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DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

[ USS Theurgy | Main Sickbay | CMO Office ] Attn: Zenozine


Seated behind his desk, Dr. Lucan cin Nicander was working at his computer console when the nurse that he had summoned emerged through the sliding doors. He looked up and gave the Ovri a smile, gesturing towards the chair in front of the desk. His visitor was the brother of the Theurgy's new Head Nurse, and unbeknown to the entire crew, also one of Lucan's lovers. Indeed, he quite fancied having Hylota Vojona close at hand, for despite the clandestine way in which they had to meet, along with the progression of her preganancy, she remained intriguing company to him. As it were, Hylota's brother had been cleared for duty by Counselling, and Lucan had summoned the brother to discuss the details. Seeing the brother, exotic in colouring and curves, Lucan could not help but think if the male version of the Ovri species had just as many surprises when intimate with them.

"Please have a seat," he told the blue and red-coloured Ovri, making sure not to openly stare at the creature. "Before your new duty assignments, I wanted to touch base with you on a couple of things. First of all," he said and leaned forward on his desk, hands folded underneath his eyes, "how are you faring? I heard about what had befallen you during the mutiny, and I wanted to make sure you feel all right with resuming your duties here."

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ USS Theurgy | Main Sickbay | CMO Office ]

Vinata adjusted his uniform and took a deep breath, since the incident at the triage center where he had been almost killed off. He was eager to get back to work, and as he was called back to service Vinata smiled as he walked into the office to meet with Dr. Lucan.

As Vinata moved in through the office he smiled at the commanding officer and he moved in towards the desk, as he walked he was carrying himself in a rather unique manner, swaying his hips as he walked and he sat down at the chair, he smiled at Lucan and got comfortable as he nodded to his commanding officer. As Lucan began too speak and asked if he was alright Vinata nodded. "I am alright, I took my time and recovered to the best of my ability. I sought counseling and comfort to help me get over my problems. I am alright now." He smiled and shifted slightly. "So um, what else do you wish to know of me sir? I am more than willing to see to getting things wrapped up so that I might be able to get back into service."

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #2
Seated across from Vinata, Lucan studied the male Ovri's unique physique and mannerism - how he moved across the floor on his digitigrade legs. Having sampled a female Ovri in more ways than one, seeing a male of that species up close was quite an experience. The beast inside Lucan quickened at the sight, but its intentions were far from productive. Lucan watched Vinata not out of immediate need, but out of great curiosity. If opportunity presented itself, he knew he would have a hard time resisting a more intimate experience, but not at the cost of his public appearance. There was also the slight risk of the sibling Ovri speaking to each other about him, and that was not something Lucan could afford.

"I am glad to hear it," he said and stood up, walking around the desk and coming to lean against it next to Vinata. As he did, he produced a medical tricorder and its scanner from his lab coat's pockets. "I will just have to make a quick physical examination before I can clear you for duty. Given how you were released from the Recovery Ward some days ago and no one has looked at you since then, I will have to make sure the tissue regeneration is finished enough. I would not like to have you back here ahead of time at the risk of permanent issues. As much in need as I am of able personnel, what kind of Chief Medical Officer would I be if did not hold the same standards towards my staff as we do for our patients?"

Having said this, Lucan began to scan Vinata, pushing away from the desk in order to scrutinise the blue and red skin of the Ovri from other angles - walking around the seated man. "The scans say that there is still some tissue not recovered fully, bruising and soreness, I would hope, but..." He paused and tapped his hand with the tricoder, feigning brief thought - his charismatic smile remaining. "If I close the doors, would you mind showing me the areas? Just to make sure the healing will take care of he worst of it. Thea, would you mind locking the door on my authority?" Tone succinct and professional, he did not delay in getting the practical stuff done, but finally he also switched to the personal angle that Vinata had suggested. "Indeed, yes. I would like to know more of you too."

More than you know... he thought, remembering certain 'sessions' with Vinata's sister.

"I have had a few days to familiarise myself with the Ovri as a species since your sister transferred from the Harbinger, but is there anything particular about the male Ovri that I must be made aware of. I mean, of course, things not available in the Federation's files on your people?"

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #3
As Lucan asked about some small things that he wanted to inspect and how he could lock the door to ensure Vinata's privacy. This request made Vinata shift in his seat a little, but he took a deep breath and nodded. "I would be alright with that sir. I am fine with nudity...I just feel a little uneasy in this room is all...being pinned under a bleeding seared corpse can do that to you." He let out a shuddering sigh before he stood up and undid the clasps on his boots as he began to prepare to strip down as he had been requested.

As Vinata stripped out of his outfit he looked too Lucan and blinked as he took in the sight of him, he was truly a strong man, a very respectable man...and a man that he should not be looking at in any such way, for pity's sake the man was his superior. To this Vinata took a sharp deep breath and blushed slightly as he stripped out of his uniform fully, folding it neatly before setting it down on the chair, anatomically he looks very close to any humanoid female, but his crotch was smooth and had the same slit that his sister had. Looking at his body more closely there were the surface injuries, a few fading bruises from the mutiny, a few small healing wounds from way back at the triage center incident. And then, at his neck, what appeared to be hickies.

Vinata shifted his weight on the balls of his feet as he looked around the room, avoiding looking to the space where he had almost been strangled to death, where he had been soaked in blood and slightly had not been a good memory. Vinata then looked to Lucan, he looked over Lucan's form and he swallowed, the man was truly a good looking man, and he blushed more as he began to cock his hips slightly as he tried to emphasize his femininity.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #4
While Lucan had asked the male Ovri if there was ought he needed to know about his physiology, it seemed like Vinata was too unsettled by the office to answer. For good reason, Lucan supposed, having read the reports about what had transpired in Sickbay, and he supposed it simply slipped the Ovri's mind as he undressed before Lucan. Oh, but having sampled Hylota, the sight of Vinata's bared body stirred the beast inside more than Lucan cared for - finding himself earnestly contemplating how he might take advantage of the nurse. Dangerous thoughts, however compelling. He realised he had to be careful lest he'd ruin everything he'd built so far.

That lustre to the Ovri's skin was captivating, bruising and small marks aside. Lucan studied the alien body, walking slowly around Vinata where he stood. Was he imagining it, or was the Ovri looking at him too? It was too hard to say with those dark eyes of his - pupils lacking - but if he was any judge of body language, it seemed Vinata was a bit self-conscious under Lucan's scrutiny. Was it his imagination... or was he being affected by the Ovri's pheromones? It was hard to tell, of course, but he could not otherwise explain is somewhat skewed priorities - the need to touch and scent Vinata prevalent over other social and professional necessities.

"I was sorry to hear of what befell you, and I cannot really say anything in that respect beyond how gladdened I am you are here now, about to resume your duties. While this may not be the Harbinger, and Doctor Duv is Assistant Chief Medical Officer on this ship, I hope you will find this sickbay a good place to carry on with your duties despite what the place has come to mean to you up until this point," he said kindly, and he reached out to touch the bruised areas on Vinata's body. A medical tricorder said only so much, and his pale grey eyes travelled the voluptuous body's texture as keenly as the scanner had. "I can't detect any immediate concerns as far as your bruising goes... but I am perplexed by these marks on your neck."

Having come to stand behind Vinata as he said it, Lucan's fingertips traced the marks he mentioned, outlining what appeared to be common marks of lovemaking. "These appear to be more fresh than the other bruising, far more recent. Tell me, have these appeared in belated reaction to your ended treatment? Your journal said the mutiny ended the regeneration you were supposed to make, so I am concerned that these might spread."

Lucan found himself having leaned in over Vinata's shoulder as he spoke - standing very close as he traced his fingertips over the Ovri's neck. He warm breath caressed Vinata's tympanum, his professional tone belying the intimate presence behind the Ovri.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #5
Vinata nodded in recognition to what Lucan had to say about his situation. "Thank you sir, I know you were away doing vital tasks to the recapture of the ship, as bad as what I experienced was, it is sadly not remarkable by any means. Many of this crew were raped, we all have had to come to terms with it, and I have thankfully found the help I need to get over my pain." As Lucan moved around Vinata it was clear that Vinata was watching him back, his eyes followed and Vinata turned his head slightly before turning quickly to stare forward for a proper medical examination.

"A-Also as for any physiological information you might need to know, I cannot say I know anything that stands out. Well aside from the obvious bosom." He chuckled softly before taking a deep breath. "Well there is the pheromone laced saliva I have, it does give a sweet scent that can arouse a person. It is specifically meant to draw attention, like my skin and figure." Vinata allowed Lucan to examine his body freely, but as Lucan noticed the marks on Vinata's neck the male Ovri tensed up.

As Lucan began to give medical reasons to how they had happened, his tracing fingers made Vinata shudder, his body mostly rigid and blush as he was embarrassed to admit his actions, but as Lucan drew closer Vinata gasped and actually pressed back into Lucan in a subtle show of his desires before he spoke. "I-It is not related to my um thawing, i-it is from...something more personal." He swallowed hard and shuddered, his bosom jiggling slightly. "To help cope with my rape I have had a intimate bit of sex to help me get over the trauma, to reinforce good memories and experiences to dull the pain of my trauma."

Vinata swallowed hard and turned to speak more directly at Lucan, his breath had the sweet tinge  to it that Hylota's heat kisses seemed to have, and with Hylota's potency quickly diluting this hint at a stronger concentration did open up some insight into the Ovri and the purpose of their pheromones to draw attention, mostly needed for males to protect the children and females, but for a female to attract mates. It was very simple, very basic, and it did wonders for the Ovri evidently.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #6
Hearing that the Ovri has used sexual intercourse to cope with his trauma did nothing to deter the beast within, and when Vinata turned his head towards Lucan's, he was finding it more difficult to resist the temptation. Taking deep breath, he raised his eyes to look into Vinata's, fingertips still resting on his neck and his other hand's fingers splayed over his hip. Standing behind the Ovri, Lucan could not avoid thinking about what he had read in the report from the mutiny; how a security guard had forced Vinata to fellate Nurse Mall. But not only that promise came to his thoughts as he paused, feeling Vinata actually leaning back against Lucan's front a bit. No, the reports from the eye-witnesses claimed that while Vinata pleasured Maal - leaning across a biobed while he did so - the security guard in question had just begun to sodomise Vinata.

Having sampled many males before, and accomodated the very same with them too, Lucan had s fair bit of experience with anal sex, and had come to relish how the Câroon prostate - like the human prostate - was stimulated during such acts. He wondered... could Ovri truly have a prostate gland too? Self-control kept him from sliding his hand down and running his middle finger inside the alien to find out. Yet that was not all he wondered, of course, wishing dearly to know what the Ovri penis felt like inside him too. In his interest towards Hylota, he had come to research the male variation of the Ovri too, but the database was not very... explicit when it came to Ovri biology.

"I have heard that many of the crew seek to make new memories in order to cope with those they wish to put behind," he said against Vinata's lips, the scent of him filling his nostrils, but he remained standing where he was. His tone of voice was still even, as if he was performing any kind of diagnosis, but he could not keep himself from hardening against Vinata's bare bottom. He pretended as if there was naught amiss, however, frowning a bit in sympathy toward's the Ovri male's fate back then in sickbay. "Admittedly, I have done the same. I do not doubt you have heard of the Niga virus and what it did to the Theurgy's crew. I was a victim as well, and I found relief in re-learning what affection and sexual relations were truly about - unlearning the depraved perversity that the virus made it all into."

Not stepping away from Vinata, feet still on the floor, he reached down into his pocket and produced a dermal regenerator. "Would you mind if I take care of your last bit of bruising? Now that you have thawed, the database suggest that it is safe to treat the Ovri skin as one might treat any other species." He had switched the subject, speaking of something else to ease the tensions building between him and Vinata. Yet no more had he got his answer than he spoke again of what had befallen them both, albeit in different ways. At this point, there was no denying the hardness of his own phallus as it pressed into Vinata, just as little as he could deny leaning against him. The mutual development was as surprising as it was overwhelming, just like that scent of the Ovri's mouth.

"Have you found that your self-treatment is working for you?" he asked, his tone a bit lower at that point when the topic of conversation returned to what was literally growing between them. Cautionary thoughts he'd had before seemed more vague, and yet he still believed he was in control. Was he fooling himself for his own gratification? Impossible to tell. "I am a doctor, not a psychiatrist, but I can tell you that I am feeling much better now, just like the one I treated for the same ailment as my own after we departed from Niga. We have no contact any more, but for the sake of our shared recovery, we were able to keep our working relationship separate from what our primal nature led us into."

The point he was making was plain, of course, in how he would keep silent about Vinata's treatment, if he'd do the same for him. Rumours travelled at warp speed in sickbay, and neither of them would favour telling just how they'd recovered from the past together. Unblinking, Lucan looked into the Ovri's dark eyes, awaiting the answer - almost expecting him to walk away before they passed the point of no return.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #7
As Lucan spoke, the closeness they had made Vinata's heart flutter as he listened to Lucan talk, as he spoke of how he had done the same thing to cope with his own traumas. This revelation made Vinata relax a little bit more, hie heart rate slowing slightly as he just took things in. He let Lucan get what he wished to say bout his own experiences out and as the first question came about how Lucan wished to regenerate the last few injuries he had Vinata cleared his own throat and spoke in response. "Um yes please, I would greatly benefit from the loss of the aches." He let out a soft chuckle and sighed. "My body is quite stable again so there is no need to worry."

As his body was being healed Vinata let his eyes run over Lucan's body, imagining this man going through things like he had, how he had fought to regain normalcy in his life, and as Lucan asked if Vinata's self treatment was working he did manage a sincere smile. As Lucan went on to talk about how it was none of his business Vinata just seemed to let his guard down completely and nodded. "I am doing wonderful sir, the treatment might not be orthodox, but it works at least and it has helped me get over my illogical fears a little bit." He smiled and took a deep breath. "I have also taken to a new approach to life, I am trying to be more...womanly, it is a change that has relieved some stress on my part."

And then came the final implied question, the point that Lucan alluded to, a wish to share intimacy in secret, to allow them to experiment and possibly grow stronger together. It was not as if Vinata would say no, his dark eyes lit up with interest, he blushed and got a bit flustered to boot. For an Ovri a relationship with a superior was a form of validation and value being put on a person, and it was what Hylota and Vinata both loved to get from Lucan. His mouth opened and closed a few times in a flustered state before he took a deep breath and turned to face Lucan and placed a hand on his chest. "I-I am hoping I read your intent correctly sir...but I-I would love to...heal our unseen wounds with you."

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #8
When the male Ovri gave his consent, as expected he would given the tell-tale signs shown in his demeanour, Lucan let a warm smile spread across his face - like a silken veil draped across a demonic grin.

The nervousness of the alien was actually quite compelling, as well as the idea that he was attuning himself to his feminine side, and that would likely be because of.... quite obvious reasons. But it was the way he turned around and laid his four-fingered hand against Lucan's chest that made him answer in kind - running a hand behind the small of Vinata's back. He did this even as he finished running the dermal regenerator over a shoulder, pocketing the device in his labcoat now that the meeting had taken an unexpected turn.

"Then we are in accord on the suggested treatment," he said in his deep voice, jesting in his dry wit as he held Vinata's body against his own. The natural thing to do at that point was to seal the accord with a kiss, and that was what he did, slanting his lips across Vinata's in seamless transition after he'd said his bold words. The taste was quite unique. filling his mouth and his mind in a conflagration of pheromones - making him groan in immediate reaction. He had not known what to expect, but whatever he'd imagined it to be like, it paled in comparison to the real thing - making him quicken all the more to the idea of what he'd experience with a male Ovri.

Whatever thoughts that lingered on Hylota, and to some degrees even his precautions, they were all washed away in the deepness of the kiss shared with the alien.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #9
Vinata smiled and he leaned in to kiss relishing the moment as he let Lucan get closer and let his tongue slip into his mouth. Vinata was not aware of how familiar Lucan was, but Vinata was a refreshing level of potency, his kiss was not as strong as Hylota had been at the first meeting, but Vinata was stronger than she was now, his kiss was strong and rich with the pheromone rush that Lucan craved from his sister, and it showed just how much Hylota lost her own kiss strength once out of heat.

Vinata relished the kiss, letting his arms move around Lucan, pulling him in to a hug as they shared their kiss, but as he finished he pulled away from Lucan as he blushed to him and smiled. "You are quite skilled I must admit, I never have had a kiss that was that exhilarating before." He ran a hand along Lucan's chest. "So I have to ask, how do you want to continue? Do you want to cuddle, just share a moment, or should we work on getting you stripped down now sir?" Vinata smiled as he ran his hand all the way down to Lucan's crotch where he cradled his balls in one hand and massaged gently.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #10
After the kiss, Lucan was left with his mind reeling in the euphoria. It was dangerous for Vinata, he knew, since he was unable to keep the thing inside from acting out, but for the time being, it seemed the parasite was intrigued, and had no reason to gain even further pleasure than was already getting.

"In my experience," he said thickly in answer to the Ovri when given alternatives on how to proceed, "this particular treatment as the best effect when there are no clothes in the way." And having said this, Lucan was quite aware of how Vinata's hand slipped down to his hardness, cupping his sac through his uniform. Given the almost timid way the male Ovri had started out, Lucan had not expected something like it, but certainly did not mind it the least. Having pocketed his dermal regenerator already, Lucan's breath was still mingling with Vinata's when he reached up to ease his labcoat back and shrug it off his shoulders - leaving him in his standard uniform with its teal collar. The taste of the Ovri's mouth and tongue still lingered with Lucan, and he was quite compelled to make undressing himself a quick undertaking. Still, he did not rush too much, unzipping the front of his uniform and letting the jacket fall to the floor as well. He pulled his teal undershirt over his head - baring his tenacious Câroon physique to Vinata.

With his thoughts bent on the pleasure to be found after that kiss, and with Vinata touching him, he was quite hard already - clothes barely having come off him. Instead of unbuckling his belt, he reached out to the Ovri's body - palms and fingers splayed over his curvaceous front. It was a fine body, and not just because it was so exotic, but he quite enjoyed both the sight and the touch of it. 

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #11
As they parted and Lucan spoke of how he was going to strip down and began to slip out of his coat. As he continued to strip down Vinata licked his lips in lustful desire, his eyes taking in all of Lucan's physique, he truly found the man quite alluring. Shifting on the balls of his feet Vinata moved back to give Lucan some space as he stripped down out of his uniform, allowing him a getter view of things, he did not know why, but he felt that this might be wrong somehow, like he did not deserve this, but Vinata just silently chastised the voice and silenced it.

As Lucan exposed his toned muscular torso Vinata blushed and let out a cute little chirp as he took in Lucan as he approached. Lucan had a body that would make any Ovri woman jealous, and many men lustful, Vinata was indeed no different. As Lucan put a hand on Vinata's chest and began to rub Vinata let out another chirp as he shuddered, Lucan's hands were quite warm and their touch made his body tingle with anticipation. Compared to his sister Vinata was much more physically intriguing, his coloration was beautiful and vibrant, eye catching and exotic,  the feel of his skin was similar to Hylota's but the scaling was far more minute giving him a smoother feel and there was also the softer feel of his body in general, his body was much sleeker, but there was still the distinct feeling of the strong muscles along the chest to allow something similar to Hylota's signature bit of oral stimulation.

Of course the faux breasts Vinata had were quite soft, the skin there easily moving and allowing any pressure to slide along their surface, without any need for lactation they did not have the same structure as a real breast. Of course as Lucan explored Vinata was not still and accepting as he pressed into the touch of Lucan's hand as he brought his own hands up and rubbed his large fingertips along Lucan's body. Vinata did though have some points of interest, going from Lucan's pecs to his midsection, running his fingers gently over his firm abs as he spoke in a gentle tone. "You are quite the handsome male, I wonder how hard my sister had to fight her instincts when you first met." With a chuckle his hand went lower still and his other hand joined it as he began to work Lucan's pants open, all while looking lustfully into Lucan's eyes.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #12
At the mentioning of Vinata's sister, Lucan almost paused in his movements - the indication of her name and the suggestion that she would like him almost catching him off guard. Yet whatever slight reaction he had would certainly be credible because of what the Ovri alluded to; freely suggesting that his own sister would'd have been able to keep her hands off him when she assumed her commissioning to the Theurgy not long ago. So, Lucan chuckled in answer, perhaps not nervously, but with surprise at the notion. "I am afraid I know far too little about your sister's instincts to answer that."

He trailed off, as if he had meant to say more, but Vinata's actions stole his attention. The Ovri had run his hands over his body, and now, they were opening his uniform trousers. Unable to help himself, eyes rising to meet the Ovri's black orbs, Lucan hooked his thumbs behind the waistline of his undergarments and trousers both, and pushed down once Vinata had opened the latter. Doing so, he leaned forward with the motion, and resumed kissing Vinata in mounting urgency as he bared his hardened cock to the air of the office. Large as he was, the commotion of stepping free from shoes, trousers and underwear made his slightly pointed crown brush across the Ovri's abdomen - his Cäroon heritage manifest in how his people's physique was more accentuated than that of humans, for example.

When the deep and passionate kiss ended, Lucan found that he had ended up pushing Vinata up against the edge of his desk, and that his hands still roamed the Ovri's body as if on their own accord. His hardness was smothered between their bodies, but only up until the point where Lucan decided that he wanted to indulge in his curiosity. Delighted in that body of Vinata's, he began to lay kisses down his body - warm mouth making imprints down his exotic skin. He tasted his neck, his breasts, and as he crouched down, he tasted his abdomen too. He was curious about the Ovri's cock, and meant to see it if he could. So, his fingertips raked down his abdomen and thighs, and then came to caress Vinata's hips and inner thighs. Meanwhile, Lucan looked up at Vinata while he began to suck and lick and the slit betwixt his legs.

Yet he also reckoned that there was meaning to something Vinata had said, about coming to terms with his feminitiy. With the Ovri leaning against the edge of the desk, Lucan was granted an opportunity. Therefore, as Lucan tasted the gates to Vinata's sheathed phallus, one hand came running up the Ovri's inner thigh, and with his thumb... Lucan began to gently prod at the surface of Vinata's tight sphincter.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #13
Vinata smiled as he listened to Lucan talk, as he spoke of how Hylota had not come after him in her heat he just nodded. "I see, Maal probably was the one she ended up lusting after in the end I guess. He probably ended up coming across her before you did." Vinata smiled and shuddered softly as he was touched, his body caressed and touched, her honestly could not help but smile, but as Lucan pulled his remaining clothes down Vinata looked to his erect cock with mild intrigue. "Oh my, you are so thick and smooth." Vinata took a moment to take in Lucan's  physique with intrigued eyes. "You are quite the man sir." Vinata smiled and looked up into Lucan's eyes with a slight blush.

As he was guided back to the desk Vinata put his hands upon the top and smiled at Lucan as the man reached out to touch his body, and then he began to kiss, planting gentle lips all over his body, the act was so unexpected and sensual that Vinata could not help but coo happily as he enjoyed and relished the sweet and comforting expression of love, even if it was slightly hollow. But things took an interesting turn as Lucan went to Vinata's slit and began to kiss and tease him in a much more sensual manner. As he started to get sexually stimulated Vinata let out a chirp as he moved back to sit on the desktop while gripping it with his hands for support as he spread his legs welcoming Lucan in.

As Vinata's anus was teased with Lucan's thumb Vinata gasped as his slit parted, the flesh grew warm and swelled like Hylota's did, but it did not open as much, the top portion only breaking open as Vinata's cock emerged, the bulbous segmented cock pushed out into the air as Vinata moaned, the sweet smelling member hung in the air as Vinata blushed and chirped. Showing off the controllable nature of his cock Lucn could see as different bulbous segments tensed and relaxed to allow the cock to lower and twitch in Lucan's face with a weaker sweet scent on the air as the cock glistened with natural sexual lubricant. "I-I hope it is not too distracting for you to work with, b-but I would love for you to continue giving my ass attention. It is kind of a new thing for me."

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #14
Seeing the Ovri phallus emerge made Lucan pause in his ministrations, his thumb shallowly embedded inside the alien as the segmented length slid forth. It was quite a sight, and so unusual compared to other male organs that Lucan had experience with, but it did seem like Vinata was enjoying what he did, so he reckoned that appearances aside, the principles were the same. The nurse even asked for Lucan to continue what he did, so how could he refuse such a gracious request?

"Of course," he said in reply, voice leaden with desire for this unusual male specimen. He'd fraternised with other species before, humans being the most frequent when it came to the male gender, but seldom did it hold as much appeal to him as it now did - the effect of Vinata's pheromones evident. Usually, he'd entertained males for sake of his own agenda, but this was different - sprung from genuine desire. Or at least, as genuine as the pheromones let it be.

True to his word, he probed deeper inside Vinata with his thumb - working into him with the thick digit. Meanwhile, his other hand was not idle, grasping a firm hold around the prehensile length that he'd summoned from between the Ovri's spread legs. He felt the slick coating, sensed the scent in the air that emanated from the organ, and he began to stroke it with his closed hand - working it from base to top. It was different than stimulating a smooth phallus, that was certain, but that did not mean he had too much trouble adjusting the looseness of his grip to accommodate for the tapered surface. He even had the forethought to use the slick coating of Vinata's cock to lubricate his thumb a little bit - pausing just a moment in his shallow probing thrusts so that he might traverse more deeply into the Ovri's anus.

"I have a feeling that this shared treatment will do wonders for us both," he said, a lopsided smile touching his face as he admired the sight of the aroused Ovri male before him. Then, Lucan leaned forward a bit - unable to resist tasting the head of Vinata's penis. He wrapped his lips around it, savouring it with his tongue - slowly running it around the thick crown while it remained inside his mouth. Meanwhile, his hands still stroked and pushed respectively - gradually increasing the rhythm...

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #15
As Lucan played with Vinata's cock it proved to be quite stimulating for the male as he shuddered and moaned out in response to the stimulation. Vinata could not help himself, he shuddered and cooed in pleasure, he clenched around the finger probing his ass and his cock tensed up, the length arching back towards himself with a decent arch, showing just how dexterous an Ovri member might be when being used masterfully.

Vinata had never been with a man willingly before, and he had feared that he might have been turned off to the act completely by his own experiences, but in reality Lucan was doing wonders for him. Closing his eyes Vinata just moaned and relished the moments, he enjoyed the feel of the thumb working in his ass, massaging his inner walls, and the hand running along his length, massaging him smoothly and slowly to build up to a much more explosive climax.

Then through it all Lucan spoke, bringing Vinata back with labored lustful  breaths as he looked down to the other man and listened, with a pleased smile Vinata nodded to his commanding officer and temporary lover. "Oh I must agree sir, this treatment is making me feel so much more relaxed and comfortable." As his cock was then latched onto Vinata gasped and moaned, his pointed tip quivering as it was licked and sucked, his natural sweet lube quickly mixing into Lucan's saliva giving him a pleasant taste in his mouth as he blew Vinata.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #16
Orally stimulating another male was nothing new to Lucan, but doing so to an Ovri male was. The taste was truly exquisite, and as slick as the prehensile hardness was, the strokes he gave it could be made all the firmer because of the natural lubrication. His other tattooed hand continued to thrust its thumb into the tight sphincter, preparing him for what was to come, and yet the thumb was only the first step. Before too long, as he took more of Vinata's organ into his mouth, he switched out his thumb to a finger with more reach to it. With his middle finger coated by Vinata's own lube first, Lucan managed to get further inside the Ovri, in search for a prostate of their kind. Slowly, but firmly, he pushed with his hand until his knuckles met smoothly scaled skin.

"Since anal sex will require you to be perfectly relaxed... I am glad we are on the right path then," murmured Lucan after lifting his mouth for a moment. His pale grey eyes feasted upon the ravishing form of the Ovri and how he reacted to his every little motion. With his mouth descending down along the throbbing length, he kept watching Vinata too - seeing the sensual form that he normally saw on women. Fellating the Ovri was strange in that aspect, since he was not accustomed to seeing such an upper body when preforming his technique. Rhythmically, he pushed his middle finger into Vinata, and he took as much as he could of that remarkable organ inside his mouth before pulling up - lips sealed tight around him. The taste was intoxicating, making him want to continue, as if he was enjoying a jumba stick.

Given the fact that Vinata had been violated, and that Lucan wasn't entertained by crying or having to stop what he was about to do, he decided that he would let the alien male get some more time to prepare. Therefore, he switched hands, making the hand that stroked Vinata become the one that pushed its index-and middle-finger inside him instead, both well and thoroughly coated by the Ovri lubrication. Thus, two fingers now rubbed across areas where the prostate of most species were located, and he accepted Vinata's cock into his mouth even further, all the way to the back his throat, before pulling up with lips sealed hard around his girth - siphoning more and more of the secretions into his warm mouth. Lucan did not believe he had ever enjoyed a male as much as he was then... and he had yet truly begun.

"Now... I think we should move to the next phase of the treatment..." he said eventually with a rueful smile, likely having the Ovri closer to coming, but not wanting him to have done so just yet.

Lucan stood up, straightening between Vinata's spread legs, and stepped closer. He made use of the natural secretions before he began, rubbing himself with his slick, tattooed hand first. Then, with one hand still firmly locked around that thick, lubricated hardness - stroking it idly - he guided his own pointed crown towards Vinata's entrance - grabbing his own base to put it just... just right. With his heart beating in elation, he pushed inside, with the head alone at first, and then gradually gaining inch after inch into Vinata with each new, slow thrust. Câroon had twain lobes at the back edge of the head, which now rubbed across the inner walls of the Ovri's, and the sensation made Lucan tilt his head back in pleasure - eyes unfocused before returning to the Ovi's bareness.

He was quite gentle with Vinata, of course, and made sure to continue stroking him all the while. His other hand began to roam the Ovri's exquisite body, sliding up his abdomen and to those globated mounds of his, appreciating his body all the way up to his neck while he moved against him - not yet making the desk rock where it stood.


Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #17
Vinata relished every moment of Lucan's oral stimulation, enjoying the work that Lucan put in, the way he used his tongue, trailing it over each bulbous segment of his cock, teasing the length of his cock and stimulating every aspect of his cock made him close his eyes and relax as he took in the pleasure of the situation, but as Lucan pulled off of his cock and began to speak of his intentions of taking things to the next stage. This made Vinata swallow hard and shudder as he let himself be repositioned to lay back on the desk, and he was indeed relaxed at this point, but as he was then teased at his anus and Lucan began to probe with his tip Vinata closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

As Lucan pushed his cock in though Vinata began to breath more frantically and he tensed up, he could not help it he was not able to push the memory of a man taking him from behind, and it was indeed arousing, but he could not bring himself to let things go. Shuddering and biting his lip, Vinata looked to Lucan with big scared eyes. "I-I cannot help it, I am too scared. I need something to help me relax, I need something to take my edge off.  I can do this, I just need something to help me relax and to take the edge off sir, I just need some help."

Vinata took a deep breath and he tensed up and closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to relax, but he could not help but tighten back up and hold firm on Lucan's cock, it was just so hard to think straight, he could not help himself, he felt good, but he still couldn't bring himself to stop tensing up. With something to help relax him he was sure that he would be able to keep going.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #18
When watching the Ovri quiver at the point of his roused hardness, the thing inside the doctor writhed in reaction - the minute panic in Vinata's features exciting it. Lucan could almost imagine hearing its malicious voice, goading him to push harder, quicker, and traverse the Ovri's depths forcefully. It took a moment for Lucan to realise that it was not his own will that spurred him to ram his cock all the way inside Vinata, but when he did, he made double take and listened to what the male said to him.

"I understand," he said, shivering as he felt Vinata's tight sphincter react around his phallus. He had one hand wrapped around the Ovri's exotic organ where he laid on top of the desk, stroking him idly from base to tip, bit his other hand was free - resting on one of Vinata's mounds. With his heart beating in his ears, his mouth tasting like the Ovri's secretions, Lucan still had the presence of mind to accommodate Vinata, lest his own public image risked being ruined by actions compelled by the parasite. So he pushed not further into the Ovri's anal opening, merely remaining inside him - feeling him flex around his hardness while they breathed together. Yet he still massaged that bulbous length of Vinata's, tattooed hand running along the slick sections in an insistent fashion. He needed only one hand to reach for an hypospray on the desk, and so he leaned down over Vinata, his mouth coming to visit the Ovri's again during the motion of getting the medical instrument.

In leaning over Vinata, kissing him and still stroking his length, Lucan had to push just a little bit deeper into the Ovri in order to get the hypospray, and that inch gained was highly anticipated, making him groan against Vinata's mouth. Then, he leaned back again, slowly parting from the Ovri as he stood tall between his spread legs. He needed only one hand to calibrate the instrument - his pale grey eyes moving to the small display to make sure he got the dosage right. He did not want to appear like he had great experience in aphrodisiacs like the one he would give him. "I... I think this might work. I will give you 2 cc:s of phase nine bremelanotide, which ought to be just enough to make you comfortable. Just give me a moment to prepare it...."

Little did Vinata know that it was the same dosage Lucan had  said he'd give Vinata's sister the first time he'd sex with her... when he had almost killed her. Just as little did he tell the male Ovri that he did not prepare a dosage of 2 cc:s. No... he would give him as much as safety parameters allowed, which meant five times as much. Hylota had responded quite well to it, Lucan remembered, and was keen seeing Vinata in the same state. So, when the calibration was done, his other hand still stroking Vinata's hard length hard, he leaned forward a little and put the cold muzzle of the hypospray against his neck.

"If you jus hold still for a moment..." he said, and inoculated Vinata with a sharp hiss from the medical instrument, " will be feeling much better."

Still embedded inside the Ovri's anal opening, Lucan did not move his hips until Vinata would began to squirm against him - taking his time waiting for it by putting aside the hypospray and running his free hand over Vinata's body. All the while, he massaged his cock, and gave him a warm, encouraging smile. Behind that smile, however, grinned the beast inside.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #19
Vinata was loyal just like his sister, but where Hylota was a loyal dog who dedicated everything to her commanding officer and poured her entire heart into their relationship. Vinata was loyal, but he was submissive, he let himself be guided and manipulated willingly because he trusted Lucan. And as Lucan said he was going to get something to help make him more comfortable, Vinata just nodded and bit his lip as he closed his eyes and rested his head on the desk as she waited for Lucan to administer the hypospray injection.

As Lucan brought out the aphrodisiac and administered the dose Vinata opened his eyes and took a deep breath, it was rather impressive how quickly his body took on the aphrodisiac, coupled with the stroking of his cock and the quickly setting in arousal from the drug Vinata's eyes seemed to grow darker as his mouth opened and he moaned as his body shuddered. Hylota had taken well to her dosage, but Vinata, he was almost overwhelmed it seemed, taking to the drug far more quickly than his sister had. Vinata shuddered and his cock throbbed as he began to rub his hands over his body. "OH Fuck! MMM What was that? Ohhh it feels amazing sir, you were absolutely right that that would do the trick." He took a deep breath and let out a chirping croak.

Vinata's body began to grow warmer, most likely his core releasing its hold on heat and increasing bloodflow all over as his body managed to relax around Lucan's cock slightly. "MMM You feel so good inside me, so warm and OOooh thick!" Licking his lips Vinata pushed himself up and reached out to pull Lucan in for a kiss. "Do with me as  you wish sir, I do not care any more, it feels so good." His cock even quivered, wiggling about in Lucan's hold as Vinata tried to kiss his commanding officer and temporary lover. When he would finally get Lucan Vinata would do much as Hylota had, transferring his saliva over to Lucan, giving him the pheromone infused saliva to put Lucan in the mood as well.

Vinata was getting so into things he was beginning to work his hips about, thrusting his cock into the air and through Lucan's fingers while doing his best to also grind his ass over Lucan's cock to make things just as pleasurable for Lucan was for him.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #20
When Vinata began to stir in reaction, Lucan eased more of his turgid shaft into him. The Ovri could no longer lie still, jerking his hips to grind down against Lucan and also push his exotic hardness through his tattooed hand. Of course, Lucan moved against him, obliging him, and his free had had already joined Vinata's when he had started to touch himself. The excitement, sudden and pure, it was a marvellous sight. Lucan moved with him simultaneously, meeting his bucking and arching motions in synchronised rhythm. When the Ovri rose against the encircling touch of his fingers, he made sure to squeze hard and move his hand in counter-point - making Vinata's whole length run through his hand.

He had propped himself up, his alien lover, and Lucan met his dark eyes when he leaned forward to try and kiss him. Lucan knew the taste that awaited, obliged the Ovri, but he had not expected just how potent the aphrodisiac had made Vinata's saliva. The taste made him shiver against the Ovri, and he found himself moving as if on his own body's accord. He entered a measured, insistent rhythm as he pushed into Vinata's warm body. He resisted the frenzied fervour that rose inside him, because he could not control the thing inside if he let himself completely go with the tidal wave of euphoria that washed through him. Nor did he wish to break the deep and hungry kiss he shared with Hylota's brother, so he ended up fighting, resisting the pleasure from taking complete hold, and he was not entirely sure he could do it. He just couldn't stop. It was too late, so he had to persevere - to fight of the insanity that lurked beneath his surface.

Before he realised it, Lucan had increased the rhythm, thrusting deeper and much harder into Vinata. It did not chafe, lubricated his hardness as he had with the egesta from Vinata's member. He was still tight, however, the depth unprepared for him, though he was not about to stop. Vinata was still shifting restlessly underneath his attentions, and their rapid breathing was shared in the pagan rhythm of their bodies. The motions they made did not distract Lucan from stroking Vinata's hardness, anticipating his imminent release given the dosage he had been given. Though something in the back of his mind wanted more before it happened. For over a minute, he gave Vinata the anal stimuli that he wanted... Then, he wanted the same.

"Hold still," he breathed against Vinata, then he pulled his cock out of him. It emerged glimmering and hard, and it swayed as he climbed up on top of the desk. He straddled Vinata's hips, and since he already had his fist around his member, it did not take long to guide the Ovri's tip against his own sphicter. Looking down at Vinata, Lucan began to lower himself, feeling the Ovri organ beginning to push inside. Lucan's eyes fluttered shut as he continued, one hand planted against the desktop next to Vinata's torso.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #21
Vinata felt so hot, his entire body was just so aroused and sensitive, he felt a strange tingling all over his skin that just made him want to be touched, he wanted to be felt, to be held gods he wanted so much more attention than he had ever craved before. "Oh Lucan, I feel so warm, Ngh, I crave so much more, gods what you gave me has worked wonders!" He moaned loudly and shuddered as he relished the sensation of his cock slipping through Lucan's fingers, each bulbous segment popping between Lucan's fingers with a pleasant tingling sensation that in tandem with Lucan's thrusts was a simply mind numbing level of pleasure that Vinata was getting lost in.

As he rocked his hips against Lucan's cock he relished the sensation of the smooth cock rubbing against his inner walls, trailing along his sensitive insides and rubbing against his prostate in a highly arousing action, normally this level of pleasure would have sent Vinata right over the edge with a mind numbing climax, but thanks to the effects of the aphrodisiac Vinata's cock just throbbed and dripped with pre as it kept calling for more pleasure. Vinata was almost fully consumed by his craving for more stimulation when Lucan pulled his cock free of Vinata, the sudden change made Vinata break their kiss and let out a whine, but as Lucan changed things up Vinata could not help but blink in mild lust addled confusion.

As Lucan changed things up so that he was resting over Vinata's cock the ovri just blinked and looked from his cock up to Lucan for a moment before nodding in understanding of what was coming next. As Lucan lowered himself down onto Vinata's cock Vinata did his best to repay the pleasure he had  been shown so far, his cock wiggling and actively slipping itself into Lucan's anus, the slight range of motion allowed the cock a bit more tactile ability, moving about and pressing his cock into sensitive spaces, rubbing against Lucan's walls in the most stimulating manner possible as he sought out Lucan's prostate to rub against.

Of course with his mind drunk on lust Vinata could not help but smile up at Lucan and guide one of the man's hands to his bosom, it might not do any extreme pleasure, but they were still sensitive enough that a massage and groping felt nice. "I want you to touch me, to feel my body all over, mmm it feels so good to have your warm body against mine." He licked his lips and let out a lustful chirp as his lubricated cock's movements began to make Lucan's anal cavity feel cool and slick as Vinata rubbed along his insides. And on top of it all, the almost predatory lustful look Vinata was giving Lucan was almost laughable considering what Lucan was keeping repressed.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #22
The fact that the Ovri's organ was somewhat prehensile stirred memories for Lucan, and it was from the Ishtar Incident. Natalie Stark and him had been taken into the past, to Niga, and they had been assaulted by the plants they remembered from when the ship had orbited the planet. The vines had been highly prehensile, snaring his limbs and traversed his anal cavity with its slithering motions, and he had never enjoyed himself as much as he did, regardless how it had been against his will.

Now, as Lucan felt Vinata actively working himself into him, stroking the rubbery surface of his prostate gland with perfect awareness of what he was doing, Lucan shuddered and groaned in response. He had never thought he would feel the same thing again, even if it was altogether different with Vinata than with the sinister flora of Niga. At first, the Ovri organ could only be accepted one section at the time, with its segmented and slick hardness passing into him one joint at the time. Eyes closed, the sensation was made all the more gratifying, the feeling of Vinata's progress inside him a gradual sensation of being filled with the writhing organ. When Vinata spoke, demanding in the heat of what they were doing that Lucan would touch his body, his eyes opened, and he returned the look Vinata was giving him.

"C-Certainly, but here..." he said, a bit breathless from the sensation of Vinata moving inside him. Taking the Ovri's four-fingered hand, he guided it to his own hardness, which throbbed in acute response to having his prostate massaged by Vinata. When he felt Vinata's hand around his pulsing, warm cock, he sat back, gasping as a couple of sections passed into him with the motion. He did not lean against the desktop anymore, but put his hands on the exotic alien beneath him, cupping those firm and smooth breasts of his and enjoying the feeling of him in his hands. The texture of the Ovri was smoother than the sister's, and it shimmered in the artificial light of the office. Besides fondling and running his hands over Vinata, Lucan began to find some kind of rhythm to his movements - hips undulating and letting more of Vinata inside him. It hurt a bit, of course, but it was hardly like Vinata was his first male. No, the interest in men had been purely on a level of means towards an end, seducing them to further his own goals. Admittedly, however, this was quite different - the gratification that the Ovri species could grant him unprecedented.

His head was still swimming with the pheromones, the thing inside wanted to strangle Vinata where he laid, but Lucan would not let him. He forbade himself to make the same mistake he did with Hylota, and held the demon back, hard as it was given the present circumstances. He focal point was the motion of riding Vinata without hurting himself, and making him relax around the sectioned girth, until finally, he began to do so with greater ease - feeling the joints pass his sphincter each time he moved up and down on the Ovri. "I.. I suppose, that this be... my way of welcoming you back... to sickbay," he said, beside himself with arousal at the sensations the Ovri made him feel. "By the w-winds... you are remarkable..."

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #23
As Lucan guided Vinata's hand to his cock and encouraged him to begin jerking him off Vinata blushed but did begin to return the favor. His fingers gripped Lucan firmly as he moved up and down along the length, stimulating the sensitive appendage while Lucan simultaneously rode Vinata's cock getting it to rub along his prostate while each of the segments of Vinata's cock pressed against and rubbed Lucan's tight sphincter, the sensation was strange but appealing, a gentle tightness that was met with a tingle of relief as each segment passed. Feeling Vinata's cock it was becoming clearer why the Ovri had trouble with too much sex in their past.

With one hand on Lucan's cock Vinata took hold of Lucan's hand and guided it to his bosom, they were not the same as a mammal's with nipples, but the flesh was still sensitive and felt nice to be rubbed. At the same time Vinata's hand slid up and down, twisted and squeezed Lucan's cock to stimulate it more and more. At the same time Vinata took a long deep breath, his chest filling up and puffing out slightly as he built up to begin letting out a pleased rumbling croak, it was not the usual timid chirping Hylota gave off, or even what Vinata had done earlier, but as he exhaled the air also seemed to get the sweet scent of pheromones refreshing.

Sex with the Ovri was indeed interesting, but in the universe at large their pheromone trick was not uncommon, the Orion were well known for how their pheromones could be used to influence males of many different races, the Ovri just had a much more intimate form it seemed. Of course as Lucan teasingly spoke of how this was the welcome back to Sickbay Vinata could not help but feel special, a smile spreading across his face as he chirped happily and thrust his hips against Lucan ramming his cock into Lucan's prostate. "Thank you sir, I will treasure this moment." Vinata smiled and thrust more and more as he tried to bring Lucan to a climax as his hand moved up and down Lucan's cock with driven purpose.

Re: DAY 05: Resuming Duties [0900 hrs.]

Reply #24
Vinata readily accommodated his wish, and so did Lucan grant the Ovri the touch he wanted. When his hardness was stroked, just as Vinata delved higher into him with each rhythmic push, Lucan raked his fingertips across the glistening curves of his body.

It was not just Vinata who treasured the moment, for so did Lucan, experiencing something he'd not thought he'd feel again. Not in this way, not with such a unique character to it. At first, being stroked as well as being filled, he moved restlessly as he rode the Ovri. Then, gradually, they came to move together simultaneously. For Vinata rocked beneath him, and as he did, it make Lucan thrust into his four-fingered grip. Surging upwards repeatedly, the joints on the Ovri member squirmed past Lucan's prostate, rendering his breathing shallow and fast. Short, heated breaths becoming quicker, with Vinata bucking and him arching and colliding in perfect rhythm.

Lucan found that he wanted Vinata's embalming injection, to feel his hot seed spill into him. Yet regardless if the Ovri was ready to shed his seed, it all proved far too much for Lucan. The shuddering breaths of pending completion overcame him, warm and erratic, and he pressed down hard to meet Vinata's every upward thrust. The jarring, pulsing climax was imminent, and he rode the wild and wondrous waves of ecstasy. He could not utter a word of warning, or hold back for a moment longer. He stiffened in his motions when he came, hands that had roamed the fantastic body of the Ovri becoming still. He tightened around Vinata, his whole body convulsing, and he shed his seed all over the blue and red creature underneath him - ropes of white seed landing in strings across his curvaceous front. More and more came, and he tried, best as he might, to keep moving for Vinata, and to make him cross the edge as well.

It was the least he could do, for granting him such a fine beginning of the day. It might have been uncharacteristically selfless of him, but the experience had truly been unique.

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