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Topic: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains (Read 9459 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Sleep, Nathan was no stranger to the idea of sleep, and the often rolling nightmares it allowed him to deal with. The past few nights the nightmares had gotten more vivid than in the past. Now that he was trying to move away from his past and re-invent himself he was stuck trying to justify all the guilt he still had over the two people he had directly killed in the past. Leading to more and more sever nightmares, and this time as Nathan rolled around in bed he ended up throwing himself off of the small bedframe.

His demotion had him temporaraly assigned to smaller shared quarters for a few days, and then back to regular quarters but on the wrong side of the ship looking aft instead of forward. Even so he and this bed had not gotten along since staying here, and as he kicked himself out of it he fell hard to the ground waking himself with a startled yelp.

What was more the moment he woke up he found he could hardly breath, panic overwhelmed the pilot, and he clutched his ribs where Ida had broken them over a week ago, an intense burning sensation running through his lungs as the panic attack reset the pain he was feeling even though the wound its self had long been healed.

It had been that wound which had sent him to sickbay, that wound which had left him vulnerable to being drugged. And right now it hurt, it hurt like all hell. He pulled himself onto the bed and clutched his sides wheezing as his heart rate went through the roof. "Thea... Activate... EMH."

His voice was a wheezing cough. He needed help, but he was not willing to go to sickbay, he refused to go back to that place even once. As far as he was concerned the doctors there were evil and corrupt, but the EMH's? they were bound by ethical proticals, calling one into his room they could assess the damage, and ease the pain, and they could do it without him having to deal with Maya or the rest of her currupt staff.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #1
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

There was a beep from the computer, but rather than the EMH mark one or two appearing, both of which were busy at that exact second with other tasks. The mark one was in cryo storage performing a diagnostic of the systems there, and the mark two was in med lab one analyzing cell cultures. Neither of which was too important to prevent the system from summoning one of them, but as there was a third hologram that was available the computer reinterpreted the order and summoned the LMH instead.

In the center of the room a woman materialized. She had the standard form fitting female medical uniform on that seemed to compliment her light skin. When she spoke her voice was even and calm.

"Please state the.. Nature... Of..."

She just kinda froze. A small squeak coming from her as her eyes suddenly go wide as she just stared at the man before her. It didn't take long for her face to start taking on a more reddish color. She then turned to look away from the completely disrobed man who had summoned her.

"Um.. What? I mean.. What seems to be the problem?"

Her voice was a bit on the squeaky side as she spoke now. She continued to keep from looking in the direction of the man, electing to instead to look in the direction of the replicator. If there was a medical issue she was probably going to have to replicate a tricorder, and possibly a hypo. Unless he had those things in here already. She started looking around a little more just to make sure there wasn't a medical tricorder laying around.

"Perhaps.. You could put some pants on?"

She was a medical professional, unfortunately for her all of her 'training' never included actually dealing with a completely naked patient. Digital simulations uploaded into her only give her the basics of how to perform procedures. And all of her live hands on testing back on Jupiter Station involved patients at least wearing a modesty gown. With the exception of one Heather McMillan, she's actually never seen someone completely nude before. And certainly not a male.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #2
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan had expected a balding man with no bedside manner, or a young if slightly daft blond, what he got was a gorgious if slightly shy redhead. Nathan was open to her, presenting himself physcially expecting her to scan him, to find out why he could barely breath, and when she said that he needed to put on pants the pilot's brown eyes twitched with pain.

He reached out and grabbed the LMH's hand he hadn't known they had reactivated Eve and was glad for it, she had gone down back before all of the crazyness, which meant she was further removed from all of the sickbay crazyness he was suspecting but couldn't exactly proove what was more she had strong ethical subrutines which were difficult to tamper with, and did he mention she was an attractive red head? she was basically the perfect doctor aboard this ship.

He pulled her hand towards his ribs  since she lacked a medical tricorder, and he was tired, out of breath and felt like he was dying he would settle for the old fashioned way of assessing an injury. "I, can barely breath help me first, then pants."

His breath wheezed out of him eliciting a cough, though her face and the way she was acting was actually already helping to alieviate the sudden onset of the panic attack that had caused his symptoms in the first place. She would find no actual damage, and his face while red and in pain at first started to slow, and his breathing started to come back to a regular pace, he had no idea exactly what was going on with him, but he was still struggling to deal with it.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #3
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

She really had no idea what to do at the moment, when the man grabbed her hand she was a little stunned and turned around again. Though the nature of her being stunned was that she was unaware that people could put on pants that fast. And a little more stunned to find him still without pants. But then her hand made contact with his skin, and right away she could tell there was something wrong.

She lacked access to the sickbay sensors, but her hyper sensitive touch allowed her to feel things others might miss, like ribs that were not positioned quite correctly for the species. Her medical side kicked into high and she started moving her fingers over the area, looking for even the slightest wince of pain, and just how many ribs were out of position.

"Computer, sub-dermal regenerator."

Most medical instruments were highly regulated, and could not be replicated outside of sickbay, and even in sickbay they were regulated to active medical staff only. However, there were exceptions to this, one being that the medical holographic systems could replicate them anywhere. They were advanced enough that they were very hard to fool, and if one was summoned directly, it was probably an emergency.

From the replicator across the room there was the sound of a hum and something taking form in the tray slot. Unlike when she orders tea, this object was real. As Eve continued to move her fingers lightly over the skin she spoke again, "Computer, medical tricorder." Another hum and beside the sub-dermal regenerator appeared a standard medical tricorder.

Eve quickly moved away from the man and retrieved the two devices, as she returned she opened the tricorder and set it to a basic scan to confirm her diagnosis, and used it to guide the regenerator as she turned it on and started using it to mend the bones.

"What on Earth happened? And why didn't you go to sickbay?"

Her voice was light, almost the complete opposite of the accusing tone that the Mark One or Two might use. More of a genuine question of concern.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #4
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Ribs were a finicky thing, breaking one could lay dormant for days without realizing that any damage was done, and when the pain did hit you it was all at once, when she started to work towards setting the bone some more anger flushed through him as he realized that he had been left superficially treated.  They had healed the bruising, but not the break in his ribs, and of course he had been completely avoiding sickbay since then so no one knew about it.

"It was a day before the attack on the black opal space station." Nathan said starting at the begining of his tale where Ida had broken his ribs in a fighting match. "I went to sickbay, but the doctor on duty drugged me instead of fixing me, and I went on to kill one of the other pilots, after that I have been avoiding sickbay like the pleague I don't trust the staff."

He was confessing to a doctor that he didn't trust the other doctors. He was pretty sure that Eve couldn't have been a part of the conspiracy though. She was a program held to a higher standard of ethical programing. Thinking over the conspiracy cork board that he had invested in and how everything had linked back to Doctor Maya he could actually use Eve  in some ways. Having a 'friend' in medical was actually pretty useful.

"So Eve when." His breathing became visibly easier as time progressed and she set things back into place. "When did you get re-activated? Had I known you were back I would have requested you first."

Unlike the other two assholes that comprised EMH 1 and 2, the LMH program was attractive, and more personable.  He adjusted his legs to show her more of his athetic frame, watching her slightly embarassed green eyes. "You know it's okay to look right? Oh I don't know if you've been updated on my file yet, but I'm listed as half romulan now, long story, I don't know if that helps since physically I look human, but I know my muscle and skeletal structure has always been a bit different... thanks though oh you are a god-send you know that?"

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #5
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

She continued to use the subdermal regenerator over the area that was injured, trying to keep her eyes glued to the tricorder. Really unable to hide the fact that her cheeks were starting to match her hair color.

"About a day ago."

She listened as the man tried to explain his new species. To which she could only respond with, "I know."

She was really distracted, or at least seemed that way. She just wanted to finish mending the bones properly so that he could put his pants back on. Why did he have to be naked? Was he sleeping just a little bit ago? The woman she was based on would probably know the answer, but her program could not understand why people would sleep naked. Sure, the ship's climate system could be adjusted so that one did not need coverings to sleep, but it's only polite to keep some pants on in case of an emergency.

Keeping her thoughts distracted like this was helping with her own embarrassment, until she realized that the bones had been mended about seventy two seconds ago and she was just moving the regenerator for effect now.

'Damn it!' she thought to herself as she switched the device off and closed the tricorder. She brought them both together and held them in front of her, and with her decidedly red cheeks and constantly averted gaze she almost had the look of a nervous school girl.

"I.. Um.. That should be better.. Um.. Is there anything else you.. Need?"

Right now she's acting like a sheltered woman who has never seen a man naked before, as though she had grown up around only women.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #6
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan breathed more relaxed, as his bones were fixed, medically speaking once they were done with that there was no need for her to stick around, but to tell the truth he actually liked having company and it had been almost two weeks since he last had a female in this room, and this one didn't have the power to arrest him which was a bonus. He did however get up from his bed, he had promised Eve that he would put on pants after all.

As he stood up and moved about his room to find pants something else moved in the room, and Rhyannen a midnight hued Risen Caracal jumped out onto where Isley slept. His own bed was kept in a corner of the room, along with a food and water bowl. the small creature had been with Isley since Jovela had been shot, and had been her anti anxiety pet, seeing Isley in distress probably woke her. He walked over to the little creature his search for pants forgotten.

"Hey sorry Rhyannen, I guess I woke you. Eve would you mind holding her. I need to get her some food." He said picking up the animal to showcase how to hold her, before offering her to Eve to hold making sure that the pet was craddled into his arms and calm before making a hand off.

"I can't say I need you, but honestly it would be kind of nice to have some company for a few hours. I mean if you get called away to another medical emergency that's one thing, but you probably have the most free-time aboard the ship right?"

"Seems kind of boring to spend all that time off-line." He said taking Rhyannen's food dish to his rooms replicator getting a feline protien suplement, for her. He never had the chance to ask what she ate, so he had done reading and this had seemed to be the most healthy for her needs.

"Can i offer you a drink?" He shook his head as he realized he was offering food to a computer he was still only half awake after all, now that the pain was gone he had freedom of motion, but not exactly freedom of thought.

"Computer lights medium please?" Nathan said finally turning on the lights on, turning towards Eve he had by now completely forgotten that he was supposed to be searching for pants, and in tfhe full light his broad shoulders and well toned muslces were all on display. "You can make yourself comfortable if you so desire."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #7
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve just blinked a moment, then held out her hands to take the animal in her arms. She quickly took stock of how the man had held the animal and promptly mimicked the posture. She watched the animal closely, only half listening to when the man spoke.

"Eve Tea Fifteen."

The computer was programmed to understand that that particular beverage was to be a holographic one. And with how much memory her program uses at a time, it's the only optional extra that her program could drive separately. It also serves to note that that particular drink can also only be ordered while her program is active, and only in an area she's in.

"I'm fine, I don't get tired standing." She looked away from the animal a moment to look at Nathaniel, then quickly averted her eyes again upon seeing he still doesn't have any pants. "I.. Um.. You see.." She completely lost her train of thought and just resumed paying attention to the animal in her arms.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #8
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan nodded slightly when she ordered something, the holographic proction matarialized with the same flourish that a regular drink would have in the replicator. It was nice knowing he wasn't going to have to spend a ration. He sighed as Eve was clearly not the best conversationalist at least not while he wasn't wearing any clothing, but considering his plan was to go back to sleep the moment she dematarialized having her just standing around was kind of awkward.

Once he finished getting Rhyannen's bed ready and making sure that the food dish was full he went back to Eve, gesturing towards the animal in her arms. "You can put her down now, if you so want."

As he spoke he offered her the tea. Sadly his room didn't have much more than a single chair to offer guests or company and it was the one at the desk. So he just took a seat on the bed, and patted the bed with his spare hand. "I was serious, I don't think I can go back to sleep I'd rather have someone to talk too, and you are kind of the only one around. It's awkward if you keep standing around I'm offering you to join me for a bit."

He looked at the bed, the fact he was naked, and the holographic projection that was standing in front of him. Considering how holograms were usually used, he wondered if she would take offense to his offer. 

He chuckled at her stuttering it was very cute. "Here sit down have your tea, it will help calm you down from whatever is bothering you."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #9
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve stood there continuing to hold the animal, and keeping her attention focused on it rather than the naked man. Hearing that she could put it down, she did so and let the animal scurry away. In an attempt to mimic humans, she made an attempt to brush off her uniform, not that it would have been needed since her clothes were holographic and could just be realigned to allow any hair or other particulates to fall to the floor.

She nodded with a slight smile as she took the tea, keeping her eyes averted from the man. Not that it would do her any good though as the ship's internal sensors fed her all the information from her surroundings and continued to tell her what the man looked like naked.

She felt it would be improper to join him on the bed, but there was an available chair in the room. She moved over to it and pulled it out and faced it vaguely in the man's direction and then sat down on it.

"I.. I can whip up a sedative to.. Um, help you sleep? I mean, you know, sleep is.. Good for you?"

What the hell was wrong with her. Her program was stable, so it couldn't be that. She just took a sip of the tea rather than continue blathering like an idiot. She continued to look around the room, taking note of anything that wasn't standard issue for the rooms on this ship.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #10
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

"No offense Eve but the last time I took anything from Sickbay I killed a fellow pilot. I'd rather stay up if that's the price I have to pay for a clear mind. Besides sedatives always come with that warning not to operate heavy equipment and I could get a flight alert any minute." He dismissed her concern out of hand, but with some good reason thanks to the history. Though if there was a doctor he could trust the holographic one that was in front of him was probably the best shot.

Nathan paused for a moment as he looked at Eve. "What about you? I mean you turn off, I guess, but well I am watching you breath." He paused for a moment thinking of more intimate questions about Eve.

"Can you take off your uniform?" He shook his head. "Sorry that was wildley inapporpreate, I was just kind of curious."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #11
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve nodded slightly as the man pointed out that she breathed. She kinda wished he would just put some pants on, at the very least, but her professionalism subroutines were beginning to adapt to the situation allowing her to react a little more at ease in this situation. Only a little though.

She nearly choked on her tea, if that was even possible, when Nathaniel asked if she could take off her uniform.

"I um.. No? Well, erm, I mean, yes I can. Well, that's to say, it is possible. I can wear normal clothes."

Her stammering and such continued as she put the tea down on the nearest flat surface and stood, probably a little quickly as it made her hair bounce a little.

"I.. Uh, maybe I should go. You seem to be healed and I.. Erm.. I should go."

She then turned, again a little faster than normal as it caused her hair to flow out slightly with the motion. But rather than starting immediately for the door which she could reach in about 2.7 seconds if she was being leisurely about it, she paused. While she did seem totally flustered by this she was also curious about his response to her reaction. If he persisted, she could always cross the distance to the door and be gone before he could stand up again.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #12
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan paused looking over the situation, this felt very familiar and he had been approaching it with that same sense he had back a few days ago, with the old patterns he had been trying to walk away from, and the stuff that he was sure he could leave behind. Yet here he was, Naked, and trying to proposition a woman he barely knew any better than Angel from earlier that day. He paused for a moment thinking about it, looking down at himself, and then slowly getting to his feet.

He didn't pursue Eve, if she wanted to go than honestly that was her prerogative, but at the same time he wasn't really content. "I'm sorry that was... unfair of me to have put you on the spot like that."

He grabbed some underwear and put it on, followed by some shorts. Dressing himself as he looked at Eve. "I know you probably have better things to do, and you are right you have helped me out."

Icarus sighed as he looked up at the roof, feeling like a bit of an idiot having already stepped over a few lines. "Could I ask you out?"

while the date with Angel had been a new and interesting experience, it had also opened up his mind a little about the way he had treated others. He wasn't sure if he and Angel were going to have much of a deeper connection.

"I know you probably dislike the idea of repayment but you did just help me out, and you're probably the only person aboard this ship I can actually trust. I get that if you get summoned away than you have to respond, but... I don't really feel like sleeping. My shift is in like three hours anyway, so really whats the point?"

Nathan shrugged and now moved to join Eve by the door. "Plus I have to admit that I am more than a little curious." He said in reference to her flustered answer of being able to take off her clothes. Not that he would encourage her to do so. Honestly his interactions with Angel was... a little more interesting, but he wasn't sure that there was any real connection there with her, so why not try with Eve? There had to be someone on this ship he could have more of a connection with.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #13
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve stopped, she just sort of stood there half way between the door and the chair. Did he really just say what she was certain her excelent hearing heard? She slowly tured to face him with a raised brow, the look on her face a cross between confusion and curiosity. Oh thank the matrix he put some pants on.

"...Ask.. Me out?"

This was truely a strange experience for her. In all her existence she had never been asked that. Though, everyone she met knew exactly what she was and while they found her attractive, she was still basically a computer. People don't date computers.

This man though, seemed to have a knack for making her program faulter. Could be he keeps catching her off guard, or he coud just be hiding an exceptionaly powerful power source in his room that's playing havoc with her projection. She moved to face him more fully though, seeming a bit less flustered than before.

"Out where?"

She really does have little to no experience in this area of conversation or social interaction.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #14
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan put on a shirt, as Eve stopped to consider what he was offering. His own mind rolled over the thought, there was no point in going back to sleep, but where could they go? It wasn't like the Theurgy was built to be a resort or anything. There were some recreational areas sure, but not a lot, and there hadn't been shore leave for a long time. Dating was a new concept for him, and as he looked over Eve he honestly doubted she would want to do anything.

He couldn't imagine the gym being any fun for her, or have any sort of benefit to her. So he struck that one out of his mind. And worked through other areas of the ship. "We have something like two holodecks, their is an Atrium, we have a pool, a gym and a steam room, but their isn't a lot of just pure recreational areas on this ship."

He paused the idea of swimming was kind of neat and refreshing, but in all honesty this was kind of in her quart at this point. "Why don't we see what you're brain can come up with? I'll be honest I'm kind of not great with the whole dating scene, never really done it before, but I'm in the middle of wanting to reshape myself, and... this was an idea that a..."

What did he classify Angel as? "A friend talked me into. It's something kind of new to me, and like I said, we can go for a distance up until you get pulled away or I get to go back on duty."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #15
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve found it amusing that the first on his list of suggestions was a holodeck. Even though she was a hologram herself, she did consider most of the other holograms on the ship as basic imitations. Even the EMH systems were seen as below her level of programming. This amusement at the suggestion manifested as a small smirk when the holodecks were brought up.

Then he mentioned a date. This caused her to actually have to access her database. As a medical professional she was also expected to know about some social interactions, such as dating. Interspecies relations often required approval by the ranking doctor to ensure that the relationship doesn't wind up being potentially dangerous of fatal to the health of one or all of the parties involved. Though, her database only contained the most basic definition of the term 'date'. She opened her mouth to inform him that it was impossible for him to procreate with her no matter what happened, she decided against it and closed her mouth again. In the interest of trying to follow her Counselor's advice, she decided to try and see where this might lead.

"Well, that depends on what one considers recreational. But I'm one that finds sickbay quite relaxing most times. Quiet when the ship isn't exploding around us. However, I haven't really gotten a chance to see the arboretum since I was first.." She paused for a moment, much as one would to stop themselves from saying something that was incorrect. "Since I first came aboard. I have an interest in biology, and that includes plant biology."

A further search of her database showed that in traditional human interactions, the one who makes the initial offer of the date should be the one to lead, so she steps back a little with a smile and waits to see where Nathaniel decides. She found herself strangely interested to see where this man's interests lay. But isn't this the point of a date, to determine if a couple's interests are compatible?

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #16
[ Nathaniel Isley | Ensign Quarters] Attn:  @TrexelCat

The Arboretum wasn't a place that Nathan had really taken the time to explore. He knew there was a cafe there but to him it was a place of only passing curiosity. He wasn't a biologist and the place wasn't really a botanical garden so much as a mesh of experimentation, and flowers adapted to live on deep space. It was a fit of modern engineering, and the fact that it was so alien to him actually made it rather perfect.

"Oh I have an idea." Nathan said pausing to go back to his room for a moment. He grabbed a sketch book, and let a few pencils, from a drawer in his room hidden under a false lid. When he returned he was surprised that Eve was falling back, but only slightly, it felt kind of appropriate, and while he would have liked to have walked personally, Isley's quarters were with the other junior officers in the helmet, and the arboretum was in the Stead.

It seemed impolite to just transfer her program between vectors without asking first, but at the same time she was the one to extend the idea of the arboretum. "I'll meet you on the other side." He said softly giving her a small wink.

"Thea, activate a site to site transport for Eve, and myself to outside the Arboretum on Deck 21." As Nathan spoke he got the suddenly sickening sensation of everything twisting around him as that all too familiar glow  and hum overtook his vision and hearing. A moment later as everything was put back into place he was standing on deck 21. Just outside of the door waiting for his date to materialize from the holoprojectors. When she did he offered his hand and opened the door to the large indoor botonacial garden.

"I admit I don't know the plants here like at all, so this is a bit of a learning experience for me, but I thought I would bring this along." He said lifting up his sketch book. "I actually got it when I got out of the brig Winn told me to get a hobby. So i'm still kind of new to drawing, but I figured i could take this as a challenge. Draw some of the prettier stuff in here, and see if I can get anything remotely close to accurate."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #17
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Ensign Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve stood there and waited for the man to retrieve the item he was after. While he was doing that she had plenty of time to run through her database to pull up all relevant information to the customs of dating in the Romulan and Human culture. She then was able to go through that information and pick out all of the customs that didn't conflict, creating a whole new file that she figured would be appropriate for Romulan/Human dating. This actually didn't take long from an outside observer, zero-point-six-eight seconds. For a computer though that is nearly an eternity.

She then just smiled at him as she saw him return with his drawing materials. Perhaps she should try to take up drawing sometime. Her database includes non-traditional medical practices as well, and art has been shown to have therapeutic properties.

She simply just listened to the command to the computer to have her program transfered, the world around her fading out only to be replaced with another world, the same but different.

[ EVE Program AK-1 | Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ]

Eve looked around a moment, a habit really. She had no need to get her bearings as due to an instant knowledge of every location on the ship. Helps her be able to navigate to a medical emergency, though it also helps her to just know where she is going with she isn't needed in a medical capacity.

She nodded her head to Nathaniel as she followed with him into the garden.

"Don't let the fact that I know the molecular makeup of every plant in here intimidate you. For my profession it's kinda required. I need to be able to know if a plant has any medicinal value, or if a particular plant is poisonous. And if there is any antidote."

She paused a moment and looked at Nathaniel with a raised brow.

"You were in the brig? Might I ask what for? I'm sorry, but my information states that it's extremely rare for an officer to be confined to the brig for any reason."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #18
[ Nathaniel Isley |Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 ] Attn:  @TrexelCat

"The way you describe it sounds no more fun than looking at a cargo manifest." Nathan said with a slight laugh. Compared to the other date he had been on, this was more calm in atmosphere, which was nice. the air in the arboretum was warm and smelled more like a planet. It was basically a garden, and with the current lighting set to reflect the night time, it was actually rather peaceful. the only reminders that they were on a ship in a nebula were the windows that were impossible to escape from, and the fact that if you looked up, above the trees you would still see the bulkheads.

"Don't get me wrong that's useful all the information you have up there, but a plants use is only  a small portion of the plant's existence." Nathan said with a small shrug. As he walked he moved a little closer to Eve, and being slightly on the daring side, he reached out and took her hand, while placing his art supplies under one arm.

"I told you I was drugged by another doctor. Something went wrong during a battle, and for a while it looked like I had killed another pilot on purpose. Since then I have kind of been avoiding doctors." He gave Eve a soft look. "I have been eating a lot of apples lately."

It was odd that he was choosing the red head, she was a doctor, and she had just admitted to knowing every poison in this room, he would be lying if that thought didn't give him a chill. He could imagine Eve as some crazed ex, it was a spooky thought to be sure. At the same time she wasn't constrained by the medical team, she was held to the higher standards of morality programmed into her. She was also cute, Maya had been cute as well he supposed, but he could never willingly try anything with a vulcan.

"it is normally rare for officers to be confined to the brig yes, but this ship has brought everyone out to the brink. I was in security for a week, and I barely had a moment to myself. we have all sorts of crazy stuff going on. From Cults to mind bending parasites. I suppose the rarities are becoming more common, and the common stuff is becoming more rare." Nathan shrugged he was a pilot, he wasn't payed to try and understand the nine buckets of crazy that was going on aboard this ship.

"What about you? you mentioned that you had only just been re-activated. You came back to us, at a pretty inopportune time, how are you feeling?"

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #19
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve made no motion to pull her hand away from the man, in truth the files she had created for this expressly indicated that this was a quite normal action. Had he not done it, she probably would have.

She listened to the man speak as she looked around the room. Identifying each plant as it came into focal view for her. Her program accessing a readout of every medical piece of information and relaying that to her matrix. Feeling. Why does everyone keep asking her that. What is so fascinating with how she is capable of imitating human emotion. One doesn't ask a human if they have feelings.

"I feel just fine."

It's quite possible she completely misunderstood the question, to be honest.

"I honestly think I came back at the right time. It seems that there is quite a need for proper medical personnel."

Something though caught her attention in the room. She quickly moved towards it, freeing her hand from Nathaniel's as she did so that she could quickly cross the distance.

"What is this? I don't recognize this species of plant. It seems to have aspects of an Earth orchid, but with characteristics of another plant, perhaps a bromillian tundra flower?"

She leaned in to take a sniff of the flower. Truthfully she had no sense of smell, she was merely performing the action as that's what her ability to simulate being alive prompted. The ship's sensors feeding information into her program to tell her what chemicals should be interacting with her respiratory system. This was useful information so she knew if anyone else should be sniffing the plant, or if that could be poisonous or not. This one, did not register as such for the current listed beings aboard the ship, so she smiled and looked in the direction of Nathaniel.

"Come, it's lovely. Smells like.. An apricot."

The closest her program could come to interpreting what the combined chemicals should smell like.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #20
[ Nathaniel Isley |Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 ] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan walked beside Eve for a moment, though was kind of worried this was a lot different than anything he was previously used too, though she seemed content. The dismissal of his question about what she had been up too kind of shut him up for a moment, he was trying to just enjoy what he could with the Hologram. It wasn't the emotions that was fascinating for him, it was the fact that she was so very different from other holograms outside of say Thea. He wasn't a scientist, or an engineer he didn't understand how it worked, he was just kind of fascinated by it.

When Eve said there was a plant she didn't recognize among the flowers of the arburitom he blinked. Didn't she just tell him she was linked the inventory and knew everything on a molecular level? On some level the fact that she didn't recognize a flower here was immediately kind of concerning to Nathan. Still as he walked over to where she guided him and sniffed at the flower he was more hesitant.

As soon as he did his nose itched, and his eyes watered for a moment, before he sneezed into his arm keeping away from Eve. He brushed his eyes and shrugged. He had never been allergic to pollen or plants in the past. "It's pretty." He said finally after a few more seconds of sniffing and rubbing at his nose.

"Stinks though, kind of like an apricot that has been left out in the sun for a few days." He opened his sketch book, and attempted to draw the flower as best as he had seen it. "I thought you said that you had this entire garden archived?"

Nathan sat down on the opposite side of the walkway from the flower, sitting on the grass as he worked. Motioning for Eve to join him. "So how do you not recognize a flower." He paused to think it over. "Wait maybe it's a cross pollination? like a weed?"

Nathan wasn't really a gardener and had no real idea how that would work, but it made some sense if she didn't recognize the plant. "If it hasn't been cataloged yet, you should name it."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #21
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve blinked a couple of times at Nathaniel's reaction. She didn't have on file what a rotting apricot smelled like. At least she didn't think she did, though she really wasn't sure what an actual apricot smelled like either. Just that the fragrance compounds matched those that come off an apricot. Nathaniel's allergic reaction was a bit of a concern for her as well. At some point she's going to have to get him under the high resolution scanner in sickbay so she can get a more detailed profile of what might cause this reaction and avoid it in the future.

She watched as the man moved to sit down, still attempting to draw the flower, and she moved over to sit on the grass next to him. Sitting, not something she did often and that was with chairs. As she lowered herself down, she tucked her legs under her and sat on her knees. She leaned over slightly to watch what he was drawing, trying to determine what artistic style he was using.

"I meant that I know all the listed plants. But you're right about cross pollination. That plant doesn't occur naturally. Probably someone's personal project. I don't have direct access to the botanical database so it could have been bred while I was offline. I'll have to go through that database at a later time."

She smiled as she continued to watch him draw. She honestly had no ability to appraise art, wasn't included in her program as it's not medically necessary to be able to tell if a piece of art is good or not.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #22
[ Nathaniel Isley |Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 ] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan looked at the plant with a slight curiosity now. If it was someones pet project why wasn't it in a pot, and rather allowed to spread loose in the botanical garden. Maybe it was just his paranoia but all of the problems that had been caused by Niga, had been because of the plant growth there. Something unique and unregistered, despite the fact that it wasn't poisonous aroused his suspicion. Looking back at his drawing, he had tried his best to get as many details of the plant as he could.

"I still don't have anything to call this sketch." He said with a small shrug. "You should think of a name, even if it isn't it's official name, i could still use it for the title of the drawing." He said with a small shrug.

Nathan's picture was more a rough sketch of details of the plant rather than some divine work of art. It carried with it a lot of the trappings of most new artists attempting to draw something from life, it's features were blown up, and his measurements were inconsistent, but he did get the shape of the thing down, even if it wasn't true to life. It could stand as an approximation of the plants anatomy.

His attention did drift from the flower however, as Eve put herself close to him. "You wanna try drawing?" He asked offering her the sketch book and pen. "I know Thea had a lot of different attempts at hobbies."

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #23
[ EVE Program AK-1 | Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Kaligos

Eve smiled as she watched the man, then looking at the drawing. Her program was very advanced for what it was, but it was also lacking in some areas. Namely, the aspect of being artistically creative. Sure, she could devise new medical strategies and she was capable of thinking 'outside the box' so that she could perform her duties more effectively, adapting to new situations as they arose. But to be outright and purely creative was for the time being outside of her program's ability to operate.

"Bromillian Orchid?"

She continued to smile as she offered that. Then he offered her a chance at drawing. She took the sketch book and pen and looked at it for a moment. A multitude of images presented themselves in her mind as she looked to the man in confusion. But, after a moment she looked away, and taking the pen in her left hand, holding the pad in her right she started to sketch something. As she did she spoke, seeming to not even be focused on the drawing at all.

"I'm afraid that outright creativity was not something that was included in my training. I can adapt and change with the circumstances, but that's not to say I can create something completely original. Most of my free time when I'm able to have it is spent reading. For me, sometimes it's nice to just hold a book and read the words as they were intended to be read. I think that's as close as I get to having a hobby."

As she talked, the image on the paper began to take shape. It appeared to be a human, or more accurately a drawing of the human muscular system. The detail she was putting into the image was so intricate that the image might be able to be used in an earth medical text book as a diagram for how the human muscles worked.

Re: Day 03 [0300hrs] Trusting Pains

Reply #24
[ Nathaniel Isley |Arboretum | Deck Deck 20 | Vector 3 ] Attn:  @TrexelCat

Nathan nodded when she named the plant, he wasn't entirely sure how to define an Orchid but it didn't really matter. The plant was named, and while he would have probably gone with something more whimsical, he was actually just a little more glad that she hadn't gone with some scientific name.

"Sounds good to me. I've read a few books. I mean I know you have knowledge of all the medical information, so what happens if you read something like a novel?"

When she took the sketch pad, and seemed like she was becoming more focused on the task he took the chance to move closer to her. He moved up close enough to her that he could press his head onto her shoulder and his hand around her waist as they sat together. "You have a scent... I like it."

It was an odd thing to notice, but considering the woman was a holographic projection he hadn't expected that. How does anyone program a scent? She was also warm and soft to the touch which was more pleasant than he had anticipated. He looked at her image, and nodded.

"Your thinking too, structurally try something a little less... realized something more in the moment." He said while the image was impressive he wanted to give her a bit of a challange something out of her comfort zone. "You could try drawing us for instance."

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