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USS Resolve: As the Steam Burns

[ PO1 B'Nila Skai | USS Resolve ]

=== Four Years Ago ===

Being in space. B'Nila had been looking forward to this for a long time and here she was, in space, in a Starfleet uniform, just off duty and feeling like she was walking on air. Of course most of her patients on the ship didn't have as nasty of a problem as those she had dealt with at the trauma center, these patients it was simple continued treatment for whatever happened to be the continued problem. Old wounds and minor fresh ones. If someone had a real nasty trauma they were transferred to a medical facility where they could get the help they needed. It meant that her job was to maintain the mental health of those around her and if things got bad, well that's what the Crisis Centers scattered around the Federation were for, right?

So she walked with a spring in her step and a smile on her face. She loved working on the Resolve and she loved meeting new people. On that day in particular she was looking forward to dropping by the NCO Lounge and maybe meeting some people. SHe had, thus far, not built up much of a social life on board. That was fine, B'Nila was usually a private person, but she did like to have at least a couple of close friends.

She swerved to avoid some people exiting the club as she stepped in and looked around, quickly needing to step out of the way to allow some people past her. She made er way to one of the replicators in the wall and ordered a glass of warm water. Her biology made it difficult to tell what was safe to drink and what wasn't, so she did her best to stick to only drinks she knew were safe while she was out in public.

So it was, that with a dark glass of lukewarm water in hand, standing awkwardly by herself in the bustling NCO Club, somehow B'Nila was in the path of some engineering personnel as they were coming in and before she could say to much she got swept up with them, pushed deeper into the crowd of people. She could feel her anxiety prickling the back of her spine as she began to realize this was a bit to much for her. People were constantly bumping into her and she was getting flashes of other people's thoughts, other peoples emotions creeping into her mind.

Suddenly someone bumped into her and her glass fell from her hand and spilled it's contents all over the stranger.

"Well, so much for this uniform," the stranger said looking down at their now wet uniform.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to..." B'Nila began awkwardly. Pausing when she got a good look at the woman she had spilled her drink on. The woman wasn't exactly tall, but B'Nila could tell that under her uniform she was decently curvy and well toned in terms of muscled. She was also quite pretty. And this somehow made the whole situation worse, at least in terms of flustering B'Nila. Had she not just spilled a drink on this lady she might have been able to play it cool, but nope, she was knee deep in awkward.

"Hey, no problem, just seems a bit of a waste of good..." the stranger began and then lifted her hand to taste some of the drink that had splattered on her hand. "Water... Really, you came to the NCO Club to drink water?"

"I can't... I mean, I don't know if..." B'Nila stammered awkwardly. She felt like a stupid schoolgirl, but the woman before her was quite pretty and she had really botched this first impression.

"Don't worry about it, I get it, alien and what not. Alcohol effects different species in different ways," the woman said with a smile. "And trust me, knowing half the shit I know about half the people in this room, I wouldn't want to get wasted either." As she spoke she placed her hand on B'Nila's arm and led her out of the crowd and toward the edge of the room, where they could talk more easily.

"I guess you're right," B'Nila said relaxing a little as she was led along. Something about this woman, the way she just seemed to, B'Nila couldn't explain it. It was like the woman had instantly taken over everything and swept her up in her wake.

"You're B'Nila right? The new counselor?" the woman asked still with that same smile, as if this were her universe and everyone else just lived in it.

"Yeah, that's me," B'Nila replied, again sounding awkward, but not as awkward.

"I guess this means I won't get to see you for therapy," the woman said with a smirk.

"Why is that?" B'Nila asked doing her best to sound casual.

"Because there are rules about patients dating their counselors," the woman said with a toothy smile. "I'm Michal by the way."

OOC : Ok, so this will  be a thread to chronicle the relationship between B'Nila and Michal as I really want to explore it in more detail and couldn't think of how to fit these smaller scenes into natural posts. So this will be scenes, snippets from their relationship, focusing mainly on the time before they arrived at Starbase 84.

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