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Topic: CH04: S [D05|1955] Karaoke Night (Read 11283 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #25
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Fighter Assault Bay -> Thomas Ravon's Quarters | Deck 16 -> Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan

He placed his arm over Rawley's shoulder and pulled her close "Bunch of old mutts we are... Almost the last remaining wolves from the original pack." he murmured to her as he hailed the lift.

“Aye, that we are,” said Rawley with nostalgia. “Jes us, Goldeneye and Husker. So few of us left. Still, there’s quite the bugger load of good ‘uns. Meony…” she smiled with a chuckle about Meony. “Ginger cowgirl…she’s almost like me. Almost. Then Havenborn. Stern as he is, I don’t deny he’s a good pilot. Angel…I think I heard of her. HT-997, I think. Blimey. Three Hundred Spartans all over again with her.”

Soon they made their way to Ravon’s quarters. Rawley gasped in admiration at the sight. It looked wonderful. All she was a little studio flat. At least the view of the Azure Nebula made up for it. While the view of sky blue nebulae got tiresome after a while, it was beautiful, and the view never got tiresome in a romantic rendezvous.

Rawley settled into the best couch taking in the view and inhaled her stoogie a little more.

She still hasn’t forgotten what had happened the last time they were alone together, but back then, Ravon didn’t know what he was doing. He was unaware of it. She later discovered it was Maya behind it, but Maya wasn’t behind it either.

Rawley pushed it out of her mind. Now was not the time to dwell on the past. Ravon was better, she had forgiven him. Both have lost loved ones, and perhaps it was time.

She clasped her stoogie in a toothy grin again, extended her arm along the top of the couch and made a “come here” gesture at Ravon, winking cheekily as she did so. She was feeling a positive moment, and she was going to make sure it would last as long as possible before the plunge.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #26
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado

The room lights didn't jump on in the room as the whole room took a glowy blue vibe because of the nebula. It even provided enough light to see what was where so Ravon didn't even bother to turn on the lights further. Seeing where Rawley went wasn't hard as the stogie gave off a rather unique light whenever she inhaled it. He remained by the entrance of his quarters as she took place in the couch and admired the lights.

He swallowed and looked around in the room as he still had flashes of what happened run in front of his eyes. The treatment Maya gave him, offered him a full recollection of what happened. He could understand why Rawley had been upset with him. Yet it laid in the past and it was best to not dwell upon matters like these. He sighed softly as Evelyn motioned him over and he made his way to her as he sat down next to her, turned halfly towards her as he looked out the viewports.

He grabbed the stoogie out from between her teeth as he grinned and gave a tug on it himself. He occasionally would have a cigar, yet it was becoming a rather rare occasion "Hmm, this is a good one." he murmured to Rawley as he could taste her on the end of it and he handed it back to her.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #27
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn:  @Nolan, @Multificionado, @Doc M., @Triage, @Triton

The Gorn singing ancient Earth opera was probably the most interesting thing he’d ever seen.  However as he heard Ravon call over to him he couldn’t help but smirk at his comment.  Daniel looked to Riley and stood up.  “I’ll be back in a moment.”  Daniel said as he walked over to Ravon.  “Commander I will gladly share a drink with you after the mission.  Right now I’d just like to spend some time watching the entertainment with my date.”  Daniel said politely as he returned to his seat next to Riley.

He listened and smiled at Riley, taking her hand in his.  “I’m fine with you right here.”  Daniel said.  Preparing for combat missions could be stressful and for him it always helped to spend it with someone he cared for, however that wasn’t always an option so if he didn’t have someone to spend that time with he’d spend it in quiet reflection.

As Lieutenant Rawley began to sing a song that Daniel was unfamiliar with he slipped his hand underneath the table when he was sure no one was looking and placed it into Riley’s lap as he scooted closer.  With his other hand he turned her head to face him and kissed her lips as his other hand slipped between her thighs inching towards her womanhood.  He broke the kiss and smiled at her.  “Besides if we were closer to other people I wouldn’t be able to do this.”  He said with a smirk.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #28
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan

“Aye, innit?” said Rawley with a smile as Ravon took her stoogie and smoked on it. She had only brought one, but she didn’t mind if he took it. She wondered when it was the last time he had actually smoked a stoogie.

She accepted it back from him and took a breath in. My, she could actually taste him as well as the flavor of the stoogie.

She leaned back against him, coyly raising a shoulder as she did so. She laid her head back and laid it on his shoulder.

“Lovely, aye?” she said so softly when she withdrew the stoogie. “It’s nice to make as much time as possible. May as well make the most of the fresh air in the deep breath before the plunge.”

She was still surprised at how soft her voice became, notwithstanding her husky rasp. It must be her feminine side, something she rarely unleashed as of late. She had always pushed it aside; embracing her feminine side too much, and she would’ve been reduced to a pansy, getting too lost on some Jane Austen fantasy.

But it’s moments like this when she appreciated her feminine side. It did bring comfort to her in the deep breath before the plunge. That is to say, it helped sooth her on the eve of potential battle.

She turned her head to Ravon’s cheek and kissed it again.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #29
[ Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Auctor Lucan, @Havenborn, @Multificionado, @Nolan, @Triage, @Triton, & anyone else who wants to share a bonding experience with the pilots.]

"I mean I'm not picky, but I draw the line at photonics. ... Most of the time." 

“Yeah,” Tessa guiltily tittered.  “Geting intimate with imaginary characters on the holodeck?  Who does that?” she asked with a nervous smile as her greenish-golden eyes darted left and right.  Secretly, she made a mental note to use ‘running sexual programs on the holodeck’ as a fake ‘dark secret’.  She’d never live it down if the rest of the pack knew about the childish programs she really ran there.  “You really can’t have a real relationship with a holodeck character but I real partner…”  Her nervous but sunny demeanor suddenly became uncharacteristically bitter.  “… like Chris…” 

"You can have Chris, but I thiiiink.... he's gonna be busy tonight. Want me to 'arrange' a meeting with you and Fury-- I mean Vinnie? Or,... " 

“Erm, um, well…” Tessa stammered as she shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

"Look, She's done. Up for a duet?" 

“Oh my gosh, yes!” Tessa chirped as she punched the air.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #30
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado 

His eyes gazed over the nebula as he felt Rawley adjust against him. She seemed to nestle herself against his frame as her head came to rest against his shoulder and her voice sounded ever so softly. She could feel his chest rise and fall at every breath he took as she was draped against him and his hand slowly came to rest on her abdomen. He chuckled lightly at her words as she turned her head and he felt her soft lips against his cheek.

He slowly looked down at her as he brushed his chin over Rawley's head. The simply sign of affection was a thing Ravon hadn't felt in a while. Not since his time with Skye... He slowly used his other hand that wasn't on her abdomen to take the stogie away from Rawley, placing it on the table's edge as he kept his eyes on Evelyn.

She could probably hear his heart rate increase as he slowly pressed his lips on the top of her head. He looked back up to the nebula as his hand idly drew circles against her toned stomach "Crazy times ahead of us and behind us Ev... Madness really." he whispered against her as he simply enjoyed the closeness of her.

[ Riley Patterson | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

Riley watched the various performances with a smile as she saw Daniel being addressed by his pack leader. The pilot left her for a bit and Riley wondered what they said to one another before the handsome pilot returned to her. She almost melted at his words as he took her hand and she chuckled as she kissed his cheek "My my lieutenant... I might almost feel special..." she teased him lightly as she bumped playfully against him.

As another wolf began to sing and Riley was trying to make out which song it was until Daniel scooted closer and his warm hand rested on her leg. Riley had been wearing the skirted uniform today and as her face was turned to meet Daniel's, she gladly accepted the kiss. A smile grew while they kissed as his hand crept up her legs towards her thighs. The woman adjusted in her seat slightly as she slightly parted her legs a little for him as she got rather turned on about the bold move in public.

She laughed softly at his words after they broke the kiss and she looked in his eyes as she leaned against his side "Is that so... I'd dare you to do so on stage..." she teased him as her hand slowly moved over his hips to go straight for his groin. Her fingers feeling him up and resting against him as she ran her hand up and down. Unlike Daniel, Riley didn't care if anyone spotted her doing so or not. They were all adults after all...

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #31
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn:  @Nolan, @Multificionado, @Doc M., @Triage, @Triton

“That’s because you’re special to me and I want to make sure that you always feel special as well.”  He said with a smile as she parted her legs open slightly for him.  He slowly ran his fingers up and down her womanhood.  He was off duty and thus had no qualms about doing this with her.  Had he been on duty however the thought of doing this would never have crossed his mind.  Hearing her dare made him press his fingers against her womanhood with some more force.  “I don’t know any of the songs.”  He said.  “Besides why would you want to get up and stop this?”  He said as he slipped a pair of fingers past her panties and inside of her.

At the same time he began to kiss her lips then moved up her jaw to her ear and lightly moaning into her ear as he thrust his hips against her hand, pressing his ever hardening shaft against his uniform pants.  Truth be told was that he had only sang a handful of times, while his people had a military orchestra and choir he was not musically gifted and the only actual singing he had ever done was when he sang the Neo-ECON Anthem.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #32
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan

Rawley was smiling so much, even when Ravon took the stoogie from her with his free hand and set it aside nearby. She smiled much wider when she felt his kiss. Felt a finger on her stomach.

"Crazy times ahead of us and behind us Ev... Madness really." he whispered against her as he simply enjoyed the closeness of her.

“Madness is an understatement, Tom,” answered Rawley softly. “Bonkers, it is. We have each other and the bloody pack. We’re certainly howling for fun.”

And with her free hand, now that it was free of the stoogie, she wrapped it around Ravon in an embrace and leaned in. Close. Very close. She kissed him again, but this time made for the lips. Seemed like a good time as any.

It seemed to last an eternity. She never felt that excellent in a long time. It was an exhilarating feeling. She felt like she was floating, like she was on a cloud instead of a couch.

She broke off and breathed sharply. And she smiled, grinned immensely.

“Tom Ravon, I think I love yeh,” she said, softly and breathing. “I…okay, I definitely do. We definitely could use that, we lost our loved mates. And I’ve long forgiven yeh. I’m feeling…aye, I really love yeh.”

And she dove back into the lips again.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #33
[ Riley Patterson | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

She chuckled lightly at his words, feeling somewhat humble and truly special as he said those words. Her eyes slowly drifted shut as his fingers reached her hotness. The only thing blocking him from truly touching her was her pair of panties. She let out a soft moan which couldn't be heard by anyone else but Daniel as the singing continued. She edged herself closer against his fingers as she clearly wanted more.

He told her he didn't know how to sing and he brought up the point that he'd have to stop if she had to get up to get on stage. She wanted to reply "Well, we ca-ah!" her words interrupted as the pilot snaked his fingers under her underwear and slowly inserted them into her. She pressed her eyes tightly as she clenched her jaws together, her hand grabbing his shoulder tightly as her other hand pushed harder against his hardening member.

She could feel his arousal and as he had moaned softly in her ear she smiled seductively as she reached her hand into his pants. She did so as subtly as possible as she wrapped her hand around his length with his boxers still between her fingers and his girth.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Multificionado

Thomas could feel Rawley slowly reach around him for an embrace. He hadn't replied to her words yet as she leaned in the first time and pressed her lips against his. His hand fully came to rest on her stomach as he kissed her back and his eyes slowly drifted shut. Slowly it broke off and he opened his eyes again as Rawley spoke up once more.

His heart froze instantly as she spoke to him about love, he frowned a little as he sucked in some much needed air. She loved him? he was finding it hard to believe due to all that had happened between them. he shifted against her, seemingly sitting up more straight now as she said it again. He bit his lower lip as she dove back for his lips.

He kissed her back, yet broke the kiss rather swiftly as he cupped her cheek and smiled faintly "Evelyn.." he whispered. He sought for the words as he looked into her eyes "We've been through a lot... A whole fucking lot." he whispered to her as he shook his head "Yet, I... I can't bear to lose someone again in this pack. Not someone that I'd commit myself to." he paused for a second as he let it sink in "I was in love with Skye. I think she felt the same... Yet losing her, not being able to... Not being able to take my goodbye from her... It nearly broke me." he confessed to her, Rawley being the first wolf to hear about these emotions that he had cropped up for so long "It's not that I don't want to love you, it's more of a fact that I can't. Not with the people like you, people who are out there. risking their lives fight after fight. People who are gone instantly when shit goes sideways..." he whispered as he held closely on to her.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #34
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan

Rawley blinked, almost feeling tears in her eyes; she never realized Ravon felt like that. She should’ve known…

“Oh…I think I understand.” She remembered when Skye was killed, and the fact that it was done by another pilot who didn’t know what he was doing. However bad it seemed, it was worse for Ravon.

“Well, if yeh don’t want to go onto such an intimate level, I understand. Yeh don’t want such a deep relationship when any of us could die at any time when we’re in the cockpit of a Valkyrie.

If that’s the case, once things settle down more calmly…we can increase our intimacy. We can till have each other. As comrades if not lovers. Aye?”

It made a little more sense now that she calmed down. She nearly let her passion go, nearly let loose inside an animal in heat, with a primal mating instinct. Now that she realized how Ravon felt…maybe he still hurts from losing Skye Carver.

“I definitely understand. I lost a loved one, too,” she said, thinking of Oracle. “I know how yeh feel. But if it hurts you so much…I feel so sorry for yeh.”

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #35
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado 

On the spot Thomas could feel the painful sting he had caused in Rawley as her eyes turned slightly watery. He swallowed as his grip against her slowly tightened and he pulled her closer for a hug. She said she understood and he nodded slowly as he ran his hand over her abdomen. Was he an idiot to let this chance slip up? To give up on someone who truly seemed to care for him?

She spoke of camaraderie and he smirked a little as he ran his nose over her scalp, his warm exhales being sent against her skin. He had to pick his words carefully now as she continued to speak of losing loved ones herself. He guessed it would be Oracle as the two of them seemed close. He turned Rawley around so she'd be facing him, his eyes gazing in hers as he brought his hands over to her face, cupping her cheeks as he sighed softly and pressed his lips together.

"It's not that I don't want you Ev... God, you're amazing... I'm just not ready for a relationship, not yet anyway." he spoke softly as he kept looking in her eyes to see if she got the message he intended to bring over "If anything, I'd be a complete deranged nut to give up on a chance to get this close to you." he smirked lightly as he still felt drawn to her, as he always had been in the past. He leaned in slowly as he kissed her full on the lips, at first lightly, yet soon enough, she'd find her pack leader teasingly biting down on her lower lip as he pulled her closer against him.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #36
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan

From Ravon’s look, and his words, Rawley got the message. She smiled at his soft words.

"If anything, I'd be a complete deranged nut to give up on a chance to get this close to you." he smirked lightly.

And then he kissed her. Brought her closer in. And…did she feel his lips go to the lower lip?

Once she got her mouth open, free to breathe, she replied, “Oh, aye. It’s good you feel this way. In fact, I’d be a stark raving looney to give up on a chance like this, too. Let’s make the most of this moment, aye? Before the storm? We may never have a moment like this again.”

She winked again and kissed, deciding to lose herself in his embrace, let things go where he decides. Her passion she was sure to manage.

If he still hurts after all this time…after Skye’s death, after what happened since their chase…she hoped she can make him feel better. That love of any sort she can give him will make him feel loads better.

She intended to make the most of this moment, before whatever hostile engagement they go through. If they were going to die, then she hoped to make sure that the next few hours before it happened would be memorable to both of them, potentially a happy last memory.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #37
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Multificionado  

As Rawley seemed to understand what Thomas was trying to say, a sense of relief washed over him as she still answered his kisses and didn't walk out on him as he would've expected her to do. Pride could be an odd and cruel thing when broken. Yet Rawley seemed to stand above this all as she simply took what she could get in the moment. Thomas felt up her soft skin as he traced his fingers under her clothing slowly, teasing the woman ever so slightly.

In the light of the nebula, the two of them continued to kiss and feel one another up. The stogie that was left on the table burning itself up entirely as the two pilots just found comfort and closeness with one another. The room still covered in an eerie vibe as this wasn't just an average situation. The history between them had lead up to this moment.

Eventually the two of them slowly began to strip of some excess clothing. Once they were both in their undergarments, Thomas took Rawley by the hand as he lead her back to his sleeping accommodations. On bare feet the two padded over to the private quarters of the SCO.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #38
[ Lt. JG Evelyn Rawley | Thomas Ravon's Quarters | Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Nolan

Rawley could feel Ravon’s lips against hers, felt his hands along her body, and she didn’t care a bit. It was an excellent moment to have with each other. And the light and the view from the nebula, however eerie it looked, nonetheless made it all the more romantic.

She was, of course, careful to keep her passion in check. It wasn’t time yet to unleash such passion. For now, it was to be a night to enjoy. And a night to remember, even if it would be the last memory to go through each other’s minds if and when death came for them.

Their uniforms removed, Rawley had gone down to a tank top and panties, and Ravon was baring muscles in his skids. Seeing those muscles made Rawley realize she could show a little more, and so she removed her undershirt and tossed it on the couch before she took his hand. She couldn’t take his eyes off him even as she was led to his sleeping accommodations. She was taken in by how…hot he was, muscles and all. And without the uniforms to cumber them, it would be quite a comfortable night. Even more so with a top befitting a Risian beach goer or an Orion slave girl that the Orions would shy away from.

She kept up his embrace and brought him down like a tree on the bed, to keep up the night of fucking and to be quite comfortable as the night progressed. She hoped it would make him better if he still hurt after all this time.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #39
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn:  @Nolan, @Multificionado, @Doc M., @Triage, @Triton

Daniel smiled as she clenched her jaws together and grabbed his shoulder as she continued to tug on his shaft harder.  He was glad of their current position; because while it was obvious that the two of them were sitting close and Daniel was kissing her, the table thankfully hid what he was doing to her underneath.  “We can what?  You didn’t finish your sentence Petty Officer.”  He whispered into her ear as he continued to probe her womanhood, slipping his two fingers deeper inside of her.

After their romantic experience in the holodeck he had an idea of what aroused her and he was more than willing to see what else did, this certainly was proving itself be something else that aroused her.  He’d definitely have to take this into account for future encounters when he was off duty of course.  Although if he were to break that rule he could see himself breaking it for Riley; although it’d likely depend on the situation.

As he continued to push both of his fingers deeper into her, he began to wonder at how far she’d actually let him go before she suggested that they go somewhere more private.  Although his goal was to get her to orgasm right here and now first, so he decided that a bit more kissing along her jawline leading back towards her lips was necessary and once his lips arrived at hers he slipped his tongue into her mouth forgetting about the world around him and focusing only on her.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #40
[ Lt. JG Alessia "Angel" Garcia & Tessa May Lance, callsign:  Goldeneye  | Fighter Assault Bay| Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] A Joint post by  @Triton & @Doc M. Attn: @Havenborn, @Triage, & anyone else who wants to share a bonding experience with the pilots.]

As Daniel and Riley shared a tender moment, Alessia and Tessa got up on stage to sing a song that was almost guaranteed to break the romantic mood, having an idea or two of her own. Unless of course, the avid rock and roll/metal music aficionado could fill two needs with one stone, given the liberal attitude of the Tac CONN crew. Part of her blushed and the rest of her scoffed at what she noticed her squad leader was up to.

Alessia smirked broadly as she ran her fingers through her hair, asking for her tune to come up next. The Iron Maidens. The Hornet's Striker Squadron was particularly fond of this hymn. Attributed to the Battle of Britain in the Second World War, a holodeck program based off this landmark battle became a widely-used combat simulator. As this song roared into the pilots' headsets at the discretion of squad leaders. For fun, Alessia herself often enough went parachuting at the end of her turn piloting a hurricane or a spitfire.

"Come on, Tessa.", Alessia grabbed her friend by the hand and pulled her up to their stage, and began shouting the lyrics along, letting her hair down after Winston Churchill's famous fighting words.

Tessa squeaked and staggered after Alessia as she was pulled onto the stage.

The Karaoke program displayed a newsreel of RAF and Eagle Squadron pilots racing into combat. Habitually, Alessia recited Prime Minister's words spoken in their darkest hour, largely into Tessa's ear, but so that she could hear the words and let the pale girl take them to heart.

We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air; we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender!

Alessia let go of her hand and let her hair loose, showing how wavy it naturally was when she freed it. Then she broke out moshing, motivated at the progress of Lieutenant Havenborn setting the example for the conduct this evening. Tessa needed some motivation, and this was a good way to cut loose. The song's overture broke out to the sight of RAF fighters spurring into action and racing into the skies. Dogfights against the Luftwaffe ensued. Bounding and thrashing like a rock star of old, Alessia sang with the thrill of being on a roller-coaster.

There goes the siren that warns of the air raid
Then comes the sound of the guns sending flak
Out for the scramble we've got to get airborne
Got to get up for the coming attack!

Tessa didn't really know the song and it went way too fast for her, but she made a feeble attempt to sing along with Alessia regardless. 

Alessia's black-and-gray uniform rolled up to her sleeves as she took a microphone and began to dance with enthusiasm, putting her long-legs into a solo flamenco dance, thrusting her hips and breasts up and out in rhythm, for lack of another word of the beat of the song.

When Tessa realized that she couldn’t keep up with the words of the song, she did her best to keep up with Alessia’s dancing.  Soon the two of them were doing the flamenco dance, thrusting and strutting to the cheers and catcalls of their squad mates. Alessia herself unshyly took Tessa by the hip and grinded against her squadmate, mic in hand as she wore a 'bring-it!' face, daring Goldeneye to keep up.

Tessa kept dancing in place as Aleissa paused to resume the shouting:

Jump in the cockpit and start up the engines
Remove all the wheel-blocks there's no time to waste
Gathering speed as we head down the runway
Gotta get airborne before it's too late!

Alessia unzipped her outfit and was moshing around even further, steadily rolling out of her black outfit, getting some distance from Tessa at the moment to draw even more catcalls from the audience. She grinned impishly and waved.

Tessa unzipped her outfit as well and was moshing to the left and behind Alessia and to her credict was doing an impressive job of mirroring her. 

Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Running, scrambling, flying
Rolling, turning, diving,
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live Aces high!

'WHOO!" Alessia hooted, concluding a war-faced jam of the song's patented chorus, letting the microphone's echo mirror the original song.

'WHOO!" Tessa hooted as she attempted to copy Alessia’s stance.

Move in to fire at the mainstream of bombers
Let off a sharp burst and then turn away
Roll over, spin round and come in behind them
Move to their blindsides and firing again!

Alessia pointed mockingly as if calling out incoming fighters and marking their bearing as the karaoke's music video continued a recreation of a heated dogfight between British and German fighters.

Bandits at 8 O'clock move in behind us
Ten ME-109's out of the sun
Ascending and turning our spitfires to face them
Heading straight for them I press down my guns!

Alessia tucked her microphone into her breasts, now only held up by a white tank-top, revealing her toned abdomen that complimented her curvy, Spanish features. She made fists and threw a barrage forward before catching Tessa's hand and using both hands to properly 'guide' Tessa into a fine-formed hug that now showed signs of improvised tango as they crossed the stage to the lyrics.  Confident in her own strength, Alessia unexpectedly dipped Tessa before pulling her up for the penultimate verse.  To those who had only met her recently, Tessa was a surprising graceful dancer, getting into character and following Alessia’s lead as they put on their impromptu performance.  All of those years Tessa had spent cheerleading and ballroom dancing were really paying off.  Only her fellow long runners knew that Tessa’s characteristic clumsiness had started after the Theurgy was forced to flee Federation space.  To those who had known her since last year, it was a morale boost to see Tessa letting go.   Alessia secured her microphone in her hand and raised it as if it was a trophy when she finished, now covered in a sheen of perspiration and nearly going hoarse.

Rolling, turning, diving
Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
Rolling, turning, diving
Rolling, turning, diving,
Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces hiiiii-iiiigh!!!!

Taking a bow when it was over, Alessia unrolled the outer layer of her uniform and slid it up from her waist to fit into it again, but didn't immediately zip up, as she glanced at over at the Tessa, her mischievous brown eyes scanning the taller pilot from head to toe, smiling approvingly and having a good encouraging grip on her shoulder. "Not bad! Next time someone doubts you, don'tchu give em a chance, ey?"

'Thanks, Ooh!" Tessa flinched as she gave a comical little leap in surprise.

As if to tease or test her, Alessia had given her partner a mischievous light spank for getting just frisky enough during their moves earlier, having a sneering glint in her eye.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #41
[ Riley Patterson | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

How the pilot had positioned him perfectly to leave her at his mercy. Riley couldn't help but gasp softly as her breathing hitched several times at the probing and movements of the fighter pilot. A low moan was unleashed in his ear as he informed her that he hadn't hear the end of her sentence. Riley had drifted her eyes shut in the meantime as her hips slowly moved along the movements of his hand.

"Fuck..." she exclaimed before a grin appeared on her face, leaving it in the dark whether or not she intended that particular choice of words or if it was just an actual exclamation of what he was doing to her. The fabric blocking her from her goal was starting to annoy her and she looked down at his uniform before Daniel kissed her jawline and after that conquered her lips and mouth as he probed deeper into her. A louder moan stifled as they kissed and Riley eagerly tongued him back.

She did however take use of the distraction to slip her hand into Daniel's pants. Her hand reaching down to grab his arousal by the base and starting to stroke it with her hand. The wrist of the nurse pressed against his tip as she pumped him quickly and almost desperately as she wanted him to feel just as good as she was feeling.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #42
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn:  @Nolan

Daniel moaned lightly in her mouth as she pumped his shaft harder, he thankfully could keep from coming as long as he needed thanks to the fact that he was enhanced and also in peak physical condition, by focusing solely on her and her pleasure he was able to keep his urge to orgasm in check.

Her reaction to his question did have him pleased though, as far as he was concerned it meant that she was too far gone with pleasure to respond to him properly which was completely fine with him, he was completely focused on her pleasure and getting her to reach her climax as soon as possible.  He broke from his kiss to respond to her.  “As you wish.”  He said as he fully penetrated her with both of his fingers.  He then latched his lips back onto hers and slipped his tongue back into her mouth then once both fingers were buried inside of her he began to rub her inner walls, trying to find her g-spot so that he could bring her to her orgasm as fast as possible.

He wanted to get her off here and now so that he could possibly take her someplace a bit more private to have some more fun.  The party was after all winding down and it’d be only a matter of time before someone said it was over and Daniel wanted him and Riley out of the room before that happened.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #43
[ Riley Patterson | Fighter Assault Bay | Deck Crew Lounge | Deck 16 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn 

Regardless of what she did Riley discovered that the pilot remained very much so in control as he simply drove his actions further and further with her. Feeling his fingers fully move inside of her made her breath hitch and her eyes flutter as she couldn't help but hide the blush that covered her cheeks. Her own movements slowing down as the haze of pleasure clouded her mind. Her chance to breathe whisked away when the pilot latched his lips onto hers and french kissed her, she tried to kiss him back as good as she could yet her silenced moans were pretty much all that filled his mouth.

The way his fingers moved against her walls made electric jolts spring through her body as she closed her legs and almost clenched her thighs together to keep him just there. Unlike Daniel, Patterson did not have the enhancements to keep herself in check. She had just fought herself through a rather busy day and her body welcomed the pleasure, yet she was running low on energy all together.

Her grip around his shaft tightened and her free hand grasped onto his uniform as a soft cry was unleashed in his mouth. Her legs trembling slightly as Daniel would feel a rather copious amount of wetness covering his hand as some of it even began to trickle down Riley's legs. Her inner walls convulsed against his fingers as the pilot had achieved his goal at getting her to climax. She broke away from the kiss as she panted for air and mewled in delight as his fingers were still inside of her.

"F-F-Fuck..." she whimpered as she pulled her hand out of his pants and steadied herself at the table, the risk of just passing out very real. Her voice was shaky and her body still trembled as she whispered "Bring me to bed... P-Please..." She looked up at him as her eyes fought to not roll away. She was wrecked after that orgasm and it would only take mere seconds before she just collapsed against Daniel's frame.

[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

The ominous blue glow of the neubla had a special effect on Rawley as she decided to even the playing field clothing wise with the half naked man before her. Thomas' eyes following her every move as she removed her tank top herself, revealing her subtle breasts to him as she flung the item towards the couch.

Ravon swallowed as his mouth went dry slightly. His eyes following the curves of the fine lieutenant as she stood before him and slowly came closer. Each step causing the breasts to bounce lightly by the steps she took towards him. How this situation had been so much different from the time in her quarters. He had caught up with Rawley after all about what had happened and as their fingers laced together they moved towards the bed.

Rawley eventually pushed him onto his bed and Ravon crawled backwards as he grinned at her. Seeing the strong independent woman before him as she joined him, he smiled faintly as she came close to snog. His arms and hands quickly found their way over her skin, pulling her closer and eventually placing her on his lap as she'd undoubtedly feel the present arousal from the man. Her scarce attire surely having caused some reaction with him as he kissed her lips and neck, hands roaming over her back slowly before they cupped her rear.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #44
[Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign “Ghost” | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Rawley let in an intake of air and smiled as she began feeling Ravon’s lips trail down her neck. He felt his hands rubbing along her back and to her arse. She realized she still had something over her arse.

She turned him around as she turned onto the bed, and once she was looking up at him from the mattress, she got her panties off. She still had the thong on, but she cared not in the least. She tossed the panties aside and kept on kissing, her hands trailing his muscles.

It was turning into a cloud. She was floating. What did it matter if it was the eve of battle? It was…bloody lovely. She was definitely going to make the most of it, and if she was going to die at the hands of the Borg, she’s better off dying than assimilated, and if that was the case, she was going to remember this night. The feeling of Tom’s lips, how his muscles felt against her soft flesh, the soothing warmth…a night of passion, comfort and love.

She was going to keep her passion in check, but she was sure she ignited something in Ravon. She’ll see where things progress goes.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #45
[ Lt Cmdr Thomas Ravon | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ]

As if the two were in a sparring match, Rawley switched position with Ravon as the pilot found himself on top now. He looked down at Evelyn as she looked up at him, her body wiggling as she got her short shorts down and revealed the thong she was wearing "I doubt that's standard issue lieutenant." he whispered playfully as he positioned himself over her.

He felt her hands run over his muscles and body as she seemed to yearn for his closeness. He complied as he lowered his body against hers. His skin connecting with hers on several points, their lips connected once more as Thomas his arms ran up along Evelyn's and eventually raked up against her neck and scalp. His chest brushed over her breasts, grazing over her nipples as their legs sought for stability. Finally Thomas' hips came to rest against hers, his present erection pressed against her thighs. His boxers and her thong being the only pieces of fabric that separated true skin to skin contact.

Thomas broke away from the kiss as he looked in Rawley's eyes, gazing into them with the blue glow around them. He bit his tongue softly as his breathing quickened slightly. Was he going too far here?

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #46
[Lieutenant JG Evelyn Rawley, callsign "Ghost" | Thomas Ravon's Quarters |  Deck 10 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Nolan

Rawley could feel Ravon’s mass against hers, and she cared not in the least. She loved being sandwiched between the man and the bed, practically a lovely little cloud.

Eventually, he broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes, and she gazed back at them. She smiled back at him.

“Dinnae worry, Tom,” she said. “We’re not that far enough along. We have our limits with our passion, aye?”

She let her hands grasp his chin playfully as her smile widened.

“Let’s make it the best night together we can make it,” she said. “Make it something lovely to remember it by.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips. Her hands stroked along his sides, continuing to feel his muscles.

“The past is behind us, Tom,” she said. “All is forgiven. It’s a beautiful night. Much as it’ll be good to see stars again, literally, it’s a wonderful place. Nothing more…romantic.”

She kissed him again. She hoped it will be okay for him. And she knew the limits of her passion. She’ll be careful with it as the night goes on.

It kept up long together, and they let out a great deal of sweat, and Rawley enjoyed every moment of it. The sex went on for what seemed like ages. She kept it up, enjoying it, dazed by it. Dazed indeed, it seemed like she was fucking so much, it sapped her energy. By the time she broke the kiss, Tom was out, undoubtedly asleep, and Rawley was feeling equally sleepy. She turned to the side, sighing, sweating like she was in a steam room. She whipped the blanket aside, warm as she was. She breathed, smiling, rolling her shoulders in a romantic fashion. She sighed like the bed itself massaged her. Her eyes shut, she she succumbed to sleep and let the night pass before it came time to fly.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #47
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Fighter Assault Bay, Deck 16 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn:  @Nolan

Daniel smiled as she had her orgasm and then whimpered and leaned against him.  He couldn’t help but be very proud of himself after what he had done with her.  However upon hearing her desire to go to bed Daniel quickly began looking around the room as he removed his hand from her womanhood and readjusted her panties.  It seemed that all the attention was on a crewman attempting to sing a song but not doing a too good a job, he decided to use that distraction to his advantage and slowly but surely helped Riley to her feet and escorted her out of the room hoping that if anyone did see them leave they’d assume that Daniel was helping her out because she couldn’t walk from drinking too much.

As soon as they were out of the room he lifted Riley up and carried her in his arms as this was easier and faster for him.  She had after stated the urgency to her needing a bed right at this moment.  It didn’t take him long to get her to a turbolift and suddenly he remembered that his quarters were on another Vector entirely.  “Computer, take us to Petty Officer Riley Patterson’s quarters.”  He said as the computer acknowledged and the turbolift began to move.  He could see that she was fighting to stay awake and he wasn’t sure if she had heard what he said to the computer.

[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Petty Officer Riley Patterson’s Shared Quarters, Deck 15 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ]

A moment later the turbolift stopped and the doors opened as the computer lit up a section of wall panel indicating that he should follow it so he did.  It didn’t take him long to find her quarters and as the door sensors detected Riley they slid open, Daniel wasted no time in going to the door to the right as he entered he saw the bed and wasted no time in laying Riley down on it.  “A bed just as you asked.”  He said with a smile as he sat next to her.  His hands began to slowly trace their way up her legs towards her skirt as he prepared to finish what he had started with her just a few minutes ago.
Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #48
[ PO Riley Patterson | Fighter Assault Bay -> Patterson's Shared Quarters | Deck 16 -> Deck 15 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Havenborn

She stumbled off her seat and leaned heavily against him as he guided her out of the deck crew lounge. Her breathing was shallow as she fought to stay awake and find the strength to move on. It seemed like the climax delivered by the good lieutenant had drained the girl from any energy she had left in her after the long day at Sickbay. She was even more grateful when the pilot simply lifted her off the ground and carried her in his arms to the lift. She smiled and kissed his cheek before she nuzzled her face into his neck.

The whole trip to her quarters turned into something of a haze as she didn't exactly recalled how she got to them, feeling the lift move and Daniel guiding her to her quarters. It did make her wonder how he knew where she was, unaware of the help the ship computer was giving him. When the doors opened to her shared quarters she wondered if her roommate would be in or not. They didn't have the chance to check what their schedules were.

As Daniel guided her into her personal quarters, she let out an exhale as he placed her down on the bed and she curled up a little against the sheets. "Thanks..." she purred before she tried to opened her eyes. She felt like she as far more tired then she had anticipated, the long shift at Sickbay having drained her along with the fun time at the crew deck. It was a challenge for sure as she finally had them flutter open. She felt his hands run back over her legs as she rolled onto her bed, her eyes blissfully closing once more. By the time Daniel's hands were underneath the fabric of her skirt however, the nurse was tipped over into a light sleepy slumber. Her legs did slowly relax and parted slightly as her breathing steadied and became deeper in a matter of seconds.

The poor girl had slowly drifted asleep as the delivered pleasure by the pilot had pushed the last of her energy out of her. She was completely out of this world without having realized it as his touch against her skin did feel good, yet not enough to bring her back out of it. Her limbs slowly relaxed entirely as she remained still and just squirmed lightly if he chose to feel her up further.

Re: Chapter 04: Supplemental [ Day 05 | 1955 hrs. ] Karaoke Night

Reply #49
[ LT Daniel Havenborn | Petty Officer Riley Patterson’s Shared Quarters, Deck 15 | USS Theurgy, Vector 2 ] Attn:  @Nolan

As Daniel was prepared to finish what he had started he suddenly noticed that she was no longer moving in response to the sensual touching that he was providing her.  Instead it seemed as though she had fallen asleep, that was a first for him but considering the day that she must have had he couldn’t really blame her.  So he got up and slowly removed her jacket and her skirt and positioned her underneath her covers then decided that he would stay with her just in case she woke up before he had to report to the FAB at 2300.

He knew that he wasn’t really going to get any sleep but even just resting next to her was relaxing enough.  He had the thought to call in sick however his as he looked down at Riley he was reminded of his duty to this ship and the other officers and crew that depended on him and the thought was no more.  Besides if this was truly his last night on this ship he couldn’t have asked for a better night, he got to spend time with Riley, see his fellow pilots engage in what was definitely a morale booster and hear a Gorn sing, that by far was one of the more interesting parts of the night.

As he lay next to her his communicator chirped quietly letting him know that it was time for him to report for duty, so he got up, gave Riley a kiss on her cheek and left her a quick note telling her how much he had enjoyed her company before he left for the FAB.

Defeat, Genocide; why quibble with semantics.

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