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DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

After the ceremony was concluded on the Main Bridge, Captain Ives had left Commander Trent in charge so that he could have his meeting with Lieutenant Commander Wenn. Leading the way back into his Ready Room, Jien gestured to the chair on his way to his seat behind the desk. Doing so, Jien brought to mind what his old comrade has said on the bridge.

"Captain, the bridge is yours. I would also like to share some time with you in private, there are some things that have come to my attention that I feel you and I should discuss before things move to far along. It is nothing ship related, but more a matter with myself that I think needs to be addressed sooner rather than later."

"It sounded urgent," said Jien as he straightened his uniform after he had taken his seat. He folded his calloused hands upon the desktop and looked at the massive Bajoran across the table, "and personal. Has there been an altercation between you and someone in your Department?"

Given the man's role aboard, he often ended up being the one to break up fights among the crew and thus earn the hostility of one or both of the offended parties. That came with the position, so Jien thought this might have to do with his resurrection and how the crew was coming to terms with it. Furthermore, it was good that they had time to talk things through, since ThanIda zh'Wann had been released from Sickbay with Nicander's blessing to resume her duties. Jien was no fool, so he had understood that her transfer request had not been received well by his old friend, and now that she was back from her very, very short tenure on the Harbinger, Jien hoped that the two of them could come to terms with what had happened.

Jien might have judged Ida too harshly of late, and he hoped he could prevent Cinn from doing the same. The two of them had been a good team before his death, so with any luck, they had not grown too far apart. One thing was certain, the Chief of Security would need a capable Deputy on a ship and a mission such as theirs.

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Wenn Cinn | USS Theurgy | Deck 1 ]

Cinn sighed and shook his head no as he looked to his Captain and friend. "No Captain things have not been troublesome in my department...well aside from sorting out some unfortunate rape cases." He sighed and looked to the side as he collect his thoughts, Cinn did not wan to make this sound like a petty concern as he presented it. Taking a deep breath Cinn began to make his case as he looked back to Captain Ives.

"Captain while we were working to free you during the mutiny I was force to work with unideal people to set up a distraction and rescue team, I was unable to use my security staff a go to the general crew...It was while I did this that I got a look a how the general population of the Thurgy views me." Cinn sighed as he continued. "People do not trust me, they question the legitimacy of my identity, they wonder if  i'm here for some secret motive. And I far that my execution of Declan Vasser might prompt some of the crew to believe I am up to something sinister."

Cinn took a step closer to the Captain. "I o no know what I can do about this, but the fact that a decent chunk of the crew was willing to throw in their hat with the mutiny without persuasion shows that this crew is on edge an if they begin to question those in command we might have another situation on our hands...I feel I need to do something for my public image, to build up support again, to convince people  I am still the same person." Cinn then looked down. "My entire department needs it after the accounts of rape I have found...turns out quite a few of my men abused their position while under Vasser's control, people are are now afraid to trust security after what ha happened."

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

Remaining seated, Jien watched Cinn as he spoke of... two deeply troublesome matters, which in a way interconnected. On one hand, he claimed that the crew doubted his personal credibility as their Chief of Security, and on the other, they had lost faith in Security overall because of the transgressions of some individuals during the mutiny.

As for Cinn's handling of Vasser outside the Captain's Yacht, Jien had to remind himself that the rest of the crew had not been there and would not understand how large the margins of error had been if Cinn had not done precisely what he had to protect the crew. Both in the short term of protecting Jien and everyone else present at the scene, but in the long term as well. For if Vasser had managed to escape, there was no telling what kind of intel Vasser would have offered the enemy for free passage to anywhere he wanted to go.

"While I have no immediate suggestions for how you may improve your personal image among the crew, it is fortunate that you have identified this problem so that the entire Senior Staff can take appropriate measures. Now more than ever, it is important that our people in positions of authority commit towards a united front and conviction in the eyes of the crew. If we leave room for doubt among ourselves, the rest of the crew will impose their doubts upon others as well. Let us keep the question in mind; what we might do specifically for you to restore the crew's thrust in you."

Pausing, Jien then moved on to the overall opinion of Starfleet Security aboard. "These individuals are not alone in having committed crimes and breaking regulations. During the course of the mutiny, personnel from all departments acted in Vasser's interests, but never as themselves. You were not here during the Niga Incident, but like then, the absolute majority of the crew fell under mind-control. The difference, this time, was that it wasn't because of the pollination of fauna, but from a Vulcan's touch. The second difference is that this time, they all remember what they did. At least the victims of the Niga virus were granted the mercy of not remembering what they did."

And yet Jien remembered some of it, in glimpses, when he least wanted to.

"What you are witnessing now is how the stitchings of the scars from past ordeals have been torn open - barely healed wounds bleeding once more. For some, it is worse, for others, they can handle it better this time. The pain is not new to them. Nor is it restricted to your officers, but all those who were compelled to defect to Vasser by T'Rena's touch. It will take time, and aide from our new Counsellor, but we must endure."

One more time.

"I do not have all the answers, but I do know what to do first. Speak with your officers, listen and be there for them to lend more strength to their hearts. So will all the Senior Staff, but I know that now is not an easy time for us; we who are to lead by example. Still, we have to do the best we can, even if it is a trial to lead men and women when their spirits are low, but it is - nonetheless - our duty. Which lead us back... to you, my friend."

The faint smile Jien gave Cinn was threadbare, but nonetheless real. "What might I say, or do, personally or through writing, that may help you restore your good name?"

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Wenn Cinn | CO Ready Room | USS Theurgy | Deck 1 ]

As Captain Ives listened to Cinn and then began to give some rather insightful information into the crew and how things had been going Cinn nodded and he took in what his captain had to say before he began to talk gain. "I see, well such damage is going to be hard to work around, despite how many people were touched and convert there are still a handful of crew that willingly sided with Vasser, and I am getting accusations thrown around about people who did things without any persuasion. For the sake of the crew I am having to look into all of these cases to put all rumors to bed before something happens. I would benefit from some help looking into the reports, preferably a confidential list from medical on everyone who was touched as that I can weed out these cases more easily."

Cinn rubbed the back of his head and sighed. "As for a lot of the other things sir, I feel that the best course of action is to nip all of these rumors in the bud, I feel that we must have a public statement sent out to the crew about the situation with Vasser and what you feel needed to be done at that moment in time. If the crew sees it from your point of view we will be able to hopefully put some fears to rest. I think  would also benefit from having a proper investigation of the incident happened if the crew calls for it, I think that the best course of action with this mutiny is to be completely open about what happened. Well aside from the names of those who had been forced into the wrong idea. I think as the command we should be transparent with this incident and keep those on the wrong end anonymous."

As he came down to the final thing a the question of what Captain Ives could do to help him Cinn sighed. "As for what you can do for me I think that the best option would be to have no special treatment happen, the best we can do is try and fall back into the routines as usual, I will just have to try and be more open with the crew, and hopefully I will be able to rebuild my reputation. I think that you should keep in mind my current standing before we do things at least. Hopefully hings will recover in time."

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

At the request for a list of indoctrinated crew members and aide, Jien nodded slowly - the necessity quite plain to him. "The most confidential and discreet way will be for you to collect that information from Thea, and have her assist you in your investigation. She might also be considered a neutral party, should your investigation have to become public at some point," he said quietly, and was again reminded of the fact that he had to confront the A.I. about her insubordination during the battle. A matter that he had to discuss with Wenn Cinn after the subject at hand was dealt with. "The two of you will also have access to the personal reports that the crew submitted after the battle. The discrepancies all there. With her processing power, Thea will be able to spot those quickly for you."

"As for a public statement, I will have Thea conduct a hearing with Edena Rez, Dyan Cardamone and myself, putting it in writing and further analysed by herself and a few other officers of healthy repute. Then, I will have Ensign Henshaw send a message to the whole crew with the findings to to shed all doubt, along with my own words on the matter. This ought to give you some more credibility, and after that - like you say - you will have to restore your respect and reputation though your further conduct."

Pausing, Jien rubbed his temple in thought. "I trust you have heard about what Thea did, despite my orders at the Senior Staff meeting. Remind me, what is the security protocol for when your unshackled Ship A.I. goes rogue?"

Of course, there was no such protocol, but Wenn Cinn might have some good advise about what might be done. Thea had, after all, commandeered a Reaver and tried to reach a peaceful solution with Cala. Her attempt to board her daughter's last Vector and restore her programming had failed, and then, Deputy zh'Wann and her companions on the Harbinger had ended Cala's digital life. As it were, Thea was also a grieving mother for all Jien knew.

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Wenn Cinn | CO Ready Room | USS Theurgy | Deck 1 ] Attn: Jien Ives

Cinn nodded. "Alright then, I will do what I can with her to get things sorted out, I hope that we will not have to make any arrest with this situation." As Ives then gave his plan for a public statement on the incident with Declan Vasser, Cinn simply nodded. ''Well that is all I can really ask for. But I would not be surprised if people continue to question the matter." Cinn sighed as he thought about what was ahead of him."I certainly hope that things improve for the crew, otherwise I fear we might have people insisting on being put off the ship before to long."

As Wenn Cinn was asked about the situation with the AI and how she had acted during the previous engagement and what protocol was to be carried out for a situation like this, Cinn looked to his captain and just stared for a moment as he thought about what to say. "Well sir I guess it would depend on the situation. In an extreme case I would say destroy the ship to contain the threat, but in a case like this...Thea showed emotional decision making, she chose to risk everything to save one she consider her child, in most cases sir I doubt any organic crew would have one differently."

Cinn shook his head. "It is not an easy choice to make sir, what happened put a lot at risk, but it showed the behavior that our Federation strives to have in its AI, you should not punish this behavior, you must temper it, teach this AI restraint when needed, Thea has seen loss on a level she understands, I would say you should forbid Thea from turning off any emotions, and have her switch to operating minor ship systems that are usually left to the computer. It would not be efficient in the long rum, but it is the closest thing to a emotion I can think of, and it would put Thea in more basic tasks that would give her time to think I would imagine."

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

As he heard Wenn Cinn's suggestion, Jien took a deep breath, and changed... into her female form. Changing her mind caused her to change form as well, for she realised that Cinn was right. Perhaps she was too hard on Thea, the insubordination understandable, and also a step of development for her as a sentient being. She raised her eyes to the ceiling.

"Thea, would you please review the audio of this conversation in my Ready Room and join us?"

[Yes, Captain. One moment.]

She did not materialise through the repaired emitters in the ceiling, because since she had been present during Carrigan Trent's promotion just earlier, she walked through the sliding door instead - projected through her mobile emitter and wearing her red body-suit. She glanced towards Jien before giving Cinn a small smile. "Hello Lieutenant Commander. Let me take the opportunity to personally thank you for all that you did during the mutiny. I would have assisted you more had I not been trapped in this emitter and replaced with the secondary computer. Not to mention that the hologrid was damaged. Based on the results, however, I am not sure how much of an assistance I would have been. Like always, you protected the crew to the very best of your abilities."

Then she turned to Ives, and she folded her hands behind her back, shoulders squared in her usual posture. "From your conversation, I am to understand that while no decision has been made about a disciplinary action against me, I am to restrict myself to minor ship operations and emotionally process what happened when I failed to save my daughter." She paused to let Jien comment, but when there was no correction made, she continued. "Rest assured that this analysis has already been made, and had I known the true odds of my endeavour before I appropriated the Reaver Attack Fighter in the hangar, I would still have launched it in the same attempt. No input has yet to change the equation. With all due respect, I do not understand why taking calculated risks is a right bereft of me, when I am more than proficient in making that those calculations. Perhaps more so than the majority of the organic crew."

Obviously, Thea had things on her digital mind that she wanted to voice, so Jien remained silent - her face impassive as the A.I. continued.

"On Theta Eridani IV," Thea continued, remaining where she stood, "your spoke of my rights as a sentient being. A speech I remember vividly since it made my emotion chip send me such remarkable, positive input. It made me process  things I have never felt before since my activation. Then, a mere week later, you ordered me to not make the attempt to save Cala even if there was a chance that we might have done it. I am confused, Captain. Where do I stand? What am I to you?"

Nodding to the argument she made, Jien answered readily. "I meant every word I said down on the planet. I do consider you a person and a digital life-form with rights equal to the rest of the crew. The reason I did not approve the attempt was the low chances of success, and your emotional attachment to an enemy more advanced than yourself. Had your emitter been compromised, the access your emitter had to the Theurgy's systems would have spelled the doom of us all."

"Precautions had been made, Captain, yet you had not been briefed about them since they were contradictory to your standing order. Kae shed the emitter from vital tactical data and all access to critical ship systems. The emitter was in read-only mode, and my pasitronic brain core supported the crew's efforts. This, evident in how - after Ravenholm restored me - I was assisting both you, Lieutenant Commander Wenn and Petty Officer Cardamone in intercepting Declan Vasser before he escaped on the Allegiant. In short, had my emitter been compromised, Cala would not have been able to overwrite my presence in my Computer Core."

Clenching her jaw, Jien considered what was being said. Kae and Thea had taken precautions to circumvent risks, but they had still acted in contradiction to her orders.

Thea turned her head to look at Wenn Cinn again. "If you would recommend disciplinary action, because of my actions yesterday or at some time to come, then an alternative method for it would be to restrict or deny usage of this mobile emitter, because without it... I am but a numb shell of what I feel like when I use it. With this emitter, I feel like an organic being. I know this because I was allowed to feel the world around me like you do during the Ishtar Incident. Lieutenant Kae applied a new sensory mapping that only this emitter can handle."

Also a Bajoran, the young Holographic Specialist had really lived up to his title. Jien decided that the present Bajoran would decide in his role as Chief of Security.

"What say you, old friend?" Jien looked towards Cinn. "With this new information, do you think restricting usage of the new emitter a fitting punishment for insubordination, or shall we put this issue to rest without disciplinary action?"

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Wenn Cinn | CO Ready Room | USS Theurgy | Deck 1 ] Attn: Jien Ives

Cinn listened to what had to be said between the Captain and the ships AI, he had nothing really to add while the duo was talking, but he felt that the Captain was caving too easily, especially when the facts were being given, but the fact of the matter was that that is not what mattered in the case of command. And then as he was asked his opinion on the matter Cinn straightened up and spoke in a calm firm tone. "I feel that Thea should follow through with the punishment ideas that I had in mind. Having her man the simple systems that usually would have been managed by the ships computer, it is the closest thing to basic labor that we can pass own without compromise the ship's safety. I do not see a point to restrict emitter use when Thea is of much greater use when she is able to physically interact with the rest of the crew."

He then turned to look to Thea and spoke in a more firm tone. "Now I understand that you acted on your own knowledge and did what you felt was the best action at that point in time, but as much as this activity is encouraged, you cannot do this all the time." Cinn looked to the captain and then back to Thea. "You are a part of this crew, not a single on of us would protest this, but as such you must be bound by the same rules as the rest of us to ensure that we do not cause panic. As safe as it seemed to you to just go off and try and save Cala the fact that you abandoned the ship ad disobeyed the direct orders of the captain, doing this put us at risk with your absence and made people question the chain of command."

Cinn sighed. "When you, someone the crew looks to for information decides to ignore the captain and go off on your own, this makes people question the chin of command, and in the case of a mutiny or a combat situation the chain of command must be kept rigid, if it falters or breaks at any point things fall apart. You will see many bad readers in your life, you might be even ordered to sacrifice lives for the greater good, but we must obey command, If you know something the captain does not present it and try an make a case, Captain Ives has always been more open to counsel, try and get permission before acting. You mist find the balance between obedience an independence, it will not be easy, but it will work better then going to an extreme."

Cinn hoped that Thea understood, understood that even though she was given freedom an independence that sometimes that freedom had to be given up in situations to ensure safety, sometimes people had to follow orders that they did not like and take risks for the sake of the whole, ad as a part of the crew Thea needed to face the same things as everyone else.

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

Listening to Wenn Cinn, Jien had to keep herself from smiling a little because of the issue at hand, but when the Bajoran spoke, the relief of having him back aboard seemed to wash over her. His judgement was sound, as always, and his sentiment true.

This was not so much about the ramifications of the tactics Thea had applied to the situation, but more about the ramifications of her actions in the eyes of the crew. With the added information that she had actually shed the mobile emitter from tactical data and ensured that there was no possible access that would have been disastrous in Cala's grasp... the issue at hand were the signals that her insubordination sent to the crew.

"Interesting," said Thea, and she folded her arms underneath her chest, "In these particular social conventions, I believe I have miscalculated and set a slight double standard for myself. With unrelated cataloguing of said conventions in my memory banks and them being uploaded separately, I did not process the data at the same time, used different values based on accumulated experience, causing the output to not match in entirety."

Jien thought Thea had never sounded as much as a computer as she did right then, but she let the A.I. complete her reasoning verbally, even if she had derived the result before she spoke.

"While demanding the same rights as our crew members and organics, I failed to establish the correlating demands of the same situation. Even as I implied mistreatment, I considered not how the free will that Lin Kae granted me might place additional demands on my conduct. Please, understand that I could impossibly ignore orders before the Niga Incident - when he untethered me. This experience has now enlightened me how protocols and their implementation do not correlate when my data-feed of emotions present additional values."

Jien nodded slowly. "You faced a tough decision, a dilemma between what you had to do and what you wanted to do. What was right to you by two different standards."

"Like I said... Interesting." Thea turned to look at Wenn Cinn. "Thank you for helping me re-cataloguing some of the data in my memory banks. I accept the disciplinary action, as a reminder to add further analysis upon new decisions I might face."

There was a chirp from the door in the antechamber, but Cameron Henshaw was preoccupied, so Jien typed a command into her computer console. "Lieutenant zh'Wann, please come in. We were just finished here," she said, and then turned to the Ship A.I. "Dismissed, Thea. We will speak more later."

"Yes, Captain." Thea gave a smile to Wenn Cinn and inclined her head before walking out the door - leaving via the access to the Main Bridge. In the seconds before the Andorian Deputy arrived, Jien decided that she would have a talk with Lin Kae about the assistance he had lent Thea. The young man was an idealist when it came to holographic life, and it was already getting him into trouble. It was only right that he would answer for what he had done just as much as Thea had.

In walked ThanIda zh'Wann, in uniform and with wet hair hanging past her shoulders. Her blue features bore marks of the beatings from the Harbinger crew that Jien had read in her report, but she had been cleared by Medical. They were a tough people, the Andorians, with their physique and compartmentalised insides. The Deputy greeted Jien first, followed by Cinn. "Captain, Lieutenant Commander," she said, her antennae moving idly. "Reporting as requested."

"Please, have a seat, Deputy." Jien gestured towards the seat next to Wenn Cinn, and Ida took it without comment - face impassive. Jien supposed she might as well cut to the chase. "I asked you to come here for two reasons, but I suppose there are three reasons now that Mr. Wenn is here as well. First, I want to commend you for your efforts on the Harbinger during the battle, and to say that I am sorry for the unfortunate direction that our latest encounters have taken. While I demoted you to Junior Lieutenant on Theta Eridani IV, you were promoted to Lieutenant again when you transferred to the Harbinger - a senior officer required for the position as Chief of Security on that ship. The least I can do now that you are back on my ship, is to let you keep that rank. My apologies, also, for past grievances."

"Thank you, Captain. No need to apologise, however," said the Deputy, a faint smile ghosting over her face only to vanish as soon as it came. "My duty towards the crew's safety have provoked some bad decisions, and for them I deserved the reprimands. I still have some way to go before the crew might believe in me again after what happened to me during the Niga Incident, but even as a transfer to the Harbinger was an easy way towards that goal, it was - in hind-sight - not the right way to go."

Jien turned her gaze to Wenn Cinn, expecting that he would have a few choice words. "Do you have anything to add?"

Perhaps this was the only way to rebuild the bridge between the two security officers. Forcing them to share a room before their CO. Jien had seen that the transfer request had been received badly by Cinn after she spoke to him about Ida... but she had no idea just how bad it might be.

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Wenn Cinn | CO Ready Room | USS Theurgy | Deck 1 ] Attn: Jien Ives

As Thea had her moment of self discovery and realized just what had happened with her and the situation with Cala, Cinn had to admit it as a little worrisome that The, an AI had never thought about the issue of double standards and how she was given freedom like every other living thing, yet chose to ignore any rules for what she could and could not do. But at least she was thinking about it now, and that was at least something. "Well you are welcome Thea, and I hope that your thoughts into the matter prove productive, such thoughts are the burden of independent beings, weighing your responsibilities with what you feel must be done." He nodded to Thea as she disappeared.

As zh'Wann came  in to talk with the Captain, Cinn looked on as he felt like he was initially not needed here, but as it turned out he was going to be needed more than he thought. As she talked about how she felt that her place in the crew was going to be called into question an he let out a sigh. "Lieutenant I do not think that you are going to be feeling out of place with the rest of he security department right now, with ho many of them were converted we are having a slight public image issue at present, and to be completely honest, after what I had discussed with the Captain I feel that we will not have all that much trouble integrating you back into the crew, no with the new wounds to take attention."

Stroking his chin Cinn thought of what he could do for the matter at hand and he nodded to himself. "Grated with the way things are going I think that we will need to run a boot camp real quick, get you back into shape and up to the standards again, show that you are not above anything. Of course I will be leading this exercise for the sake of my own image as we move in to this post crisis period of time." Cinn took a deep breath and sighed. "We are all of Theurgy  here, and we need to keep that in mind moving forward, or else we risk things falling apart on us again. Another thought Captain, we need to ensure that the Harbinger crew that has integrated is not singled out after Vasser's mutiny, we need to ensure that the crew remains together."

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Captain Ives | CO Ready Room | Deck 01 ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

"Agreed," said Jien and inclined her head, "the crew we have earned from the Harbinger were all - more or less - converted to a belief that was not their own, so now that their minds are open again, it is important that they don't feel singled out. They need to be integrated with our loyal people, and it will be my priority to speak with them all personally. The better they commit to our cause instead of Vasser's idea to retreat, the better our chances will be at SB84. They are likely confused and trying to wrap their heads around their recent actions, but Counsellor O'Connor's officers have been through this before after the Niga incident, and if there are any rehabilitation and morale officers in the fleet that can make them all come to terms with T'Rena's mind-control, then it's them."

Ida spoke up next, hands on the arm-rests of the chair she sat in. Her lips were a thin line, antennae lowered - seemingly bitter about the overall situation they were in. "We are Starfleet Security. We should be the ones that the crew trusts implicitly. We are their last line of defence, and the assurance that they can preform their duties without looking over their shoulders in fear of those around them. We maintain order, but we do not stand above them. We are their equals. The necessity of trust is, however, imperative for us to be able to preform our duties. If there is dissent among our own ranks in Security, new additions or old officers, then the rest of the crew won't have any faith in our abilities either. Our outward appearance, at least until our new crew have come to terms with their situation, must be that we are on the same page. What you suggest, Chief, is a good idea towards that end. I can imagine that simulation-drills for the incursion into Starbase 84 will commence as soon as we have set up Commander Trent's intel on its defences in a holo-program. Before that, however, Security should definitely undergo boot camp, and I would personally like to assis-"

Jien raised her hand to stop zh'Wann before she got further. "We have a mission that I wanted to give you, Lieutenant. With Mister Wenn's consent, I might have to remove you from Security's own drills, at least for one day. I realise that it might be counter-productive to welding Wenn's team together, but I would not suggest it unless it was important."

Ida fell silent, looking between Cinn and Jien. It looked like she might have an idea about what mission it could be. "The Harbinger skeleton crew."

"Correct. Lieutenant Commander Stark needs an experienced security officer aboard the Allegiant, and you will be departing at 1200 hrs. Accompanying the two of you will also Doctor Maya, who may lift T'Rena's touch from their minds, and Chief Aisha S'Iti, one of their own - a liaison and a pilot in one. She is Cardassian, so she was immune to the mind-meld, and a former Marquis. She defected to our side as soon as she realised what Vasser and T'Rena were up to, and what they had done to succeed in their hostile takeover. She freed Stark and Tovarek, and the former retook the bridge before the battle with the Calamity."

Ida digested the information, and soon asked the obvious. "Pardon me for asking, Captain, but what makes it important that I come along?" she asked quietly. "That she is former Marquis, Cardassian or a Harbinger officer?"

"Neither," said Jien, her face impassive. It was not a biased opinion about either of those things that had compelled the request for Ida specifically. "She told me she did not agree with the premise of the mission to SB84. She did not think it right to put either of the two crews at risk against their will. She thought, and may still think, that it might be a suicide mission, and she may want to protect her old crew. Therefore, I do not want her to steal the Allegiant and vanish in the misguided attempt to save them from our mission. The reason I want her to be on the Allegiant, however, is that unless we give her the chance to prove her loyalty, she might never earn the trust of the Senior Staff."

Frowning, Ida looked towards the deck plates between her chair and the desk. She had to be thinking that the marks on her face came from the very same people that she was going to retrieve from the Harbinger's escape pods. Jien had read her report. She had fought them, and now she was going to save them, and before Doctor Maya lifted the veil placed over their eyes, they were still the same people that had - unsuccessfully - tried to rape her. Jien knew she was asking a lot from Ida, but she also thought that the Andorian was the right choice for that very same reason. She knew what they were up against, and she would be able to handle Chief S'Iti if she turned on them. Unfortunately, it would leave her out of the team-building drills of her own department, and Wenn Cinn would be alone to handle the current situation on the Theurgy until she returned.

Yet if successful, the Theurgy would earn forty new crewmembers, but more importantly... they would not leave anyone behind to die.

"Speak your heart, Cinn." Jien looked at her old comrade. "I am not making it easier for you, but it has to be done. I hope you understand."

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Wenn Cinn | CO Ready Room | USS Theurgy | Deck 1 ] Attn: Jien Ives

As Jien agreed with the idea of running a quick boot camp Cinn felt relief as this meant that he would have some time to get his security force drilled and familiarized with his method of running things again, as well as hopefully building some much needed trust between his men. It would also hopefully assist in building up relations so that in the future if  member of his team was acting out of character, or even if they were abusing their power the rest of the force could act to bring them to heel.

Cinn was going over his plan in his head when he was called upon for his consent to give up zh'Wann to allow hr to be sent off on a mission to do some work for the captain that sounded rather important when compared to the simple task of running a boot camp. the big problem however was that it would be at least a day of the training that zh'Wann would not be present and working to familiarize herself with the rest of the force. It was not ideal, but it was not too much of a problem that Cinn could not find a fix for it.

Cinn nodded and waved off the captain's concern and smiled slightly. "It will not be a problem, a small setback, but we can have zh'Wann address the people who will be entering the boot camp and have her be the one to call things together before she heads off on the mission, I will be able to take charge on my own and wait for her return and assistance with the teaching. It will only be a minor setback and we will have to work to get her integrated and familiarized with everything that is going on when she gets back, but I would rather do that than take her assistance away from you when you need it sir."

Cinn smiled and folded his arms in front of his chest a little cockily. "After all, these slackers have had it easy with me being dead, and I could use some relaxation time yelling my head of at them for every little mistake that is irking me." Cinn's smile showed that he was joking and it took the edge off of his statement, but it did not change the fact that this would indeed be therapeutic for him a he would be able to vent his stress and frustration in a constructive and imaginative manner.

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ ThanIda zh'Wann | CO Ready Room > Turbolift | Deck 01 ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

Glad that Wenn Cinn and Ida fond a resolution in the conflict of interest, Jien rose from his chair.

"I reckon you have preparations to make for the mission, Lieutenant zh'Wann, so I suggest you get in touch with Commander Stark to learn what the mission requirements might be. Personally, I have a lot on my own plate, and I need to start showing my face to all the departments. Worst thing I could do after a mutiny is to hole myself up here as if it was some kind of fortress. If either of you need my input, just contact me. I will be around. Dismissed."

"Aye, aye, Captain," said ThanIda zh'Wann and rose in time with Cinn, and she walked out with him as well - leaving Captain Ives behind in his office.

As they made their way to the turbolift, Ida could not help but wanting to tell her Chief that she was sorry for wanting to transfer to the Harbinger instead of staying as his Deputy. Judging from his reaction, that morning when he had come to her quarters and she had told him, she thought it might have been difficult for him to handle. Perhaps that has been why he had turned so cold towards her, with not a smidgen of understanding of her reasons. At the time, she had been furious with him, but now she thought that - perhaps - he had not been able to relate to her plights because he had not been there to see her reputation sullied and her shame so unbearable.

Yet as she walked there next to him, with the Harbinger gone and her efforts having become somewhat of a redemption in the eyes of their Captain and the crew, she thought that perhaps it didn't matter, in the end, what their reasons had been. Perhaps it was better to just move on, because they both knew how well they had worked together before he died and before she lost her honour at the mercy of Niga's flora. Perhaps, since they had been separated, they could go just back to what they once were.

"I trust you will warm them up for me until I return," she said in reference to the drills that would ensue, and she gave the ridge-nose a rueful smile as they entered the turbolift. "I know Zaraq stepped down as Master-at-Arms yesterday, so he can't help you with the drills either, but nonetheless... In knowing that you are here, and I don't have to worry about the safety of this crew, and fully focus on a mission like this. My thanks... for not being a corpse any more. You have been sorely missed."

Having said this, she clapped him on the shoulder, as if to make sure he was really there, and to feel his solid frame under her hand. It would not be seemly to hug the large Bajoran, even if that was what she wanted to do. She was former Andorian Guard, and she would not give her superior officer a hug. He was former Bajoran Resistance, and he would not care for such sentimentality either. Certainly not. She folded her hands behind her back instead, clearing her throat. Once, before he died, she had thought she harboured feelings towards Cinn, and she realised that she would have to deal with those thoughts again, now that he had returned.

OOC: Open ended here. Either we end this scene now or you can post in answer if you feel like expanding upon the scene between Cinn and Ida. ;)

Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ Wenn Cinn | CO Ready Room | USS Theurgy | Deck 1 ] Attn: ThanIda zh'Wann

Walking into the turbolift with zh'Wann, Cinn vaguely remembered some rumors of zh'Wann having some interest in him and he wondered if that would ever come up again, and if it did, how would he address such things, he had found his way into a fling not, but a few days ago and he felt that he should be a bit more cautious with how he conducted himself with the way things had been going, he doubted that people would be very understanding of his actions with how thing had been currently going.

This train of thought was disrupted as zh'Wann spoke to him. Looking to her as she went over how she assumed Cinn would warm up the troops for her he smirked. "Oh yes, I intend to use them as some much needed stress relief, I could use a good yelling to get the steam out. Do not worry, one day, and hey will be broken n for you...might leave them a bit of fight to make you work for it though." He chuckled menacingly s he waited for the lift to descend, at the same time the resignation of the Master at Arms was brought up Cinn sighed. "Indeed the resignation has slowed things down, but I would have asked for the same hing if it had not happened, someone so prominent in the mutiny without persuasion could not be left in suck a position any longer sadly. Fortunately I have  replacement in mind, and I will be sending the captain their record and my recommendation for promotion to the role this evening, that way I can get them into their post right away tomorrow."

As zh'Wann put her hand on Cinn's shoulder and said that she as glad he as back, Cinn could not help but smile as well, for one of the first time since he had come back he felt that he was actually being accepted back into the community of the ship and it was very comforting to know that the one prophet might have been wrong like the others had said, and he was indeed still of Theurgy. Of course as zh'Wann put her arms don behind her back Cinn took his turn and put a firm hand on her shoulder and gently rocked her. "Thank you zh'Wann it is good to know more people happy to see me back again." He grinned confidently. "I will have to head back to my work, but I wish you luck on your mission. Personally I think the captain chose well for the job, you will do fine." He let go and pad zh'Wann's shoulder and looked back to the door as they neared their stop.


Re: DAY 01: The Path Ahead [0915 hrs.]

Reply #14
That Wenn Cinn thought she would do fine was oddly reassuring. She had great confidence in her skills and would do everything it took to get the minds of the Harbinger survivors cleansed and bring them back to serve on the Theurgy. Moreover, she would make sure the Cardassian that would be following along on the mission didn't get any bad ideas about taking command of the Allegiant and escaping with those survivors - fulfilling the late Declan Vasser's dream of mobilising a pure-bred army.

"My gratitude, and to you as well. Don't go dying again while I am gone."

The grim smile Ida gave Cinn in parting was all she could give him, even though she had felt compelled to give him a hug - an inclination begotten by the many years she had spent with the pinkskins, obviously. The turblift doors opened at her deck, and she left to gear up for the mission.

- Fin

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