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Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

STARDATE: 57597.07
16:00 HRS.

[ Lt Amelya Rez | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Enjoying her cup of tea at the Arboretum Café as she looked out through the windows to the trees and plantlife below. Her shift had ended a few hours ago and she was still unwinding from the work she had put in today. She nipped from the glass mug with a purple/pink mix of liquids inside. She gave her thoughts a free reign as memories of her former hosts kept trickling in at a more regular interval. The Trill doctor had her eyes closed before she remembered the conversation she had conducted with Deputy zh'Wann after having been summoned to the Captain's office.

Ida had explained her encounter with Edena Rez and how she had informed the former XO about her artistic side. Since Ida and Amelya had met during the Harbinger debacle, the two of them had some sort of connection. However, that connection had watered down in the past few weeks as neither of them had exactly found the time or space to catch up it seemed. Yet a few days back, they had spoken to one another in the elevator and whilst Ida had not replied back to the offer of Amelya to talk, the Trill found it perhaps suitable to ask the Andorian for a get together.

She drew out her PADD and opened up a private message to be sent to the deputy. She contemplated what she were to write or how to open the message to the blue skinned woman and with a sigh she stared back outside of the Arboretum café. Eventually she picked up the PADD again.

[Start Transmission]


I hope this message finds you well. I've not heard back from you in the past few days, though I would like to remind you that the offer to catch up still stands. I'm free for the rest of the day if you have some spare time. Perhaps we could dine together and catch up?

If it doesn't fit in your schedule, let me know so we might find a later date to reschedule.

Kind regards


[End of Transmission]

She placed the PADD aside as a memory triggered slowly from back on Theta. It wasn't the full picture though and all Amelya could make out was the warmth of the thermal springs she had seen on Theta along with glimpses and bits of bare skin. Nothing more however and it left the Trill with a knot in her stomach as she wondered what that was about. Were one of her prior hosts trying to tell her something?

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Docking Bay Lounge | USS Allegiant | Deck 19 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Stepping through the sliding doors which led to the Allegiant's bay, Ida made sure to abide to proper decorum... even though she was walking behind four Savi from the Erudite.

The days following 'second contact' with the Vigilant of Sa had been a trial for the Deputy, having to abide the very idea of a secret alliance with the very tormentors that had put her in a pen together with three other Andorians. Currently, she was escorting these four Antecedents together with the Quartermaster, whom had taken it upon himself to give a tour of the ship's public areas. This, pending the decision about having Savi delegates aboard. The four were dressed in their hardsuits, helmets on, just so that they might breathe the air on the Theurgy. Evidently, any Savi that might end up on the Theurgy was supposed to have their lungs replaced with artificial ones, just so that they would be able to survive.

Ida hoped that the Senior Staff would come to their senses, because even during the day's tour so far, she had caught the murderous glares of abductees eyeing the Savi that she was supposed to protect. After entering the docking bay lounge of the Allegiant, which was entirely empty, Ida felt that she didn't have to be quite as vigilant as elsewhere on the ship. That's why she stepped up to a control panel in the wall and accessed any correspondence she might have gotten while essentially playing bodyguard for her former captors. It didn't take her long to reach the name of an unexpected sender.


The symbiont's many previous hosts - as well as the current one - had different affiliations with her, so the name held many connotations in one. Primarily, the name invoked guilt over a past transgression, but close to it came the feeling of having been right - that the former host named Jona had betrayed the Theurgy when the simulcast had been altered. Undermining these conflicting feelings, however, was something more... basic, so to speak. This... desirability, which appealed to her. Both Edena and Amelya Rez had been motifs that captured her artist's eye.

With a glance towards the tall Savi figures and the prattling Quartermaster, Ida opened the message and read it. It was all... somewhat expected. Yet a conflicting feeling presided when she thought of her answer. With a little bit of hesitation, she soon raised her hand, however, and tapped in a reply.

[Start Transmission]

My apologies for not reaching out before you did. By Lor'Vela your timing is, however, impeccable.

Due to a current assignment, I might not be the most pleasant company. Nonetheless, if that is not a bother, I could indeed use some solidarity. Since it's about the Savi, what I want to speak of might not be fit for a public lounge. So if it's not a bother for you, could you come to my quarters and eat there after alpha shift?

Besides the Savi alliance, you're right. Like you say, I do feel the two of us have a lot more to speak of.



[End of Transmission]
After sending the message, Ida shut down the control panel and stepped after the Savi whilst they inspected the Allegiant's hull. The Quartermaster was still speaking, perhaps having forgotten whom was listening. Ida would have to make sure he did not reveal things that were too classified for the delegation to hear... even though she supposed they already knew everything about the ship after that first battle in the Azure Nebula.

Just another hour... Ida thought, jaws clenched and antennae angled forth like adders.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #2
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

It hadn't taken that long for Amelya to receive a message back from the deputy. She had returned to her quarters after her visit to the Arboretum Café and had taken a sonic shower. When returning to her bedroom, she noticed the blinking light on her PADD and checked it. Her eyes skimmed over the message and she frowned slightly as Ida mentioned being in a foul mood. It seemed like the Andorian woman could use the company, especially since her mood was related to the latest Savi colaboration efforts. Rez swallowed and wondered if she should bring something with her to lighten the mood up a little or anything along those lines.

With a soft sigh she got up as she was still wearing nothing more but a bathrobe and walked over to a replicator to first recycle her bathrobe. Next she produced a floral dress to wear to the blue skinned companion as she figured this was completely non work related. It'd be odd to show up in uniform right? She shook her head to stop second guessing and continued to get dressed, a simple pair of underwear and a bra were pulled on before she got in the dress and picked sandals for the occasion. Her Trill spots visible on her legs and neck as she looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled as she applied a little bit of make up and perfume before putting some triangular earrings on.

Once done she checked at the time as Alpha shift had ended a good twenty minutes ago. She acquired a bottle of Risan wine to bring along to the deputy and made her way over to her quarters. There were quite some people about during this time as Amelya was greeted and complimented by a few of them. Most seemed on their way to unwind at the dockyards after their alpha shift as others seemed to take the safety of the ship to unwind. A few were dressed to head down to the Aldean surface. Aldea had been a welcome change to the indoor settings and Amelya had had quite some fun on the planet's surface. After a good few minutes she arrived at the door of the deputy and chimed the door as she awaited the reply of her.

Amelya's outfit:

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Finally having been able to see the Savi delegates vanish and return to the Erudite, Ida had spoken briefly with the Quartermaster about being a tad more restrictive when it came to information given to the once-captors. She'd been amiable enough about it, taken her leave, and then submitted her report about the tour to Kai Akoni. It might have been a short and terse account of the event, and she'd recommended that additional tours were to be held moderation, since any alliance with the Savi had yet to be ironed out.

Eventually, she'd got to her quarters, and she got out of her uniform jacket and undershirt. In trousers and her white Starfleet-issue bra, she'd headed for her replicator and asked for Andorian ale, even though she had mixed feelings about the brew. With a sip and a sigh, she stretched her neck. "Thea, please play the zh'Ghenna playlist will you?"

Slowly, Andorian tunes from her home planet filled her quarters and she laid down on the couch in the sitting area, rubbing her temples with her free hand. She sipped her ale instead, and closed her eyes, suppressing the images from the Versant that surfaced after having spent her time with the Savi delegates. She'd barely said a single word to them, not sure she'd be able to keep her tone civil in their company. Ida wasn't sure they would be able to keep themselves in check either, since any provocation from them would have... complicated diplomatic relations with the Antecedents. She'd been armed, after all.

Soon enough, she turned her head to look at the computer console sitting on the coffee table. No messages from Rez, and she wondered if she'd deterred the Trill with the mentioning of her mood. Perhaps it was for the better if the Doctor didn't come over...

As if on cue, the chime of the door was heard - the chirp piercing through her thoughts and prompting her to slowly get back on her feet. "Enter," she said, and the sliding doors opened for her visitor. The Trill had not just put on something leisure-like, but even brought beverage of her own. Or was it for her? Surprised, Ida smiled a bit to the faceted person that had come to her quarters.

"I thought I scared you off," she admitted in all honesty, chuckling a little. "Please come, sit..."

The floral print of the Doctor's dress was quite becoming, and Ida nurtured the thoughts of what it might look like on canvas, flattering as it was to the Trill's body. She wasn't quite used to the blonde hair just yet, but in a way, it did help her distinguish Amelya Rez from Amelya Duv. An apt reminder, that it wasn't just a single person coming to her quarters, but the representative of many more. Judging by the meeting together with Ives, however, it appeared that the joining with the symbiont had kept Amelya from remembering as much of her former hosts compared to what Trill used to do post-joining. Judging by the faulty joining to Edena, it appeared this particular symbiont was unique in it's fickle reliability when introduced to new hosts.

Then again, perhaps it was something that Jona Rez had ensured - keeping any new hosts from learning his secrets. Indeed, perhaps it was Jona's fault that Edena and Amelya both had issues with their joinings? A theory, at best, but given her own profession, Ida couldn't help but wonder how much any host of the Rez symbiont could be trusted? Perhaps this evening would grant her a partial answer...

"Well, judging by events so far, it would seem the Senior Staff and Ives have decided to entertain the idea of a secret alliance with the Savi," she said, raking a hand through her white hair - right between her antennae. "This forces us former abductees to just accept it, regardless what we've endured. I am unsure how this will pan out, but by Lor'Vela... I don't like it."

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #4
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As the door opened, Amelya was met by the Andorian deputy in a rather lacking form of clothing. The standard issue white bra and trousers in stark contrast against her blue skin. It wasn't that Amelya would be easily startled by the sight of bare flesh as she had to handle with it on a daily basis, however this particular moment had been rather surprising as she smiled when the deputy spoke up and invited her in.

"It takes a bit more to scare me off." she answered jokingly and stepped inside as she heard the doors slide shut behind her "Thank you for having me though." she continued as she walked over to the couch and took a seat, after adjusting her dress properly so it wouldn't ride up too high. She crossed her legs and placed the wine on the coffee table in front of her as she looked up at Ida.

"Brought something along in case you needed the distraction really." she smiled friendly as she wondered what was going through the head of the Andorian "How have you been lately?" she asked as she was given the reply of how the decision of the senior staff weighed on her. The doctor nodded slowly as she left enough room for Ida to sit besides her.

As she listened to her, the blue skin triggered memories though, vivid memories. Explicit ones as she could feel the temperature rise within her as she worked hard to maintain the facade. Had Ida and one of her former hosts, Edena or perhaps another share an special bond? Did it really matter at this point? Her brain saw the discomfort going through Ida as she mentioned the viewpoints of being a former abductee who now had to work with the Savi.

"I can only imagine how stressful it must be... I don't know what they've put you through on there ship. Though a lot of the other surviving abductees have been coming into counseling offices for mental dismay." she spoke up, looking at her friend "If there's anything I can do for you Ida, please tell me." she offered as she placed a hand on the shoulder of the Andorian.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #5
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
While Amelya's question of what she might do generated no answers for Ida, she found herself staring at the Risian wine on the table. She felt the other Trill's hand on her shoulder, and hadn't she been able to find comfort before that day, she might have shied away from the touch. Having been subjected to the numerous violations she had during the Theurgy's voyage, tactile contact wasn't the most welcome, but thankfully, there had been people before Amelya that had touched her since they left the Azure Nebula behind, and she'd learned to accept that kind of comfort. Even welcome it.

Slowly, she raised her opposite hand and put it on top of Amelya's acknowledging the gesture. Her face, however, wasn't reflecting the warmth of gratitude. It was chiselled in cobalt, her tone matching. "Yesterday, I was on the Erudite together with a delegation of other officers. Engineers and programmers. The First Officer was there, as well as the Chief Engineer. I had thought revisiting a Savi ship would have sparked something. Revulsion. Hate. Neither, it proved, just a hope that the Voice would prove dishonest in his intentions. That Commanders Ducote and Tiran would find the suggested alliance deplorable and of no merit, and that the Savi were to be dismissed. I had hoped it would be the last of it, and that I would never have to see black eyes such as theirs again..."

A frown accompanied her stare, looking at nothing and yet seeing the past before her eyes. Her grip around Amelya's hand hardened.

"Yet is seems the Savi are being earnest, or at least it appears so now. Shelat, it was one thing being beamed up there to that ship in the company with a delegation that were to judge the Savi on their merits and their word. Today... I had to walk the ship in the company of four of them... Being seen together with them, and with the allotted duty to protect them from other abductees... I could see it in their eyes, how they loathed that I was in their way, preventing them from stepping forth. By Lor'Vela, I was positive one or two would try to get past me and assault them. Thankfully, they didn't act on their intentions... I am not sure what I'd done."

Fail her duty. Let the Savi suffer for what they'd done.

Realising that she was holding Amelya quite hard, Ida gave a start and released the Trill, her bushy white eyebrows climbing. "My apologies, I didn't mean to hurt you... I... It was..." she said, taking a deep breath. She shook her head. "It was wrong of me to suggest we'd meet tonight. I am not the most pleasant of company, as I wrote. You and I share more than just these vile matters at hand. Past hosts of yours and I... we have quite a strange relationship. This not even taking the Harbinger into account. I'd rather we spoke of the past than the present, if you wouldn't mind?"

Of course, Amelya certainly had comments on the Savi herself, but Ida let the Doctor decide if she wanted to linger on that topic. Carefully, if she'd let her, Ida rubbed the Trill's hand to soothe it from any remaining ache.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #6
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

A slight smile came to Amelya's lips as she saw the deputy place her hand on the one Amelya had placed on her shoulder. The Andorian however still seeming rather sunk in thoughts and emotions as she let her talk and spill her guts. The doctor simply nodded understandingly as Ida talked about being back aboard the Eurudite. Coming face to face with her captors, yet only being forced to work with them at this time.

The well trained hands of the Andorian fastened and added more pressure to Amelya's, an involuntary reaction perhaps and it was fine at first. However as Ida spoke of having to show the Savi around on the Theurgy today, the grip on her hand turned into a vice grip. Her own grip against Ida's shoulder tightening as he face winced slightly as Ida did hurt her. She didn't want to interrupt the woman as she talked though as it hurt a little, yet not enough to say it would break her bones.

It was quite a heavy discussion to have and Amelya felt the grip lighten on her hand as Ida apologized for the grip. Amelya smiled once more and let her thumb run against the skin of Ida's shoulder "It's okay Ida." she stated simply and as Ida shook her head and saw it as a mistake to have met up tonight, Amelya shook her head as well "No, it's better for you to vent things like this. Plus I'm not made of glass and in the end... Isn't that what friends are for? To vent to in hard times and when things are bad?" she said calmly yet with a soft voice, almost on a soothing tone.

Amelya used her other hand to turn Ida's face to hers, letting her eyes inspect the face of the deputy "You are right however, we do share more than just the recent past events." a genuine smile appearing on her face "A strange relationship indeed, especially if you can't remember more than half of it." she laughed. Her eyes darted back to the Risian wine and she nodded towards it "Why don't we open that up, share me some stories of the relationship you had with my other hosts. Enlighten me and just forget about the worries of today? Can we do that Thanida?" she asked her, using her full name deliberately as the hand that had turned her face gently caressed her cheek.

"I can get the glasses or open up the bottle, whichever you prefer." she suggested as she let go of Ida's cheek and waited for her choice.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #7
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
The touch of Amelya's hand against her cheek made Ida raise her eyes from the Trill's hand and look back at her. Clearly, the current host of Rez hadn't been too perturbed by the way she'd accidentally hurt her, so Ida returned the smile. The suggestion was a fine one, agreeing a she was on how it might be a good idea to share some drink before speaking of the past. A past Rez seemed largely unaware of, judging by her words.

"I'll get some glasses," she said, and rose from the couch, thinking of Illya and Edena Rez, and how she found herself - despite how the Jona host had betrayed the crew - missing them. Edena had been a conduit for Illya, a willing conduit, and Ida knew Illya to wear the face of the past First Officer. The body of Edena had been Illya's when they'd been together. First, in the shower, when Illya had tried to disarm Ida with temptation. It hadn't worked, but it had generated a seed... which had come to bloom on Theta Eridani IV. Against one of the cliffs close to the thermal springs, they had come together at last. Shadows playing over blue and pink skin in the night, with distant torches flickering over their sweating, heaving bodies. It had been hot both in the literal and figurative sense. It had taken Ida a moment to forget the fact that it was the First Officer she'd been with, focusing on Illya's possession of that body. That past host of the Rez symbiont had been a grifter, of all things, and certainly not the type Ida would normally go for. Perhaps that was why it had been such a tempting notion. Then there was the Starfleet Intelligence angle, and the knowledge of Edena's original mission to kill them all lest the Theurgy fell into unwanted hands.

Keep your enemies closer, the pinkskins tend to say... Shelat, was that why I was with her?

In fact... Edena had once said she didn't trust herself either... So did that mean she'd been with Ida for the same reason? Out of concern for the crew? Had Edena wanted her as a fail-safe, should Jona take over? Either way, Ida had been aboard Starbase 84 when Jona finally made his move, and she had been unable to do anything.

"Complicated... That's certainly a word for it," she said when she returned to the couch with the glasses. She set them down before them on the coffee table and leaned back in the couch. She raked her fingers through her hair, antennae swaying a little back and forth as she tried to decide on how to start. "We already spoke of... the shower, in Ives' office. What I may have neglected to say was how Edena withdrew from her own body, be it in fright or by choice, and Illya Rez took over instead. She tried to disarm my temper by appealing to my more... base desires. It didn't work, and I left with my threat still lingering in the air, but for a moment there, I entertained the notion of reciprocating the advance she made. I... even placed the top of my phaser pistol against the apex of her legs. I don't recall what I said, but that was about it."

Not her finest hour, but she'd had the safety of the crew in mind...

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #8
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

As Ida decided to get the glasses, Amelya followed her with her eyes as she watched the blue skinned woman walk over to the replicator. She worked on opening the wine in the meantime, when Ida would return the bottle would be open and the doctor would be gazing up at her eyes. The deputy seemed sunken in thoughts for now and Amelya could only guess what it was all about. On the other hand, that was the reason why she was here, to unlock potential memories that would aid the both of them.

Ida began to speak of her former relations with the Rez symbiont and Amelya frowned slightly as she began to fill the glasses with the Risian wine. With the glasses well filled, she took them off the table and offered a glass over to Ida as she was talking. Rez listened attentively and as Ida filled in the blank, the whole scene unraveled before her. How Illya had done her utmost best to hide fear, the feeling of the cold phaser rifle roaming over her chest, against the breast and under her chin before it was eventually brought between the thighs. She could feel the fear Illya felt after Ida left.

It was indeed a weird sensation to remember and almost feel the things her former hosts felt. Eventhough she felt like they weren't her own, they felt so vivid and real that she could imagine her standing in that exact location. The threat Ida had spoken then and the linked emotions with it washed over Amelya now as her cheeks turned rosy red and an even darker shade of red as she felt what Illya done when Ida left. Rez closed her eyes to stop the playback and looked back at Ida with a cough to clear her throat.

"I remember... Now..." she answered to Ida "Illya was rather... Talented to bluff. Not a side of you I've seen before, thankfully." she smiled faintly as she moved one of her hands through her blonde hair before taking a good sip of the Risian wine in order to cool down a bit "You and Illya met again after that? To pose for a painting?" she asked curiously.

The triggered memory opened up pathways to other memories as the one Ida and Illya shared on Theta became more clear now. Still missing quite a few bits, she could still get flashes of Ida's skin against hers, writhing and the temperatures even higher than they were. She had been on Theta and the small of the planet was a thing that had been lingering with her. She opted to not speak about this with Ida yet and decided to hear the rest of her story out.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #9
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Nodding in answer, Ida took the glass of wine and sipped it.

"It was after the Niga incident, and Edena Rez' promotion to First Officer. I was summoned to her ready room, and I was told that Edena wouldn't report my conduct in her quarters. She told me she understood my reasoning, but advised me on how to properly achieve the same results whilst still sticking to regulations. She didn't leave any note in my service record, for which I am grateful. I didn't just speak with Edena, however. Ilya was there too..."

And then Ida began to give the full account of how the meeting had gone. [Show/Hide]
Once she was finished, Ida was pouring herself and Amelya another glass of wine, figuring they might both need it, given how while the suspense had been there between Ida and Edena, it had ended prematurely. Judging from the Trill's face when Ida told her of the meeting, it seemed she was remembering it quite well. She just needed a reminder, and it seemed it was all there, beneath the surface. As if the memories of the former hosts were locked up in her subconscious.

"I never got that request from Edena," she continued, and sipped the wine once more. It was having a warming effect, and she quite liked it. It certainly fit the evening. "So I had yet to paint her when she was shot by that Devoted on the main bridge. This, after Jona Rez played his hand... as the pinkskins tend to say when they play cards."

Ida then looked back at Amelya, raising her blue eyes from the contents of her glass. "Illya, however, found me on Theta Eridani IV, and whilst possessing Edena's body... we ended up being intimate. I didn't care much for the warmth of the springs, not keen on bathing there, but Illya had me against one of the cooler cliffs there at the foothills of the mountains. It was... more than just memorable."

The memories made Ida clear her throat a bit and rubbed the side of her neck with her free hand. She was quite self-concious, all of a sudden, about her limited amount of clothing in company with the new host of the Rez symbiont. A host which she'd become familiar with under quite different and more dire circumstances. She remembered after Commander Trujillo had threatened them in the Harbinger's brig, just after Amelya Duv had treated Ida's wounds. [Show/Hide]
The memory of Amelya's bare body underneath the labcoat in the brig had led her to think of how they'd donned exosuits on the main brig of the Harbinger, where she'd been granted more than just a glimpse of the Doctor's bareness. She felt her skin tingling, thinking that the person in front of her wasn't just the brunette version of Amelya - the unjoined CMO of the Akira-class ship - but the also the Trill that she'd been with in the steam of the springs...

Yet again, somewhere beneath the lovely exterior of the blonde woman on the couch, was also Jona Rez. Ida had to try and remember that, difficult as it might be when she merely had eyes for what she saw. Not what hid behind those eyes.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #10
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Ida gave the whole scene some context for Amelya to understand, an action where the former CMO was grateful for. The whole memory now unlocked, Amelya found herself quite flustered for a bit though it all made more sense now. Amelya had taken a sip every now and again from her own glass of wine and As Ida refilled her glass, Amelya took another sip. As if to cool herself down, though the drink the exactly the contrary as she remained with that warm buzz in her body.

Edena's demise was a rather tragic one as the devoted had shot her, though it had opened up the life of Amelya Rez. Even if so by force. Rez looked at Ida as she seemed to be somewhat disappointed that she was unable to paint Edena as was intended. Amelya gave a slow nod as she spoke of Illya finding her again on Theta. The memories of that encounter now vividly splashing onto Amelya's retina and memory. [Show/Hide]

The talks of this evening certainly did seem to have a certain heated factor to them. She looked t Ida with a rose flush on her cheeks though, her body would undoubtedly still feel rather cool to the touch. She swallowed slightly as she couldn't see Ida in the same way as she had before. Rez's core felt hot and she could feel the warmth pool between her legs as she crossed them. She and Ida had indeed only met on the Harbinger after the events on Theta. Dire events and somewhat emotional events for Amelya, though time had made her stronger.

Amelya felt the silence settle in between them and she could see Ida looking at her. Rez cleared her throat as she took the turn to fill up the glasses of wine, the bottle nearly empty by now. She locked eyes with Ida as she pressed her lips together "It must be weird for you in that case... To have known me from on the Harbinger yet now... I must be a collection of memories even though my
looks remain the same?
" she tried to wrap her head around how hard it must've been for Ida. She swallowed again as she placed the glass down on the table in front of them "Some of my hosts being more... Dangerous then others." she pointed out, being well aware of what Jona had done. The specifics as to why though still locked away from her.

Her eyes gazed deep into Ida's "Though I can safely and honestly admit to you that none of them have been able or tried to grasp control. Not in the way like Illya had overtaken Edena's body. It simply doesn't seem to happen with me. A thing that I'm perhaps grateful for." she admitted as she looked away from Ida.


Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #11
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Now that's an understatement, Ida thought and merely chuckled faintly at Rez' implication that she might think it weird to associate her with so many different persons, given the history they shared. She merely nodded, the corners of her eyes creased in affirmation while she sipped her wine. Clearly what they were drinking wasn't some replicated synthehol, but the true alchohol oft attributed to Risian vintages. The tell-tale buzz and warmth was there, but Ida didn't mind in the slightest. In fact, given the topics discussed, the wine wasn't just helpful, but quite a necessity.

Oh, not just in regard to the sexual tension that presided between them. It was tangible, and Ida couldn't stop imagining how they might end up repeating the history between them. Was she ready to be with a Rez host once more, after what Jona had done? Amelya brought up that traitor again, but she also made it clear that she was under no direct influence by the former hosts in the way that Edena had been.

That's a relief to hear, Ida thought, finding herself looking at the blonde Trill's neck and the way the spots descended past the neckline of that floral dress. Of course, with the Rez symbiont being what it was, and given what Jona had done at Starbase 84, Security had kept tabs on the Doctor. Judging by the movements of Rez in the internal sensor readings, it didn't appear like she was behaving abnormally, with little deviation from her duties in a way that stuck out. In fact, Amelya had made the request herself, back in the Captain's ready room.

Suddenly, Ida realised that Rez was looking quite intently at her, and she caught herself looking back in a way that mirrored Amelya's. The tension was undeniable now, the memories dancing in the room. Soon enough, the Doctor looked away, which made Ida swallow and reply to what she'd said.

"You asked me to do you a favour, when we spoke last, and point out when you act differently. I don't think you have any cause for concern, since there have been no indication of the sort. It would seem, at least for now, that the past hosts are at rest," she said, which implied that, until there were any cause for doubt, Ida might assume that the threat that Jona posed might have been neutralised with the joining to Amelya Duv. That would be fortunate on many levels. Not just in terms of the safety for the crew and the mission...

...but Ida might just entertain the mutual ideas that seemed to preside between them. If there was less of a fear that the traitor host was there, actively, then what other obstacles where there to enjoy the company of a Rez once more?

"Is there... some kind of law for Trills that forbid you to be affiliated with people you were with before?" she asked, the boldness of the question signalling that perhaps the wine had done something to her inhibitions... She found herself smiling ruefully when she asked it, and watched the Doctor from above the rim of her glass when she took another sip. "Or is that reserved for relationships between Trills alone?"

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #12
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The Risian wine had perhaps been enjoyed too quickly as the tell tale signs of the alcohol working through her system created that specific feeling of being on a high. Social borders seemed to fade ever so slightly as Ida did look more tempting by the minute in what she was wearing. The Trill moistened her lips slightly as she could taste the wine once more that still lingered on them. Ida spoke up and gave her the reassurance that her followed movements so far had lead to little to no abnormalities. It was a reassuring feeling to say the least, knowing how the symbiont inside her tended to take control with Edena in the past. It seemed like as she felt, there had been no hijacking of her physical form.

The tension in the room was reaching a high it seemed as the normally preferred cold room of Ida's felt more like a sauna at this time. The only difference was that neither of them were naked and that neither of them was breaking a sweat. Conditions that could obviously change given what they'd do with the lingering tension. Ida brought up if there was a law that prohibited affiliations between persons who had been with a former host before. Amelya gave it some thought and nodded slowly.

"Yes... It is a bit of a taboo. In general Trill society frowns upon continuing a romantic relationship from one host to the other." she answered the question truthfully as she saw Ida looking at her from the rim of her glass "It isn't restricted to Trill alone."  she clarified as she kept her eyes locked on Ida's. She leaned in a little closer to Ida as she reached out, carefully to see what the blue skinned woman would do or how she'd react to it. If she were to pull back Amelya wouldn't pursue it, though the tension was too obvious in the air.

"However, would you consider your relationship with Illya or Edena... Romantic?" she asked softly, teasingly as her fingers grazed upon the side of her face before pushing some of that white hair behind her ear. It was clear that Amelya had already designed a loophole for the Trill law "Plus, did anyone else know about said relationship besides the two of you?" she continued to ask as she scooted a bit closer to Ida. Her fingers raking gently through Ida's white locks.

She gave Ida the time to reply before Amelya dared to ask a more direct question to her friend "Or does the idea of a taboo relationship sound all the more enticing to you ThanIda?" she asked, softly, teasingly as the breathing of the Trill had clearly turned more quickly as her eyes probed into Ida's.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #13
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
While a bit of a loophole, this reasoning that Rez conjured, Ida had to admit that while what had been happening between her and the former hosts of the symbiont wasn't platonic, she really couldn't claim to have any romantic feelings towards either Illya or Edena. Certainly not towards the other hosts, for that matter. Indeed, what had developed between them seemed to - in Ida's regard - be more... primal in nature. This attraction, that was as undeniable as it was rather... 'shallow' in nature, for lack of a better word.

So when Amelya Rez - this new host of the symbiont - closed the distance on the couch, and ran her fingers through her white hair, Ida made no objection. Of course she didn't care about the Trill laws when it came to 'Reassciation'. The taboo and the potential repercussions wouldn't really affect her. The risk was squarely on Amelya's shoulders, should any bureaucrat on Trill decide to question what was going on right then in Ida's quarters. 

Ida could feel how her blue eyes fluttered a little at Rez' touch, the memories of her and its previous host making her more warm than any Risian wine might. Her answer was a quiet one, matching the Trill's. "I would loath any thrills felt on your sole account, the hazard to your name and symbiont nothing to relish," she said, and raised her free hand to curl her fingers around the neckline of Rez' floral dress. "Yet by Lor'Vela, what is it about you that makes me hunger so?"

'You' was, of course, aimed at the person Amelya now was. A Rez, like those before, and which Ida had come to have such split feelings about. Amelya Rez might have inherited qualities believed lost in the latest joining, yet be that as it may, there was enough there to make Ida want her. Then again, it was this odd mix of feelings when it came to this specific, new host. For since their shared experience together, Ida knew she'd thought of Amelya in the very same manner. There wasn't just the casual interest in her as a beautiful model for a painting.

"In fact... I might just have wanted you since the Harbinger," she admitted as the notion had just come to her, "but with you being a Rez... you've become so much more to me. Quite enough... to make me want to relive some memories."

Having said as much, she pulled Amelya the last distance, and kissed her in full, at last.

The new host tasted differently, Edena's lips having been a bit thinner, but be that as it may, she had just begun to make her comparisons. She would enjoy them all in full, unless the new hosts had second thoughts about the risks to her status on Trill. Soon enough, Ida had put her glass on the table, and as Amelya had her hand in her hair, she began to run her blue fingers through the blonde locks of the new host. As for the dress, it might just have come a bit askew in the process, and her grip might just have shifted to the process of unbuttoning it a bit.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #14
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan 

Even if Amelya would care about Trill law, she seemed to be setting it aside. For that matter, Trill had never really cared about her since she had been born, so why would she have to care about her race's customs when she was raised by a human. It wasn't like Amelya held any bitterness towards other Trills or it's customs, she supposed that she saw herself less of an actual Trill. She had never gotten the proper schooling or customs that a Trill would have learned on Trill or under a supervision of a Trill parent. Perhaps that's why she felt a bit like an oddity when placed in a group of Trill peers.

Besides all of that though, who would ever find out what she would do with Ida as it were simply the two of them in her quarters. Ida spoke it out though and Amelya shrugged it off "I was never raised a proper Trill... The downside perhaps of being an adopted child." she answered Ida as Amelya ran her fingers through her hair, noticing how it fluttered Ida's blue eyes "Trill never reached out to me before, I doubt they will now. Besides, we can keep a secret?" she winked.

Ida's touch felt somewhat cold against her neckline, though the doctor didn't seem to mind. Her words however made Amelya's eyes search in Ida's to figure out what she meant. Did she refer to one of her hosts or to herself? It was left up in the air for a moment before Ida clarified and admitted to feelings that went back to their time spent aboard the Harbinger, though as she was now a Rez, perhaps more factors had come into play to long for her even more. Amelya couldn't help but smile at the words, wanting to answer to them before the Andorian closed the distance.

Amelya got a taste of Ida's lips for the first time, the Risian wine still lingering against them. The eyes of the Trill drift shut and where Edena would be at risk of a host trying to take over, this Rez seemed to not have any problems with it. New memories however surged up, granting a more clear picture of time spent with Ida in the process. Amelya managed to put the glass on the edge of the table before both of her hands ran through the white locks of the security officer. Fingers raking across her scalp and almost massaging it. In turn, she could feel her hand going through her own now blonde hair. Whilst another had begun to unbutton the floral dress she wore.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #15
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Gratified about the loose connection Amelya had towards Trill and their customs, Ida did not let up on the dance that had begun. It intensified, rather, in how she was able to get the new Rez host's dress unbuttoned all the way, which allowed her the warmth of spotted skin underneath her hands.

"If a secret kept is all it takes," she said against Amelya's lips, a bit belatedly, "I think the Trill Joining Committee will have difficulty charging you for anything."

Like a painter capturing the lines of her model, Ida used her hands to blindly explore what might be found beneath the dress. For better access, she opted to push the cloth off Rez' shoulders as well. The wined they'd shared made Ida feel reckless and wanting, though she still paced herself somewhat to not rush the development between her and the new host. She wished to linger in the moments to come, despite how much she wished for more.

"I think I might have some personal interest in that as well," she said quietly as she ran a hand behind the small of Amelya's back and pulled her closer. She couldn't keep the hand that had been in Rez' blonde hair from running down to her chest instead, knowing that just like Andorians and females other species, the breasts were quite sensitive to touch. In fact, she remembered how Illya had enjoyed Ida kissing her there... that's what she would do, leaving a trail of kisses down the neck and to the hardened peaks that awaited her there. She bared them from any underwear before she began, and let the Trill lie back on the couch if she felt so inclined. Either way, she would work her way downwards...

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #16
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Ida did not seem to waste any time as she unbuttoned the floral dress of of Rez with deft ease and a certain hunger. Her words about managing to keep a secret from the Trill committee, made the Trill laugh a little. Ida's cooler hands moved under the dress over Amelya's bare skin. The deputy pushing the shoulders of the woman free of clothing as the dress easily slid down at this rate. The Trill had opted to not wear a bra underneath the dress as the fabric itself seemed to be providing with enough tension to keep her breasts in place and grant support.

A soft gasp left Amelya's lips as Ida explored her body with her hands, one being lead down to the small of her back as the other moved from her hair down between her bare breasts. A sharp inhale followed as Ida's skin felt cooler than a human's. Rez slightly archer her back into the touch as she let out a soft moan "What do you mean? A personal interest?" she managed to ask before she felt Ida's lips travel down her neck to her breasts.

Another moan filled the room as Ida found what she sought with ease. The erect nipples of Amelya being kissed and licked. Lavished with attention as Amelya was brought into a more comfortable position by her hostess. Amelya let her nails rake across Ida's scalp, only to lead them back to her antennae. Gently, carefully running them through her fingers before she reached down to push the white bra Ida wore down, wanting to remove them as well, yet no longer in the position to unhook them.

Ida's lips however ventured further south, making it harder for the Trill to focus as her spots were bared to the deputy in full. Ida would find a pink decorated panties obstructing her possible prize. The fabric a mix between lace and velvet yet clinging perfectly onto Rez's body "Ida..." Rez crooned in the meantime as she surrendered herself to the blue skinned woman.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #17
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
The question of what she meant came as a surprise, but Ida realised her meaning might not have been so clear. She had chuckled quietly against the skin of the Trill's flat abdomen and answered before she reached her goal. "Why, I'm a security officer, so of course I wouldn't want you at odds with the laws of Trill."

Moreover, she knew perfectly well how it was to be exiled from one's homeworld, and as far as she vaguely recalled, a verdict of reassociation might mean that for Amelya. While she had chosen to leave her own Keth behind, Ida had no interest in letting the Doctor be banished from her own people because of some moronic institution that forbid their own kind to lead the lives they wanted with each other. She didn't bring that up, however, because she felt that it might divert from their mutual priorities in the moment. Serious discussion could be held later, when there wasn't a common need to be met.

Hearing the vocal encouragement, Ida laid her warm mouth against the sensitive area between Rez' legs. Her own bra had come askew, but she didn't help remove it just yet. She would let Amelya get a foretaste of what she had in mind first, and she did so by applying both lips and tongue against the lace and velvet of her underwear. With the sodden cloth between them still, Ida gave the Trill lingering attention with her mouth, her ministrations felt through the thin cloth... until she eventually sat back for a moment.

"You serve as quite a distraction," she breathed as she pulled the white bra over her head and dropped it at the side of the couch. "Lor'Vela knows I needed this today." That was there brief pause she let Rez have before she reapplied herself to the cunnilingus. This time, however, she smiled and pulled the damp panties down the Trill's legs and let them join her bra on the deck.

With the Doctor completely bared, Ida played with her old/new lover for quite some time, letting her mouth express her gratitude for diverting attention away from the Savi alliance. Eventually, however, she didn't just let her lips bespeak this. She also slid two fingers inside the Trill's warmth, letting her digits twist and churn in the tight wetness.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #18
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Ida's reply made Amelya chuckle lightly as her back arched at the position Ida was in. Rez had been unaware of Ida's exile, not having gotten to know her that well yet. Even if she had caught any rumors or whispers about it, the specifics of the exile were elusive and unknown to her. Though right here and now, it mattered little as Ida had a prize to claim. The Andorian leaned in and Amelya could feel her lips and tongue push against the underwear she had been wearing. Her breathing hitched as her eyes drift shut and her back arched even further.

Ida pulled back to sit up and remove her bra as she spoke up and Amelya's eyes opened as she looked down towards the white haired deputy. Amelya assisted in the removal of her panties as Ida smiled and dropped them on the deck before positioning herself between the spotted legs of the Trill. Rez bit on her bottom lip as she could feel Ida's lips against her sex. She took her time and by the time Ida pushed it up a notch, Amelya had been quite wet by the cunnilingus. The fingers slipped in with ease and the Trill's slick warm walls squeezed against the invading digits. A moan was pushed throughout the room as Amelya spread her legs for better access.

Rez couldn't quite remember the last time she had been intimate with someone. Hell, she couldn't even remember when she had been Duv still. It seemed she'd be mostly busy with work and had little time for other distractions. Sure she had gone down to Aldea with Daniel, a party mostly interested in her it seemed and in the meantime she had come to learn acquaintance with Zaryn Arn. Yet it was all too soon to tell where those things would lead, in fact, Rez hadn't anticipated this kind of attention from Ida when she had stepped into her quarters.

Pleasure coursed through her loins as the neglected sex was being churned and fingers along with the attention of Ida's lips. More moans were shared and Rez's lips pushed up against the intrusion and attention, clearly wanting more as her breathing was erratic and shallow. Her hand moved over her breasts to toy with them as the other rested against Ida's head, grasping onto her hair as she mewled out her name in bliss.

This lasted for a good while before Rez finally got a hold of herself in the pleasure, after nearly drowning it. She looked down as her body had formed a light sheen of sweat and she tried to close her legs once more as she called out to Ida "ThanIda, let me distract you this time." Rez's fingers running down over Ida's hairs to stroke her antennae gently to distract her from what she was doing.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #19
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Not letting up, Ida applied herself fully to the task of making her old lover feel good. For clearly, even in this body, Rez was enjoy her attention.

Memories of old mixed with Risian wine had caused things to go as far as they had, and Ida had no regrets. Certainly not when the new host wasn't sensitive to the presence of the old ones, and Ida herself wasn't at the mercy of the traitor host at any given moment. She did her utmost to bring Amelya to that sweet edge of euphoria, only to let up and make her stumble along the rim of the fall. She wanted the Trill in perpetual vertigo for as long as possible, keeping her on that edge, until she couldn't take it any more.

Whether or not that was the case, Rez soon wanted to switch - to be the aggressor in the pagan dance for a while. Lingering but for a while, Ida soon did let up and rose from the couch, her own blue skin also beaded with light pearls of salty egesta. "You sure?" she teased as she came to stand next to the couch, still wearing her uniform trousers albeit being bare above them. She put her hands on her hips as she looked down on the mess of a female that laid there on her couch, anticipating that she would take the initiative.

"I suspect you'd like an even battleground then," she added ruefully and unbuckled the belt, picking at the top button of the trouser's fastenings... expecting Rez to help her any moment, standing close to the couch as she was and the whole sitting area carrying the scent of Amelya's sex at that point.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #20
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

The edging inflicted upon her by the perpetual teasing from Ida made Amelya's insides flutter and waver. She thought a couple of times that the Andorrian would push her over the edge, yet she was denied each time she nearly mounted that peak of pleasure. Perhaps it was just because she was out of shape, not having had any intercourse or sexual relations for a while. A thing Amelya never really had a problem with in the past as she assumed her job had drowned her into a special kind of lifestyle.

Her body felt on fire by the attention she was now receiving from Ida and as she requested to switch around in order to deliver the same pleasure or torture (depending on how one saw this) the deputy simply carried on a little longer to tease her. She broke off eventually and Amelya let out a groan of frustration as she still hadn't been brought over that edge by the blue skinned woman. Her legs pushed together as her hand dipped down between them to continue the friction she so desperately yearned.

Aske if she was sure, the Trill opened her eyes and sat up now, the couch of the Andorrian somewhat marked by the excess fluids the Trill had been losing due to the pagan dance Ida had initiated "Very." she answered her with a low growl as she looked up at the Andorrian as she stood besides her at the couch.

Ida teased and postponed what needed to be done and Amelya watched her hungrily as she unbuckled her belt and picked open the top button. Amelya lunged up now from her seated position as she ripped open the buttons from her uniform trousers "Quit stalling..." she growled almost angrily at her as she tugged the pants down, all the way before letting her step out. The thumbs of the Trill had included the underwear of the deputy.

Her hands riding up her legs as Amelya leaned in to kiss Ida's toned stomach, tasting the salty droplets before kissing her way up to her breasts. She gave each of her nipples a soft kiss, added by some tongue to leave them wet by her saliva before she shoved the deputy. It would've resulted into her slamming down onto the table they had used to place the drinks. By wonder it didn't break as Amelya spread the legs of the Andorrian and looked into her eyes before she licked her way from her knee up to her thighs.

She did so slowly, whilst her fingers traced ahead and massaged Ida's thighs. Her thumbs reached in to her inner thighs, running over her lips before spreading them s the Trill came close enough to latch her lips onto them. She sucked hard, needy at Ida's flower before she invaded her core with her tongue, probing deep before swirling around and retreating. Only she repeated the motion over and over again as her hands gripped onto her skin, and pulled her closer. Amelya had in the meantime slipped out of the couch and gotten on her knees at the coffee table as she didn't let up at the oral satisfaction she now was giving.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #21
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Ida could but laugh when Rez gave in to the teasing she’d dealt unto the Doctor. Indeed, a short laugh bubbled up when both her uniform trousers and panties were pushed down, and in quite a hasty manner as well.

Then, the mood shifted, and the laughter died away as those burning lips made contact with her abdomen. Ida felt her heart quickening at the intimate gesture, and the promise it held. Rez’ hands slid over her skin, and the anticipation built by the moment...

...until suddenly, the Trill couldn’t quite bridle her passions any more.

Ida was pushed backwards, and if she hadn’t had her experience in martial arts, she might have hurt herself a bit in the fall. As it were, she rolled her back with the impact, and the only things damaged were their glases of wine, which ended up on the floor. Ida cared, not, of course, her eyes now slitted with need for what was to come. With the light caressing her where she laid, just as much as Amelya’s hands were, Ida propped herself up on her elbows and watched as the new host of the symbiont went down on her.

Her breathing hitched, and she began to make increasingly less controlled sounds the more Rez applied herself to what she was doing. Her hips moved as if they had a life of their own, and all the concerns and dark memories from the voyage bled away in the moment.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #22
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

It seemed like the fall of Ida wasn't that bad as she had been pushed down on the coffee table. The glasses however had fared a lesser fate it seemed as they fell onto the floor and Rez continued with her actions. As Amelya looked up she could see Ida looking down at her, propped up by her elbows as she made sounds she never heard the woman make before. Their eyes met and Amelya continued her licking, sucking and handsy actions with the Andorian as she felt the hips of the deputy move against her face.

Amelya decided to return Ida's previous actions in kind as she slowly came to a stop with her oral skills and licked her lips as she in the meantime probed into Ida with two fingers herself. Rez knew what she was doing, probing deep with her fingers and seemingly examining the insides of the blue skinned woman as her fingers dipped back and fort, going for a different angle and area each time. She perhaps did it too slow for a real examination at first though, wanting the deputy to feel just exactly where her fingers were probing before long the speed increased as she did lick up any excess fluids leaking out of the woman.

Rez observed every reaction Ida would make, trying to figure out which area she enjoyed the most to be touched, learning the body of her impromptu lover so to speak and making her feel just the way she needed to feel after the long day she had. It would only be right for Amelya to make Ida relax after her day with Savi, right?

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #23
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan 
Thought fell away more and more, the focus being entirely the sensations that coursed through Ida.

Just when she thought it mightn't get any better, the mischievous Trill changed her ministrations in accordance with her wordless response. Amelya might have had an unconscious foundation for understanding Ida's preferences through her symbiont, given past experiences with the former host, yet regardless if that might be the case, there were no regrets on the Deputy's behalf about the development. Amelya being disassociated enough from the Trill community already, any lingering fears that Ida had ruined something for her lover in their current indulgence vanished - just like the inhibitions had been washed away by the wine.

Soon enough, the Doctor's treatment proved too much for Ida, and she could no longer preserve herself. And why should she? In abandon, she fell back unto the table and ran her hands up her front, cupping her aching breasts and palming the hardened peaks as the pleasure crashed through her, like a wave hitting the shoals. She could no longer keep her hips in rhythmic movement against Amelya's mouth and churning fingers, her motions just as erratic as her long groan was uncontrolled. Writhing where she laid, her white hair fell down the edge of the table like an icy waterfall.

Eventually, the quakes fell away into aftershocks, and she could tame her breathing. "By Lor'Vela..." he managed, and then she chuckled deep down in her throat. "I dare say, you do know me... even if you can't remember."

She ran her blue fingers through the other woman's blonde hair, and beckoned for her to come up for air, and for a kiss. It was time to give Rez what she wanted as well.

Re: Day 16 [1600 hrs.] Artistic Values

Reply #24
[ Lt Amelya Rez | Deputy's Quarters | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan

Rez was perhaps unknowingly tapping into her subconscious memory, discovering that each touch and sign of affection given to the security officer was met by great joy and pleasure. The long groan was a perfect proof of it as Amelya had already seen how Ida had cupped her own breasts and palmed the hardened peaks. Her body turning into more of a writhing snake before the peak suddenly arrived. Amelya slowed down enough to play into the aftershocks that she knew would linger, slowly cleaning the Andorian before she felt the hands of the blue skinned officer in her hair.

Her words made Amelya flush slightly as she rose up and brushed her frame against Ida's skin. Hands rushing up the abdomen towards the blue colored breasts. She fondled them slightly before she lay down on top of Ida to kiss her full on her lips. The taste of the both of them lingering as the kiss was deepened. Amelya did feel somewhat aware of where they lay, concerned for her lover, she back off a few moments later as she chuckled "I shouldn't let you lay on that table like that for too long..."

She stood up and walked back, a playful look in her eyes as she moved behind the couch instead of in the couch "Mmh, as I must admit that I enjoy and very much liked what we did..." she paused as she placed her hands on the couch and offered Ida a perfect view of her chest "I must admit I'm still curious about the artistic side of you." Amelya offered as she seemed to be willing to play cat and mouse with Ida in order to get the high she had given the Andorian "Or would you suggest we look into that later..." she teased.

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