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DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

[ Tessa May Lance | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: Wenn Cinn, Zaraq?  ThanIda zh'Wann? Ryuan Sel?

After the unofficial wake the Lone Wolves had held in 'Below Decks' Tessa May Lance, callsign 'Goldeneye' made a decision.  She had only counted nine wolves.  Thomas Ravon, callsign 'Razor' still hadn't been found.  The Lone Wolf Squadron had lost two thirds of their pilots, and the only one member of the Harbinger's Dor'GhItlh Squadron, Ensign Christopher James Slayton, had survived the destruction of his base ship in order to fill up the roster.

Iron Fox needed every pilot he had at the top of their game and the problem was that Tessa hadn't been at the top of her game ever since finding out that Starfleet was being run by evil brainsucking aliens from the outer void.   Cliché as it sounded, it was an unshakeable faith in Starfleet that made her proud to wear the uniform, and now that her faith was gone she didn't deserve to wear it.  She was centimeters away from packing it in and joining Edna Rez as a useless civilian.  That wasn't an option.  Her squad mates needed her. They were shorthanded as it was.  It was time to step up and turn herself back into an officer again. 

So the next day, bright and early Lieutenant Commander marched herself over to the security offices on deck seven to seek an audience with Wenn Cinn, the USS Theurgy's 'new' chief security officer.  Commander Cinn was an enigma.  Tessa heard that he had been blown out an airlock during an earlier battle yet somehow he was back to life, and back at his office, with no conceivable explanation. 

"Lieutenant Lance," she announced herself to the petty officer on duty.  "I'm here to see Commander Cinn."  With that silver hair and those deep green eyes, Tessa assumed that the security specialist she was speaking to was Petty Officer First class Dyan Holly Cardamone.  So she had survived the mutiny.  That was a surprise, considering she was formerly a Harbinger crewmember.  Scuttlebutt had it that Petty Officer Cardamone had spent most of her time in sickbay after coming aboard.  She wouldn't have been given assigned duty so quickly if she had been one of Vasser's mutineers, so Tessa assumed that Cardamone had been too sickly to bother brainwashing. 

"He's in," the silver haired security specialist replied.  "Is he expecting you?"

"No, but see if he's got time for me anyway," Tessa sighed. 

"Yes Ma'am," Cardamone nodded before tapping her combadge.  "Commander Cinn, there's a Lieutenant Lance requesting to see you."

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Wenn Cinn | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]

As Dyan contacted Wenn Cinn about seeing Lieutenant Lance he look up from his data PADDs and rubbed his face and sighed. He tapped his combadge and spoke. "Send her in, I have some time to hear her out." He sighed a shook his head before He set about turning off his data PADDs and making sure that Tessa would not be able to see any of the information that he was reviewing. So many cases to review, so may leads to take in to account to see what there was to the claims of the crew during the mutiny, the annoying thing was that people were letting their grudges take hold.

As Tessa came into his office Cinn finished finalizing a report of intentional rape by a willing mutineer, annoyingly there just seemed to be no end to these false claims. "Hello Lieutenant, I am sorry that I have not had time to meet up with you as I had intended after things claimed own, but things turned out to be far worse than I had anticipated." He shook his head. "So tell me, what is it that you need to talk with me about?"

He cocked his head to the side as his computer beeped, looking it over he sighed. "Well we have yet another batch of names finally, this is not an efficient system. I m going to need to talk with the captain and the medical staff to make this more efficient." Cinn rubbed the side of his head before looking back to Tessa. "Sorry, I am getting distracted from you."

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Tessa May Lance | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  Wenn Cinn

"Hello Lieutenant," Cinn greeted.  "I am sorry that I have not had time to meet up with you as I had intended after things calmed own, but things turned out to be far worse than I had anticipated.  So tell me, what is it that you need to talk with me about?"

At that moment Tessa's mind went blank as she completely forgot what she had intended to say.  Fortunately she was saved by the computer on his desk that beeped for attention.

"Well we have yet another batch of names finally, this is not an efficient system," Cinn commented with a sigh as he glanced at the screen sticking out of his desk.  "I'm going to need to talk with the captain and the medical staff to make this more efficient." he muttered as he rubbed the side of his bald dome before looking back at Tessa. "Sorry, I am getting distracted from you."

"Oh no, that's quite all right sir," she assured him.  Lately she had gotten easily distracted herself.  "Commander, um, I need to request the use of one of your personnel... um it concerns the training of certain officers, uh... Permission to speak freely sir?"

OOC:  I'm expecting my next post to be longer. 

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #3
Cinn looked to Tessa as she asked about training personnel and possibly borrowing someone, but as she asked about speaking freely Cinn nodded and turned off his console. "Of course Lieutenant, you have earned that right. Speak your mind and if it is within my power I will get it for you." He folded his hands and looked Tessa in the eyes as he waited for her to give her requests.

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Tessa May Lance | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn:  Wenn Cinn

Wenn's permission threatened to unlock the floodgates.  "Sir, when we met in Below Decks, I was the highest ranking officer before you showed up.  You appeared out of nowhere and took control and relegated me to decoy duty," she recounted bitterly, eyes glistening at the memory.  "You came back from the dead from out of nowhere after several months and I just let you take over and let you stick me and Papa Bear on a suicide mission that wouldn't accomplish anything strategic even if we survived!   And I let you!"

"And... and the worst part," Tessa stammered as her anger drained out of her, "was that you were right.  You made the right decision," she admitted miserably as she turned her eyes to the floor.  "We both did.  If I would have led the rescue party to spring the captain I would have gotten everybody killed including the skipper.  I just don't have it anymore.  Ever since the ship's gone on the run I've become a sorry excuse for an officer and a threat to my fellow pilots.  I've lost my edge, and I can't pretend anymore."

Steeling her courage, she lifted her eyes to look at Cinn.  "Let's be honest.  I'm the walking dead.  I should turn in my uniform and wait on tables in Below Decks.  But Commander Renard can't afford to lose another pilot.  He needs everyone he can get to fly a Valkyrie.  Quitting the squadron isn't the answer.  What I need a trip back to boot camp, a way to cram Officer's Candidate School into a week or two.  I need some grizzled chief to serve as a drill instructor turn me into an officer again.  I've put a lot of thought into this.  I'm not the only one who needs some training and discipline aboard this ship.  We've got too many civilians on this ship already; they need to be trained on how to react in a crisis."

Tessa's resigned calm slipped away as she struggled to keep herself from babbling.  Without waiting for his answer, she had already assumed the worst.  "Come on sir, it's a good idea!  You managed to come back from the dead!  Don't I get the same thing?  I just want to get my head together so I can serve, that's all!" she stammered as she wiped the tears out of her eyes.  "I just want to pull my own weight.  If that means reliving Hell Week, so be it!" 

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Wenn Cinn | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]

As Tessa let loose and began to reveal her feelings about what had happened and ho sh felt about the events that had unfolded during the mutiny, Cinn could not help but begin to feel a little bit bad for the woman, she ha been put on the spot and had so much asked of her while at the same time the world that she knew had been pulled out from under her. I truth Cinn could relate to that and it made him feel as though he needed to do everything he could to help Tessa to the best of his abilities.

Locking his fingers together Cinn nodded and looked up to Tessa and he waited for her to finish before he spoke. "I know that the entire situation was hard for you Lieutenant, and the spot it put you in throughout that ordeal was no something I would often wish upon anyone, but the fact of the matter is you rose to the occasion despite your troubles." He sighed. "However, I will not blow smoke up your ass, you are truly in desperate need of some confidence, as you are now I fear putting you in any situation might break you. But I do agree with you, a boot camp would do you some good, we would whip you back into shape and help you get over your lack of confidence."

Cinn stroked his chin in thought before he continued. "However I feel we will need more than you, and my department needs this as well. We will open this up to the ship, let those who feel they need some help join in, and I will run through my own men, this would be a great time to build ties within the crew, and hopefully this will allow some of the crew to work out their stress." Turning his focus back to Tessa Cinn stood up ad smiled to her. "Thank you for bringing this idea to me, it will be most beneficial to put this into action."

Cinn grinned a bit more and spoke in a slightly darker tone. "It will also be a wonderful opportunity for me, I have been getting more than enough stress with the work that I have had to do here, now I will be able to have a constructive outlet to let out my frustration. And we will need to make it clear Lieutenant, that if you take pat in this boot camp you will b treated the same as any new recruit on their first day in boot camp, this is meant for training." Cinn's to softened and he looked to he console and sighed. "As much as I would like to share that drink with you I must meet with some other people and see to a promotion to a new Master at Arms, but after all that would you care to share that drink before we start up boot camp?"

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Wenn Cinn, Tessa Lance

Over the past couple of days, really ever since her exposure to the unrestrained pheromones of the Deltan nurse, Sel had found herself constantly uncomfortable in her uniform. She spent most of her off hours either in the gym beating the crap out of the punching bag or in her quarters, either way she wasn't in her uniform.It was good stress relief and she had been heavily stressed. She was in the gym when she received a notice. She needed to meet with the head of her department, the Chief of Security Wenn Cinn. She did her best to have little contact with him, being a living representation of the power of the Prophets. But she could not refuse and thus after pulling a fresh uniform out of her locker she made her way to his office.

As she walked there she could feel her blood pressure rising. It peaked when she stepped through the main doors of Security. She walked up to the aide's desk.

"I got a notice that the Chief wanted to see me," she said as calmly as she could manage.

"You can head in," the aide said gesturing to the door.

Sel took a deep breath and hit the door chime. When the door slid open she took a single step in. "Petty Officer 1st Class Ryuan Sel, reporting as ordered," she said stiffly.

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Tessa May Lance | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ]  Attn: Wenn Cinn

"Of course sir," she smiled with a gasp of relief.  It felt so good just to get it out, to vent.  What was the old saying?  'Physician, heal thyself?'  In the last few months, Tessa could describe her activities as 'outsmarting herself' in order to avoid any stress that she hadn't been trained for and wasn't ready to handle anymore.  She had been walking on eggshells, had become a cypher.  Her friends and family back on Proxima Colony wouldn't recognize the timid, hesitant woman who had replaced the social animal who had graduated from the Alpha Flyer program two years ago. 

But this was no time for introspection.  Commander Cinn had okayed it, and it was time to take 'yes' for an answer.  Tessa almost had to bite her tongue to keep herself from arguing for something that he had already agreed to.  One more thing for the remedial boot camp to knock out of her. 

"What would you like sir?" she asked as she moved over to the food replicator installed in the wall.

In the meantime, it was time to take this buoyant feeling and try to forget that she was having drinks with the dead guy.  It was essential that she didn't worry about whether he was the real  Commander Cinn and just trust Ives' judgement and not do anything weird that would ruin this...

"Petty Officer 1st Class Ryuan Sel, reporting as ordered," a blonde, blue-eyed bodacious Bajoran bombshell announced as she entered the room.

Or she could excuse herself and let Cinn get on with reorganizing his department.

"I guess I'll take a raincheck on that drink sir," Tessa smiled.  "I'll let you get back to business," she nodded before heading for door.  "I've already informed Commander Renard of the idea and he's okayed it sir," she added as she paused in the doorway.   "We can go ahead as soon as you arrange it."

OOC: Feel free to describe Tessa leaving the room in your next post Zenozine. 

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Wenn Cinn | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ryuan Sel, Tessa Lance

As Tessa asked what drink Cinn would like he shifted in his chair and was about to ask for a nice earthy ale that he knew of, but then Ryuan entered the office and interrupted the meeting. Cinn was unable to say anything as Tessa took the first chance she had to take a rain check on the drink, with a sigh Cinnn nodded, "Indeed lieutenant, I will send you a message later, perhaps we can met up at Below Decks, if I recall I owe the bartender my thanks."

He saluted to Tessa before she left before he turned his attention to his fellow Bajoran and he motioned to one of his chairs. "Welcome Petty Officer, thank you for meeting up with me here, I have been fairly busy as of late, but something has come up that has take priority for us. As you might be aware, the former Master at Arms has resigned their post after the events of the mutiny. This has left us in an awkward situation and with a position needing to be filled." He looked Ryuan in the eyes. "After reviewing the people fit for the task I have concluded that you are the most qualified to fill the position, and the Captain agrees with me. So I would like to congratulate you on a promotion, you are to be the new Master at Arms."

Cinn took a data PADD and he set it on the far side of his desk for Ryuan to take and look over. "This is your job information, everything you will need to know for your new job is detailed there, anything you need to know and all your new passwords for your job." When she took he PADD Cinn gave her a few moments to take it all in before he spoke gain. "If you have any questions feel free to ask, with all the chaos happening I am ready to provide assistance if needed."

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #9
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

Sel moved to the desk and picked up the PADD. She had heard rumors that the master-at-arms was stepping down. Some of the other security personnel had implied that it would be decided relatively soon which of them was going to take his place. Sel was not overly surprised that she was chosen. It was pretty much standard stuff, nothing unexpected, at least at a simple glance through. She would have to read the PADD in more detail later, for now she had a question she felt she had to ask. "I can't help but think this sounds oddly like a promotion," she said cautiously. She wasn't certain who had put her name up for the promotion, but she was not about to push her luck. Still, she needed to know where she stood. "Though I would assume I would get a rank change if that were the case."

OOC: Sorry this is a bit short, I'm a bit brain fried at the moment.

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Wenn Cinn | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ryuan Sel, Tessa Lance

As Sel went over the PADD and looked at the information given on hr new position Cinn leaned over to the side ad opened up one of the compartments on his desk and began to dig round in it. As he was rummaging thorough his thing he looked to Sel as she began to talk about how she was suspecting that there was going to be a rise in rank for her to go long with the new position, to this Cinn nodded as he grabbed hat he had been searching for and closed his desk. "As a matter of fact you are correct abut that. Due to your diligence and performance the captain and I have also decided to give you the rank of Ensign." Standing up from his desk Cinn straightened his uniform before he walked around the desk and presented the box to Ryuan.

Cinn maintained his composure and let Ryuan take the box with her new rank pin before he spoke again. "I assume that I do not need to remind you of the importance of your duty ensign, and I assume that you know how to compose yourself with this new responsibility. But I also know how stressing this time can be, so I want to make it clear that you can seek out any help that you might need, and the former Master at Arms will still be available to give you any assistance that you might require to get you settled into your new position." With how strained his department was Cinn would rather his people had ever option available for them.

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

Sel silently took the box with her new rank pip in it. She wasn't sure what to say. After her lack of discretion with Sarresh Morrali she had not felt especially like she deserved much praise. She had all but let the ship fall, and all to get her rocks off. She knew it wasn't really her fault, but dereliction of duty was still dereliction of duty. She felt more like she deserved to be punished than rewarded.

And yet...

 And yet now she was being promoted.

She would have refused the promotion. In fact she felt almost obligated to refuse the promotion. But she knew that if it had not been for the need of people who knew their jobs to be in positions in which they could do the those jobs best she would not have been there at all. And though she still doubted her ability, the thought of failing at a another critical time caused her no small amount of stress. And yet she could not allow herself to let her own selfish desire to be punished for her failings distract her from the truth. She was likely the only option.

"I will do my best sir," she said softly, though could not bring herself to look him in the face.

OOC: Sorry this took so long.

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Wenn Cinn | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ryuan Sel

As Ryuan took her rank pip and looked down a it Cinn could tell that she was not feeling as though she had eared it, and in truth there were some areas that she did not earn it, but she had still gotten the promotion and she needed to get some reasoning why to put her mind at ease and hopefully to get her acting like an ensign.

"Ensign, before you leave. I want you to know I have read the reports, I know where you were during the mutiny, and I get the feeling that this is wearing on you. I want you to know that you we not give this promotion on your performance, nothing you did made us think you were deserving, it is you as a person that convinced the Captain and me that you were deserving of this promotion." Cinn put a hand on her shoulder and gripped it firmly. "You are a promising officer, you how the merits that are looked for in an ensign. I know you believe you have not earned that promotion, but I know you will rise to the occasion, you will perform your duty far better than any other."

Cinn released Ryuan and stepped back. "We would not have chosen you without reason, and we believe you are ready for this ensign, now stop doubting yourself and actually do your best, none of us benefit from doubting ourselves." He motioned to the door. "Now I have taken enough of your time, please do not let me keep you further. Go and prepare for our new post, and do not forget to celebrate, you re ready for this promotion, and you will earn it ten fold before our journey ends, I am sure of it."

Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ Ryuan Sel | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Wenn Cinn

Sel nodded silently. She understood well enough. There was no way she was the first choice, but choices were limited to the people on the ship and still loyal. She was both of those, or at least she was pretty sure she was. When she at last spoke she didn't have much to say.. "Thank you sir," she said as she slipped the new rank pips in to her uniform pocket, she figured she would put them on later. Saluting the chief she waited just long enough to be dismissed before she turned to leave, not wanting to stay any longer than she had to.

Once she was out in the corridor she could not help but slump against the wall. Something about being in the very presence of the Chief set her off at ease. Perhaps it was that while she had felt abandoned by the prophets, he had been revived by them. He was living because they willed it. It almost made her tremble with rage, though she did her best to suppress it while she was around him. It was something she knew would be a problem one day, especially now that she was moved up the ranks.

After a moment she pushed off the wall and headed toward her quarters. She was feeling emotionally and physically drained.

OOC: And I'm pretty sure that about ends this scene. I'll let you wrap it up however you want~


Re: DAY 02: Back From the Dead [0800 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Wenn Cinn | Security Offices | Deck 07 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: Ryuan Sel

As Cinn as left alone he went back to his desk and sighed as he began to go over the reports and other things that the mutiny had spawned that needed to be resolved. For two day he had been stuck working on the same thing, he had been able to weed out many reports, but he still ended to follow up on many of the cases of rape and find some way to sort out the problems. He also went through his schedule and made sure that he had room for the boot camp that he was going to be working on, and sought out the people that he would be needing to help run the bit of training. At the same time he checked how booked he was and made sure that he would have at last an hour for himself to head down to the Below decks an have a drink and thank the bartender for his assistance during the mutiny.

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