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Topic: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]  (Read 10193 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: CH06 Battle Log: Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone [D03|1405]

Reply #25
[ Lt. Cmdr Thomas "Razor" Ravon |  Cockpit | AC-409 Mk III Valkyrie ] Attn: @Pierce  @jreeves1701  @Cleric_Kyan   @Havenborn    @SummerDawn  @Auctor Lucan    @BipSpoon

With the rumbling staring to die down, Thomas could see the shift in the battle. Wondering just what had triggered it, he tried to get a sense of the bigger picture. He circled his fighter around the Theurgy as it formed one whole once again. The warping forces and the ongoing fighting seemingly dying off at this point and Thomas narrowed his eyes. Whilst this battle had been bloody and full of losses, he couldn't come to terms with it just ending like this. Frustration boiled up inside of him before he received a recall order from Henshaw.

Looking for his fellow wolves first, he noticed that most if not all besides him had taken the deck. He gazed out to the debris and soundless explosions ahead of him. Knowing Miles was somewhere in there, or at least a part of him. Finding him or seeking him out on his own now would be a bad plan if anything. As much as he'd want to find any sign or remains of his mentor, Thomas knew that he was needed back on the ship. His duties lay there and he would have a ton responsibilities once he had landed.

In that moment, he envied the life he had before, the simple job of flying your ship, sending an after action report and just leading your own thing after that. The higher rank came with more tedious tasks and like he realized it before, all made part of a bigger picture. He scoffed and let Cameron know he was coming back to the ship for landing. His fighter relatively unscathed besides a few scorch marks, light bumps and scrapes. The ship taxied into the rather devastated fighter bay and Thomas could only come to the conclusion that the ship had seen a bad time on the inside as well.

Parking his ship on the designated spot, he powered it down and grabbed his rifle from the cockpit as he opened up the canopy. Seeing Liam he shouted to the man "Is it secure? Or do we need to help with the sweeps?" He glanced to the remaining fighters. Goldeneye's ship rather damaged while K'ren's and Havenborn's seemed in decent if not okay shape. He was unaware of the losses that were mourned though and he could see the bodies being laid on the deck. His mind wondering as to wonder if his loved ones were alright. One special person in particular.


Re: CH06: S [D03|1405] Loggin’ Into The Danger Zone

Reply #26
[ Ensign Liam Herrold | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]
Attn: @jreeves1701 @Pierce @Havenborn @SummerDawn @BipSpoon @Nolan 
The Lone Wolves were returning to the bay, and Liam had witnessed through the bay door how the tide of battle was ebbing out, and that the Klingons had finally come to their senses - deciding to leave the Theurgy be and not shed more blood fighting each other when there was an enemy threatening their border. Having lost deck crew to the boarding parties, and seen Gorn loose in his bay, Liam wasn't... very impressed with Klingons any more, to put it mildly.

The time when the fighters returned required a lot of Liam's attention, so while he had spotted both K'Ren and Daniel - his old crewmates from the Resolve - returning home after the battle, he hadn't been able to check on them. Work had begun to secure the crafts and making sure neither of them were at risk of having belated consequences - of the explosive kind - from their damages. hardpoints were stripped and replaced with the standard outfits as per pilot requests, since the mission parameters hadn't stated any specific armament yet. The second to last Valkyrie returned, and when it was was finally in its slot, Liam was not far away, catching the eyes of the Wolf Leader.

"The bay is already secure, sir, don't worry about it," he called back, barely being afforded the time to spare the Commander more than a quick glance. "Lieutenant Lance is in sickbay, along with many others. Renard on the way in?"

The silence that came was answer enough, making Liam stop with what he was doing, and looked at Thomas Ravon again.

"Oh, I am sorry," he said quietly, voice barely heard over the shouting from his deck crew as he looked up at the figure on top of the Valkyrie. Liam knew the two went a long way back, and as members of the original Lone Wolves on the Theurgy, he recognised that he might not be the only one to resent Klingons. Given that Iron-Fox had been believed dead after the battle at Starbase 84, it was almost as if Liam couldn't quite process that the Vulpinian had actually died this time, as if he was expecting the old Wolf Leader to show up through those bay doors nonetheless.

Alas, this time, no more Wolves returned to their den.


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