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DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

[ William Robert O'Connell | Main Engineering | Decks 09 & 10 | USS Theurgy  ]  Attn: Auctor Lucan

Master Chief Petty Officer William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell leaned over the master systems display table.  There was just so much to do.  Priority had been given to the plasma conduits and the structural integrity field but try as he might he couldn't find a single system that was functioning at 100%. 
"Master Chief?" a woman's voice brought him out of his calculations.  Petty Officer First Class Eetak Zol, a blonde Ktarian from Ktaria VII was at his side, and getting way too close to his personal space in Billy's opinion.  "Doctor Duv has cleared me for duty.  I've noticed that you've taken me off first shift and moved me to third shift, and I was wondering what the reason was."

"So what are you trying to say Petty Officer?" Billy Bob snarled defensively.  "No need to beat around the bush.  You think somebody stole my rudder?  Whut's th' matter,  you've noticed that I've moved all of the womenfolk in propulsion off first shift and you think I've got an agenda or somethin'?  What's the matter with you?  Yuh think that after gettin' infected by an alien pollen and gettin' my libido taken over by an incredibly powerful super bein' Ah'm so messed up thet every time I git an erection ah feel so violated an' ashamed of m'self ah kin barely function?  Is that what yore tryin' t' say Petty Officer?"

Petty Officer Zol stood there with her mouth hanging open for a moment.  "Uh, no, I was just wondering if I could be moved back to first shift that's all.  I just wondered if you were mad at me or something."

Billy Bob winced when he realized his admission.  Just one woman in the workplace and his personal demons were on display like contestants in a beauty contest.  His face lost most of its color as he hemmed and hawed and tried to cover.  "Er, um, yeah, I'm mad at you," he stammered feebly as he backed away.  "'Cause of whut yuh did.  Whatever it was.  Don't let me catch you doin' thet no more, y'hear?" he called over his shoulder as he retreated down the stairs behind the warp core to flee to his office on deck ten.  

Waiting for him at the door was Chief Petty Officer Lavar Manfredi.

"Boss?" the coffee colored propulsion chief greeted as he handed O'Connell as PaDD.  "Here's the results of Rihen Neyah's proficiency test.   You need to evaluate it and give her a rank and position."

"Ooh don't say 'position' when you talk about Neyah," Billy groaned as he took the PaDD from Manfredi.  "The last thing I want to do is think any dirty thoughts about that woman.  I swear she's so purty she could git a priest to forget his vows!  Too bad there ain't no way she kin join the crew without me bein' a part of it sooner or later.  The Theurgy is in enough trouble without mah brains getting' scrambled jest 'cause she's nearby.  I ain't ready to meet a woman of her caliber, no siree!  Give me a gal with a face like a Telarite any day!"

"Then it's not your day boss," Manfredi informed him while trying to stifle a grin.  "Because she's already here."

"What th'?" Billy Bob shuddered and looked around him fearfully.  Sure enough, there she was, so close that if she was a snake she could have bit him.  How could he have not noticed her?  She made hearts race and jaws drop everywhere she went.  She must have walked over to them while Billy Bob was shooting his mouth off.  She could have given ninja lessons to cats.

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #1
Having stood around the corner with her hands clasped behind her back, Rihen had felt a bit nervous about handing over the test to the dark-skinned Engineer. She was not sure how she had fared, but any kind of ruminations about her answers on the theoretical test vanished from her mind when the Chief Engineer arrived and started talking. Her eyes went wide, and then she smiled, covering her mouth with one hand but not able to hide the amusement that shone in her mismatched eyes. It was all she could do to keep herself from laughing in joy, not wanting to hurt the human officer's feelings. He was likely embarrassed, and she did not want him to think she enjoyed making it worse in front of Manfredi.

"Thank you, Master Chief O'Connell," she said light-heartedly, and genuinely, since she had been paid a very honest compliment - intended or not. "I don't believe I have ever been so flattered since I came aboard, but you should not be so unkind to Tellarite women, they are beautiful too, and especially so to Tellarite men. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all."

Rihen folded her arms underneath her chest and cocked a hip where she leaned against a console, and she gave Master Chief O'Connell a once-over - her heterochromatic eyes equal in admiration of his person. "And while my people's spirit is generous towards all, I need no philosophy to reciprocate your compliment in full, Master Chief," she said and chuckled, trying to dismantle the situation as best as she might for her sake. "You are not 'too shabby' yourself, as humans like to say."

Yet as jovial as she was, she also harboured some concern, since she did not want to cause the Starfleeters any problems with a steady presence in Engineering. She just wanted to help as well as she could, and if she was helpful enough, she hoped she might be able to sway them to help her make Paradise City live up to its name... once the dreadful voyage was over.

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ William Robert O'Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy  ]  Attn: Auctor Lucan

Billy Bob's face reddened when it became obvious that the ravishing Risian had heard everything he said.  Talk about your awkward moments.  Look her in the eyes, he told himself, look her in those mismatching eyes.  They were lovely eyes, but one was blue and one was brown.  Nothing like a disconcerting physical flaw like that to get the monster in his pants to behave and for Billy Bob to act like a chief instead of an awkward recruit.

Back on Nimbus Three where technology, including medical technology, was almost two centuries out of date men Billy Bob's age often complained of a loss of testosterone.  This would cause a decrease in aggressiveness and a lack of sexual appetite.  After being taken over by the alien pollen, such a fate would be welcome.  The problem was that Billy had spent the last two decades of his life serving Starfleet, and had enjoyed all of the benefits that modern 24th century medicine could bestow. 

When he had joined the Theurgy, he was still the knuckle dragging oversexed horndog he had been in his misspent youth.  Any decrease in his libido had merely been the minimum amount necessary to allow him to do his job and keep reports of sexual harassment out of his personnel file.  The problem was that when faced with a woman with the exaggerated sexual characteristics of Rihen Neyah, his body still reacted the way it had been conditioned, oblivious to the psychological discomfort that was present after the Niga incident.

Billy attempted not to freeze like a deer with a light shining in its face.  "Well um, that's very nice of you to say that ma'am, I meant no disrespect...  Uh... let's git into my office."

Entering the somewhat cluttered room nestle behind main engineering he turned and extended a hand to take a PaDD from her.  "Okie dokie, let's take a look at your boobs... test!" he corrected himself.  "Your uh, Proficiency Evaluation Test!" he stammered.  "Yeah, let's take a look at that," he burbled as he took the PaDD out of her dainty dexterous digits. 

He sat down on the chair that didn't have tools or PaDDs on it and shifted and squirmed as he attempted to conceal the guilty bulge in his pants.  Finally he strategically placed the PaDD over his lap and peered at the Document In Question (DIQ).

DIQs had been part of the military since before the founding of Starfleet.  They had existed in various forms as far back as the time of the ancient Sumerians.  There were many DIQs in Starfleet today; it seemed like you couldn't visit Starfleet Command without bumping into an army of DIQs.  Starfleet Intelligence was obsessed with its DIQs, and always worried that someone would fuck up and put his DIQ where it shouldn't.  They were terrified at the thought of that one of their DIQs could be exposed to the galaxy for all to see.  There was a wide variety of DIQs.  There were big DIQs that held political evaluations of civilizations, little DIQs that were only a list of equipment to take on an away mission, and if you had an ancient document that was actually written on honest to god paper, you would likely be holding a limp DIQ.

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #3
Rihen followed O'Connell into the cluttered office of his, having given Manfredi a nod and a smile before she did. Once inside, she noticed how untidy the place was, yet she made no comment towards that end. In fact, her place in Paradise City - her workshop - was even worse than the Chief Engineer's office. Especially the last two years, which she had spent trying to repair the industrial replicator she had acquired.

Two years... Come to think of it, that had been the beginning of it all - the path that had led her to the Theurgy. Her conviction that the replicator would help bring the city on its feet again, it had been the idea that led her to leaving her new home - to find Lin Kae and beg him to restore the replicator's output capacity the way he had done it. She had not been mad with Lin Kae for disabling the full capacity of the thing, no, that was not her way. She had been hurt, but with her best intentions for Nimbus III at heart, she had taken off with her old Yridian shuttle to beseech Kae and the two people he had travelled with - Skye Carver and Lucan Nicander - to give Nimbus III a fair chance. The people and children deserved something better than the desert sun and the sand, the filth and the poverty. They deserved a city that wasn't filled with starving opportunists, but a city that allowed for trade and employment, and shelter from the blistering heat.

Her ruminations were brought to a halt by the Chief Engineer, who caused her to laugh with his comment as she surrendered the PADD. A delighted sound, leaving her to smile where she stood in front of his desk. Briefly, she looked down her own chest while she waited, and could not help but run a finger along the edge of her cleavage. The heat of Nimbus III had made her dress the way she did, but she supposed there was little reason to get in and out of her clothes quickly on a starship. Having gotten used to the liberty of the attire, she had never thought to dress otherwise except for Lohlunat . She supposed it was a bit revealing, but she was Risian, and she wanted to make people appreciate the beauty in things around them. Exiled from Risia, her body had become her horga'hn, for while she had been banished for what she had done, she still believed Jamaharon stood for freedom without boundaries. The desire that O'Connell tried to hide was the vital flow of carnal love itself... but it was not the Starfleet way, she supposed. Still, she wanted to reassure him somehow, since he was likely feeling ashamed of himself, and she did not want that.

"Please, Master Chief O'Connell... what you feel is nothing to be ashamed about." Riehn said this and stepped around the side of his desk, because the formality of the desk between them would negate what she tried to tell him, and she told him with her dismantling smile radiating in her eyes. She leaned against the desk, seeing the hard tumescence he tried to hide from her, and she was pleased to see it. "What you feel when you look at me allows you to experience the very love that creates all life. My people believe that this love is vital for women and men to reclaim. To restore full trust and confidence in who you are; what you instinctively and passionately feel towards other people. If you allow yourself honesty, your whole world becomes a brighter place, where you needn't fear your every action and reaction. If you like me... you should, and I do not mind you looking at me, for I know you want to. I just hope it does not cause you any discomfort, for that is not my intention."

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ William Robert O'Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy  ]  Attn: Auctor Lucan
Billy Bob couldn't miss her finger running along the line of her cleavage.  He spaced out for a second before bringing himself back to reality and listening to what Rihen had to say.

"Yeah um well," he stammered.  "Yeah!" he barked as he rose from his chair and waved his PaDD at her.  "I'm gonna be lookin' over your shoulder!" he announced in a stern voice.  "It's not like any technician at a Starbase is gonna be correctin' our mistakes so I expect yer work t' be up t' legs!  Regs!"  he corrected himself.  "Up to regs!  Starfleet regulations, that is.  I'm a gonna be watchin' yer ass..."

Poor choice of words, a vision of her delightfully peach shaped posterior flashed through his mind and he sat down and covered his lap with the PaDD to hide his guilt.   "Er um, I'm gonna be watchin' you," he concluded as his drill instructor bluster faded away into a weakly mutter.   "Mah eyes are gonna be checkin' yew out...  Oh Hell, let's jest see how yuh did!" he finished in disgust as he pulled his eyes down to the PaDD.  It was time to quit before he fell behind even more than he was already.

"Let's see, Communications Technology fair, Electronics Technology good,  Isolinear Engineering fair; Life Support Technology good; Mechanical Engineering, excellent," he drawled as he scrolled down the screen.  "Oh!  Here's a surprise.  Outstanding in personal weapons technology," he glance up at her, his eyes canny and suspicious rather than bashful and embarrassed for once.  "I reckon there's a mighty interesting story behind that.  I always heard tell thet you Risians were a pack of pacifists."  If there was one thing that could overcome his new and unwelcome prudishness it was his paranoia.  It was a sad state of affairs that it took a heaping helping of distrust to turn him from a blathering idiot into a chief again but right now the Theurgy needed a chief.

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #5
Having stepped around the desk, offering her insight upon his predicament, Rihen was surprised at how he snapped to his feet and waved her performance test in her face - threatening to... to watch her derrière. She blinked, seeing him seating himself again as quickly as he could and covering his manly tumescence with the datapad once more. It was as if he refused to listen to her aid... and then obviously blamed her for putting him in a perfectly healthy carnal condition. As if she had compromised his integrity somehow. She opened her lips to say something about it, to reassure him again that his virility was nothing to be ashamed of, but he was already reviewing her test...

...and brought up her affinity for fixing weapons.

It made her blush. Her, who weren't the least self-concious about anything that might usually be considered embarrassing. She looked away, averting her mismatched eyes, like the Chief Engineer had tried to do since she came to engineering. She had to answer, of course, since if he were to become one of the Starfleeters, O'Connell would have to know about it anyway. "To my great shame, yes, it would seem I have an affinity for fixing weapons... of all things," she said raising a hand to brush her neck while she looked towards the floor. She didn't care to stand like she was anymore, having to sit down when she broached the subject of her skills and what they had cost her.

So she sat down on the desk, right next to where O'Connell sat in his chair, her leg practically brushing his, and told him. "That talent is what got me exiled from my home, and made me end up on Nimbus III," she said and sighed, propping herself up on her hands and looking towards the lights in the ceiling. "I liked to help my patrons on Risia, and I ended up helping the wrong patrons. I did not know that the rifles I repaired and calibrated were to be used for... I was just mixing my native generosity with my talents, but oh, such atrocities as they were used for, assassinating other patrons, and it came out how I had helped them."

Frowning a little, she swallowed to steady her voice. "I just liked to please... like all my friends. I was naive, yes, but I could help patrons in ways others couldn't, and it made me feel special and..." she trailed off, her frown turning into a pained expression - so uncharacteristic from how people normally saw her, but she hadn't talked about her family in a long time, and definitely not when sober. "My f-father finally had enough of it, the antics of mine, w-when I ended up in court. Worst of it was... that mother was away... on a long assignment, and she never... I never got to say g-goodbye. She d-doesn't even k-know I am alive. Father he... he'd just had enough, and when the verdict came... I, he didn't even look... He..."

It was too hard to talk, the raking sobs coming up her throat stealing the words from her. She folded one arm across her middle and covered her eyes with her other hand, trying to collect herself. The saddest part of it all was that her personal ambition to make Paradise City a real paradise.... was that she missed Suraya Bay. Her heart was still back there on Risia, with the friends and family she would never meet again.

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ William Robert O'Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy  ]  Attn: Auctor Lucan

"Oh er uh, don't cry, Ah'm sorry," he mumbled.  He wasn't expecting this.  Everyone on the ship had done such of good job of going numb that he wasn't ready for those who were still so free with their emotions.  After all, that was one of the things that made her so attractive; her open and generous demeanor subconsciously let those around her that she was very much alive as opposed to so many of the Theurgy's crew who were dead inside.   Anyone with the slightest bit of humanity would feel compassion for her, and Billy Bob was a soft touch when it came to women.

"Sorry Ah didn't mean to bring it up," he said as he put a friendly arm around her.  Tarnation, but that was a mistake.  He was so hung up on how this woman looked he didn't take into effect how this woman smelled, or how smooth she felt under his fingertips.  Before he knew it his other arm was around her.  He tried to say "there-there," but instead he started panting.  His left foot stamp the deck like he was a horse.

"Hey boss?" Propulsion Chief Lavar Manfredi called as the door to the chief engineer's office opened.  "Whoops, sorry it can wait," he added bashfully as he backed out the door.

"Gimme a minute Manfredi," Billy Bob grunted as he pulled himself off her.  "I'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail."

"Right," Manfredi said skeptically as the door hissed shut.  It was obvious he wasn't going to hold his breath.

"Dag nabbit!"  he grunted before glancing back at the ravishing Risan.  "You okay Miz Rihen?"

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #7
When the Chief Engineer had moved to embrace her, Rihen had no objection about the closeness - the fact that he would be her superior officer not yet having taken root in her mind. Quite the opposite, for when he wrapped his arms around her, she raised her hands to embrace him in turn. Her hands slid around his waist grabbed a hold on the back of his uniform, and she buried her face in his shoulder to seek comfort from all the painful memories that had accosted her. Given her state of mind, the rampant carnal need that had manifested itself on Mister O'Connell had become a less prioritised need to attend to. Not until he started breathing strangely did she lift her face from his shoulder - eyes wide in a mix of surprise and concern for him. Is h-he having a seizure?

Then the kind officer named Lavar appeared in the doorway, and whatever ailment had struck O'Connell vanished. The grip she had on his uniform loosened, and she almost fell from the edge of his desk in his rush to get away from her - making her end up stumbling with her hands out and her mismatched eyes even more puzzled than they had just been.

As Lavar left, Rihen was asked whether or not she was okay, and she honestly had no idea what just happened - the Chief Engineer acting so strange as he did. She looked between the door, her empty arms and O'Connell in attempt to push Suraya Bay from her mind and understand. Failing, she simply dropped her arms, took a shuddering breath and then turned to him - closing the distance slowly. "Yeah, I-I'm fine, I am sorry you had to hear that, but I s-suppose it would come out sooner or later - what I did and why I ended up in Paradise City... But what about you?"

The casual way in which she laid her hand against his hard bulge was seamless in her movement towards him. She was simply there, and her joyous smile was returning. "Are you sure you are 'okay', Mister O'Connell?" she asked and tilted her head - fingers outlining the hardness that ailed him. "I may be in exile... but I do know how to take care of troubles like these... I fix them as readily as I tame the power fluctuations in an EPS conduit, letting you vent all the excess plasma you've built up since you first laid eyes on me..."

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ William Robert O'Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy  ]  Attn: Auctor Lucan

"Yeah, I-I'm fine, I am sorry you had to hear that, but I s-suppose it would come out sooner or later - what I did and why I ended up in Paradise City... But what about you?" Rihen stammered.

"Who me?  Don't worry 'bout me none," he assured her.  "What I'm dealin' with reared its head before... eeg!"  He hadn't expected her to go from innocent ingénue to femme fetale so quickly.  Somehow, just as smooth as you please, Rihen had almost casually placed her dainty digits against the monster in his pants that saluted her with a zealous patriotism that drill instructors would be jealous of.   As the blood flowed from the brain in his head to the one in his pants, his vision momentarily clouded over.  His skin flushed, his breath grew shallow, his heart raced, and his groin bulged painfully against the seamline of the regulation Starfleet briefs and trousers.  The muscles in his thighs and biceps involuntarily flexed as the world spun and his hands made these strange grabbing motions, even though his arms still hung loosely at his sides. 

"Are you sure you are 'okay', Mister O'Connell?" Rihen asked as she tilted her head impishly. "I may be in exile... but I do know how to take care of troubles like these... I fix them as readily as I tame the power fluctuations in an EPS conduit, letting you vent all the excess plasma you've built up since you first laid eyes on me..."

Her fingers were outlining the monster in his pants that was veiled only by his trousers that he desperately needed to remove right now. It was the Mahéwa System all over again.  Reeling from both the sensory overload and his conflicting reactions, he reached forward to steady himself, and found himself embracing the ravishing Risian as if she was a true love he was recently reunited with.

"I... I... sure have," he admitted, trying his might not to burble nonsense.  "Yore stokin' the fire in mah furnace hot enough to make Old Nick open a window.  I'm so riled up I'm like a... um... somethin' doin' somthin' else..."  It was hopeless; he was so distracted that he couldn't even come up with a folksy metaphor.   

Twenty years ago, Master Chief Hector Romero, the propulsion chief of the ill-fated USS Hortatio had given Crewman William O'Connor his sage advice:  "When you find yourself falling for a girl, it's time to dive."  

There was no point trying to resist this woman's wicked wiles.  The skeptical and hard-headed master chief who joined the crew before the Theurgy went on the run might have been able to resist her, but the addle-headed fool he had become after exposure to the alien pollen from the Mahéwa System didn't have a chance.  He was going to get wet no matter how one figured it, so it was time to turn his belly flop into a dive of Olympic grace before he drowned.

"Oh Hell, you know what ah mean," he grunted before his lips met hers.

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #9
"Oh, I think I do," said Rihen and chuckled before their lips met...

...yet no more had she kissed him than she remembered something, and one by one, her fingers left his tumescence. Last of all, her lips left his, and she folded her hands behind her back, looking at O'Connell quizzically until he released her. "I just... I remembered reading something when I studied your Starfleeter regulations for this performance test I just made... and I kept finding references to something called... what was it? Oh, it was called the Starfleet Handbook on Personal Relationships."

She stepped back and leaned against the edge of his desk, head tilted in her pursuit of knowledge - the strange laws of the ship unknown to her still, even if she had tried to get the gist of it all. "Some of the things I read made me realise that, well," she laughed and brushed her lips with her fingers, the taste of him lingering there, "It suggested that if I were to fix you like I would fix that EPS conduit, the two of us might both get in trouble with the Captain. Is that true, or did I misunderstand what the regulations said? I just want to make sure we'd not be doing something forbidden, that's all."

Given how she had overstepped her rights on Risia, she was certainly not about to make the same mistake on the Theurgy. Her generosity had gotten her into trouble before, so despite how generous she might be... she had learned her lesson. She just hoped she had not made the good Chief Engineer angry with her...

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy  ]  Attn: Auctor Lucan

As their lips parted, Billy Bob was almost in a swoon, but with his heart racing like a jackrabbit being chased by a coyote the chances of him actually fainting was mighty slim.   The ecstasy he was feeling was apparently not shared by Rihen because the ravishing Risan let go of him and gave him the same quizzical look that Doctor Maya had given him the last time he tried to lighten the mood during a physical examination.

"Whut?" he asked in a hoarse voice as he released her and staggered a few steps backwards.

"I just... I remembered reading something when I studied your Starfleeter regulations for this performance test I just made," she said uncertainly, "and I kept finding references to something called... what was it? Oh, it was called the Starfleet Handbook on Personal Relationships."

"Yeah?" Billy Bob gasped as he wiped his face and leaned back on his desk.  "What about it?"

"Some of the things I read made me realize that, well," she giggled sheepishly as she carelessly ran her dainty digits across her full, kissable lips, "It suggested that if I were to fix you like I would fix that EPS conduit, the two of us might both get in trouble with the Captain. Is that true, or did I misunderstand what the regulations said? I just want to make sure we'd not be doing something forbidden, that's all."

"Yer thinkin' o' that NOW???" Billy exclaimed, his last world the volume of a loud roar.  "Didn't yuh think o' that before yuh started touchin' Mister Happy?"

"Hey boss?" Petty Officer First Class Eetak Zol asked as stepped into the chief engineer's office gazing at a PaDD in her hand.  "Petty Officer Johnson is willing to trade shifts with me, and I wonder if..."

"Will you git the hell out of here?" Billy barked as he whirled around to snarl at her.  "Can't yuh see I'm busy?"

"Oh yes sir!  Yes sir!" she squeaked as she ran out the room.

"Next time frickin' knock!" he shouted as the door hissed shut behind her.

As Billy turned to face Rihen again, he used both hands to wipe the sweat off his face.  "Okay, where were we?  Oh yeah, the handbook."  What to tell her?  Now didn't seem to be the time to inform her that in peacetime officers and crew were not prohibited from dating each other, especially when the Theurgy was at war.  "I can't rightly say I've memorized it, but to mah way o' calculatin' if we don't do our jobs at the workplace the job will never git done.  Let's just say that unless everybody's off duty, hands off okay?"

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #11
When the Chief roared out his reaction, Rihen yelped and felt how wide her eyes got - the sudden fear that she had been too forward to this happenstance patron realised. She opened her mouth to apologise and raised her hand to calm him, but as chance would have it, another Engineer walked in and the unfortunate woman was subjected to the frustrated anger that Rihen have awakened. Rihen looked between the two, blushing not out of shame for what she had tried to help O'Connell with but because the poor woman had become a victim for it.

After that, the Chief was more collected, and the answer... Well, the answer turned out that Rihen had been right. She shouldn't have tried to be generous towards O'Connell, at least not when they were on duty. She opened her mouth to say something about that, but she shut it again. She had told herself that she would do her utmost to uphold those Starfleeter regulations, and having set her mind to it, she accepted the conditions as they were.

"I understand, " she said and swallowed, treading carefully to not make the Chief angry again. He seemed to have already accepted that she would not be able to help him at the moment. She tried to smile encouragingly to him. If he truly wanted her help, he would get it, but he'd just have to wait a little more for it. "Then I am sorry that I was too quick to offer my aid, I should have read this handbook and known better before making you subject to temptation whilst still on duty. If you want me to fix you after your duty shift ends, I will be waiting for you... but I will refrain from venting your plasma when it is forbidden. I promise, and again, I am sorry for leading you on. I know how.... rescheduled maintenance can be frustrating."

Having said this, she smiled in her usual carefree way and folded her arms underneath her chest, cocking a hip where she stood. "So... Will you have me?" she asked, biting her lower lip in anticipation for the answer... until she realised the double meaning of her words - mismatched eyes widening. "Here! In Engineering. I mean. Err... Underneath y-. For you, of course. Would you have me working for you here in Engineering?"

Re: DAY 03: New Hire [1500 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ William Robert "Billy Bob" O'Connell | Main Engineering | Deck 10 | USS Theurgy  ]  Attn: Auctor Lucan

"Then I am sorry that I was too quick to offer my aid, I should have read this handbook and known better before making you subject to temptation whilst still on duty.  If you want me to fix you after your duty shift ends, I will be waiting for you...

Billy Bob was losing himself to her dulcet voice and her intoxicating scent when something she said made him alert and even a mite timid.  Fixed?  She was offering to 'fix' him?  Did she really think that he was so far gone that the only way he could do his job anymore was to be neutered?

"But I will refrain from venting your plasma when it is forbidden. I promise, and again, I am sorry for leading you on. I know how.... rescheduled maintenance can be frustrating."

He calmed a mite when he realized that she was making an engineering analogy, but felt a touch melancholy that she knew how doggone broken he was.  It was a fair analogy.  These days he was a broken shell compared to the man he used to be and both the nitpicky engineer and the nurturing woman in Rihen wanted to fix him.  He nodded sadly in agreement with he.

"So... Will you have me?" she asked, biting her lower lip in anticipation for the answer...

Billy reddened as he sucked in a breath.  He held his PaDD in front of the revealing bulge in his trousers.

"Here!" she clarified as her mismatched but innocent eyes widened in when she realized how suggested that sounded.  In Engineering, I mean.  Err... Underneath y-- For you, of course. Would you have me working for you here in Engineering?"

"What?  Oh.  Shore," he smiled somewhat exaggeratedly.  "Yeah, he said as he lifted his PaDD to look at it, before quickly lowering again.  He sat down abruptly and crossed his legs uncomfortably.  "All righty then," he said as he tapped at his PaDD and kept his eyes on it.  "From the looks of things you kin wear a lotta hats.  You'll be handlin' life support duty fur me and also be on temporary additional duty to security to maintenance their small arms inventory.  Let me know if they need yuh fur any length o' time."  He opened a drawer and ran a finger through the contents in order to search for something.  "In the meantime, we'll give you the honorary rank of warrant officer," he said as he extracted a rank pin and rose from his seat to pin it on her.  "Although truth t' tell yuh should probably go through a week o' boot camp minimum afore this becomes official," he blustered, trying desperately to avoid thinking about the generous offer she made concerning off duty hours.  "Whoops."

He had stepped forward in an automatic attempt to pin the rank pin on her collar, but the low cut catsuit she was wearing didn't have a collar!  It did afford a generous view of her round, full, perfect, erotically cleaving bosoms.  One glimpse of those all you can eat melons was enough to cause the rank pin to drop from Billy Bob's clumsy paw to bounce down and vanish into her cleavage aka her Victoria's Secret Compartment.  "Urk!" he grunted as his hand instinctively darted to her chest to retrieve the errant rank pin.

At that moment the door slid open and Petty Officer Zil Arex stepped into the room.  "Master Chief, could you spare a moment to--?"

"Dagnabbit!" O'Connell roared as he stepped away from Rihen to face the Bolian.  "Gimme a moment, will yah?"


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