Cameron.

As for Data… He’s stronger, by a good bit. I’m stronger than a human as you’ve seen, a touch above Romulan average.”
Which would put her a bit more than three times human norm. That combined with the durianium endoskeleton, would explain the small rock. “Still not at Data’s level. He’s also more durable. He processes much faster. My mind is swift. The programming and hardware is the best the Empire produced. I’m still an evolutionary step or two behind Data.” Which might beg the question was she faster than human computation, even if she was slower than a Soong type?   “I have emotions, but they’re still relatively new to me. Sometimes I get angry...”  A pause and her voice softened. “Or scared.”

“It was Data that really put them over the edge about me. Allowed me to join the UFP. He actually went through my mind… my memories. One by one. He could process fast enough to effectively look inside.. and determined I was not simply ‘programmed’ to be a spy. That I was programmed to learn. And that I could choose to be what ever I wanted to be.

I wanted to leave the Star Empire due to things they’ve done. That they’re still doing. I wanted to join Starfleet to see who I was. To learn.

After completely scanning my make up, he testified that I, like yourself, was the sum of my experiences, not programmed orders. That I could and would, make my own decisions. Not that of my former masters.

With that. They accepted my petition, after…. A year of intense study. And.. now I’m here”

Vanya looked to Cameron and waited for her reaction. He eyes held the human for a long moment before looking across the room. She really wanted to play with the tribble to. Or maybe that want was to hide her nervousness. She sat and waited for Cam to speak.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #12
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Cameron's Shared Quarters | Academy Campus | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
A smartass, self-deprecating and humble too. Thought Cam as she listened on, nodding and encouraging her to go on the whole while until she was done. “All I can say is,” she said, “bloody hell.”

It was quite a lot to take in, but it put a lot of things into perspective for the cadet, and she processed that Vanya was still learning her way around in social interactions and exploring emotions. It seemed like a great opportunity to her, for both her own qualifications and as an exploration of a friendship that could lead to very interesting paths. “This is a most...I suppose you can say, incredible moment for me. A Romulan android, with a learning algorithm.” As she said this, she quickly added animatedly, “Don't get me wrong, I'm endlessly fascinated, you can't fault me for that, but I still think of you as a person. Which makes me all the more upset too.”

She looked wistfully away, towards the windows overlooking the Bay area. When she turned back to Vanya, she said, “I mean about the way those other cadets treated you. Hurling rocks is just...wrong! And I've heard stories...”

The girl's emotions were clearly etched on her face as she spoke, making no secret her mixture of excitement, joy, sorrow, anger, as she spoke, and once she finished, she sat up straight and smiled, simply declaring, “From now on, if you want it, you have a friend in me, Vanya.” Her head tilted and she looked aside as she added, “But do oblige me if I get endlessly curious about your perspective on things. My study is psychology and xenoculture. In the same vein, feel free to ask me anything.”

The tribble purred loudly, making Cam turn and look at the ball of fur. “That by the way,” said Cam, pointing behind her with her thumb, “is my roommate's Tribble, Sir Purrs-a-lot. But sometimes I question who's the actual owner, considering I spend more time looking after it. It's feeding time, care to join me? I'm...curious.”

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #13
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Cameron’s Shared Quarters | Earth ] Attn: @Triage  

Vanya looked to Cameron and raised her brows. A bare hint of a smile curling the corner of her lips. It was a bit different than just a learning algorithm, but the sentiment of Cameron’s words struck home. She nodded a bit at the human’s wonder and then smiled a bit at being named a person.

When Cam looked out the windows towards the bay, Vanya turned a bit and looked as well, curious as to what she might have seen, before looking back to her. A nod in agreement to it being wrong and then the Romulan paused and tilted her head. Stories?

“Stories? What… sort of stories have you heard, Cameron?”

The varying emotions on Cameron’s face perplexed the android as well. She looked both happy and sad, excited and angry. Such juxtaposition was a bit beyond Vanya’s limited interaction with humanity to suss out at a glance.

Then she sat up straight and Vanya’s eyes widened just a touch. A gentle smile was given at the offer and she nodded, reaching up to tuck some dark hair behind a pointed ear. “I would like that very much, thank you.”

A gentle motion of her hand. “Feel free to ask. I would just request that you keep what you learn to yourself. I’d rather not have details of myself be broadcast. I hope you understand.” 

When the tribble purred, Vanya’s eyes moved to it so swiftly one might imagine they heard a click. The revelation of the creatures name made Vanya grin just a bit. “Oh an enobled Tribble. The best kind." 

With Cameron’s encouragement she stood and went forth to peer at the creature. Looking at it from a few angles. “Do tribbles require a goodly amount of upkeep? Please tell me what is required? I have a friend that may enjoy one. If they’re not too troublesome.”

Reaching out she softly stroked the tribble with just the tips of her fingers. It responded with an inquisitive warble. Vanya’s eyes looked up to Cameron and her pointed brows rose, silently asking permission. When it was given, Vanya smiled and her hands slid gently under the furry ball and lifted, cradling it against her chest. 

The Tribble trilled and vibrated in a pleasing way and Vanya let out a little giggle and looked up to Cameron. Softly she stroked it’s fur and smiled as it trilled again. “I’ve always liked animals. It’s my focus here. Zoology/Xenozoology.” Her hand softly stroked the creature which seemed to enjoy it. No instinctive negative reaction like one might perceive with, say a Klingon. The creature seemed to like her. She surely seemed to like it.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #14
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Cameron's Shared Quarters | Academy Campus | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
Cam couldn't tell if Vanya was being humorously sarcastic or if she really believed tribbles would ever get knighted. Still, it was intriguing to watch how the animal reacted. The young cadet always thought the tribble in her room was even more friendly than usual, and might even like Klingons as an exception. Either way, the animal purred and trilled, happy as a seal to be carried and pampered by the tall android.

“Tribbles are awfully easy to maintain,” said Cam, gesturing to the animal, “the main point is to make sure it doesn't reproduce at an exponential rate. Sir Purrs-a-lot here has been neutered, and his lifespan prolonged. He doesn't eat much, or move much, for that matter. Just sits around purring away, happy as can be to be alive.”

She then proceeded to explain the stories she'd heard revolving around Vanya, and how she found a lot of it to be unfairly motivated by political bias and paranoia. Whatever Vanya told her, she promised to keep in confidence, knowing the kind of pressures the android faced just for her appearance, and did not desire to add to it. Over the months, her friendship with the woman grew, and she found she enjoyed spending time with her, getting to know her perspective, and her unique psyche.

There were times that she would come to visit her in her quarters while she worked, and on a few occasions when she left, Cam would suddenly notice the quarters getting quiet, and realize the tribble was missing...again. “Dammit Vanya!” she would exclaim and go chasing after her friend to retrieve her roommate's pet. She could never tell if the android did it on purpose or she was really that forgetful about putting the animal back on the table.

One night, Cam bumped into Vanya, literally, but managed to avoid falling down, “Oh bloody hell,” said Cam, rubbing her nose, “terribly sorry. Actually, fancy meeting you here! Have you heard about the new restaurant that's opened up? It's an Indian curry house. Fancy having a taste of that cuisine?”

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #15
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Cameron’s Dorm Room | Academy Campus | Earth | Sector 001 ] Attn: 

Vanya had nodded and taken in the information about tribbles and not letting them reproduce too fast, which of course had her mind doing calculations on how fast they could fill up a room, perhaps knee deep to purring, trilling comfy fur piles to… well that was dangerous thinking, wasn’t it?

Over the months their friendship grew and Vanya liked spending time with Cameron. She was very different than Vanya’s few other friends. Unique in many ways. She enjoyed getting Cam’s perspective on things and discussing complex topics with the cadet about psychology. As it was an aspect that Vanya was programmed to evaluate (And exploit) but took a lot more work to actively internalize and understand.  Cameron being a Psychology major, as well as an Engineering major lead to some very interesting conversations in that venue.

As for the… “Accidental” Absconding with the tribble. Well… of course that was accidental. The Romulan would never be so crass as to actively steal the tribble. Not when she would be the prime and likely only suspect for such a thing! Of course not. Where she to purposefully do it, it would be much more carefully planned with alibi’s and such in place as to prove with out any doubt that she had not been the one to acquire the cute little furry by nefarious means.


Bumping into Cameron, a hand reached out to gently catch her arm to help stabilize the little cadet, least she end up on her rear again and the some what towering Romulan smiled. “I am thinking of queing my combadge to detect proximity to yours and issue a vibrational warning, Cameron. To prevent further impact damage to your bone structure.”

A tilt of her head and the obsidian green black hair rippled. “Indian cuisine? Sure that sounds interesting. Do you mean the Native American aboriginal people?”  She leaned down closer to cam’s 5’4” Height. “In advanced combat practice I witnessed a pale pinkish human yell at a rather tall bronze skinned one. Called him a ‘Filthy Indian’ in a sparring match. The bronze skinned one… to use an earth colloquialism, ‘beat his ass into the floor’ and corrected him by saying “It’s Native American now”. Are we to sample their cuisine? If so I very much look forward to it, he seemed a proud member of a warrior culture. Their food should be quite adventurous!” 

Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #16
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Corridors | Academy Campus | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
If it had not been for Vanya's lightning reflexes, Cam likely would have been on her arse already. She laughed a little at the woman's suggestion about a proximity alarm to save her from impacts. Yet, knowing herself, she didn't doubt the loudest klaxons would have gone unregistered by herself, primarily when she was absorbed in her studies or her thoughts. She would have just gone right on and introduced her face to whatever was around corners. Quite aggressively too.

She considered what she was told after that and her jaw was agape. She recovered then shook her head, “No,” she said, “no, it's not Native American, which is what I would call it if it were. Rather, we're going to a restaurant of the Asian Indian variety. They make spicy food, and not a lot of people here can take that. In fact, I saw an Andorian and Ensign Waldron going in there and shortly after fleeing, screaming about fire in their mouths. I was always too adventurous for my own good, and I'm about to take the plunge and try it. Still game to join me?”

To be honest, Cam had no idea how potent this was going to be, and she could very well end up joining the Andorian and Ensign in fleeing if it proved to spicy.

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #17
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | San Francisco  | Terra | Sector 001 ] Attn: 

Vanya smiled. She had more meant programming her own com badge to give a chirp or something when Cam’s was with in 3 meters so Vanya could keep a look out and not bowl the smaller cadet over, perhaps resulting in damage and or injury. Cam, not so much, keeping an eye out was becoming more or less a given. Amusing and endearing as it may be.

Then the query about Native American food was answered in the negative and Vanya looked just a touch disappointed. “Oh.”  A tilt of her head which sent the hip length pony tail swishing to the side a bit. “Asian Indian variety?”   She looked most curious at that. “I’m not aware if I’ve encountered Asian Indians. If so, I did not know so at the time.” Her brows rose indicating curiosity at it and she smiled. “Andorian ensigns fleeing, screaming about fire in their mouths. How interesting. In my cultural diversity class I read about  an Andorian…. Habit? Custom? Of offering offworlders extremely salty food, and watching for reaction. If the offworlder handled it in good nature, and not aggression or anger, the Andorians typically shared in the amusement, and would offer ‘less’ salty food to appease the off world palete, and usually comp the meal. If the offworlder handled it with less humor though, well. Andorians are not well known for their yielding natures.

This Asian Indian cuisine you describe seems to offer a similar experience. I would very much like to join and take this plunge along side you Cameron.” 
A bright smile was offered the cadet and a nod. 
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #18
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Corridors | Academy Campus | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
Cam offered Vanya a wry smile as she listened to the android explain her opinions and experiences. She knew that as she was essentially built with Romulan memories and experiences, Vanya would potentially miss a number of things humans would definitely be aware of. So she gestured to a dark-skinned woman who walked by, “Ensign Sumeetha is of Asian Indian birth,” said Cam, “Sri Lankan, I believe.”

She rubbed her hands together, “But wonderful, I'll see you later tonight then.”

When night came around, the brunette was waiting at the public transports, wearing a simple green sweater and long black pants. The weather was unusually warm for the autumn season, which was the only reason why she wasn't bringing a jacket along. While she waited for her friend, the cadet spent her time people watching. She saw a young couple with a baby in a stroller going by at a leisurely pace, a portly gentleman with a walking stick and a pipe smoke (so antiquated!) taking a walk with his pet dog, two young men staring at her, some girls giggling and pointing at a friend's PADD (probably a comedy or some video taken of someone else getting embarrassed.

You get so lost in thought all the time?” said a young man, and Cam gave a start, turning to look at him. He was tall, had short, neatly combed brown hair, and blue eyes that could match the colour of the sky, and he was smiling at her.

“Pardon?” said Cam distractedly.

I was asking if you were waiting for someone or you just like sitting at transport hubs at stare into space,” he said, with laughter in his voice.

“Don't be silly,” said Cam, looking affronted, “if I'm here, I have a perfectly good reason.”

When it looked like he was waiting for her to reveal what that reason was, she tersely replied, “None of which is any of your business.”

Okay, fair point,” said the man, raising his arms in a gesture of surrender, then he moved to sit next to her, much to her surprise, “I was really just looking for an excuse to talk to you.

“Really?” said Cam, emphasizing the first syllable of the word, “I do wonder what about.”

Well I know you're from Starfleet Academy,” he said, “and I know you said you're going to an Indian restaurant, but I was wondering if I could persuade you to join me and some friends at the Race of Clubs.

Cam smiled, but shook her head, “That's in a almost questionable section of the city, mister, and I'm not sure a Starfleet cadet should be seen in a place like that.”

It's not as bad as they say,” he smiled wanly, “a lot of it is just tall tales to scare the more prudish types.

“You know what they say,” said Cam, “where there's smoke, there's got to be a fire. Cameron Henshaw.” She offered him a hand,

Patrick Donahue,” said the man, accepting the hand, “You're Commander Henshaw's kid?

“One and the same,” said Cam.

Know the guy, stand up fellow.” Cam beamed with pride at the mention of her adoptive father, “So what do you say? Wanna take a chance with some crazy kids?

Cam looked uncertainly at Patrick.

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #19
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Campus | Terra | Sector 001 ] Attn:  Attn: @Triage

Vanya turned to behold the woman that had been indicated. “Oh….” A look of confusion crossed the Romulan’s face. She would look it up more on the database. The distinctions humans used were sometimes confusing. “Thank you.” Glancing back to Cam she nodded. “Yes. See you then."


That evening Vanya headed to the designated spot. It’d taken her a little while to get ready. Stark had helped, telling her that while she certainly ‘could’ wear the cadet uniform off campus that street clothes might help her blend in a bit better. Vanya had pointed out that a 6’2” Romulan was unlikely to blend, but Stark had assured her that in street clothes she had a better chance than in uniform.

Vanya had of course deferred to the Martian’s broader base of cultural knowledge. Then Vanya had to choose clothes. Her non uniform clothing consisted of a jump suit that she’d worn to earth from the Daystrom Institute, and some athletic wear. Neither of which seemed to pass muster on Natalie’s requirements.

Sitting down with a pad she called up some clothing choices and flicked through them. Rapidly. Her finger tapping the page function on the pad about 180 times a minute. To avoid annoying the hell out of her roommate she’d long since muted the sound functions on the pad so there wasn’t a rapid fire pinging as she did such things.

At first she’d looked at some traditional Indian fashions but her roommate thought that might be seen as…. Slightly…. Disrespectful, but if not that, would certainly garner more attention than Vanya typically liked. So more choices were searched through.

She’d made other choices and replicated the clothes. Putting them on she went to meet up with Cam. Stark had been invited of course but had some studying to do, as they so often did at Academy.

Strolling through the cool evening air she approached the public transports where she was to meet up with her friend. At distance she perceived Cam sitting and talking to a man. Vanya slowed her approach to observe the interaction. The body language between the two was mixed. Cam seemed to be portraying skepticism or wary concern, even affront at one point. The man how ever was more direct and pointed in Cam’s direction.

The Romulan’s brows knitted for a moment. What was this?

She came closer and Cam at least would perceive her approach. Unless trying to be stealthy, you usually weren't at Vanya’s size. She was dressed for the evening. Faded bluejeans that followed the cadet’s long and shapely legs while cupping snugly in the right places. Doc Martin  boots on her feet, the gleaming black leather reflecting ambient light in the evening dimness. A charcoal gray ladies tee with a single star at the center, that showed a glimpse of midriff if Vanya moved certain ways, and a thigh length leather jacket over it, that was of Romulan cut, it’s leather dark green of some exotic scaled creature of her home world. The cadet’s long black hair was gathered in a high pony tail but still trailed down to her waist in the back. Light catching it just so and causing it to shimmer with a green under-hue. Her brow ridges were not disguised, nor were her pointed ears.

Stepping closer to the pair sitting and talking, Vanya came to a halt. Dark green Romulan eyes went from Cam to the man and back to her. Head tilted to the side and a brow rose with a questioning quirk of her lip. Instead if demanding some sort of explanation, Vanya was trying some body language. It would come off less challenging and aggressive that way. Or so she hoped. The situation before her was hard to read and Vanya didn’t want to offend Cam’s…. friend? She didn’t think that was the right term but she might be wrong. So she offered forth the curious look and hoped someone would fill in some blanks here.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #20
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Corridors | Academy Campus | Starfleet Academy | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
She saw her friend and smiled, waving her over, “Vanya! Right on time.”

She looked apologetically at Patrick, “I'm going to be heading out with my friend here, if you'd like to join us perhaps? Oh, Vanya, this is Patrick Donahue...of...”

Formerly of Starfleet Command,” said Patrick with a hint of regret in his tone, “it wasn't the best fit for me, but I found my true calling shortly after. Life couldn't be better since.

“Oh,” said Cam, slightly curious. She was about to say more when the man quickly spoke up again.

Well, it's really a shame, Miss Henshaw,” he gave her a winsome smile, “tonight's going to be quite a rave, but if you or your...friend...change your mind, you know where to find us. I promise, you'll get VIP treatment.” He apparently noticed that Vanya was clearly a Romulan.

He winked at her and smiled as he jumped into a repulsor, “Till next time.

He sped off into the distance quickly, and left a frowning Cam staring after him, “Curiouser and curiouser,” said the girl, then her expression turned to one of bewilderment as she thought of something, before shaking her head, “Well, nevermind him, I suppose.”

She looked up at Vanya and smiled, “TIme for us to get going.”

The transport shuttle slowed down at the hub and she boarded it with the android, settling into seats across from one another. There was only the pilot, and no one else was in this particular transport. “Been out in the city much?” asked Cam, looking at her friend.

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #21
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Campus | Terra | Sector 001 ] Attn:    Attn: @Triage

Vanya offered a smile and nod to her friend for noting her puncutality and then looked to the man being introduced. She did not offer to shake hands with him, but instead looked him over with an arched brow. “Patrick Donahue. It is interesting to make the acquaintanceship of a associate of Cameron.”  When he mentioned being ‘Formally’ of Starfleet command Vanya tilted her head a bit. Going through Starfleet Academy and command track seemed a lot of effort for someone that didn’t fit the mold.

“What calling would that be, exactly?” The Romulan inquired.

The Romulan noticed that the man had noticed that she was infact Romulan. She noted the hesitation. Hardly unique but still not overly appreciated. As if Vanya had a choice who made her. Then he winked to Cam, jumped a lift and was gone. Vanya watched him go for a few moments and slowly turned her dark green eyes to Cameron.

Cam’s notation of how curious it was, coupled with the bewildered look made Vanya think about it a bit more.    “The male was acting strangely. Did I interrupt a courting interaction, Cameron? Did you wish to continue the interaction with Patrick Donahue?” A motion of a long fingered hand, as if to indicate, that if Cameron wanted to chase him down and participate in the before mentioned Rave, that she could.

Then the shuttle was there and they hopped on board, seeming to answer that query and she seemed to ponder the question. “This city? Some. My roommate takes me out with her sometimes. To meet people and socialize. But she’s not really a party mammal. We tend to do more sedate things and talk. I am curious about this aggressive cuisine that you’ve mentioned. I searched the database. The clothing of the natives is quite colorful, but… perhaps not for me.” A bit of a grin. “Or so I was advised, perhaps not for my first interaction” She smoothed a hand over her shirt. “Am I attired adequately?”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #22
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Shuttle | En Route to Anand's Curry House | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
Observing Vanya's attire, Cam smiled, “You look good, Vanya,” said Cameron. “And it's 'party animal'. Party mammal...doesn't quite sound as good. Nevertheless, I'm glad you do get a chance to meet other people. I swear, not everyone's an arse or gives a darn about your being Romulan, even if only in appearance.”

She looked out one of the viewports behind her and sighed, “We made so much progress in our cultural development and having a more open mind, and yet, we sometimes fall to our baser instincts of intolerance or paranoia.” She shook her head, trying not to overthink the matter, and turned to smile at Vanya again.

“Asian Indian food and even the culture can be considered...exotic. Spicy is another word. A lot of the spiciest recipes is found there. I think sometimes they like to torture themselves with it.” She gestured behind Vanya as the shuttle began to descend. “We're here.”

[ Dining Room | Anand's Curry House | San Francisco | Earth ]

They were met by a waiter in front who guided the pair to the nearest available seats and chilled water was served, along with some dry crackers called pappadam, while they perused the menu, “Well,” said Cam, “they've really got everything, curry based around just about any dish, mutton, chicken, fish, vegetable...what do you fancy?”

Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #23
[ Cadet Vanya | Shuttle | En Route to Anand's Curry House | San Fransisco | Earth ] Attn: @Triage 

Vanya looked over and nodded. “Party Animal.. not Mammal? But… my roommate -is- a Mammal, is that not more accurate, or is this one of those times when accuracy is relaxed to fit an idiom?” She smiled, seemingly relaxed about such things. Idioms were hard to pick up in new languages and cultures. “In my first month here, Cadet Stark mentioned it was ‘Raining Cats and Dogs’. That one was a bit alarming. It was not, in fact raining felines or canines but I did rush to the window to observe the phenomenon. Much to my own chagrin.”

To the bit about prejudice against Romulans she nodded. “I agree. It’s not everyone. Most in fact, at the academy, treat me well. It’s a minority. The minority just seems louder so they stand out a bit. You have been a good friend. I’ve a few others. My roommate. An officer attending the Academy due to a focus shift. You’ve been very kind. Including inviting me on this outing to sample dangerous foodstuffs.”

A soft look “There are many cultural… biases that were… worked into my matrix. To the point, that the Romulan developers considered the project suspect. It was hard for me to perform my primary function, so strong where the innate Romulan egocentricity.” She laughed gently. “I was ‘too Romulan’ to pass as anything else. How ironic is that?”

When Cam explained the food she nodded. “Well as long as it’s not Bolian….” the android actually shuddered. Be it an actual physical response by her metallic innards and structure or an affectation she’d picked up in organic company, either way, she shuddered thinking of Bolian cuisine.

As the shuttle landed the tall woman stood and smiled exiting with her friend and heading into the curry house.

Looking over the menu she smiled. “My ancient Vulcan heritage would insist on Vegetarian or Vegan options…..” She parused a bit but then a playful grin crossed her face. “Thank the goddess I’m not so hindered. I love meat.” A free laugh and she pointed. “I think I’ll try the Mutton. Millions of Coyotes can’t be wrong”

Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic


Re: [2374] Starfleet Academy - Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Reply #24
[ Cadet Cameron Henshaw | Dining Room | Anand's Curry House | San Francisco | Earth ] Attn: @Cosmos
Cam arched an eyebrow when Vanya expressed distaste for Bolian food. Conversing with the Romulan android was always enlightening, as she discovered the number of things that the tall woman was still learning or coming to terms with, and at the same time, the amount of knowledge she was already filled with. She was the perfect person to ask questions about Romulan culture, mentality and general habit, since according to her, she was too Romulan to be able to be a successful infiltrator.

She realized though that there were some terms she was not yet aware of. “I'm sorry, coyotes?” asked Cam, wondering what her friend meant.

“I'll have the chicken, oh, and the papadam and cabbage rasam.” She told the attending waiter. Before long, their orders came. Vanya's had a bowl of mutton with curry, and a side order of white rice, with boiled potatoes and an egg. Cam's was similar but with chicken, and yellowed sliced cabbage with the rasam soup. “Thank you, she told the waiter.”

For a moment, Cam thought she saw a man who looked like Patrick darting past the restaurant, and two curious men.

“Well, do dig in, I'm curious to see how you find it,” said Cam to Vanya with a smile. She took a spoonfull of her curry and mixed it with the rice, and bit into it. The spice was as potent as she remembered it. It felt like sharp sweetness and heat biting into her tongue. Her mouth was inflamed and for a moment she thought steam was coming out of her ears.

“Hhhhot...” was all she managed before grabbing a glass of ice cold milk she'd had the foresight to order before eating. She was lucky she didn't ask for sambal, or this would have ended with her being transported to a medical facility.


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