Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: USS Theurgy: What If...? A Winter Wonderland
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Shadow stood shivering as the other Andorian introduced herself and the pilot’s dark eyes widened a bit in recognition of the name. Uh oh, Talia’s mind instantly whispered in worry, mostly because she didn’t have the best reputation with security, but also because she couldn’t be absolutely sure she hadn't literally run into the Deputy during her and Ghost’s drunken romp through the ship. Needless to say, Talia’s nose and cheeks – already rosy and stinging from the cold – turned a shade darker under the Deputy’s scrutinizing gaze. Wonderful, Shadow grimaced mentally, but any further self-chastisement was interrupted by Zark’s hands and mouth, which prompted a muffled moan of surprise, followed by an alarmed blink. Whether the medico mistook said moan as encouragement or was simply being her usual sensual self – Talia couldn’t tell – but her leg raised of its own accord from Kali’s grip on her ass cheek. Physical contact had always been Talia’s weakness, a fact very few people knew; Zark, of course, was one of them.
But even as her body melted into the kiss, which was lovely and reciprocated before Shadow even realized what she was doing, Talia’s mind was screaming in opposition, as always: Not in front of the Deputy! What are you doing?! Control yourself, Talia scolded herself. But Zark’s lips and tongue, effortlessly sensual, overruled her own mental programming; the pilot’s mind blanked, for a brief, blissful moment – she simply responded bodily, as everything else faded away.
Once the brief make-out session was over, it took several blinks for Talia to reorient herself while she licked the taste of Zark from her numb and stinging lips. While the Deputy continued, the pilot looked from Zark to her and back again, relatively sure she'd interrupted something between the Andorians, and also relatively sure the Deputy wasn’t like Zark at all, and didn't approve of her or Zark’s behavior. Talia’s stunted and underdeveloped social intuition deduced that her presence wasn’t entirely welcome, either, which set her mind churning once again, especially after such an amazing greeting from Zark. It was almost comically awkward, and Talia had no idea what to do.
Should I go? Stay? Feel's like I should go, Talia debated internally, but outwardly nodded and opened her mouth to speak; something along the lines of: Well, nice meeting you Deputy, again, or…whatever – I’m going to run away now, but once again, Zark was Zark, and Talia found herself being dragged along as the pair conversed. She hadn’t intended on staying long, and the thought of reserving a cabin had never entered the pilot’s mind; Talia only wanted to breathe some fresh air and enjoy being somewhere other than the ship for a few hours – she certainly didn’t plan on fighting anyone, or swimming for that matter. (She wondered briefly how people got in and out of the spring without freezing, but assumed the Andorians were probably immune). Unsure what to say, Shadow just nodded along and tried to ignore the cold and her own self-conscious thoughts. How am I supposed to stay on her good side, Talia wondered, brow creased. She’s probably waiting for me to screw up and kick my ass straight back to the ship. Talia’s head and attention snapped up at the mention of fire though.
She saw it then, a short walk from a large pool of steaming water. Heat, her body and mind called, oddly in agreement for once.
“W-wait, uhh…I didn’t reserve a cabin,” Talia explained in a shivered whisper. “I d-didn’t plan on staying long, b-because I have to go on duty in a couple hours,” her dark eyes flicked from Zark to the Deputy and back again. “F-fire sounds nice though. I’ll just… w-wait there for awhile while you two do your thing. S-sounds nice, getting painted. I’m sure it’ll be g-great,” the pilot offered a shy but sincere smile to the Deputy as she headed towards the warm glow of the fire; it felt like a good time to leave the two of them to their plans, and not risk the ire of the entire security department.
“N-nice meeting you,” Talia nodded politely as she backed away, then offered Zark her best smirk. “Have f-fun, try to stay still. I’ll b-be around, if you two w-want more company.”
With that, Talia made a bee-line for the fire and promptly began to rotate herself like a rotisserie. Hm. Hot chocolate sounds delicious, she mused, and soaked up the heat. Movement off in the treeline, back the way she’d come caught her eye suddenly – a phantom, really – just a blur of black that flitted between the trees. Talia frowned, then shrugged and went back to spinning herself around, doing her best to avoid the popping embers from the crackling fire.
OOC – just a placeholder post, as I prep for the move. I have every intention of continuing once life has calmed down a bit. (sorry it took so long to reply)