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Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing

Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing

[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Corridor | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage  
Orders given, Ida had set out to prepare for the away mission she would lead the next day. It was hardly the first time for her, and she knew the protocol by heart. With a PADD in hand, she walked the corridors on Vector 03.

There were a few unique aspects to deal with, but all in all, she hardly had to give much thought to the lists she compiled on her PADD. Requisitions, clearances to additional phasers, inventory checks. She had already decided on taking up the offer Sera vers Aldnoah made, about to take the Sabine to the destination. This meant some orders had to be passed to Operations and CONN, since there was no data available on the craft, and she needed to ensure that it was space-worthy, and that there was enough room in the cargo holds for the mission requirements. There were some matters she could not handle through her PADD, however, and that was contacting the two scientists that were deemed fitting for the mission, all based on the promises of the Câroon that had approached Captain Ives with her idea.

Ida did not trust the fiery-eyed woman in the slightest, wondering if there was more to her intentions than met the eye, but for the time being, she would put her scepticism aside and give the Câroon the benefit of the doubt. Ida just could not fathom what the woman had hoped to achieve outside serving the Theurgy in the way she described.

Just when a notification appeared on her PADD from Tactical CONN that the pilots have been selected for the fighter escort and been briefed about the mission, Ida raised her blue eyes and antennae to spot one of the people she meant to speak with. Thea had already told her where to find this woman - this Radiant - and Ida stepped into the scientist's path.

"Warrant Officer McMillan," she said in greeting, folding her hands behind her back, PADD still in the grip of her blue fingers. She was unsmiling, because there was nothing to smile about. She had seen the odd, glowing woman before, now and then, and knew what role she had played when the Theurgy deployed the mines against the Calamity, but she had never traded words with the female. Ida had been reluctant to do so because she disliked how the nature of this Radiant had escaped Security's notice. It was not an entirely new occurrence either. Edena Rez had pretended to be a counsellor, instead being a Starfleet Intelligence officer. Dyan Cardamone had posed as a human aboard the Harbinger and Theurgy both before she revealed her Asurian nature, wishing to help in saving Sarresh Morali's life. They had been infiltrators aboard, and Ida had not caught them before they exposed themselves for who they truly were.

This was also the case with Heather McMillan. Evidently, the people of her species lived with humans on Earth, hidden in plain sight. An enigmatic colony ignorant of their own past, co-existing with humans in constant fear of being found. Now, the first Radiant had come forth, and nothing could be truly known about their intentions. Allegedly, they were peaceful, but Ida wouldn't take that for granted...

"I'm Deputy zh'Wann. I realise you were on your way to eat," she said and looked down at her PADD again, logging out and accessing it again with the Radiant's security clearence. "This will only be a moment. Do you know whom the 'Lightborn' are?"

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing

Reply #1
[ Heather McMillan | Corridor | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
Hovering a one-foot diameter bubble in her hand, Heather McMillan admired her latest project while she made her way along the corridor. The translucent object was the prototype for a new sort of product shielding as well as a gravity nullifier; ideally, it would provide protection for objects, and the bubble could be arranged to any size, and it also acted as an anti-gravity generator, rendering even the heaviest objects weightless. She imagined once she figured out the kinks in the concept, it would be a tremendous boon to workers. At the moment, however, she would be content in just maintaining the stability of the bubble field. It trembled and threatened to pop or fade a few times if she moved too much. Her light aura might also be messing with the field.

And then the face of an imposing Andorian woman began to fill up the center of the bubble. It would have been comical, if McMillan didn't feel so intimidated by the sight of Andorians. They came from a cold planet, and wondered idly if this extended to their peronalities as well. Despite seeing her approach, it didn't register in her mind until the woman was literally in her path, blocking her way, and calling her by her rank and name, and she responded with a startled jump, the bubble popping and her stammering out, “N-nothing!”

She studied the Andorian curiously when asked about the Lightborn, and she tried to think where she had heard that name before. “Uhm, is that the offshoot Organian race?, that wouldn't be it, oh, the Pak'led relations?”

A thought occurred to her that maybe it might be related to her, her people, but she decided to go with, “I have no idea whatsoever...why do you ask.” She clasped her arms behind her back and rose up and down on her bare feet. She'd forgotten her boots again.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Corridor | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage 
Blinking, Ida realised she had startled the Radiant, but she seemed to collect herself soon enough.

It didn't seem like she knew who the Lightborn were, making Ida tilt her head a little bit, considering whether she truly needed the Warrant Officer on the mission if that was the case. Then again, she remembered how the Câroon had said there were restrictions to getting full access to the outpost unless specifix lightwaves were used, and she took a deep breath. It was, ultimately, for the better to try and see if the Radiant could act a key for the away team when they traversed the depths of the mining outpost. Having made up her mind, she handed the PADD over to Heather McMillan.

"Captain Ives has ordered an away team to visit a Klingon mining outpost here in the Azure Nebula, and the report - submitted by an earlier visitor of the place - mentions that the outpost was built upon an ancient colony of a speces that the translators name the Lightborn. Having read the report about your kind, it stood to reason there might be a connection to your people's ancestors. The practical application, however, is that the earlier visitor could not access the ruins of this colony, since access was restricted lest a specific wavelength of light could break the seal on the gates."

The PADD contained the information yet known about the outpost and the ruins upon which it was built, and the moon that they were to travel to.

"You are the best qualified to find a way into those ruins, and therefore, I am ordering you to accompany the away team there. I will be the team leader, and you will be reporting to me. Make sure you notify Lieutenant Commander Martin about your absence." Ida paused there, about to turn away and leave, but having one small addendum to make. "You should know, however, that the ruins are a secondary concern. The true purpose of the away mission is to get the dilithium crystals that the Klingons used to mine there. We need the crystals after that jump to warp that we made after the Battle of Starbase 84. Do you have any reason why you can't accompany the away team to this outpost? If so, name it."

Having said this, Ida remained where she stood, waiting for the Radiant's answer or objection. She thoroughly hated to carry pinkskin scientists through a mission - glowing, cute or not.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing

Reply #3
[ Heather McMillan | Corridor | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
Her eyes widened when Ida explained the mission to her. A soft, gentle Iridescence of shifting colours started from the top of her knuckles, pressed against either hip, her arms straight and rigid, and moved all along the arms, pulsing and glowing, shifting from light pink, to orange, to cyan, to green, then to blue, then back again, in random order. She was standing on her tip-toes, slowly rising the longer Ida spoke, a sign of the Radiant's keen and growing interest, as was the wide-eyed expression that crossed between excited and constipated, “Well that's fascinating!” said McMillan.

Looking the PADD over while Ida continued, and she looked up to answer her, “Yes, I suppose I am qualified, isn't it? Brilliant stuff, this.” She went back to poring over the information on the PADD.

“Yeah, sure,” maid McMillan, and she shook her head at Ida, “I would love to follow along with whoever is going over. Ruins, secondary, fuel, primary. Check.”

She held up the PADD, “Do I hold on to this, then?”

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant ThanIda zh'Wann | Corridor | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Triage 
Ida watched the shifting lights on the figure of the woman, how it caressed her phsycial form like some kind of living spectre. She had no idea what to make of it, but it was quite obvious that this woman had become liberal with using her inborn abilities after she revealed herself to the crew for what she was. Before the Calamity was destroyed, Ida had only seen her as a human lab technician without any indication that she would have been more.

"Yes, you may keep it. I will send you more information later today, when more of the mission preparations have been finished. We leave at 0700 hrs. on the morrow from the Upper Shuttle Bay. Do you have any questions?"

Having said this, Ida waited patiently for the reply, not moving from where she stood with her hands behind her back. Her antennae angled forward in anticipation to leave, and to find the others that were to come along on the mission.

Re: Day 02 [1745 hrs.] Hallway Briefing

Reply #5
[ Heather McMillan | Corridor | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan
She felt self-conscious with the way Ida seemed to be studying her, observing. And now that she was before the Andorian, she became aware of the fact that she had forgotten to put on her boots again. But, terrified of the prospect of a reprimand, she consciously made an effort not to look down. Maybe she just wonders about my photokinetic habits... she reasoned out inwardly. Remembering that not too long ago, she had posed as entirely human, weighing down her hair by braiding it or tying it with bands that kept it from floating, and actively suppressing her light, an act that was now almost painful to try. Plus she generally felt good when she allowed her light to shine freely, until recently.

“Thank you,” she said and smiled sweetly, “oh-seven-hundred hours, tomorrow, Upper Shuttle Bay, got it. And no, no more questions.”

It kicked her in the head then that this was going to be her first ever away team mission. She was going on an away team mission! Her eyes widened slightly but she hopefully just looked excited at the prospect rather than terrified. “Well, I'll be on my way now, then,” said McMillan, at last, “was on my way to have something to eat, and then, I suppose I'll have to pack and get ready. Excuse me.” She nodded and was torn between stepping to one side and moving, or saluting. She ended up with almost karate-chopping herself and then nervously running off on tip-toe without bothering to wait for Ida's permission or approval, heading for Below Decks.

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