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DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

[ USS Theurgy | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 ] Attn: Auctor Lucan & Doc M.

A forgotten stasis container begins to whirl back to action as the vital life signs begin to normalize.  Inside the body of former Chief Petty Officer Nolak Kalmil vitals begin to show signs of recovery as the onboard matrix begins it's decompression and reanimate phases.  As the minutes passes, breathing, heart rate, brain activity and temperature, among other medical data begin to normalize slowly bringing the once thought dead Engineer back to life.

Although the process could take hours, the information data about cause of injury appears to be corrupt or missing, however there appears to be no sign of major malfunction or threat to the occupant. His body appears to have been burned along his right hand and arm.  Neither should be life threatening once the stasis completes is final phase, and the scaring appears to be minimal.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Maya | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay| 0605 hrs. ]

It wasn't long before a short slender woman of indeterminate age entered in the company of a male nurse and two orderlies. Her long, pale face contrasted sharply with raven black hair that was groomed in a pageboy haircut.  Bloodless hands that seemed too large for her petite frame manipulated the controls of the coldsleep console with long spidery fingers.  Her face had the high cheekbones and arched eyebrows that Vulcans were known for, but she had allowed her hair to grow to conceal the tops of her slanted eyebrows and the tips of her pointed ears. When the capsule opened, the woman's large hazel eyes surveyed the occupant within with clinical coolness.

Inside was a short slender man who didn't appear any taller than the woman appraising him.  His relaxed features were symmetrical and boyish, making him appear surprisingly attractive considering the injuries that had place him there. His head appeared to be shaved at first glance, but the lack of body hair and the tattoo of the Deltan Union Emblem on his upper right shoulder revealed that this was not case.  A tattoo of a medieval sword with NCC-26517 along the blade was visible on his left arm.

"How is he Doctor Maya?" the nurse asked her.

Instead of immediately replying the woman checked the neural stimulators on the patient's neck brace to make sure they were working properly.  "Master Chief Nolak Kalmil is stable Mister Herbert," she declared in a quiet mezzosoprano voice that had a subtle lilt.  "Take him to the main operating theatre and prepare him for surgery.  Spray his body with antipheromones." 

Soon the comatose Deltan was lying on the biobed in the primary surgical bay.  He would be attended by the Theurgy's resident neurologists, Doctor Maya and the Chief Medical Officer, Doctor Lucan cin Nicander.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Dr. Lucan cin Nicander | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay | Primary Surgical Suite | 0610 hrs. ] Attn: 1) Doc M. 2) MasterRat

The Primary Surgical Suite had been prepared ahead of the patient's arrival, and when Doctor Nicander entered, wearing red surgical scrubs and carrying the key item for the operation to be a success, he saw the orderlies and the nurse spraying the naked Deltan on the biobed. Antiphermone treatment was quite necessary when preforming surgery on Deltans, but it was something quite tantalising to see the body of Nolak Kalmil on such display and in such a glistening state. The stark, artificial lightning shimmered as it reflected of the man's body, yet Lucan was not about to be caught admiring the former Chief Engineer. Externally, would retain his professional detachment, and preform the surgery he meant to do one day earlier. Had not the investigation about Ensign Carver's death delayed him, Nolak would already have been in the recovery ward.

"Very good," he said as he approached the biobed, "Thea, please commence recording. The time is 0610 hrs. and present are Doctor Nicander, Doctor Maya and Nurse Hebert, and we will preform a cervical vertabrae and disc replacement surgery on Master Chief Petty Officer Nolak Kalmil. The patient has been prepared for surgery, with full anaesthetics post-stasis. The prosthetic implant we will use consists of three vertebral bodies with artificial nerve units that the patients nerve endings will be attached to. It should be noted on record that this surgery would have been preformed immediately post-injury if we would have had the prostethic implant in our possession. Surgery will now commence with an initial incision along the back of the patients neck, and the removal of the damaged vertebral bodies. Estimated time of surgery is one hour, with an additional thirty minutes where Doctor Maya will ensure nerve cohesion."

Having put this on record, Lucan picked up the exoscalpel and made the aforementioned incision, and as he did it, he could not help imagining what it would be like to do it while the patient was still conscious.

[ One hour later... ]

The damaged part of Nolak's spine lay in a metal tray, beaded with blood and still warm. The replacement was in place, and Lucan was closing up with the assistance from Maya and Hebert. The operation had been successful, without complications, and it was soon time for Maya to preform her finishing touches to ensure an expedient recovery for the patient. When the final stroke came, running the dermal regenerator along the incision and closing the skin, they had already treated the engineer's burn wounds.

"Doctor Maya," said Lucan and stepped back, gloved fingers sanginue. "He is all yours." Saying this, Lucan stepped away from the biobed to wash up and switch attire to his traditonal medical laboat. As he did, he watched the Vulcan from behind her, memories of what he had made her do before Vasser mutiny on his mind...

OOC: Next poster: DocM. By the end your post, could you set things up for Nolak to wake up? Then MasterRat can post Nolak doing so.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Maya | Deck 11 | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay| 0730 hrs. ]

Twenty minutes after surgery was over Nolak was lying in a bed in the recovery ward.  Doctor Maya held a small hand held scanner over his body before bending over him and placing the fingertips of her left hand on the back of his neck.  Nolak awoke to the strange sensation that he was the one standing and bending over; he could even feel the sensation of skin against his fingertips.  As quickly as the sensation had come to him it vanished.  Maya drew her hand away a stood up straight to enter a note in her PADD.  "Master Chief Nolak Kalmil," she murmured in her mezzosoprano voice.  "Are you awake and fully cognizant of your faculties?  You must have many questions.  You have been unconscious for almost two months..."

"Hey Doc, break it too him gently!" protested another patient.  "Don't just spring it on him!"

"Yes, you are probably correct Crewman," the Vulcan agreed serenely as she tilted her head to the right.  "Master Chief I would be honored to introduce you to Crewman Loclan Tsan of the USS Harbinger he is recovering from the damage to his respiratory system that he sustained on the planet Varcae when his panic delayed his rescue by..."

"Don't tell everybody you dopey witch!" Tsan hissed.  "Don't you think I've suffered enough?"

"My apologies Crewman, you are absolutely right," Maya replied in a conversational tone that was totally at odds with the crewman's anger.  "But there is no need to be defensive.  Nearly everyone aboard has been affected by mental domination or a psychic influence of some kind.  Why Master Chief Kalmil himself was injured while attempting to..."

"Don't tell me!" Tsan bawled.  "I don't want to know!  Haven't you ever heard of doctor-patient confidentiality?"

That brought a crack in her Vulcan stoicism.  An expression of disappointment crossed her long face and her large hazel eyes blinked twice.  She froze for approximately two seconds before making a note in her PADD.  "Yes you are quite right Crewman," she admitted in a quiet neutral tone.  "I shall place myself on report."  Then she turned to Nolak as if nothing had happened.  "How are you feeling Master Chief?  Are you strong enough to begin physical therapy?"

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Nolak | Deck 11 | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | 0750 hrs.]

His mind lost in the world between conscious and unconsciousness. Feeling as though he was shoved into a rucksack and tossed off the highest mountain in the galaxy, hitting every rock on the way down. His mind plunge deep into a drowning sea of swirling mist. He tried to reach out to and grab something, anything, anyone, pleading for help. Deep in the void the felt another heartbeat other than his own.

There! His mind touched something living. Someone he'd known from his pass, present, or future, he couldn't tell which. Only thing he could do was react frantically clawing his way into the mist, screaming if he could, towards the heart beats near him.  A soft pressure on the back of his neck lurched him out from the mist.

For a split moment it was himself looking down and touching his neck lying there on the bed. His eyes open and peering upwards with his ash gray eyes. A cold chill ran up and down his spine zapping his senses. This odd sensation lasted only a few moments before realizing his blurry vision began to focus onto the face of the female Vulcan and the ceiling above her. 

His mind trying to piece the puzzle together as he recognize the Vulcan's soothing voice and short black hair, Maya from the medical department! A wonderful sight for sore eyes as the thought that maybe everything was a dream he imagined and the ship was cruising peacefully to some random 'Crisis'. The Federation attack was just a hallucination he created.

His mind still a blurring muttle as she began to speak. Watching her lips he saw them move, unable to comprehend her words until the end of her statement, “ ... of your facuties? You must have many questions. You have been unconscious for almost two months..

He blinked his eyes, did she just say, I was here for two months. Impossible why he’d just stumbled and collapsed into the turbolift just a few minutes ago, an hour at most. It was from a low level degree of gamma radiation sickness, exhaustion, and a bad mixture of drugs he used to keep awake. Besides it had only been a few hours ago after the Federation ambush. I just left Thea, only one cross wire away from a chain reaction sending him and everything else in this sector to hell. He’s no doctor but even he knew that should only set him back a few days top, not months.

Yet there was something else, but before those memories started to return, his train of thought was interrupted from the other patient in the room.

Hey doc, break it to him gently! Don’t just spring it on him!

Nolak turned his head slightly to the side and looked over to Crewman Loclan Tsan, with a confused expression oh his face as he nods slightly in his direction. USS Harbringer, thinking to himself wasn't that at the other end of the galaxy? One of his former students was station on that ship, then again there were far to many students he's lectured to scattered across the galaxy by now. Quietly Nolak listened as the two have their conversation, smiling when Tsan calls her a “dopey witch.” He should reach out and tell the man to apologize, nothing 'dopey' about a witch doctor bringing back the dead.

At the end of the exchange, Maya turns to Nolak and says, “How are you feeling Master Chief? Are you strong enough to begin physical therapy?” She looked at him waiting for his reply.

His voice low and raspy he answered, “Did you, say two months Doctor? How, what, and most importantly why do I need physical therapy?” He took a breath and continued, “Just get me back to engineering. Thea’s probably spiraling us into a black hole by now, besides Sickbay is depressing. No offense.

To the crew member next to him, entering his mind he said "Apologize to the Doctor, that's an order."  Smiling to himself, that should rattle the young man thoughts for a few minutes.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Maya | Deck 11 | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay| 0730 hrs. ]

Maya turned to Nolak and said, "How are you feeling Master Chief? Are you strong enough to begin physical therapy?"

"Did you, say two months Doctor?" Master Chief Nolak Kalmil replied in a raspy voice.  "How, what, and most importantly why do I need physical therapy?"

"You have just had replacement surgery on your cervical vertebrae," the greenblooded physician replied in a conversational tone, "and suffered trauma to your nervous system.  If you wish to return to duty promptly, we need to remap..."

"Just get me back to engineering," Nolak interrupted in a heroic tone Maya had only heard in movies and holonovels.  "Thea's probably spiraling us into a black hole by now, besides Sickbay is depressing. No offense."

"No offense taken," the little Vulcan assured him.  "I have it on good authority that I have the most unpleasant bedside manner of anyone aboard that that includes Chief Warrant Officer Luff, and he is considered stiff competition."  

Chief Warrant Officer Gimli Luff had assisted in Sickbay only once since the Theurgy had fled Federation space.  Apparently the Tellarite had upset the patients for he was never asked to assist again.

"Or do your fellow patients depress you?" Maya asked as she turned her head towards Tsan.  "I must confess that I keep my psychic barriers engaged while visiting the recovery wards."

"Are you talking about me?" Tsan sneered. "Your patients must get better just to get away from you

"Apologize to the Doctor, that's an order,"  Nolak barked. 

It was as if a button had been pressed the change was so complete.  "Yes Master Chief!" Tsan chanted.  "I apologize Doctor Maya Ma'am!"  Loclan Tsan blinked in surprise, mystified by his own response.  The reaction to Nolak's 'chief' voice had been automatic.  The crewman had completed Starfleet basic training so recently that he could still hear the drill instructors' voices ringing in his ears.  Following a master chief's orders was as natural as breathing.  In comparison obeying an officer was something one did, like opening an umbrella when it rained.

"Apology accepted Crewman Tsan," Maya acknowledged serenely.  "I understand that we are not seizing you at your prime."

"You mean catching me at my best?" Tsan asked wearily before lapsing into a coughing fit.

"Nurse Maal, attend to Crewman Tsan will you?" the little Vulcan called. 

Even though her voice was as quiet as a dove, the gentle Klingon still heard her.  He approached, pushing a hoverchair that he left in front of Nolak's bed before checking on the coughing crewman.

"Now then Master Chief, let us get started," Doctor Maya said as she drew the covers back and reached for him with hands that seemed too large for her tiny frame.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Nolak | Deck 11 | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | 0730 hrs. ]

Maya for medical reasons to attend Nolak, not only for her elite medical experience but also because of the way the Vulcan race control their emotions, mind, and thoughts. Nolak secretly always had a thing for Vulcans. He couldn’t read her mind like an open book, unlike other species more susceptible to telepathic intrusion. Their natural personal privacy added to the mystery that drew Nolak’s interest. If the distance is close enough, nature does allows him to still feel her life force and hear her heartbeat, a soothing hypnotic rhythm. Any emotional flux that do rarely surface from even the most guarded Vulcan he can also sense although a bit strange and alien these feelings can be to him.

His disposition changed as the soft spoken Vulcan begins to list his physical condition. "You have just had replacement surgery on your cervical vertebrae, and suffered trauma to your nervous system.  If you wish to return to duty promptly, we need to remap…"  He had to interrupt her just to keep his own spirit from cracking. Sounding more bold and brash in his heroic monologue than the ill feeling he was suddenly having.

“No offense taken,” the little Vulcan assured him.  “I have it on good authority that I have the most unpleasant bedside manner of anyone aboard that that includes Chief Warrant Officer Luff, and he is considered stiff competition.” 

Looking back over to Crewman Tsan, Nolak was a bit shocked at himself probing into the mind of the young man harder then he intended, causing a coughing fix. He watched as Nurse Maal approached, pushing the hoverchair at the base of the bed. As the Klingon neared Nolak he began to feel the stronger more forceful pounding of his heartbeats, nearly drowning out the Vulcan’s well paced heart standing next to him.

“Now then, Master Chief, let us get started,” her soft voice drawing his attention away from the Klingon, and Crewman Tsan. Glancing towards her hands as they start to draw away the covers, noticing for the first time her long spidery fingers and petite body oddly arousing. His hairless body still naked from surgery under the covers.

I disagree, Dr. Lucan Nicander, if he’s still alive, has the worst bed side manner. He makes Ferengi charming. I’m delighted that it was your charming face I first opened my eyes to instead of my old friend.” Suddenly his ears, face, and bald head began to redden at this slip up.

Another thought flash into his mind. If this is His idea of a joke.

"Computer?"  Two small error sounds, "Computer, End Program."  Two error sounds.

OOC Assuming my character has been locked out of the computer, Logical.  O'Connell ears depend on it.   :'(   I'm just going post this and reedit it later, it's late. also I think we should make some ground rules on telepathic limits, and the more passive empathic trait Deltan. At the second It's just a rp device as my character wakes up. If I cross any boundry say something. a simple edit can fix the world.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #7
Speaking of the devil, almost in an literal sense, Lucan had overheard the former Chief Engineer - the Câroon doctor entered the recovery ward at that time. To hear that voice threw Lucan back months into the past, to a time before the Niga Incident and the flight from Federation space. The Deltan had been the Propulsion Chief before he had been field-promoted to Chief Engineer, and even if a lot had happened, it suddenly seemed like no time had passed at all.

The comment from Nolak sparked no ire, instead making Lucan smile faintly while he approached. Whether or not Chief Kalmil had seen him before making the comment was moot, but it was quite likely since neither Deltans nor other empaths could read or peer into the minds of Câroon. It was quite likely he hadn't detected him in time, since he would only appear to the Deltan's physical senses, but it was of no matter. It would be refreshing to partake in the jargon that had been established between the two of them after such a long time, and he readily replied while he made his approach, just after Thea denied his queries.

"Oh, please, lay off the charm," he said with a grin to the man, tattooed hands in the pockets of his labcoat, and he gave a nod of greeting to Maya and Maal both before returning his pale grey eyes to Nolak, "If you wish to woo my staff, Chief Kalmil, please do so after hours. Right now, they are, as the humans put it 'on the clock', and there are more patients waiting."

Lucan picked up the journal from the side of the biobed and browsed the latest entries on the PADD. "I will have you know that as poorly as you speak of my bedside manners - no offence taken since empaths seldom fancy being unable to know when I am sincere - my team and I have 'fixed' you as you would fix a broken plasma manifold, so don't I deserve a little bit of credit here?"

The question was rhetorical, of course, since their trade of verbal blows were always made in jest. "Has Doctor Maya told you what we had to do in order for you to still be with us today, the reason why Thea won't acknowledge you?" he asked, and nodded towards Kalmil's neck. He then looked to Maya to see if she was quicker to fill him in about the patient's recovery.

OOC: Good idea with the limits, and I have a great idea for that. For now, I think we should be quite reserved with those powers, since it might muddle the waters too much in the sense of knowing who heard what and not. No boundaries crossed, so no worries there, but perhaps shifting from it a bit now. Lucan would not be susceptible anyway. Oh, and I hope the establishment of past relationship between Nolak and Lucan works for you too, MasterRat, otherwise, I can edit too.

Next to post: Doc M. :)

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Maya | Deck 11 | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay| 0730 hrs. ]

"I must confess that I haven't yet gone into the lurid details," Maya reported stoically as she helped the Deltan into the hover chair.   "Experience has taught me that patients find them disturbing."

Crewman Loclan Tsan's eyes bulged out in disbelief before he fell into another coughing fit.  Nurse Maal asked him to open wide so he could spray his throat.

"Computer place patient wear on Master Chief Kalmil, Holographic Privacy Program 3," the little Vulcan ordered as she fussed with Nolak.

"Acknowledged," Thea's voice replied.  "Holographic Privacy Program 3 engaged."

A hospital gown appeared on Nolak's body, provided by the holoemitters concealed in the walls.

"The reason Thea isn't responding to your orders is that you don't have clearance to end any programs running in sickbay," Maya explained as she went to the back of the hover chair and started guiding it out of the recovery ward.  "You're no longer listed as acting chief engineer.  You have been replaced four times since you went into stasis." 

OOC:  I didn't know Nolak was naked.   And I need to update Maya's bio with a thorough description of how I think her telepathy works including limitations.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #9
His face and ears flushed with color when suddenly across the room a familiar voice struck him like a hammer shattering a piece of ice. “Oh, please lay off the charm. If you wish to woo my staff, Chief Kalmil, please do so after hours. Right now, they are, as the human put it ‘on the clock,’ and there are more patients waiting.” He could not feel the presents of Câroon and this caused a surprised jolt to his system. It caused him to blush a deeper shade of red, because he was caught off guard while flirting with a fellow officer.

He looked over to Doctor Lucan Nicander, his mind having an internal debate, he can see the man but there’s nothing there. He felt the same around computers, holograms and androids. Only thing he could feel was maybe a slight buzz above white noise, but even that was probably just his headache trying to think about it. Watching the doctor pretend to look interested in the medical charts on the PADD. The doctor concludes his statement, “my team and I have ‘fixed’ you as you would fix a broken plasma manifold, so don’t I deserve a little bit of credit here?

Because of their healthy dog-eat-dog relationship, Nolak countered saying, “Well I had to say something that would drag that heartless corpse out of that morgue you call an office, Doctor Nicander. I recall you making it a standard practice to sedate all patients a minute or two prior to any shift change to prevent such ‘wooing’ allowing you go to party while leaving us to drool on ourselves. When we do wake up, it’s to your charming hungover faces. I’ll take my chances while I’m still awake thank you very much.

As for your bedside manners I’m sure if you could spare a few moments of your time I’m sure Maya here, or Nurse Maal over there could provide you with some key pointers for your bedside edict. I’m sure you took great delight probing me with your sharp knives. Perhaps even added a bag of marbles to rattle in my sleep.” His voice now recovering no longer raspy.

Finally, as for giving you and your team credit,” He pauses for a few seconds pondering an answer before finishing, “Thank you. It’s still good to see old friends.” He grined recovering his composure.

As Doctor Maya, helped him into the hover chair he suddenly became aware at how stiff and near non-responsive his body reacted. Two months of inactivity in cold stasis, along with a damaged nervous system his muscles react sluggish, tingling as though he slammed his funny bone. He also notices the burn scars running up his right arm, giving it a puzzled look but saying nothing.

Once in the chair he replied to Maya’s final comment in disbelief, “That makes six engineer chiefs total including myself and the Lieutenant Commander Solkar of Vulcan, in lets say two months give or take a week. It’s good at least someone followed Starfleet protocol and change access codes to former staff. Who’s acting officer now?” He now intentionally kept avoiding the question, how he got injured, fearing an answer he doesn't want to face yet.  Suppressing those dark images he knows lurks deep in his subconscious. 

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ William Robert O'Connell | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay ]

William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell didn't like going to sickbay.  Hell, nobody did, unless there was an attractive person in the medical department one wanted to see.  So it was with great reluctance that he went to sickbay after he cut his hand.  Handtooling the non-regulation weapons and equipment needed for tomorrow's mission was a big chore, particularly when one was equipping more than twenty people for their suicide mission particularly if one knew one was going on said suicide mission.  That tended to make a fella a mite jumpy and a touch uncoordinated.  That could be a problem, particularly if one was using power tools.  That was just what he needed, to be as clumsy as a landlubber standing up on a rowboat when he should have been as careful as a naked man climbing a barbwire fence.

Doctor Saugn took Billy Bob to Surgical Suite One and fixed his injured paw just as quick as you please.  She could have done it in the Counselor's Office but Counselor O'Connor seemed to be busy morning noon and night and was almost living in her office these days. 

He was just leaving and had made it as far as the head nurse duty station when he noticed Doctor Maya bringing a patient out of the recovery ward in a hoverchair.  The fella in the hovercheif was short and slender, with the symmetrical features typical of leading men and male models.  The light reflecting off his hairless dome created a halo like effect that made his white bathrobe and pajamas look like an angel's robe.

He was none other Nolak Kalmil from Delta IV, master chief petty officer and former acting chief engineer since Mister Solkar had gone to see the great logician in the sky. 

William Robert O'Connell had first met him when the short lived Klingon Civil War of 2367-2368 interrupted the USS Excalibur's repair and refitting schedule.  Most of the Excalibur's personnel were on leave and many of them had taken off to parts unknown but Nolak must have missed his transport because he was still at Starbase 234 when the smeg hit the fan.  Billy Bob had been attached to the starbase and was part of the repair team when Starfleet decided it wanted the Excalibur for a blockade of the Romulan-Klingon border.  Billy Bob O'Connell had served aboard an Ambassador class before so he was assigned to the Excalibur.   Nolak Kalmil had served aboard the Excalibur for the last five years so assigning him to his own starship was a no-brainer.  

The next time Billy Bob ran into Nolak was in 2372, right after O'Connell passed the Chief's exam.  At that time they were both academy instructors.  Well, Nolak was an academy instructor, Billy Bob was a drill instructor; Nolak really didn't get a hold of the recruits until Billy had turned them into cadets.   Proud of his promotion, Billy Bob had convinced himself that chiefs ran the fleet and had decided to build himself a safety net of chiefs who could let him know what was going on in the farthest reaches of Starfleet and have access to the paperwork needed to get himself out of a jam.  He stayed in contact with Nolak a lot more after that, even if their personalities didn't really mesh.
Nolak Kalmil was quiet.  William O'Connell was loud.  Nolak had taken the Deltan vow of celibacy.  Before visiting the Mahéwa System, Billy Bob had regularly chased birds, fox, and beaver.  When under fire Acting Chief Engineer Kalmil's orders were calculated, direct, and almost soothing.  When thinsg got hot Acting Chief Engineer O'Connell's orders could get emotive and downright belligerent.  Yet somehow they had managed to become friends, their contrasting personalities complimenting each other.

When they were both assigned the Theurgy they had gotten reacquainted and wasted no time setting up the weekly poker game that senior noncommissioned officers of chief or higher rank were welcome at.  After that things went from bad to worse.  Captain Ives discovered the unthinkable, the Theurgy went on the run, and their chief engineer had managed to get himself killed.  Knowing the amount of respect Nolak commanded in engineering, Ives had appointed Nolak acting chief engineering officer instead of one the young officers he didn't trust to keep a level head in a crisis.  Nolak had fought the Borg up close and personal twice and could be counted on to keep his cool when Satan's cattle threw cow patties everywhere he could walk.  Then they visited the Mahéwa System where the vegetation on the planet Niga turned everyone into perverts and rapists, and Nolak and Billy Bob weren't exceptions. 

When the crisis was over, Billy Bob found himself in a world of shame and Nolak found himself with a broken neck.  He was the second chief engineer they lost and he wouldn't be the last.  Howard, Rosek, and Marlowe were next; some of them hadn't lasted a week and rumor had it that the position was cursed.  Billy Bob was promoted to Chief Engineer after Marlowe kicked the bucket and he reckoned that his turn was coming up next.  The mission to Starbase 84 looked like a suicide mission and with the exception of Lieutenant Commander Wenn Cinn folks that were dead didn't come back to life.  Okay, so officially MCPO Kalmil was "In cryostasis pending medical resources necessary to revive him."  That was fancy talk for "organ donor" and O'Connell knew it.

And yet, here was Nolak, chattin' and flirtin' with creepy ol' Doc Maya and tattoo hands Doc Nicander like he didn't have a care in the world.  It wasn't possible, yet there he was, the second victim of the curse and yet still among the living.  For a moment Billy thought that his overworked overwrought mind was hallucinating.

"Nolak?" he asked in disbelief.  "Nolak Kalmil?  That you amigo?"

Billy Bob just stood there looking like he didn't know dung from wild honey while the formerly deceased Deltan greeted him.  He couldn't bring himself to respond didn't trust his eyes that moment.

"Please Mister O'Connell, you need to step aside," Doctor Maya insisted passionlessly.  "Master Chief Kalmil needs to start his physical therapy."

"M-master chief Kalmil?" O'Connell repeated as if he couldn't hit the ground with his hat in three throws.  "For real?  Y' see him too?  Nolak it is you!  WOOOOOO!" the human from Nimbus III howled like a wolf before breaking into a huge grin and pulling the little Deltan out of the hoverchair and gave him a great big bear hug.  "Nolak!  Yer alive!" he shouted loud enough to wake the people laying down in the morgue.    Yer alive yuh Deltan sonuvabitch!  Yer alive!"

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #11
As much as the thing inside him wished to test the durability of the Deltan's new neck, Lucan rather found it refreshing to trade verbal blows with him. Doctors, nurses and orderlies whom had just come aboard would likely be appalled by the way the NCO spoke to him, merely seeing his rank of Lieutenant Commander and position of CMO when they saw him - unknowing of the familiarity between them. Which was, perhaps, evident in how Lucan merely chuckled at the false accusations and shook his head.

Walking next to Doctor Maya, Lucan heard her explain why Thea did not heed Nolak. The patient was in the hover chair, his bare body hid with the projection of a gown, when he asked whom was in charge in Engineering at the time. The winds of chance, however, prevented Lucan to answer by granting Nolak the reply in his stead; Master Chief O'Connell suddenly appearing before they could leave. The reaction was perhaps expected from the Human, but when the man moved to embrace the Deltan in the chair, Lucan had to intervene on Kalmil's behalf.

"Easy," he said to O'Connell and put a tattooed hand on his shoulder, gently pushing him away from the patient with a cautionary smile. The thought occurred to him again that he wanted to test the endurance and resilience of Kalimil's new neck himself, but he already knew that the idea was not truly his own. "Master Chief Kalmil has been fitted with a prosthetic cervical vertebrae... a new neck," he added for the benefit of the current engineer in Nolak's old position, "and he us still under observation. He just came out of surgery. Please be careful."

Turning his pale grey eyes to the Deltan, routine making him watch for any discomfort after he'd been pounced by the Human, he spoke again. "Mister Kalmil, the winds just gave you the answer. Your old Maintenance Chief here now holds your old position, and judging by the turn-out of recent events, I believe your old team has ended up in good hands."

Having said this, Lucan put his hands in his labcoat's pockets and watched as the two engineers spoke, giving Doctor Maya a small shake of his head to let her know that the recovery ward could wait for a little while; that it was better if the two had a few moments to speak before the patient was carted off.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #12
Former Master Chief Nolak Kalmil, sat in the hoverchair dressed a white bathrobe pajamas the holographic program provided. His short stature makes him look a little funny dressed like this. Doctor Maya pushed him into the main reception area while Nolak watched the proceedings of the room he felt a strange sensation that things seemed much larger then before his slumber. Noticing the overall size of the ship not sure if this just an odd feeling from his hibernation, or if there was an actual physical structural change to sickbay. This sensation only last for a few moments however, as the chief looked around at both new and old faces of the nurses and crew members working about. Just as his head turned towards main entrance he saw an old friend, Active Master Chief William Robert O’Connell.

The two men served together back in 2367 during a short lived Klingon Civil War of 2367-2368, when the infamous Lursa and B’Etor of House of Duras, conspired with the Romulans in an attempt to overthrow and shatter the alliance between the Klingon Empire and the Federation. Chief Petty Officer Second Class at the time, Nolak Kalmil stayed behind to work on the aging Ambassador Class USS Excalibur while the ship docked at Starbase 234 to work on updates and repairs. Many of the ship’s regular crew took a much needed rest and scattered home for shore leave while the couple months planned repair took place. Willam ‘Billy Bob’ O’Connell serving aboard the station at the time and aided in the routine repair and upgrade. 

When the sudden alert for all available personal to report for active duty to engage and proceed to the Neutral Zone to partake in a blockade to stop the secret flow of supplies to the House of Duras, from the Romulans. Because of the shortage of crew members on board USS Excalibur many of the starbase own personal filled the vacant positions on board, including William O’Connell. Also aboard was temporary Acting Captain Commander William Riker who transfered over from the USS Enterprise, during the operation. Although the mission ultimately failed in it’s attempt to capture the Romulan fleet ‘in the act’, it did save the alliance.

The two chiefs lost contact with each other as duty took them to different parts of the galaxy for several years after. Until by chance they meet again at Starfleet Academy in the early 2370’s. They were both Instructors at the academy, Nolak an astrophysicist professor, and O’Connell a moral and drill instructor prepping the young recruits into Cadets. It was during this period the two became friends, even going to some 400th anniversary Disco parties which were all the rage at the time. This led to being assigned to the USS Theurgy a few years later.

Before Nolak can react, O’Connell said in an excited shocked voice, “M-Master chief Kalmil?” The man repeats himself a couple times before it sinks in that it is indeed Nolak and not a hallucination. O’Connell continued “For real? Y’ see him too? Nolak it is you! Wooooo!” The man suddenly howled like a wolf to a full moon.

Nolak opened his mouth to say something but suddenly O’Connell reached forward and pulled the short Deltan out from the hoverchair embracing him in a bear hug. Kalmil felt a sharp pain shoot down his back of his neck and body. He grits his teeth squinting his eyes trying to hide the pain from his expression. Although he wouldn’t say it out loud he was grateful Doctor Nicander, intercepted the man before his head rolled off his shoulder.

Night Shift Willy,” Nolak said finally once the O’Connell released his grip and placed him back into the chair. Nolak noticed the rank marking on O’Connell neck collar, “Master Chief Petty Officer William Robert O’Connell, yes it is me back from my vacation. The weather was so nasty I decided to return to my post.

The nickname being a very old inside joke from Billy Bob early days in Starfleet. His long time habit of chasing panties, and the higher ranking officers punishing him with the dreaded night shift to ‘tame’ the man. Which needless to say never panned out quite how the officers had hoped.

Kamil gave Nicander a glance, “As the Doc, here has said, he fixed me like a broken plasma manifold, and now that I’m fixed please try not to break me. He may try to ‘fix’ other things and I dare not take that chance again. No offense to your delicate work Doc.” Turning back to William O’Connell, “So old buddy, you got my old job you lucky dog. How is this old rust bucket doing?

OOC I can see it now, Dressed in a white suit dancing on a Disco floor lights reflecting off my polished head. 'Staying alive!'  Also I forgot my character was so short, just under 5 feet USA should convert to metric so things like this wouldn't happen.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ William Robert O'Connell | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay ]

"Easy," Doctor Nicander smiled indulgently at O'Connell as he gently pushing him away from the patient with a cautionary smile. "Master Chief Kalmil has been fitted with a prosthetic cervical vertebrae... a new neck," he emphasized, "and he is still under observation. He just came out of surgery. Please be careful."

"Oh, right," Billy Bob nodded as he helped the dazed Deltan back into his hoverchair.  "Thanks for savin' his neck... I mean returnin' him t' active duty Doc," he corrected himself.  "I'm jest as happy as a weasel in a henhouse that yuh got Nolak ambulatory again."

"Night Shift Willy," Nolak greeted once he got his breath.  "Master Chief Petty Officer William Robert O'Connell, yes it is me back from my vacation. The weather was so nasty I decided to return to my post."

The normally blunt and brash Billy Bob O'Connell seemed embarrassed when Nolak brought up the subject.  "Yer post," he stammered as he pulled on his gold collar.  "Tarnation!  Thet's right, yer post...  Um..."

Doctor Nicander came to Billy's rescue.  "Mister Kalmil, the winds just gave you the answer. Your old Maintenance Chief here now holds your old position, and judging by the turn-out of recent events, I believe your old team has ended up in good hands."
"An' I gotta eat with those hands!" O'Connell blurted out before laughing self-consciously.  There was desperation in his laughter, like a man reaching the end of his rope.  Although his laughter didn't last long, his first guffaw was loud enough to make Maya blink and shudder like a startled cat.

The greenblooded physician gripped the handles on the back of Nolak's hoverchair, giving the impression that she was going to cart him away as quickly as her short slender legs could travel, but the chief medical officer gave her a small shake of his head to tell her to give the two engineers a moment.  In any case O'Connell was blocking the way.  Maya had to settle with giving the broad-shouldered engineer the classic Vulcan expression of supreme indifference that enlisted men referred to as the D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. expression, the initials standing for 'Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck?'

"Ahem," Billy Bob coughed into his fist.  "Sorry about that Nolak.  Ah'm jest so surprised t' see yuh that Ah can't tell dung from wild honey!  How'd yuh git yerself back from the pearly gates?"

"As the Doc, here has said, he fixed me like a broken plasma manifold, and now that I'm fixed please try not to break me," Nolak explained.  "He may try to 'fix' other things and I dare not take that chance again. No offense to your delicate work Doc," he joked good naturedly.  "So old buddy, you got my old job you lucky dog. How is this old rust bucket doing?"

O'Connell appeared grateful, as if Nolak had tossed him a lifeline.  "Good news!" he announced a little too enthusiastically.  "We've managed to repair the ship's hull so that th' Theurgy kin separate inta three vectors again!  That'll come in real handy on our mission ta Starbase 84..."  Here his loud boisterous voice trailed off as he seemed to lose his confidence again.   "Uh, could we have a moment?" he asked Nicander and Maya.  "Somethin' I gotta share with Nolak, won't take a minute..."

Maya gave him the look that her people often give when they say the words 'highly illogical,' words that many wags in Starfleet claimed was the Vulcan phrase for 'dumb ass.'

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #14
Watching silently with his friendly smile belying his true nature, Lucan kept his tattooed hands in the pockets of his lab coat. When the current Chief Engineer asked for some privacy, Lucan raised his eyebrows a little but he figured that his public personae would acquiesce the request.

"By the winds, fine then," he said with a chuckle, and gestured for Chief O'Connell to take over the hoverchair, "You can use my office if you like. Mister Kalmil must begin his rehabilitation, so you will only get a couple of minutes before Doctor Maya or a nurse she sends will be along to get him."

Lucan looked towards Kalmil and gave him an admonishing look. "Don't get any ideas about getting up from that chair without assistance. We only got so many vertebrae on the Black Opal." Then he raised an inked hand from his pocket and put his arm around Maya's shoulders in casual friendliness, perhaps not something she was entirely comfortable with. "Come now, let's leave the gentlemen to their talk so that we can continue making the rounds here. I am certain they won't get into too much trouble without us."

He dropped his hand from Maya and went to the next patient in the row, not having any interest invested in what the two grease monkeys might wish to speak of in private. He rationalised that it was likely just social convention, but either way, he had no perfect means to eavesdrop on them undetected, so he did not bother worrying about it either.Why should he, when he has so much else to think of before the mission to Starbase 84?

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #15
[ William Robert O'Connell | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay ]

"Uh, could we have a moment?" Billy Bob asked Nicander and Maya.  "Somethin' I gotta share with Nolak, won't take a minute..."

"By the winds, fine then," Doctor Nicander chuckled, as he gestured for O'Connell to take over the hoverchair, "You can use my office if you like. Mister Kalmil must begin his rehabilitation, so you will only get a couple of minutes before Doctor Maya or a nurse she sends will be along to get him."

"Much obliged Doc," O'Connell nodded gratefully.  "Don't you worry none.  I'll have Nolak back in two shakes of a lamb's tail."

"Don't get any ideas about getting up from that chair without assistance. We only got so many vertebrae on the Black Opal." Doctor Nicander warned Nolak before putting a friendly hand on Maya's shoulder. "Come now, let's leave the gentlemen to their talk so that we can continue making the rounds here," he purred as he gently led the little Vulcan away.  "I am certain they won't get into too much trouble without us."

Billy Bob's eyes almost jumped out of his skull.  He had served in Starfleet for two decades and interacted with many different species, long enough to know that you never touch a Vulcan ever.  If memory served him rightly, they were touch telepaths and found physical contact extremely uncomfortable.  Yet Maya didn't seem to mind in the slightest; she just continued to fix O'Connell with her blank catlike expression until Doc Nicander led her away. 

Tarnation!  That didn't make sense.  He had heard that instead of kissing or holding hands, the Vulcans just touched fingers because actually holding hands was too intimate.  Holding hands was too intimate for a significant other?   How in the name of Zephram Cochrane did those pointy-eared devils do any he-in' and she-in' if that was the case?  It certainly explained why humanity outnumbered Vulcans if they were too shy to have a smooch with their own spouses. 

And yet Doc Maya didn't seem to mind in the slightest that young Nicander was so familiar with her.  Obviously something was going on that O'Connell wasn't a part of.

"You ever git the feelin' that those two are goin' at each other lahk rabbits?" Billy Bob asked Nolak as he glided his hover chair into Doc Nicander's personal office.  "I was told that don't nobody touch a Vulcan."

[ Maya | Deck 11 | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay| 0730 hrs. ]

Maya actually didn't mind being touched by Lucan because the Câroon was one of the few species that she couldn't sense with her touch telepathy.  Normally a being without a psychic presence would be disconcerting, but Lucan had gone out of his way to be extra expressive to make up for it, exhibiting a wry sense of humor and a sense of camaraderie that the green blooded physician appreciated.  Maya believed that Lucan was merely supplying nonverbal communication in a way that let the little Vulcan know that she wasn't alone.  Besides, instead of smelling like perspiration the way most Terrans did he had an appealing smell of sandalwood. 

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #16
[Nolak Kalmil | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay ]

Still sitting in the hoverchair Nolak glanced towards the Vulcan and the Câroon as they started to attend other duties. Instinctively he looked away feeling a little unnerved.

Focusing his attention back to Master Chief O'Connell, and shaking his head trying to clear his thoughts, "I'd care not to discuss nor even allow my mind to wander in that direction Chief." Nolak said mostly to himself.

Catching his mind wandering again he snapped himself out of this mental image and said, "I'm sure your fascinated with the cultural exchanged between Doctors, however I doubt this is the important conversation you wanted to talk about." Nolak shifted uneasy in the hoverchair. Gesturing towards the Doctor's office. "Go that way chauffeur, and as the old saying goes, step on the gas, petal to the metal."
sorry guys got carried away.

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #17
[ William Robert O'Connell | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay ]

"Jealous much?" O'Connell smiled at his fellow master chief as the door to Nicander's office hissed shut behind them.  He glided the hoverchair into the office proper before stopping and walking around the front so that he could talk to his fellow senior noncommissioned officer face to face.

"Time t' give you a sitrep," Billy Bob muttered, "a real no-shitter.  Ah don't calculate thet anyone's tol' yuh this, but this is th' big one!  Tomarra' we're a gonna invade Starbase 84 and git control o' their subspace assembly.  We're a fixin' tuh send proof of whut happened tuh Starfleet Command t' ev'ry planet an' starship in the quadrant if we can, and between you an' me there's long odds against our success."

The grave look on O'Connell's mercurial face made it look like he had been invited to his own funeral.  "We lost three chief engineers since you got yore neck broken and it looks like we're a gonna lose a fourth!" he announced.  "Ah'm supposed tuh beam onboard and take control of Starbase 84's reactor room.  Thet means that in the biggest fight of our lives, the Theurgy ain't gonna have a chief engineer!  They gots three officers who are fit enough t' serve an ain't none of them fit enough t' fix a shuttle, let alone take care o' somethin' as complex as the Theurgy!  They've got Lin Kae, a holographic specialist who don't know the input/output ratio fur a warp reactor an' two ensigns who are so green they could be Orions t' choose from lessen the docs kin git another engineerin' officer on his feet!"

"Ah got no right t' ask yuh this, but ah jest gotta," he paused as he licked his lips.  "If by some miracle you git through your physical therapy an' find th' strength t' git to yer feet, find some way t' git t' main engineerin' an' make sure them officers don't blow the ship up before the bad guys do.  Remember th' first law o' space:  Pass on whut you've learn t' others an' help those youngsters do their jobs.  They're gonna need yer wisdom Nolak; Ah'm takin' Manfredi with me, so you can't depend on yer propulsion chief t' do the heavy liftin'.  Ah don't know how hurt yew still is, Nolak, but I know fur damn sure that you ain't gonna git better if the ship blows up!  Whatever happens Nolak, whether we win or lose, whether Ah come back or not, find a way t' keep us flyin'."

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #18
[ Nolak Kalmil | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay ]

Nolak shuffled uneasy in the hoverchair as the doors hissed behind them entering Doctor Nicander’s office. He gave the office a passing glace before turning towards O’Connell and listened to him speak. The color quickly disappears from his face as the details become more bleak. He doesn’t interrupt and waits until Chief O’Connell completely done talking before responding.

So, let me get this straight. You guys just recently got this ship all fixed up, and suddenly you discussed, then agreed to ‘Attack’ a Starbase, with a crew not even wet behind the ears? You’d need a fleet to even plan an operation of this scale. I’m sure you have all the details all scribbled out and such, so I can’t offer any changes to your goals, and I surely don’t wish to discuss this with the Captain. They both will throw me into the brig because this plan is the most FUBAR plan I’ve ever heard of. I could have offered a million other better ideas, but It seems too late for that.

Nolak ponders for a moment, “However, because odds are we don’t have a fleet at our disposal, If I can get my hands on a PADD, I could offer you a few tips and tactics that may be helpful in your assault in the Starbase. Back at the Academy I had a team looking into improving and updating these old Starbases. With these proxies wars popping up everywhere we were constantly playing catch up. He paused for a moment then continues, "There are a few unmarked Jeffery tubes which may or may not help bypass a couple check points, depending on the route and targets. It’s a trade secret for engineers to keep editing out these areas from any logs, and only a few adventurous crew members or, really sneaky smugglers know they exist. Where do you think I keep my exotic caches of liqueur. My research team kept them secret just for those reasons. You’re a Master Chief now so you’ve joined the elite club.

He looked down at his burned hand and clinch his hand into a fist then opens them again, feeling his fingers still tingle. “I’d love to help you and just walk right out of this office, and sickbay. However I’m stripped of name, stripped of rank, stripped of real clothing, stripped of movement, even Thea won’t talk to me. So whatever I did to get in here I must of done something horrible.” He quickly adds, “Don’t tell me If you do know, that’s an order from your former senior officer, and a friend. It’s best I don’t remember right now.” He shifted uneasy again in the hoverchair.

Could you do me one favor, get me a list of the dead. I have to say a prayer of remembrance for their souls. I’ve lost many friends on this trip, I need to know how many more have left us, and how few the original crew remain. Their souls deserve that much and may the prayers guide us to the great sea of life. Also promise me you won’t join this list.” His next statement had a more serious tone in his voice, “Feel free to turn this suggestion down it could be misinterpret as exchanging of vital information.” Nolak could sense the dueling conflict within the younger Chief. The stress the young man was going through was like the snowflake that started the avalanche. 

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #19
[ William Robert O'Connell | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay | CMO's Office ]

Nolak reacted to O'Connell's infodump with the pithy aplomb that chiefs reserve for the officers' uncanny ability to meticulously plan the deaths of their men.

"So, let me get this straight. You guys just recently got this ship all fixed up, and suddenly you discussed, then agreed to 'Attack' a Starbase, with a crew not even wet behind the ears? You'd need a fleet to even plan an operation of this scale. I'm sure you have all the details all scribbled out and such, so I can't offer any changes to your goals, and I surely don't wish to discuss this with the Captain. They both will throw me into the brig because this plan is the most FUBAR plan I've ever heard of. I could have offered a million other better ideas, but It seems too late for that."

"You ain't got no argument from me," O'Connell shook his head.  "Ah would've never guessed in a million years that Ives would position the acting chief engineer off the ship when we're strainin' lahk this.  However..."

Nolak interrupted him, for long experience had taught the Deltan that once O'Connell got started talking, it could be a long time before he finished.  "However, because odds are we don't have a fleet at our disposal, if I can get my hands on a PADD, I could offer you a few tips and tactics that may be helpful in your assault in the Starbase. Back at the Academy I had a team looking into improving and updating these old Starbases. With these proxies wars popping up everywhere we were constantly playing catch up."

"What did yuh have in mind?"

"There are a few unmarked Jeffery tubes which may or may not help bypass a couple check points, depending on the route and targets.  It's a trade secret for engineers to keep editing out these areas from any logs, and only a few adventurous crew members or, really sneaky smugglers know they exist. Where do you think I keep my exotic caches of liqueur?  My research team kept them secret just for those reasons.  You're a Master Chief now so you've joined the elite club."

Life returned to Billy Bob's eyes.  Nolak's information had actually given him hope.  "That's right!" he gasped before he licked his lips nervously.  "Manfredi should know all about 'em.  He worked in the reactor room o' Starbase 84 after the Dominion War and he should be familiar with 'em.  I was jest wondering how th' Theurgy was gonna manage without a master chief engineer."

The Deltan was examining his hand that still needed a few more passes with a dermal regenerator and open and closed his fist experimentally. "I'd love to help you and just walk right out of this office, and sickbay. However I'm stripped of name, stripped of rank, stripped of real clothing, stripped of movement, even Thea won't talk to me. So whatever I did to get in here I must have done something horrible."

"Oh damn," O'Connell gasped as he recalled the unreal memories of when he had been infected by the pollen from Niga.  He was too busy reliving his own nightmares to speculate on what must have happened on Nolak's end.  If it was playing with fire to make love with a Deltan normally, it must have been a death sentence to do it with one who had his sex drive increased.

"Don't tell me If you do know, that's an order from your former senior officer, and a friend. It's best I don't remember right now." Nolak added as he shifted uncomfortably in his hoverchair.

"Yuh don't gotta worry yore smooth li'l head 'bout that Nolak," O'Connell smiled weakly.  "Ah never got round t' askin'."

"Could you do me one favor, get me a list of the dead. I have to say a prayer of remembrance for their souls. I've lost many friends on this trip, I need to know how many more have left us, and how few the original crew remain. Their souls deserve that much and may the prayers guide us to the great sea of life. Also promise me you won't join this list."

"I hope I kin make that promise," O'Connell mumbled.  "There's a gonna be a meetin' t' iron out th' details.  Let's pray their fixin' to add an exfiltration t' their little scheme," he added grimly.  "About that list o' th' dead..."

"Feel free to turn this suggestion down it could be misinterpret as exchanging of vital information." Nolak interrupted.  From the look on his face the pain of being locked out of the ship's computer was the tantamount to being rejected by the entire universe.  In a flash, William O'Connell understood.  It was painful enough that Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets had branded him an outlaw, but for the officers and the crew of the Theurgy not to trust him isolated him from... pretty damn near much everybody.

"What?  No, the names o' th' fallen r' public information," Billy Bob assured him.  "And I'll speak t' the first officer an' git you security clearance so you can access Thea, don't you worry none.  Let's face it Nolak, iffin' Ah don't come back, yore mah insurance policy.  Whether we win or lose, whether we spread the word or git cockblocked, whether we form the nucleus of a resistance movement against them parasites from the dark dimension or remain a lone ship of fugitives, find a way t' keep us flyin'.  Ah kain't leave without knowin' th' ship'll be in good hands if the law of averages catches up with me."

OOC:  Is this a good place to end the thread?

Re: DAY 06: A Chief Returns [0600 hrs.]

Reply #20
OOC fine by me, :D  Oh and thanks for the reboot, a couple small bumps, and it's been fun to weaving a dead character back into a well entrenched storyline. Thanks for the opportunity again.

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