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Topic: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.] (Read 7357 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #25
Ending up on her back again, Cir'Cie groaned loudly when the human continued to mate with her. Her desire was at his mercy when she ended up underneath him, but he was more than sufficient to keep her needs met. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed at his bottocks with her heels to urge him on - to make him grind al the way inside her with each thrust. She raked her nails across his shoulders, having the care of not drawing blood despite her Vulcan strength, and she scraped her teeth at his neck when their lips were not locked in a turf-war between their tongues.

As he moved, her hardened nipples scraped his chest with each thrust he made. The warm and humid air made their bodies glisten with perspiration, hot and slick to the touch. The fans of the Hydropnics Bay wafted air against them, cooling their skin when the air-currents passed over the emerald grass.

Eventually, the human's attention to her needs bore fruit, and Cir'Cie's green eyes opened in the onset of her second climax. Her breathing became more rapid, and the bite of her nails more prominent. The orgasm detonated deep inside her, but spread all through her body, making her cry out hoarsely in reaction to the power of what she felt. Her entire body flexed like a fist around his, keeping his manhood from escaping while the duration of the euphoria lasted. With the satisfaction came relief, finally, from the needs that Ensign Slayton's thoughts had planted in her. The desire abated in the beginning of the aftermath, slipping out of her as she panted for air and stared into the ceiling across the human's shoulder.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #26
Right as Cir'Cie's orgasim hit, so did Chris's as he came long and hard into the Vulcan beauty as he had not had sex in quite a while and once their respective orgasim where over he pulled back just enough to look into Cir'Cie's eyes and face.

She was sweaty, face flushed with a slight green hue of a post orgasim blush but her eyes showed none of the need, want, or desire from only a few minutes earler. "I hope that all is well now with you, Miss Cir'Cie?" he asked respectfully while looking into her eyes even though his cock was still hard even after a tremendous orgasim within her womanhood.

He closed his eyes and then started to speak to her in her people's own language as a sign of respect. "Are you feeling in more of yourself and was I of assistance?"

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #27
Descending from the climax that had raked through her, Cir'Cie was surprised to hear Vulcan speech above her - the distinction made plain by the difference compared to what the universal translator generated. She blinked once where she lay, panting through her pursed lips underneath Ensign Slayton - his hardness still embedded deep inside her and twitching in the aftershocks.

"You were of adequate assistance," she replied in Vulcan as well, and despite how they were coated in their own salty egesta, the warmth of he Hydroponics Bay kept Cir'Cie's skin from being cold. "While I have a lot to meditate upon, you have helped dealing with the residual touch of your mind."

Since the fighter pilot had not yet pulled out of her, or climbed off her for that matter, Cir'Cie remained where she lay - the back of her hands resting against the grass as well. Her breathing began to return to normal, and the lethargy was a sensation not unpleasant. She had already uncrossed her legs behind his back, and set her feet down on the grass as well - feeling it between her toes. Legs parted, she waited for him to get up, but she did not entirely mind him remaining either since her sex was still flexing around his girth. What occurred to her, however, was that she had not given him the verdict of her mind-meld - as hastily as it had been aborted.

"You were not compromised by T'Rena's techniques. She has not come to visit you while you slept, like how many other crew members were placed under her control. I noticed none of the traits of her touch, and I know them quite well by now. You are , in fact, yourself, as far as I could determine. You needn't fear that she left you with subconscious instructions to carry out her will, even after her death." Cir'Cie swallowed, looking up at him - some of her short hair matted against her forehead. "Did you understand all that, Ensign Slayton, or should I let the translator give it to you in Federation Standard as well?"

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #28
Chris shook his head as he gently withdrew himself out of the vulcan's sex, enjoying the feeling and inwardly he fought the urge to resume fucking her but he knew that was simply because of how long it had been since Sniper had left the Harbinger rather then some mind fucking by T'Rena.

"No, I understood you perfectly. I am told that when I speak in the language of your people, I have an accent but then again, my father always said that I was adept at languages." He said as he moved to sit on his knees once more. "If you feel the urge again, may I offer my assistance to you when and if it occurs?" he added in an honest tone.

It was an honest offer as he understood the situation somewhat from the brief after shocks of her sudden pulling out of his mind only a short while earlier.

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #29
When Ensign Slayton withdrew himself from her and sat back, Cir'Cie propped herself up on her elbows again and listened to him talking about his offer.

"Vulcan do not require physical pleasure to the same extent as humans do," she said before slowly getting up on her feet. Her sex and her lips felt raw, but she was physically content. Mentally, she had a lot of proverbial scar tissue that prevented her from being entirely satisfied with the experience. Perhaps she would be able to de-compromise her emotional state of mind with some meditating, but she was still on duty. "Yet if I somehow would find that I did, however doubtful, I would take your offer into consideration. At which point you would do well to not mistake it for any kind of romantic interest."

Turning her back to the human, she picked up pieces of her uniform and began to dress herself in deft and methodical movements. "Like I said, you were adequate, and it would be the only reason why I would take my hypothetical desire to you. If I would go to someone else, I would not be entirely certain that they would be able to meet my needs, so you would - logically - be the first choice."

Wearing Starfleet issue panties and her tank top, she picked up her uniform trousers and raised an eyebrow at the human. "Would that be all, Ensign Slayton? I had projects to attend to before you disrupted my duties. I am, however, pleased to have certified your mental health."

Re: DAY 01: Stranger Tides [1130 hrs.]

Reply #30
"I understand." was the only thing that Chris said as he got back into his own uniform, feeling a little bit stiff as he hadn't really had a chance to rest or relax because he still deep down couldn't get his mind wrapped around everything that has happened over the past over twenty four hours.

"I'm extremely happy that I'm not tainted by the Harbinger's late executive officer, Cir'Cie, but by that same token I have a lot to meditate on as well by my own discipline as well but yes.. I won't keep you any longer, Ensign, and thank you for your help as well." he replied with a bow to the Vulcan womzn.

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