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Day 30 [1400 hrs.] A Chance Encounter

Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Escaping the Mundane |  Taking a stroll to who knows where | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zaryn hadn't been sure how long he'd been reading through intelligence report after intelligence report after intelligence report but he knew he'd about reached his breaking point. "Nope, nope. I'm done. I am done. If I read any more of these things, I'm going to kill myself." he muttered as he tossed the PADD onto his desk and stood up with a stretch, feeling his spine pop in several places.

Zaryn had never been one for reading Intelligence reports, it’s why he usually stuck to field work but having been made the new Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer reading those damn things came with the job description. His dislike of reading them had only gotten worse since he’d gotten joined with the Arn Symbiont since one of his previous hosts hated reading them too so now, they were even more of a pain in the ass for him to deal with. Shaking his head and with a quick roll of his shoulders, the spy circled around his desk and made his way towards the exit, feeling a little relief as he stepped into the corridor and away from the current bane of his existence. 

He wasn't exactly sure where he was going or what he was going to do but he needed a break from those woefully boring reports and anything right now would be better than them. So, for now the Trill decided to let his feet take him wherever they wanted and he'd go with it.

Having not really been paying attention to where he was going, having gotten lost in his memories, still somewhat adjusting to the whole Joined Trill thing he had going on, Zaryn found himself on one of the observation decks and paused, taking a look around wondering just how he'd gotten here. Shrugging however, he glanced out the window, seeing Aldea outside. For the year he had spent on the planet Zaryn couldn't remember really ever taking the time to just observe the planet and while it was a planet like any other the way the system's sun illuminated it, it was quite the sight to behold.

After taking a few moments to enjoy the view, he glaced to his right and saw another crewmember taking in the sight too just a little bit away from him. He couldn't tell who it was but it was clear that the woman was a thousand light years away from here based on the pensive look on her face and the thousand yard stare she seemed to be giving the planet. Zaryn briefly considered leaving the woman alone to her thoughts before changing his mind. As a spy he was pretty good at reading people and something told him that it might be better to stay for just a little bit.

"Quite the view isn't it?" he asked softly, hoping not to startle the poor woman too much, considering the fact he was fairly certain the woman hadn't even registered his presence yet and making her jump out of her skin was entirely not the thing he was going for.

Re: Day 30 [1400 Hours] A Chance Encounter

Reply #1
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Hard Up | Sleep is a Ninja | Heart Pain Felt Physically]

Zephyr felt alone.  Sometimes, it was easier to be alone when you already felt alone.  She didn't want to bother anyone, and she didn't have anyone except Thomas that she would call a friend on this ship.  When everything went down, when the truth came out, when she had come as the name linked to a horror the Theurgy had experienced, everything changed.  In the blink of an eye, she had been accosted by a person she'd never met before, talked to by Ives, and then crushed by Khorin.  It had been two weeks since all that went down and Zephyr did not feel any better.  She supposed that something could change at some point, but honestly, she was too tired to care. 

She wasn't sleep well, if at all, half the time it was little cat naps caught at her work station or at home when she least expected it.  The empty, undecorated Quarters that she had been given when she was kicked out of the one she shared with Khorin was something else.  At least, she didn't have to stay in the Quarters with all the memories, that would have been harder.  This one was new, untarnished by love that didn't exist, even if the layout was exactly the same.  Sometimes she wondered if he would just come home, say he was sorry, stupid, and to forgive him.  She had, afterall, stood by him after he had in a blind rage killed someone, but, apparently it didn't go both ways.  Now, he was gone and she didn't even bother hunting him down.  It wasn't worth more fighting.  More tears.

It was best to let him go, being close to him she only felt his anger and how quickly he had turned from loving her to hating her.  She had heard at one point it was a fine line, she supposed that it was right.  Zeph sat not in one of the chairs in the lounge, but instead, in the large deep window sill of the geometric designed window panes.  Outside, Aldea stood there bright and orange and glorious.  She had memories down there.  Shopping trips the ring that still sat on her finger and yet she tried to remove it every night and yet.. couldn't keep it off.  She liked the ring, but the memories that came with it were tainted.  There were the beach memories, and finding Jasper, who was at home asleep on his fluffy pillow in their Quarters.  At least he could sleep, but he missed Khorin too.

A voice pulled her out of her thoughts, and she looked over to see the owner of the voice was a male standing in the dim lighting of the lounge.  He had spoken about the view, and she shifted her gaze back to the bright orange planet giving a nod.

“It really is.  We'll be leaving soon and I'm unsure when we'll see another planet.” she stated softly, her voice was soft, and her hand rose up to brush at her cheeks trying to dry them before they could betrayed.  “I think it's peaceful here.  No one really comes here, I think I've been coming here a lot lately, no one to judge you, no one to glare at you, no one to bother you.  Just quiet.  Lonely.”

Re: Day 30 [1400 Hours] A Chance Encounter

Reply #2
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Making Friends |  Still not sure where the hell he is | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

Zaryn nodded in agreement at her statement that they would be leaving soon and at the fact none of them really knew when they would see another planet again, at least not to take a vacation on at least...not that he'd had a vacation at all during his time on Aldea. "I'm not sure either." he replied and glanced back out at the planet "You know I lived on that planet for over a year and I don't think I once actually looked at it before now." he added before glance back over at the woman.

Is that a tear she's brushing away? he thought before she spoke again, telling him how peaceful it was and how nobody really came there...apart from her evidently. He took note of the fact she mentioned people judging, glaring and bothering and wondered what people might have been judging her for. He'd been so busy wrapped up in reading about those damn parasites and everything else the ship had gone through that ship gossip had been pretty low on the list for him, nor had he gone through all the reports admittedly. Shaking his head slightly, he caught her finish by saying that it was also lonely. It sounded like the poor girl was having a rough time of things.

"I can certainly see the appeal." he replied before glancing around the room. "I uh I ended up here completely by accident if I'm being entirely honest." the Trill added. Honestly, that was something he'd rarely done in...he couldn't actually remember how long at least a year, he knew that much. It was however the nature of the job. Although that being said it was somewhat scary how easy it was to get used to lying to everyone all the time, a habit he would have to start getting out of the habit of doing. He thought to himself before pushing the thoughts aside to focus on the actual conversation he was having instead of the internal monologue that threatened to start.

"You said you've been coming here a lot recently, I hope I'm not interrupting you or anything because if you want to be alone I can absolutely leave you be." he asked, not wanting to intrude on the woman's alone time.

Despite saying that though he had a feeling that being alone might have been part of whatever was troubling the woman. Then again even if it was that didn't necessarily mean she would want his company.

"I'm Zaryn by the way." he added as somewhat of an afterthought, even if he was intruding the least he could do was introduce himself. 


Re: Day 30 [1400 Hours] A Chance Encounter

Reply #3
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Lonely | Talking to Strangers | Company is Most Welcome]

The stranger, admitted that he had lived on the planet for over a year and he never actually once looked at it before now.  Zeph's brow rose.  She didn't understand those kinds of thoughts, but then to her, nature was the most beautiful thing in the universe.  Whether it was a star, a new planet, or new natural wildlife.  Plants were what drove her, her passion, and yet she loved taking care of people too.  Thus she had been gifted with the ability to be both Science and Medical, though her uniform proved her to be more Science based.  She frequented Sickbay when she could. 

“I find that many officers don't stop to appreciate the natural world around them.  It's often taken for granted..” she admitted looking back at the golden visage of the planet.  “Like many things.”

He explained that he had ended up there by complete accident, and she chuckled softly.  Looking back over at him she studied his visage.  She could tell he was a Trill, the tell tale spots around his temples and the like gave him away but Zeph was probably the least xenophobic person in the world, at least that was how she felt.  She was pretty open in general to who ever she met whatever their race might be.  She had never met who ever this was, but then, the ship was large and Zeph had only been a member on it for a month.  She had worked hard setting up her own Botany lab and getting herself situated, had found love, and moved in with it.  Then lost a lot of it in the last couple weeks.  It was crazy, how quickly it had happened.  How much she thought it would have been for forever but it wasn't. 

He told her that if she wanted to be alone, he would let her to her thing, Zeph smirked softly and brushed a hand through her curly hair before looking back over at him.  Twisting her body, so that her back was to the metallic window frame and her side was pressed up against the viewing window, enabled her to keep him in her line of sight that much easier.  “Please stay, I don't come here to be alone, but it's a place that's quiet and .. sometimes I'm not sure where else to go.” she admitted.

He told her that his name was Zaryn, and she smiled.  “I'm Zephyr.  Nice to meet you.”  She motioned to much of the seating which was all vacant and waiting to be utilized though for the moment she stayed in her comfortable window.  She could always move later if that was necessary but for the time being she wanted to stay where she was.

“So if you've lived on the planet for a year, you must have only recently come to the Theurgy?” she asked curiously as she wondered what kinds of things he did on the ship and what made him valuable enough to leave the planet behind and try, instead, to make life happen on the Theurgy.  “What made you change your living status?”

Re: Day 30 [1400 Hours] A Chance Encounter

Reply #4
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Making Friends |  Still not sure where the hell he is | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

His companion's brow rose at his comment and Zaryn got the impression she didn't understand how anybody couldn't take it the sight of a planet based on the look which made him wonder if she was a planetary specialist or something, he'd met a few in his time but not really to converse with. Either that or she just liked nature. Luckily he pulled himself out of his musings before she spoke and found himself nodding in agreement, he was certainly guilty of not taking the time to appreciate the world around him all the time even though he was always aware of his surroundings but that was a different matter entirely. Taking in the natural beauty of the world wasn't nearly the same as being aware of every blindspot, ambush point and escape route in your area, he was pretty sure that didn't count.

"No I don't suppose they do, I know I'm guilty of not taking in nature as much as I could." he replied, only to turn his head to look at her when she added her last comment and it didn't take a well trained spy to think that perhaps that part was about somebody not appreciating somebody else. Relationship issues perhaps? It might explain what the young woman was doing down here by herself.

"Well sometimes it's not on purpose, sometimes people think things are fine and that they have all the time in the world to appreciate everything." he added before turning back to look out over the planet "Sadly either those people never take the time to appreciate who they have...or what they have... he quickly corrected himself before inwardly cursing himself for the slip up, he was a professional spy for crying out loud! "...Nor what surrounds them or they do or by the time they do it's too late." he finished.

Keeping his gaze on the planet, actually taking the time to heed his own words and appreciate the view for once, the Trill could feel the woman's eyes on him. Although whether she was assissing him or simply lost in her own thoughts he didn't know. When he caught her moving out of the corner of his eye, he did the same, it would be rather rude of him not to while they spoke.

He couldn't help but smile when she told him to stay and was somewhat pleased to know she didn't come down here to be alone although it didn't exactly sound good that she didn't know where else to go, especially on a ship this big with at least two bars on it for social interaction. Still he opted for humour and chuckled "Hey I stumbled in here by accident so you're not the only one who doesn't know where to go." he said. Sure he knew what she actually meant but while he was good at faking his way through almost any situation, when it came to actual things like this he wasn't the best person for it. More importantly though the young woman seemed to be dealing with something and didn't deserve anything fake right now added to it.

When she replied with her name he smiled too "It's nice to meet you too Zephyr." he replied. Nice name, he thought as she motioned toward the seating around the room and briefly thought about heading over and taking a seat but since it appeared that Zephyr wasn't going to be taking a seat, he opted not to either, although he did take a few casual steps closer so they didn't have to talk as loud across the distance between them.

He nodded when she asked him if he'd only recently come aboard the Theurgy "I've been here about 20 days now, maybe 21 I think." he answered and chuckled when she asked what makde him change his living status. "I didn't have much of a choice. I was ordered here by my boss." the Trill added before looking out over the planet and sighing whistfully "I'm really going to miss filing reports on the beach in the evenings, that was a nice."

Turning his attention back to Zephyr though she smiled again "On the other hand though, my first trip aboard I was thrown in the brig for kidnapping three members of the crew so the fact my boss had already spoken to Captain Ives about it made that whole situation a lot easier to explain. So I shouldn't really complain much." he finished with a grin.

He could have simply told her what she was curious about and what he did on board but he was curious as to what her reaction would be to that little bit of information. Not to mention it was always a good way of judging someone when confronted with such information, he would however be quick to explain himself should she panic or something. Perhaps he should have thought about that first before having his little fun...the next few minutes would certainly be interesting to say the least.


Re: Day 30 [1400 Hours] A Chance Encounter

Reply #5
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Found Out | Lonely Girl | Why is the Heart so Fickle?]

Zeph twisted herself so that her back was to the large metallic beam that had once been at her side.  Leaning against the beam now with her back she looked over at the man she had never met before.  He seemed nice though, which was pretty cool, and she hoped that they could continue their conversation.  She wasn't hopeful for anything else and honestly she probably should be getting over Khorin but she had really thought he was her Imzadi.  They just fit so well together until he decided to just drop her all together because of something like the Niga.  She had really thought that she had found the one but she supposed instead of having found the one they had just mutually leaned against each other in the wake of the Versant. 

Zaryn told her that sometimes people didn't appreciate who and what they had.  She gave a soft sad smile and a little bit of a nod.  Zeph wasn't ugly, she was pretty in a classical sort of way.  Fine features, cheek bones, hazel-green eyes that stood out from her brown curly hair that fell around her shoulders but was pulled back in a clip away from her face.  She was slight and slender, but she was tall for a girl, standing at five foot nine.

“I think you're right.  I also think, perhaps, I had forgotten my distrust for people.” she said softly as she sighed and tried to relax more into the metallic support beam.  “I'm not good at being alone.  I like people, I like friends.  Where I was stationed before the Theurgy we were close because we had to be.  There was no outside contact.” she admitted which kind of gave away she had been stationed at a black site without actually saying those words or giving away the location.  “Here, I feel like a stranger.  I had found someone when I was on the Versant, and that had gone well even here.  Standing beside each other, until.. until he found out what my research had been about before.  Then everything just imploded.”  Zeph lifted her hands up and let them fall with a slapping sound against her lap.

He hadn't been on the ship long, but, he was already working.  So was she, she had only been on the ship for about a month, and it had been good until two weeks ago.  She was getting over her heartbreak little by little but it wasn't easy, that much was for certain.  It was just.. that she couldn't let it stop her from being the person she needed to be.  She had to work, care for her pet, and move on.  Whatever else that entailed she would have to see at some point. 

“The beach would be the best place to file reports.  I'm so used to being stuck in a windowless lab, so having another one here, really doesn't change much.  It's just a lot smaller.” she chuckled a little bit, the smile crinkling the side of her eyes slightly as she did so.  When he mentioned about being in the Brig for kidnapping three crew members, she couldn't help but chuckle.

“You know, you'd think they could make it a little more comfortable.  I've been in there twice, and never even got a pillow.” she chuckled softly as she gave a shrug.  “The last time was because they realized, on this ship, what my research had been.  Luckily I was able to explain myself well enough that didn't become a permanent residence.” she sighed softly.

“I'm a Botanist.  Well, I'm dual-trained, so I'm also a medical doctor too.  I went to the Academy twice so that I could merge Botany and Biology together.” she admitted.  “What do you do here?”

Re: Day 30 [1400 Hours] A Chance Encounter

Reply #6
Lieutenant Zaryn Arn | Enjoying The Company | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @BZ

As the two continued their conversation Zaryn observed the way Zephyr reacted and it seemed as though she started to relax a little more as time went on, which was always a good sign. He had opted to casually lean against the metal beam as he turned to face her, listening as she spoke.

"Well there's nothing wrong with trusting people. Then again I'm not always the biggest advocate on trusting trusting people either, although in my defence trust can be an occupational hazard in my line of work." he admitted. Given how friendly Zephyr came across he wasn't entirely surprised when she said that she was a social person and wasnt't the best at being alone, atlhough the irony wasn't lost on him that despite that she was indeed down here by herself...although that might explain a few things. When she mentioned that where she had been stationed before people had to be close due to a lack of outside contact he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. That sounded like a black site to him, but he certainly didn't get the spy vibe from her so what could she have possibly been doing at a black site if that were the case? Evidently there was more to Zephyr than met the eye.

While thinking about where she used to be stationed, he did take not of the fact it sounded like she had just gotten out of a relationship, which would also explain what she was doing down here. "Hmm I only know a few places that don't allow contact with the outside world a few research facilities, a lot of corporate buildings..." he began musing and while she certainly could have been a researcher he got the feeling that wasn't it and she definately didn't seem like the corporate type either. "...and of course black sites." he added casually "So I can understand that working in any of those places would lead to a close knit group of friends and going from that to a ship where the populous might be larger but the social circles smaller would make for quite the adjustment." the Trill added, choosing not to focus on which place she might have worked or his suspicion on which one he thought she might have been at, especially since she wouldn't be allowed to talk about it with many people if his theory was correct that she had worked at a black site and instead focused on the social change.

"I'm the opposite, I'm perfectly fine on my own. Don't get me wrong I like being social and having friends but I often work alone and tend to switch postings far too frequently to settle down and make many friends. Hell I can't even remember the last time I served on a ship." he said before giving her a soft smile "I'm sorry about your breakup, those are never fun. Admittedly I've never really been much of a relationship guy, when you move from posting to posting as often as I do you don't really have time to settle down and start anything serious. As for breaking up with you over your reasearch that's a pretty odd thing to end a relationship over. What did you do, create a world ending superweapon or something?" he asked somewhat as a joke considering that was all he could really think of that could be that bad. Then again if people knew some of the things he had done in his career they might well end a relationship with him too were he ever in such a relationship.

The conversation eventually turned to their working enviroments and he couldn't help but nod at her comment about the beach "It certainly was. At least you're used to your working environment so that one change you don't have to worry about, unless of course you're not a big fan of smaller spaces then you might have an issue." he chuckled.

The fact that she didn't seem to bat an eyelid at the fact he'd kidnapped three members of the crew was both interesting and somewhat funny and then the fact that she had been thrown in the brig twice made her even more interesting. "You know some people would be a little more shocked if they found out the person they had been talking to had been imprisoned for kidnapping their crewmates." he said with a chuckle and a grin. "Then again I suppose that might not be the case for someone whose been in jail twice herself, although I do have to admit I'm a little curious what you could have possibly done to end up in there. The research sure but twice, unless they threw you in there for the same thing as a double punishment you don't exactly strike me as a criminal mastermind." he chuckled before continuing As for the lack of pillow well it's is a jail and not a hotel room sooo they're more for punishment than comfort you know, depending on what jail your in, the Federation generally give you one...most of the time."

So she was a botanist and a medical doctor an interesting dual career to say the least but since doctor's swore to do no harm it certainly made him even more curious as to what research could she have possibly done that lead to the end of her relationship and got her thrown in jail, Zephyr was certainly turning out to be a very interesting person. "That's certainly an interesting career path, I too attended the academy twice, although my second time was for some...specialised training you could say." he replied. Then of course came the question he knew she'd probably ask at some point. What did he do here? He could have gone with his standard cover as a tactical officer but if his suspicion about her formally working at a black site and knowing how hard it was to not have anybody to talk too about such things due to most people's lack of clearance he opted to, just this once tell the truth.

"As for what I do here, I'm an Intelligence Officer." he said simply. Now while that could simply mean he analysed data and intel reports, he knew that given what else he had said during their conversation she'd probably be able to figure out that what he actually meant was spy. Then again he couldn't really say much else beyond that, which again if he was right that she'd worked at a black site herself would know the kind of things they were and were not allowed to say and therefore would hopefully not take offence at the lack of anything else on his part.


Re: Day 30 [1400 Hours] A Chance Encounter

Reply #7
[Lt. Zephyr Praise | Truth be Told | Lonely | Finding Common Ground]

Zephyr had been schooled over the years that she worked on the Azurite Station how to deal with someone probing for information.  But, did it really matter?  At the end of the day was it important to continue telling people that she wasn't from anywhere or she couldn't say?  The fact was, Ducote, a Security Officer, and Ives all knew where she had worked before.  Chances were the word was going to get out about that as well.  He told her that there were only a few places that he knew of that wouldn't allow outside contact.  Zaryn mentioned that there were research facilities and corporate buildings and black sites, of course. 

“It is complicated for sure.  I usually make friends really easily, and I was just beginning to get myself started here when all of this came out and now I'm pretty sure that all I feel these days is anger, hate, and distaste.  For me, and what I've done, and the suffering I inadvertently caused.” she looked down at her lap again, her shoulders slumping in defeat.  “ I know you can't tell, but I'm a full Betazoid.” she said softly brushing her hair back behind her ear.  It wasn't easy to tell, since her eyes were not black.  When she had come back corrected from the Versant, she had decided to keep her eyes the hazel green she had been born with, but leave herself a full Betazoid.  “I get a first hand feel for what everyone thinks of me, even if they don't say it out loud.”

He asked her what she could have done to make her boyfriend break up with her.  She almost chuckled at the 'world ending superweapon' but it was more of a snort because it wasn't untrue.  Looking up at him, she bit her lower lip before she figured she might as well tell him.  If he lived in a hole and didn't know about it, he would find out anyway, the secret was out.  At least, this way, if he decided to walk off it was before she put a whole lot of emotional stake in creating a friendship or whatever.  “Yes.” she stated softly.  “I am the creator of the Niga Virus.  It was supposed to have been destroyed by my superiors.  That's what I was told the plan was when I realized what it was, but later, I found out they didn't destroy it.  They utilized it.  Now I'm the evil bitch that created suffering on the Theurgy.”

Zeph's left hand was trembling, and she curled it into a fist quickly letting the nails bite into her palm for a moment so that she wouldn't cry even though her eyes welled up.


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