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Topic: Day 09 [0800 hrs.] Can I Move In? (Read 2481 times) previous topic - next topic
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Day 09 [0800 hrs.] Can I Move In?

[[T’Panu] Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
@Auctor Lucan @Revan @TWilkins

*Beep beep beep*

T’Panu rolled over, barely awake. Was it that time already? She rubbed her eyes as she felt the sleep trying to pull her back in. ”Computer, end alarm.” She begrudgingly got up, knowing full well if she didn’t, she would definitely fall back asleep. She had never slept through work and she wasn’t about to start now. She got up, stretching, as her nightgown slightly pulled around her skin. Then it was into the Sonic Shower, as her nightgown slunk to the floor and she hopped in. What a great way to start the day, she thought.

Out of the shower, into her medical uniform, ready for the day…almost. ”Coffee. Black. Strong.” This was going to be a long day and tea just wasn’t going to cut it. As it appeared, she could smell the slightly sweet, slightly bitter aroma wafting towards her nose. It immediately began to awaken her senses, and as the smooth, warm liquid touched her lips, she could feel herself beginning to feel invigorated. Finally, ready to face the day.

She walked nonchalantly out of her quarters, down the familiar corridors until she reached Sickbay. All the while sipping what she thought might be the best Earth beverage she had ever tasted. Well, aside from Root Beer. She knew that was a strange one, but she just couldn’t help but enjoy the sweet, sharp taste of it. No one knew how much she enjoyed it, of course; she expected no Vulcan would quite understand, nor did she feel the need to try.

Zaryn Kolari | En Route to Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]

There was an old Human expression: ‘What a difference a day makes’ and that was certainly ringing true for the Trill, so far he’d been in a firefight, locked in a brig, released from said brig, reassigned and played cat and mouse with another Starfleet officer in all the space of a day. Well Zaryn, when they told you that life in Intelligence was going to be interesting, they certainly weren’t lying. he thought as he made his way down the corridors of towards sickbay. 

Glancing down at the cut on his arm he really wasn’t looking forward to explaining exactly how he’d gotten it but oh well he did lie for a living he was sure he’d come up with something. Entering sickbay, the officer working the desk was about to ask what he needed when he saw the, not exactly hard to miss cut on his arm and pointed to one of the rooms behind him.
“There’s a doctor in there who can patch that up for you Lieutenant.” The crewman said.

With a nod and a thanks, Zaryn made his way to where the crewman had pointed and entered the room, taking another look at his arm as he went. It had already stopped bleeding so was there really a need to waste a doctor’s time?

Just as T’Panu had settled in, she had her first patient of the day. A lieutenant walked in with a 5” laceration curved around the medial part of the upper arm, parallel to the head of the humerus. There was some blood around the wound, but it had generally stopped bleeding. Something sharp must have sliced his skin. ”How in the world did you get this??” T’Panu asked.
Entering the room, Zaryn stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted the Vulcan he’d only yesterday technically been holding in a jail cell, well this wasn’t going to awkward in the slightest he thought as he sat down. Luckily it didn’t seem as though she had recognized him yet as she asked how he had gotten his injury.

“You could say I had an…encounter with a Security Officer.” he answered as he thought back to his run in with Cardamone down on the Aldea a short while ago. “It got a little…rough.” he added, which wasn’t a lie although given the history he had with this particular doctor the phrasing might not have been the best choice of words in hindsight.
T’Panu, still not fully awake, grabbed the Medical Tricorder and Dermal Regenerator. Powering both up, she checked over his general health and started to repair his wound. Just as she began, she realized something. She knew him. Taking a step back, she was completely thrown off guard; startled, uneasy and confused. She thought back to when she tried to burn that place to the ground after being kidnapped. And she hadn’t been back long, so it was still fresh in her memory.

As the Trill watched the Vulcan retrieve a Medical Tricorder and Dermal Regenerator, he waited as she checked over his health and started to work on his wound when he noticed the change in her expression before taking a step back from him, evidently, she had finally recognized him. Well this wasn't going to be awkward at all.

Zaryn opted to give her a half wave with his good arm “Hey Doc. Lieutenant Zaryn Kolari, Starfleet Intelligence, nice to meet you.” he said, putting on his best friendly smile.

”Sorry about the whole chasing you and waving a phaser in your face thing down on Aldea yesterday.” he added “…and the hostage taking and the whole… he paused and cleared his throat briefly “…you know…threatening your friends thing too. In my defense I didn’t know who you were and even if I did I couldn’t break my cover at the time, hope there’s no hard feelings.” he muttered as he thought about all the things that had happened down there the previous day. Do Vulcan’s hold grudges? he couldn’t help but think as he looked across at the Vulcan. 

Just as the shock was wearing down, they heard an alarm going off. Symbiont stasis was compromised for the Arn symbiont and they had to find a Trill on board for implantation. And they had to find a suitable candidate soon, or the symbiont wouldn’t survive. If her calculations were correct, there was barely hours until that happened. T’Panu called for backup to stabilize the medical emergency of the symbiont and began preparations to beam over and stabilize it.

Hearing the alarm, Zaryn glanced down at his wound, T'Panu had done a pretty good job of patching up the wound, at least enough that he could probably leave without too much hassle, especially if there was an emergency. He didn't know what was going on, but it was certainly none of his business.

"Well thanks for the patch job Doc, looks like you've got a situation on your hands, I'll leave you to it." he said as he hopped down and started heading for the door, somewhat looking forward to ducking out of that encounter. Unfortunately he was stopped by the Vulcan doctor...

"Lieutenant, you are a Trill." he heard her state, which was a seemingly odd observation for her to make out of nowhere.

Stopping in his tracks he sighed "The spots always give it away." he muttered before turning to face her. "I am." he replied before frowning at her "Why?" he asked, unable to keep the suspicion out of his voice.

"Because... T'Panu stopped to find the words she was looking for. This would be a big ask and not something to be taken lightly. "Because Lieutenant, Symbiont stasis was compromised and we need a Trill. And soon."

OOC: Thank you for the collab Rev! It was a lot of fun, I'm excited to see the rest of this thread!! No posting order, the stage is set and the usual 7 days! If anyone else wants in, feel free to join!

Re: Day 09 [0800 hrs.] Can I Move In?

Reply #1
Zaryn Kolari | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy]
Att: @lisavw @Auctor Lucan @TWilkins

Zaryn watched as the Doctor looked at him, hearing the urgency in her tone, which was somewhat impressive for a Vulcan...although perhaps he was imagining it as she told him that a stasis chamber for a Symbiont had failed. It didn't take a genius to figure out what that meant. The Symbiont would die unless it was transferred into a Trill host.

"Uh yeah that's not me Doc, better find another Trill for that. Never had an interested in getting a worm in my gut and I haven't changed my opinion on that now. Plus I am far from what the Symbiosis Commission would consider a viable candidate."

He'd heard the stories about what being joined with a Symbiont did you someone, altering their personality, their thought processes all of that stuff. Not to mention the fact that once bonded you were stuck with it until you or it died and if it died or was removed then you died too. No thank you.

Beyond that Symbionts were rare and each one with their lifetimes of experience were invaluable to the Trill which meant that they would never willing give one to someone like him. Spies in general didn't always have the longest of life expectancies and the odds of retrieving a body even if the Symbiont could be saved was slim to none.  Even if part of him knew that saving the Symbiont was his duty as a Trill, surely there were other, better candidates on board they could find that could do it?

"How long does it have? Surely you can find another Trill?" he asked.


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