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Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

[PO2 Kino Jeen | Outside Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Nimble fingers danced over the control console while her lips curled in a faint smirk, mismatched eyes darting across the screen. Kino stood, still dressed in duty uniform, weight shifting from one leg to the other, trying to make a final decision on the program she wanted. Nothing too fancy, her eyes narrowed at the scrolling list of options – most of which were places she’d never even heard of. Her nose scrunched up a bit at the delay, knowing it was already past 1700 hours, and Reika was probably wondering what the hold up was. C’mon, just pick a spot, she huffed with impatience, lips pursed as she closed her eyes to lift a finger at the screen, poking it as her natural eye cracked open.

Kloi-Natai, Elysium IV, she read, arching a brow as the details were pulled up. M Class, vast tropical regions, extensive wildlife preserves...known for pristine beaches and abundant biospheres, bio-luminescent fauna and flora colors shift with the cycles of its three moons? Interesting. Host to several medical and scientific research outposts in geo-sync orbit, blah blah blah. Yeah, that’ll do. Kino grinned, keying in the locale, then inputted the remaining program parameters she’d need for the evening, glad that she’d showed up as early as she did. “Alright, that'll work,” the Trill nodded to herself, then hit execute. As the console chimed, Kino typed out a quick message to Reika before heading in.

   Ms. Sh’laan -
Sorry for the short notice, the day got away from me. I’ve secured Holodeck 4 for a couple hours, I'm here now getting ready. Access code is Alpha-72-Sigma-56. Why don’t you join me around 1800?

Beyond the threshold, a bright sunny day awaited; Kino found herself on a narrow wooden pier, surrounded by shallow, crystal clear waters of aquamarine – white sand and small reefs visible below the surface, teeming with life. At the end of the pier, under a bright blue sky, an island of dense green jungle dominated the view. Kino grinned, one hand rising to shade her eyes from the sunlight as the gentle breeze tossed her unkempt hair. “Fuck me, this is great,” she laughed, then unzipped her duty jacket as she stepped off towards the moderate sized structures nestled just beyond the beachhead. The complex was built to resemble a private home of sorts, (loosely modeled on what Kino remembered of her parent’s summer home back on Trill), complete with a large central pool. Four corner structures each held their own rooms, lounges, baths, while a large open-aired bar/kitchen dominated the far wall of the courtyard.

Kino shrugged the duty jacket off as she walked, eager to get started before Reika showed up.

[Thirty minutes later, 1802 hrs]

She’d chosen a pair of faded cut off camo short shorts that hugged her hips and curves nicely along with a simple white halter and a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses; enjoying the warmth and gentle breeze as well as the sunlight on her pale skin while she worked. The lettuce was prepped, washed, and set aside in a large circular plate, the surrounding a small bowl of amber colored peanut sauce. Kino gave the mixture of crumbled chicken, minced garlic, diced onion and shallots a toss in the sizzling wok on the stove as she chopped up the rest of the cilantro. Off to the side, a pint of golden liquid sat on the counter well within reach; the glass sweating in the sunlight next to a smaller cocktail glass of smokey blue liquid.

Kino paused to reach over and steal a sip of beer as she cocked a hip, facing away from the entrance, when her ears picked up the subtle shwoosh of the door opening over the breeze. A dark brow arched as she smirked over her bare shoulder, drink raised in salute before returning her attention to cooking. Pretty good timing, Legs, the Trill chuckled, tossing the chicken again while she waited for the Andorian to join her.

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #1
[Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Reika looked into the last trunk.  There was only one item left ensconced inside.  Reaching in, she removed the thin, rectangular piece.  With one hand on each side, thumbs running over the front and the rest of her fingers firmly planted on the back of it.  She stood there, her eyes memorizing each and every minutia of detail.  Her antenna dipped just a little as she took her time.

During the time between her various meetings today, she decided to finish unpacking.  She was only three days out of stasis, but something had held her back - almost as if she wasn’t sure that she would need to finish.  What would keep her from going right back into stasis if she were injured or if the cure that they thought they had affected to stop her genetic unspooling had just delayed the progression, not actually stopped it as they had told her?

But something about this morning’s encounter reminded her that whatever her circumstances had been that there were any number of reasons - how many spots were on a Trill anyway? - that she might want to plant herself firmly physically, mentally, and maybe even emotionally in the ‘here and now’ - not in the uncertainty of ‘what may yet come.’

But the beep of a message broke into her reverie.  She took the picture of her parents and siblings and placed it on the last available shelf in her living room before making her way to her workstation to pull up the message.

   Ms. Sh’laan -
Sorry for the short notice, the day got away from me. I’ve secured Holodeck 4 for a couple hours, I'm here now getting ready. Access code is Alpha-72-Sigma-56. Why don’t you join me around 1800?

Reika read over the message and her antenna which had moments before drooped just slightly stood upright and her eyes glinted in anticipation and went from the message to the chronometer at the top of the console.  1730 - so she had 30 minutes to choose her outfit, get dressed and make her way to holodeck 4.  Thirty minutes would be just enough.

Just after 1800, Reika stood outside the holodeck in a one-shouldered stretchy (and curve-hugging)  black tank top tucked into a pair of white chino-style shorts.  On anyone else, the shorts may have fallen more than halfway down the wearer’s thighs, but with her long-lanky legs, they appeared little longer than short shorts.  Her long-white hair was half-up in one of her intricate multi-layered braids, but the rest fell halfway down her back.  Her outfit was tied in by a pair of silver knotted earrings, and a thin silver bracelet encircling her left wrist.

Reika input the code that Kino had given her and stepped inside.  As she did, many of her senses were assailed all at once.  The brightness of the sun caused her to squint as she raised her eyes to the sky.  She could hear the waves as they curved over on themselves and tumbled up the beach, and feel the warm breeze on her skin as the doors closed behind her.  The familiar, distinct, and pungent smell of her favorite ethnic cuisine lured her in even further.  She slipped out of her tennis shoes on the pier and grinned widely as she saw the raised glass of beer as she meandered up the wooden walkway.

But as soon as she saw the raised glass, she took in the shapely form of the Trill whose back still faced the Andorian, and this time there was much more to see than there had been that morning.  With her back turned, Reika felt like she could take her time noting the shapely legs, the enticingly curved hips, the slender waist, the sleek and mostly bare back, and how her body nicely curved out again as it approached her uncovered shoulders. 

 And while it felt like an eternity to Reika, in reality, it was only seconds after entering, she said, “Smells fabulous in here!” and drew up just off to the side of the Trill glancing over at face framed by silver hair.  “The view’s not half-bad either.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #2
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
As Reika drew near, Kino beamed at her as she sprinkled the chopped cilantro into the wok, mixing it into the browned chicken with a wooden spoon. From behind her mirrored sunglasses, dark brows rose at the Andorian’s comments with a chuckle, as her eyes took in every detail of her guest – the elegant braid of platinum hair, earrings shining in the sunlight, those lovely sparkling pools of blue. Not half-bad at all, she agreed to herself with a grin, but nodded as she wiped her hands on a towel. "Well, hello, Ms. Sh'laan - pleasure to see you again," the Trill greeted.

“That would be the chicken,” Kino winked at the Andorian, extending a hand out to grasp the deep azure cocktail and hand it to her. “And it is nice isn’t it,” her free hand gestured to the sim, while her head tilted to show her eyes over the top of her shades with a smile. “Could certainly get used to it,” she agreed playfully, then gestured to the cocktail. “Didn’t know your preference, so I went with a blue coconut,” she added with a dip of her head at the mojito.

A flock of shimmering turquoise colored sea-birds decided to make themselves known then – riding the thermals overhead. Kino smirked at their caws, but kept her eyes on Reika as she took another sip of beer. Yeah, could definitely get used to this, the Trill hummed, then set her drink aside to return her attention to the food. “Have to warn ya,” she chuckled a little as the wok was lifted to pour the contents out onto the platter of lettuce wraps, around the dipping sauce. “Cooking isn’t exactly my strong suit – but fortunately for us, this particular recipe stood out as a winner from another life,” her smile faded a little as a shoulder lifted while she scooped the last few morsels out onto the plate, then turned the stove off. “Hope you enjoy it.”

Beer in one hand and platter in the other, the Trill turned to the lovely Andorian. “Shall we,” her head tilted playfully, waving the platter as she lifted her chin to the couches lining the pool. As she passed her guest, Kino arched a brow and grinned again, eyes drawn to those shapely legs. “Figured we could snack while we chat. How was your day? Getting settled in okay,” she asked over her shoulder as she padded barefoot over to the couches, setting the platter down on a small table before seating herself, legs crossed to reveal the long line of spots along one leg, running up the side of her thigh. She reclined casually, beer held aloft as her other arm draped over the top of the couch, giving Reika her full attention. 

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #3
[Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Reika watched the long, slender fingers as they dropped ingredients into the wok and mixed them up.  Closing her eyes she leaned toward the cooking surface drinking deeply of the spicy and piquant aroma that wafted about on the ocean breeze and circulated around the area on the air currents.  Staying in that position, she turned her eyes toward the Security officer.   “Please call me, Reika.  Addressing me by my last name feels so formal - like we’re on duty and not just two women enjoying each other’s company.  And the pleasure of seeing you again is definitely mutual.

Reika reached out with her fingers to take the offered glass.  As she did her blue digits brushed across the peach ones belonging to the Trill. And when Kino tilted her head to allow Reika to look into the ice blue spheres set behind the mirrored glasses, they sparkled with the double entendre.  And it was as if Reika had offered a verbal dance around more intimate topics and with her response about getting used to the sites Kino had accepted the invitation. 

Oh, I agree,” the Operations Officer said, ”this is certainly an idyllic setting, and of course, I could definitely get used to the sites.  And thanks for the drink.  The color can certainly be alluring.”  She sipped the blue liquid taking her time, allowing the flavors to pour over her palate as she tried to discern the intricacies of its flavor profile.  Mint, coconut, rum, and the strong zing of some citrus - lime, orange, and something with a little more punch.  “Nicely mixed cocktail.  Slightly astringent.  Nice pucker to it,” she said smacking her lips once.

But Kino turned to the sitting area and confessed her inexpertness in the field of cooking.

Reika followed Kino as she maneuvered to the sitting area.  “If the smell is any indication of how it tastes, it will be amazing, and I’m sure I’ll love it.  Was this a recipe that one of Jeen’s antecedents used to make?”  Sh’laan asked.  She had taken a little time to look up some basic information about the Trill during some of her downtime today.  So she at least knew that Kino was the fourth host to the Jeen symbiont.

Oh, my day was full.  I’m not officially back onto duty until tomorrow, but I had a couple meetings,” she said as she shifted onto the couch at the opposite end from Jeen.  She sat sideways with her back against the arm of the couch.  One foot was planted on the ground, her other leg, she bent at the knee and set her bare foot flat on the couch just inches in front of her.  She rested her right wrist atop of her knee and held her mojito in that hand.  Swirling the liquid in the glass, Reika continued talking.  “My first meeting was with Commander Stark.  Later, I had another with Lieutenant Ravenholm.  Just getting everything set for tomorrow when I officially resume my duties.  In between,  I did some unpacking.  As a matter of fact, I was just finishing that up when I got your message.”  The Andorian took another sip of her cocktail and then transferred it to her other hand, leaving her right hand free to set atop of the back of the couch, her fingertips just softly brushing up against Kino’s which also rested on the back of the couch.

Reika paused as Kino responded to her description of her day.  She watched her eyes and from time to time, she took the opportunity to observe the pattern of the Security officer’s spots so clearly cataloged all along her body.  But whether or not her eyes weren’t focused on the Trill’s, the Andorian drank in the rich, soothing tone of the other woman’s voice.   At one point, she set her drink down and reached over and twisted the lettuce around some of the chicken mixture that Kino had cooked. After dipping it into the peanut sauce,  she bit off the end, and the flavor burst into her mouth.  The chunkiness of the chicken, the smoothness of the peanut butter, the tang of the onion and garlic all hit her palate at once.  She reached out and set her right hand on the Trill’s left to interrupt her for a moment.  “I know it’s not polite to butt in, but this,” she held out the lettuce wrap, “is amazing!
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #4
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Her silver head dipped with a lopsided smile at Reika’s guess at where Kino had gotten the recipe. Someone did their homework, she thought, amused and flattered that the Andorian would take the time to look her up, whether out of simple curiosity or genuine interest, the Trill couldn’t tell for sure. However, given their interaction that morning, and the subtle signals she was picking up, Kino’s instincts told her this was more than idle curiosity. She watched intently and waited, taking another sip of her beer as Reika continued to talk about her day, shifting her body unconsciously to mirror the Andorian’s. Could literally sit here and watch her all day, Kino realized, blinking at her own admission, surprised at herself. Okay, yes, she's beautiful. Keep it in your pants.

The warmth on her skin felt amazing – kept cool enough by the breeze to keep from sweating – but Kino nestled the cold glass against her neck as her head tilted back. The smile never left her face, even as she mentally fixed faces to the names mentioned: Stark, Ravenholm. She knew them by reputation, of course, like most of the senior officers aboard, yet had very little actual experience with them. Still, the non-com was able to narrow down which department Reika worked in, and the possible circles she’d be involved with. All of this deductive reasoning took place in the back of her mind, while she listened and enjoyed the sunshine; a natural, unconscious habit formed from a life of paying attention to people and details, of learning systems and how they worked in order to dismantle them – at least, that was her goal, once upon a time. Experience had changed her, drastically; that and the worm riding around in her body.

Kino nodded again, aware of the subtle brush of their fingertips; a simple thing, perhaps unintentional, but that didn’t stop her from enjoying it. She reached into it without much outward reaction, other than the smile on her face, letting pale digits circle and entwine with blue. “Sorry for sending that so late,” she winced a bit at the mention of her message, and the seemingly abrupt schedule set on the Andorian. “Four days and strait to work huh? Damn, OPS must really need you – or are you just itchin’ to get down to it,” Kino asked, brow arched over her glasses as Reika tried one of the lettuce wraps. “Can’t blame ya in that regard; its rough, coming out of the freezer,” she nodded, then took another sip of beer. “Hell, my first time out was –” she started to say, but was interrupted by the Andorian’s hand and praise, which prompted a grin and a casual salute of her glass. “Thanks. Really glad you like it. Enjoy thyself,” Kino winked at her, then set her beer down to grab her own wrap.

“Yanno, this is just the appetizer – haven’t really got a clue what we’ll have next, if you’re hungry for more. Sure we can think of something though,” a pale hand gestured at the platter, then Kino stifled a chuckle. Ehh, easy now, she told herself immediately, amused at her own innuendo. The Trill cleared her throat as she grinned again, shaking her head at herself. “What I mean is, I’m not very knowledgeable on Thai cuisine,” she arched a brow and cradled her wrap in one hand as she settled back, head tilted to the Andorian before taking a bite. “Any suggestions for a beginner?”

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #5
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Reika continued talking as the Trill’s fingers interlaced with hers.  Her creamy skin was warm to the touch and made it hard for the Andorian to really focus on what she was trying to say because she definitely would have preferred to focus on the touch - and following that touch up with others.  There’s definitely something here, she thought as she continued talking about her day for a moment longer.  From being on ice to being on fire in a matter of days.  Not bad, Reika.

As her voice trailed off and this time she listened to the Trill.  As she took a second bit of the lettuce wrap, a drop of the delectable sauce that she had dipped the wrap into settled atop of her lip.  After she finished chewing and swallowing, she ran her tongue across her lower lip slowly until she heard, “This is just an appetizer.

Reika knew then and there what the main course would be. 

Any suggestions for a beginner?

After popping the rest of the lettuce wrap into her mouth just after the Security officer asked the question.  The COO chewed slowly while studying the spots that she could make out between the edge of Kino’s eye and her ear.  Finishing the wrap off,  she smacked her lips and tilted her head slightly.  “Somehow, I can’t imagine you being a beginner at anything, but I’m sure,” she said sidling a little closer bringing their twined fingers together so that they were palm to palm and her foot sat just inside the Trills so that their knees were now next to each other touching side by side, “we could find something equally spicy and tantalizing for the main course.  After our workout this morning, I found myself getting hungrier as the day went on.  How about you?” Sh’laan asked as she watched her eyes.  “I can only imagine that working in security you work up quite an appetite.  We could do Thai, that’s always delicious, but is there something you’re particularly hungry for?
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #6
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Her head tilted as the non-com chuckled softly at Rieka’s question, the sound closer to a throaty hum. The nearly empty glass of beer was set down on the table, and as she finished chewing her wrap, Kino swiped a dab of sauce from the corner of her lips with her thumb, all too aware of the Andorian’s proximity. A brow arched as she sucked the sauce from her thumb quickly, then grinned as she bit her bottom lip. Ah, such a question, her mind purred as she pulled the mirrored aviators from her eyes, which narrowed to playful slits.

“Just ‘cause I have two centuries of experience packed into my head doesn’t make me an expert at everything,” Kino whispered, leaning close. “I’m just a grunt, Reika. Lived off field rations most of my life; but I’m always up for trying something new,” her eyes flicked from blue orbs to lips and back. “Spicy and tantalizing included.” The subtle shift in the Andorian’s eyes and posture hadn’t gone unnoticed; Kino was willing to bet another round in the ring that the beautiful OPS officer knew exactly what she wanted for the main course, judging by the look she was giving.

Hm. Decisions, decisions, Kino smirked.

The breeze picked up, as a solitary ribbon of clouds obscured the sunshine. Without thinking or hesitation, Kino’s free hand came up to tuck a few platinum strands from Reika's face behind one ear, stroking across blue skin gently to cup her cheek. Her eyes stayed locked on those sparkling glacial pools, while the hand wrapped up in blue squeezed reassuringly. Let's just put the cards on the table, the Trill decided. There really was no point in beating around the bush - even though she did enjoy the playful back and forth thus far - there was no rush, but no reason to drag things out either.

“You’ve been on my mind all day,” she confessed with a nod and a knowing smile, like she was in on a secret shared between them. “Was certainly distracting, and we seem to have some unfinished business – made me replay this morning in my head, over and over; what I’d do differently, with different circumstances. Definitely stoked my appetite,” Kino lifted her chin subtly as she bit her lip again. Her thumb brushed across the Andorian’s cheek as she spoke, and even try as she might to keep her distance, those blue pools drew her in ever closer – inescapable singularities – sucking her in. “Way I see it,” she leaned in even closer, her lips just a breath away from Reika’s ear. “Doors’re locked and its just us this time,” she breathed huskily through a grin. “So...what’ll it be? Wanna cook something up, or join me in the pool and cook something else up?”

Slowly, Kino edged away, letting her fingers trail along Reika’s jawline to let her offer settle in the Andorian’s mind; curiosity and anticipation danced in her eyes while she watched and waited to see what happened, while her body responded unconsciously. Vitals sped up, cheeks subtly flushed, flesh pebbled slightly from the breeze even in the blissful sunlight – poking out of the thin material of her halter top. Unfinished business, indeed, she grinned.

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #7
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

The Andorian didn’t move as Kino tucked errant hairs behind her ear and simultaneously squeezed her hand. Yes, it's been awhile, Reika.  Just breathe. In and out.  During her time aboard the Theurgy, before she had been frozen, Reika had stayed fairly solitary.  There had been very little disappointment in her life, but then again there had been very little life in her life then, either.  Life was meant to be lived.  Wagers were meant to be offered, and chances were meant to be taken. 

To this point, the tall, elegant woman had most often played it safe.  It was safer to say no - and she had.  It was safer to be alone - and there were prolonged times when she was.  But what is a safe life worth?  And here her thoughts paused as she earnestly searched for an answer.  Nothing.  So when Kino cupped her cheek, Reika found herself leaning her face into the warm hand, drinking in the arctic blue hues staring back at her.  Reika's thumb ran over the back of Kino's hand joined with hers.  The pale digits were smaller than hers, but not overly much.  Their joined skin - between the two of them - felt flush.   Was it mutual anticipation?  Likely.  Even the Trill's mechanical eye seemed to speak volumes of desire and perhaps even hope. 

Sh’laan wondered how those full pink lips tasted as she watched them shift position with each word, “You’ve been on my mind all day … Definitely stoked my appetite … Doors’re locked, and it’s just us this time.” 

There was no doubt in the Andorian’s mind about what she wanted.  And this time she was going to take the gamble.  She had already been saved from a nearly tragic death once.  If something happened to her, there was no guarantee that she would have that opportunity again.  This life - here and now - was her second chance, and Reika determined to seize it with both hands and hold on wherever it took her.  "I couldn't get you off of my mind either."  A smile wormed its way across her lips.  "Damned inconvenient while I was meeting with the XO."

A soft, yet hungry, smile spread across her face as Jeen drew a finger across the edge of her chin.  She turned her face to the finger and kissed its tip before lifting her free hand and setting the side of her forefinger under Kino’s chin, letting the pad of her thumb trail softly across the voluptuous lips.  Heart racing, fingers trembling ever so slightly, she leaned in and gently brought her lips against the Trill’s - just a soft kiss - just a taste before pulling back.  “I think I’d enjoy that dip in the pool while we see what we can cook up in there.” 

She shifted her weight onto her foot planted firmly on the floor and lifted herself up off of the couch.  Then releasing the Trill’s hand, Reika resettled her fingers between the pale ones in such a way that they could move together.  The Andorian’s desire for bodily contact was absolutely crushing at this moment and she didn’t want to go without it.  Something so simple and at the same time so profound and necessary as a touch.  Skin on skin - causing a heady desire to course through her entire body as it readied itself in eager anticipation. 

Once Reika drew Kino up from the couch to stand beside her, she walked around behind the Trill, releasing her hand, but her fingers reached for the lower tie of the halter top, watching for hesitancy on the part of her soon-to-be paramour.  Pinching the two ends between opposite thumbs and forefingers, blue fingers drew them apart while her lips lowered to the nape of Kino’s neck kissing softly across it as the lower ties came free.  Then trailing her fingers around the Security Officer’s exposed mid-riff until Rieka stood in front of her again, she reached her blue arms over the pale shoulders to find the ends of the ties that were done up behind her neck untying the final strand that held the halter in place while her lips descended once again to the soft pink ones opposite her.

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #8
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
There were moments in life that stood out, seared into the fabric of one’s essence. Kino had many such memories, spread across four lifetimes; each one a treasure to safeguard, a privilege to experience. Her own life – as chaotic and violent as it was, in comparison to those that came before – had its own precious moments, of course; good, bad, joyous and traumatic, woven into the tapestry that made her who she was. Often, almost always, those moments came and went in the blink of an eye without her ever realizing it until much, much later. As far as she could tell, it was a glaring difference from the previous Jeen hosts – one she never really understood, until now.

The lush tropical island, dominated by a hundred shades of green – the blue sky, decorated with the shadowy outlines of far distant moons – the idyllic beach, pristine white sands, lagoon-clear waters – all of it faded away as utterly insignificant. Her senses drank in the details of the gorgeous Andorian before her – her alone – as she drew near in the seconds before their lips touched so very gently. The sense of import grew in the Trill’s mind in a surge of realization. She knew then that – come what may – this moment would stay with her for the rest of her life.

Noses brushed together, exhalations ghosted across skin. Mismatched eyes fell closed as pink lips brushed against blue; an innocent, slightest touch – the merest taste of each other – another appetizer, no more – yet it set her pulse racing. Yet all too soon, it was gone. Reika pulled away, and Kino released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding through parted lips, as she nodded at the Andorian’s words. The tip of her tongue drew across her bottom lip in an unconscious flick before the non-com smiled with a low hum while their hands adjusted around each other, holding on as her legs uncrossed and the pair stood. Half lidded eyes locked on blues, following her every move.

“Was hoping you’d say that,” Kino purred over a spotted shoulder, tilting her head to the side as Reika untied her top, managing to resist the urge to lean her back into the touch; her own hands reached back to brush teasing tickles up and down the Andorian’s outer thighs, thighs the non-com eagerly wished to taste. As the fabric across her bust loosened, her eyes fell closed with another throaty hum at the brushing kisses left along her neck, silvered head weaving with the movement, unconsciously offering more to Reika’s lips. Their arms briefly entangled as the Andorian moved around her flank – which combined with the teasing trail of fingernails across her abs – provoked a bubbly giggle from the Trill’s lips. “Tickles,” Kino whispered through a grin, turning her head slightly to plant a quick kiss on Reika’s wrist as her own nails trailed up the woman’s flanks.

The halter came free, discarded without a thought as their lips met again; after mumbling a playful thanks, Kino took her time, one arm snaking around Reika’s waist to pull her in even closer, while the other slowly crept up the front of her body to cup a blue cheek. Pink lips captured blue in a slow dance – alternating between top and bottom – while a pale thumb brushed across cerulean skin, punctuated by a brief, teasing flick of her tongue; just another taste of what was to come. The Trill showed no hesitation yet no urgency with her attentions, even as the hand on the Andorian’s back slid under the drape of her hair, pulling at the stretchy fabric of her top to seek the skin underneath. They were chest to chest, truly entangled, and Kino felt herself press into the embrace as her hips slowly moved with the rhythm of their kisses.

“Hmm,” Kino hummed again, as her other hand fell to tug at Reika’s shirt, pulling it up from her shorts. Silvered head tilted, and the Trill’s mouth nibbled away from the Andorian’s lips, along her jawline, down under one ear. “If I may return the favor,” she breathed between nips and kisses, while her slender fingers slowly rolled and lifted the black tank up the lovely blue body. It proved to be a challenge, however, because Kino couldn’t stop her hands from wandering back down to explore the skin revealed; eventually, several moments later, the non-com paused her mouth’s assault on Reika’s neck long enough to pull the garment up and over her lover’s head, and dropped it at their feet.

Their bodies separated only enough to allow the task before the dance continued; Kino’s hands fell to the Andorian’s hips, pulling her in as she pressed right back. She tilted her head the opposite way, taking another moment to lose herself in glacial blues with a playful smile. What is it about you, her eyes searched, as a wellspring of emotion threatened to bubble up, stealing some of the smile away. She’d been here before, and knew the risks – but they all lived with the same cruel unknowns. Stop it. We can figure that out later. In a world of unknowable futures and painful histories, the non-com blinked to refocus on the present, no where else. Her gut told her this could be the chance at something she’d lost, something she’d given up on; Kino learned to trust her gut a long time ago.

“Keep kissing like that,” her eyes tracked down Reika’s body, then back up, “and a girl could get used to it,” she whispered, as her nimble fingers traced along the top of the Andorian’s shorts from the back, over slender hips, to settle at the button and zipper at the front. The Trill bit down on her bottom lip, breathing deeply as she looked into those deep blue eyes, then popped the shorts loose and peeled the zipper open with a tug. As their lips met together again, Kino’s hands trailed across blue hips, then brushed across the line of Reika’s lower back and finally pushed under the loosened shorts to gently squeeze the flesh beneath.


Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #9
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion edion

Something … something that Reika could not put her finger on, already set this encounter apart.  Sure there had been trysts, especially growing up, and definitely a few while at the Academy.  Was it that they were all easily ignited with materials that would make a short and bright flash of fire but ones that lacked any long-burning fuel to carry them beyond a solitary night or a week at most?  This felt different.  There wasn’t an earnestness just to rip off each other’s clothes and to consummate the desire for pleasure as quickly as possible, afterward leaving two bodies laid out on a bed gasping for air because of the short, fast, burst of heat, and Reika could feel the disparity between much of what she had experienced before and this rendezvous.  This experience between the two women felt like a slow-burning, white-hot fire. 

Creating a fire to keep people warm took time.  It took skill and a modicum of tenderness.  It took a fast-burning medium quickly layered with twigs of more substance.  It took patience, nurturing, knowledge, and practice.  Finally, the real height and depth of the fire were created by large, hard, slow-burning logs.  Logs that would lend heat and warmth to those around it.  Logs that would nurture the flame that they fed, building it up, tending it, growing it into an inferno that would sustain blaze brightly as long as it was properly nurtured.  This felt much more like the latter than the former. This fire had the potential to be a long protracted conflagration.

Can I nurture it properly, she asked herself as her lips and tongue played hide and seek with Kino’s.  Soft flutters, gentle probing, tantalizing wrestling of their lips and tongues danced through various sequences extruding perspiration across the Andorian’s face and shoulders despite the breeze that should have kept her cool.  Her arms, which had been wrapped around the Trill’s neck, drew back across the naked, pale shoulders, and instead, fingers flitted up and down Kino’s sides exposed sides.

Reika’s body began to react more overtly as the noncom pulled her close with such a tender strength, torsos pressed together.  The Lieutenant could feel Kino’s breasts through her thin one-shouldered tank.  Once again, the Andorian pressed her cheek into the supple fingers that cupped her face, even if only for a moment.  Then the flick of her tongue.  “Tease,” Reika mumbled into Kino’s lips as their mouths continued to entwine and Reika’s tongue continued to explore the recesses of the Trill’s mouth and the contours of her lips before both of Kino’s hands softly tugged her tank free of her shorts.  As they did, Reika pressed her hips against Kino’s feeling their rhythmic side-to-side movement.

If I may return the favor?

Reika raised her chin just a little giving Kino more access as she moved from her lips to her jaw.  “Please do,” she whispered hotly into the Trill’s ear and moved just a centimeter or so away to give the Trill the ability to remove her shirt, but it didn’t come immediately off, by this time each woman’s hands were exploring the other’s torso.  As Kino continued to kiss and nibble across her chin, the V3 COO looked down and took in the sites, beautiful, plump, pale breasts were pressed again her chest and shirt, though the black fabric hid some of the sites until Kino finally pulled it all of the way off.  "So much better," the Andorian breathed out as the warm tropic air hit her newly exposed skin.

The physicality of their encounter paused for only a moment as each observed the other’s eyes and thoughts.  Reika could see something akin to a tender joy in her paramour's eye that was almost doused for a nanosecond.  Her brows knit together just a fraction of a centimeter and she raised a gentle hand to one of Kino’s eyes, but whatever concern or hesitation had darted across her arctic orbs was gone a second later. 

Keep kissing like that,” her eyes tracked down Reika’s body, then back up, “and a girl could get used to it,

A wily smile spread from the center of her mouth outward.  The Andorian traced Kino’s lips with the tip of her pinkie finger, as she continued to study the abyss - that Kino’s glacial blues had become.  There was nothing to do, but to continue falling down the never-ending chasm.  Do I want Kino to get used to it?  Reika thought there would be at least a moment’s hesitation, but there wasn’t - not even a split second.  Yeah. I do.  I’m gonna grasp this new life with both hands.  I’m going to take chances, and I won’t do anything in halves.

So instead of answering with words, Reika leaned down setting each of her hands alongside Kino’s jaw, she kissed her lover again with a tender fervor.  Blue and pink lips and tongues sliding across and around each other, white teeth playfully nibbling at the other’s tongue or lips, savoring the softness of each other’s mouths.  When they finally surfaced for air, Reika asked, “You mean like that?

And, as if in the answer to the OPS officer’s question - fingers traced the top of her shorts playfully titillating the exposed skin - Reika took in a quick gasp of air as that touch - though welcomed - was unexpected and playful.  But a moment later, Kino paused and looked at her again as she played with the button on Reika’s shorts.  The Andorian saw the question in the Trill’s eyes.  Her answer?  She leaned her torso back slightly giving a little better access to the button and while she did, Reika’s hands and eyes wandered Kino’s chest exploring, tickling, teasing, squeezing, but soon after, their lips found each other’s again. The Lieutenant felt warm hands slide inside her shorts, under her panties, and squeeze.  Reika moaned into the kiss.  She didn’t know what to do, to press back against the adroit fingers or to press forward against the Trill’s hips.  She opted for the former leaning back into the waiting hands, but she also had an answer for her desire to press forward.

Reika’s hands slid adeptly down Kino’s torso with a feathery softness and through only touch as their lips were still conjoined, her blue digits searched for the button to the non-com’s camo shorts.  After maneuvering the button through the hole in the fabric, Reika slowly drew the zipper down.  Her hands wrapped around the Security Officer’s waist and as they wormed their way around the Till’s back, the short slid down the well-muscled legs falling in a heap at Kino’s ankles.  Emerging from their impassioned kiss, Reika took a moment to study the woman opposite her.  Her fingers began to trace the spots that skirted the sides of her breasts, but her eyes wandered lower to the last part of her hidden from view.

Checking in with Kino, watching her eyes and smiling tenderly at her, Reka’s fingers slid under the waistband of her panties and with a painful slowness centimeter by centimeter, the Andorian maneuvered the last garment down until it simply fell to the ground. For the first time, Reika could take in the woman opposite her in all of her glory.  For that moment, she contented herself with letting her eyes drink in every centimeter of the well-maintained body.  “Damn,” she smiled, her eyes returning to Kino’s for just a moment before exploring some more, but as her eyes navigated the arousing body in front of her.  But then the Andorian noticed a decent-sized bruise brandished on the Trill’s upper thigh.  Reika’s eyes veiled with concern.  “What happened?” she asked.  “Was this from this morning?”  Her fingers moved to encircle the discolored area, but her eyes darkened as a realization hit them.  “Did I do this?

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #10
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Just like that, Kino's eyes flashed at Reika, enflamed with desire; her chest rose and fell in long, deep breaths through parted lips, pale spotted skin pressed tight into blue. Her hands plunged deeper down, tracing over the Andorian’s curved posterior to cup each cheek in a firmer grip. We keep this up much longer, Kino thought, biting her bottom lip as Reika's fingers trailed down her torso, and we won’t make it to the pool. Eyes fell closed as their lips met again, and this time she couldn’t stop the soft moan that escaped her throat. Pulse pounding in her ears, Kino’s hips swayed at the teasing touch of blue fingers along her waist – wiggled her hips instinctively as those deft digits worked their magic – until her shorts finally fell away.

Passion colored her face, pale skin alight in the midday sun, flushed with heat; yet it was the way Reika looked at her, as the Andorian’s fingers trailed down the spotted paths of Kino’s skin, that took her breath away. That look told her this wasn’t just another fling, wasn’t just another random lay with little to no meaning. Her eyes searched Reika’s, flitted from antenna to lips and back while she caught her breath; the reassuring smile on those wonderfully soft lips mirrored on her own. A slow blink, a subtle nod, and pink lips pursed as the Trill felt her panties pulled away so very slowly. Fuck, she mouthed silently, as pale hands released their hold to glide back up the smooth skin of Reika’s back. Easy, Kino, she breathed; biting down on her lip harder in an attempt to keep her urges in check, as the last barrier over her skin fell to her feet.

A corner of her lips curled at the Andorian’s smile, after wells of icy-blue eyes took in all of her. Dark brows wiggled a bit as the Trill hummed with amusement, cocking her head and one hip in opposite directions to match the smirk on her lips. She remembered the first thing Reika said to her that morning, and the smirk on her face grew into a playful grin, but the flash of concern in the Andorian’s features and tone stole it away. The bruise on her thigh was a fist-sized blotch of red, slightly tender to the touch, but more an inconvenience than anything. Kino’s eyes followed Reika’s to the injury. “Huh, oh - uhm, yeah,” Kino’s brows twitched together, glancing down at the bruise as she rotated her leg. A pale hand slid atop the blue one there, as the other trailed down her back to rest at her side.

“It’s okay,” Kino whispered, shaking her head slightly with a reassuring smile. “Looks worse than it is, promise,” her silvered head dipped as she grinned again, letting a finger trail under Reika’s chin. “Next time we spar, I’ll mind those knees better. Didn’t help that I was a little…distracted,” a shoulder rose and fell. “I was gonna swing by sickbay but ran out of time. Didn’t want to be late for this.” Her hand guided Reika’s up, away from the discolored bruise, along the taunt line of her pelvis, until finally taking the OPS officers in hers with a gentle tug – Kino took a few slow steps backward, leading her to the steps of the pool. “C’mon,” she winked, “let’s cool off for a bit. You look like you could use a dip.”

It wasn’t far. Stairs were built into every side of the pool; Kino turned and sauntered towards them – hips swaying – as she lead Reika by the hand and smiled at the fluttering in her chest. That’ll take some getting used to, the non-com bit her lip as she dipped her foot into the pool to the second step, then paused to turn back to face the Andorian – head tilted as her eyes roamed from the tips of her antennae to toes, blinking in the sunshine at the unbuttoned shorts riding low across supple hips. Those need to go, Kino smirked, closing the distance between them, before the blue beauty could step into the water. The wind had died down, and naked under the sun, she realized how warm it was; a thought occurred to her, brows pinched together briefly. Is the sunlight and heat too much for her? Even as good as it felt, the Trill had no interest in burning her skin, either. Easy fix.

“Computer,” Kino purred as her fingertips trailed up Reika’s exquisite legs, head tilted to plant a series of soft kisses along her collarbone. “Alter program time setting, forty minutes before sunset,” she spoke between feathered pecks, then looked up into the Andorian’s eyes. “May I,” her brows rose a little, hands trailing down over blue curves to rest on Reika’s hips and shorts. Once permission was given, Kino arched up on the tips of her toes, capturing a bottom lip between pink ones with a gentle suckle; slender fingers tugged shorts and panties down, one hip at a time, to slide down long shapely legs. As they hit the tiled floor around blue feet, the computer bleeped an acknowledgment and the sun blurred in an arc overhead. Colors shifted rapidly as blue sky erupted in fiery golden orange, violet and purple. Kino saw none of it, though; after pulling away from the kiss, her eyes drank in the lovely nude form before her, wearing nothing but a smile. The temperature dropped several degrees, noticeably cooler but not chilly – yet her skin and nipples pebbled with the slightest shiver.

Kino lifted her chin to gaze into Reika’s eyes that glittered with a thousand reflections of the setting sun off the water; pale hands once again wrapped up in blues before giving another gentle tug as she took a step back. “This okay,” the Trill’s head tilted with the question, wanting to ensure her comfort as they waded into the lukewarm water. As the water grew deeper, rising over her waist, then barely covering her breasts, Kino drew Reika into another close embrace. “We can drop the temperature more,” she whispered through a sly smile, “if you promise to keep me warm.”

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #11
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Yes, Reika had previously been a tactical officer, and the necessity of being ready and being able to defend her ship was very real to the Andorian, but to have hurt someone that she was sparing with and someone who she was drawing close to truly upset her at the deepest levels of her being.  Sure, Kino didn’t seem to see it that way, and it certainly didn’t bother her in the way that it gnawed at Reika.  The blue-skinned woman vowed to find a way to make it better - to make it right.

But Reika reveled in the pale fingers that slipped between her blue ones, allowing herself to be drawn toward the pool - which at the moment sounded amazing. While the breeze had helped considerably to keep her from overheating, a tropical environment was less than ideal for a woman who had grown up on an ice plain on Andor.  Granted, she had acclimated to the ship well enough, but the five to ten degrees centigrade that the program was warmer than the ship definitely squeezed out perspiration and caused her skin to flush with color.  She longed for the cool water to refresh her body.

Walking slightly behind the naked trill, Reika was able to watch her rounded, smooth, tempting backside as it swung from side to side drawing her along right behind it.  It called her name, just wanting to be explored, caressed, and kneaded.  Not long now, Reika.  Hold it together.

Today had taken her completely by surprise.  Never once would she have imagined - just days after being thawed that she would meet someone quite like the Trill who drew her along and spoke to her quite in the way that Kino did.  Sure she was ‘rough and tumble’ but she seemed to understand not just what it was to be newly thawed, but somehow she seemed to understand what it was like to have been alone - to have set yourself apart - and to want to exchange that solitude or something different - something more. 

For a security officer, despite her amazing capabilities on the mat, she was gentle - even tender - at least when it came to matters of the heart.  That was an unusual combination - and something that spoke to the Andorian.  Hard and soft - solid and tender - capable and - perhaps - even vulnerable? 

As they neared the pool, Reika knew that her remaining clothes would need to go if she weren’t to walk out of the holodeck with dripping shorts, but Kino realized the predicament just as she stepped into the water herself.   The Andorian watched as the Security officer turned - and not just looked at her - but saw her.  It was more than just eyes hungrily roaming - the Trill’s eyes seemed to drink in every detail.  To the OPS officer, it was as if she were being understood - comprehended - it was as if her soul was seen for who she was - not just that her body was being looked upon or watched.

As Kino altered the program and the sun swept across the sky which exploded in colors that shimmered off the Trill’s skin, Reika tumbled back into the warm, arctic eyes as fingers stroked up the Andorian’s thighs and a slight gasp broke the air and a shudder played down her spine bringing goosebumps across her skin.

May I?” she asked.

Reika’s eyes closed and she concentrated on the sensations she felt as Kino’s lips trailed across the lower portion of her shoulders. “I wish you would,” the V3 COO barely breathed out softly as her eyes fluttered back open, ready and needing to feel Kino’s hands play on the areas of her skin that were still covered.  A blue chest rose and fell so much quicker.  Her breath came in short bursts as she tried to contain the need that was growing inside her.  Take your time, Reika.  Enjoy the ride - every part of it.  Then she felt the gentle tug on her lower lip as her remaining clothes hit the tile.  It felt so good to be liberated from them.

And even though she cherished the kiss that ended, she relished the way that Kino looked at her naked form even more.  The look in her eyes communicated a tenderness - a desire not just to satisfy a physical urge, but to learn to please, to care for the other woman in her arms.  It was then that Reika knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this wasn’t just a one-night stand.  There seemed to be a great potential for something deeper and enduring between the two women.  Two women, very capable physically, but tender in heart who wanted something more than just physical release, but a sharing of desires, a need to care deeply for and about someone else, a need for understanding and for being understood, to see and be seen for more than a sum of breasts and butts, legs and abs. 

As Reika descended into the water alongside her paramour, words stirred her from her reverie, “This okay? We can drop the temperature more … if you promise to keep me warm.

A twinkle flashed in her eyes, even as her countenance remained playfully stoic.  “Computer,” Reika said while entwining her second hand with the Trill’s.  “Drop ambient temperature another three degrees centigrade.”

Acknowledged.  Temperature decreased three degrees centigrade,” the computer chirped.

I’m sure I can find more than one way to heat you up,” the elegant woman said drawing Kino a few centimeters deeper into the water, pulling her close with their joined hands.  Once they were settled, Reika released her hands and her blue arms enveloped the other woman.  Skin on skin pressed together while water sloshed through the crevices between the two bodies adding another layer of sensation to their experience.  One hand reached down to the pale rounded backside and while blue fingers explored, they also pressed their pelvis’s together as hers undulated side to side forward and back trying a range of sensations - soft, firm, playful, needy, tender. 

Her other hand slid up the Trill’s back and settled in the short silver hair.  Reika’s lips grazed along Kino’s spots, first across her forehead, then down the side of her face, but as she reached her ear, she suckled on the earlobe, nipping playfully at it for a moment before continuing her descent down to her shoulder where she focused for a little while, leaving several slightly reddened spots trailing over the edge of her shoulder.   As blue lips released another spot on the peach skin, she asked, "Warm enough, yet, or should we heat it up some more?"
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #12
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
As Reika altered the temperature, then drew them deeper into the pool and wrapped the Trill up in her arms, a feeling bloomed inside Kino she couldn’t easily identify. The smile never left her face – in fact, her cheeks were slightly sore from grinning like an idiot – and the Andorian’s gentle, but oh so sensual touch elicited a purr of satisfaction. Sure, there was desire there in abundance; they had both fanned the coals ignited that morning into a self-sustaining fire in only a few moments – but this feeling was something deeper, somehow more profound. It fueled her desire for Reika, adding a layer of need beyond the physical; a need she realized that had never been properly met, not once, in her entire life. In that moment, wrapped up in blue, her own limbs unconsciously mirrored around Reika; one hand explored her flank, passing over smooth and scarred skin alike, while the other arm draped over blue shoulders, fingers curling into the platinum hair just above her neck. Understanding dawned, finally, with the force of a hammer to her heart; suddenly breathless, the non-com  swallowed the sudden lump in her throat.

Safe. I feel safe, here, Kino’s brows tilted up and her lips trembled. Even as she exhaled the smallest of gasps from the hand and fingers squeezing her curves, and the other digging into her hair – their bodies pressed so deliciously close – Kino fought the overwhelming tide of emotion down as blue lips brushed along the spotted skin of her forehead and temple. Fuck, is this really happening? Is it…even possible? Her mind wondered in amazement, just before the warmth of a blue mouth and breath on her ear threatened to undo what little self-control the Trill had left. A shuddering moan, so very close to a growl, vibrated up from her chest as her entire body arched into Reika’s; veiled blue orbs rolled up as eyelids fluttered. Oh n-no, she groaned silently, as the grip on blue flesh tightened. Knees became weak as a tremble coursed up her legs; it took all the willpower she possessed to resist lifting her knee up to the Andorians searching touch, as the aching heat inside her begged for attention. N-not yet, the non-com growled silently, brows knitted in effort.

Reika wasn’t done though, and Kino wasn’t prepared for the delicious sensation of her suckling kisses. The Andorian’s objective seemed an obvious, overwhelming success; she’d aimed to stoke the flames of desire in Kino into an inferno of passion, and the Trill was powerless to resist, try as she might, if only to prolong the inevitable. A soft exhalation of need followed every sensual suckle of blue lips, as her silvered head tilted more and more to the side in surrender. Beneath the water, spotted legs parted ever so slowly, slipping between blues; hips rocked, rolled, as the two bodies slid across each other’s thighs. Kino’s hand drifted up Reika’s exquisite body, squeezing their chests together from the side, while the other hand drifted around a slender neck, her thumb teasing the Andorian’s earlobe.

The non-com was practically panting, lips parted, eyes flooded with arousal, when Reika asked yet another seemingly amused rhetorical question. Kino looked into her eyes, only for a few beats of her heart, yet willed every iota of what she felt into that gaze: yearning, hunger, acceptance, and above all, the need for the Andorian to feel the same; to feel wanted, secure, safe. She rested her forehead against Reika’s and her lips brushed over blues in a subtle side to side motion. Despite the agonizing need for satisfaction, to learn every crevice of the other woman’s body with her mouth, to see her eyes and face in blissful pleasure; Kino knew she had to play this differently. She couldn’t go through life wandering alone – couldn’t fight this war on duty alone, even with the desire to see the Jeen symbiote returned to Trill – the Andorian in her arms had unlocked something inside her that cried out for assurance, for reciprocity. She had to know if it was real; above all, she needed to tell Reika how she felt. Kino wouldn’t repeat the mistakes of the past, not this time, not with Reika. She drew in a deep breath, summoning her courage and attempting to calm her racing pulse. The words in her heart lodged in her throat, but she did the best she could to say what needed to be said.

Her first love turned out to be a cruel ruse, a farce, just to exploit Kino’s talents. Years later, her second flame died without ever knowing how Kino truly felt. The occasional flings scattered between and beyond those two affairs meant little to nothing at all; random encounters, ships passing in the night, the desperate grasps of a wounded person seeking something forever beyond her reach.

No more. Not this time.

“Reika,” Kino whispered – the softest of exhalations, filled with all the barely controlled desire and emotion that threatened to burst her into flames. “I know this sounds crazy, but I… all of you – good, bad…every fucking thing in-between,” Kino continued in a confessional whisper, as her hand snaked up between their heaving chests to settle over the Andorian’s heart. “I want…this – I want…us,” the Trill’s voice dropped even lower, barely audible over the water gently sloshing with their every move. “Is that...what you want,” Kino asked softly, head tilting as her lips feathered against blues. The hand over Reika’s heart slowly drifted down between the valley of their breasts, gliding over lean muscled abs, fingers splayed, unable to stop. “Tell me, please,” Kino breathed, her hand slipped lower, past a dimpled navel, to linger on the smooth, sensitive skin of her desire’s lower abdomen, ready to plunge between blue thighs. The Trills voice held a slight tremble then – thick with vulnerability and tumultuous emotion – as she told herself that whatever Reika’s answer, this encounter meant something, and always would.
“Tell me what you want,” Kino asked breathlessly into blue lips – lips she never wanted to stop kissing – regardless what happened next.

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #13
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

As Reika worked across Kino’s forehead and down to her ear, she felt Kino’s body ark into hers. Aqua’s grip on the Andorian tightened, and the V3 COO caught the moan.  Reika knew exactly what those things together in conjunction meant - a cry for release.  But she watched Kino as she fought - for the moment - to contain that desire.  Why? 

And why for the first time since they had begin this personal, sensual, intricate dance, when Kino ran her hand along Reika’s gnarled side didn’t the Trill flinch?  Why didn’t she hesitate, or shy away? Why wouldn’t she?

But as her thoughts tried to work through the puzzle, she felt Kino’s leg slide slowly between hers and felt her hips rock back and forth.  A sound - almost a whine fell from Reika’s lips.  Her jaw fell slack,  her head tilted back, and her eyes closed as she fought to gain control over her need.  And still,  she felt Kino pull their bodies even closer, breasts pressed tightly against breasts. 

Once the Andorian had found some semblance of control over her urges,  she opened her eyes once again.  As she did, two sets of eyes locked onto each other, and immediately Reika understood the answer to her questions from the split second before.  She understood why Kino had tried to hold back her need and why her own marred skin didn’t matter to the Trill.  It was more than the fact that Kino cared - she did - and Reika could see that - or thought she could.  But she could also see there was something else.  She could be exactly who she was with this pale-skinned woman.  No pretense,  no masks,  no need to hedge her bets.

Forehead’s touched and Kino’s tender lips didn’t go in for a deep kiss though both of their bodies had began to cry for attention - for completion. The Trill, through the gentle touch of her lips, explained tenderly that there was something more important than physical release - being valued, caring and being cared for, knowing that she was safe and making a safe place for them both… Oh to be safe … after all I’ve been through to find a place of solace. 

Or was she kidding herself?  Did she want something so badly that she was reading meaning and depth into what was simply a sensual act?  Was Kino just trying to amp up her desire even more - for both of their pleasure?  Was that all this was about?  She didn’t want to believe it. She couldn’t believe it, but she knew if something seemed too good to be true, most often it was.  And her heart almost leaped out of her chest in sorrow.  How could a woman she met only that morning stir such a depth of emotion in her that the thought of experiencing only physical pleasure could move her to the brink of tears.

And then while Reika’s eyes were closed, Kino breathed a soft word into the space between them.  “Reika.”

It was only her name, but something about the way that it rolled off of the Trill’s lips bolstered her hope.  The solitary word was filled with compassion, tenderness, and - dared she believe it - hope?

I know this sounds crazy, but I… – all of you – good, bad…every fucking thing in-between.”  

Reika’s eyes opened.  She was only a scant few centimeters away from the spotted face, but white brows had to look into those deep cravasses to make sure she heard the Trill correctly.  She hoped she had.  She yearned to have.

Then Kino’s hand worked it’s way between the two women to settle over Reika’s heart.  Her words were even softer this time and the Andorian had to close her eyes not to let any of the ambient sounds drown out the words she ached to hear.  

I want…this – I want…us.

Reika’s forehead lifted off of the Trill’s.  She couldn’t believe her ears, so she once again searched the chasms to make sure the words weren’t imagined.  And as she searched the deeps of those eyes, her own eyes lit up.  This was real.  It was actually happening.  Kino meant it. 

Is that...what you want?

Reika’s mind fought to maintain control over the urges that were surging through her body, but nonetheless there were some things that she just couldn’t control.  Her nipples tingled, her body pressed hard against the pale hand that crept down her midline with the slowness and inevitability of a glacier sliding toward the ice sea on Andor.  That delicious hand descended further - first between her breasts, next down her abs, then past her waist - finally it hovered so teasingly close to what could only be called bliss. 

Tell me, please.

It took fighting the sensations with everything in her, for her brain to focus all of her efforts on forming coherent sentences.  “I want to be whole,” Reika said, breathing heavily in little puffs of air between phrases as her hips unconsciously rocked forward and back with growing urgency. 

Focus, Reika.  These words are some of the most important you'll ever say. FOCUS.

In that moment, the Andorian stopped moving and stood stock still.   She pressed her eyes closed hard,  as if she were trying to read scrawled words off of the backs of her eyelids. Once her words were composed,  she opened her eyes and looked directly into Kino's.  Her hands broke free of their moorings and cupped both sides of Kino's face as if her words would have a greater verity if spoken by eyes,  hands,  and voice.  “By myself I’m only half.  I want someone … I need someone who understands me.  Consumes every part of me, my thoughts, my desires,  my hopes, my dreams,  my body.  Someone who completes me.” But despite her efforts to focus,  a heady moan escaped her mouth.  She needed the completion, it was causing every cell in her body to cry out for release, but with a tremulous breath, she exhaled, “Yes, I want us.  Complete me and let me complete you -  spirit, soul, and body.

"What do you want?"

Reika's legs slipped just slightly further apart, and she rose up on her toes a centimeter or two to give Kino better access.   "The body part of that equation right now wants you to fuck me, Kino. Spirit and soul will participate,  but they'll have to wait their turn for full attention."

And having verbally declared her thoughts and wishes,  having fully answered Kino's question, as she waited for that pale hand to descend even further,  she moved in toward that cupped face imbibing every hint of meaning communicated through those mismatched eyes.  An almost non-existant brush of her lips on the tip of the nose,  a caress across one cheek, a skim across the other.  Then with aggravating, teasing slowness, Reika's tongue traced around Kinos lips,  before slipping between them as her eyes fluttered shut.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #14
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
For Kino, time seemed to stretch out as her mind struggled to process Reika’s breathless, impassioned words; brows knit in focus, lips quivered with every shuddering breath, as the needs of body and heart grew to a crescendo within her that was almost too much to bear.

What she lacked in contextual comprehension, Kino's senses interpreted from the Andorian herself: from glacial orbs – those impossibly beautiful wells of azure, alight with untold emotions – to the way her warm hands held Kino's cheeks with a tender mix of gentle firmness. The way her blue body pressed into the teasing touch of a pale hand, and the slowly building rhythm of supple blue hips. Even the Andorian’s scent seemed to subtly shift in her perception; an intoxicating perfume, growing stronger, filling her nostrils with its presence.

Then that moan; a yearning cry for release that sent shivers of want coursing through Kino’s body. That sound alone was enough to set fire through her loins, but combined with that look of barely restrained passion? Kino’s lips parted in a silent moan of her own, as spotted hips bucked into even more desperate motion; the Trill oh so slowly ground herself up and down a blue thigh in earnest, unconsciously seeking relief from the undeniable heat.

Even when Reika grew still to wage her own brief internal war, Kino’s body cried out for her paramour’s touch in aching need – almost fiendish in intensity – but she held on, if only just barely; then her heart leapt at Reika’s words, words she had dared hope to hear but never expected. In that moment, as blue lips slowly met pink and the Trill eagerly welcomed the Andorian’s tantalizing tongue, an indescribable conviction swelled up from within – a conflagration so hot it seared into Kino’s very soul – a burning will to see Reika’s every desire made manifest. Heads tilted into the kiss, deepening it with a soft, low moan from Kino’s chest; her tongue greeted Reika’s in an unrushed, twirling dance of its own – a waltz of passion – imbibed with every ounce of unspoken emotion. Fluttering lids held closed as Kino’s mind blanked; surrendering to the moment. The hand upon her lover’s intoxicating skin slid lower, fingertips gently brushing through Reika’s soft, sensitive folds – agonizingly slow – a reconnaissance of teasing, feathered patience. Kino held it there, learning by touch alone and the way Reika’s body responded how the Andorian wished to be pleased.

The time for words alone was over. The die was cast; each of them understood what the other wanted. All that remained was to walk the path, together; two beings, drawn from utterly different lots, somehow pulled together against all reason. Kino eagerly set to the first task, the first of uncountable, unknowable steps: she would worship Reika’s body, fulfilling its every need. Her paramour’s pleasure would be her pleasure; every shuddering breath, every drawn out sigh, every yearning moan and fluttering look of desperate need. The erotic spasm of every muscle, every grimace of ecstasy, every tingling, drawn out line of blue nails across pale flesh; all of it, to learn every weakness – every special spot on Reika’s body that cried out for attention – to be kissed, licked, nibbled, sucked and touched – skirting the edge of rapture, testing it’s boundaries, again and again, only to then push beyond, and revel in sublime release.

She held the kiss until her lungs burned, and even as the hand plunged up into platinum hair tightened to gently pull Reika away, breaking the seal of their lips, Kino somehow managed to groan from the temporary loss; the Andorian’s hands pushed past her face, up into silver hair, tugging back with barely controlled desire. A gasp of air, a forceful exhalation through puffy lips – the red-and-golden light of the setting sun glittering off their water beaded bodies – then Kino’s mouth latched onto Reika’s throat in suckling, wet fervor, feasting on blue skin. The cool air around them filled with the sounds of their efforts and the slightest mist, rising from the churning water, aggravated by gyrating bodies. Kino pressed the attack, and her lips encapsulated a blue earlobe with a throaty moan; the metallic tang of Reika’s earring filled her mouth as she teased the blue lobe with rapid flicks of her tongue, then a gentle graze of teeth, and finally a tugging suckle. The fist of platinum hair was released to slide the hand down along Reika’s arching back, to settle upon a beautifully soft curve; fingers splayed in a gently increasing grip, pulling her paramour’s rear up and to the side, giving the hand between blue thighs even more to explore.

Pressed against her palm, Kino felt the hardened nub of Reika’s sex, and heard every gasping exhalation from her lover’s lips at its slightest movement. With deliberate, intentional care, Kino gently increased the pressure against those soft, tender blue folds – moving in opposition to blue hips – as her mouth released its hold on the Andorian’s earlobe with a shuddering breath. Nibbled kisses trailed down the blue neck – teasing bites, followed with a gentle suckle – before she leaned back, face flushed, eyes lidded with need; the need to see her paramour’s face, to look into her eyes as the ring and middle digits of her hand curled, ever more gradually with every gyration of blue hips, to gently tease Reika’s opening.

All the while, Kino’s hips never ceased in their movement; her own sex was aflame, a burning core of want that only grew in intensity with every twerk of her hips. Her knees trembled, giving out as her body demanded more contact, more pressure, more friction. Yet her own needs were secondary – there, but not there, in the desire-addled recesses of her mind – as mismatched eyes fluttered, struggling to stay open.

Show me. Show me I can give you what you need, Kino’s eyes and face silently pleaded – taking quick, shallow breaths through parted lips – watching Reika’s face as her slender fingertips slipped within.

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #15
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Never before in Reika’s life had there ever been any kind of spoken commitment with a lover.  Oh, there was a regular paramour, Barak, during her time on USS Mustang. Their time was tender and delightful and sensuous rolled into one, but she had never asked for exclusivity, and he had never offered.  When duty transferred them apart, it was an amiable parting of ways with no promises spoken or implied.

But here with Kino, this experience was already different.  The Andorian would never have guessed how a spoken commitment could fundamentally change the nature of shared passion, the depth of eagerness to learn - to learn everything - what crevices needed a lip’s touch, what fissures yearned for nothing more than a tender vapor of Reika’s breath, what site tingled for the teasing brush of blue fingertips. 

But the Andorian’s needs went much further than that.  She ached to learn every aspect of the woman’s past, to share in Kino’s joys and triumphs as well as to step into her trials and struggles.  Reika pined to understand what forged this amazing woman who she is and to contribute to who she became in the future - all while satisfying her every bodily need and desire in every way possible.

Her chin raised, her mouth opened with panting breaths, and her eyes reduced only to slits, Reika’s eyes locked onto Kino’s.  There was an earnestness and an impecunious look that seemed to beg something of Reika.  But a flash later, the combined movement of Reika's hips and Kino’s hand and fingers continued to edge the Andorian toward the precipice of bliss.  And when two fingers breached inside, the Andorian moaned loudly, her need for completion overwhelmed her thoughts and senses. 

Instinctively Reika wanted to press into those delicious digits, but, just in time, she reminded herself, this wasn't simply about physical pleasure,  this was about exploring, about studying, about learning.  So as Reika willed herself to continue to move as she had, and to let Kino feel her way along every delicious millimeter.  In each instant - momentum, desire, tension, and need built further and further as pressure from the heel of Kino’s hand continued to exert sensuous pressure on Reika’s sex while her fingers found their purchase curling into place and massaging the enticing point which promised surrender to and relief from the heat coursing through her veins.

While the sensations surging through her body were amazing, it wasn’t easy to hold herself back from the release that was begging to be fulfilled.  Reika could easily have plunged headlong into the abyss that was this euphoria.  So a war waged between the urgency of the sensations that Kino was creating within her own body and the emotional compulsion that she felt to bring the Trill to utter satisfaction.  And while Kino had a head start, Reika knew that she couldn’t hurry.  Anytime, every time, but especially this first time, Kino needed slow, deliberate attention, not a hurried rush for gratification.

Reika needed Kino to experience the same - almost unimaginable pleasures, not at Reika’s leg, but from the Andorian’s hand.  As Kino’s hips pulled back in their cyclical movements, Reika gently slid her leg back just a fraction of a centimeter and slipped her hand into its place. As the pale hips pressed forward again, Reika’s hand began to move in conjunction with the Trill’s movement.  The knuckle on her thumb found its spot and began to draw pressured circles around Kino’s sex while teasing and delicate fingers slid down the supple skin between her legs exploring every fold, every space, every cleft until they found the chasm that they sought, slipping skillfully inside.

Reika wanted so badly to continue to explore Kino’s body with her mouth and lips, but her body began to tremble as her efforts to hold back the torrent of pleasure consumed more and more of her focus.  And finally, when no amount of countless endeavors could any longer hold the Andorian back from the precipice, waves of pleasure broke through the damn of her efforts.  Her eyes pressed shut, her head fell back, a loud combination of a guttural moan and a cry escaped her lips, and her knees almost gave out on her as swell after pleasurable swell of completion rolled over her body.  Afraid her legs would no longer support her, her arm slipped around Kino’s waist to stay upright.

But she couldn’t stop her efforts. Reika needed Kino to join her on this side of the torrent.  Her whole being cried out to let herself fall back onto the water and let it support her limp body, but she couldn’t.  She continued her ministrations.  Thumb and fingers working, deliberately, tenderly, willfully, raising Kino toward her own precipice.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #16
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Yes. Just a single word. Unspoken, mouthed between impassioned breaths; yet it contained so much more than a simple affirmation. In her mind, that word – passed silently with the movement of parted lips – held every ounce of Kino's desire, her need, to please the Andorian in her arms. To show her that it was okay, that she was safe, accepted, cared for. That their journey had only begun, that this was just the opening chapter of their story; the foundation – seared into them both – of the temple to be built, one stone at a time. Half lidded, pale blue eyes fixated on glacial orbs as the tempo of their bodies built, little by little; pleading, yearning, encouraging. Dark brows tilted up as the fingers within the warm, silken apex of sapphire thighs curled and unfurled ever so slowly; Kino watched and felt, learning her lover's body –  searching, seeking the perfect spot – one slow blink at a time. The hand squeezing the curved lusciousness of Reika’s ass slid north, feeling the toned, lean muscles of her back flex, to trade one cheek for another.

“Yes.” A touch louder, barely a breathless gasp, as she watched azure features struggle, tighten, all in vain. Let go, Kino’s eyes pleaded, as her thumb traced circles on blue skin. I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, aqua-hued eyes – set in a pale spotted face contorted in passion – promised wordlessly. She couldn’t manage to say it aloud, couldn’t manage to do much, other than what her body wanted; spotted hips never ceased to be in motion, hardened nipples – so incredibly sensitive – brushed and pressed into cobalt skin, lapped by the warm churning water between them.

She’d never wanted to please anyone so fiercely. There was something in Reika’s gaze; something in those frozen blues – beyond the fire of arousal, deep inside those azure wells – that called out, cried out, to Kino. A feeling, a look, recognizable only by those who’ve known something of its burden; something Kino saw in her own gaze, reflected in private moments. Something she hid from the rest of the world. Pain, loneliness, vulnerability; hidden deep, under layers and layers of slowly shredding armor – the recognition of it took her breath away. In that moment, Kino never wanted anyone more; physically, emotionally, completely. Aqua-hued orbs screwed shut, fighting the overwhelming emotions aside, along with the unimaginably powerful urge to claim Reika in every way possible.

“Yes!” A heated whisper. Something to be felt, not heard; a caress of a warm summer breeze across sunlit skin - blind to all other perception, but undeniably there. Kino’s eyes fluttered open as Reika’s thigh pulled away from the aching furnace of her sex, only to gasp at the touch of what replaced it. The Trill’s features slackened into a mask of carnal intensity as her body overruled her intentions, as her eyes fell closed and hips trembled; the pressure and movement on her clit, combined with the feeling of blue digits sliding home, filling her, forced out a moan of pure ecstasy. She wasn’t prepared for it, for how amazing it felt, as her head dipped down and to the side, lost for the briefest of moments in the blissful wave of sensation. Knees trembled, as her body lifted up on the tips of her toes – instinctually running from the selfish demands of her body. Kino bit down on her bottom lip, hard, and heard herself whimper; yet as good as it felt, she couldn’t submit. Not yet – not before she’d given what her eyes had promised, what she had promised – but then the slightest of trembles coursed through the body pressed into hers. Kino blinked rapidly, and her efforts continued; drawn back from bliss as Reika’s body told her she was close, skirting the edge.

“Yes…” A throaty purr, laced in a sighed exhalation. Just one word, yet it passed from Kino’s lips bursting with urgency, so very close to a command, yet also a plea. Her chin lifted, eyes searched Reika’s face, willing her paramour beyond the edge. The pale hand upon a blue cheek slid south, along Reika’s neck, as the most precious of sounds graced Kino’s ears. The Andorian’s moan of imminent climax sent a tingling wave of euphoric pleasure coursing through her body, and as platinum hair dipped back into the water, Kino wrapped her arm around Reika as her exquisite body tensed, quivering in rapturous release. The hand between cerulean thighs paused; slender, pale fingers held against that perfect spot within, pressing feathered pulses.

“Yes!” Kino groaned, pushed to the edge herself, carried along with Reika; legs trembled, threatening to give out, even as she pulled the Andorian into an even tighter embrace. Nose to nose, pink lips brushed across blue, as her fingers gently slipped from azure folds to clutch Reika’s hip; desperate for an anchor, as her mouth opened in a silent moan. She tried to speak, but was beyond words; eyelids fluttered, obscured orbs rolled up, pink lips crashed into midnight blue. Kino moaned into her paramour’s mouth, as she slipped beyond space and time – into shuddering orgasm.

Moments passed. Gradually, gently, Kino regained herself; wrapped up in blue, supported and offering support in turn, panting through the afterglow. She felt like laughing, giggling, crying, all at once. Pale, peach colored hands slid up to cup Reika’s face, her thumbs gently traced across blue cheeks, brushed across those lips she couldn’t stop kissing; pink lips feathered across them with tender nips, as blue filled her senses.

After all that, words didn't come easy. Kino wanted out of the pool, wanted to taste and feel every inch of the beautiful woman in her arms. She wanted to listen, and learn, and cuddle and eat ice cream, all of it, all at once. But she had to start somewhere, and she'd barely begun to explore her lover's body; there was plenty left to discover and worship. Two words then, whispered through a smile into dark blue lips between gentle kisses – a smile that held every promise of the future; every joy, every triumph, every shared pain, every awkward discovery, and of course, every glorious moment of passion. Two silly words; pulled from the memory of how they'd met.

“Round two?”

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #17
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Reika couldn’t get enough of Kino’s lips and mouth.  And as she tasted as much as felt Kino’s moan during their kiss, the Andorian recognized the minute convulsions of her lover’s body that accompanied her climax.  And her blue hand ensconced between pale thighs slowed to a stop, as she felt the pulses throughout that satin crevice. 

Gently, the Andorian withdrew her fingers and wrapped one long arm around the slight, pale waist and her other around slender shoulders.  She needed to experience the closeness of simply holding Kino in her arms, to feel her chest heave through the quickness of the breaths following the culmination of their efforts, to revel in the weakness of their knees as two heart rates slowly began to creep down from their zeniths.  To support and be supported, to care and be cared for.

And at that moment the sun crept into the space below the leaves of the palm trees ricocheting off of every millimeter or spot of water and creating a cascade of rainbow hues.  The splashes of water and color glistened across Kino’s spots on her shoulder, and while Reika’s eyes followed the colorful spots, Kino’s hands found her cheeks, drawing her attention back to the Trill’s amazing, tantalizing, and mismatched eyes.  The Andorian’s eyes flitted from one of Kino’s eyes to the other and back again. What happened to you? The OPS officer asked silently as she leaned her cheek into one of the soft hands and her eyes drank in those aqua lights - the windows to Kino’s soul. 

Reika spoke to Kino through those windows.  I never knew I could need someone.  Her eyes confessed. I never knew how badly I could want someone - all of someone.  And Kino’s eyes seemed to sing back in rich melodies only understood by two hearts. 

After several moments in the solitude of each others arms, the Trill’s playful voice queried, “Round two?

Blue eyes under white eyebrows gamboled with delight.  “Most definitely,” Reika said once again brushing her lips across Kino’s.  But as she pulled back the slightest bit to study the exposed skin of her paramour, she realized that while, she herself, was more than comfortable, the Trill seemed less so.  “But you look chilled,” words laced with concern flowed from her lips.  And indeed Kino did.  The exposed skin of the neck and pale shoulders betrayed regular spots dotted between with goosebumps.  “Let’s get you out of the water,” the Andorian said, taking her hand and leading her up the stairs.  At the four corners of pool were four identical stands each with towels on them.  As they reached the the corner, Reika drew her paramour out of the water and grabbed a towel, but instead of handing it over, she wrapped it around the Trill’s shoulders pulling it around her so that the two ends overlapped.  “I don’t want you to get a chill.” 

Still standing in front of her lover, she drew one corner of the soft white nap up the Trill’s neck, blotting at the beads of water which were now glistening almost orange in the sunset.  Reika dabbed at the droplets of water along Kino’s jaw with lips trailing along behind. 

As Reika kissed along Kino’s jaw, the angle of the sun struck her eyes, squinting slightly, she looked toward the horizon.  Oranges, purples, pinks, yellows, and blues streaked across the sky.  The Andorian nodded toward the horizon and gently turned Kino around nestling behind her like two spoons which fit perfectly with the other.  One blue arm slipped around her waist and one just over her chest, holding the towel in place to keep her lover warm as the two stood watching the colors as they twirled, pranced, and frolicked around each other in breathtaking patterns as if on display for just the two of them.  Reika’s cheek settled over Kino’s shoulder and pressed against the Trill’s cheek as the two stood there for what felt like lifetimes, but in reality only the span of about five minutes. 

When the sun finally settled below the horizon, Reika whispered in Kino’s ear, “That was beautiful.  Thank you for sharing it with me,”  Before gently suckling on the flat of her earlobe.  But as her lips wrapped around it and her tongue played across it, she realized that even the lobe was slightly chilled.  “Why don’t we go inside.” she whispered into Kino’s ear.  “I promised to keep you warm. And I'm sure we can heat things up again. ”  The Andorian nodded to one of the - what she assumed were bedrooms - and as she followed behind the Trill, both hands cupped Kino’s backside and gave it firm, but playful squeeze.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #18
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
It was only a few minutes – less than a blink of an eye compared to the entirety of her life; infinitely less in the grand scheme of the universe. Kino knew this as she stood there, slightly shivering, wrapped up in soft white and warm blue. She leaned into the embrace, silver head rested into the nook between azure neck and shoulder, their cheeks pressed together. Only a few, simple moments. Lids slowly lowered to obscure light-blues, as pink lips curled up; despite the beautiful sunset with all its myriad shades of twilight rendered in a breathtaking display – none of that mattered to her. Photons and forcefields, manipulated into a simulacrum of reality, couldn’t possibly compare to the feeling of being held by someone who cared.

Such a feeling; to be able to let the insanity of the world pass through you like a phantom, untouched by the mundane worries and strife of everyday life. To feel fulfilled, satisfied. Nothing else in the cosmos mattered; just those few, quiet moments: Reika’s arms around her – feeling her warmth – her strength – her presence. Kino sighed, wondering if it was all real. How could it be? How could a grunt – just another maimed and tortured soul – ever be so fortunate? Yet there they were; pale spotted skin gently rubbed into light-blue, as Kino shook her head subtly in wonder. Was it possible if, like herself, the Andorian felt the same gravitas in those moments? Did she feel it? That…feeling? Kino couldn’t even describe it if she tried – not on her own. Briefly, she dug through the memories of Jeen’s hosts, searching for similarities.

Content, Kino realized, brows lifted with surprise at the touch of blue lips on her ear and the clarity found in memory. Aqua-hued orbs opened slightly as the smile on her lips bloomed wide, nodding in agreement to Reika’s words. It was so beautiful, she wanted to say, but let her eyes speak instead; turning in the Andorian’s embrace to face her in the slowly fading light. Slightly cold hands cupped Reika’s face with another feathered kiss. “We have time,” she whispered with the slightest of nods. Despite the fire within, she could see the questions in those glacial pools, swimming with their own desires. Everything had happened so fast, even though she’d tried her best to fight it; but no regrets – not even a hint.

It felt right. It still does.

Another shiver, another nod in agreement at Reika’s suggestion to move indoors. Reluctantly, Kino withdrew from the embrace, pale hands sliding down blues as she moved backward; the smile never left her face, as she winked at the prospect of heating things up again. Soon, her eyes promised back, as the first few stars twinkled into life above. One hand held the towel closed around her spotted body, while the other laced into cobalt fingers, unwilling to let go – but the chilly air forced the separation. Brr, this’ll take getting used to, the Trill shivered, pulling the towel tight around her with both hands as she shuffled to the closest dormitory. Less than a second later, hands gripped her backside – both cheeks – prompting a bark of laughter followed by a spree of giggles.

“Here,” a hand scooped up another towel as Kino passed the stand, “for you,” she offered it with a giggle over a bare shoulder. “No sense ruining the sheets just yet,” a teasing grin, as dark brows wiggled playfully, then her features returned to calm acceptance as that feeling of contentment lingered. It didn’t stop her from hiking the towel up though, as she turned back towards the dwelling with a smile; the edge of the white fabric rode high on her hips – leaving more than enough of her cheeks visible for Reika’s enjoyment – as her hips swayed along. I like teasing her, Kino chuckled, I’m gonna do this more often!

As the door opened at her approach, Kino hummed pleasantly at the warm touch of air on her skin. Her uniform remained where she’d left it, thrown across one of the paired seats in the sitting room beside a large window. A few hanging plants decorated the dwelling, which resembled a modest, but cozy, island resort retreat: off-white colors, accented with light blues; sitting room, bathroom, bedroom. Empty storage cubbies, waiting to be filled with clothes or travel cases. Plush carpet that squished between Kino’s toes – which flexed without thought – unused to the tactile sensation. She turned on the spot to Reika then, head tilted as they came together once more, a pale hand reached out to cup the Andorian’s face.

“I know you have questions,” Kino whispered, just as pink lips brushed against midnight. “I do too,” she added with a nod, meeting those perceptive blue eyes, before another feathered kiss. As the towel fell from her shoulders to pool at her bare feet, Kino's words were punctuated by the soft smooches she was powerless to stop: “Ask me – I’ll answer – Anything – Everything – I know you’ll – Do the same.”

A deep breath, pulled in her nose, filled with the Andorian’s scent. Light-blues opened, having never realized she’d closed them, as Kino leaned back to let Reika breathe. “We have time,” she repeated, knowing somehow, that Reika understood her meaning; whether they ended the night in the throes of passion or dove into the mysteries of each other’s existence didn’t matter to Kino. Both hands cradled her paramour’s face, as she watched and waited; preparing herself for the worst, but hoping for the best. She’d bare her soul if asked. For this to work, Reika deserved no less; that didn’t mean it would be easy, or painless.

Only a few precious moments. In the end, that’s all anyone really had.

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #19
[ Lt. Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Despite the coolness of Kino’s hands as they cradled her cheeks, they held such warmth of affection, such care, and comfort.  The Andorian wished that she could press her cheek into both of the pale hands at once and stay there indefinitely.  It was such a simple pleasure of which she would never tire.

And then Kino's words, “We have time.”  A solitary phrase that held so many meanings. 

We have time … tonight.  Even if, due to tragic events, this night were their last together it would be worth it.  To have created a safe space where each could be completely open, honest, known, cared for, and reveled in.  An event like that fundamentally changes who you are in the deepest parts of your being.

We have time … so there's no need to rush the beginning.  Laibok, Andor's capitol city, wasn't built in a day.  This relationship would be built one stone upon another, one moment on the next, one kiss after another,  one embrace of encouragement after a wiping away of tears.  The prospect of building such an imposing edifice of life together brought a flutter inside the pale blue chest. 

We have time … for connection.  Reika felt it as they stood together, watching the sunset.  The feeling of complete satisfaction as she cradled the Trill in her arms, as she felt the pale head rest in the crook between her shoulder and neck.  It wasn't just a physical closeness that the two shared in that moment,  but a sharing of their souls - almost a spiritual moment.

We have time … together.  White locks affixed to blue skin shook in the cool of the evening breeze as she struggled to wrap her mind around that simple fact.  She was no longer alone.  She no longer needed to feel or fear solitude.  There was someone else now.  During her time with Barak on the Mustang, she was alone even when they were in each other’s presence.  No longer.  Something deep down in her soul knew that she could trust in the two of them together.

We have time … to be a couple.  Not just occasional lovers.   What does 'being a couple even look like look like in this day and age? What does it look like in Starfleet?  It would be a glorious challenge. Two women from such different backgrounds - and Reika could only guess two totally different sets of experiences - wanting so quickly upon acquaintance to figure out how to walk together, not just today or tomorrow but until or unless circumstances or hearts drastically changed - and maybe not even then.

We have time … to discover each other.  And as she looked into Kino’s eyes, there were so many questions that she wanted to ask.  So many things she needed to know.  So many details that Reika yearned to discover - why white for her hair?  What happened to her eye?  Why her right hand was stronger than her left?  How many symbionts she had, which was her favorite?  So many more questions swam through the Andorian’s head. But there would be time to learn everything about this amazing pale-skinned woman she held in her arms.

But it was cold for the Trill and they needed to move inside, but as they did Reika sputtered as a towel hit her in the face and Kino cast her a smart-ass comment.  How could something unbelievably simple and playful make her want the other woman even more?  The Andorian looked at the towel.  If it had been smaller, she would have snapped that beautiful pale ass that wiggled teasingly in front of her.  Instead, despite the fact the cold didn't bother her,  she used the towel to wipe herself dry.  Kino was right.  No reason to dirty the sheets … just yet.

The two entered the room, and as the door slid shut behind her, Reika’s arctic blues never bothered to look around, her eyes focused on only one person.  Tilting her head to watch as Kino turned to face her, the Andorian raised a blue leg to wipe the last of the water off of her right calf.  Arctic orbs never left mismatched ones.  But as her foot settled against the floor again, she dropped the towel and continued walking forward into Kino’s arms, setting blue digits onto pink hips and pressing one finger at a time into the soft flesh of her paramour’s enticing curves as their bodies barely settled against each other again. 

Questions and kisses.  More kisses and an invitation.  How did Kino know? Sure everyone has questions, but this wasn’t just a guess - it was an unexplainable connection between the two already.  “Yes.”  Reika laughed lightly, surprised by the Trill's insight.  “I do have questions.  But standing here isn’t the most comfortable place to be while we answer them. And like you, yes,  I will answer every question you have.”  Reika entwined her fingers in pale ones and lead Kino to the bed.  One-handed, she tossed the pillows from the head of the bed to near the foot of the bed.  Raising Kino’s hand to her lips, Reika lips pressed into the pale skin and held the hand there for moments with her eyes closed before removing her lips and releasing Kino's hand.  “Why don’t we talk and rest here?”  Reika laid down on the bed and scooted across on her stomach, tucking the pillow under her chest and planting her elbows on the bed while twisting her head to watch Kino as she lay down next to her.

Let’s start with an easy one." Reika said as she ran the back of her forefinger down the spots from the security officer's shoulder to her hip.  “Is white your natural hair color?  And if not, why did you choose it?
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #20
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
Lips curled up with a nod and a playful wink at Reika’s suggestion. As much as Kino would have enjoyed standing there, wrapped up in her arms, the bedroom sounded much more comfortable and enticing. So she let herself be pulled into the softer colored room, light blues drifting across the Andorian’s curves, pale fingers interlaced with hers. She bit her lip at the display, loving the way Reika moved – slowly, confidently, unhurried. It was a view she hoped she’d see more of, for a long time to come.

The bed was massive – far larger than anything Kino had ever slept on – easily wide enough for four people or more. Soft, shiny sheets, with matching pillows; she grinned as the Andorian moved them, one handed, from one end of the bed to the other where they stood. Kino reached out – unable to stop herself – and let the back of her fingertips trail down Reika’s body as blue lips kissed her hand; aqua hued orbs gazed into glacial pools. Smooth skin transitioned to rough scars and back.

“Lets,” Kino agreed, eyes bright with mischief as she sauntered over to Reika’s side and slowly stretched out into a crawl up the bed, taking her time to get into a comfortable position; the leg closest to the blue body slightly cocked, pelvis tilted on one hip, back arched with the pillow under her bust, resting on her elbows with a brow tilted up at her paramour. The Andorian’s question and tickling touch along the spotted line of her flank sent Kino humming pleasantly, lips curled up in a smile as her eyelids fell, considering the question and how to answer.

A laugh. An honest, unashamed, natural laugh – throaty, all dimples and white teeth. “Well,” Kino giggled, dipping her head as her cheeks reddened. “Its not my natural color. I just got a mental image of what I’d look like with silver eyebrows,” she explained, biting her lip to stop giggling. “I’m...well, I’m pretty sure I’m a brunette…,” her voice pitched uncertainly, as dark brows knitted. It had been quite a few years since her early teens when she’d started to dye it. “I dunno – I was always a pain in the ass as a kid. Never wanted to do what I was told, never wanted to listen to anything that remotely resembled authority. I guess it was just another way to act out. To fight the system,” another bark of laughter, “as dumb as that sounds.”

Kino shrugged then, lifting her chin to Reika with another grin. “But I guess it grew on me.”

The Trill shifted position then, turning on her side to face the Andorian, head resting on the soft pillow as the back of one hand trailed up and down blue skin. “My go,” Kino smirked teasingly, brows raised in question, before her features settled into a quiet, calmed mien – born of caring and concern – but also acceptance, as her fingers gently tucked in a few loose strands of platinum behind a blue ear, eyes lingering on the frayed braids. “Love yours, by the way,” she added quietly, then sighed softly.

Ah, so many questions…

Another laugh, as Kino shook her head. “I don’t even know where to start, babe. I wanna know all the things,” she grinned, shifting her head towards the edge of the pillow, closer to Reika. “Just...start talking about anything. Everything. Whatever’s in your heart or on your mind,” she whispered. “I’ll jump in with specific questions. Okay?”

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #21
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Lt Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

So you were a rebel growing up, huh?” Reika asked, as her thin, observant smile widened into grin.  The Andorian raised the hand closest to Kino and ran her fingers through the short messy hair and settled against her skin.  “On one hand it doesn’t surprise me.  Something about you - maybe it is your hair - says you were a rebel.  But I must admit, other things - like the fact you’re in Starfleet - tell me that’s changed at least a little.  And as far as your hair, I like the color.  It suits you well, and I like the contrast between that and your eyebrows.”  Her fingertips massaged Trill’s scalp as her eyes traced the contours of her lover’s face, studying every minutia, noticing every beautiful detail, every tantalizing imperfection, every voluptuous contour.

The way that Kino tucked her hair away and her comments about it brought a pleasant cool feeling coursing through Reika’s body.  With every touch, every syllable, every glance, she was more and more convinced of the reality of the two of them - together.  Not just that they both wanted it, but that they could pull it off.

I don’t even know where to start, babe. I wanna know all the things. Just...start talking about anything. Everything. Whatever’s in your heart or on your mind.  I’ll jump in with specific questions. Okay?

Babe. That one word melted her heart.  Removing her hand from the back of the Security Officer’s head, Reika turned her body to mirror Kino.  The Andorian maneuvered onto her side to face the Trill and draped her arm across the curve of her waist drawing soft circuitous forms on the pale back, but she couldn’t keep her lips away.  Just a quick brush of blue across pink before she settled back on her own pillow, supporting her head with the palm of her hand.

What do I want you to know?  What do you need to know?  Easier asked than determined.

Let’s start with some fun facts.  Maybe those will generate some questions.  My Thavan was an artist, and I inherited some of his abilities.  I love to paint and sketch.  I’m a Xi’for’al - Andorian Martial Art - instructor.”  Reika cast Kino a grin.  “I’m sure that didn’t hurt my odds this morning.  I’ve made a hobby of consuming and even cooking ethnic foods from across the quadrant.  While I work in OPS, I started in Tactical.  I’ve had four postings so far.  Tac on the Livingston, Advanced Tactical Training, Tac and then OPS on the Mustang, and now OPS on the Theurgy”  She paused for a moment and closed her eyes.  “I dunno.  There’s so much, but you know how it is, it’s hard to just ‘think of things’ on command.

Kino scooted closer, spooning her pale spotted body alongside the Andorian while she listened; a cream-colored foot laced between blues. An arm draped across Reika’s flank, fingers gently stroking up and down across a curved hip – head lifted with the soft kiss, propped up with a hand, elbow planted into the mattress - as light blue eyes searched her paramour’s face before stealing a quick kiss to her collarbone.

It is,” she agreed softly, sighing into blue skin. “Especially now,” Kino hummed a throaty chuckle, then lifted her head, as her hand and fingertips tickled up across blue skin to cup the Andorian’s cheek while her eyes were closed.

Thavan,” dark brows creased slightly as Kino tasted the word, “that’s your father?"

"One of them," Reika nodded, opening her eyes.  "The other is called my charan. My zhavey and shreva are my mothers.

"What do you like to draw or paint? I’ve never tried either,” a shrug, “unless you count blueprints and schematics,” her nose wrinkled playfully.

Watching Kino’s nose crinkle up in that fashion brought a contented sigh to the blue lips before she started speaking.  "Mostly nature.  The Ice Cliffs of Bakur, the first bloom of the Vulsnaf - an Andorian flower - the giant sequoias near the Academy, or the mountains.  Anything picturesque."

And yeah, you got some moves for sure,” her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper, “I’ve heard stories about you Andorians, but you were the first one I’ve ever sparred with. Big fan. Highly impressed.” Another grin, with a slow wink.

Reika chuckled a light, almost tinkling laugh. "Well, if we grow up on Andor,  we've lived under higher gravity than most humans, so our muscles are denser than most humans.  So it's not just Xi'for'al that gives me the advantage.  Besides, you held your own with me."

Kino’s smile faded just a touch. “I did,” she agreed, taking a deep breath. “So - four parents, wow; and…you’re creative, tough, like a good fight,” the smirk returned, “not to mention stunningly beautiful.” Light blue eyes blinked as her nose twitched playfully. “Yeah, I’m sold,” her lips curled as she nodded, “you’re stuck with me now, Legs. It's all over.

New moniker - Legs - I like it. Her grin attested to her thoughts. “With you, stuck is a nice place to be,” but her demeanor stayed fairly serious.  With both hands, Reika reached out to the sides of Kino’s head, pulling her close.  She gently touched above her right eye and after Kino’s lid fluttered shut, Blue lips kissed it with all the softness of a butterfly alighting on a flower.  Then she pulled back, kissing her nose and returning her arm across Kino’s waist running fingertips down her back.  “I know you said to ask, but if it’s too painful or too soon, just tell me.  But if you’re able to talk about it.  What happened?

The eye?” Kino asked rhetorically, as a dark brow arched over the mechanical implant; her head tilted a bit as she blinked, dropping her gaze for a few seconds while chewing her lip. Well. She was bound to ask sometime. Fuck. 

I told you that I knew what it was like, waking up out of cryo,” she whispered. “I…when we fled Sol, we took a hit. Lots of hits,” Kino paused, sucking her teeth with an audible tsk at the memory. “Torpedo storage took one. I got caught in the blast,” she shrugged. “Lost my eye - so they gave me a new one,” she huffed a bitter laugh. “Wish that was the only thing they’d replaced,” her voice dropped to a whisper, before Kino took another deep breath. Might as well rip the bandage off now, she told herself.

Reika watched as Kino’s words dwindled to a halt, but her eyes kept speaking and her brain seemed to be turning something else over. The Andorian remained quiet and settled her hand flat on Kino’s back, watching and waiting for whatever else it was that she needed to say. 

Listen, Reika,” Kino sighed, lowering her gaze again. “I…you should know what you’re getting into. If…it's too much for you, I understand. Okay? No, just…hear me out,” Kino preempted.

Blue lips opened in protest, but shut once again at the request that broke through pale lips.

I lost my arm in the war. Lost my eye. Parts of my skull. Lost the foot that’s snuggled between yours. Lost my other leg, that hip, most of my pelvis,” her voice had started strong, matter-of-fact, yet had grown softer as she went. Fragile. “I…,” another breath. “I can’t even have kids.” She frowned, deeply, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Kino hesitated, biting down on her lip to stop it from trembling. How many times had she had this talk in therapy? How many times in sickbay? Her injuries were on file; anyone with clearance and curiosity could read about it. Yet laying there, next to Reika, somehow made it all fresh; the totality of all the trauma endured crashed down on her in a wave of unstoppable emotion.

I’ve gone through a lot. Seen a lot. Got real close to just…walking away from all of it. But then,” she managed a weak smile, and lifted watery eyes to glacial pools. “After all that suffering, I managed to save something precious. Something vital, and wonderful; Jeen gave me so much more than memories. It gave me a reason to keep going,” the smile grew wider, as she nodded her silver head to Reika with a look of someone that expected nothing; Kino fully accepted the fact that she was damaged, possibly beyond anyone’s ability to love. Yet she wanted Reika to know.  “I’m sorry. I know it's a lot - I won't blame you for changing your mind…

Reika lay silent for a long moment, processing not just everything Kino had said, but everything she had gone through.  It was unimaginable.  In quantity, there was less of the original Kino left than there were replacement parts.  And she bared it all when she let Reika know that she couldn’t have kids.  Reika shook her head silently, salty drops welling up in her own eyes. 

Two blue arms wrapped around a pale neck.  She rolled onto her back and partially pulled Kino along with her pillowing the pale head on just under a blue chin.  Looking down at the woman in her arms and with the tenderness of a lazy summer breeze that barely kissed the skin, she wiped away every tear.  The more that fell, the more she wiped away.

If it’s a lot for me to process,” she whispered into the pink ear. “That means it was so much more for you to go through.  I don’t know how you did it.”  Blue fingertips continued to flutter across Kino’s face at the sight of any rivulets of clear liquid would spill out of aqua orbs.  “What you’ve been through doesn’t scare me.  It breaks my heart for you.  And as far as having kids,”  Reika’s gaze moved past Kino’s shoulder and became unfixed.  Blue jaw off-set itself as if that act itself help her decide if she should continue - could continue.  Slowly, words crept from her mouth and her voice took on a throaty quality laced with hesitancy.  “But I can’t have children either.  I’m one of the casualties of the reproductive blight that we Andorians are facing.”  Words faltered. Vision blurred. Breath caught within blue chest.  When Reika’s lungs finally surrendered to the need for air, she managed, “Because of it, I’m not bonded to a quadruple … nor ever will be.

Aw no honey, no, dark brows tilted in despair – in profound sympathy - as bitter tears trailed down Kino’s cheeks. Her chest heaved, choking back sobs; as if Reika’s words alone - that simple, loving acceptance - hadn’t been enough…the understanding, the shared pain…it crumbled Kino’s last, final wall of defense. She wanted to tell her that she was sorry, so sorry…that she understood, too…that she’d never need a quad, never need anyone ever again, if Kino had anything to say about it - but all she could manage in that moment was a nod. The smallest of gestures, perhaps not enough to convey what she felt, but Kino hoped she’d understand.

Reika caught the nod, but it wasn’t the nod that reached her heart.  It was the aqua-colored wells of complete understanding … commiseration … acceptance. And, at that look, the last turret of her own resistance crumbled into the space between the two women allowing her own tears to flow.  She belonged.  It took a few moments for the outpouring of her emotions to settle down, but there was something else, she needed to say.

A blue finger reached out and slowly tipped Kino’s chin so that glassy glacial pools met rainy aqua ones.  Through sniffles, Reika managed, “I need you to hear and believe what I’m about to say.

Kino held that gaze, blinking through the tears. Pink lips trembled as she fought to breathe, fought to control her racing heart and the sobs choking her chest. Don’t. Don’t say it, please - my heart can’t take it, Reika. Don’t tell me it doesn't matter - don’t tell me you’ll love me.

While salty rivulets meandered down her own face, Reika plunged ahead settling her two hands along the Trill’s jawline and the tips of her thumbs caressed the pale cheeks.  Electric blue eyes dove deep into aqua chasms.  “You need to know that you are beautiful to me. Other than your eye, I couldn’t even have guessed that you had lost any other parts. And even if I could, it wouldn’t matter.  While your injuries are not insignificant - at all - they don’t and won’t change my affection for you or my desire to be with you.”  Through vision blurred by the mist in her own eyes, Reika watched Kino’s eyes to make sure that she didn’t just listen to her, but that she heard her - and understood all the depth and more that the Andorian’s feeble words conveyed.

She understood. She knew. There had always been something - some shared, unknowable similarity between them. Something that called them, drew them together, beyond the physical attraction. Here was a woman that knew her pain, and Kino knew hers. Wrapped up in each other, accepting each other…it was all too much; more than the Trill had ever dared hope for, yet all she had secretly yearned for. What could anyone possibly say in the face of such a thing? Kino answered in the only way she knew how; brow furrowed in emotion, lips tainted with the salty sweetness of painful tears - she pressed herself into the Andorian’s embrace - nodding, gasping a single, mumbled word through trembling lips, before those crashed into Reika’s midnight blue: “Reika.

I’m here, and I always will be. 

Her mouth pursed at the touch of Kino’s lips. This kiss was different - needy.  Urgently desiring to fulfill every need, desire, wish, hope, yearning, or prayer of her partner.

Realization struck her, as perse lips pressed hard into pink and as if breathing was of no import. That’s really what we are, isn’t it?  Partners. The words may not have been audibly spoken, but we said it through our tears, caresses, and glances.  Words will come, but for now, I feel it.  I know it, as I know the blackness of night and the brilliance of the overhead sun.

While lips, tongues, and whole mouths were still entangled, blue arms wrapped around a pale body.  Hands settling over the luscious curve of Kino’s ass, pulling the Trill’s pelvis as close to her blue body as the two could, hands exploring and kneading the soft skin.
Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #22
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
There were no defenses left; no walls, no armor; freedom coursed through her, lingering on pink lips as real as the sweet salty tang of teardrops. Kino had bared her heart, left herself wide open, and Reika had wrapped her up in warm, loving blue. No thoughts existed. There was no conscious decision making whatsoever; she simply responded on instinctual need, only on what was felt – what was given by the Andorian in her arms. Kino reveled in it, amplified it, then sent it back with every touch, every sound, every look of aqua-hued eyes; a soft moan as pink lips suckled upon a tender blue one – a breath as those lips parted to lift Reika’s head enough to pull platinum locks out from under her shoulders, spilling out like a crown of white around her head – a whispered coo as fingernails grazed across pale spotted curves, while half lidded orbs gazed into the deep glacial windows of her lover’s soul.

Dark brows tilted up as Kino gasped a shuddering breath. Unburdened, undone – lost in emotion, yet simultaneously found – entwined in blue. Reika pulled her in, their bodies pressed blissfully together, as her silvered head dipped to nip at midnight lips once again; another moan, a throaty hum from her chest, drawn out by the squeezing grip of the warm hands that held her so close. The kiss deepened as Kino’s tongue sought its counterpart, slipping between soft lips, sliding into and along wet warmth; unable to stop even as her lungs burned for oxygen. A hand trailed down azure flesh, hooked around a knee, lifted it to drape the long, luscious limb over a spotted hip as a cream colored thigh invaded. Enraptured, hooded eyes gazed down at Reika as she came up for air with a groan, panting through parted lips.

No words; none were needed – Kino’s eyes and body spoke for her. 

Hips swayed, then gyrated – sliding the wet furnace between her thighs into silken skin – and Kino’s jaw slackened, eyelids fell closed as she whimpered. A pale cheek pressed into blue, cooing into her ear, powerless against the intoxicating pleasure coursing through her entire body, heart, and soul. Pink lips pursed to trail feathered kisses along the Andorian’s jaw, brushed across an earlobe, down a slender neck; the sounds of wet, suckling kisses filling the air. Both hands roamed freely, grasping, kneading, squeezing, before linking into light blue ones to slowly raise them up over Reika’s head. Kino squeezed those hands reassuringly, even as she shifted her slender frame down over her paramour’s body, ever so slowly.

“Trust me,” Kino whispered as her head nodded, mouth ceaseless in its journey, “relax and trust me, honey.” Every mumbled word punctuated by a soft, gentle smooch.

Light blue eyes flicked open, looking up as her mouth paused its sojourn in the valley between soft mounds that rose and fell ever faster. Kino slipped her hands free, fingertips trailing down her lover’s arms. One stopped to cup a blue cheek – the thumb brushed across parted lips – while the other trailed across the curved flesh, cupped it, drawing a hardened peak to Kino’s parted lips. The Trill’s tongue flicked out once, twice, in teasing strokes. Fluttering eyes glanced up with another throaty moan as she took it in her mouth greedily.

All the while, Kino felt every sigh, every shudder, every press of skin – even as her body cried out for more – but her heart was in command. She would show Reika how much she wanted her, how much she needed her, one heated caress of her lips at a time.

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #23
[Lt Reika Sh'laan | Holodeck 04 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dumedion

Wrapped in pale arms, Reika felt desired - not just physically wanted - but her heart - her emotions.  As pale lips suckled at her bottom blue one, she realized that her heart was safe in those same pale lips that gently tugged at hers - in those pale hands that splayed her hair around her shoulders - in that single hand that slipped under her knee and drew it up.  Blue leg slipped over and between two pale ones hooking her foot around an ankle and moaning into the kiss as tongues sought out new crevices to discover, new ways to wrap around the other, to tease, and play with the other.

Then Kino’s hands found hers, ones which had enjoyed their journey across the supple curve of a pale backside, drawing blue hands to the side and then up over her head.  At that moment, she knew that while she could say no and Kino would heed her- not that she wanted to - she was no longer in control, and it felt so good in that moment to come along for the ride as a willing participant, but not as the instigator. 

Trust me,” Kino whispered as her head nodded, mouth ceaseless in its journey, “relax and trust me, honey.

Surrender - a concept almost unheard for even a former tactical officer, but not just surrender.  Surrender coupled with trust.  Trust - believing that her partner would do nothing but good by her.  That she would lavish pleasure upon her.  That she would find ways to delight her - things Reika may have never experienced or even considered.  In that moment - for that moment - Reika relinquished control over herself to Kino.  Kino wanted to show her something, and Reika would receive the gift from her paramour’s hands.  Besides, I’ll take my own turn to bestow abject pleasure on her.

The words, “I’m yours,” slipped from parted blue lips powered by heaving breaths.  “I trust you,” followed by an anticipatory whimper as the Trill’s tongue flicked across her hardened nipple.  Then a loud, deep pleasurable moan as Kino swallowed up as much of her breast as her pale mouth could hold.  Reika’s back involuntarily arched, giving Kino even greater access.

Blue hands, which had been extended well over her head slid down her body and nestled in silver hair, playing in and around the strands as the head to which it was attached bobbed up and down in strokes, each one eliciting a moan or a gutteral groan, or a whispered name.  Kino -  breath on a breeze.  Kino - a flutter of wings.  Kino - a ripple across a pond.  Kino - a single drop of rain.

But surrender didn’t mean that she didn’t feel hot need.  Blue hips pressed against the pale stomach in their wake.  Soft skin against the thunder that ached within her for the lighting to discharge so it could be fulfilled.  There’s time she reminded herself.  It’s about the journey not just the culminating fulfillment.

So instead, while her heat-filled, sensitive, pining crevices called out for attention, Reika focused on the soft lips which currently consumed her.  Touches ranging from barely there to vigorous or forceful and everything in between.  Her own body was in constant motion a tweak of the hips, a shiver down her side, a heave of her chest, a foot that ran along up and down between pale legs,  all while massaging the silver scalp.

Lieutenant Reika Sh’laan, Assistant Chief of Operations (V3) [Show/Hide]
Ensign Sashenka Kreshkova, Unassigned Wolf Trainee [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 19 [1800 hrs] A Spicy Encounter

Reply #24
[PO2 Kino Jeen | Holodeck 4 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Dree
She couldn’t help but hum in pleasure at Reika’s response. Wrapped up in blue, Kino’s eyes blinked up at her lover’s face, while her mouth and tongue lavished attention upon the Andorian’s supple curves – loving every expression, every sigh, every moan. Time was no factor. This was more than merely a physical ritual; it was an exploration, a gift of affection, a moment of connection. All of it and more.

Kino’s objective was to learn the topography of her paramour’s body; its secret places – hidden in plain sight, just waiting to be discovered – and oh, how she enjoyed finding them. There was no struggle against desire, no internal conflict. All she wanted lay beneath her, pressed into her, surrounded her: every hitched breath, every whimper, every tremble of want. All fueled her arousal, drove her deeper into how she felt, inside and out: a tease and a lover – a partner – equal yet dominant, submissive yet powerful – something to be wanted, something to be cherished, something to to be loved. All of it, all at once; a tsunami of blissful emotion that lifted her in its embrace, and swallowed her in desire.

Sex, in and of itself, was a simple thing; an act of physical pleasure that held no mystery. Yet this was multitudes beyond anything Kino had ever felt before. I’m yours. I trust you. Those simple words, spoken in the throes of heated passion, threatened to send her over the edge. The hands in her hair and the way Reika arched her body guided Kino’s mouth. Gentle smooches, a teasing flick of her tongue, a brief suckle; cream-colored hands wandered down, sliding across curved azure skin, along bucking hips. Kino loosed a low moan from her throat as her hands found purchase under the Andorian, gripped, squeezed – adding her strength and fire to the delicious movement of both bodies.

The hands in her hair tightened, pulled her head back; there was an audible pop, as pink lips lost their seal around a dark blue nipple. Kino grunted in heat at her lover’s aggressiveness, and half-lidded eyes danced between glacial blues. The fire she saw there, the need, the emotion, set her aflame. Burning with want, Kino returned to her objective with zeal. Pink lips and tongue worked down her lover’s silken flesh – under the curves of heaving breasts, down the mid-line of flexing abs in a trail of wet, sloppy kisses. Her hands lost their hold to graze back up Reika’s flanks, slender fingers splayed, desperate to feel everything they could; every contour, every surface, every soft curve. Rough patches of scar tissue were given equal attention; the Trill showed no differential treatment, no hesitation – her mouth worshiped everything it touched, and as she continued south, those pale hands followed suit.

Aqua colored eyes fluttered open as those hands feathered down across trembling hips, and Kino finally pulled her body away – scooting back on the bed – to lay prone between lovely blue limbs. Her chin feathered light circles just below Reika’s waistline, lips planted a gentle kiss as her palms slid down along the sensitive curves of her lover’s inner thighs; feeling every subtle tremor of anticipation. Here she would deliberately slow her movements, as her eyes locked on to Reika’s. Kino watched, eyes bright with teasing desire; curious to see how long the Andorian could last, loving the view. “You are so beautiful,” she breathed through parted lips, planting soft, wet kisses. The hands on those lovely thighs slowly pushed, spreading, with light squeezes. A heated exhalation preempted a gentle smooch on Reika’s innermost thigh, the first of several, as Kino continued to sample that which she had longed to taste.

Yet the heat she felt from her paramour’s glistening sex could never be ignored. A pause, to lap her tongue up the palm of her other hand and fingers. A sigh of satisfaction, before pink lips returned to a pale blue thigh. A throaty hum as she sucked, while slippery fingers brushed up into delicate folds with a flash of aqua-hued orbs – a look that told her lover that the Andorian’s pleasure had only just begun. Slowly, tenderly, Kino trailed her lips up a few centimeters along a quivering thigh; holding Rieka's gaze all the while - then reversed course with a mischievous smile - loving the way her paramour looked in that moment.

"Y'okay," the Trill breathed between playful kisses, wiggling her brows up at her lover, "y'look a lil flustered honey." She whispered, as parted lips moved closer and closer to the hardened nub nestled between slowly circling fingertips.

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