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Day 8 [1500 hrs] Cold Opening.

[ENS. Joseph Adams | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ]

The first thing he was aware of was the clean, sterile air around him.  It was cold, uncomfortably so, and he certainly didn't feel like he was wearing either his off duty clothing or his uniform. There were few places on the ship with such a quiet, subdued atmosphere, yet also carried the distinct smell of chemicals.

Groaning quietly to himself while his eyes remained shut, he arrived to the inevitable conclusion that he was in Sickbay, although not sure where precisely as he hadn't yet bothered to open his eyes. Sickbay was a large place, and he tried to avoid hurting himself, as anyone sound of mind would also do. By some fortune, he'd so far avoided seeing anything other than the Recovery Ward and perhaps the Primary Care Ward on a handful of occasions.

Deciding to recall the final memories of his brain, he was surprised to find himself struggling to do so. His head felt...scrambled, for want of a better word. As if someone had taken a whisk to the insides of his skull. Some slight frustration at this outcome, he shifted on the bed, pushing himself upward but not sitting up. He wanted to buy a little more time to process everything. Time where some nurse wouldn't wander over and begin pressing him for details about what he could or could not remember. He needed a minute to gather his thoughts, so a minute he would create for himself.

Finally opening his eyes after a second or two of laying down in thought, he squinted to avoid blinding himself with the lights above his head. The same lights that flooded the room with light as cold and sterile as everything else seemed to be.

Deciding that his increasingly obvious signs of being conscious would eventually attract some attention, he began to sit up, a hand to the back of his head suddenly as he seemed to finally be aware of a numb sensation at the back of his head. Now he remembered. At least mostly. He'd been working at his station, Theurgy had been under fire from Jupiter Station. The next thing he was aware of was a hot, burning sensation followed by daggers of pain in the same spot that was now numb. Of course, he'd passed out almost immediately afterwards, and so was unaware of the finer points of how he'd been treated. He could only assume he'd undergone surgery soon afterwards. 

Rubbing the back of his head lightly, he turned his gaze to the rest of the room. It looked like the Recovery Ward to him. At least that meant he was in no serious danger anymore. That was a significant upgrade over passing out without even knowing what had happened to him. Taking a moment to regard the patient's gown he was wearing with particular disgust, he then actively searched for the nearest medical staff. Turquoise was not his colour and the sooner he was back in his gold uniform, the better. For all he knew, Theurgy was still being chased by Starfleet, and if that was so, they needed all the crew they could get!

Of course, such a scenario might be unlikely, considering he could neither hear a red alert, nor was the ship shaking wildly with the shockwave of impacting weapons fire. But anything would be preferable to just sitting in the Recovery Ward in the Patient's Gown that he hated so much.


He called out to nobody in particular, waving his hand to the room. He was careful not to be too loud as to avoid disturbing anyone else who might be in the room with him, especially if they were asleep. That would've been an easy way to set a record for the least time taken to start an argument in Sickbay. He'd only just woken up!

"...I'm up..?"

He soon added, perhaps a little awkwardly. As if adding the declaration was something of an afterthought. Yes, it was obvious that he was awake, he was talking and waving after all! But he wasn't quite sure how else to describe his situation.. So he supposed that he'd manage, despite how strange it might seem to state the obvious to those within earshot.

Re: Day 8 [1500 hrs] Cold Opening.

Reply #1
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @tongieboi

There was excitement in the Medical department as they got to bring out a crewmember from stasis and treat them. An Ensign Joseph Adams, transporter officer that had suffered great head force trauma to the back of his skull when a console exploded behind him during the Theurgy's escape from Earth. Elro was happy to finally empty a stasis drawer and make a new friend.

Without the assistance of V-Nine, and in turn Savi medical knowledge, surgery probably would've been longer than five hours to complete with the removal of the damaged skull sections. Growing the synthetic bone to the complexity needed in a skull had been out of their reach but now possible and Elro left that part to V-Nine's more precise dexterity.

Once the surgery was over and Adams was moved to the recovery ward. Elro and Nurse Jacques Hebot were talking about the latest situations in Sickbay as well as across the ship when they heard someone call out. Though it was faint enough not to completely carry across the ward, at first Elro thought it was his imagination but he could sense active thoughts and confused feelings from… He smiled as he turned to face Joseph Adams, their revived crewmate.

Elro thanked Jac and dismissed him before walking over to Joseph's side. ”Hey there, indeed you are awake. I'm so glad you are back with us Ensign. I am Chief Medical Officer Lieutenant Elro Kobol,” he greeted his patient. ”Do you feel any pain or discomfort anywhere in your head?”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 8 [1500 hrs] Cold Opening.

Reply #2
[ENS. Joseph Adams | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

Hearing footsteps approaching him, he turned his head as Elro approached, lowering his hand to rest by his side, since there was no need to continue waving. Taking a small moment to observe the officer in front of him, he found himself unable to recognise the medical crew. Last he remembered, Theurgy had been on the run from Starfleet. Just how long had he been out? Had he been transferred from another ship?

Some confusion still evident on his face, his eyes briefly glanced from direct eye contact with the Betazoid, to the rank pips on his uniform.

"The back's still a little numb. But no pain."

Seeing no reason to tell the Doctor his name, since he must've already known it from paperwork, he decided to dispense with his side of the personal introductions. Despite having recognising him as a newer addition to the crew. Or at least, from his perspective anyway.

"Nice to meet you, Lieutenant. If you're here, does that mean that Starfleet doesn't hate our guts anymore?"

Gentle smile tugging at his lips, he gave a slight nod to accompany the greeting. He couldn't help but find a new face surprising. Suspicious even, but still, he couldn't help the small, brave stab of optimism that during his cryosleep, everything had resolved itself. That would've been lovely indeed. He could banish the terrifying thought of Starfleet nipping at their heels as they attempted to avoid their former allies. No longer would he have to worry about his friends and family back home. Or in Starfleet itself. Still, he couldn't ignore the more cynical side of him that felt that such a thing would only be possible in fairytales. Even his optimism had limits.

Re: Day 8 [1500 hrs] Cold Opening.

Reply #3
[ Lieutenant Elro Kobol | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @tongieboi

Good that he wasn't in any pain, Elro smiled though it was soon replaced with a frown as Joseph asked if Starfleet doesn't hate them anymore. He hated that the Ensign had been brought back to face the same reality that he'd gone into Stasis with. He placed his hand on Joseph's shoulder and gently squeezed. ”Sorry but no. Though it isn't their fault as you are aware right? Most of Starfleet Command and the Federation government is being controlled by Parasites.”

”You have been in stasis for 6 months Ensign. We are currently at Qo'noS assisting Chancellor Martok with the Parasites in the Empire.” Elro explained, he'd want to know the situation if he'd been in stasis for too long. ”Of course your superior will be able to answer further questions you might have. If you are feeling up to it I'd like to run physical tests. Just a quick fitness exam and you can return to duty.”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: Day 8 [1500 hrs] Cold Opening.

Reply #4
[ENS. Joseph Adams | Recovery Ward | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Sqweloookle

A small sigh at the words of the Medical Officer, he shook his head. He'd definitely been pushing his luck by even mentioning the idea that everything had happened while he'd been asleep. He nodded in acknowledgement of Elro's words and remained silent for the moment as he was given a brief update as to their current situation.

"Six months..?"

Exhaling through his mouth in a small sigh, he shook his head somewhat. Taking a moment to process the information, he spoke again. Surprise registering on his face at the mention of Qo'noS . Of all the places in the galaxy... Still, at least here they were reasonably safe from Starfleet. So long as the KDF was around, that is.

"The Parasites are in the Empire too?"

He had so many questions still to ask. And Elro was unfortunate enough to be the first person he'd spoken to, so naturally he was the one who was bombarded with these questions.

"Wait, lets talk and examine.."

Shaking his head, he turned to leave the bed, assuming that the physical examination would take place elsewhere.

Re: Day 8 [1500 hrs] Cold Opening.

Reply #5
[ JOINT POST BETWEEN Lieutenant Elro Kobol & Ensign Joseph Adams | Recovery Ward >>> Rehab Gym | Main Sickbay | Deck 11 | Vector 2 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @tongieboi leaving discord messages for each other pushed this thread back, sorry about that not to mention timezones.

Talking and conducting the physical exam, at the same time, yeah good luck with that. Elro mused as he held out a hand. ”Can you walk?”

"Just about, yeah. I haven't tried running yet though. Does that make a difference?"

Joe tilted his head somewhat toward Elro. His gaze snapping from the rehab gym. It was definitely smaller than the gymnasium he was used to, but it had everything that was needed.

"How long do these usually take?"

He wondered aloud, although doing his best to avoid seeming rude.

A smirk crossed Elro's lips as he led Joseph through the changing room into the rehab gym. ”However long it takes," he said annoyingly. ”So let's get some upper body tests going. I think 2 sets of each side will give me a good indication. I leave the choice of what muscle groups up to you.” He grinned.


A small shake of his head and a slight grin. He followed Elro into the rehab gym, deciding to retrieve a pair of dumbells for bicep curls.

"Right, so how long do you want me to curl these for?"

He asked, starting to raise one arm before lowering it and repeating the process with the other.

Oh dear it seemed that the Ensign's hearing wasn't working well. ”2 sets of each side,” Elro sighed. ”8 in a set is a good round number,” he added after a moment's consideration. It was common for the senses to take longer to return to normal from Stasis, since the body was now catching up with an active mind which sometimes could be faster.

Indeed, the Ensign had noticed some issues with his senses. He'd nearly dropped his cutlery earlier whilst in the mess hall because his hands were a little numb still. He'd also found that sometimes, people around him would have to repeat themselves as he struggled to process what he was hearing. Such side effects however were rare, and as the body woke up fully, it seemed they had begun to recede.

"Alright. Eight it is."

He replied before starting to count each curl, subtracting the ones he had already done during the conversation.

”Do you experience any difficulty at all?” Elro asked, he had grabbed a padd from the wall as they had left the recovery ward and was now ready to input what Joe would tell him. Should it be necessary he can give Joe a stimulant to help, though it is better for it to happen naturally.

"Usually it tends to be touch or hearing. I can still hear and feel things, it's just a little difficult sometimes, that's all."

A small nod of his head, he considered the question for a moment. Sure, he was sluggish when he woke up, but wasn't everyone? Despite this, he hadn't experienced any further stiffness or impeded movement, and so shook his head in reply.

"No, I've been perfectly fine so far in that respect. I think it's just the senses.."

Far be it for him to offer a medical opinion, especially to an actual medical officer, but still, he couldn't think of anything else of note.

Elro nodded. ”Would you mind if I conducted some movements of your arms and legs while you focus on your senses, there could be physical triggers to cause the disruptions to your senses?” The Doctor explained, ”for most of the body's systems are connected and so what affects one could affect others in a variety of ways.”

"Sure, what senses would you like me to try out?"

He asked, the physical triggers very loosely made sense to him. Still, he wasn't by any means a medical expert, where machines were concerned, he was much more experienced. For instance, he knew that like a body, many different things were connected, and a fault in one of these things could have unintended consequences on other systems.

He supposed, then, that it was the same thing with the human body. It was sort of like a big computer.

”Do you mean your own sensation of touch, in that you can feel when you touch with or without the textures or the lack of feeling the textures of whatever you touch?” Elro asked as he put his hands around both Joe's bicep and forearm as he moved the arm to perform a bicep curl then moved his own hands along the arm before he did the other arm. ”Maybe you might just need a good massage to resync the muscles and skin with the rest of you,” Elro commented and chuckled. ”Certainly wouldn't make things worse.”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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