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CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

Adam stood in front of the nice arrangement of a picnic he had prepared for him and Rhys. His hands on his hips as he inspected the basket with nibbles and drinks inside, the blanket and the second gift he had bought from Aldea next to the basket. Everything seemed to be in order and Adam nodded, he tapped his combadge.

”Kingston to Williams, could I interest you in a get-together in the Arboretum?” Adam called with a grin. ”Oh and bring that gift I beamed to your quarters.”

He was looking forward to Rhys’ reaction to the presents he was to receive, Adam had been busy most of the time on Aldea as things came up and those events with others took him off the ship or around the ship to tend to things. He managed to reserve some of the Arboretum for this date and hoped that Rhys would enjoy himself in the picnic and gift unwrapping excitement Adam had planned for the Counselor.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #1
[Lt. Rhys Williams| Junior officer's quarters | Deck 13/Vector 01 | USS Theurgy]

Rhys had spent much of his day cleaning his quarters. His room had been such a representation of his mental state that in some ways it felt like it was reinforcing the feeling. After having previously met with Rawley he had felt better if not in the place he should be just yet.

He shook his head and muttered to himself as he set the room back into its previous state. Normally everything in his quarters had to be just so. Books had to be the right way up and in order. Pictures of family and friends laid out ‘just so’ by some criteria even he was not really sure of. Model ships he had crafted patiently over many hours laid out in exacting formations.

His prize possession, an acoustic guitar gifted to him by his mother, though he had never bothered to learn more than a few basic cords. He was loathed to touch in too much, it was an important link between him and her and he was paranoid about breaking it. He was amazed it had survived the Cayuga’s encounter with the Borg when half the ship had been destroyed.

So engrossed was he in his activities that he gave a start when Adam’s voice came through on his communicator.  At the mention of the gift, his eyes drifted to the packet unopened on his desk. Adam had asked him not to open it, so Rhys had complied despite his curiosity. The idea of someone wanting to buy him a present was baffling to Rhys. “Oh of course Adam, on my way. Williams out.” He was unable to keep the nervousness out of his voice. He had not really had any chance to see Adam since he had left the Yacht on Aldea.

Rhys was put in an Unusual position. He had been the kind of officer who was almost never seen out of Uniform and felt very awkward when dressed informally. He went to look through his very modest collection of civilian clothing. He put on a burgundy coloured t-shirt with a pair of jeans that he hoped complimented his figure in some way. Dressing to impress was not one of his skills. He scooped Adam’s package up under his arm and headed for the Arboretum.

[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]

As he stepped through the doors Rhys was greeted with an incongruous sight. Within the shell of a grey bulk heads were trees, soft grass under foot, meandering gravel paths, ponds and the sweet smell of flowers. The gravel crunched under his feet as he passed several benches and tried to keep an eye out for Adam.  “Adam?” He shouted, not seeing him immediately.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

He heard Rhys’ call out his name and Adam made his way over. ”Ah there you are, I’m happy you came Rhys.” He said and grinned when he noted that the Counselor had the first present Adam had given under his arm.

”Well I thank you for letting me be present when you open that. I wanted to see your face when you do.” Adam said with a smile though it faded to an embarrassed expression, ”it also was the reason why I had to leave you behind on the Yacht, I’m sorry for that.”

Adam gestured for Rhys to follow and led him to the picnic area. He turned around and the picnic blanket was between them he said. ”Hungry?”
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #3
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Rhys felt that feeling that was so familiar to him when he saw Adam. The feeling of butterflies in his stomach, a nervous, apprehensive giddy feeling. He could feel himself starting to cold sweat a little bit. It was always interesting how a feeling could be so ambivalent. How he could feel both good and bad at the same time.

“I am happy I came.” He said responding to Adam’s first statement. He was, he had surprised himself by not hesitating to turn up. That would have been his normal behaviour under such circumstances. He looked at the gift under his arm and smiled a small happy smile. He felt a little bit like a kid again. He always had a vague memory of doting relatives of one kind or another saying they wished to see his face at as he opened a gift. In truth he felt the same way, not that he had really had anyone to buy gifts for in a long time.

It was then that Adam apologised for leaving the Yacht. Rhys had been very upset it had been true, but he also recognised that it had largely been his own fault. Rather than taking what Adam had said at face value, he had assumed something was wrong. That he was boring, unattractive or any other number of things that might scare someone away. “Its ok.” He said smiling. He felt bad now he realised Adam, had been planning to get him a gift.

Rhys shyly followed Adam to the place he had laid out a picnic blanket. It felt very romantic and Rhys wondered what he had done for Adam to want to do this for him. He laughed when Adam asked if he was hungry it was the first laugh, he had given in since being relieved of duty. “You will regret asking that, I’m always hungry.” He knelt on the blanket opposite Adam.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

Sometimes Adam wished he could be part Betazoid so he could pick up emotions on those he liked. Though it was a double edged sword, but a lower degree when pure Betazoid. Adam half smiled. ”Are you sure it’s okay? I really am sorry but I wanted to surprise you. I heard from others that you were sad when I left before others there picked up my slack of keeping you company.” He said, his expression full of concern. After a moment, Adam added. ”Well if you are sure then onto why we are here, wanna open that gift I give to you or do you wanna eat something first?” Adam asked with a smile.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #5
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

As Adam bought up what had occurred at the Yacht Party, Rhys’ mind reflected back. That day had gone places he had never really intended. He went from feeling very sorry for himself to having a wonderful time.  Now he certainly felt silly that he had assumed Adam had left because he had lost interest in him. However, given his mental state that was probably not a surprising conclusion for someone like Rhys to have drawn.

Yeah I’m okay.” He nodded he lent forward and placed a soft and very awkward kiss on Adam’s cheek. It was the kiss of someone who was still not very self-assured trying to reassure someone else.

He looked at the gift when Adam asked which he would like to do. “Well I have been staring at this for days it feels like.” He chuckled softly “So shall we put me out of my misery?” He smiled and placed the gift down on the blanket and started to open it. 

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

When Rhys’ lips made contact, it was nice but awkward and though Rhys said he was okay Adam had doubts but when Rhys said misery. Adam knew Rhys was shy but unhappy, that was somewhat new, though whenever the two had been together, Adam saw the shyness and growing confidence. While not together he didn’t know, could Rhys be sad?

”Please do open it,” Adam said with a smile he didn’t quite feel as now he wondered about Rhys being depressed. Though considering their current situation of being traitors and actively pursued by their own government, Adam supposed some of the crew may be feeling hopelessness as it does seem like their enemy is getting more and more control.

They needed a win and soon, hopefully with Theurgy crew’s help the Klingons can find any Hosts in their Council and once again be somewhat united. With the Empire’s assistance the crew could perhaps-- He quickly focused back on Rhys as this was a date and while his mind often returned to work without him, Adam actively had to calm it.

He wondered what Rhys would make of the wooden sculpture of an Aldean artist’s design for an Aldean interstellar vessel. Since the Aldeans had no space faring ships, Adam thought it was unique and Rhys liked models since his quarters had some.

It had 3 ringed assumed engines, at different angles to the rest of the ship, and a pointy front section, the stand for it was in the package.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #7
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ]  attn: @Sqweloookle

Adam invited Rhys to open to the package. Adam was smiling at him, but the smile seemed a little forced. Rhys wondered if this was because he was worried if Rhys would like the gift or not. There was little doubt in his mind he would probably like the gift. Rarely did he receive gifts from people so that was something he felt positive about regardless. Of course, Adam could be preoccupied with the crew’s interactions with the Klingons in regard to the parasite. He was a security officer, he imagined that kind of thing weighed heavily on his mind.

Rhys removed the paper, and opened the box, placing the lid and the paper he had torn to his side. Inside was a wooden sculpture. He pulled it out and turned what was undeniably a small vessel carved of some wood he did not recognise. The small smile on his face slowly broadened out till his face was lit up.

His fingers traced the contours of the vessel. He knew Aldeans were not really the space faring types, so it was not based on a real vessel. Still looking at it, Rhys had a feeling that scaled up there was no reason the design of its hull and placement of engines should not work. Of course, it would all depend on the internal make up. It was beautifully and delicately painted to. Rhys attached the stand that came with it to the ship, it attached with a satisfying click.

Rhys’ quarters had several models of ships that he had just about managed to rescue from his quarters on the Cayuga. Most were designs of ships he thought were cool, or classic. One or two were replicas of ships that were important to him. One was the first ship he had served on, a mock-up of the elderly and now destroyed Constellation-class USS Mercia. Prize among them all was the USS Lichfield. An Excelsior class his mother had been Chief Engineer of when it was destroyed at Wolf-359. He felt that this new ship would fit very well with that company.

He placed the model reverently down. Then looked at Adam smiling looking a little tearful and through his arms around the other man. “Its wonderful. Just like you.”

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

First gift: a starship of Aldean design, very smooth and curvy.

Watching Rhys open the gift box and feel the model's shape made Adam start to smile with happiness, it set on his face fully as the counselor clicked the stand into the model's underside. There seemed to be a few moments of introspection about the model, Adam imagined that Rhys was planning where he was going to place the model in his quarters.

Then Rhys was smiling just as he is, a little tearful as well, and embraced Adam. The master-at-arms couldn't keep his balance and so fell backwards pulling Rhys with him, and on top of him. Adam laughed as he put one arm around Rhys and with the other grabbed the other gift. ”Thank you, you are as well and there's this one as well.” Adam said as he brought the second present into Rhys' view, it was slightly larger.

”Consider it an early or late birthday gift… When is your birthday? Sorry for not asking before now, life has been kinda chaotic.” Adam asked with a half smile half apologetic expression.

The second gift was a model of the Theurgy with the vectors able to come apart.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #9
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

 Rhys had not realised he had come into hug Adam with quite such force. Adam was unbalanced and soon both of them were lying in a heap on the picnic blanket with Rhys on top. Rhys laughed a little, and had been about to apologise, when another gift rapped object entered his peripheral vision.

Rhys was surprised, delighted and faintly embarrassed all at the same time. “Oh Adam, you didn’t have to.” Adam then asked him when his birthday was. Rhys cave a little smile, lent forward and kissed Adam before saying “5th of January.” He kissed him again, letting it linger a little, before sitting back up, so Adam could get up and he could open the present.

He eagerly teared open the paper. Inside was a beautifully made model of the USS Theurgy. It was with some delight he saw that it could be separated into its constituent vectors. He smiled with delight. “Where did you get these? They are amazing.”

Certainly, Rhys had been collecting models since he was a kid, and even made a few himself. These were infinitely superior to anything that he had made. Looking at them he doubted the were replicated to. There was just something about the design that indicated to him a lot of effort had gone into them. He placed this vessel near the first one he had been given, and found himself with his arms around Adam again, and his lips against his. There was nothing he felt he could do that would be equal to the thoughtfulness of Adam’s gifts, all he could do was show him how much it meant.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

He smiled but it became a victim of a kiss then Rhys told him the 5th of January is his birthday. He decided to make a note and put it on his computer terminal, Adam wanted to remember that date.

He still wanted to see if Rhys would be open to exploring sexuality with a group, he will have to wait a little time but in the meantime he was surprised with how fun Rhys can be.

”I wanted to and I got the first one on Aldea while the Theurgy one I replicated each piece individually. I'm glad you like them.” Though he had a feeling that Rhys may want to do the actual assembly, so he'd buy a kit for the counselor's birthday.

Adam grinned as his plan formed, though suddenly Rhys was kissing and embracing him again. He kissed Rhys back and gently felt the other man's body up, down and along Rhys' sides. Eventually his hands returned to the counselor's butt and gave the globes pulsing squeezes.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #11
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Certainly, Rhys had always adored building models himself. Rhys had always been the kind of person who needed creative outlets of one kind or another. He had always loved music but had not more talent for it than any other enthusiastic amateur. Wales had always had a tradition of producing good singers, and he had sung in choirs as boy, he had been good but nothing special. He could play a few basic things on a guitar or a keyboard but that was the limit of his talent. He had never quite had the eye for painting or sculpting, but model making was a different matter.

It was a skill he had mastered quickly. His mother had encouraged him, it was a skill they could share to make up for how often she was away. When she as on leave together they worked on models of ships, she had even encouraged him to build little remote-controlled models with though he was not quite so good at that. Model making required intense concentration, dexterity and organisation all of which he had in droves. Each model he made was a little work of art, painstakingly painted in detail with his steady hand. Poetry, in wood, plastic or metal.

His model making, and his work filled up a very big void in his life. Rhys alone with his thoughts was never a pleasant thing to behold, he needed distraction in the same way people needed food or water. The models given to him by Adam were however much appreciated, they were signs of affection he sometime craved to a pathetic degree.

His kisses showed his delight and he was pleased to find Adam reciprocating them. The other man’s hands quickly on his body. Rhys had not intended to drive this date in a more physical direction, but now it was happening he did not exactly mind either. His hands were on Adam’s chest as for the moment Rhys found another activity that prevented him being alone with his own thoughts.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

Soon Adam's stomach began to growl loudly as the two kissed and he laughed after breaking the last one. ”We better eat, after my shift tonight we could meet up at yours or mine?” He asked as he gently rolled Rhys onto his back and hovered over the other man though there was still firm contact between them below their belts.

”Do you like assembling models?” Adam asked as he slowly rubbed his erection that was quite hard over and along Rhys' while still holding his upper body above Rhys. His hands on either side of Rhys' head.

His stomach growled again and that was it, Adam had to start getting the food and beverages out. Slowly and reluctantly he got off the counselor with a 'we will cum later' look before he opened the picnic basket and got out the plates and containers that the variety of food was in.

”Here you go.” Adam said offering a plate and utensils then gestured at the various containers. He introduced the contents to Rhys as well as pulling out two bottles of synthohol.

OOC: Whatever foods and drinks you want. I didn't make a list. lol
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #13
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] [/b]attn: @Sqweloookle

Adam’s lips were defiantly distracting, but there was no way either of them could ignore the growling of his stomach. It was surprisingly loud and reminded Rhys that he to was hungry at the moment. Rhys felt himself rolled on to his back for a moment. He blushed and looked shyly up at Adam, as the other man suggested another meeting. “I’d love to, maybe your place this time?” He wanted to see what Adam’s quarters were like. Doubtless it as the same lay out as his, they were standard things after all. However, living spaces were often an extension of someone’s personality and he wanted to know more about this intriguing man.

Then Adam asked if Rhys liked assembling models while he basically ground on Rhys. “Um. yeah.” He said shyly, honestly it was hard to concentrate while that was happening to him. Fortunately for Rhys’ remaining mental functions Adam remembered again that he was hungry.  Rhys sat up and straitened his uniform a little.

He gladly accepted the plate and utensils and peered at the various containers. “Thank you.” There were sandwiches, little salad things, fruit, and lots of other things. Rhys selected an appetising looking sandwich and some fruit. He noted the synthol. He was not in general much of a drinker, but he was happy to drink with Adam. “This is amazing thank you.” Said Rhys a big smile on his handsome face. He took a bite of a chicken sandwich that seemed to have some mildly spiced dressing on it. This was exactly Rhys’ kind of thing.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #14
OOC: Sorry for the delay.
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

”You are most welcome,” he said with a chuckle. ”A worthy distraction this is.”

Well the hardness was still there but not compromising Adam's mind as he put a variety of food on his plate. He ate a large bite of a chicken sandwich that was lightly spiced, this one in particular wasn't hot. He was glad and put his plate down before picking up one of the synthohol bottles, randomly replicated of course. One red and the other white, the dates on the bottles didn't mean much to him as he wasn't a connoisseur.

He gave one of the glasses to Rhys and once he held it, Adam poured the red one first. He filled it to just short of the rim by a fingertip, since there was no risk of intoxication they could consume as much as they wanted to. Though there had been a few times he'd drunk real alcohol, just for the experience more than anything else.

”Sure we can go back to my quarters, you'll have to excuse the mess. I don't quite recall if I tidied up recently considering all that has happened to us.” Adam said with a half smile and poured the red into his own glass. ”What shall we toast to?” He asked curious what Rhys is grateful for in life. Adam could just ask but didn't want to seem like a nosy person.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie


Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #15
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Rhys had noticed the erection that Adam was sporting but decided not to comment on it. In truth Rhys was never the sort of person to comment on that kind of thing. Besides which food was proving a bigger distraction. Rhys loved his food, and often surprised people by how much he was capable of eating.  When he was a child people had been concerned and thought he was being underfed by his parents, due to his tendency toward being underweight as a child and his wolfing down of food at school. However, it became clear that Rhys ate more than anyone else in his family.

Adam picked up one of the synthohol bottles, and Rhys reached for his glass. Rhys held the glass tightly as Adam poured some red into the glass. Rhys had never been a big drinker of ordinary alcohol. Which in many ways had been a blessing given his mental health. Though his few experiences being drunk had mostly consisted as a tendency to hug someone and then fall asleep immediately.

When Adam said that he might not have tidied up, Rhys shrugged trying his best to be nonchalant about it. He’d have to remember himself or he would be cleaning and sorting the entire room for Adam. He was not sure that that kind of behaviour would be entirely welcome.

His thoughts were interrupted by Adam raising a glass and asking what they should toast to. That prompted a few moments of thought from him. “Oh… er hmm not sure.” He tapped his chin. “Um how about to the Theurgy. Long may it protect us?” He shrugged wondering if Adam would think this was a weak or uninteresting toast.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #16
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

”Don't let Thea catch you calling her an 'it',” he joked smiling and chuckled. ”Yes I agree, to Thea, may she keep us safe.” Adam added as he softly clinked glasses with Rhys and pulled his back to sip from it. A mixture of berries, grapes and apples tickled his taste buds and he moaned at it.

He had a sudden urge to see if they could feed each other little bite size portions, it was considered romantic but he hadn't done it before. Might as well see if he could do it now. ”May I?” He asked as he gently picked up the sandwich that Rhys had bitten out of before and offered it to Rhys to take another bite.

”Hope you don't mind me doing this?” He asked and had a gently loving expression on his face with some hopefulness in there as well. On his plate, he'd taken some fruit; strawberries amongst them, a small piece of cake, sandwiches like Rhys did and chocolate pieces; that seemed to be slightly melting. All of which were excellent finger food that could lead to finger sucking.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #17
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

After Adam’s reprimand about Thea, he thought about her. He had not really ever had any substantive encounters with her. He tended to think of Thea and the ship as entirely separate entities. Obviously, this was not the case for her. Rhys smiled as Adam seemed to take over the top pleasure in the wine. Maybe Rhys was just a philistine but, wine was wine to him. When he did drink it he tended to do so without much thought on it. As a kid he had been offered a few sips every now and then when curiosity took hold. He had never seen the appeal; it was amazing how that changed as you got older.

Adam then, full of surprises as he always seemed to be offered Rhys a bite of a sandwich. He wanted to feed him. Rhys blushed, then shrugged, smiled and lent forward and took a bite. Rhys was not sure whether this achieved the effect Adam was looking for or not. Rhys being a little on the clumsy side was just trying to avoid accidently biting the other man’s fingers. He knew Adam was fine with biting, but fingers were probably where he drew a line.

Jokingly Rhys gripped Adam’s wrist and turned his hand over this way and that. “Fingers still all accounted for.” He said grinning like an idiot. “You were lucky, I have a big mouth you could have lost them in there.” Rhys wondered if it had not been synthol in that wine at all because that was as pretty silly thing to say, but no he was just being an idiot today apparently.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #18
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

”Yes you do have a very nice mouth,” he complimented Rhys with a smile. ”If you would like to suck on my fingers you can.” Adam added as he picked up a strawberry that happened to be covered in chocolate sauce and his fingertips as well. The strawberries had been cut into large pieces so no stalk or leaves to be seen.

Adam had noticed that Rhys didn't seem affected by the wine as he himself was, ”is something wrong with the wine? There are other flavours in the basket if you don't like that one.” He smiled, though he knew it was synthohol and that it was merely the taste of wine without the getting drunk part.

In any case Adam decided to have some of the other wines he brought and drank the rest of his before grabbing another bottle. He opened the new bottle and glanced at Rhys for what he wanted.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #19
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Rhys shook his head with a smile at Adam’s comment about his mouth. Whether it was intentional or not, Adam always seemed to know how to make something seem like a sexual invitation. It of course made Rhys blush he never knew quite how to take compliments. It was something he would have to learn to improve in himself. “Sucking your fingers is a tempting thought.” Rhys said with a grin, but instead sipped his drink and also took a strawberry.

Rhys seemed delighted to take a bite of that, it was very obvious that the young Welshman had a fondness for sweet things. When Adam talked about the wine Rhys shook his head. “No, its fine, its just wine is wine to me. I am a Philistine when it comes to things like that.” He chuckled “I am happy to guzzle it down but one wine tastes very much like another to me.” As if to prove the point he took a big gulp of it. He winked at Adam. “I can see however you appreciate such things more.” It was something Rhys would file away in his mind, Adam liked wine.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #20
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

He liked seeing Rhys blush and Adam smiled. Though when Rhys didn't move to suck fingers, Adam was a little glad as he wasn't quite full yet. ”Noted,” he replied after Rhys spoke of his lack of attention or enjoyment for flavourings in wine.

Though Adam continued to smile he was a little saddened that Rhys didn't distinguish the different flavours from each other nor seek to enjoy certain flavours but he began to think on how he could encourage the counselor to relish flavours again. He watched as Rhys gulped his beverage down without a care in the world.

Quickly Adam explained. ”Well some wines just taste horrible,” he said hopeful that Rhys would find it funny. ”Some are very nice, like these,” he gestured to the bottles. ”Oh how is work? I understand patient confidentiality, I mean how are you going with it all?” Adam asked as he was interested in Rhys' wellbeing while working.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #21
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

He agreed that certain wines were terrible, not that he knew a huge amount about it but it did get a chuckle out of him. Beer and spirits were more what he liked to drink not that he was a huge drinker. Though he remembered being a teenager, and in those days, he would have drunk anything.  Afterall Wales and Britain in general had very different attitudes to alcohol compared to some other parts of the word, and some of those laws were still in place.

Then Adam raised something Rhys would rather he had not mentioned. As Adam asked how work was going, there was a definite change to Rhys’ body language. His whole body stiffened, his back went ram rod straight. The Red hue of his blushing face gave way to bone white. Rhys was a little surprised that Adam did not know he had been relieved of duty. He realised there was confidentiality rules, but it would not have surprised him if the general information had leaked out.

He looked at Adam and swallowed. He initially wanted to lie, but he could not really do that, Adam would likely know via the grapevine at some point. “I’ve not been working.” He said shifting uncomfortably and the picnic blanket. “I… er… have been relieved of duty.” He said in monotone voice, but his stomach fluttered and churned.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #22
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie

Relieved of duty? Adam considered this for a few moments. He knew it would be rude to ask why, even if they have been on a few dates and been intimate.

He had noticed that Rhys was now uncomfortable and pale, Adam reached over after putting his glass down and softly extracted the glass Rhys had, placed that down and gently pulled Rhys' hands into his.

”Oh darling, is there anything I can do?” He asked, the urge to get Rhys into a hug was rising but he wanted to know if he could help somehow first.

What could Rhys have done to get taken off duty? He is a sweetheart, though shy, but adorable and caring. Was it something one of his patients did? The questions and assumptions began to fill Adam's mind.

It was not a good thing to suddenly jump to conclusions but it was human nature to think of all the bad things that could be, no matter how crazy it was. Adam let his thoughts pass through and he gave Rhys a compassionate caring soft smile hopeful that Rhys would see that Adam wanted to help comfort him.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #23
[ Lt. Rhys Williams | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Sqweloookle

Soon Rhys felt his hands being taken in the other man’s. He just stared at their joined hands for a moment. He heard Adam’s words as his heart rate picked up. They sounded like they were coming from far away or underwater as he struggled with the thoughts in his head. The fact that Adam called him darling brought some warmness to his cheeks however.

“I am not really sure what you can do.” Rhys had worried if he opened his mouth he may cry, but he had moved beyond that and just felt numb. He wasn’t sure he could explain exactly what happened to Adam or anyone really. He still avoided Adam’s gaze and just squeezed his hands. He needed to try and explain it however, just to get it out there. “One of my patients killed someone, and… I couldn’t cope with it.” He said finally raising his eyes to Adam’s. His gaze was unfocused, and his voice sounded far away.

It was certainly the most succinct way he cold have put it. His patient had murdered someone. Rhys had spiralled into a pit of self loathing. He had been unable to do his job and avoided going to therapy himself understandably Commander Hatev had relieved him of duty till he sort help.

Re: CH02: S [D02|2030] It’s A Date

Reply #24
[ Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston | Arboretum | Deck 22/Vector 03 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @Juzzie  apologies for the delay.

He felt Rhys squeeze his hand, it hurt his heart how this affected the quiet, adorable man.

”Sweetie,” Adam said and this time couldn't resist the urge to hug Rhys any longer. So he stood and pulled the other man into a standing embrace that was firm and warm.

Sometimes a hug was just what someone in an emotional crisis needs to regain some stability. Adam knew that it worked for him most of the time, just having someone be there.

Adam wondered if Rhys blamed himself for his patient's actions or simply being so close to the murderer. He kind of tightened his hold a little, he wasn't sure what exactly to say.

He was a grunt not a counselor. Just being there for Rhys was pretty much all he could do.
Lieutenant JG Adam Kingston, Master-at-Arms, (Vector 03 Security) Profile Clickie

Lieutenant/Dr Elro Kobol, Chief Medical Officer, (Vector 02 Medical) Profile Clickie

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