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Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Stardate 57559.68
March 11, 2381
2000 hours

[ Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign | Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ], @Numen

Jaya stepped into the library. It looked vacant except for like one other person. But she was here for a reaon. Her first instinct was to go to the research computers. They would definitely have the information she wanted. She might even be lucky enough to find a hard copy! She turned, headed to the wall of consoles and sat on the provided chair. A few clicks and she opened the database search. She typed "self-help book" and hit confirm.

Within three minutes, the computer populated a list. Jaya's eyes went wide as saucers when she saw the final number. 75, 137, 540, 012. Her jaw dropped. What the hell was that ridiculous number?! How was it even possible to have over a billion self help books?! She shoved away from the console in disgust. There was no way she was going to look through that many results. No way. Her eyes caught the racks and she sighed. Hopefully they had something useful.

Jaya stared at the book spines within the glass case. They were well organized, first by subject, then by author, title and original print date. Granted every one of these books were fabrications but still. The effort was appreciated. She skimmed the major headers. Politics and Government. Literature. Society. The Sciences. Religion. Poetry. Art. Military. The Federation. Medicine.

That one. Medicine.

She peered into the case. One of these books ought to help her. The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. The Canon of Medicine by Avicenna. De Materia Medica by Perdanius Dioscorides. The Principles and Practice of Medicine: Designed for the Use of Practitioners and Students of Medicine by William Osler. Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus by William Harvey. Jaya raised her eyebrow. Unhelpful. Was she just expected to know what language these were written in? "For real? Ughh!"

She glanced back at the categories. Maybe Society? Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Native Son by Richard Wright. A Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant. Jaya stopped reading the spines. Nope. Not here either.

She sighed loudly. "This is bullshit. I just want one book! Damnit!" She eyed the consoles again. "Alright, you trillions of self help books. You're going down!" She stomped her way back to the console and aggressively leaned over the information. She wasn't about to give that search result the satisfaction of seeing her sit down either. No sir! She would do this standing up!

"Fucking 75 billion search results. What the fuck even!" She mumbled curses under her breath as she tried the filters to narrow her search.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #1

[Ensign Seren |  Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ]
@Even Angels Cry

Seren had always been fond of libraries. They were quiet places, where one could be in a state of silence and, at the same time, be surrounded by other crew members. It was a space of peacefulness, far from the usual hustle and bustle characteristic of the other parts of the vessel. So, as soon as he had been released from the Sickbay, he had gone there. He had only made a brief visit to the quarters he had owned, prior to being put into cryogenics. They were still his, technically, but they didn't look like his anymore. The chambers had been badly damaged at some point during the long months he had spent on the ice, and although they had been repaired and were ready to be inhabited again, there was little left of his personal effects. A half-burned copy of Surak's manuscripts, which his mother had sent to Earth shortly before her death, in an unusual display of devotion. Half of a calligraphic sheet that his father had handed him when he had been assigned to the Theurgy. The canvas once read 'In accepting the inevitable, one finds peace'. At that time, however, only the last part of the quote was legible, so the meaning of the phrase had changed.'Find peace' now ordered the text.  A simple command to be said, but difficult to carry out.

Perhaps impossible.

The chambers and the few items left in them were as alien to him as his own body. Like all Vulcans, Seren had perfected the control of all his bodily functions. His heartbeat. The rhythm of his breathing. Now, half of his organs had been replaced by... things. Devices that kept him alive, but that he did not control. That he didn't feel like his own. If he placed a hand on his side, over where used to be his heart, he could feel a heartbeat. But he didn't FEEL it. Not like he had done before. He only felt a void. And empty space out of his reach. It was a disturbing sensation.

But even more unsettling was the feeling on his flank. The young Vulcan had not only lost several internal organs, but a good part of the muscles and bone mass that had protected them had also been replaced by plastic and metal. Under his clothes, the synthetic flesh tessellation contrasted deeply with his tanned skin. And, for some strange reason that escaped logic, hes skin burned. Seren felt an extreme warmth there, as if he had been exposed to the midday sun in the Vulcan Forge. After a few minutes, the sensation turned into a bitter coldness and, despite all his self-control, Seren shivered a bit every time. The doctors had advised him that it could happen. They had called it a case of Phantom Limb: his brain was trying to adapt to the losses his body had suffered and was acquiring control over the new synthetic receptors that had replaced them. He had been assured that the symptoms would diminish with time, and that his vulcan physiognomy was resilient and would adapt quickly to the new situation. Faster than if he belonged to another species.

But for the time being, Seren was a stranger within his own body.

So he had gone to the library. To settle his mind in a well-known place, in his peaceful retreat. As he walked languidly between the shelves, with a copy of Surak's writings in his hands, the ensign could almost feel at peace again. It was illogical to let his mood be disrupted by mere physical discomfort. The mind held control over the body. And his mind was still strong.

That was when the shouting began.

At first it was barely a frustrated statement, but little by little the sighs and discouraged words turned into a crescendo of insults and swearing that led the counsellor to raise an eyebrow, more scandalized than he wanted to acknowledge. That lack of decorum in the library was inadmissible. So, with edifying zeal, he headed towards the source of the noise. Only the faint rustle of his long civilian garments announced his arrival. The last turn around one of the bookcases placed him behind the transgressor. It was a human woman, roughly his height. From the little he could see of her features, he didn't recognize her. While Seren had prided inwardly upon knowing the faces of the whole crew, there had been such a flow of crew members that it was impossible for him to know everyone.

Thus, he stood behind her, with his hands folded hidden in the wide sleeves of his attire. "Prophering foul words against an inanimate device is hardly productive," the Vulcan said, his voice free from any intonation that denoted the irritation he felt. Seren blinked slowly and tilted his head slightly to the side, stretching the carbon fiber plating on his neck to prevent the temptation to scratch the area. That little distraction kept him from exposing the number of mental disorders that could point the annoying symptom that the human was displaying.  When he was finally able to ignore the uncomfortable itching, his dark eyes skimmed across the console screen over which the woman leaned. He did not read the subject about which she was seeking for, but he did read the number of results that the computer had returned.  Seventy-five trillion books fulfilled the search parameters. He could easily fathom that an emotional being like a human could feel discouraged by such an extense catalogue, but that didn't totally excuse breaking the library's quietude. In spite of everything, his profession took control of the situation, so he decided to word his next sentence in a different way than he had initially planned. "It would be more appropriate to use that same energy to narrow the search to more precise parameters. Or to request help," he suggested, looking the woman face to face for the first time. "My name is Seren. I am here to serve," he said as a way of introduction.

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #2

Jaya was too busy cursing at the computer and angrily punching in filter parameters to notice the person come up behind her. His voice was soft, quiet even. So it wasn't until the very end of his introduction that she heard him.

"Wha-!" She startled and turned to see a vulcan standing behind her. Her eyes rolled as she exhaled. "Jeez, where'd you come from?!" She was beyond annoyed at this point, but maybe a librarian could help.

Jaya turned her back to the console and faced him. "Seren, was it? Yea, ok, maybe you can help. Im trying to find a self help book so i can help myself feel like me again and this damn library has nothing.  So i did a search. You can see how well that turned out. I tried to filter the results but i dont know what half these psychobabble options are and there's still TRILLIONS OF RESULTS!!!!!"  As she spoke, her hands began to move. Slowly at first, but growing in volume and expression until she exploded the last three words and her arms flew up and out. They collapsed to her sides as she sighed. There was nothing else left to do but go back to her quarters and sulk. She had been defeated by too much technology.

Jaya shrugged. "I don't even know what im looking for. I just thought that maybe a book would be helpful. But its fine. Ill just figure this out myself, like always. Thanks anyway." Her sudden sullen demeanor leaked into every word she spoke. This was ridiculous. She was making a scene where no scene needed to be made. She should leave.

"Sorry for the outburst. You can tell my CO about it if you want, Lt. Derik Veradin. It'll add to the list of things he gets to reprimand me for. Just let him know that Ensign Jaya Thorne was causing a ruckus again." She turned to face the door, but looked back at Seren. "Your library is nice though. Thanks for keeping it that way."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #3

[Ensign Seren |  Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry

When the human woman jumped out, Seren tilted his head again while raising an eyebrow. It was obvious that he had been in the library since before she arrived. Vulcans had no ability to teleport, so one should not think too much to infer where he came from.  The counselor blinked a couple of times, trying to figure out a reply that was accurate while not offensive. Seren would generally not worry about whether his response was insulting or not, as long as it was precise. But obviously the human needed to be treated gently, given her confusing emotional state. Moreover, Seren had always adhered to a high standard of professional ethics.

However, before Seren could elaborate an out-voiced answer, the human spun to face him and tell him about her problem. Her words bubbled from her lips like a flood, increasingly accelerated, the tone getting louder and louder by the minute. At the same time, she waved her hands, increasingly faster and more convulsed until, suddenly, she seemed to deflate with a sigh, shrinking on herself until she became a small and discouraged wrinkled up ball. That prompted that Seren finally took a posture and reached a chair to join the human.

"There is nothing I need to report to your CO, I have not witnessed any remarkable disturbance, Miss Thorne," he assured without disturbing his voice at any time. Seren had only been the witness of an emotional display coming from an emotional being. Something that was logically to be expected. "And yes, the library is an appropriate room for its function. Its distribution is highly adequate," he confirmed with a short nod, as his dark eyes stared without blinking at the young human. He didn't understand why Jaya assumed that he was the owner or maintainer of the research room, so he observed her again for 73 seconds, studying her features. Jaya Thorne wasn't one of the original Theurgy crew members. Or at least she hadn't been on board before Seren was put in cryostasis. The ensign was certain of this fact, since he had made an endeavour to know the name and position of every crew member. He never knew who could become one of his patients, and most species valued a close approach. Maybe the human considered the original starship's crew as the 'owners' of the communal rooms. Or perhaps she mistook his occupation with that of archivist. Whatever the case, Seren didn't correct her misunderstanding. Maybe if she saw him as someone nonthreatening, he would be able to assist her with greater ease. Maybe that way she would be more willing to talk. Ultimately, some Fleet officers were hesitant to interact with counselors. And the Vulcan's experience told him that Jaya was a member of that group. "I can be of assistance to... 'figure out' this, as you have stated," he added as he placed his hands over the keyboard, and finally turned his gaze away from the woman's face. "State the nature of your mood disturbance to narrow the search. It's about the loss of a loved one, a recent trauma...?" he asked.

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #4

Jaya hadn't expected help, let alone someone like him. She shrugged at his question though. The nature of her mood disturbance? What? "I- I'm not sure, to be honest. Maybe that's why it's so hard to find help. If i don't know what I want, how is the computer supposed to know?"

She slumped over in her chair. Her elbows hit the desk and her head fell into her hands. Her palms covered part of her face. "Everything is wrong. And  nothing.
How does that even make sense?! Why am I even here?! I was minding my own damn business! I didn't ask for any of this! It's not my fault that the Opal got attacked! And it's not like i could just leave afterwards. The Captain literally saved my life! But this war? All this death and destruction? A couple months ago the wildest things in my life were my sex partners, and now..."

She was having a moment. She didnt even realize the tears had started until she let her hands fall away from her eyes. They were moist.

"Tsk, see what I mean? This isn't like me. I dont cry. I don't force myself on my partners. I dont throw racist remarks and curse words around casually while I'm working, or ever really. Well, ok the curses maybe but not that racist shit. I dont pray. I dont believe in anything except me and the universe. And yet, I've been doing all these things! I don't know what's wrong with me and i don't know how to fix it but i wish i did cuz this new version of me sucks hardcore."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #5

[Ensign Seren |  Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry

Seren listened in composed silence to how the human woman dropped into a descending spiral into an emotional outburst. Her voice was awash with anguish and despair and she seemed utterly helpless. Lost in her emotions, in the circumstances that surrounded her and in... in everything. If Seren had been someone who could exhibit a degree of compassion, he might have demonstrated it at that moment. Perhaps with a hug, or a few pats on the shoulder. Gestures meant to be reasured on human standards. But Seren was Vulcan, so he simply observed how Jaya sank deeper and deeper into her chair as her lips thrown up her inner confusion and discomfort. When the tears began to flow from her eyes, like waterfalls, Seren had to use all his willpower to avoid moving away from that inappropriate display. But he had to invest more effort in order to stop the tremor of his hands.

"It seems that you have been subjected to a high level of stress. That might explain that non specified dissociative disorder that you have described, I suspect that although there is a fairly extensive bibliography in the library about the subject in question, most of those books are pointless to solve the specific details of your case," the Vulcan replied as an apology. "The circumstances in which this ship has been involved are especially dire, and that can be an utmost endeavor for most of the crew, you should not be ashamed to exteriorize that discomfort in the way your species is accustomed to," he said afterwards, in reference to the tears that fell down the woman's cheeks. "However, the other behaviors that are inconsistent with your personality are more noteworthy symptoms. Do you remember when or by what event they began to be produced?"

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #6

The words went in Jaya's ears bur were not processed by her brain. Dissa-who? Exterio-what now? She blinked. Was that even English? She shifted in her seat. At least her tears stopped. She guessed it had something to do with the confusing words fumbling about in her head now.

Then he asked a real question. Something she did understand. She started to answer but quickly realized she was unsure herself when they began.

"I dunno. But my colorful outbursts never caused a problem before... the bridge..." She paused as the thought entered her mind.

"I, uh, got a promotion recently, does that count?  To helmsman. And ensign. And the ship split into vectors. I got reprimanded on the bridge. And I remember praying and looking out into the nebula. I had a crazy dream too. About things that never happened, but it felt so real. I have all these thoughts. I feel like only half of them are actually mine. "

Jaya felr only a little bad for chatting off the librarian's ear. To be fair though, he had asked.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #7
[Ensign Seren |  Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry

Seren listened with calm expression to the human explanation of the events. As she herself recognized, an explosive personality was part of her integral way of being. Something that was relatively common among humans according to the Vulcan's experience. But it seemed that this strong character had acquired strange connotations since sher had recently achieved a field promotion and had begun to work on the bridge. Helmsmen was a highly stressful position, especially during the Alpha shift. If the counsellor took into account the circumstances and the level of pressure to which the crew of the Theurgy was subjected the last months and linked it to the personal circumstances of the former NCO, he had little doubt as to why she had suffered this crisis. The reprimand had been the last strawneeded to break the camel back, according to Earth's saying. "And after that event, the one that made you deal with those false memories... Have you had another similar episode? If so, what event triggered it?" he asked. As he inquired these questions, Seren moved his hands from the keyboard and slid them into the wide sleeves of his robe. After shallowly rummaging through hidden pockets, the young Vulcan extracted one of his personal padds. Then, while he waited for an answer, he tapped a couple of times on its main screen and scrolled through a long list of entries.

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #8

"I, uh-" Jaya stared at his padd. Was he... taking notes? "What are you-" She paused. What the hell was he doing? "That's a weirdly specific question for a Librarian to ask. But sure, why not. Stranger things, yea?"

She cleared her throat and tried to focus. The fake memories were like an out of body experience. So real and yet so strange while happening, but hard to recall properly afterward. Her fingers flexed. She clenched her jaw. Frustration colored her features. "It was, um, I don't- I dont really- ughh!"

The tears started anew. They were smaller this time. Less fierce. But she felt the liquid pooling in the corners of her eyes. She rubbed it away with the back of her hands. "Fuck this is annoying! What is wrong with me?!"

She needed to calm the fuck down. She took a deep breath. Two. Exhaled shakily the first time. Smoother the second. By the third breath her hands were leaving her face. She swallowed against the saliva lump building in her throat and cleared her voice.

"The stars. I remember i was looking at the stars. Out the window. At the nebula. I had the strangest vision, in shades of purple and red. A kind grandmother. A happy family. A picnic. My parents were..." Her voice trailed off. None of it was real. It was all some strange fabrication of her mind because she was losing her grip on reality. Obviously.

Jaya shook her head. "It doesn't matter.  None of it was real. I have no idea why it came to mind but it was so vivid. I've dreamt that scene over and over again since then. Always the same. Pieces come and go by the morning but the feeling stays..."

She lifted her eyes up to meet with his. Her eyebrows worried their way into her forehead. "Hollow. Cold. Wanting. Like I'm standing too close to the fire but all the heat is blowing away from me. I hate it."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #9
[Ensign Seren |  Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry

Seren could have confessed, another time, that he wasn't the librarian, but he preferred to simply remain silent again. And he kept taking notes for a while. However, the young woman soon had the words stuck in her throat once more and, after a short time, tears ran down her face anew. The Vulcan merely gazed at her, impassively, for a couple of minutes, while analyzing the efforts she was making to control her temperament. First she yelled, trying to get rid of the tears. Then she tried to control her breathing, inhaling and exhaling. The counselor in Seren saw all this as a good sign, Miss Thorne was far from controlling her emotions, but there was intentionality in her. Clumsy attempts to stay in control, reckless and unguided. Even with everything, it was a strong point and a good basis to work with later.

Jaya then began to describe the episode, first the moment it had occurred, then the 'false vision'. However she didn't finish to describe it entirely, as her voice faded and she shook her head to dismish the whole thing. Eventually she stared at him, and explained how that recurring vision made her feel. And how much she hated that feeling.

"Your mind engineered a number of fake memories, an alternative, bucolic reality to escape from a situation it could not control. It can occur as a response to a extreme panic attack coupled with frustration and stress, especially when faced with a life or death scenario," he patiently explained. "It is a method to cope with a trauma and not confront what has triggered it. At this moment, your mind is still relying on it in an improper method to get rid of the stress and anxiety you suffer, but doing so merely causes more harm. That manifest in the emptiness you describe," he added after a brief pause. During the pause, the Vulcan tucked his hands into the ample sleeves of his attire, and rummaged through its hidden pockets for a few seconds. After a brief search, he pulled out an elegantly folded handkerchief and placed it on the table in front of Jaya, pushed it gently towards her with two gloved fingers so that she could use it if necessary.  He then picked up the PADD again and typed briefly on the screen. "Since the starship will be in dry dock for several weeks, I will ask your superior to lighten your shifts and I will recommend that you be amongst the first officers of your department to have some downtime on the surface. We can arrange a meeting in my office after that, if you are in agreement" he asked while he kept tapping on the screen, never taking his eyes off his personal device.

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #10

Jaya's breath was still shaky but she was listening. This Librarian really didn't sound or act like he was in charge of the library at all. He spoke words she didnt quite comprehend, but she got the gist of it. She was going crazy.

"So, my mind made up fantasies cuz i went through some bad shit? Why now? My life hasn't exactly been easy. You'd think if i was gonna go crazy it would've happened way sooner."

It didn't make much sense to her, but she wasn't an expert in mental matters. Jaya wrinkled her nose in thought. Seren the Librarian seemed to know a bunch about mental matters. Weird.

She knew the dry dock would last a few weeks and had fully prepared to have a little down time, but to mandate to her CO that downtime would be required AND to lessen her current duties seemed like a bit much. Though she did have to admit it was kind of relieving to talk about this stuff.

He mentioned scheduling an appointment for some time later. Another oddity. Was he truly a Librarian? She shrugged. At this point, she didn't care.

"Yea, that actually sounds like a nice idea. You're really easy to talk to. I didn't know there were offices here." She cracked a small smile. "Thanks. Really."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #11

[Ensign Seren |  Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry

" It is probable that something in the current situation has triggered those fantasies. I would recommend that we elaborate on this in more detail later, so that I can elaborate a more accurate hypothesis. "Seren replied as he introduced the final piece of information into his personal Padd. He left the device on the desk and put his hands back on the computer screen. A few quick movements of his fingers sent a request to the replicator of the library.

" Follow me" he asked as he rose to his feet. Seren made the short trip to the replicator in silence. Once there, he collected the newly materialized paperback, made a brief check on the index and closed it again before handing it to Jaya. "'Adapted meditation techniques', by Councillor T'Latrek" Seren translated the title of the book, which shone in silver in the book's spine, written in the swirly script of his people. "The inner text is translated to Federation Standard" he added when the young woman took it.

"I think it will be useful to maintain your emotional stability until you can go to a regular counselling appointment," he added, as he folded his hands in front of him and hid them inside the wide sleeves of his robe. "If you need an initial guide on how to perform the techniques I can give you a quick lesson in my quarters, they are close to the library." he offered afterwards.

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #12

He spoke methodically, but Jaya still needed a moment to wrap her head around his words. He was offering advice. He took notes. He recommened and replicated a book for her. He had an office somewhere. He recommended . Her eyes narrowed slightly. Was this Librarian actually a shrink?

He was nice though, in his calculating, logical manner. She flashed an uneasy smile as she took the poffered book. She hoped he was right about the translation.

"Umm, thanks? This is kind of exactly what i was looking for. I think."

She opened the cover and thumbed through the pages once. There was substantially more text than she had hoped for. Perhaps a lesson was a good idea? Seriously, what kind of Librarian was he? His skill set seemed oddly perfect for her needs in that exact moment. Maybe it was a Vulcan thing? Truthfully she hadn't been particularly close enough to any Vulcans to truly understand their weirdness. But the ones she'd known were great in the sack.

She raised her eyebrow. An educated guess told her that he would likely be just as good, but now was definitely not the right time.

... her own thought echoed back in her brain. If now was a bad time for sex then she definitely was off her rocker. Maybe regular counseling wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"So, uh, maybe a demonstration would be helpful. And yea, maybe counseling too. I'll talk to medical later. For now, let's just stick to easy things."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 01 [2000 hrs.] A Bit of Light Reading

Reply #13

[Ensign Seren |  Library & Research Room | Deck 15| Uss Theurgy ]
Attn: @Even Angels Cry

Seren nodded once and stepped out of the library, hoping that Jaya would follow his steps without ever turning back. His quarters were located not far away, in fact they were the nearest residential dwellings to the library. The young Vulcan stopped in front of the door... and nothing happened. He blinked a couple of times and pressed the button next to the door, but the room remained shut.

"Thea, specify the reason for the quarter's shutdown," requested Seren in a monotone voice. "Quarters pending claim by Counselor Seren, Ensign," answered the ship's AI, her voice more full of emotion than the Vulcan's.  The counselor nodded solemnly and entered his security key into the side panel. Then the door unlocked, revealing a standard junior officer' dwelling, with nothing notable to reveal its occupant.

Despite this, Seren walked into the room as if he had been inhabiting it since his earliest childhood, resolutely headed to the replicator and introduced a couple of commands without ever disturbing his silence. A short time later, the device's alcove produced a pair of obviously Vulcan lamps and a dark mat with a subtle spiral embroidery. Seren laid it out in the middle of the room and placed the lights equidistant from its four corners. Immediately after, he removed the soft boots that covered his feet and kneeled in one of the larger sides in a fluid motion.

"Please join me. Close your eyes and imagine a turbulent sea..."


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