Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ep. 2: S [Day 02 | 1743 hrs] Lay Down Your Burdens
Last post by chXinya -Walking down the hallway with a faster than usual stride, Shall kept his grumbling down to an internal monologue, though his antenna made his mood obvious to anyone who saw it. Between the fighting and the slipstream failure the Stellar Cartography lab’s link to the external sensors had been damaged *again*, limiting his ability to use the watchtower protocols like he should have been able to. Luckily he’s been able to get it mostly restored now that the current round of insanity is over, but for some reason the optical sensors refuse to auto-collimate bluring out some of the most basic imagery he had available. Luckily, a baseline reading from another source should give the computer the baseline it needs to correct the issue, and there was an observation lounge just down the corridor from the lab. That’s why he was heading there now with an optical scanner in hand, a quick look out should be all that he needs.
Of course, as usual, Shall’s head was so into the stars that he didn’t even think that the lounge wouldn’t be empty stopping short a single step in the doorway at the figure sitting in the middle of the floor. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” the Andorian quickly backpedaled, adjusting his weight to back out. The invitation to stay caught the chan off guard, and since these lounges had the best views outside of his lab or standing on the hull, his feet froze in place, a slight wobble throwing off his balance. Steadying himself with a hand on the door frame for a moment, Shall nodded his head in appreciation and stepped inside. As the door slid closed behind him the corridor lighting vanished, plunging the room into near-total darkness. With only the dimmed wall console and the warp-distorted stars providing light everything was little more than a dark shape blocking out the stars, or a dark blur standing out against a slightly lighter backdrop depending on which way you looked. Shall’s eyes were quick to adjust though, and after a few moments he was confident enough to make his way towards the transparent aluminum without tripping over anything.
“I just need to mount this sensor to the frame.” He explained, holding up the scanner for the other man (judging from the bulky silhouette and deeper voice) to see, not that he would’ve been able to see much. “I work in one of the labs nearby, trying to get the sensors back into collimation.” Going by feel, Shall found the mounting point in the framework and clipped the sensor to it. Pulling a small PADD out of a side holder, the scientist activated the device and linked it to the Cartography Lab,, everything ready to go once they drop out of warp. Turning around, Shall noticed the pose his current compatriot had assumed on the floor, and he studied him for a few silent moments. “Looking for once in particular, or just using the stars as a whole?” he asked, arms crossing across his chest and leaning against the window casually, antenna bent towards the other man.