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Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

It was time. Start of a new day. A new chapter in the personal tale of Silim Parnak and one he did not want to get wrong. The planning was meticulous – a sonic shower, a new outfit and a new cologne. He had chosen something as close as he could to his old scent, which was no longer available for obvious reasons, but instead returned it to the replicator in search of something new. What he now wore was musky, earthy undertones with a hint of spice. All in all, he quite liked it.

Brushing off a loose hair from his shoulder, Parnak contemplated the turbolift in which he rode. He had asked the infernal computer for the location of Vivian Martin. There was some obnoxious response that he had interrupted to just take him there. Silim didn’t particularly enjoy technology. It was a tool to get to an end, and the anthropomorphization of technology was nothing but a waste to him. Why try to make technology more life-like when we had yet to understand all the life that was around us? He’d had see the hologram that represented this vessel when he had come aboard. Attractive, yes, but in the end there was nothing there but forcefields and light. Nothing more than an illusion on the heartstrings.

The door parted as the lift arrived, across the corridor was Parnak’s destination – the arboretum café. It was a delightful place, comprising mainly of a balcony with seating alongside a few replicators; The fact it was elevated a couple of decks above the main arboretum meant it was a scenic, secluded place to eat, relax and enjoy nature. Silim couldn’t fault Martin in her choice of locale to visit. Across the room, he spotted the long dark hair and made his way over. Silim hadn’t actually spoken to the woman, he’d been in the same room multiple times. First the bridge of the Resolve and then the conference lounge aboard Theurgy. Finally, now, he would say his first words to this woman, no longer as a casual passerby but as a new subordinate. Perhaps she would be more useful than Walt?

Sliding into the seat opposite from this woman, he smiled cheerfully. Time to shine.

“Doctor Martin, I presume?”

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #1
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

Martin felt tired. After this morning's debacle with omega, and the revelations thereof, she had no end to questions in her mind. Despite the fact that it had occurred two hours prior, she still had so many questions in her mind regarding the nature of omega and its intricacies. The directive which had activated as soon as the box was scanned was something Martin had never heard of before, despite her position as senior staff not only aboard this starship but aboard another one for three years prior. And yet she had never heard of anything relating to the mysterious phenomenon.

Running a hand through her unkempt hair, Martin walked into the arboretum's café and sat down at a nearby table. The day before she had met Sithick and found her way into a holodeck with him. Now she wondered if the day would hold any other surprises for her as she sat there. Martin placed her order and looked around at the portrait of greens and other colors that surrounded her. She breathed in the air around her and soaked in the surroundings as she did so. The arboretum was a nice place to be in to be sure, and it was the one place on the ship with the purest air quality. Nothing but freshly cycled air and the smell of the café aroma wafting through the artificial breeze. Not long after Martin's coffee arrived however, a figure suddenly appeared at her table.

"Doctor Martin, I presume?" He said.

Martin looked up to see a surprisingly tall Cardassian seated across from her. "Yes indeed," Martin replied, as she sipped on her coffee. "And you would be..." She hesitated, trying to place the face to where she had seen it before. "Doctor Silim Parnak? Do I have that right?" She asked.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #2
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

“I can see my reputation precedes me” Parnak started, with a wide grin. A thin line of white teeth showed while he appraised the woman before him. Attractive, intelligent, and with an obvious charm. Yes, she would do nicely. A much better choice that Walt. The chief science officer of Starbase 84 did little to dissuade the usual stereotype, and for that, Silim didn’t particularly enjoy his company.

Back home on Cardassia, the sciences, technology and engineering have always been spearheaded by females. Whilst it wasn’t unknown for them to enter in the male-dominated fields of Military service and politics, many dutiful citizens kept to the social norms. Parnak had certainly been the butt of the joke in his first year at Central University. Too many times, he had been told that he was the odd one, leaving his service to study and join the Cardassian Ministry of Science.  In the end, he had managed to prove all them all wrong.

Silim had no qualms about working under women, in any sense of the word. He had done so for a large part of his academic career. For now, he put his trust in the human before him. There were ideals to the Federation, as strange as they may be. All he need do was ensure this relationship began well.

“A good choice.” He remarked, indicating towards to the arboretum. “The flora here is spectacular. On Cardassia there are few gardens quite so abundant.” Stopping, Silim took the moment to breathe deep, taking in the earthy smells.  “Certainly, none like this aboard a vessel.” He shrugged, turning back to the Lieutenant Commander. “One thing I have enjoyed about my travels through the Federation is the apparent need for you all to take some small mark of nature with you. It is quite refreshing.”

“Oh..." Parnak paused, realizing that, in fact, he may have been rude. Imposing yourself on someone else wasn’t the best first impression and here he was prattling away about gardens. “...,I hope you don’t mind this interruption. I thought it was best to come and see you. After all, it appears our good captain has placed me into your charge.”

“So here I am, ready and willing.” Silim lifted his arms wide, palms up, offering, towards Martin. It was a symbolic gesture, one he hoped she would see the benefit of. “Take me as you will”

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #3
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Cafe | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista 

As Parnak appraised Martin, she put sipped her coffee and stared back at him, an uneasy gaze coming from her own eyes. It unnerved her slightly, but she tried to put her head on her shoulders and focus on Parnak. He seemed to know what he was saying, seemed to have a knack for words and the ability to express them with an unparalleled eloquence.

Regarding him with a steely eye, Martin spoke up after Parnak was finished talking. "Indeed, welcome to the team, mister Parnak." She replied, and took another sip of her coffee. "Dramatics aside, I recognize that we are both new here and that we'll both have a lot to adjust to and learn, but should you have any other questions you may feel free to contact me if you would like." She paused before continuing.

Martin looked around her at the surrounding arboretum. "And, I concur," She said, in regards to the garden around them. "It is a very nice locale, a small piece of paradise that we take with us aboard this massive starship." Martin paused, took another sip of her coffee.

"I find one can often have a multitude of interesting encounters in this particular area, like the one we are having now for instance." And like the one the day before when she had met Sithick and the two had went on to the holodeck. "Do feel free to sit down mister Parnak, I'd hate for you to stand the entire time."

OOC: Sorry it's so short, this one was more dialogue heavy and I couldn't think of a way to lengthen it.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #4
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

“Doctor Parnak” He corrected, making himself comfortable in the seat opposite. “Or Silim, if you prefer.”  It was strange, usually he would wait before allowing those he met to address him on a first name basis but there was something about this woman. Something disarming. Perhaps it was that she was his academic equal, a new boss to charm, or perhaps it was the fact that he could use a friend?

Aside the initial icy glare, Martin had seemed to warm up quite quickly. The small talk about the arboretum had done the trick. From her answers, Parnak could tell that the area held special meaning to her. She was new to Theurgy, like Silim was, so what sort of encounters could she have had in such a small amount of time? It boggled his mind for a moment, but then the Cardassian remembered back to the conversation the previous night with Ejek.

Most of the people who signed on were apparent basket cases. Those were her very words about her shipmates. As such, this was something he would have to be careful of. Even though she wore a foreign uniform, Ejek was still Cardassian. He imagined that under all that Federation dressing, if cut, she would still bleed the colors of the union.

Parnak was not here for Ejek though, he was here for himself. Getting to know Martin would serve multiple purposes and if, along the way, an opportunity presented itself, who would say how hard Silim Parnak would grasp it?

“So, if I am to slide in under you, tell me about yourself.” While a question, it came out more as a matter of fact. To soften the blow, Parnak explained further. “My current rudimentary access to the computer doesn’t allow even things such as seeing a colleague’s history.” Leaning back, he adopted a more relaxed, conversational pose. “Have you always been Chief Science Officer of the Resolve? What’s your academic background?”

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #5
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

Doctor Parnak. Of course. Martin's cheeks burned as feelings of foolishness rushed through her mind. She should have addressed him as doctor. Nevertheless, she refused to let any of her feelings show on her face as she regarded the snakelike man across from her with interest evident in her expression.

"So, if I am to slide in under you, tell me about yourself." Parnak asked. "My current rudimentary access to the computer doesn't allow even things such as seeing a colleague's history. Have you always been Chief Science Officer of the Resolve? What's your academic background?"

"Ah, well..." Martin replied, as she placed her coffee down on the table before her. "I have been chief science officer aboard the Resolve since oh..." She thought back to when she had first came aboard the doomed ship before it had been lost in deep space. "...about since '78? Before that it was Starbase 79, and before then the USS Telesto." Martin picked up her coffee and took a sip from its depths. "As far as my academic background? Anything planetological. That is to say biology, geology, meteorology, you name it. Though my primary field of study happens to be biology though, I've always had a fancy for it." Martin paused for effect. "I've done a number of studies, from tissue samples of the Wraiths of Dakala, to biogenic weapons." she raised her hands in twin L shapes, in an imitation of a screen. "My favorite paper was probably 'An Analysis of Epidemics Considering Interstellar Warfare as a Vector of Transmission', I'm kind of an expert on biological warfare." Martin's cheeks reddened a bit as she caught herself bragging a bit. "Well... you know, within a degree."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #6
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

Listening to the woman speak was a joy. He had found someone passionate and enthused about their work, even if it was multidiscipline. This human was a true scientist, he concluded, only real scientists are able to talk about their work in such a way – as if they would lose themselves in the memory of their past glories. It was such a surprise then, when Martin admonished herself.

“Don’t apologize or belittle yourself.” He said, a frown across his face. Cardassians could never convey it as well as other species, but even so, their supraorbital ridge had a way to crinkling enough. As he spoke, he used a very specific tone. It was designed not to, as he was want to, lecture but instead it was aimed to inspire. “There are plenty of others who will use any opportunity to tear you down. Build yourself up. Don’t do their work for you.”

Parnak shifted in his chair. He wasn’t uncomfortable, but more uneasy with how this meeting was progressing. It was supposed to be a professional meeting of peers yet, somehow, he was reminded of the times he had to encourage his students. If he had been back at the University of Culat, he would have patted Martin across the shoulder and dismissed her from his office, no doubt with additional coursework. He wasn’t back on Cardassia however, not that he needed to remind himself, and instead shifting his focus back to his new supervisor.

“You’ve studied across quite a few fields.” He started, genuinely curious as to the answer for his next questions. “What draws you back to biology?”

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #7
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

Vivian smiled at Parnak's response. "I'll be sure to lift myself up in the future." she said.

Hearing Parnak appraise her work made Vivian feel slightly abashed though, and color rose to her cheeks to reflect that. Truthfully, Vivian was never one to advertise herself or her talents at any point, and her choice to describe her talents to Parnak was a leap of faith that her subconscious mind felt might not be paying off at all. In fact, the opposite might be true, and her efforts might have made her seem like a brash and foolish individual. Of course, the rational part of Vivian's mind told her this was a trifling thought, and that she should be proud of her work, but since when has the rational part of Vivian;s mind ever been in control? The answer was not very often indeed.

When Parnak asked what drew Vivian back to biology, Vivian had to consider for a bit. She didn't truthfully know what the appeal was to her. "I guess..." She began to answer, before she paused to consider just what her response would be before she elected to answer honestly. "I don't know, to tell the truth. Something about it just fascinates me more so than other fields do I guess. Something about the majesty of life and its mechanics just... fascinates me. Not to overuse the word of course." She said. "There is just something about it that-" Vivian attempted to continue before realizing that she would just wind up repeating the same phrases over and over again. "I don't know, does what I'm saying make any sense at all?" Vivian paused before she turned the question on Parnak. "What about you?" She asked. "What draws you to your particular field?"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #8
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

“Fascination has a very strong pull.” Silim spoke from experience. Fascination was what drove him from the military. Fascination was what drove him through his first degree. Fascination was what drove him to travel further than he had ever been before to Starbase 84. He knew fascination very well, and he knew the hold it had on him.

“For me it was knowing that there was more out there.” Silim started, quite nostalgic. As he continued to talk he gesticulated, lost in his own thought process. “It’s impossible to live in this time without knowing about life out amongst the stars. The part that I continually struggle with is the scale - for every humanoid race, there is an entire ecosystem of creatures behind. Life continues to find a way in some of the most difficult habitats. That, I feel, is nothing short of amazing and I think we deserve to show them respect by learning all that we can.”

“Forgive me.” He said wistfully with a sheepish grin. “You can’t get a doctorate in any subject without the ability to ramble.” Parnak raked a hand through silken black hair. It was a bad habit, he knew that, but it allowed him a break. A short respite to reset mentally.

“I have disturbed you.” The realisation came like a slap in the face. Perhaps it was that the poor woman had come to enjoy the sights and smells. Perhaps she had come for a quick bite, though there was nothing sadder than eating alone. “Never let it be said that I would deprive a beautiful girl of breakfast. Please, eat."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #9
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

Vivian nodded as Parnak explained his reasoning. It was certainly something she could relate to, on an almost molecular level. For every species in the galaxy there was an ecosystem behind it, and for so many planets there were fully formed webs of life and secrets that lay upon it. And not just on planets, there were numerous species of cosmozoans that littered space, from the star jellies encountered at Farpoint Station, to pods of Gekli, to even the mysterious crystalline entity which devoured entire organic biospheres. There was so much in the universe to explore and seek out, so much life to study and discover. Vivian laughed slightly at Parnak's comment about not being able to get a doctorate without the ability to ramble. It was something which she knew all too well.

"Indeed, Doctor, indeed." She said.

Suddenly, Parnak seemed to register something in his mind. He was under the impression that he had disturbed Vivian and her morning meal. Far from it, in fact she was starting to enjoy his company. A rain of compliments followed, or one compliment at least, and Vivian smiled at the remark. "Beautiful woman, eh?" She said, with a slight smirk on her face. "It's been a while since anyone's called me that..." True enough as far as statements went. The last person was Jess, and she wouldn't be saying so anymore. Vivian's expression faltered for a second before returning to its normal state. A pang hit her in the heart where she felt the loss of her former lover. "You're not so bad yourself." Vivian said, giving a nod towards Parnak as she did so. "So what brings you around?" She hoped to turn the conversation another way before she could dwell on the loss of Jess any longer.

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #10
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

Attractive, yes. Smart, without a doubt. Social cues, somewhat lacking. Parnak surmised as the conversation looped back around to the start. Although, it was possible he had exhausted the small talk. That or he had hit a little close to home. He had seen the way the she had faltered before pivoting the comment in return. Not so bad yourself – he would remember that.

“Why, my dear commander, the captain has placed me in your service, and service you I shall.” He said, pausing with a grin.  It was little on the nose, but well, if you don’t try you won’t get.

The plan was simple, like fishing. He’d give her some slack and then reel her in. It was amazing how often it worked. The analogy was given to him by a colleague on their first, and only, fishing expedition to Primaris III. The hobby was dreadfully dull, but parallelism was apt. “Besides my theories on parasite detection, I think you’ll find I have many…” He repeated himself, adding emphasis. “…many uses.“

If he was outside of this conversation listening in, he would have long burst into laughter. It was possible that he was being too obtuse but it wasn’t everyday that you got to proposition your boss for work, or anything else. Not so bad yourself. The words rang in his ears, causing that smile to stretch even further. Time to push a little.

“Plus, I’m led to believe that you too have something for me?”

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #11
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

So, Parnak was at her service eh? Vivian could think of a few ways he could start. Could he? No, Vivian was feeling much too reserved for that. Parnak continued, "Besides my theories on parasite detection, I think you'll find I have many..." He repeated himself, adding emphasis. "...many uses."

Parasite detection? These words struck Vivian like a guitar chord being plucked. She completely ignored the double entendre in Parnak's words as her mind raced to think of the possibilities. It was noticeable what effect the words had on her as she sat up straighter and her expression seemed to brighten slightly As Parnak so dutifully stated immediately following this, Vivian did indeed have something for him.

"Yes indeed, Doctor." Vivian replied, a clear amount of gusto in her voice. "You see, I'm putting together a sort of 'think tank', a collection of scientists which is dedicated to work on the parasite problem." Vivian took a sip from her coffee before she continued. "As you know, there's supposedly no way of detecting the parasites unless one reveals itself, as in the case of Ms. Acreth from the footage the captain was so kind as to show us. If we can get down and find a way to detect the parasites, we may be able to root them out before they know we're onto them."

Vivian paused, took an excited drink from her coffee, and replied, "So, what do you think? Can I count on you to join?" And then, after a second or two, "Oh, right, and I'd love to know what your theories on parasite detection are, they could really help us figure out exactly what we're dealing with here."

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #12
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

Silim’s innuendo went, how did the humans say it, down like a lead balloon. However, the conversation was saved as he had obviously said the magic words. At that moment, it was like Martin was eating out of his hands. Although he’d freely admit there was something else he’d like her to eat out of, it wasn’t the time. Seduction was over, now was the time for science.

Martin spoke of a think tank, an interesting concept to be held on a ship. Was this vessel truly so huge that it could supply a think tank, instead of a think bowl? Nevermind, it wasn’t as if he could refuse. Ives had tied Parnak’s continued comfort on results. Not a particularly Federation concept in Silim’s opinion, but in this case homeless Cardassians could not be choosers. Besides, the concept was intriguing. Ground rules, as with anything, would need to be set however.

“I dare say that I could be convinced.” He said with a smirk. “The chance to commune with like minded people, such as yourself, is always a treat.”

“Ives has already promised me that you’d find me suitable space and resources. The very least I could do is engage cooperatively with my peers.” He leaned back in his chair again, relaxing into taking want he needed. “I do have a specific need though. An ultimatum if you will, but one you should be able to bestow.”

“I will not be a lab assistant or secretary for anyone.” The Cardassian’s voice was clear, sharp and focussed. No room for wiggling in his demand. “I work for two people and two people alone. You and Captain Ives.”

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #13
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

It pleased Vivian that Parnak was willing to participate in the think tank, to "commune with like-minded people." Now for proper business. Vivian nodded when Parnak stated that Ives had said Vivian could allocate proper space and resources aboard the Theurgy. While this ship was still quite unfamiliar to her, this manner of business was quite familiar, and she was confident that she would be able to provide any resources necessary. Parnak's next statement about an ultimatum however, was what made Vivian's heart sink. She had hoped that by the conclusion of the meeting, they would be able to work out any business without the need for ultimatums and similar demands.

So it was to Vivian's relief that all Parnak requested was that he work alone, and not act as the assistant or secretary to anyone. Vivian sat up straight, and adjusted her uniform ever so slightly, and replied. "Yes, doctor Parnak, I think something like that can be arranged. If you wish to work alone, I can see to it that proper space and laboratory equipment be allocated to your use. However, and this is important, as you have stated you work for two people, me and the captain. I urge you not to overstep your own boundaries and attempt to assume command over the science division as a whole. If you would like a rank, I am sure that one can be afforded to you, but for now you seem content to act as an independent agent within my department, am I correct?"

And with that business concluded she assumed a much more pleasant demeanor and said "Now, you mentioned you had many, many uses?" She added emphasis on the second instance of many much like Parnak had done. A sly smile quirked the edge of her mouth. "May I inquire as to what you were referring to?"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #14
[ Dr. Silim Parnak | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Hastata-Nerada 

When Martin explained her view on his rule, Parnak noticed the slight shift in her manner. She attempted to be more business-like, more authoritarian. This was something he could definitely get behind, or in front of, dependent on her preference. Quite easily, he could imagine her taking charge and straddling him. Oh, how he’d love her giving him a slap and whispering sweet nothings while they made love, right here in the café. It was not meant to be, as Martin had subtly shot him down by not raising to one of his many insinuations. Instead he took a mental cold shower and tried not to stare at how the uniform clung to her curves.

“I don’t mind working with others. I just won’t work for others.” He corrected as she talked about her understanding on his ultimatum. Mostly, she was correct but strangely, Martin - like Ives, felt the need to impress that he was not to attempt to seize control of the department. As such, Silim thought it was best to explain himself. “I have no ministrations to lead a coup of the Science division nor do I yearn for a rank. I am content to be, as you say, an independent agent.” 

Just when he thought this meeting was over, Martin managed to pull him back in. Apparently, she had taken notice of his meanings. And that smile, oh, that sly smile. The things he would do elicit that smile and more. For now, however, he needed to be coy. The game was back afoot.

Leaning in, Parnak grinned widely, perhaps more predatory than intended, but certainly it was one of amusement. "Why, clock making of course. What else would I be talking about?"

Re: Day 03 [0800 hrs.] Reactive Magnetism

Reply #15
[ Lt.Com. Vivian Martin | Arboretum Café | Deck 20 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Arista

"Clock  making..." Vivian replied with a raised eyebrow. She had to admit to herself, that out of all the things she expected to hear, that was certainly not one of them. She expected something else, perhaps some innuendo or other similar implication. At least it was clear that he was acting as an independent agent within the department, that much made Vivian relax somewhat.

She remained oblivious of the game that Parnak was insistent on playing.


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