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Topic: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles] (Read 18798 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #25
"I'll admit that Edena was the one who was more willing to give you a chance then I was.  She had to convince me that a capable pilot was a capable pilot, no matter what his nose made him do around the ladies.  Besides, as she pointed out to me, when you're in the cockpit, you aren't smelling pheromones, Miles."  Illya was at least being honest that he might not have been approved if the decision rested solely upon her.  It had been Edena who weighed the odds back in his favor, a break in her usual professionalism, much to the disapproval of Jona, a stickler for the rules and regulations that Starfleet operated by.

"I think your promotion to Lt. Commander and your appointment as head of the Tactical CONN division are proof that the right call was made," Illya added.  He didn't get that position through political favor or brown nosing.  He earned it with a solid track record, even with the controversy surrounding his last active mission before he was trapped in the ship's pattern buffers.

"Trust me when I say I know plenty about what they say about Vulpinians.  Not so common in Starfleet, but I have run into my fair share of them in my time.  Most of the ones I met were very fond of having me stroke them."  Illya took back another shot, flashing a suggestive smile.  "Stroking their tails of course.  I'm not that kind of girl until I've had . . . oh, at least nine drinks."

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #26
He smiled softly, "Well We do happen to like having our fur stroked from time to time." he said with a soft smile.  "Though I always happened to enjoy a good scratch behind the ears a little more than having my tail played with.  Besides when it came to my tail I woudl much prefer to use it to wrap up a beautiful young woman and see how long it took for our combined body heat to relax us to sleep in each others arms."

He gently took the shot and looked around, "So how do you want to occupy your time unconstrained of Edena's body?" he asked looking around below decks. "I'm sure there are things you woudl rather do than just being an entertainer."

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #27
"Of course, you appear to be lacking a tail right now," Illya pointed out.  Miles had been left appearing more human then anything, his signature ears and tail missing from his body.  Until they figured out some sort of reversal to their current predicament, Miles wasn't going to be using his tail to snuggle up to any women.  The only one who got the full benefit of this transformation was Illya, getting to enjoy the sensation of having her real body again.  "Oh, there are plenty of things I would like to do, but this ship's pesky limit on replicator rations and holodeck usage cuts a great many things off my list.  So many foods I miss the taste of, so many activities I would have loved to take part in.  With both of those off the table, all that leaves is to find myself a strapping officer looking for a night of shore leave, if you catch my drift."

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #28
"Well it didn't seem the commander really specified how she wanted me to keep you out of trouble."  he said with a coy smirk.  "I am sure You and I could find plenty of things to occupy each others times."  he said giving her a very knowing look.  Of course it wasn't the most professional thing for him to offer.  still it sure beat the idea of trying to keep her from having fun and it couldn't hurt him to be able to let go a little bit. 

((god that was way to short of a post))

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #29
"Hmm."  Illya poured herself another drink while she considered the offer.  Sizing up Miles, it appeared as though she were weighing all the positives and negatives of choosing him as her partner for what could have been a limited amount of time.  If she remained with him, it was possible she might not get to experience anyone else.  Seating herself on the bar and leaning back on her elbows, she brought one leg over the other, striking a very seductive pose.  "I dunno Miles . . . if I did decide to spend my time here with you, you won't be thinking of Edena while you're with me, will you?"  She gave him what was almost a baby voice, like she would have been hurt to not have his full attention.  She even pouted her lip a little, providing an extra bit of tease to her act.

((can't all be super long posts, nor do they always have to be))

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #30
He smiled softly, "Why would i even consider thinking about someone else, That woudl be heartless of me. Though I will have to thank her for putting me on this detail after all."  He said looking softly into her eyes as he moved closer to her before jumping up on the bar with her.   taking a seat beside her.  "The real question is what are you aching to try first."  he said softly as he gently reached a hand out and slid it softly against her thigh as he moved in closer and almost suddenly kissed her lips.

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #31
"Don't be thanking her until you know how hard I'm gonna be working ya.  You might be cursing upon her by the time I'm done," Illya replied, hand reaching out and pressing a fingertip to the lips of Miles.  She dragged it along his skin, down his neck until she reached the collar of his shirt.  "Normally I would be trailing this all the way down onto your chest.  It would totally be driving you wild if it wasn't for that god-awful Starfleet dress code.  Speaking of the dress code . . . are you even allowed to be out of uniform when you're on duty?  You are on duty, right?  That's why Edena put you on detail."  She started looking at his uniform, trying to get an idea of how she could make it work if she did have to play with Miles without him removing his uniform.  She could be rather creative, but she had a feeling he wouldn't be long shedding clothes if the opportunity presented himself.  Just because his animal features were gone didn't mean he couldn't still be a crafty little fox.

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #32
He softly smirked, "You think your touch is really that completely irresistible, dont you?  as for the whole dress code thing I can recollect several rumors about how Diplomatic missions can prove to be much more efficiently preformed when out of official uniform.  From what I understand there are at least Four Enterprises where either a captain or a First Officer has been known for having a reputation for having rather heated diplomatic relations with civilian guests on their ships, that they were tasked with escorting.  To me that sets a standard that would readily allow me to bend the dress code in this circumstance wouldn't you agree. "  he then smirked listening to her reference to being on duty. "  If it hadnt been for this sudden assignment then I woudl officially be off duty by now.  Of course I woudl have been electing to go to the holodeck to observe O'Three and O'Four's simulation against Thea.  As for official hours on the clock I was sort of Volunteered for after hours unofficial duty."

Re: USS Theurgy Log: The Mysterious God Incident (Edena/Miles)

Reply #33
"Don't go thinking I am overestimating myself.  I've got plenty of years of experience.  Keep in mind that I died of old age in my previous life, and that this young hot body of mine retains all of that knowledge.  That's a lot of lovers, a lot of experience pleasing all kinds of people.  Male and female, from all kinds of races, including Vulpinians.  Of course, a Vulpinian turned into a human is a new one for me."  Illya unbuttoned his uniform slipping it off and dropping it to the floor.  The Lower decks was empty for the time being, but that wouldn't necessarily remain the same by the time she had him stripped.

"You aren't shy, are you?"  She was getting excited about the use of their public venue for her fun.  It wasn't that she wanted to get caught, but the thrill of it's potentially happening was enough to get her tingling with excitement.  Grabbing the hem of her shirt, she pulled it up and over her head, discarding it without care.  Her upper body was covered only by a lacy black brassiere of human design, barely containing her ample chest.  They were practically begging to be let out, but before she did, she pulled her hair in front of her chest, censoring herself before the bra joined her shirt on the floor, deep red strands of hair hiding her perky nipples from his vision.  "What are you gonna do, fox-boy?"  She was challenging him, wanting to see what he would do with her.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #34
He smirked hearing her challenge.  There was a bit of fear in what could happen then thinking he could excuse his actions as doing what was necessary to keep Illya out of potential further trouble,  Sure it could be pushing it a bit but he was confident the excuse would be accepted by Edena.  After all she did sort of stick him with her.  "Well the immediate thought would be locking the door."  he said with a soft smirk.  "but i am wiling to bet that would spoil your fun wouldn't it?"  so the real question on what barrier do i part with my tongue first.  The should i reveal whats behind the fiery curtain on the right or the left.  Of course i probably should start by parting those sweet lips of yours. he said softly pulling her closer gently leaning into a kiss.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #35
"Nothing in life is worth doing if you spend all your time worried about who is going to walk in the door," Illya replied.  The temptation of the door opening, revealing them in the throes of passion, held great provocative power.  It wasn't about being seen, but being caught.  Each moment was heightened as one feared at any second they might be discovered.

When he went for the kiss, she leaned back, made him work a little harder for it, just to make the final contact of their lips all the more rewarding for him.  Once their mouths were touching, Illya made certain to control the pace, starting soft a sweet, turning slow and sensual, before her tongue came into play to make it hot and heavy.  At first, she was just tracking the tip of her tongue along his bottom lip, but soon er working her way into his mouth, inviting his own tongue to join in an intimate dance.  When Miles would try to take more control of the kiss, she teasingly pulled back and bit his lip in a playful manner, a laugh coming from the back of her throat.

Of course, she didn't just tease him endlessly.  His good sportsmanship throughout all the kissing was rewarded when she took his hand and pressed it against one of her D Cups, inviting him to get intimately acquainted with her chest.  The pleasure of being touched there was almost forgotten in Illya.  It was enough to make her grow moist between her thighs.  Usually, a lover had to work much harder then that, but maybe she just missed all of this, how good it all felt.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #36
He smiled into the kiss as he gently laughed as well not at all minding the teasing sort of play.   He moaned softly into the kiss as he felt his hand come to rest on her ample breast.  Slowly he caressed the slightly heavy ample cups.  His hand gently lifted her breast before slipping around it taking a thumb and trailing it between the locks of her hair that concealed her slightly and grazed it against her tender nipple.  He took the gentle caressing slowly, making sure he was tender and careful to do all he could to make her choice to place his hand there worth her while. He gently began grazing his fingers around her breast before gently but firmly giving her bussom a slow but firm grope. Slowly but tightly he worked the grope from the base all the way to the tip before roughly rubbing the nipple between fingers and thumb pinching it very slightly and giving it a gentle tug before releasing it.

As their tongues danced he slyly let her lead before slowly gliding his tongue against hers and sliding it all the way into her mouth and practically letting it melt within hers letting it fall limp for her to play with however she wanted enjoying every second of their intimate dance.  It was more than clear she liked being the take charge type and he couldn't help but be more than eager to let her play with him however she wanted.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #37
Illya had learned a long time ago about the importance of sound when with another person.  A moan was a great motivator, something that made a partner work harder, please more.  When Mile's started to play with her breast, Illya let loose such a moan from the back of her throat, her mouth far to distracted with their kiss.  She gave it more power, made it cry out how much need she had for his touch, how much pent-up desire was waiting to get out of her.  She sounded hungry more more, told him to give her more.  Her pushed into his hand, making certain he knew she could take more, that there was no need to be gentle with her.  She would let him have some fun, let him play the part of the dominant for a while, before she forced him to follow her pace, let her do as she pleased.  She liked having power, and every now and then she would meet a guy who enjoyed having a woman take charge.  He might not be licking her boots, as she had suggested before, but he would know what it was like to be with an assertive woman . . . when she felt like it.  For now, she would allow herself to be putty in his hands, to see what he could craft with her.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #38
He was more than eager to take charge as his tender touches became more and more aggressive.  He broke the kiss and slid himself behind her groping her with both hands from behind before moving one hand down to her stomach.  The hand still at her chest slowly trailed between her breasts groping each slowly firmly getting acquainted with each ones every inch before settling on the left solidifying his choice with a firm tug on her nipple before groping it by the base and pulling it tightly upwards forcing the blood in it to pool at the tip.  Slowly the other hand trailed downwards and began to gently tease between her legs.  " gently sliding beteen them to touch the cloth that separated her most sensitive areas from his curious fingers.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #39
As she felt a hand moved between her thighs, Illya was overcome with the need to get her pants off.  The material was thick, interfering with her good time.  She tugged them down over her hips and let them fall of her ankles, leaving her in clothing but a red and black lace g-string, giving plenty to look at now that they had been discarded.  Miles' hand felt much better against her now, the thinness of her underwear doing barely anything to muffle her pleasure, though he could only get a couple minutes before she was grabbing his hand, stuffing it beneath the underwear, to get a feel of her small landing strip, and her already damp slit, aroused by his touch.  "That's what you wanted right?"  Her voice was deep, hungry, as she reached to his own uniform, tugging at whatever got in her way until his state of dress was closer to hers.  Once Renard was down to his underwear, like her, she reached for the fly of his Starfleet issue boxer briefs, fished his member out of it and grabbed it's base, stroking up with a firm hand.  "Now, we both have something we want."

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #40
He smiled smirked as she guided his hand into her underwear and soon had begun to rub and tease her soft flesh.  His finger began to tenderly rub up and down her eager slit.  He eagerly allowed her to disrobe him helping her along the way and let out a soft groan feeling her fingers taking grip of his hardening member.   "Mumm it seems that way don't it"  he said softly as they felt each other up.  With that he gave her breast another grope as he moved his head down and teasingly licked at the unoccupied nipple before giving it a tender but eager suck as his fingers pierced the folds of her labia and entered the woman's inner walls."

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #41
Illya's breathing was deeper as firm, strong fingers brushed along her most sensitive region, joined by the feeling of her stiff nipple getting some much needed love and attention from an eager mouth.  Her own hand tightened a bit more around a hard shaft, not treating it with delicacy or care.  A man didn't want some tender touch, but something firm that could stimulate much more fully.  Though she was quite skilled at foreplay, she certainly wasn't feeling the need to waste time on it.  Once she was sure Miles was ready for her, she would be pushing for the main event.  It had been too long since she felt some real pleasure.  No more living vicariously through Edena, but truly feeling for herself what she needed.

"A hand isn't cutting it," she said, pulling her own away and using it to take his out of her underwear.  She quickly discarded those, giving him a full look at what he had been touching only moments before.  She laid back on the table, one foot planted on the surface and her thigh parted to give him access.  "Don't make me wait any longer."

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #42
He smirked seeing how openly she offered herself to him. "my, You really are eager aren't you?"  He said with a eager tone to his voice.  As easily as she had discarded her panties he had discarded his boxers and joined her on the table having climbed up.  Soon his arms were wrapped around her and he was pushign against her warm body.  Slowly his cock pushed past her outer folds and slid into her warm entrance as he looked down at her and into her eyes.  "Is this what you wanted?" he asked playfully as he pushed the rest off his length into her.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #43
"You'd be eager too if you were me.  You know the last time this youthful, sexy body had a good romp?  James T Kirk wasn't even at his momma's teat!"  Illya had been the second host of the Rez Symbiont, a 300 year old being.  Illya herself was close to two hundred years old, having lived to a ripe old age, though not as long lived as Kiya before her.  Kiya carried Rez for 120 years before passing it on to Illya when she was 20.  A hundred years for Illya before it then went to Jona, where it stayed until Edena was chosen to be his successor by necessity.  That was a lot of years to be bodiless, and now she had back that same, youthful figure she had when she first joined the Symbiont.  How could she not take advantage of that?

She thought it was rather sweet how slow and tender he was being, but she didn't sign on for any romance.  As soon as he started sliding inward, Illya's legs wrapped around Miles' waist and pulled him in, fully sheathing him inside her with an excited gasp and an overwhelming smile.  "It's a start to what I want," she stated, as her hips began to slowly grind, working him a little bit before the feeling of her legs loosening seemed to grant Renard permission to begin the appropriate motions, the ones that would grant them mutual pleasure.  "If you start getting close, slow down.  Build your stamina and endure.  I get to come first."  Illya displayed a bit of her dominant side, declaring that he didn't get his until she had hers at least once.  He had to earn his by pleasing her.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #44
He looked down at her, "Oh so that's how we are."  he said grabbing onto her breast as he pushed her down and kissed her a bit more forcefully,  shoving his tongue into her mouth more than eagerly.  His other hand reached down and grasped a firm hold on her ass before he began to less softly buck into her eager walls.    He broke the kiss suddenly, "So you tried to force me into you fully;  Well if that's what you really want?"  he asked with a semi arrogant smirk before he gave her a sudden far from reserved buck as his full length surged into her most inner depths.  Soon she felt the cock push not just into her pussy but seem to swell with his bloodflow within her filling up the very sides of her inner cavern.  Adding to that she soon felt it press against the very barrier of her cervix wedging between the hard barrier and behind it stretching the walls of  the deepest reaches of her warm inner walls.   "I hope you like being filled up nice and deep."  he said in a semi gloating way.  "My species males usually use their limited shape changing to make sure they aren't too much for their mates when coupling with a human or similar species.   With myself unable to control any kind of my shifting at all I just guess I have to make due with a human version of my normal length and width.  You seem like the kind of girl that can take being stretched out till she's a perfect fit though.  he said with a bit of a evil smirk trying to match her own arrogant bossiness with a bit of his own dominant side.  "You didn't think I would let you completely boss me around did you?"  he asked playfully pulling out of her slowly letting her feel her inner walls trying to accommodate loss at having been stretched moments before to being empty  before he plunged back into her again.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #45
Illya's head merely tilted back, eyes closing and lips pursing tightly together.  If it was too much for her, she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of knowing it.  Instead, she just came to a stop, let the feeling of being filled settle in her mind before she started the most simple and careful of motions, her moans resuming.  He hadn't given her as much time as she had allowed herself, but she had been able to adjust, her breathing deeper and her sounds of pleasure more powerful, but she showed nothing of it overwhelming her.  Instead, she portrayed him as giving exactly what she needed.  "God, you shapeshifters always find such entertaining ways to make me feel good," she grinned, implying it might not have been the first time she fell victim to such things, though it still wasn't a thing one got used to easily.

Illya managed to roll him over onto his back, letting her take the top.  As she bounced up and down on him, her breasts heaved.  Their size made for a good show when she did that, making the position a favorite among her other lovers in the past.  She even reached down to take his hands, placed them on her chest as permission to toy with them while she worked him over a bit.  If she could say one thing about Kiya Rez, the knowledge of the cowgirl position she gave was much appreciated, as Illya rode like a pro thanks to her bonding with the Rez symbiont and acquiring the years of knowledge that the previous host had about working a man while on top of him.  She would keep it up until she reached her orgasm, freeing Miles to do the same.  Illya had asked for one of her own before he got his, and now that condition had been fulfilled.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #46
He smiled hearing her words, "Ironic then that we can even find what you want when we are deprived of our ability's then?"  he said as he eagerly let her roll him over and smiled at seeing her take this mount on him.  He eagerly grasped a t her breast when she gave it to him and moaned out feeling her iner walls tighten around him as he began to feel her orgasm wash over her as her pussy began to milk him like every bit the pro her reputation had indicated.  It was her body's own natural shudders pushed him over his own edge as he in a moment of desire flipped her over onto her back as he he pushed his entire length into her walls and gritted his teeth a massive volume of his cum gushing from his cock as he began to pump her walls full of his seed.

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #47
When they had both climaxed, Illya laid there contented, a mixture of both herself and Miles dripping down her thighs.  She was glowing, like there was still sparks of life bursting through her as she was coming down off her high.  The lieutenant Commander had certainly done what she wanted of him.  He had satisfied, and she had returned the favor in kind.  "Mr. Fox, you deserve a commendation," she grinned, a finger pressing to his chest in a position that implied she was pinning some invisible medal upon him.  Her grin turned into a full smile, showing off perfect white teeth before she let her head lay back, fiery hair surrounding her as she stared up at the ceiling, her body still feeling the traces of the act. 

"Not to weird you out or anything, but you know I'm probably five times your age, right?  Probably more then that really.  Thanks for taking care of an old woman when she needed it, Lieutenant Commander."  Illya gave him a small salute and another smile before she finally just let herself relax, breathe, and take in the small things she missed about having her own body.  Her long fingernails, the smell of her own hair around her face, and the familiarity of her own hands, her own toes, her own lips.  She didn't know how much longer she was going to have physical form for, but she did know one thing.

She would look back on this day as a gift.

((I think this would be a good place to end scene, and opens us up to enter these characters into the larger groupings coming up))

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #48
A faint chrip was heard in the background, emanating from a control panel - a small sound repeating itself. If checked upon, a flashing message would be seen once opened by a Starfleet Officer:


Because it was a silent alert, Thea's voice was not proclaiming it loudly over the intercom for everyone to hear.

OOC: Perhaps at least Miles (since you already have characters there, Kuro, up to you) might try, in futility, to rally the Lone Wolves over intercom (not working anymore, MG influence) so he instead heads to the Bridge?

Re: EPISODE 02: The Mysterious God Incident [Edena/Miles]

Reply #49
He smiled softly hearing her compliments as he lay there with her sharing in their afterglow.  HE shifted gently against her their bodies still connected as he accepted her warm commendations and returned the salute before leaning in and kissing her tenderly on the lips.  After breaking the kiss he gently spoke up.  "Eh probably only half of the age gap you said."  he then ran a couple fingers through her hair as he sighed softly.  "It's a shame the closest we will ever have to seeing each other like his again will be if the XO lets you borrow her body for a bit.  Though it certainly wont be the same."

About that time he was interrupted by the sounds of a chirp emanating from one of the control panels.

He looked over to her as he sighed, "I guess I had better get dressed and answer that."  He softly ran a hand across her cheek and snuck in another kiss before gently puling apart from her.  Quickly he grabbed a bar rag and wiped himself off as best as he could before grabbing his boxers as he walked over to the panel and activated it.  "Seeing the message he quickly grabbed his pants and undershirt and put them on before throwing the rag he had used to Illya.  "I'd advise getting dressed and coming with me.  We just got put on alert level four,"  He said as he quickly slipped on the rest of his uniform.

He quickly and  tapped the panel to access the intercom but for some reason the system was disabled as well as nearly all other major ship communications.  He quickly tapped his combadge and spoke up, "Renard to bridge, please advise on situation over."  He received no response and he tapped the badge again.  this time it issued that familiar noise that meant it could not establish any form of contact.

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