[ Lt. Foster | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08| Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BipSpoon
Whether Stellan found himself wandering through copious distant lands as Papageno, falling in love with the Queen of the Night’s daughter - holding court in the magic woodlands of ancient Greece as Oberon, King of the Fairies – floating down the Mississippi with Huck Finn on a ramshackle raft, with straws dangling from their lips – or pursuing a libertine life of varied amoral experiences as Shk’shee, after selling his sole to the devil, in Betazoid poems … it was hard to mistake him for a lover of the mundane. After all, his mother had always tried to take him away from the acid swamps of reality, as a child, and transport him to the meadows of literary delight. But he had never taken to the bland stories of caterpillars and comatose princesses. Very early on she had found that he only got his intellect engaged in things that challenged him. His mind like a black hole that needed constant sustenance and didn’t even notice the occasional planet or moon, but rather dealt in galaxies and dust clouds. All part of the genetic modifications he had undergone, on behest of his father, to make him smarter, more in touch with the Betazoid values of his heritage.
So, time of his life, the man had left no ancient classic unread, no poem unmemorized, no traditional music unswaying his mind, which had crossed his path. His cognizance, as well as his shelves, his cupboards and closets, were filled with the tokens of that licentious devouring of artistic ether. Leaving behind empty husks of knowledge and muse, like a spider sucking out its prey. But that didn’t mean there wasn’t the occasional vice, that the man indulged in, which others wouldn’t consider ‘deep’ on an intellectual level. But just as a S’oka beetle could be unassuming on the outside, the Betazoid tundra spider could still derive a rather nutritious lunch from it. And so were many of the man’s rather obscure fancies. Especially those that did not adhere to matters of propagation rooted in ancient tradition, like paper-printed books, vinyl disc engraved with soundwaves, or rolls of parchment with inscriptions of literary gold. No, sometimes modern technology could infuse an added sense of realism to history’s most proficient works, that fantasy just couldn’t replicate. Not always.
Which had led Stellan to holodeck 02, this one furtive night, in pursuit of photonic manifestations, like wraiths born from thin air. His mind had just been a jumble lately, with all the strong emotions on the telepathic ether like a meteor shower of nerves burning up in the atmosphere of desperation and angst. Ever since he had been taken off the ice, he’d found it harder to shut the voices out, burdened with the impressions and mementos from when he was under. So, in a way, he was not only dealing with the demons of the present, but also those of the past. There was only one sure fire way he knew how to shut the enchanting whispers of despondency up, or at least mute them to a bearable level, and that was adding voices to the mix that were just that more enthralling. Angel’s hymns, from an era long passed, so at least it could pass in some manner for ‘classic’. Which eased his mind already to no end, as he entered into the abyss, watching reality spring to life around him at a simple behest.
Building from photons and forcefields was a darkly lit stadium, spotlights at the stage, the ranks basket in daim obscurity. A jumble of flamboyant colors in the set-dressing, protagonists in showy outfits, mirroring their individual personalities. Moving down the rows of empty chairs, as the scene was still frozen in time like a memory, Stellan slipped into a trail of seats, plucking himself down precisely in the middle. A space from where his peripheral vision framed the platform perfectly. Letting gravity settle him into the soft cushions, gentle wiggles moving across his physique like a dance, the man relaxed with a content sigh, expelling whatever terrors he still held within his ribcage. Letting the faintest of quiet moments sink in, as the dust seemed to settle around him, before giving the ultimate cue to let the 20th century entertainment act on stage spring to life as if marionettes, awaking from mystical slumber. They were his favorite from the period … by a long shot.
The spotlights rotated in on the five women, each one arm erected into the sky, as they shifted into their eclectic dance moves, drawing a complacent smile on the man’s face, as the lyrics began to be belted out, each singer taking one line making it her own in tone and demeanor.
“Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
So tell me what you want, what you really, really want
I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want …”