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DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

[ Sten Covington | Fighter Hangar Bay and CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Decks 15 and 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

The work to get the hangar deck in the wake of the mutiny and the battle with Calamity had been frantic and lasted well into the night.  In fact, it had gone into morning.  Simply put, there wasn't a single fighter that was fit to fly, let alone fight following that mess and the facilities themselves had been savaged.  But despite the piles of debris stacked haphazardly in out of the way locations and in empty fighter parking spaces and the apparent chaos, there was a certain order there.  Fighters had been literally gutted; any component that needed reconditioning was clearly marked in each fighter; those that needed rebuilding or replacing had been taken out and placed on a long bench that had been set in the middle of the bay, awaiting further evaluation as to its value, whether it could be salvaged or was going to be stripped for parts or simply recycled.  And what was scrap was simply tossed into a pile and would be recycled as quickly as possible so parts and components could be replicated or machined as the case may be.  And each bird had a PADD attached to it with the full diagnostic and list of work it required on it.  And those lists were long.

The magazine too was a busy place and the ordnance techs would have a lot of work to do reconditioning every seventy-round microtorpedo pod, and there would be a lot of head-scratching involved in distributing what little ammunition was left between the fighters.  But that would be left to The Boss and Sten would just be the one to ensure it got done.  But one thing for certain, they needed to re-ammo sooner rather than later.  Unlike the main torpedo magazines, they did not carry spare components or the tooling to manufacture micro-torpedoes; in fact, they did not see any of the maintenance ship-launched ones did as they were far cheaper to produce and between their lesser relative tactical value and much shorter range, a dud or a failure of the drive or guidance packages were considered a lot less of an issue than a full-size photon torpedo having similar problems.  But the state of the stocks was pitifully low.  The Chief of the Deck would have to see if he might be able to appropriate some from the stockpile earmarked for shuttlecrafts, runabouts or the Yacht; something else to bounce off the Boss when they'd meet next.

As hour grew late, Covington started the dismissal routine.  Tools would be returned to their proper locations, the tool crib would be locked up, the magazines secured and people were being counted off.  There was a way he dismissed his folks and he ingrained it into every Chief of the Deck he trained.  The first people to knock off weren't the senior ones, they were the juniormost and it went from there, and at the very end it was for the section heads and Sten to depart. 

As the end-of-day spiel was finished and the most junior of his people left the deck, he called for his prodigal Petty Officer.  "Ji, hold up a minute," he called before she would make her way out of the hangar.  As finally they were the only two left, he approached her and very much despite himself he hugged her to his chest.  He'd heard some of what had been going on on Harbinger.  Rapes, mind-control, turning female personnel into sex-toys and brood mares.  that did not agree with him.  And considering he'd been feeling most guilty at having sent the young technician there because he was afraid to face her after the Ishtar incident, he was feeling infinitely more so now that she had been sent into that madhouse.  "You've got no idea how glad I am to see you here and in one piece."

Then, he broke off the hug and stepped back but he kept his big hirsute paws on her diminutive shoulders.  "You got here in a pretty weird way.  Do you have a place to stay for now?"

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #1
[ Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Hangar Bay and CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 15 and 7 ] Attn: Sten Covington

Eun Sae felt dead on her feet by the time Sten had called for the dismissal of the Hangar's staff. The junior officers were first to be dismissed and went upward from there. As assets were accounted for and personnel were counted off Eun Sae could feel her eyelids growing heavy in her struggle to stave off the encroaching want to sleep that was slipping into her mind. The work to get the hangar deck operational had been a long arduous process and it wasn't even close to being complete yet. For the most part she'd tried to keep herself busy through the day. She was one of Sten's senior officers despite her young age and that meant that she needed to set an example to those serving under her. But now the fatigue was just weighing on her more and more by this point she felt both mentally and physically exhausted. The events of days past still weighed heavily on her mind and it only served to burden her weary mind more than it already was.

As the Senior officers were finally dismissed Eun Sae let her shoulders sag a bit as her body slipped into a more relaxed state now that the work for the day was done. As she made her way to the exit however she heard Sten's voice call out somewhere behind her. She turned around briefly wondering what Sten could need her for now that the day was done. But before she could even open her mouth to voice her question she felt a strong pair of arms encircle her pulling her to Sten's chest. Immediately all thoughts of sleep were flushed out of her mind as she registered what was happening. The last time she and Sten had truly been this close to one another was during the Ishtar incident the very same instance that had put a wedge between them before. She felt her cheeks redden as memories of the incident came to mind she'd seen all of Sten and she was pretty sure despite his attempts to be both a professional and a gentleman he'd seen much of her as well.

Both had tried their best to stay as professional as possible but she could remember all of the carnal sensual thoughts and fantasies whatever the being that had placed them there had implanted into her head. Eun Sae lowered her head to hide her blush as the thoughts took the forefront of her mind. Before she could speak up to say anything Sten spoke again expressing his happiness to see her in one piece. Eun Sae smiled as she returned the hug "I can definitely say the same for you Chief." Eun Sae said. As they parted Eun Sae offered the taller man a small smile as he rested his hands on her shoulders. It was then Sten brought up a very important caveat.

She had nowhere to go.

When Eun Sae had left the Theurgy most of her possessions had gone with her to the Harbinger. Everything that was important to her like pictures of her family. Perhaps it was a petty thing to think about and grieve over considering the circumstances but it hurt to know that such precious things that she'd wished to keep safe were gone now vaporized into space dust along with the majority of the Harbinger. She bit her lip silently for a moment before she pushed the thoughts of lost mementos to the back of her mind to pay attention to her current issue. At the moment she had no assigned quarters aboard the USS Theurgy meaning she had nowhere to go. "Ummm no I suppose I don't..." Eun Sae said reaching up to rub the back of her neck. "I can probably sleep in the lounge or below decks though." Eun Sae said smiling.

"I've certainly slept in far worse places." She added.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #2
[ Sten Covington | Fighter Hangar Bay and CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Decks 15 and 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

When he held Eun-Sae to his chest, Sten could feel the length of her pressed against him and the memories from the Ishtar incident flooded his mind.  Her skin, golden, flushed and slick with sweat; her every curve beneath his hands and against him; her lips on his... and he tore himself away from those memories as she too acknowledged her gladness at seeing him.  He had no idea how much she knew of what had happened during the mutiny.  How many men and women had been injured or killed, how much fighting she had been spared by working the hangar deck.  And truth be told he was surprised he didn't sport a few phaser burns of his own and that the only real injuries he'd suffered during the struggle were some scrapes and bruises from moving entirely too fast through Jefferies tubes and where his knuckles had split when he fed one of Vasser's men his own teeth. 

But her?  She was grimy, sweaty and completely unhurt. 

And when she answered about whether or not she had a place to stay, he already knew the answer.  The ship had been a mess and she had been in the bay the whole time, not even taking a few minutes to get in touch with the Quartermaster's office to get a place to stay or even asking him to do it for her.  But when she spoke of staying in the lounge, which was currently housing a stack of Reaver parts that might or might not be useful to bring the Valkyries back into action, or in Down Below he shook his head.  "No way.  You need at least a sonic shower and a clean uniform to feel like a human when you report for duty again, and something that resembles decent sleep and that means a bed.  I got a full-size couch and it'll do me fine for the night; so come on, you're staying with me until we can get you somewhere to live."

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #3
[ Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Assault Bay and CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 15 and 7 ] Attn: Sten Covington

Eun Sae was a bit surprised when Sten immediately shot down her previous notions of sleeping in the Lounge or in the bar downstairs and instead offered his own alternative. Albeit his alternative was for her to sleep in his quarters instead in his bed whilst he slept on the couch. "Chief really it's fine you don't have to." Eun Sae said frowning. It wasn't like a few days of sleeping in the booths at Below Decks would kill her. The longer she thought about it though the more she felt her resistance slipping away with each passing second. The promise of a nice shower and a comfortable bed was far too tempting to pass up in her mind.

She found herself contemplating in her mind how to go back on her previous protests. "B-But if you insist..." Eun Sae muttered lowering her head feeling a bit guilty at so easily giving in to her own selfish wants for comfort. Normally she prided herself on her ability to be independent but after the day they'd all had she just couldn't find it within herself to refuse Sten's offer anymore than she already had. Eun Sae bit her lip "But if I am doing this I have the couch, There's no way I'm going to steal your bed out from under you after what you've been through Chief." Eun Sae said firmly raising her head to look her superior right in the eye her own holding a slight edge to them showing that her request left little room for change.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #4
[ Sten Covington | Fighter Hangar Bay and CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Decks 15 and 7 ] Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

When the propulsion specialist balked at his offer, Sten raised a hand to stop her right then and there.  Of course he had to offer.  First of all, she was one of his people and part of his job was to make sure they were all getting the rest they needed.  Secondly, she was one of his section heads; if anything she needed to be even sharper than the techs working around her.  And besides, it was not as though she was imposing on him, for he had offered.  "Lass, no discussion.  You need a place to crash for now, I offered mine.  It's not an inconvenience."

And then, she cracked.  But then again, he was rather certain she was not as resolved to protest as she might have wanted.  Yes, a booth in Below Decks or crashing in the Cubs' locker room might have been an acceptable short-term option, but one thing those did not have was a laundry processor.  And until she could get squared away with the quartermaster and get some new uniforms and some civvies sorted out, she had exactly one set of clothes.  He'd have to make sure to have a chat with the man later in the morning, making sure it would happen sooner rather than later.

When finally she agreed, though with the caveat that she was going to be on the couch, the old Englishman grinned.  "I can live with that.  Come on." 

With that said, he led Eun-Sae first to a turbolift that took them up halfway across the ship and then a short walk to his quarters.  Upon entering, he grinned and gave his accommodations, the same kind of private quarters junior officers got to enjoy, an expansive wave.  "Welcome to Castle Covington.  I know, it's probably not as luxurious as the shared cabin you're used to but I'm sure you'll live."

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #5
[ Eun Sae Ji | Fighter Hangar Bay and CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 15 and 7 ] Attn: Sten Covington

Eun Sae followed Sten out of the hangar the walk to the turbolift was silent for the most part. It was nice to be back aboard the Theurgy navigating familiar corridors passing by familiar people. She could only wonder what had become of her old quarters after she'd been transferred. Had they just found someone new to fill the space she left? She supposed it didn't matter though she had a place to stay now and there'd be no point in complicating matters by trying to find another solution when a simple solution already existed.

As they both stood in the turbolift Eun Sae's mind drifted to the events of the Ishtar incident despite her best efforts to avoid them. It was difficult here they were in an enclosed space all it would take was the elevator to malfunction and it would be the Ishtar incident all over again. Albeit without the strange alien lust god entity filling both of their heads with so many dirty fantasies that it would make a holo-net porn star blush. Unfortunately though Eun Sae had a feeling that her own imagination would fill in that absence just as easily if such were to actually happen.

Fortunately for Eun Sae the turbolift doors slid open on Deck 7. As they left it was a short walk from the lift to reach Sten's quarters. As they entered Eun Sae looked around at the living space Sten possessed. It was way different from the shared cabins she and the other bear cubs shared especially considering it was a bit bigger but seemed designed for only a single inhabitant's needs. She crossed her arms as she stood at the door as Sten gave her his own grand introduction to his home. "I suppose it shall have to do." Eun Sae said whimsically a small smile gracing her lips.

She broke the facade as she turned her smile to Sten "It's great Chief." She said

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #6
[ Sten Covington | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

When the propulsion specialist commented on the accommodations, Sten could not help his grin.  As a PO, she was accustomed to sharing a suite with another like-ranked person and the total floor space was the exact same as what the CWO could call his own.  Technically, senior non-coms and Warrants did not rank officer quarters, however there was something to be said with officers having enough presence of mind to recognize these senior men and women and do them the courtesy of providing them with the private quarters of junior officers.  As a rule, it was sufficient not to overly irk those commissioned members of Starfleet who held on tight to the privilege of rank and officer status save for the very most elitist or the least experienced.  Those who had sufficient service and experience and the brains to understand knew their Chiefs were all experts in their fields whereas most line officers had to be generalists.

Sten's quarters were sparsely decorated.  Theurgy was supposed to be a six-month assignment so he hadn't taken much of his personal effects with him.  He had what he referred to as his travel guitar leaning near an easy chair, a well-stocked bar and the place was immaculately clean.  Old habits die hard, and a messy flight deck was one that would cause no end of pain for those who worked around it should the least thing go wrong. 

"I'm glad you like," he replied as he unbuckled his heavy toolbelt and hung it on a rack by the door.  Many did not take their basic tools to their quarters but  the Chief of the Deck preferred doing so.  Granted, the deck gang for Theurgy was granted the privilege of wearing white shirts under their Ops-yellow coveralls and that itself was a status symbol.  But his worn toolbelt, made of actual leather and not a modern synthetic, was all Sten Covington.  It was well-used and scuffed but still in immaculate shape and the tools were clean and serviceable. 

Then, he took a deep breath and his own stench assaulted his nostrils, combined with the less offensive smell from the young woman.  He reeked of sweat, blood and grease, with accents of scorching and burnt metal.  It was the smell of battle for a fighter bay's crew.  Eun-Sae, well, she somehow smelled much cleaner; what was it with female sweat that did not make it stink like a man's, he would never know.  Unceremoniously, he removed his boots and dropped them into the laundry processor and proceeded to unzip his coveralls but he did not shed them just yet.

"How about I find you something to throw on until we need to show up for work, and we can hit the showers.  Feel free to use my hot water ration, right now I'd be happy just with a sonic shower."

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #7
[ Eun Sae Ji | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ] Attn: Sten Covington

Eun Sae took a moment to survey her surroundings taking small steps as she navigated Sten's quarters. For the most part there wasn't much setting apart from anyones quarter's aside from the increase in size and the presence of a guitar and a well stocked bar. But the one thing that spoke most to her signifying that this place was indeed owned by Sten was the way that almost everything in the room was clean and organized. It was apparent that he ran his living space the same way he did the deck. As he moved to hang up his tool belt on the hook beside the door she turned as he spoke up offering to let her use the shower first along with his hot water ration. Immediately the want to object rose up in mind Sten had already opened up his home to her it would wrong to take away one of the few luxuries that were still being offered after what had occurred.

But at the same time she also knew that Sten also had a streak of stubbornness that ran as deeply as her own did. She could sit here and object for hours and she still doubted that she'd get anywhere in any attempt she might make to change his mind. With a quiet sigh she nodded giving the older man a smile before heading into the bathroom first closing the door behind her. As her eyes fell upon the sonic shower she couldn't help but smile as she leaned against the sink to work her boots off setting them beside the door before undoing the knot she'd made with the sleeves of the upper half of her coveralls allowing the remains of the garment to slip down her legs pooling at her feet. She was quick to remove her remaining articles of clothing leaving them all in a haphazard pile beside her boots.

She stepped into the shower shivering as her bare feet touched the cool tile that covered the floor of the shower. With the press of a button the cycle on the sonic shower began and with the turn of a single knob she could feel hot water cascade down over her head dampening her hair causing it to fall flat against her head falling in front of her eyes. Eun Sae sighed in pleasure and relief as she leaned against the wall of the shower with one arm the other reaching up to brush her fingers through her hair. She could feel the sonic shower working it's magic as the water dampened her skin bits of dirt and grime lifted from her body weighing down the water vapors in the air which filtered down the drain at her feet. She closed her eyes as she stood under the warm cascade of water her hands wandering over her body rubbing the water against her skin.

She felt a pang of guilt settled in her chest however as she thought of the man standing just outside. Sonic showers were pleasant but nothing could really beat a warm shower. She remembered when she was younger how her father would always get mad when she'd spend almost an hour in the shower with the hot water on when the colder seasons came. It didn't occur to her how much of a luxury hot water was until she started she'd begun serving aboard Starfleet vessels where hot water was a luxury reserved for the senior officers. Her mind tried to find some solution that could make this work for both of them. Somewhere deep in the recesses of her mind a small voice offered up the idea of sharing the shower. Almost immediately her cheeks flushed at the thought of being so intimate with Sten again. Eun Sae let out a small whine as she leaned her head against the wall of the shower closing her eyes.

For some reason she just couldn't let what had happened between the two of them go. She was still able to perform her duties but it wasn't very great to have sexual thoughts about her boss popping up in her head at the most awkward of moments to throw her mind for a loop. "I need to take care of this now..." Eun Sae muttered letting out small sigh. Something told her that what had happened would always hang between her and Sten until one of them decided to talk about it. She was staying with him tonight so in her mind there was no better time than now. As the shower ended it's cycle Eun Sae opened the shower stall and stepped out. However as she stepped out she felt her foot slip on the floor of the bathroom sending her falling forwards onto the floor as she let out a sharp yelp.

"Ah...Shi-Bal" Eun Sae groaned as she got back to her feet leaning on the counter for support. "That hurt..." Eun Sae muttered rubbing her palms which had taken the brunt of the fall.

[Translation: [Ah...Shi-Bal] = {Ah...Fuck.}

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #8
[ Sten Covington | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

One the door to the bathroom hissed shut behind Eun-Saw, Sten wasted no time in stripping off his socks, coveralls and the white shirt he wore beneath, content to be down to his undershirt and shorts as he headed into the partially sectioned-off bedroom.  His guest would want something to wear after her shower, and while he didn't particularly have the rations to burn to get her something in her size, he probably had something she could borrow.  First, he considered handing her one of his white TacConn shirts, but he quickly dismissed the idea.  That would remind him far too much of Nahrik and her fate after he'd been certain he had saved her from the animals from the Harbinger.  Instead, he selected one of his undershirts.  After all, he easily dwarfed the Korean Petty Officer and it ought to be enough to preserve her modesty.

Not that part of him would rather she pass on the offer.  He remembered when they were locked together.  Her golden skin flushed with sweat, soft and hot under his hands.  Her breasts, pert and firm, perfectly shaped and sized for her frame and nipples hard enough to cut transparent aluminum with; her ass taut and smooth; and between her legs, wet and fragrant and inviting...

And he found himself stiffening up at those memories, and realizing she was naked in his shower made him hard within his shorts.  And the temptation was there, a remnant of the desire he had felt during the visit from that alien lust god.  He wanted to strip down and rush into the bathroom and... NO!  He could not allow himself to think of her like this.  But still his engorged member would not subside and he wondered, would he have the time to deal with that before she would come out?

He had just freed himself from his underwear when he heard it.  A thud and a yelp and instantly he softened.  Something was wrong.  With a snap, he hooked the elastic waistband back over his equipment and rose to his feet, crossing the distance to the bathroom and did not bother to knock or chime or call out, simply barging to see if his guest was all right.  And the sight that greeted him made him stand at attention again.  Eun-Sae, perfectly naked and wet in the steam-clouded bathroom.  The last time he'd come across that kind of a sight... it had been when they had been locked together.  Even his tryst with Rawley hadn't had that kind of erotic setting.  And without thinking, he stepped close to her, still filthy and more than a little fragrant from the day's events and he landed his big paws on her shoulders, distantly realizing that only a few inches' movement would put his palms over her so very enticing breasts.  "Are you all right?"

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #9
[Eun Sae | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ] Attn: Sten Covington

Before she knew it the door to the bathroom slid open revealing Sten who was considerably less clothed than he had been not long ago. Eun Sae blinked as she stared at her superior officer for a man his age Sten appeared to have the body of a much younger man. A body that she currently found herself admiring shamelessly without the prompting of some wayward Alien god. Her eyes traveled up his chest to the man's face to see his eyes locked on her own. Eun Sae's gaze fell to the floor as redness flooded her cheeks. She was immediately reminded of her own state of undress and shifted her hands to at least try and preserve some of her modesty. As he moved closer Eun Sae could feel her heart thudding in her chest like a drum and the movement his hands touched her skin she felt a wave of shivers course through her body.

"I-I'm alright...I just slipped." Eun Sae said her eyes were still glued to the floor but as he moved close to her a new sight came into view. With Sten this close Eun Sae could clearly see his erection tenting his shorts. If it were possible for Eun Sae to get any redder she had no doubts her skin would be as red as Klingon bloodwine by now. She could feel her heart quicken in her chest with him this close she could smell his scent the same scent from that night they'd spent together. She felt a bit embarrassed that just that was getting her so worked up.

She wouldn't lie part of her wanted to throw her arms around his neck and pull go for a repeat of what had occurred between the two of them. But a small part of her was hesitant recalling what had happened afterwards. Would it be different this time though? Would it be different if he knew that she wasn't as against the idea as it might have appeared? That perhaps what had transpired between them wasn't simply just an Alien god playing it's naughty games.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #10
[ Sten Covington | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

Sten simply stood there, his paws resting on the young woman's shoulders, looking at her as she blushed some more.  It was a pretty sight all right, one he remembered well from their time locked in that tiny compartment.  And when her hands moved to preserved some of her modesty, the sight of her appeared all the more enticing.  There was no helping it for the older man, he wanted her all all right. 

And then, he exhaled.  There was no use fighting it.  Not when he was getting at least the impression his houseguest did not appear to be offended by his presence at this time, simply surprised.  On hand he let slide down from her shoulder, caressing at the outer curve of a breast on its way to her narrow waist where it lingered for a moment before rounding to the small of her back and then slipped further down to her backside.  And from there, he drew her to him until the warm, soft and wet length of her pressed against him.  "Damn it, you've got no idea how badly I want you."

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #11
[ Eun Sae Ji | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ] Attn: Sten Convington

Eun Sae felt Sten's hand slide down from her shoulder sliding down the outer curve of her breast before coming to rest on her waist. Her mind was trying to process that what was currently happening really was happening. This wasn't some daydream she was having from inhaling too many engine fumes. This was real, As she felt his hand travel around her back and slide down to her bottom she raised her head to look up at him gasping as she felt him pull her to him. Damn she was nervous being persuaded to do it by some Alien God lust entity was one thing but to be completely honest she'd never done this before.

Eun Sae was the farthest thing from experienced. Sure her time with Sten in that tiny compartment counted but in that moment she was far more focused on what he was doing to her than on what she had been doing. Her blush was still on her face refusing to disappear as much as she willed for it to. As he spoke Eun Sae didn't really have any words she wanted to say something witty like she'd seen in the cutie romance dramas she loved watching when she thought no one was looking but her mind just totally drew a blank. So instead she did the first thing that came to her mind she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down to press her lips to his standing on her tip toes to compensate for the height difference between them both.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #12
[ Sten Covington | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

When at first Eun Sae did not answer him, Sten's heart skipped a beat.  Had he gone too far?  Had he... That thought was never finished for the young woman rose to the tips of her toes and her arms went around his neck, leaving her entire wet and naked length to be pressing against him, and her lips pressed to his as she pulled him down. 

If that wasn't an answer to the questions his mind was asking, he would never know what was.

He leaned into her kiss even as his hand upon her ass gave the taut, firm flesh a squeeze.  He was no spring chicken but when he'd first seen the young woman, he had though her uniformed backside had been appealing.  When he'd first seen it in the flesh, he had been able to confirm that initial assessment.  But to have it open to his touch again, that was most pleasant. 

While he let his tongue probe outwards into Eun Sae's mouth, Sten moved his free hand and slipped it between his undershirt and her own chest, and he did not waste time seeking out her breast.  That too he remembered, the perfect shape, the most amazing firm softness.  And he wanted to be reminded of it.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #13
[ Eun Sae | CWO1 Convington's Quarters | Deck 7 ] Attn: Sten Convington

Eun Sae took a sharp intake of breath as she felt Sten grab a handful of her ass. Her arms wound tighter around his neck drawing herself closer to him. Her entire body tensed for a moment but she quickly found herself able to relax as she reassured herself that this was exactly what she wanted. As his tongue probed her mouth Eun Sae allowed her own to wander slipping past her lips to intertwine with Sten's.

So many things were running through her mind finally she broke the kiss turning her gaze downward her cheeks burning red as she took a moment to breath. "W-Wait Sten." Eun Sae shifting her hands to rest on his chest. She wanted this she knew she did but part of her wanted to needed to talk about what had happened between them before. Before she could go through with it she needed to make sure that if they allowed this to happen again the aftermath wouldn't be the same as well.

"I'm sorry...I just think we need to talk about what happened before we do this..." She said her lips turning down into a frown. Part of her hated to do this she'd instigated this she'd encouraged him but now here she was wanting to stop. "C-Can we do that?" She asked looking up at him.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #14
[ Sten Covington | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

The kiss had grown deeper and more feverish and Sten's hand had just cupped her breast as the propulsion tech's arms had grown tighter around his neck.  Oh, how he had wanted this!   And how he regretted the undershirt and shorts he still wore as he craved to feel her against his bare skin.  And he was about to give in to this when she broke the kiss.

Well, there was often a need to come up for air, but there was something different there.  And when she looked down, he felt her hands move to rest on his chest, requesting a pause.  Part of him wanted to ignore it, to just let things happen.  But he considered himself to be somewhat old-fashioned, and a real man.  And real men could take "no" or "wait a moment" for an answer regardless of the fact their shorts were straining under the tension of their member. 

So, one hand left her breast, the other her ass and both came to rest upon her waist.  If she wished to talk, so be it.  And there might be some interesting questions to answer along the way, but answer them he would.  "Of course.  What is it?"

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #15
[ Eun Sae Ji | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ]

Eun Sae bit her lip as Sten's hands came to rest upon her waist. For a moment they were both quiet as her mind struggled to find the words to put her worries to light. "I-I." Eun Sae felt her words fail her she sighed closing her eyes. "This...What we're doing...It won't end the same way it did last time...Will it?" Eun Sae asked finally opening her eyes and meeting Sten's gaze with her own. "If we do this promise your not going to find some way to assign me to some engineering assignment on the other end of the ship." Eun Sae said sternly her confidence slowly returning to her.

There was more to talk about but the rest of it was hardly topics to be spoken about while you were naked infront of your nearly naked superior officer. "If you can promise me that then we can keep going." Eun Sae said. Eun Sae could feel his length through the tent in his shorts pressing against her hell there was no way she was going to not finish what they'd started either way. But she just needed some reassurance that history wasn't just going to repeat itself.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #16
[ Sten Covington | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ]  Attn: Eun-Sae Ji

There were all kinds of things a man could expect to hear when a naked woman asked him to slow down.  That he would still respect her in the morning.  If he would be gentle.  If he really loved her.  If he'd be true to her.  If he wouldn't give her a dose, not that such things were common these days.  But to be asked if he would do the same as the last time they'd been naked together, that was not exactly something Sten had expected.  And truth be told, he was not proud of what he had done.

Even on the spot, he felt like he'd betrayed Eun-Sae when he sent her to be the Assistant Chief of the Deck on the Harbinger.  Oh, he had justified it well enough that it would be a great way to expand her professional horizons.  And he had done so in good enough faith and while he'd had no love for Kilinvos nd his maniacs he had absolutely no idea of what would come out that mess of a ship, courtesy of their madman, or augment, or whatever the hell he was Vasser and his pet Vulcan. 

Truth be told, he was feeling obscenely guilty of having sent her into that vipers' nest.  The fact she had been unharmed was a miracle in its own right.  And now, she was asking him if he would send her away...

"You've got no idea how much I've regretted doing that.  So no, you're not going be sent away.  You're staying right there in the bay for so long as I've got something to say about it."

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #17
[ Eun Sae Ji | CWO1 Covington's Quarters | Deck 7 ] Attn: Sten Covington

Eun Sae bit her lip as she listened to Sten's confession of his guilt. She couldn't help but feel a bit bad for bringing it up but after what had happened talking about it would have been inevitable. Of course she probably didn't have the best timing but if she'd put it off things would likely only get more awkward making it more difficult to bring up. As he finished speaking she gave him a small reassuring smile "I believe you..." She said her hands slid Sten's shoulder's to wrap her arms around her neck "Thank you Sten." Eun Sae said before slipping one hand up to rest on the back of the taller man's head to gently tilt his head down so that she could meet his lips with her own.

After a few moments she parted their lips "Now that's out of the way." Eun Sae felt her cheeks flush once more. "Want to take this to your bed maybe? I'm not sure your bathroom is the best place for this." Eun Sae said. The talk had gotten her mind distracted from their current situation and now that she could focus more her lack of actual experience was becoming more prominent. Eun Sae was confident in many things she was confident in her ability to knock out most people who thought just because she was female she couldn't fix a ship and she was also just as confident in her ability to fix those ships. But when it came to sex or relationships her confidence was a bit shaky.


Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #18
There was a moment of doubt for Sten.  He knew Eun-Sae well enough, even before they had been locked and cuffed together by that lust got, or whatever the Ishtar entity had been.  After all, he had been the one to hand-pick the deck crew for the Theurgy operational deployment and he had personally interviewed every last one of them to pick the right combination of skills, outlooks, attitudes, career prospects, and the ability to learn from operational experience to expand upon the 'official' operations and maintenance manual for the Mark III's. 

But that did not mean he knew the Korean girl well enough to estimate how she'd react to him while she was completely naked in front of him but able to leave if she so desired. 

However, her strong but slender arms around his neck her hand at the back of his head, her breasts pressing to his chest.  Her lips on his.  That alone spoke louder than the word's she'd used. 

Once the kiss broke, the older man let his hands run up and down Eun-Sae's sides, his thumbs brushing across her breasts as he did so.  Her invitation was definitely a most appealing one.  However, he was currently in no state to join her.  Not until he'd have a chance to wash up himself.  "How about you give me five minutes and I'll join you?"

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #19
Eun Sae felt a shiver run through her body from head to toe as she felt Sten's hands travel up and down her sides his thumbs just barely brushing against her breasts. She was sorely tempted to pull their lips together again but she refrained from doing so to listen to what Sten had to say. She nodded unwinding her arms from his neck "Alright I-I'll just wait outside then and leave you to it." Eun Sae said smiling.

She quickly retreated from the bathroom grabbing a towel and closing the door behind her. She leaned against the closed door letting out a deep breath bringing a hand up to cover her pounding heart. She closed her eyes leaning her head back against the door there wasn't any going back now and to be quite honest she doubted she'd want to go back on the choice she'd just made. Sten was a good man and if she had to give herself to anyone he was certainly a good candidate to do so.

She pushed off the door and walked toward Sten's bedroom as she quickly dried her body and hair the best she could. By the time she'd finished her hair was still a bit damp. As she placed the towel aside she spotted what appeared to be an oversized shirt laid out on the bed. She had no doubts that this is probably what Sten had gotten for her to wear. She smiled lightly as she slipped it on over her head it was quite large on her which was no surprise considering the amount of height and build Sten had on her. After getting dressed she seated herself on the bed waiting for Sten to finish washing up so they could finish what they both had started.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #20
Sten was not particularly pleased to see Eun Sae leaving, but the sight of that perfectly formed ass swaying back and forth as she did so was indeed lovely.  And to think he would have his hands upon it in but moments... And that meant he stripped off his undershirt boxers, having to pull them outwards in order to clear his furious erection and the speed at which he got cleaned in the sonic shower rivaled some of his best times when he was going through recruit training four decades past.  Coming out, he gathered his own underwear and his houseguest's clothes and dropped them in the laundry unit, and it was completely naked, and without bothering with a towel as he did not get wet at all, that he made for his bedroom.

He had very much hoped he'd find the Korean girl as naked as she'd been when she left the bathroom, but instead she was in that undershirt he'd pulled out for her.  But then again, there was something about the way she looked almost lost in the tank-top, and how it's neckline exposed much of her so very enticing breasts.  But one thing for certain, his own ardor had not slackened and his own member was still as erect as it had been beneath his shorts, but now it was fully exposed and jutting from the curled mat of his pubic hair. 

Without a word, he seated himself next to her and landed a hand upon her bare thigh and let it slide up to her hip and then under the fabric until he was halfway between her waist and her breasts and let it rest there before he leaned forward and brought his other hand around to her back and pulled her to him as he landed a fierce kiss upon her lips.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #21
Eun Sae's head rose as she heard the door to the bathroom slide open. She gave Sten a soft smile as he looked in on her she found her eyes slowly but surely straying lower despite her best attempts to keep her eyes focused on Sten's face. Mentally she continued  to fight with herself over what she deemed acceptable and what wasn't. Yes she'd seen Sten naked before but once again she stubbornly pointed out that it was under the influence of another that she had done so. Did she regret it? No she honestly did not in fact she was a bit grateful for it losing her virginity then would make it far easier now despite the fact that she still felt like a virgin in mind.

As Sten approached the bed she felt his hand fall upon her thigh she shivered a bit at his touch moving a hand to cover his as it slowly slid upward to her side. She could feel his other hand curling around her back and in a split moment she felt Sten's lips descend upon her own in a passionate kiss. At first Eun Sae found herself overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the kiss. But she quickly melted into it as she wrapped her arms around Sten's neck drawing herself closer to him matching his passion with her own. She closed her eyes as she lost herself in the kiss her body acted on impulse as her tongue snuck past her lips brushing softly against his lower lip asking wordlessly for entrance.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #22
Sten felt a mere instant of hesitation from Eun Sae, but it hardly lasted. In fact, when he pulled her to him he felt how she had half-pressed and half-pulled herself against him and her lips were as intent as his own, if not more.  In fact, she was the one to offer to deepen that kiss when her lips parted and her tongue started to probe against his own mouth.  And that was an opening the Chief of the Deck was not going to refuse.

Opening his own mouth, his tongue sought out the young woman's and began fencing with it as he let the hand beneath her borrowed shirt slip yet higher between their pressed bodies.  Higher and inwards, in fact.  And before long, his large, hirsute and callused paw came up to cup her breast and give the firm globe a tender squeeze as he further leaned into their kiss.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #23
Eun Sae moaned softly as she felt Sten's answer her wordless request with much enthusiasm her tongue eagerly entwining with his. She could feel his hand exploring beneath the shirt she'd chosen to wear a bit of a pointless thing to have done considering she'd likely be removing it in a few moments either that Sten would do it for her. She felt his hand palm her breast rough callused skin brushing against the smoother and softer skin of her breast. For a moment she merely held the kiss enjoying the intimacy between herself and Sten.

But images of their past encounter flashed through her mind reminding her off just what they could do. They'd already been far beyond this and as if a lock had come undone upon her mind she quickly shifted to her knees on the bed throwing one leg over Sten's to seat herself in his lap. She could feel his erect member brushing against her thighs as she made herself comfortable her hands moving to rest on Sten's cheek and neck as she deepened the kiss her tongue eagerly exploring Sten's with new energy.

Re: DAY 02: Houseguest [0130 hrs.]

Reply #24
If anything, Sten was expecting to be the one to take the lead in this matter.  Eun Sae had been rather bashful when they were under the thumb of the Ishtar entity and so far she hadn't been the most adventurous since they'd entered his quarters.  Oh, she'd welcomed his touch well enough and hadn't turned quite the same shade of pink as she had when they were stuck in that small compartment.  When she shifted onto her knees, Covington took it in stride.  After all, even sitting he dwarfed her and he considered it as a way to make things easier given the disparity in their heights.  But what came next took him by surprise as she boldly threw a leg over him and straddled his lap and a new fervor powered their kiss.

He could feel his member throbbing as it rested against the silken skin of her thighs and her hands on his cheeks and neck were hot and soft and more than a little pleasant.  But the layer of fabric between them was catching at the thick mat of hair across his chest, and deprived him of feeling the whole length of her body against him.  As such, after giving her breast one more squeeze he took both of his hands to the hem of the undershirt he had loaned her and started to lift it up, pausing only when her arms started to interfere with the process.

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