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Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #25
He smiled softly getting a whiff in the air of her body's natural scents.  With members of his own species the subtle changes in pheromones was a delicate language into itself and comprised at least a third of his peoples oldest universal language having only created a purely vocal language after the need to communicate purely via vocal channels was created when war evolved in a way that created its need.   Still most of the people of his kind spoke primarially in the traditional language of animalistic sounds subtle body and head gestures and of course the scents of pheromones.

There were a few species he had begun to be able to interpret a sense of their moods from scents.  IN a way it served almost like empathic tallent the half betazoid counselor formerly of the enterprise held allowing him to sense a certain degree of emotional response from them though it served most effectively in terms of reading when and if someone was 'In the mood,' or not  With humans he had pretty much gotten enough of a bead on their scents to detect certain emotions very well such as stress and fear and almost could could use his nose like a polygraph machine.  not that it was always effective since some people were better at remaining calm while lying than others.  Klingons were starting to become a bit easier to read after being around them a bit more. Vulcans with their ability to distance themselves from emotions were usually harder to read, though he had almost picked up the particular scent cues of romulans with very little effort. and could tell much of the scent cues were quite similar given their shared genetic heritage.  Though to give himself some credit with vulcans,  he could usually detect even the earliest stages of a Vulcan entering pon-far from just being in the same room with one.  ANdorians and Bolians he was learning a bit slower than humans though not with the difficulty of Vulcans. 

So far though his biggest challenge was in front of him here in this very room.  Unlike others where he had an idea of what the different smells meant with her all he had been able to do is pretty much tell when she was putting off more scent and when there was less.  Essentially all he could tell was the pherimonal equivalent of a whisper verses a shout though he couldnt even come close to determining the tone of voice just the volume.

AS he listened to her and tried to interpret her vocal cues and attempt to guess at her body's natural signals he was having to strain his mind as she got close.  as she got cloers there was one signal that decreased as she seemed to relax a bot more.  He guessed at the scent being something that smelled of stress or even fear given her bit of relaxation as it dropped.  Then she spoke about her tail and laid it in his lap he caught a whiff of another scent.  something he had smelled before from her.  that same scent that he had guessed was something of a lusty odor.  A vestige of a primal mating call that all animals no matter how evolved still retained in at least some way.

He looked at her and nodded as he gently ran his hand over her tail's tip gently caressing it.  "Its quite amazing.  Almost like everything that could be said good about a Terran serpent's scaly body.  Soft and even beautiful but still with a very tough exterior." he said with a smile.  It suits you quite well."  he said as he gently ran his fingers over the tip then slipping a finger on either side of it as his thumb gently rolled the tip for a second gently moving his hand over the surface.  "Perhaps next time you feel like polishing it I could help you out he said with a smirk." making it more obvious that how he played with it was less than innocent and was wondering if she indeed had a part of her anatomy that could bring her the same kind of immediate pleasure that she so easily gave him not so long ago.  More importantly he was making his way to working up the courage to ask her what he really felt a need to know.

Finially he decided to cut through his more nuanced comments and said.  "You know I've always been a bit wierd for my kind." he began trying to work up to what he wanted to say, most of my people are pansexual but I have never held any interest in males.  Though I am ashamed to admit it, i have questioned my own thoughts on my physical desires since...then.  not that I am ahamed of the idea of considering males for pleasure or even partnership but to question it because I was raped...It makes me wonder if what i enjoyed wasn't the stimulus or if what I secretly liked was being victimized."

I mean I remember some of our play recently.  You seemed to love being taken more roughly when we played around.  You practically told me to not even ask for permissions and just do what I wanted with you like I was mating with one of my own kind.  Hell you even allowed your body to open up in ways I thought no female outside my race could and let me inside your very womb despite the obvious pain you must have felt from the experience at first.  Anyways I can understand pleasure from being dominated, I happened to enjoy every second of when you took your own turns pinning me down and doing whatever you wanted with me."

"Still what i felt then with Riptor was different, There was something oddly enjoyable in what happened.  Though I wanted nothing more than to get away from him and hated the very thought of having his filthy organ near me.  I cant deny I felt a certain physical pleasure from it.  The bastard got me hard from being forced to suck on his cock of all things.  The reason i mention this is well...that's why I was looking at your tail.  I couldn't help but notice that it could be possibly used in a more...masculine way.  and that part of me wants to know what it would be like for a female, or maybe just someone I desire and have such strong feelings for to give me the same physical experience. " 

He wanted to know if what he enjoyed was just the physical feelings of the actions he preformed and was forced to endure.  Or if secretly he was so screwed up in the head that he actually enjoyed the act of being raped itself.  More importantly though the more he looked at that tail the more he began to caress it and gently gripped it like a phallus the more he desired to find out how it tasted, How it would feel forcing down his throat.  and how it would feel for her to force his anus apart and impale him over and over on it.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #26
Her tail was cool to the touch, especially the scales, smooth on the top and fleshy on the bottom. The scales were identifiable by a gentle bump and the fragrance of flowers. She felt his touch as a warm, wonderfully textured sensation. She swore she could even feel the ridges of his skin that made up his fingerprints. It was akin to him touching the insides of her thighs, but somehow, more intimate. That she could allow him to hold her tail was a symbol of great trust. She believed he would not harm her by yanking her tail about. She believed he wouldn't bend or snap a portion of her spine. Her shoulders carried a shudder across them, and as nervous as she had been previous, she began to feel that maybe this was a good idea after all. She could enjoy herself, like she used to. Nothing had happened.

Although her eyes slowly fell closed, she still listened to Miles's every word. He spoke like old times, she thought. Flattery and compliments galore! She couldn't complain. She deeply appreciated that Miles recognized the hard work she put into keeping her tail nice. She seriously considered asking him to join her in polishing next time, it'd make the dull work...interesting, to say the least.

The casual, relaxing atmosphere wasn't to last long. The other began to speak about himself, what he wanted. Her eyes opened, she watched his face closely. When he spoke the R-word, she stared down at the floor.

It took her time to think over what he said. It made sense, really, to have experienced a level of physical arousal. Any sort of touch could do that. A cold breeze could turn her own nipples into little mountains that show through some of her more worn-down uniforms. It made even more sense for Miles to want to explore that, and as his friend and companion, she had ever desire to help him discover himself, if that's what he wished. It might even be fun, and if it isn't, then she has the benefit of saying she tried.

The idea of herself in Zaraq's shoes, though. That is what made her skin turn a sickly color and made her stomach churn. She slowly slipped her tail from Miles's hands--she couldn't stand being touched. To become Zaraq, to do what he did, how could she justify that? How could she live with herself knowing that she had that power inside her?

Silence hung between them again. When she realized this, she spoke up, but her voice sounded significantly weaker.

"I...I understand. Honest, Miles, I do, and I don't mean anything against you. I want to help you, I think t-trying might help you, but..." She swallowed something, she thought it was bile. It could've been fear.
"...but I don't think...Not right here and not right now. Maybe another time, when I'm..." Stronger? No, she wasn't weak to begin with, of course not. "...Just another time, you know? I'm still trying to figure out if I can be touched again."

She glanced over at him, trying to force her face into an apologetic smile. "So, could we raincheck that? I'd be willing to try something a little...lighter? Er, easier. I'd be willing to try something easier if you were still up for it."

She couldn't help but worry though. She had just said no. What if Miles would be upset about that? Would he still want to be her friend? Some dark voice in her head whispered "It's not like it matters. Your no's don't mean anything anyways."

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #27
He nodded hearing her objection, though he was a bit saddened in a way that he wouldn't be able to explore that particular experience at the moment.  Still he could understand what she meant.  She was still trying to get herself grounded, still feeling vulnerable and probably what he was asking would be as if she had asked him to be forceful with her at this time. 

He really couldn't be surprised at her needs though. Both of them had been through hell and likely  it was only thanks to being a male of a species with such a strong inborn desire for physical intimacy that he was this eager to explore such things so soon after.

He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  And looked to her eyes.  "Lighter?" he thought aloud. "Slowly he brought his hand to behind her back and pulled her closer making sure not to pull to hard allowing her to easily back away if she felt the need.  Slowly he attempted to pull her into a gentle hug giving her his shoulder and the curve of his neck to rest her head against.  "Please then.  Just guide my hands where you are comfortable with them."  He said gently hoping that by giving her control she could feel safe and only when ready would his hands go to the sensitive places that could bring her the pleasure he wondered if she felt she was ready for.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #28
Relief was the only thing that flooded her mind for a while. She let Miles hold her hand, she held his back, and it felt so wonderful to know Miles was her best friend. She felt, even if for just a moment, like she was safe. She smiled, nested on his shoulder, her hand touching up and down his back, defining the muscles there through his shirt. She felt like she had some measure of control. She seized on that feeling, relishing it.

"...Yeah. I'm okay with that. But you let me know if you're uncomfortable, alright?" She patted his back, and sat up a little to give his cheek a kiss. Whether it was appropriate or not, she didn't know, but it felt right, and that's what mattered. Her other hand took the Vulpinian's free one, she held it for a time and lead him to cup one of her breasts. Her hand shook, just faintly. She didn't know if she could do this, but she had to. She mustn't be broken. She mustn't be damaged goods.

She did not consciously know it, but she expected him to grab her, pull on her, make her feel like her breasts would come right off her chest if she pulled away. The memory that she tried so hard to forget was still somewhere in her mind, where she couldn't find it. It reminded her that she was a thing. Something to fuck and leave.

But she wasn't, she realized, holding Miles's hand in her own against her breast. She directed this scene. She gave the orders here. Right, now, she ordered herself to enjoy this.

She invited herself into his lap, if he would allow it, all to make the upcoming process easier. She wouldn't be afraid. There was nothing to fear, after all.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #29
He looked at her before softly returning her kiss.   "I don't think there is anything about you that can make me uncomfortable."  He said feeling her guiding his hand.  Slowly she seemed to use his hand to cup her breast.
Slowly and gently his hand moved around her breast and under it.  Gently he lifted it a bit letting the weight of it rest in his hand as he gently cupped and squeezed the underside of it as his thumb reached upwards and gently began to rub her nipple.  "Your body is just as amazing as ever."  He said reassuringly.  "All I want is to make you feel better in whatever way I can."
Slowly he felt her make her way into his lap. Feeling her there he kissed her again this time on the lips.  His hand slowly but gently explored her breast touching its every surface groping softly letting her feel them being massaged and only barely pulled on.  Tenderly he held her closely and kissed her lips again this time holding the contact a bit not inviting himself past her lips but allowing her to decide how deep the kiss they should share would be.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #30
She felt okay. She felt safe. These realizations were so wonderful she almost felt normal again. She laid a hand on the side of his face, she ran another through his hair. For a moment, she held the kiss as it was, not going any deeper. She remembered in short time that she's the leader here. She gets to decide. She pulled him closer to break into his mouth.

She had to break it eventually, when she did she was still holding Miles's face close to her own. Now, she smiled, and it felt natural. She savored his touch on her breasts, he was gentle but firm enough for her tastes. She leaned on his chest.
"How did you want to do this? Did you want to stay in this form or did you want to switch over to your fluffy form? Personally, I was sorta hoping for the latter." She tried to sound hopeful. She still remembered their last encounter fondly, to the point where she'd still dream about it from time to time. Saying so out loud would probably make her look desperate or thirsty, but the least she can do is voice her preference.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #31
their kiss became a long and passionate dance of tongues intertwining and caressing.  For a moment time had lost meaning and it felt as if they could stay here forever just lost in each others arms.  Still time did exist and with time came the need to regularly breathe.  When their kiss broke they found each other arms holding onto each other fingers intertwined in hair and fingers caressing each others soft and wonderful bodies.

When she spoke he couldn't help but smile hearing her preference.  "I really didn't know which form you preferred." He softly pulled her close again gently caressing her breast in one hand and gently groping her rear letting his thumb rest over the base of her tail rubbing it gently. 

"I can't help though but feel proud that it's my natural body you prefer.  I have always felt it more natural.  The other is almost like... well it almost feels like I am wearing clothes during the act.  Not that a bit of costumed roleplay can't be equally fun so to speak.  But here and now.  I think both of us would rather skip the roleplay and just try to be ourselves." 

He then smiled as he began to change while still in her arms. and once changed he looked back into her eyes his ever present slitted pupils meeting her gaze  "So what is it about this form you like so much.  Is it the fur, the canid like form, or... is it something else anatomically that you enjoy?  he asked with a coy smirk on his now fox like face.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #32
"Well, I guess you know now. I thought it was kind of obvious though." She shrugged, she sat up on Miles's lap in expectation. She hoped  to watch Miles change in front of her. If he'd done it before, she couldn't remember, but she expected it to be quite the sight.

She felt a hand behind her and she smiled. She wiggled her hips as she spoke, "Yeah, I agree. Be ourselves. It's no fun lying all the time." Her tail whipped a little, it gave Miles's legs a gentle pat in it's wide arc. "Plus, you're handsome. Show it off!" Another laugh, they're coming more freely now.

She felt him change with her hands and arms. Everything about him seemed to get bigger. More fur, more muscles. His hands got bigger, she could feel his hand on her cheeks. She even thought she felt a little growth in the downstairs department.

She had no idea how to answer Miles's question. She returned his coy smile with one of her own.
"Would you call me shallow if I said the latter?" She adjusted herself in his lap to accommodate his now much larger legs. Her shirt came off, she tossed it to the ground with a cool, "What can I say, anatomy has always been a fascinating subject to me. Wanna give me a lesson then?"

She couldn't help but feel...lewd, or something like that. Sitting here with a cold breeze across her chest, having just spat out a smart remark about the Vulpinian's junk. She maybe wondered if this was too fast, too soon. But her shirt was already on the floor, they had already started, and so far nothing bad had happened. She just had to trust nothing bad will happen.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #33
He grinned softly hearing her lewd remark. It was nice to hear her speaking in a more light way, hearing her talk with less nervousness and more confidence about things that moments before he feared would make her feel uncomfortable.  "Anatomy is a wonderful subject."  he said looking her bare chest over before gently gripping a breast and fondling it in his eager hand as he pulled her up to him and gently pressed his muzzle against her breast and licked at her nipple for a moment before giving it a gentle suckle.

Slowly as they played a bit he removed his clothing first his shirt then his pants and undergarments all while helping her out of her own until they found themselves fully nude and laying on his bed.

He was laying back now and had pulled her down gently resting on his body on top of him their bodies fully exposed as he gently massaged her rear and the base of her tail for a moment.  "taking the teaching analogy a bit further he smiled.  "So which method of teaching do you like to learn best from then my lovely horned angel."  he said softly.  

"There's of course visual learning he said with a smile, though I imagine you might have to move down a bit in order to see your subject of interest clearly.  though I guess remind you that last time you took its entire form I ended up filling your womb with thick cream while spreading you apart with a thick fleshy knot at the base."  He looked into her eyes again.  "I guess we dont have much for reading over the subject so that discription will have to do" 

"Next I suppose there's tactile." he slowly ran a finger down her rear tracing the crease of her rump till he got to the folds of her womanhood gently beginning to rub her.  "which utalizes small muscle movements and the sense of touch."  he said gently demonstrating further by softly probing within with a finger letting her feel it sink into her pussy spreading it ever so slightly.

If you need more education on the subject and are needing a bit more I guess we could move on to an "oral lesson"  though I don't know whether you would learn more if I gave the lesson or if you just tried to demonstrate what you know about the subject" He paused as he was enjoying this game of metaphors "Or we could just move onto the kinesthetic method where I teach you through experience.  learning by doing so to speak"  he added to finish off his spiel.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #34
His smile, the fact he was playing back, and most importantly, the fact the world hasn't ended yet encourages her. She's still alright. Nothing has happened, just like last time she got nervous. This was starting to become annoying, she thought. She'd much rather be here, in the moment, head leaned back and a gentle moan escaping her lips as he paid her breasts a little bit of extra attention. This is the stuff.

She removed the rest of her clothes on the way to the bed and straddled him when they got there. She felt a lot like she was showing off, in a good way. She relaxed, her chest puffed out a little. She looked down at Miles and watched him speak, considered her options.

She remembered last time, the way he described it made her tail quiver. It hovered over Miles's leg, sometimes patting him as she thought and it waved up and down. It quivered again as she felt his finger. Ever so gently, she yielded for him. This was safe, she found herself thinking. This was right. And, above all, it was wettingly hot.
"Hm...This is going to be hard." She smiled, then smiled even wider when she realized her own pun. Standard is a great language. "I don't know. I think I'd learn best by doing."

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #35
He grinned as he looked into her eyes. "To be truthful, had been hoping you would prefer the kinesthetic lesson."  He said eagerly.  "Though since you are the one learning by doing I guess it is only fair that you are the one acting out the lesson."  He said illustrating how willing he was that she be not only on top physically but that he was perfectly fine with her being in complete control.  She was safe with him and knew this was the only one who knew what she was ready for.  He knew it was very possible that if he were to let himself go and mate with her as fully as he desired the forcefulness of their play may be a bit too rough for her first time after her recent trauma.

Slowly he began to slip the finger in and out of her moistening inner walls.  Finally his finger dripping with her inner moisture he pulled it out allowing her velvety pussy to slip closed again.  "Please, I want to feel you wrapped around me tightly again."  He said slipping his cock against the slit of her womanhood.  Gently allowing the tip of his erect canid cock to drag against her, softly parting her lips not unlike a gently probing finger.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #36
She could only focus on the sensation, her mind was too concentrated to come up with words. She felt his fingers, how gentle and mindful he was of her, she felt herself growing slick. It was enjoyable, mainly because she knew who was in charge here. She didn't worry--she didn't have to worry.

She released a deep breath as he removed his finger. She could be disappointed, but she knew what would come next. Her tail whipped about with interest, she watched Miles position himself under her. She could feel it, too, and the biggest difference between his cock and his finger is that his cock was definitely not the size of his finger. They were similarly gentle though, she could tell he was mindful of her.

Her hand wrapped around his shaft and used it to trace her inner lips, her face thoughtful and smiling.
"Will this be on the final exam?" She grinned, in spite of herself, and lowered herself, releasing an  unseemly "oh!" as she did so.

Even though she hadn't taken all of him, she only went down to the knot, she still felt as if Miles was spreading her out wide. It was a good, warm, full feeling, no fear attached.  Her other hand braced herself against Miles's chest as she rolled her hips agonizingly slow.
"Mmm! Shit, I forgot how good this was." She muttered, and began a slow pattern of up, down, up, down.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #37
Feeling her gentle hand take hold of his cock he smiled, slowly he groaned softly as he felt her guide him within as she began to lower herself on him.  It was amazing to say the least every single inch of her seemed to be slick in anticipation and her walls were already straining to hold him as his cock pushed deeper and deeper already gently bumping against her cervix and around it stretching out the back walls of her inner self without even knotting her yet.

He gently placed a hand at the side of her body bracing her a bit. He slowly helped her move herself as the hand gently cupped around her breast supporting her a bit, lifting her cup softly and tracing under it as she came back up for the first time.  As she she began her downwards path he slowly gently squeezed caressing her wonderful breast only to allow her to feel a gentle stretching pull as she came back up again as he gripped her breast just enough that it stretched a bit, squeezed lovingly by him as their bodies moved against each other.

Slowly as she continued he placed another hand against the small of her back and traced down first to her tail then to her ass.  Slowly fingers began to graze the base of her tail running up and down the smooth surface of scales and then up her back her body motions up and down moving her body against his stationary fingers for a few moments before he reached back and firmly but lovingly palmed her ass and gave it a loving squeeze.  

Softly he whispered to her.  "I hadn't forgot" he said softly.  "Every moment I have been aching to feel this with you again.  I have had nights dreaming of hearing that wonderful voice of yours like this." he said caressing her body and gently pulling her down so her face and his were nearly touching again. "Please give me another taste of your exquisite tongue." he said softly depending on her to close the small gap between his muzzle and her lips as her body gently settled back down on his length their movements making his knot grind dangerously against her tight lips threatening to spread her even further and wedge his cock deep between her cervix and the deepest parts of her wonderful inner walls.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #38
Miles's help was much appreciated, she already felt her legs turning wobbly and useless. His hands graced her tail and her tail whipped about in excitement, she found herself releasing low, rolling moans and gasps. He was spreading her apart, he was pressed so hard against her inner walls she could feel him throbbing inside her. It was a delight she wished she could have more of.

She leaned forward, into his touch. It only felt natural to lean all the way forward, to give into the Vulpinian's request for one more taste. She found it difficult to find the right position to breach his muzzle, and when she squirmed to change positions sometimes she would press herself against him, taking in just a little more of Miles and feeling her cervix grow weak with the pounding.

Perhaps she was feeling greedy, or maybe she just missed this too much, but she knew she had to have more. She had to take all of him. Sar-unga doubled her efforts, effectively fucking herself on him.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #39
He wrapped his arms around her as they kissed, Each subtle move as they began to make out causing them to grind against each other hands exploring and groping about her back and rear gently running fingers up and down the base of her tail as his own tail wrapped around her back and seemed to intertwine with hers as he felt her aligning herself more and more at that perfect angle forcing his somewhat pointed cock against her deepest barrier.

He could tell what she was doing and instead of just lying back and forcing her to do all the work he decided now as the time to aide her in their shared efforts.  As she began to increase her efforts he felt his knot straining against her pussy lips as his cock forced roughly against her cervix.  Feeling her intently start to come down on him he used his hands and guided her in making sure that as she came down his cock would impale the very center cervical hole as he bucked up into her in return.

With a sloppy Squishing pop and an intense tightness he felt her inner walls give way her cervix being forcibly dilated as his meat skewered itself into her womb and his knot parted her tight lips forcing her apart until he hilted himself in her forcing her walls to close tightly around the still impressively thick rod of flesh as she swallowed his knot up into her womanhood.

Gently caressing her he looked up into her eyes practically panting.  "Your womb feels so wonderful," he said, stirring her up inside as he moved against her a bit.  "It's like we were made for each other."  He said running his paw like hand down her back and groping her rear a moment and pulling her up a bit letting her feel his knot threatening to spread her apart straining to pop out of her.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #40
She felt tingles shooting up and down her spine, her tail reacted accordingly. It whipped about, seeking something to grip onto. Conveniently, that happened to be Miles's fluffy tail.

Each downward stroke on Miles pushed her limits. She was soaking wet, she had no trouble getting him in, but she was out of practice. She could feel every centimeter of him pressing against her, stretching her out. He felt his hands hold her, but the sensation was dwarfed by the feeling of his tip just beginning to breach her cervix. She didn't hear herself as her voice rose. The room filled with her gasps and squeals.

And then it hit her. His knot nestled inside of her, his shaft invading her uterus. A white-hot shock radiated outwards from her core. She felt so full and it was so right. Her head rolled back, chest heaving with heavy breaths, and moaned.

He felt him stir her around and felt her legs lost all strength. She smiled, even gave a breathless laugh when Miles suggested they were made for each other. What a mushy, romantic thing to say. She didn't have time to say that out loud though, she felt him threatening to pop out. A shiver shot down her back and made her tail quiver with Miles's tail in it's vice-like grip.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #41
Miles couldn't help himself as his tail reflexively wrapped around hers pushing back on her body as she rode him a paw like hand cupping and molding her breast as the angle and gravity made her inner walls swallow him back up completely hilting into her as fully as possible his balls now pressing against her skin as his other hand palmed and squeezed her rump aiding her in riding his deeply invading member.  Her body squeezed him tightly as he thrust up to meet her downward thrusts his eyes locking onto and starring lustfully at her heaving chest watching as the non-held breast began to bounce a bit from the force of their combined thrusts into each other.

By now he could barely hold back his wants but he sated himself with his lustful gaze and eager thrusts up to meet her each time.  With each thrust he lost himself a bit more and more his rhythmus increasing along with the ferocity of his thrusts each time hilting himself fully within her forcing her deepest inner walls apart with the massive organ threatening to fill her womb up with the reservoir held within him. 

Each thrust drew him closer and closer until his body was wracked with a shock of intense pleasure as his cock began to throb from tip to knot pulsing letting her body know the floodgates holding back to torrent about to fill her to the brim were about to break

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #42
She could feel a tightness behind her belly button, muscles across her body tensing up. She felt so tight around him, so full. Her breast bounced, she wished Miles had an extra hand to hold that one as well.

She could feel a hot throbbing within her, a twitch or two, hints that Miles couldn't hold himself back for very much longer. She felt her legs quiver--she couldn't hold back for much longer either. Relying partly on Miles's hand to help support her where she couldn't, she threw all her efforts into fucking herself---correction, fucking him. She is on top here, she's the boss, she makes the rules. Right now, she wanted his seed inside her.

"Miles," She spoke through heavy breaths, "Miles, come inside me. Fill me up. Give it all to me!"

Perhaps it was something about talking the way she did, or maybe the anticipation of hot seed inside her, but it was enough. Wave after wave of white hot pleasure filled her whole body. Her walls shivered, then clenched around Miles's shaft, as if trying to coax cum from him.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #43
"Yes," he said between heavy pants in an almost guttural barking tone "It's all yours! I want to make your belly swell up with my cum!"

If her words and her eagerness were not enough to spur him to his edge then the forceful tightening walls of her body were.  His tail wrapped tightly around her body and both hands groped at her shoulders pulling her into him forcing his shaft deeply into her core as the canine shaft throbbed within soon spurting thick jets of hot seed inside her womb and against her every inner wall filling her to the brim. His knot practically plugged her allowing only a slight seeping bit to escape as he drove the pulsing rocket home with a few more thrusts looking on in awe as her womb expanded from the volume of thick hot cream filling her.  "You look so hot like that.  He said caressing the cum-filled womb of her faux pregnant state. 

The only time he recalled her looking even sexier was last time was when he led her into the shower and let her release the contents relieving the pressure within.  This time he knew the release could be oh so much more sudden.  He couldn't wait to lead her to the shower only to pull out and hope to see her gaping open as a flood of his cum tried to escape from her body or they could stay like this for a bit longer. Whatever she wanted he was here to give her.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #44
Wave after wave of thick, steamy cum filled her already-stretched womb so far that her skin stretched out. Yet, despite the sheer amount of cum inside her body right now, very little of it leaked down her thighs that she could feel. Despite her bloated state, Miles plugged her up. She felt heavier now, full of his seed. She ran her hands over the bulge in her body and groaned, the pressure against her womb was intense. She raised her eyes up to look into Miles's eyes, suddenly very aware of how sexy she must look, and how sexy she felt. She felt powerful again, and she smiled.
"You know, as much as I'd like to keep it all inside me," She rubbed her swollen belly to emphasize her point, "It's not exactly realistic for me to walk around with your cock inside me all day long, and this'll make a big mess when it comes out. We should get to the shower."

Briefly, the idea of Miles's cock inside her 'all day long' led her to the image of him going about his business naked, free to be used, letting her ride him any time she wanted...

That was a sick thought. She shoved it out of her mind and tried to pretend she never thought of it.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #45
He grinned widely, "I was hoping you would say that."  he said then added, "Though I am sure we could create something in my likeness to hold it all in for you while you work." he said running his paws over her tummy for a moment caressing it Imagining how it would look to see her in uniform looking ready to pop and give birth to his kit at any moment.  He had never really considered the idea of ever being a father even with a member of his own species and even if their DNA were viable with each other he was currently on his peoples equivalent of the pill making him shoot blanks and as a side effect not shooting a pistols worth of blanks and instead shooting the metaphorical equivalent of a mini-gun instead.  Still despite no want for the two of them to produce offspring the sight of her in this fake state of pregnancy was image he could never get enough of. 

Though he didn't know what it was it was probably just the underlying knowing that she was able to give him something no other could.  She not only let him be the creature he wanted to be in mating but she reveled in it.  She reveled in him knotting himself deep in her and forcing her every barrier apart.  She reveled in being filled to the brim with cum and in their time before being driven to the point of being fucked nearly senseless and silly. 

Still there was that other side of her.  The side that was forceful as well no matter what he could take and do to her there was an equal amount she always was able to take and do to him as well.  As much as it seemed that in ways he had just ravaged her she was equally able to if she wanted force him down and ride him into a state of eager submission as if he was just a stick to ride until she was satisfied.

He looked into her eyes as he picked her up gently making sure they didn't disconnect and helped her into the bathroom and positioned her so she was reclining back with her back resting against the lower corner of the shower her face looking up at him as he shifted ready to dislodge himself from her.  The movement however was too much for him and he knew as soon as he pulled out it would trigger another climax.    "Mumm seeing you like that I can only think of one thing that could make your face prettier."  he said  looking down at her, knowing once he pulled out the flood of his fluids trying to escape her tight cunny would cause a waterfall of sticky cum to cascade down her rear and tail while in the front another trail would likely go down her belly all the way to her tits and neck.  Of course giving her a hot, sticky, fresh, face-full of his seed would only serve to complete the imminent cum-bath she was about to receive within his shower.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #46
Fit to bursting and being carried, there were a few moments she though she would just burst all over the carpet, and that would be an embarrassing mess to explain. Thankfully they made it to the shower. She leaned back against the cool tile of the shower, using it to brace herself for the inevitable moment when--

There it was! A wet squelching noise and his hot cum came pouring out of her like a white-hot waterfall. It was such a relief to finally let it all out. She glanced up to see Mile's massive mammalian member, aimed at her and firing his seed on her skin. Little pearly white balls of liquid dotted her flesh, but she can't help but feel...odd. This isn't right. It's not that she doesn't like it, just that she's...uneasy?

She smiled anyways and leaned back, all that work has left her a little sore and desperately in need of a good, long wash.
"Feeling better? It looked like you were having fun. Maybe too much fun." She laughed, but with her mouth closed. She tried to pull herself to a standing position. More cum dribbled down her legs like little rivers.

"Come on, let's get cleaned up. Where's the puppy shampoo?" She grinned.

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #47
He couldn't help but laugh a bit at her comment. before helping her up and gently wrapping his arms around her from behind as he spoke up to the automated machinery.  "Aqueous setting, 42 degrees centigrade."  He said the water starting and splashing over both of them starting at a still warm 35 degrees and gradually warming to the intended temperature.  As tiring as their ordeal was he knew there was but one thing that could make this reunion perfect and that was a bit of wonderfully slow relaxation with each other here and now.

"Sorry if I got a bit carried away there at the end."  he said apologizing as he helped her lather up letting his hands gently caress her body as he done so though being sure to not be overly invasive.  after all the last thing they needed was to end up going at it all over again making the shower they shared absolutely useless.

Her analogy to canine hair products wasn't as inaccurate as one would think, as fur covered species such as his did tend to have more issues that necessitated precautionary measures to prevent parasitic insects not to mention needed certain formulations to prevent fur from becoming tangles or matted while not removing too many of the vital oils that aided in keeping their skin properly hydrated.  Of course on a standard humanoid skin the soapy fluid tended to act like a moisturizing soap. 

Most notably though was its scent which once it hit the air seemed to flood the entire shower.  The reason the scent was strange was in how complex it was and how it seemed to begin on one set of notes and end on a whole different set as if the more it was lathered up different scents were released.  The first scent was far from masculine and smelled strongly of roses which seemed to soon be overpowered with a lavender scent.  Slowly the obviously floral scents seemed to bled into something like a lemon and mint herbal tea before finally deepening into mildly spicy cinamon scent before finishing with first an herb like scent blending into a woodsy smell like cedar. 

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #48
The apology soothed her mind, and Miles's lathering soothed her body. She was tense--was. Warm water, her best friend, and a good fuck will do wonders for the aching body. Here she stood with her friend--no, best friend-- having reclaimed her sexuality as her own again. Victory tasted warm and slightly salty.

The shower smelled...well, odd. Sar-unga wasn't able to name all the different scents as quickly as they came and went, but she could describe the overall experience as floral. It wasn't unpleasant, she thought.

She let him soap up her body. Her hands laid on his, guiding them towards areas that needed some extra attention. Her breasts and stomach, her thighs, her mound....
 As soon as she was soaped up, she turned around to return the favor. She glanced up at Miles. Her tail swayed gently as she thought about how in the world she'd be able to reach the top of his head. She was still smiling. When she spoke, she sounded playful, again full of life.
"You're too tall for me to wash you up. Kneel in front of me."

Re: DAY 04: Re-Connection [1600 hrs.]

Reply #49
As she guided his hands he couldn't help taking when he could, a few gropes here and there a slick finger rubbing in a few right places to make their shared shower just a bit more sensual and physically enjoyable for her.  of course he couldnt waste the soap and ocasionially used a bit more than hands to lather her up letting his body press against hers occasionally in the shower allowing the soapy lather to transfer to him as well.  it was not long before she was covered in suds and was slick with water cascading over her perfect curves.  He would love to keep admiring her from this angle but she had other ideas.

"You're too tall for me to wash you up. Kneel in front of me."

Hearing her request, he couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he did as she asked.  "Looks like you are getting a bit of your authoritarian self back." he said going down to his knees and looking up at her beautiful soapy body as he felt her hands running through his fur touching the skin underneath and gently working the soap into his hair and everything else.

He couldn't help but get a bit of a playfulness of all in his voice as he looked up into her eyes.  "Is there another reason you wanted me down here?"  he asked with a coy smile.

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