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CH02: S [Time Unknown] Sordid Phytosociology

Chapter 02: Supplemental [ Time Unknown ] Sordid Phytosociology

[ Lahkesis Saugn | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Where there had once been a layer of fluid to cushion her lungs and internal organs from every beat of her heart and expansion of her lungs caused by her breathing, that was all but drained away now. Thus every breath burned and ached, every thud of her heart in her chest stung. it was a constant agony and it flooded her mind with nothing but pain and yet more pain. She almost wished she could simply die and judging by how it was becoming increasingly hard to breath with each breath she wondered if she might. There was a hollow space inside her and there was no medical information on how to treat such a wound in a Teslyliac of any sort. Indeed the amount of trauma she had experienced from that single moment of brutality was more than she was aware of any member of her kind ever experiencing.

One of the few people she had trusted with her life, had without a thought moved to snuff it out like it was nothing. She hadn't said so many things to so many people. And now it seemed like her opportunity was gone. She would die on an alien ship, under the eyes of these strange creatures that, given her visions increasingly blurred state, she could not even see properly.

To say that Lahkesis had a lot on her plate was an understatement, yet she could deal with none of it.

She took a breath in an attempt to steady herself, but the breath out came in only a whimper from the pain.

The shapes of the alien figures that moved around her began to move her body. Moving her arms away from her body first. If they spoke Lahkesis was not aware of it, the agony deafened her to the world as the tears in her eyes all but blinded her too it. She felt so weak she could put up no resistance as they moved her arms and legs for ease of access. Every time they touched her body she wanted to cry out in horror and agony, but the breathing tube down her throat made such impossible. She was forbidden to speak, forbidden to do anything to stop them. She was at their mercy and it seemed they had none, lest they would have released her from her pain.

Under the bright light her skin would have normally seemed to shine, and some of it did. Yet there was that mark, that now jagged mark that run up her abdomen, held together only temporarily while the lab was prepared for the examination. And now it seemed like they were prepared, or at least like they were ready enough to begin.

She finally closed her eyes, as she felt them peel off the sealant over the wound on her abdomen. She just wanted to die.

Suddenly a voice cut through her. A voice in the room with her.

"No, don't let go just yet my dear little sapling," came a voice that, like a blade, sliced into her heart. "Not yet. We have such wonderful work left to do."

Her breath caught inside her, she knew the voice, though she could not remember him.

She opened her eyes again, but felt a cool hand suddenly be placed over them. "No, no peeking. This you shan't need to see. No, just listen. Listen and learn," the voice went on, she could hear him hovering near her ear, feel his blind touch across her face. "Hear my voice, know who you are, know what you are, know no pain, know no sorrow."

And suddenly the pain was gone.

The monitors registered a flux of a brain chemical suddenly being produced in larger amounts, shutting down pain responses throughout the body. It read as a simple autonomic response.

"Gentleman, you may begin your work," the voice said softly as the blind hands continued to lightly caress Lahkesis's features.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #1
[ Metand | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Seemingly oblivious to the words, Metand had been standing in the background, making notes while his Low Class orderlies did as they had been instructed. They had prepared Specimen-Two-Two-Nine for a combined treatment and study, since it was more effective to use the opportunity of an already opened torso if they were to learn more about the Teslyliac duplicate. There was no rush, of course, but Metand cherished the years his Ante body had left, and did not wish to waste it if he could avoid it.

"<Her body has finally acted to counter the agony,>" he said, his contralto voice a mere dry whisper as he made his way forward, his body getting the support it needed from his black exosuit, "<Make the adjustments I have specified to her internal organs, and replicate her own tissues before I begin. We need to replace what's missing, and see if there is ought we can do to ensure full function. If not, the new tissues still needs to be added to her arterial network, so that they remain healthy inside her.>"

It was odd to call it that, since in essence, this unique specimen was not even mammalian.

"<Once that is done, you can close her up, because the laceration was just skin from start to finish. I want, however, a full diagnostic on her, including a sigmoidoscopy and hysteroscopy. If her breathing is solid enough at that point, I want the esophageal tube removed, so that I can have a gastroscopy done as well. The Code clearly states that when encountering a new species, all conceivable tests needs to be made.>"

"<It is stated,>" said the lead orderly, and tapped a couple of buttons on a machine further away. From the ceiling, the endoscopy machine lowered down towards the specimen with a loud whirr. Once lowered, two orderlies were already finishing up with her abdominal cavity, the process made easy since there were now tissues at hand, and they were seamlessly closing her up - their gloved fingers coated with the specimens' sap - which had already been collected for deeper analysis. In a couple of minutes, the orderlies stepped away, and Metand took a slow breath, confident that the readings he saw would let the specimen survive the procedure, which was the most imperative perimeter for him for initiate the next phase.

"<Begin the first sequence,>" he said, and idly raised his eyes from his tablet.

On his order, synthetic camera-tentacles shot out of the lowered machine - all of them having a lens and a small light at the tip. Coated in a silicone-based lubricant, the first one began to work its way inside the specimen, making her anal passage expand to accomodate the internal examination. Metand then lowered his eyes to his tablet again, pleased to see that the feed from the cameras were good. If there were any noises from the specimen, Metand didn't notice - engrossed in the three separate feed he was getting from the procedure.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #2
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Even with the soothing feeling of his touch of the blind man's hands on her face, gently stroking her hair, Lahkesis could not relax. The sound of the aliens speaking, even though she was uncertain how she was understanding them, made her uneasy. She was no longer in pain, but she could not escape the feeling she was in danger.

As they repaired the damage done to her by Dr. Nicander, she was unsure what to expect from them. The way they spoke about her, as if she was barely even in the room with them. They spoke of her the way one would speak of a creature that could not hear and understand them, yet she was all but certain they were translating their speech for her.

"I fear there will be some unpleasantness before this is all over," the blind man said softly into her ear. "Perhaps somewhat of a violation, at least in simple terms."

And then it happened. The probe made contact, and did not stop. Unlike when Sithick entered her, she was not only not aroused but the probe was a fair bit colder than the Gorn's genitals, though it was a fair bit smaller. She could not stop her breath from quickening as the probe slide slowly and purposefully deeper into her body. Her body could barely move, but she could still make soft mewling sounds and whimpers. Her hands grasped for something, anything, but nothing could be reached easily. Her hands would instead ball and unball into fists.

"Just relax," came the soft voice of the blind man. "There is little you can do to stop it from happening, but it need not be overly painful."

She tried to hold still, feeling as the probe slid deeper and deeper into her bowels.

From it's display it showed clearly that her anal cavity and rectum had recently been stretched, showing signs of left over irritation. As she had not known to do any more detailed cleaning than just the surface after her encounter with Sithick, her rectum was covered in the remnants of both of their sexual fluids. She had taken a nice shower afterward, but it had not taken care of all of his left over seminal fluids.

As the probe went deeper her unique bowels exposed more the fact their was no feces inside them, only small amounts of compost like plant material, that was slowly being absorbed back into her body, rather than being further pushed further down the intestinal tract. The plant matter seemed to be processed bits of foods she had eaten, or other matter that had wound up in her digestive tract. Her body had produced a number of complex plant enzymes to break down the material into the compost like material. The process was slow and as a result it made it impossible to consume food at the same rate as any other humanoid. Instead she required a different sort of nutrients altogether.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #3
[ Metand | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Absinthe 

Since the specimen did not speak, Metand saw no reason to engage in conversation - focused as he was entirely on the results of the examination.

"<The specimen is sexually active, but there is no need to collect any semen sample or verify that she'd not been impregnated. The Teslyliac duplicate appeared entirely barren even before her injury,>" he said quietly and added his observations to the datapad. "<A fecal analysis does hold merit for the tests ahead. Initiate suction sequence.>"

Upon his word, the arm began to move back and fourth, and small nozzles on the sides of the head began to collect any loose matter they came in contact with, without causing damage to the colon. The arm rotated and made thrusts in a very thorough sequence to make sure sample collection was as effective as possible.

Since that sequence was automated, Metand's mind was already on the next step. "<Begin second phase, please,>" he said, barely glancing up when the second arm lowered and squirmed its way inside the specimen's vaginal passage. With the lubrication oozing from the bulbous tip, the entrance and ocular analysis began soon enough. All data was relevant in the end, but there were some things that might require a closer examination.  With this in mind, Metand tapped his tablet, making that second arm go deeper.

"<Please report any observations you make of injury,>" he said idly, by routine, to his orderlies, but it was seldom the specimens felt any true discomfort. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #4
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan


The word hit her harder than she had ever expected it too. There had never been any reason to expect that she was fertile in  anyway. Her biology was strikingly different to that of almost every other humanoid she had ever encountered. In her medical file she was listed as simple infertile. It was a simple medical word in her mind.

Barren was different.

In her personal exploration of language at a young age barren was a word associated with that of land, or rather of land incapable of growing new life.

A grim realization that she would not ever have a child swept through her. She had always known she was incapable of reproduction, but this was different. This crushed her and she wondered what had changed in her. And the answer was quite simple. Before she had never been in love, she had never given herself over to someone in body as she had when she had given herself to Sithick only a couple handfuls of hours before.

But there was no time for her to dwell on those thoughts. The second probe descended and aligned itself with her vaginal opening.

She was so lost in her own thoughts she did not notice it until it pushed into her. She screamed as it moved to her hymen and after a simple analysis of it, pushed right through it. The lubricant only helped to an extent, but the shock shot through her. If it had not been for the subtle implantation of the suggestion from the blind man she would have been in a stat of pure agony.

But there was instead no pain. She was, at least in that moment, incapable of processing pain, at least not physical pain. Instead as the probe began to analyze the structure of her vaginal canal she could only think of how it had taken something so casually and how she had wanted to give that to Sithick.

All the while the Blind man said nothing, simply keeping one hand over her eyes and the other lightly stroking her hair by her ear. He had instructed her to listen, to pay attention, and yet she was quickly becoming lost, torn between the feeling of the probe shifting and moving inside her rectal canal and the probe now inside her vaginal canal.

And she began to hate her body, as it reacted. She could not feel pain, and thus her body interpreted the sensation as pleasurable and reacted accordingly. She began to produce the same viscous fluid that her body made in a state of arousal. The fructose based syrup merging with the gel of the lubricant to make the probe slide even smoother.

And yet she would not allow herself to admit that she was in any way aroused. She could not admit it. Even if her body betrayed her and simply was all on it’s own, she would simply hate it for that. And she would hate the aliens, holding her and doing as they were. She could not fight them and she could not fight the feeling of the probes filling her sensitive passages, rubbing against sweet spots deep inside her body.

The analysis of what would have been her reproductive organs was straightforward enough. The tissue was alive, yet non-functional in traditional a mammalian sense. it was instead like a perfect reproduction made of entirely non-functional parts. Her vaginal wall would stretch and allow for the passage of an infant if she could produce one, yet her uterus lacked the ability to grow an inner uterine wall, making the implantation of an egg impossible. More so her ovaries were entirely non-functional, neither producing hormones, the estrogen in her body was instead produced through another network of glands and was instead a phytoestrogen, or eggs. Thus making the entire system non-functional.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #5
[ Metand | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Absinthe 

There was a lot of data to collect from the observations Metand made, so he did not alter the automated sequence of the lower arm, even if the fecal suction massage had ceased to collect more sample matter. What had caught his attention was the way the vaginal passage reacted to the arm, with strange, new secretions oozing around it.

"<Note the time, and please put to record that the specimen has begun to produce a viscous fluid in her vaginal passage,>" said Metand in mild curiosity, even if his tone remained unchanged in its near-whisper. "<It appears that even if the specimen isn't able to breed, the duplicate has inherited a capacity similar to that of the human female that the Teslyliac plant duplicated. We need to collect a sample of this fluid for sake of comparison, to determine in which way the plant would have translated human biology in that particular sense. Initiate a new suction sequence, please.>"

Upon his word, the second arm began to move back and fourth, and its small nozzles on the sides of the bulbous head began to collect the fluid, but carefully calibrated to not cause damage - the silicone-based fluid ensuring slick passage while the the arm began to rotate and thrust. The thorough sequence made sure to cover the whole passage, all the way to the back, efficiency in sample collection being key in its calibration.

When both the arms were moving, Metand glanced up towards the specimen's face. It appeared that it was feeling stimulated, her lips pursed, which would make the next step more easy. Wishing to use the element of surprise, he let the first two arms continue, their rhythmic motions automated until he made them stop. "<Begin the third phase, please,>" he said, and looked down towards his tablet. Upon his command, the last arm descended towards the specimen's face. He watched the feed from the lens of that camera as it darted down, and then pushed past her lips. The lubricant allowed for quick access to the back of her oral orifice. Mildly interested in the representation of a human tongue and teeth, Metand tilted his head and slid his finger along his tablet, making the arm go deeper.

The key was not to obstruct the specimen's oxygen intake, but given his long experience, he was confident he'd keep the specimen alive.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #6
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Given the number of tests she had done on her over the years Lahkesis had not thought she was capable of being humiliated by a medical or scientific procedure, yet perhaps because of her recent sexual awakening, this examination left her torn between feeling more humiliated than she had ever felt before and yet the feeling of pleasure it gave her could not be denied.

Her breath came in whimpers, and she did her best to hold herself back to keep herself restrained, but it did little good. The feeling of the probe inside her vaginal canal, rubbing, pushing, it’s nozzles sucking and pulling at the oh so sensitive flesh.

She opened her mouth to let out another cry of both emotional torment and pleasure, but no sound came out as a probe took the moment to slide it’s way past her pale lips and into her mouth. For an instant, no more than a moment, some part of her mind told her to bite the probe, to fight back in some way. But her teeth were not made like a humanoids were. While as the wood lattice like fibers that made up her bones were as strong, if not marginally stronger than the calcium composite that made up humanoid bones, her teeth were merely superficially as strong as a humanoids. They were not meant to chew or to grind as she ate nothing. Thus they were smoother and had less of a hard layer protecting them. In addition any damage done to them would simply regrow and her dental hygiene was impeccable.

Like all of her muscles her tongue was a complex network of flexible plant fibers and more rigid plant fibers. The tightening of some and swelling of other cells groups caused the muscle to move.

The scan of the tongue also revealed a unique feature, the central nerve cells in the tongue were not what would be considered the same biological structure as the surrounding cells. Instead seeming to be more of a mycelium like structure that entwined and worked with the plant like cells. It was the combination of the two cells types that made up her nervous system. Her tongue, though lacking taste cells, still was able to detect pressure, temperature, and the usual other degree of sensation.

Her saliva was a simple fructose based syrup, lacking any of the necessary enzymes to break down any food products, instead it simply served to lubricate her mouth and vocal cords.  The presence of the probe caused her to produce more of it, to counteract her throat muscles tightening in panic.

And my how she did panic when the probe entered her mouth. Though her body remained still far to damaged and weak to put up any right at all, she still screamed around the probe, her cries muffled by it. She could put up no resistance, all she could do was lay there and be victim to it.

And some in some sick part of her mind, it made the feeling of the probes working inside of her vaginal canal and rectal canal feel all the better. She was at their mercy, at the mercy to what they did to her.

And she hated it so. She hated that it felt good. She hated that her body reacted to it. That her hips had begun to move, in as little as they could, to give her more stimulation. It felt good and she hated it because of that.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #7
[ Metand | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Absinthe 

Even in the oral orifice, the differences to a mammalian female were noteworthy. While he studied the proximity scans of the specimen's tongue, Metand did not alter the automated sequence of the two lower arms, both of them beginning to rotate while they thrust into her and applied the subtle suction to her passages. He didn't even look up from the feeds coming from the lenses at tips of the probes, for he saw that new secretions had begun to ooze around the arm that had pushed into the back of her throat. Since the lubricant was silicone-based, the secretions were easily separated in his readings.

"<New secretions detected. Please, note the time,>" said Metand in his dry whisper of a voice. "<Previous scans suggested that the Teslyliac duplicate had no digestive system, and a closer study has to be made to ascertain the purpose of this substitution for saliva. Initiate a new suction sequence for the oral probe, please.>"

At his word, the third arm began to move back and fourth, but not in tandem with the other two probes. The bulbous head began to collect the new fluids as it rotated and thrust deeper, just shy of obstructing oxygen intake. Its calibration was not made for stimulation. Neither of the arms were, but while Metand glanced up with a blasé look in his black eyes, he noticed that the specimen was notably aroused, which in itself was another oddity since it had been barren from the start, and there was no purpose to any mating-related secondary reactions.

"<The specimen continues to answer to external stimuli, appearing willing to breed even if it can't. It stands to reason that the usual method of monitoring genital response should still be a vaginal photoplethysmography, just like with regular mammals.>" The probe was designed to measure vaginal pulse amplitude (VPA) and vaginal blood volume (VBV) with high accuracy, only Metand was not quite sure what the readings would reveal. The probe used a intense light source and a photodiode to measure the blood volume in mammalian tissue surrounding the corona of the probe. The blood in the tissue reflected the light, and the amount reflected was measured with the photodiod. The output varied with changes in the amount of blood in the tissue.

Yet this case, Metand decided on the additional auxiliary setting in order to get even better readings. For this, the probe needed full contact with the walls of the vaginal passage. "<End vaginal suction sequence. Instead, initiate photoplethysmography scans, with labial temperature and vaginal pressure readings. Full radial symmetry setting please.>"

The vaginal probe would shine brightly, and the orderlies moved to put on visors to cover their eyes. Metand reached for his own. He always took safety seriously, unlike some of the younger Savi researchers. When the scan began, the light was so bright it could be easily be seen through the specimen's abdominal tissue, yet there was no heat to the light. What the specimen would feel, however, would be the probe swelling until it filled her completely - the radial symmetry necessary for accurate pressure readings.

"<Resume motion,>" he said, and the probe began to churn again, this time with considerable friction. An orgasm often occurred in part because of the hormone oxytocin, which was produced in the body during sexual excitement, arousal and labor. There was no telling what might happen with a Teslyliac duplicare, however, so it was worthwhile to study the respone. "<Stand by to measure intra-abdominal pressure in the event of an accumulated vaginal response cycle.>"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #8
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

It was not enough to be probed and opened like this, the probes moving inside of her body, hitting places that would have normally made her feel nothing more than blissful pleasure, but instead filled her with a feeling of humilation and degradation at the pleasure they gave her. All of that aside, the probe in her mouth began to suck up her saliva, pulling at her tongue and the insides of her mouth. It was unlike anything she had ever thought to feel before and she could not help but let out a stifled whimper around the probe.

This was by far the most invasive procedure she had ever had done to her and by far the most humilating. While as when she had been experimented on at the facility there had been some precaution to keep from any undo harm either psychological or physical, it did not seem her current captors cared about her mind beyond it’s anatomical properties. At the Daystrom Institute they had made sure to speak kind words to her with each new test, but her captor seemed to speak as if she could not even hear him, let alone was capable of understanding.

And their testing and probing continued, only now because of her body’s betrayal and arousal they seemed to wish to take it a step farther and test for more things. She missed some of the details of what her captor said, but she knew enough of the procedure. They would likely treat her like a human in testing, even if her body only looked human and the mechanisms were fundamentally different.

She wanted to cry out for them to stop, but there was no point and with the probe still collecting her saliva she could barely breath, let alone say anything.

And then she felt the probe inside her vaginal canal begin to swell and there was another feeling, a rushing feeling, similar to stepping out into a bright day or when she was very tired and would set her solar lamp to it’s highest setting. Such settings would often hurt the eyes of people around so she only did it when she knew she needed to rush and when she was alone. But with was tightly focused.

She could feel the light flooding through her lower body, shining through skin as if she were blooming. Yet it was quite different. The effect on her mind was something different too, as the pleasure receptors went into overdrive. Light was always pleasurable to her, and her genitals were more sensitive in all ways than her skin. The flood of chemicals through her brain made it impossible for her to think of anything else. All she could think about was the light as it seemed to fill her, to stretch her, to push and grind against her. She was not even aware of the probes themselves, only the light, only the glorious light.

For the scans her anatomy reacted much as the photosynthetic receptors of a plant would, swelling with fluid to increase surface area to absorb more light. Her vascular system moved nutrients to and from the photosynthetic cells as quickly as they could, creating sugars and starches that her body would need. All the while her vaginal fluid began to flow more and more readily. Without her focus on her humiliation to keep herself from blooming the enzyme had been released and all of her bodily fluids began to take on their narcotic properties.

Her body seemed to drag the light from her abdomen along thin lace light patterns under her skin as she began to bloom. Her hair began to shin, taking on a luster and sheen before it to began to give off it’s own light. The fluids moving through her body did not read as blood and thus the scans were more confused. Her vascular system was not like humans, being more of a fine lace like network of tiny veins that would open and close with each pulse. The fluid and tissue moved more like that of a plant’s fluid exchange than a animals and thus the data looked nothing like that of a human by comparison.

Her tissue was marginally denser though, the fructose based fluids and plant tissues were denser than animal tissues, seeming to make up for in weight the fact that she did not have a complex network of bacterial flora in her intestinal tract. Thus keeping her weight about the same, but her density quite different.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #9
[ Metand | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Absinthe 

Stepping a bit further away since he wasn't too keen on the light emanating from within the Teslyliac specimen, Metand did make an ocular notation about how the light superimposed the duplicated bone structure of a human - even more visible when the thickened probe began to move. He let the three arms continue what they were doing even if all the samples had been collected... because he noticed an anomaly in the readings.

"<Please make note of sensor index five, nine and twelve,>" he said quietly as he paced, noticing some kind of buildup in the duplicated humoanoid. He reviewed all earlier findings, and the conclusion made little sense on an evolutionary basis, but it might prove the detail in which a Teslyliac plant may duplicate a human. Just like the findings of the barren reproductive system, damaged as it had been, the readings suggested a pending release of... What? Endorphins? Was the duplicate even able to achieve a state or orgasm, pointless as it was for sake of its own survival? Remarkable... In the end, there was only one way to verify.

"<Increase pace of probe movements by 30 %, and inoculate her with 7 ccs of phase nine bremelanotide aphrodisiac.>"

"<At once,>" replied one of the orderlies, who went to seat himself by the secondary control station. Within a couple of seconds, he had synthesised the solution and loaded it into the inoculation cannon above the specimen. It whirred loudly as it was armed and moved into a position where it could fire at the exposed neck of the humanoid. Via airpressure and a sharp hiss, it fired the solution straight into the specimen's peculiar physique, and Metand turned to glance at it whilst the solution spread through her system. There was no guarantee that the solution would work on her, but Metand was confident that he'd gain the data he wanted.

He wanted to record the climax of this rare specimen.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #10
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

The sharp jolt of the injection into her neck made Lahkesis cry out in some mixture of surprise and pleasure. She was too far gone to feel anything less than sublime pleasure, even with the command to feel no pain still active in her unconscious.

From the spot where the compound entered her body it felt as if heat radiated out, following the lace like veins of her body. The heat seemed to scorch it’s way through her, seeming to get hotter and hotter the farther it went through her. In inflamed her senses and burned away what little composure she had left. Though her reaction was not identical to a humanoids in nature, it did seem close enough.

In her mind it was as if she lost more and more of her ability to sustain any rational thought, all that was left was the primal need and want. And Oh how the machine filled her want. She found some deep part of her primitive mind demanding she bite and gnaw at the probe in her mouth, both behaviors not natural to her, yet leftover from the source of her genetic material. She could not stop herself as her teeth moved against the metal, her tongue rubbing against it as she began to give it what could only be described as an aggressive form of fellatio.

Her hips began to roll up and down, gyrating against the machine’s probes, as if she were trying to give herself further stimulation.

All the while the chemical flowed through her body. At a cellular level it was overstimulating certain neurons and nerve connections, causing them to flare too rapidly and begin to accumulate damage as a result. The result was she became more and more sensitive and her memories flooded through her, the entirety of her life flashing through her mind as her neurons began to burn themselves out.

It was delicious agony, a cacophony of pleasure. It was all too much for her. She cried out as spasms shot through her body, muscles groups straining and releasing almost at random, seeming to almost tear themselves in the extreme.

She had never felt anything like it and as her body seemed more than willing to tear itself apart under the effect of the compound she could do very little to stop it, much less even be aware of it.

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental | Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #11
[ Metand | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Absinthe 

Remarkable... thought Metand as he recorded the ensuing climax of this rare Teslyliac specimen.

"<Increase pace of probe movements by another 20 %,>" he said, while he judged if there were to be any permanent damage done to her internal tissues. He calibrated the suction sequences to lessen, not wishing to cause any bodily harm, but compensated by increasing the output of the lubrication ducts and the rotation of the probes.

This was when he noticed how his orderlies were late in doing as instructed, looking up to see them staring at the specimen before doing as told. It made Metand sigh, not caring for the younger in their interests, and especially not having any unnatural tendencies of his own. In his whole career on the Versant, he had never been attracted to any specimen under his care. He was presented with the option of either dismissing the orderlies and make sure they'd never set their foot in the biolabs again, or he could encourage them to make sure they did their job.

"<If you keep your visors on, it should be safe to touch her, if that's what you're thinking about,>" he told the orderlies, trying not to sound too derisive. They were usually good people, when not so distracted. "<Just don't interfere with the process or harm the specimen.>"

Metand almost expected the orderlies to backpedal and dismiss his offer, but the two male Antes did share a look before walking up to the specimen where she laid - one on either side of her - and then they reached out with their bare three-fingered hands and began a palpating of her abdomen and breast tissues. They seemed fascinated by the movements of her body due to the rapid thrusting of the probes, but Metand had already returned to the feeds on his datapad.

"<The specimen should reach the culmination of her reaction any moment now.>"

Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #12
[ Lahkesis Saugn | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] attn: @Auctor Lucan

Seconds felt like hours, if not days, as the fiery heat of the injection pulsed it's way through Lahkesis's body. She could feel it rippling through every part of her. Her body spasmed and jerked as waves of sensation and fire coursed through it. It was pointless to compare this to anything she had ever felt before, there was nothing like it in her memory and she could feel the fire of the chemical compound rushing through her mind. If she could have focused she would have felt the connections breaking down, but she was too far gone for that.

SHe could no longer feel the hand of her master holding her eyes closed, but she made no move to open them, instead holding them tightly shut. Her breathing was fast, coming in whimpers, moans, and cries. Though she could not figure out why she was aware of what felt like hands on her body, touching her, caressing and feeling her skin. She was, at this point, covered in a layer of her fructose based sweat. She could feel the hands sliding over her body, even if she could not process the feeling in any real way. She was too far gone for any of that.

And yet it all seemed to keep building and building. Like a rubber band being stretched well past its breaking point, very soon she was going to snap. Lost in the sensation she could not control it or in anyway fight against it. It was going to happen. Her back began to arch, pulling her weight off of the table, suspending by her shoulders and hips.

And with a muffled scream it did. Like a massive crushing weight, it slammed into her, wiping her mind clear of any thought or sense of self. Her body shook and spasmed uncontrollably as she cried out repeatedly. She could only cry out animalistically around the probe, no words were even possible at that moment.

The inner walls of her vaginal canal squeezed and spasmed against the probe, straining to tighten and release, as if her body were trying to milk the probe. The muscular ring of her anus did the same, squeezing and spasming against the probe. Her hips bucked upwards, pushing against the probes, slamming them deeper into her body. The one in her vaginal canal slamming against her cervix.

The lights under her skin brightened more and more, shining brighter and brighter as they flashed and fluttered in the lace-like patterns under her skin. Her hair began to flicker and glow more and more vividly, the patterns of light overlapping into a shimmering display of frenzied color, as bright and as vivid a pink as the bougainvillea.

Though she was usually a creature of elegance and grace, there was neither as her body rode out her orgasm. It was pure primal, her body moving and spasming. Her body seemed to build up and up, the fluttering of the lighters sped up until there was a final brilliant flash of light. Her muscles gripping the probes squueezed tightly and held as a rush of fluid gushed out of her vaginal opening; a mixture of vaginal fluid, highly concentrated narcotic, and fructose laced water.

And then, at last, she collapsed, her body falling limply to the table with a sticky thud. Her breathing was heavy and deep. Her mind did not return to her, instead, she could feel darkness swim around her. She could not think or even be aware of the world around her.

The last thing she heard before darkness took her was the voice like a knife that could cut through her. It whispered into her ear.

And then there was nothing.


Re: Chapter 02: Supplemental [Time Unknown] Sordid Phytosociology

Reply #13
[ Metand | Biolab | Precept-ship Versant ] Attn: @Absinthe 

As vivid and remarkable as the display was, Metand frowned a bit, stepping further away, not too keen on the increased light emanating from within the Teslyliac specimen. He did an ocular notation about how the specimen retained the rare vaginal secretion of humans, and let the three arms continue what they were doing until the very end.

By that time, the recordings were complete, and all the fluids had been collected as samples for further study. His orderlies, which has taken keen interest in the study and engaged in palpation through the end of the process, now removed their hands from her gleaming skin.

"<Cease probe sequences and raise the module,>" he said quietly as he walked, returning to the specimen. With a loud whirr, and wet noises, the three probes vacated their individual orifices. The specimen's head and body settled upon the metallic surface of the diagnostic table, still spasming in aftershocks.

Metand, however, was frowning at his orderlies, since they were hardly conducting themselves as was befit those who'd assist in his research. Base, primal notions in their inferior minds. He would have to find new ones. Fortunately enough, there were plenty of Low Class citizens aboard the Versant that were eager to take their positions. "<Sanitize yourselves, please... When you are done, sanitize the specimen as well. Field setting seven. We have no further use of it right now. We have more than enough findings to study before we resume further testing.>"

Looking at the tablet in his hands again, seeing the sample results generating for him, he smiled for the first time since the study began. So much new data to catalogue, and new theories to verify. With the kind of results he'd just got, he had enough tests to last for months.

"<Until this study resumes, it would be beneficial for the specimen's health if she shared the same Observation Pen as the Corrected from her ship. Conduct a subdermal regeneration session in all affected areas, resuscitate her after transport, and make sure the holograms in the program tends to her immediate needs and help her settle in. End recording and file it under Teslyliac Test Alpha-One.>"

Without a second glance towards the specimen, Metand left the Biolab, still engrossed in the results shown on his datapad. If the orderlies did as instructed, or took advantage of the unconscious specimen, he didn't know. Nor did he truly care. He was merely conducting himself as in accordance with the Code, which might not be the case with the Low Class Antes he left behind.


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