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[2374] Science Class from a Distance

[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy ]

Like work hadn't been hectic enough, a former training instructor from Earth had contacted Amelya Duv that at 10:00 hrs a special dissection would be taking place on the Academy grounds. The former instructor had promised that it would be worth her time. The dissection of a Trillian Deep Sea Slug would be extraordinary. It would provide Amelya with the insight of how poison would be transmitted and what to look out for in case she'd ever come face to face with a creature of sorts. How unlikely it sounded.

That was however if Amelya made it to the holo room in time. The clock was ticking and after having helped a human aboard the station with rather pesky little gallbladder stones she was running towards the reserved holo room. She had been held up by a few more people who wanted to get some advice, helping them in a quick and orderly fashion was adamant as she arrived minutes late in the room.

"Computer." she panted slightly out of breath "Establish up link with Starfleet Academy. Room 26." the computer chimed "Lock doors." and an audible locking sound indicated the doors to be locked as the dark room began to fade to a white examination room as Trill found herself looking at a few other students and a rather tall Romulan looking woman who apparently had gotten the honors to do the dissecting.

"Ah, cadets. Ensign Duv will be looking along for this dissection all the way from Deep Space 3. She's one of the graduated students from the Starfleet Annex program. Glad you could make it doctor." the instructor smiled as Amelya's cheek had flushed lightly. She tidied out her uniform and made sure her hair would be neatly knotted to the back so it wouldn't get in the way "The pleasure is all mine. Please, do not let me be a distraction. Proceed." she smiled friendly as she took her position in the crowd. She did move closer and around the given restricted area as she wasn't physically there, managing to get a perfect view from the side.

"Today's subject will be a Trillian Deep Sea Slug, which can't be confused with the Trillian Sea Serpent. There are many similarities between the both of them." the instructor started as he nodded to Vanya to go ahead with her work.

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #1
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: @Nolan 


Vanya stood by the table and glanced up as the other students came in for observation. She was arraying the instruments for the upcoming procedure. In these days many liked to take deep tricorder scans and then conduct holodisections, but the instructors wanted to make sure that if needed the students were able to do so in the real world. To actually cut real flesh and get their hands in there. Feeling and seeing first hand the creatures they were dealing with, to ensure they ‘could’ if the need arose. Not every field unit or mission would have the holoimagry to do so a step removed. Many times Starfleet officers would need to get their hands dirty, and the Science and Medical officers, got just as dirty as the Ops and Engineers. Just swap out some grease, with blood.

As the above holo-pojector came online, Vanya’s dark green eyes flickered up and took note of the newcomer. A slender pointed brow went up. A Trill? How fortunate. A pause of a few microseconds while the Romulan took in the appearance of the other. Trill spots were like fingerprints. No two patterns the same and they did tend to draw the eye. For Vanya she found the expression of Trill biology to be an exquisitely beautiful example of biological diversity.

Thus, a smile crossed her face and she gave the Trill a regal nod. “Doctor. Welcome. Would you do me the honor of assisting?” A gloved hand motioned to the table infront of them. “I would greatly welcome observation and comment, from you as well.”

Vanya looked down. “Subject is a Trillian Deep Sea Slug. Taxedermic designation: Animalia, Mollusca, Gastropoda, Nudipleura, Trillia.” Vanya paused and looked it over. “Subject appears deceased by visual observation. Now confirming with Tricorder scan” She lifted the tricorder and played it over the colorful creature on the table. “Confirmed deceased via visual and tricorder scan. Final conformation…..” Reaching out a gloved hand she touched the side of the creature and let her fingertips remain there for several moments. “No continued respiration or detectable biological functions detectable. Subject confirmed deceased.”

Nodding she glanced up to the visiting doctor. Then back down. “Subject is currently 115centimeters in length, and as per tricorder scan weighs in at 20.4117kilos. Coloration is a bright purple, stripped with green and possessing many purple ‘spots’ or ‘rosettes’’ in the green stripes”

She glanced up at Amelya. “Can you determine sex of the subject via visual observation, Doctor, or do we need a manual inspection?”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #2
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

As the Romulan Cadet spoke up and addressed Amelya in person the Trill's eyes rose up and made contact with the Romulan woman. She looked rather tall in comparison to some women she had met on the station. A quick glance over the gathered peers indicated that she was above average height and as Amelya came to stand besides her to get a real nice and close look of the dissection she found herself at least a head smaller then the Romulan as she started her observations.

Amelya's eyes looked over the slug as it was a rather hefty specimen. It certainly looked deceased and Amelya was glad to hear confirmation of it. These kind of animals were truly horrendous when alive. Whilst they were never really a problem at shallow waters or on the surface, they had made a name for themselves as the Trill navy had suffered some losses because of the creatures. During exploratory surveys at the bottom of the Ocean it were these slugs that had injured and even maimed divers as they did research. Some reports spoke of even structural damage to ships in the deep water by these animals.

"It is hard to determine the sex of this specimen due to its current position. If you would slide your hand through the abdomen you should be able to find a crevice of sorts. If you feel something spiky hiding inside you'll have located the masculine tip. If you find nothing but velvet walls you'll conclude it to be female. Beware though that some excrement might be released when the subject is female."

She inspected the subject with care as she squinted her eyes together "Cadet, can you confirm that the green is more fluorescent?" Amelya asked the Romulan girl "If in fact fluorescent, this animal would have died while in heat..." she concluded.

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #3
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: 


Vanya’s eyes beheld the shorter Trill and nodded her understanding. Gently rolling the creature on it’s side she followed the indicated track. “Manual inspection for ‘masculine tip’ commencing.” She slid the long slender fingers along the crevice. “No spiky hidden tips detected. Suspect is suspected female”

A curious look was offered to the Trill when the florescence was mentioned. “Increased florescence indicates the creature was in heat?” She seemed mildly surprised but leaned in to observe the coloration, clearly intrigued.“Unable to determine if the coloration is ‘more’ florescent, as I don’t have a baseline, but the colors are quite vivid.” She gently brushed the green areas in an attempt to see if they changed upon physical contact.

Then it happened. She was unsure in the moment if she touched a node of muscle or a random residual bio-electric pulse fired off but the slug curled up off the table with startling speed and sunk 5cm fangs into Vanya’s forearm, above the glove! The entire creature quivered then… flopped back onto the table. The surrounding students took a big ol collective step back!

Vanya frowned and slid up her sleeve looking at the trio of punctures on her flesh, now producing dark green copper based blood.

“Subject seems animated and angry for a deceased individual….”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #4
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

The Trill doctor gave a nod as the creature was presumed female and she kept looking along the green lines of it as Vanya investigated further "Yes, according to logs, scientists on Trill were not permitted to investigate these animals when in heat due to a heightened aggressiveness in their habitat." Amelya explained as she had done some research about her home planet. What happened next could not be foreseen however as suddenly the slug seemed to be reanimated as it lashed out towards the Romulan cadet.

The eyes of the Trill medical officer widened as the animal could've easily severed the hand of the Romulan with ease if it were alive. The doctor quickly looked at Vanya who seemingly seemed to be remaining rather calm about the situation. The fangs of a Trillian Deep Sea Slug could grow to about ten centimeters and were often serrated to inflict massive damage. Reports of patients being bitten often went along with agonizing pain and necrosi-

"Cadet, step back and submit to a tricorder scan!" she said with an alarmed tone in her voice "Instructor, alert medical to get to this location. Trillian Sea Slugs are known to have a venomous bite. Proper antidotes are to be inoculated as necrosis sets in after a mere half an hour."

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #5
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: @Nolan  


Vanya’s dark greens had popped up to Amelya when she explained about the hyperaggression during mating times and had given a nod. Her hip length black hair was up in a complex braid forming a crown around her head just now, to keep it out of the field whilst conducting the examination and dissection.

Then came the bite and Vanya some what drolly adds. “Seems that their aggression does not diminish, absent of native habitat.”

Stepping back from the table she gave the creature a bit of a glance and then…. Offered up the tricorder to the holo representation of the Doctor on Deep Space 3. Submitting to the scan that was ordered.

“As you wish doctor, but the activation of medical personnel is not required at this point.”  The three punctures were bleeding dark green blood and Vanya looked to the tray. “If you could pass me the number 3 laser scalpel, please Doctor Duv?” She picked up a bit of gauze and applied pressure to the three wounds while Amelya conducted her Tricorder scan, and awaited the passing of said laser scalpel.

Of course when Amelya conducted her scan she would note the… unique make up of the Cadet in front of her. The bio-synflesh coating the duratanium shell of the inner workings of the Android, the inner power source and complex mechanical workings of the being in front of her. When the Trill doctor glanced up she’d meet Vanya’s dark green eyes. No words were exchanged but Amelya would note a sort of silent request not to just blurt out the full measure of what she’d found to all and sundry in the room.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #6
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

The Trill took the tricorded handed over by the cadet as she began to investigate the wound and the vital signs of the Romulan. The kicker however coming when the readings at first didn't add up. She had at first shaken her head to call back the medical teams and as she fully grasped what exactly was standing before her she swallowed slightly as she gazed up to Vanya's dark green orbs.

She handed the scalpel over to the woman before she spoke up "Cancel the last for medical. It would seem that..." she paused and looked at Vanya, seeing the silent request in her features and eyes "It would appear the venom was not injected. Simply bite wound. I can treat it myself from here." she clarified before she cast her eyes back to the Romulan.

She wasn't quite sure what Vanya would do with the laser scalpel. It would draw a lot of attention if she'd treat the wound herself without any painkillers of the sort "Can I heal the wound first?" she suggested softly as the rest of the class was still looking along to the scene before them. Amelya made a mental note that the cadet would simply want to carry on with the dissection, yet she wasn't sure if it were ideal to do so considering her... different build.

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #7
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: @Nolan  


The Romulan had watched the Trill doctor for a long moment and seemed to relax when she picked up the silent request. Seeming to breathe easier she nodded to the Ensign’s words. The understanding that it implied and the trust being extended.

“Oh. Thank you very much Doctor. That would be ever so much better than trying to do so myself.”Vanya moved over to Amelya and turned so that her back was to the class, but extending her forearm to the doctor. Their bodies serving as a make shift screen to block the attentions of the doctor from casual observation. It was an instance where in the Romulan woman’s size was a touch of benefit. She wasn’t ‘broad’ or muscle bound or anything but she was not petite and that helped here.

Upon examination Doctor Duv would see that the Biosynthetic flesh did indeed hold warmth, and even bleed when punctured but of course the ‘bones’ underneath were duratanium. Vanya lowered her voice as she spoke to the holographic projection of the doctor. “A dermal regenerator will seal the wounds. Failing that a secure bandaging will allow my own healing to repair the damage in short order, but the comment about the necrotic flesh had me just a touch concerned. Will excising the wound be advised, doctor? That’s what I had thought to do with the scalpel, but I defer to your medical knowledge. I’m unsure if my flesh will suffer necrosis. May be best to excise a section around each puncture before regeneration is attempted?” Her slender pointed brows rose, seeming to put her care in Amelya’s hands and trusting her determination in what the best course of action would be in this instance. Even quieter still, she murmured.“And thank you for the discretion.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic


Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #8
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

As Vanya turned her back to the assembled class and offered the scalpel back to the doctor, Amelya looked up at her as she could see the form of the Romulan relax slightly. As she extended her arm it was clear how much robust the limbs of the woman were as opposed to her.

As Amelya took a closer look to the skin and texture and could feel the warmth which complicated the process. Warm skin meant circulation. Which in this case could mean that any venom would be coursing through her body. Unsure how quick it would move or how how it would or might affect other systems within Vanya Amelya gave a nod "I will perform a debridement of the skin to ensure necrosis won't set in. " she informed the woman, she looked around and took an inoculator as she looked at the settings "For show." she whispered to Vanya as she gave the woman a shot in the side of her arm for the class to see.

She began to cut away the skin and laid eyes upon the duranium skeleton underneath. It was fascinating to see and when Amelya was pleased by the end result she used the dermal regenerator to close the wound. The woman would be all patched up and be perfectly able to continue the work she was initially doing. Amelya had not responded to the more silent kind words of the Romulan girl as she had thanked her for her discretion. Now was not the time or place to reply to it. "Can we talk about this later?" she asked softly so the others might not overhear. The good doctor was truly interested and captivated by Vanya.

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #9
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: @Nolan  


Vanya listened and watched the doctor and nodded to the whispered explanation. Her eyes going to the hypospray and nodded at the injection and then down. When pressure was removed the three holes started to ooze dark green blood again and the scent of it might reach Amelya’s nose. The blood too, was warm when she moved to touch it. Picked up by the scanners in the room and transmitted by the holo to Deep Space three where the ‘holographic representation’ was, in turn, given to the good doctor to 'feel'.

When the doctor started the debridement of the flesh she may notice Vana’s hand clench a bit. She remained still but after a few slices it would become evident that she was most assuredly not without sensory capability. It hurt. The Romulan remained still though. Either a testament to her construction and builders, her training, or pure Romulan stubbornness and grit. Thankfully the punctures were easily seen too by the skilled hand of the doctor and when she moved on to the regeneration aspect, the Romulan let out a small breath.“You’ve talented hands, Doctor Duv. Remind me to send your instructors and Commanding officer, a letter of thanks”.

The wounds were healed and Vanya extended and flexed her fingers and rotated her wrist once or twice and offered the Trill a smile. “Thank you for your assistance Doctor.”

To the softly posed question, Vanya offered an easy nod. Yes, they could talk about it later. She owed the doctor that much for her excellent care in this, both in the physical and social aspects.

Green blood was wiped clean and new gloves were adorned. A short nod and Vanya turned back to the table. “And now we proceed.”  The first thing she did was affix a restraint to the creature, to prevent a repeat performance.  Then the rest of the dissection was conducted. The two working together to explore the wondrous and unique inner workings of the Trillian creature. Documenting as they went for future purposes.

A few hours later the procedure was complete and the class was dismissed. Vanya staid behind and was very carefully ‘closing’ the creature. Giving it a measure of respect that might surprise some. Many would consider what was left, mere biological trash, but Vanya was treating it like she would a sapient’s remains.

She looked up to the holo image of the remote doctor and raised pointed brows.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #10
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

She could see the movement in her fingers as she made the incisions and became quit aware that the woman could feel exactly what she was doing. Perhaps a sedative might've been in order, but alas, it was too late now. The feint smell of the Romulan's blood came to the doctor's attention and she asked on occasion if she was still alright during the procedure. When she was finishing up on closing Vanya she was glad that the woman agreed to talk after the class would have concluded.

"Thank you cadet... You never told me your name have you?" she smiled as she reapplied the glove for the woman and smiled as they could proceed with the dissection. It was an interesting class to have witnessed for sure as she made note of the dangers of dealing with the slugs. When class ended Amelya looked at the clock of the academy, she could spare some more time.

She watched with how much care she closed up the creature they had dissected and couldn't help but feel a sense of appreciation as she did so. It was a token of respect of sorts and Amelya bided her time in silence before Vanya looked at her with a raised brow.

"So Vanya.. Nice to meet you." Amelya smiled after the last student had left the lab "I've never... Met anyone like you before." she said with a curious tone to her voice. She didn't seem afraid or repulsed by the woman, in fact she felt drawn to her in a way like a scientist would with a rare subject.

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #11
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: @Nolan 


Vanya nodded to the doctor and smiled. “Cadet Vanya, ma’am. Science track”
Then they were conducting the procedure and research that they’d all gathered to perform and witness. Notes were taken and the instructor pointed out a few things along the way but over all it was indeed an educational experience in Xenozoology for most and just zoology for Amelya.

After the class broke up and people were filing out, Vanya was closing up the creature. She noted the Doctor had remained and was giving her time to finish. This also allowed the last of the students taking notes and what not to depart, leaving them alone in the lab.

Vana finished and snapped off the gloves. Amelya didn’t have to wear them as she was a holopresence but Vanya had to prevent contaminating the field. Now they were done. She reached out and trailed two fingers down the side of the creature. The fingertips gently tracing the spots or rosettes on the slugs flesh. Exploring it with tactile sensation. The sort of thing that didn’t go into official reports.

“The pleasure is mine, Doctor. I’m not sure that I’ve met anyone like you before either. You seem to have questions. I will answer them as best I’m able. If you might do me the same favor as we converse?”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #12
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

Amelya kept an interested eye on Vanya as she let her bare fingers run over the dead slug. As she had introduced herself as Vanya, Amelya was glad to have known the Cadet's name. Amelya wasn't sure to be surprised or not to hear Vanya mention that she hadn't seen a Trill before. There would have been plenty on campus? Or did she mean something different? Amelya could only wonder as Vanya concluded she had questions "You aren't Romulan, not by genetics at least, the looks and blood however are... So I am fascinated about your origin." Amelya said with a spark of curiosity in her voice.

"Of course you can ask me question in return. I'm sure you'll have your share of them as well." Amelya offered as she walked around the Romulan looking woman and made her way over to the seats. The Trill doctor took a seat and crossed her legs as she folded her hands in her lap while looking at Vanya's emerald green eyes.

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #13
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: @Nolan  


She smiled as the doctor made her observations and a pointed brow rose and she looked at one of her own hands and back to the doctor. Seeming to mull the statement and questions over she moved to the side and took a seat with Amelya.

“Well.. partially correct. My flesh and blood are biosynthetic, but not ‘technically’ Romulan by genetic profile. Though they are Romulan by creation and design. As is the rest of me for that matter. My original creators were very much Romulan. I was designed in their likeness, and in their likeness I remain… to some of their everlasting disappointment.”

Her hand smoothed down one leg of her cadet uniform pants leg, then slowly transverse back up as she spoke.    “Please forgive me, I’ve had the opportunity to observe more than one Trill in my time here at the Academy. Shared classes and there are a few in my dorm. I’ve yet to have any long conversations with one however. To.. ‘get to know them’ as the humans like to say. Your kind truly fascinate me.

Pardon the intrusion if such is a taboo question, but are you, ‘Joined’?”
The Romulan seemed to be just as curious about Amelya as Amelya was of her.
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #14
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

"What was the creation of your purpose in that case?" Amelya asked curiously as she nodded at the design of having living tissue over a duranium indoskeleton. It was wonderful to see and behold yet there were so many more questions. Would her skin age or would the cells run with an infinite amount of regeneration? She had heard the questions Vanya asked in return and she smiled sweetly.

"What is it about my kind that fascinates you?" she asked with a form of amusement fillingh er voice. She never considered herself to be an interesting kind of species, sure she got the looks of many men and women alike as she roamed throughout the station in her free time clothing or when she'd visit the club on station. The question was narrowed down to if she was a joined Trill or not and Amelya shook her head "I'm not joined. I was adopted aboard this station, I don't know my real parents nor did I get the proper cultural teachings from Trill. I did do some research about it and looked into them, but it all feels a bit... Alien."

"What about you, are you raised like any Romulan child? Or do you not age?" she queried as she leaned forward a little to inspect the Romulan more closely as good as she could through the holoplatform.

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #15
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: 


Vanya smiled to the Trill and seemed to ponder the query. Not in an attempt to obfuscate but considering how to voice the answer in a way not to freak out the young woman so far away. “Lets just say that my attending Starfleet Academy was not what they had in mind for me.”

When asked what about her species fascinated Vanya, the Romulan seemed to almost blossom. “I find the concept of your race to be enchanting. A dual sort of ducotomy. The Joined, the Unjoined, and then again with the Trill and the symbiote, if one is Joined. Living multiple life times but each one shaded by the symbiote and it’s memories of the previous life, while being a new and unique combination each time. That seems like…. A very interesting thing.

Then the Unjoined. I…. have read a bit. Just in the cultural database here. Is it true that only one in a thousand are suitable for joining? And that only 300 a year are selected?"

Then Amelya explained her adoption and different cultural teachings. Vanya actually blushed, a light green sheen coming to her cheeks and her eyes flicker down. “Oh! I apologize. I didn’t know. I… I’m sorry. My questions must seem…”  She shook her head. “I.. just love learning about other peoples and species.”

She looked up and paused. “Do you have a ‘pouch’?”

“I do not physically age in appearance unless I wish to. I can make moderate changes to my appearance as per design. Up or down about 15% in weight, different skin tone and hair color, eye color, and fine features. This..”
She motioned to herself.“Is… how I choose to be. This is.. ‘me’.

To answer your question I was constructed at this size and what have you, but I learned much of what I know, not through programming but from learning from trainers. I have the highest level of heuristic processing along a neural net that has been seen in the entire Romulan Star Empire.

I learn… same as you.”
She motioned to the lab they were in “Same as any student here.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #16
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

The information cadet Vanya was giving the Trill doctor wasn't exactly shocking. She chuckled lightly though at the rather cultural questions Vanya had for her. The Trill didn't mind them and could only nod as she had read the same thing on cultural books about her species and homeworld. As Vanya however apologized for asking Amelya shook her head "No apologies needed, you could not know." she said with a sincere smile "And I can understand your curiosity to other people's culture and stuff."

The next question however was met by a silence by the Trill as she could feel her cheeks turn red. Unsure if it transmitted over in the room she looked at Vanya and scratched the back of her head, ruffling through her hair a little as she avoided eye contact for a moment "I do.. But I sort of feel a bit insecure about it. Not having the.... Chance to discuss it with peers of my kind. It feels alien despite it being rather... Natural to my species." she admitted as she looked down at her lap, her hands rubbing over the uniform around her abdomen.

"Did you change forms a lot throughout your lifespan?" she asked after hearing about the modifications she was capable of doing "In fact, how long have you been existing?" she asked while looking back at the Romulan woman, despite knowing she was more then Romulan "Can I ask why you decided to join Starfleet?"

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #17
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: @Nolan 


Vanya nodded at the grace that the Trill doctor fielded the questions about a culture and people that she too had learned about remotely. Then the strangest thing happened. The doctor blushed at the next question. It took Vanya a few moments to mull over that. Why had the young lady blushed. Surely she wasn’t aroused by the query. Or… was she? No that was not highly likely via Vanya’s estimation. A few more milliseconds of contemplation were taken and the situation processed again.

The avoidance of eye contact and fidgeting seemed to re-enforce the embarrassment. Then Amelya explained that she was insecure about indeed having the pouch. Vanya’s eyes softened a little. She could relate with that too. So many things here were new to her, that she often found herself insecure about them. She tried to hide it and put forth a brave or if failing that, neutral face. Sometimes she even envied the Vulcan’s false face and repression of their emotions. For Vanya it was “Emotions” or “NOTHING” if she turned off her emotional programming. That always felt so strange. She hated doing it.

The green eyes flickered down to the Doctor’s midsection. She wanted so much to see the pouch, but the young woman clearly was a bit freaked out by some aspect or another so she did not go so far as to request such. Well. Not right now. Maybe later. Vanya wondered if Trills carried things in there when they weren’t nursing. A spare Padd or something to read if waiting in line at the transporter pad, between classes, or at meals.

She thought that question might go over, some how even less favored than the previous so she shelved that to ask at another time.  Then the young woman was asking her a query.

Vanya nodded and responded. “During my primary training yes. It was something that was pressed and often. It was an important function at the time.”

When asked her age, a bit of a rueful grin crossed her face. “A human would get all embarrassed by that. For some reason their females take it as a point of pride not to divulge their ages. Though I’ve read that Cardassians see older age as a boon and benefit.”  A light chuckle escaped her. “I was brought online in 2356, on Romulas, with in the Star Empire. So chronologically I’m currently 18 years old… but I was brought online looking like this and with the imprint of my mother’s youthful mind already…” She motioned with slender fingers towards her head. “To build on.
Training lasted a time. Then some field work. Things.. changed with in the Empire, which happens more than they’d like to admit and it became… necessary that I no longer remain. I effected escape, though it necessitated shutting down my primary systems.

I was reactivated 2371. It was just over a year at the Daystrom Institute, to determine if I would be allowed legal person-hood.” 
  Just a touch of bitterness at that last bit. “Once it was determined that I was a person, and not a threat to the Federation, I was allowed citizenship, and as such could apply to the Academy. My freshman year was 2372. I’m currently a Junior and will graduate next year, upon successful completion of the Cadet cruise and final exams.”
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #18
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

Amelya was surprised to hear that Vanya had been around since 2356. How Romulus must've been different in that time period in comparison to now? More questions came to mind, yet she let the woman speak up for herself now. The more Vanya spoke however the more questions came to mind for Amelya. Which mother was she referring to? A prior built? It was all very exciting to hear about.

The Trill doctor nodded as she looked over the Romulan looking girl. She was happy that she was granted proper citizenship and the right to form her own personality and sorts. She wanted to know more about the peculiar woman, preferably in a face to face conversation as it would be much easier to ask questions directly. Holographic conversations always missed that certain touch to matters in Amelya's mindset. Even during her academy years, she had missed the contact with her fellow students. Sure they could socialize and sorts in class, yet never hang out or do things to bond even more.

Looking at the time it seemed like she'd have to cut the remaining time with the cadet short "I'm afraid I might have to get going. My holo time is pretty much gone as I only reserved it for the class. I would love to keep in touch though if you'd like cadet Vanya." Amelya smiled as she looked at the woman in front of her "Perhaps we can send each other messages or meet again in a more socially flavored environment on the holodeck?"

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #19
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: 


Vanya nodded to the Trill doctor and stood at the indication of the time. “Well thank you for attending, and indeed assisting. Your insights into the specimen were very astute and I’m not sure I’d have come up with all of them on my own. Your assistance with the … other matter was also highly appreciated.

I am not ‘hiding’ the truth about myself but I get enough grief for my heritage as is. Adding in more complications would just add to the difficulty of day to day life.”

When the offer was made for continued communication Vanya smiled softly. “I would very much like that. Yes. A more social setting would be more… fun.” The Romulan pondered it, getting to know someone else would surely be a boon. She didn’t have many friends. The ones she had were good people but could be counted on one hand with fingers left over. So this would be very good indeed. Amelya was already graduated and on station as well. An Ensign. She may be able to tell Vanya what to expect in Academy training. Little hints and what have you. Still the largest positive of it would be making another friend. Someone she could be herself around and not worry about mockery or hatred. That would be worth ever so much more. 

She pulled a small pad from one of her cargo pockets, offering it to the holo projection. “Just give me your contact information and I’ll drop a message soon."
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #20
[ Ens Amelya Duv | DS 3 | Holo Room | In connection to San Francisco Starfleet Academy | Dissection lab | Room 26 ]

"The pleasure was completely mine." concluded the Trill before she nodded at the next set of words. Amleya could understand why Vanya wasn't very open about her true identity. People could be odd reaction wise when exposed to something or someone that didn't fit a certain picture. In this cause an android of sorts in the form of a Romulan. Duv couldn't help but smile when Vanya agreed to meet again be it under different conditions. 

She accepted the PADD of the woman as she began to work her way over to the contact log of the Romulan. She added her contact details in it and smiled as she also tied her work schedule into it. That way the Romulan cadet would know when she'd be available and when not. Amelya looked back at Vanya as she handed the PADD back to her "There you go, I hope to hear from you soon."

Re: [2374] Science Class from a Distance

Reply #21
[ Cadet Vanya | Starfleet Academy | Science Complex | Disection Lab | Room 26 ] Attn: 

Vanya took the PADD back and glanced at the information, committing it to memory with a smile. She nodded to the holographic representation of the Trill from the distant, Deep Space Station 3. The young doctor had been quite pleasant.

Her species was incredibly interesting as well. Vanya made mental note to check out some cultural perspectives on Trill and their society, so that she might be better informed for their next meeting or get together. She may even be able to parley it into extra credit for an advanced level class at the Academy.

Not that such was a reason behind it, but it could be a pleasant perk.

Looking up she smiled. “I insure you, you will. Thanks again.”

She stepped back and waited for Amelya to cut the transmission from her end and then looked to the lab. Moving with precision, she cleaned the room, to leave it in a state for the next use, even sterilizing the table and the rest.

She was curious as to long distance acquaintanceships. This would be a first for her. Hurm… She wasn’t quite sure how to go about it.

[ Thread Fin ]
Lieutenant Vanya - Science Officer - Zoology/XenoZoology

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zark – Security Officer – Combat Medic

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