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DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

[ ThanIda zh'Wann | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: Kaligos

Waking up, Ida took in a deep breath before pinching the bride of her nose, massaging around her eyes before wiping any sleep out of their corners. Sitting up, she stretched her shoulder muscles and arched her back slightly before finally vacating the bed. She still felt the aftermath of the sparring tournament the evening before, and she did not have to look into a mirror to know that the bruising of her face remained. This did not stop her from sticking to her routines, remaking the covers as she did to give the bed the appearance of neatness expected of Starfleet personnel quarters. It took less than a minute, and the motions helped her clear her head.

Next, she stepped through her dark quarters to her computer console, and as she lit the screen, her bare body and moving antennae were cast into stark light. As usual, there were messages that Ida needed to respond to. Over night, they had piled up again. Instead of sitting down, however, she browsed through them and then left the console - changing into her workout attire. She would go for a run before alpha shift began, as she always did, and the messages could wait until then. What had happened during the sparring tournament had given her a lot to think about, and as she donned the black running tights, shoes and the white sports bra and tank top, Ida found herself looking out the viewscreen upon the vista of space while she put her hair into quick braid. Ever since she was little she enjoyed looking at the stars, longing to leave Andoria. Then came thoughts of what her father had done, and the cost of her freedom. She shook off the bitter memory, and in doing so, she was done and left her quarters.

The ship lay rather quiet for the hour, and it gave her more time to think about the spar the night before, and what had happened between Nathaniel Isley and herself. It was a source of great confusion, having remembered being a lustful shadow of herself, not to mention remembering the Yacht and what had happened on it. No matter how she twisted and turned the situation, she could not wrap her head around her true feelings about it all. Her ire had caused the fighter pilot great harm, and she was responsible for not being able to control himself. It was shameful for her, to have hurt him, despite how he had acted.

Given the early hour, she reckoned she could make sure she had not hurt the man too much before she started her shift. Isley needed to be on flight duty, and she did not like the idea of removing a Lone-Wolf from the flight roster. So, eventually,she drew to a halt outside the door to the man's quarters, antennae rising as she debated her actions. The nature of their past affiliation might not have been ideal either, but an apology was still in order.  So she rapped with her hand against the door and hoped for a swift verification that he was all right.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #1
[Nathaniel "Maverick" Isley | Senior Officer's Quarters| Deck 05 ] Attn: ThanIda

Last night's trip to sickbay and being treated for several fractured ribs had Nathan resting. His left side was still red and bruised from the impact, tender from the fractures that had been healed the night before, but he would be back up and running by the time he was done his last treatment for the injury which would come later that tonight, and get him back in shape for the raid that the wolves had been practicing for.

For now it seemed that the wolves had the day off, the ability to debrief themselves and get ready for the attack that was a day ahead of them. Which meant that Nathan had executive permission to rest easy during his normal white shift. Stepping into the sonic shower and feeling his entire body be cleaned off by gentle vibrations of sound he wished he was a higher ranking officer. A bath would have been much more relaxing as it was the sonic shower was less refreshing and more painful due to how it moved his ribs.

He walked away from it feeling damp, which always felt weird. It wasn't sweat, but he always felt like he was greasy after taking a sonic shower, which couldn't have been further from the truth. It was just the dampness from fresh rejuvenated skin that made him feel that way. It was at that point that he heard a knocking on his door. He blinked for a moment... who the hell knocks in this sentury? the doors were high density steel, and designed to be sound proof most of the time. It took a lot of effort to bash on them to get noticed.

"Thea lights dim." He pulled a towel to wrap himself with, not bothering to get fully dressed as his room gained a soft illumination. Walking towards the door he pressed the button to open it, and blinked slightly shocked when he saw the last person he expected to see at his door this early in the morning.

"Good morning Security did I do something wrong?" He said moving aside to let Than into his room, he could already tell that she wasn't here for business due to her lack of official clothing but had decided to tease her anyway. His own had been left out from the night before, placed with abandon near the bed which was currently also a mess. "You will have to pardon the mess I wasn't expecting visitors."

"actually I was hoping to see you again after yesterday." His lack of any and all clothing made it rather easy for her to notice the large bruise on his side. "I wanted to apologize for some of the things that I said in the ring."

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #2
Still winded after having completed her run, Ida was prepared to leave in the belief that the pinkskin was either still asleep or that he had left for the hangar already. Having knocked instead of chiming the door, she hadn't wished to wake him... or perhaps she just didn't want to have the conversation after all. Yet when the doors slid open and revealed the back-lit figure of the human male in his pink, physical splendour... she was entirely convinced she was not prepared to speak with him. He jested about her being there on official business, and she let a faint smile animate her features before she promptly stepped inside. She had no intention of being caught speaking with the man while he had no clothes on.

She said nothing, merely looking around when he apologised for the mess. Looking everywhere else than at his body was preferable. "I hadn't noticed," she said quietly and folded her arms, realising that she had no choice but to turn and face him. She did so with a stoic mien, refusing to let her eyes wander the expanse of his bare skin. She could not help but glancing towards the bruising on his ribs and face, though, since it was the very reason she had come. Seeing the bruise across his side, however, made her see how low his towel was riding on his hip. She was not entirely sure it was the run that had her heart beating as quickly as it did, but she denied herself the ideas that bubbled up in her mind.

He apologised, before she could state her own regret about hurting him, and when he mentioned the damnable things he had said to her in the ring, a scowl ghosted across her features. "You do well in saying you are sorry, pinksin," she said in clipped tones, but she took another breath, knowing that it would hardly be constructive to trigger another argument, "It was... disrespectful towards me, being a victim of rape on that day. I don't know what motivated you to say it, but I was of mind to report you for violating the Captain's edict about the Niga Incident. There is to be no accusations made towards us who were infected, nor punishments dealt upon us because of what we did. Yet after reading your file, I have come to understand that you live up to your callsign; not being very good with authorities or orders. I have yet to make up my mind, however, whether or not that would make it more important that you were disciplined for breaking the edict... and for making public sexual advances on me."

She did not have to tell him what department she worked in, and what title she held. 'Disrespectful' had been an understatement that nearly made her trip on the word. She paused to let everything she had said sink in, eyes flinty.

"That being as it may, I believe I wronged you in kind by injuring you to the extent that I did," she said, sighing and dismantling the turn of their conversation. She looked towards the injury again, arms still folded. She stepped over to him and against her better knowledge, she unfolded her arms and reached out to run her fingertips over the area. Clenching her jaw, she looked him in the eye. "Will you be able to launch your attack fighter in time for the raid on the Black Opal, and the arrival to Starbase 84? If not... I regret to have made the crew and the mission bereft of your protection in the two battles to come. I did not mean to give the Theurgy a tactical disadvantage..."

Her priority was the safety of the crew. It was and remained her primary concern.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #3
When Ida brought up the fact that he could very easily have been reported for what he had done. He didn't really want to have to deal with the captain, though it wasn't like there was much that could be restricted for him. The wolves were needed to fly out tomorrow, and when they assaulted Starbase 84, the worst that would happen was a lecture, although frankly he didn't want to have to have that kind of punishment either. When she touched his injury he inhaled sharply keeping eye contact on her as she touched what was essentially rather sensitive flesh. A chill of a different kind moving up and down his spine as he looked into her eyes.

"I will be fine, it was only a few fractured ribs, I have my last treatment tonight after white shift which have me fully healed for the raids tommorrow." His voice was soft, and he pulled away after a moment of her touching him. It wasn't unpleasant, but after she said that she had half a mind to report him for making sexual advances he was at the least on edge. That and her hand had felt good. He was more then sensitive right now between the sonic shower, and the bruises along his ribs.

"Would you believe me if I said it was part of a Vulcan mindgame? Many find that provoking emotional outbursts in other races leads to quick and easy martial victory. So much so that Suus Mahna adapted to using ruthless methods of provoking others as a weapon. As you can see it doesn't always seem to work." He jokingly gestured towards his ribs. "Sometimes when you provoke someone, you end up getting more then you would normally ask for. Something a smarter vulcan than I probably would have recognized." That explained his comments on the Niga incident though the sexual advances... those were a little less logical, that was something he had been feeling for a while.

Nathan kept one hand on his towel praying that it didn't fall off of his body, he also didn't really want Ida to leave, though it seemed like she was just here to check on him for the well being of the crew. He paused for a moment knowing that he had made rather public advances on her, but he hadn't been the only one aroused by their fight. "When it comes to the incident i'm the last one who should be throwing stones. Hell every single thing that happened on this ship was my fault. Had I not broken protocol we never would have found that place."

He had been waiting for anyone, to say that. For someone to just come along and slap him for that. Of course no one had, At this point he honestly didn't know if anyone had even made that connection but they didn't have too. He felt it like a crushing weight on his chest. Every single person that the incident had hurt had been the direct result of his own actions, and carelessness. Still this wasn't a topic that he wanted to lingure on, his mistakes were starting to pile up by the door, and here he had one of the more attractive women, someone that was otherwise at the top of his list and actually wanted... and she had walked right into his room. If he gave away too much of his own worries and doubts he wasn't exactly going to look appealing... or at least that was what going on in his mind.

"What about you? How are you recovering? Not all injuries are physical." He said lightly as he looked at ThanIda, his eyes actually softening to reflect caring, his hand that wasn't holding his towel moving up to touch her, but stopping at the midway point. She had proven yesterday that she could take him down in a fair fight, he didn't want to cross a line while she was still feeling like he should be reported.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #4
When Isley inhaled sharply, Ida removed her fingers from his skin for a moment, then returned with the back of her fingers instead, which were less rough and calloused. She did not know why she indulged herself in the gesture, but part of her wanted to assess how bad it was... and another part just wanted an excuse for it. He stepped away, however, telling her that he was going to be treated again and that he would be able to partake in the raids. That was a relief to hear for Ida, and she folded her arms again as he began to talk about what kind of motivations had driven him during their spar.

"It was pretty obvious that you were using my plight from that day against me as a tactic to win the fight, and that is no excuse... even if I can understand your reasoning. There are limits, and breaking the Captain's edict to win a fight is not acceptable. I am fine, or at least no worse of than before the fight," she said, some iron in her vowels, but she kept herself from looking towards the hand that he raised towards her - despite oh, how much she wanted him to touch her -  taking a deep breath before addressing his personal regrets from the Niga Incident. "I think you have only taken the negative impacts from that day into account when you say that, and I realise that it might be easy to do so. On my end, I have come to see the benefits of the fact that we went there, and while it might seem I am grasping for straws to motivate the horrors that we were put through - appearing to you to be some mental exercise that Counselling has forced on us victims - the fact remains that we would not have gotten this far unless you had found Niga."

Having said this, she paced the room as she explained. "By Lor'Vela, when we arrived there, the ship was barely holding together. Task Force Archeron had chopped up the hull. We had a rift through three decks, and we barely had any propulsion. We were limping along, and if Starfleet had found us again, we would have been done for - guaranteed. Our only hope was to find new resources, and while we went through a crisis at Niga, we also restocked the ship and spent a week in orbit of the planet afterwards, making repairs. What I am saying is that we would never have reached Nimbus III and got a hold on the spare parts there, and we would definitely not have survived the first attack of the Calamity outside the Hromi Cluster. So, as much as a price we had to pay for it, we got what we needed to get this far - on the verge of letting the entire Galaxy know what it really going on."

Having said this, she stepped up to him - eyes stil as flinty but her words meant to cast both their actions on the yacht into proper light. "Remember how you managed to convince me to cooperate in the Yacht's engineering room? How we released the manual clamps for the warp core? After I passed out," she said, thinking about how he had been right behind her at the control panel, rubbing his hard pinkskin arousal along her damp sex, distracting her while he made her lick his fingers. She clenched her jaw, stilling her heart. "After I passed out, and the antidote on your hand did its work, you ejected the core in the last moment, and the detonation served as a light house for the USS Relativity. Sarresh Morali and Captain Ducane would never have found us in the time-stream otherwise - pinpointing when the timeship would make its temporal incursion. I'd say both these factors cancel out the fact that you didn't find any other planet than Niga to get our deuterium and supplies."

Standing as close as she did, she couldn't help but clench a fist around the hem of his towel, yanking him close to make sure he listened... even though she was more inclined to keep him from walking away. Her heart was beating in her ears, and her antennae were writhing slowly as she looked into his eyes. He was to her unfinished business, and her rationale was giving away to her needs. "If that doesn't make you get the situation straight," she said through her teeth, chin raised to meet his gaze, "then you are also forgetting the fact that we were subjected to the Niga virus by the enemy's design... Not your insubordination, junior lieutenant. It was a trap set for us, your actions premeditated in the time-steam. You were no more guilty than a train on pre-laid tracks."

Kiss me, pinkskin, or by Lor'Vela I will kiss you first... She did not want to wait a second longer.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #5
Nathan paused as Ida gave him her perspective, and it was one he much needed to hear. In truth he had never thought about the positive effects finding the planet, but hearing the positive outlined with the negative how it had actually saved the ship and enabled them to get as far as they had. That everything had been set up in a certain predetermined way, it was a warm and pleasant thought and something long overdue to his ears. But it didn't just stop at the planet.

"Thank you Ida." He was about to cut her off when she mentioned the Captains Yacht, he felt her hand on his Towell and instinctively his hands went to her waist, holding her, his hand brushing along the hem of her running tights pulling her body close. His mind coming back to the here and now forgetting the memories of the captains yacht and feeling the warmth that radiated off of Ida's body. His eyes softened as looked at her, and gave her the only responce he could think of. He pulled her in a little closer and pressed his lips onto her dark blue lips. His hand sliding along the hem of her pants and gripping the deputy cheif's ass. Honestly he had no fear of being reported now.

That half of the conversation was lost the moment his lips touched hers. As the kiss broke he let out a long breath. His body felt hyper aware for a moment tingling in his ribs, the feeling of his flesh against hers and the fabrics that she wore, his skin feeling almost hyper sensitive. He breathed for a moment feeling his confidence return at least a little the kiss, along with the memories of the captains yacht had certainly inspired his body into action. "Am I presuming too much?"

He wanted her, as he looked into her eyes he was certain that she wanted him as well. "Thea... lock the door." His voice was almost melodious as he turned and gave Ida a push onto his bed. Moving so that his hands landed on her shoulders as he playfully lingered over her body. "Well how about we forget the captains yacht, and try to make something a little more pleasant?"

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #6
When he finally kissed her, Ida felt it was so overdue she could barely hold herself back. The moment he slanted his lips across hers, she was kissing back - knuckles white around the grip she had on his towel. In kind, he had his hands on her - grabbing her ass through the thin fabric of her running tights. She was so wound up she wanted to bite his lip and make him hurry up, but she the male taste of him gave her pause, and she chose to savour him instead. She held him flush to her lower body with her grip, not about to let him get away this time. On the yacht, it had not been herself that tried to claim him, but now she was nonetheless motivated. She had been denying herself, doubting her own motives in coming there, but in the end, she wanted him, and judging from the hardness that was forming against her through the coarse towel, Isley still wanted her too.

When he broke the kiss, he asked if he presumed too much. Ignorant male. With the look she gave him in response, she must have shed all doubt from his mind, since he asked Thea to look the door and pushed her towards the bed in his relatively small junior officer's quarters. She had not been prepared for the push, but as she landed with him on top of her, she certainly didn't mind. He spoke of making new memories, and she had no objections - unsure why she ever had.

"You better well try, pinkskin," she said, hardly recognising her own voice. As she said it, she had reached down to grab the edge of her tank top, and as she lay there beneath him, she arched her back and pulled both the tank and her sports bra over her head. She discarded it with the same motion, and then she clasped both her hands behind his neck - giving him an hard kiss before pushing his head down to her breasts and her hardened peaks, craving for him to put his warm mouth all over her body. "Make up for all your talking in the ring and put words to action instead..."

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #7
As Ida removed her shirt and bra there were no longer hesitations in his mind. This was going to happen, and Nathan had absolutely zero objections to it. Feeling her heavy kiss and tasting the Andorian's saliva he was quickly enticed, his hands moved along her sides feeling her body. He could get used to seeing blue every now and then. As he was pushed down his nails dragged along her sides for a moment leaving trails of lighter colors along her side as he scratched her.

His lips fell upon her breasts kissing her flesh as his tongue rolled over her dark blue nipples. His hand moved up to squeeze and play with the one he didn't kiss giving her skin attention that she wanted. His warm breath moved over her breasts as he sucked on each in turn before pinching her nipples. As he worked on her body his own was becoming more awake. His cock was becoming hard in anticipation. his towel failing off as he moved his hips and body pulling lower down Ida's own as he kissed her stomach. "Feel free to rate my performance any day."

His fingers caught the edge of Ida's running tights, and lifted them taking what ever panties she had down as well, pulling them down until they were around her knees. He looked up at her with an amused smirk. "I guess I finally get to answer the age old question of what Andorian tastes like." He gave an arrogant smile as he kissed her lower, and then finally pressed his mouth against her Vagina, licking her and thanking the fact that her body wasn't too alien for him to attempt this. His tongue flickering against the dark blue of her skin.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #8
Ida moaned when he drew his nails down her sides, and she bucked her hips against him when his mouth teased her breasts - her nipples hardened peaks that he toyed freely with. He asked for her review as he teased her, but her pursed lips were occupied with breathing heavily as his warm lips travelled down her toned abdomen. She cupped her own breasts in anticipation, heart beating fast as he removed her running tights and panties. She let him, not about to tease him back and make him fight for access to her willing body. "Hurry..." she managed, right before he said he'd have the privilege of taste what someone of her species tasted like.

"Quit talking and... ah!"  she cried out when his warm mouth encompassed her sex, and she felt his tongue dip into the dewy nectar that she had shed in need for him. Whether it was an exotic or alien taste for him, she did not know, and as long as he continued what he was doing, she didn't truly care. She couldn't help but pinch her own nipples between the sides of her fingers as he began the cunnilingus - stroking her swollen, aching mounds and breathing through her teeth. She bucked her hips against his mouth, wanting his tongue to delve further into her now that she finally had his head between her legs. Touching her breasts nearly hurt from being so excited, so she resorted to reach down and rake her blue fingers through his hair instead - keeping him there and undulating her hips against his mouth.

"By Lor'Vela," she whispered shakily and closed her eyes - elevating the pleasure  he gave her even more. "I want you inside me, pinkskin... Now, or I will come..."

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #9
Nathan's tongue continued to move over the soft dark blue skin of Ida's cunt finding the taste of her juices to be different and slightly more sweat then a regular humans taste. It was different, exotic, and all together lovely. As he felt her fingers running through his hair he looked up at the Andorian in need. She looked like she was seconds away from begging him, which though it would have been a nice sight he certainly wasn't about to expect given who Ida was.

Still he pulled away from her for a moment, only long enough to press two of his fingers inside of Ida as he looked at her, pressing against her inner walls, and moving them around inside of her testing her wet vagina to see how it felt on his fingers. Toying with her for every moment that he could as he silently stretched her out and gazed at the rest of her body.

"My fingers not enough?" He teased a little more. Pressing deeper inside of her. "Tell me what you want Ida, and I can make it happen, but you have to use your words."

He knew he was playing a bit dangerously, he was basically asking the warrior girl to beg. But really there was an alternate motive. "Your beautiful Ida, I'd like to take my time with this. Explore and learn every inch of your body, savor you while I have you in my bed." He kissed her stomach as he looked up at her. Before reaching upwards with his other hand and grabbing one of her breasts squeezing it, if she came on his fingers then it would simply be one of many. "I'm going to savor these moments if that's okay."

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #10
Ida gasped when she felt two of the pinkskin's fingers squirm into her tight and quivering sex, and she let out her breath with a groan - writhing on top of his sheets while he prodded the slickness of her passage. She moved her hips against his hand, fondling herself with her eyes closed as she enjoyed his touch, but wanted more - a desire that he easily picked up on given how she thrust herself down against his fingers. He teased her, taunted her for her desire, and wanted her to ask for it, though she would not give him that particular satisfaction. Not even when he flattered her, and gave the option of continue teasing her and to take his time with her. No, this was not going to be on his terms.

Her heart beating fast, she suddenly opened her eyes and grabbed the hand that had sought her chest. She grabbed that hand with both of hers, and she twisted it around sideways - an effective grappling grip to deter an opponent by applying both her thumbs against the back of his hand to put force behind the twisting motion. Executed the way she did it, she made him roll over to the side and end up on his back, and she rolled with him - soon hovering over him like a white-haired demoness.

"What makes you think you have a choice, pinkskin, when it comes to pleasing me... after what you said in the ring?" she said before she leaned down to kiss him again. As she did - one hand and thumb holding him in place on the sheets - her other one ghosted down his tapered abdomen and sought a hard grip around his arousal. His girth was impressive, and she couldn't wait to ride him where he laid, but first she intended retribution for what he had done to her. So, she began to stroke that hard length of his - kissing him hard with the full intent of not giving him any reprieve for an answer. To shut that mouth of his until she rendered him speechless in imminent release.

"Do you think you can handle me?" she soon said against his lips. She offered him a challenge as she finally released his poor hand grabbed a fistful of his hair. "Can you persevere even if I take you into my mouth first?"

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #11
As Ida grabbed his hand and twisted Nathan suddenly found himself feeling an exilerated breath charge through him. His entire world being flipped around as he was suddenly at the mercy of of the assistant security chief. Nathan looked up letting out a small whimper as she twisted his arm, feeling a thrill as she lingered over him. Nathan swallowed feeling a chill, and a charge at the look that she gave him.

As she kissed him Nathan leaned up his free hand moving up from her crotch to brush against her skin, feeling her smooth blue skin and for a moment feeling oddly vulnerable as she talked about not giving him a choice. It wasn't bad vulnerability but the slow realization that he may have actually bit off more then he could chew with this girl, and he was in love with it.

As she broke the kiss he chewed his lip trying to come up with a quip, confidence slowly fading as she said that she would take him into his mouth, and began to grip and stroke his length, his back stretched and arched his body accepting her touch and wanting so more. "Oh.... fuck," He gasped out her name after a moment.

"I don't know, do you think your mouth is up for the challenge?" Nathan said with a grin as she gripped his hair he let out a hard gasp one of his eyes closing as he felt the pain surge through him. The moment that she released his hand he was clawing her back scratching her just to get a moments grip so he could press his body closer to hers and kiss her again forcing his lips against hers even as she gripped his hair, and as he pulled away he bit her lower lip pulling away. "I'd love to see you try and tame me."

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #12
Feelings his hands all over her body, raking his nails against her skin, it served to excite Ida to no end, and she compensated him with her stroking motions - rubbing him from hilt to tip. She was straddling his muscular thigh as she hovered over him, and in lack of his fingers prodding her sex, she began to grind herself against him - closing up his mouth anew with her own after he had issued his challenge about taming him. The kiss was momentary, however, since she had her answer ready.

"If you come too fast, I won't let you inside me, pinkskin," she promised him as she slid down between his legs and sat on her knees next to the bed - both her hands forming a grip around his pulsing member. She looked at him through the white tresses of her hair, stroking him with both of her hands - admiring his prone physique from where she sat. Without much delay, however, she removed one hand from him and let her own nails nails scratch his skin instead - drawing lines down his thigh. Instead of words, she pursed her lips to taste him.

She had some experience with pinkskins, bad and less bad, and she did not pause when she felt his smooth glans inside her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it before sealing her lips around that mushroom head, and she sucked hard on that alone while watching Isley's face in the dim light. Slowly, she raised her head without letting go - stretching his hardened member a little before it came out with a popping noise. Only then did she lick the length, building anticipation for a second or two, before resuming her fellatio of the human - this one that had made her remember what lay between them. Unfinished business long overdue, and a present chance to settle the score.

Applying herself fully, she might not have been well practised, but from her hedonistic years of artistry after she left Andoria, she had picked up enough to please with her mouth - be it males or females of the Federation's species.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #13
Nathan let out a hard moan when Ida went down, her tongue and saliva feeling frankly amazing as she took him into her mouth. The threat of cumming too quickly would not be a thing though with her mouth wrapped around him he certainly wouldn't have minded if he had came like this. The thought of having Ida lick up the mess was an oddly pleasant one, but even so he kept his body relaxed.  That was until she started to play with his expectations of her, and she began to taunt him for some revenge. Sucking on him like a straw and forcing his cock to stretch his breath quickened and she would get to watch as his face contorted into a mixture of bliss and pain at the sudden odd movement of his already hard cock.

When she let him go, his entire body sank backwards as if he was holding his breath along with her his head rolling back before she began to actually perform on him. True to her last words he didn't talk, at least as much as he would have wanted, hell if he could have he would have asked for recordings of this moment. The deputy security chief actually looked kind of cute when she was sucking on him. at least less aggressive then normal.

Either way however she was fantastic with it. Her head applied fully to the task she was given, the heat and moister against his smooth skin as well as the feeling of her mouth moving around him caused Nathan to moan more then a few times, however as she was getting settled into the task he started to run his hands through her silver hair, first down her bangs, avoiding her antennae, slowly however he ran a hand down the center of her head, grabbing her white hair and pulling hard on it as her tongue placed against a rather sensitive spot. He pushed her head down deeper against him, and held her down for a second or three disturbing the natural rhythm she had built up but also forcing her to take more if not all of him in one long drag, a little revenge for how she had teased and pulled on him.

When he finally let go of her long silver hair it wasn't really for that long, as his hands moved to her antennae gently rubbing his hands along the blue skin, he didn't know if they were that sensitive, but he figured they were probably a lot like the human ear, so he carefully drew his thumb and index finger along them, playing with Ida's strange alien anatomy to see if it would cause any sort of reaction. Part of him even wondered what would happen if he put one in his mouth and sucked on it.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #14
When Nathaniel Isley pulled her hair, she responded with a glare, but she did not cease her ministrations. Rather, the look she gave him was a fierce challenge, as if they were not in his quarters but back in the sparring ring again.

Then, the bloody pinkskin pushed her down unto his hardness - and Ida felt it squirm its way down the top of her throat. She groaned as he held her there, splaying her fingers over his chest and trying to swallow around his head. She could still breathe, but she was on the verge of gagging, so she clawed at his chest before she pushed her head back up - his glistening length emerging from her lips again. "Watch it, pinkskin. I have teeth as well..."

Yet she did not bite him, instead resuming to fellate him in the dim light - one hand working in tandem with her mouth. She felt him stroke her antennae, and she couldn't help but moaning around his girth when she was touched that way - grateful that the pilot was not careless with them. It stirred her, and after a little while, she let go of him with her mouth and clkimbed on top of him, both hands on his chest. Straddling him, his pulsating manhood was strategically positioned between her legs so that she could rock her hips back and forth - the throbbing length of his arousal rubbed between her sex and his lower abdomen. Looking down at him where he laid on the bed, she continued to grind along him - her breathing deeper and more unsteady by the second.

"This was a long time coming," she whispered hoaresly, "but now, it's time..." As insistent as her words, one hand slid down - setting him just so. She closed her eyes and lowered herself gingerly, eased herself down onto him. She could feel him glide upwards and she could not help but let a small noise escape her as he filled her. His cunnilingus had prepared her, so in short order she had his full measure inside her. She opened her eyes again, smiling down to him ruefully.

"Yes," she said and ground her teeth, beginning to gyrate in measured, insistent circles. "This is just how I have imagined it..." She wiggled her hips experimentally; slowly and provocatively.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #15
The challenge that was issued by Ida's cold look up to him while her lips were still wrapped around his cock gave Nathan a shiver that ran up and down his spine. Which only got better as she threatened to bite him. The threat sounding rather amusing as she resumed sucking him. His eyes making contact with hers when ever she looked up as he couldn't take his eyes off the sight of the blue skinned woman's head bobbing up and down on his hard member. It was something he he never would have expected to see and yet enjoyed it thoroughly.

As he was pushed down he let out a gasp as he was straddled by woman. He felt the strength in her legs as she continued to work him with her body, enjoying the foreplay before the main event he looked up at Ida, and let her have her fun. A moan escaping his lips as she finally claimed the prize as she mounted him. "I don't know." His voice was a little breathless as he let out a moan enjoying the moment that the two of them connected, and he slid into her slit. "I could have kept up the foreplay."

Nathan said with a grin, as his hands trailed along her sides, and landed on her hips, reaching around to hold her ass as he felt her start to move her hips causing him to sigh a breath of relief. "Oh good you have been dreaming about me."

He leaned up and pressed his lips against Ida, taking a heavy kiss as her hips moved along his member and his hands spread her ass pressing him further down on his cock, and adding his own motions to hers. He lifted himself up into sitting, as he looked over the blue woman, as the kiss broke he smiled and then picked her up. It took a moment to pull himself completely up to his feet, but his vulcan strength was on full display as he held Ida suspending her in air connecting her to his hips, and using his hands around her ass to form a seat in mid air.

"I'm impressed... You're lighter then I thought you would be. You might want to hold on to me for this." He gave her a smirk before he started to move her while standing, causing his body to press against hers. As far as work outs went this one was rather intense as he supported her, his nails digging into her soft rear as he supported her weight and fucked her at the same time. "This is... fantastic."

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #16
Riding Nathan in his lap, Ida raked her fingers through his hair when he sat up - ignoring his cocky comment about him being able to continue the foreplay. He kissed her when he sat up, and she responded by biting his lip - almost drawing blood. Though she soothed him with her warm mouth afterwards, her breath hitching when when she ground herself down unto him, for when he sat up, her pelvic movement met his more firmly. Not only did her hard nipples scrape against the planes of his chest when she moved, but her hooded clitoris - swollen after his mouth's ministrations - also rubbed against him. His hands on her buttocks were welcome, assisting her insistent rhythm - emphasising the traction.

Then he picked her up, and that drove her down even more firmly against their joining. The hardness of his pinkskin cock inside her and his hands alone keeping her from sliding to the floor, she wrapped her legs around his hips and hung on to him. Instead of having her fingers splayed through his dark hair and digging her nails into his scalp, she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her pursed lips parted from his, she breathed heavily in ravenousness - relishing how their joining of their bodies felt. Each rise and fall teased her, kindled her passion.

She felt licentious, going to the pilot like she had with the ambition to finish what was never settled between them - fucking the pinkskin with such fervour and sating a base, carnal hunger. He was athletic, muscular and broad-shouldered, and she liked that kind of well-built physique, but even as she hung on to his powerful frame and panted in excitement, she knew that this was just physical attraction - ferocious desire without romantic attraction.

Ida was holding on to Nathaniel as he advised, but ignored his comment about how light she felt to him. He said that it felt fantastic too, and Ida growled as she rolled her eyes - forming a grip with her fist in his hair. "Why won't you just shut up and fuck me, pinkskin?" she grated in her rapture, short of breath. She was both fit and limber, and she used that to drive herself down hard upon the hook of his rigid erection - insistent in her greed for more.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #17
"Because you are angry when you are cute." Nathan's words were accented with a passionate moan, as his fingers dug into her blue skin leaving lighter marks upon her skin as she wrapped her legs around him. The way she held her body close to him made him feel every thrust as she pulled his cock inside of him and rode him. It was lustful and he wouldn't have it any other way, even as he pressed his lips against Ida's and forced his tongue into her mouth so he could taste her saliva.

The pace at which they fucked was wild, and with her wetness dripping around him the room was filled with illicit noises as he held her in his hands. He bit down on her lip as the kiss broke and his nails dug into the soft flesh of her ass scratching her as he roughed her up, and assisted the rythm of their bodies. Keeping them connected, while the ship seemed to spin around them. He moved taking small steps that seemed to push himself inside Ida and cause her to bounce on his cock.

When he reached the area he wanted he pushed Ida onto a nightstand, having her sit and taking the heavy lifting off his arms. A few pictures and a glass of water fell off the stand and shattered against the ground but it hardly mattered as his hand was now free to push Ida's back against the cold wall. The lifting had caused a surge of pain through his ribs that weren't done fully healing, but it hadn't slowed him down at all, as he was now able to reach her breasts, grabbing them and squeezing tightly. Ida had been the top of his list for so long that he had every intention of savoring this moment for as long as he could.

He knew this was just about the physical satisfaction and mutual unfinished business, but in the moment such a thought was far from his mind as he was too busy celebrating Ida's body.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #18
Ida could not help but to writhe in Nathan's embrace, squirming as she was being pounded from below. She felt herself quivering on his cock, and if it had not been for the glass that shattered on the floor when he put her on the night-stand, she might have gone into a second fit of spasms - contorting around him in her second orgasm. As it were, she lasted, but she could not stop herself from fidgeting where she at - moaning roughly when he took her aching breasts into his calloused hands.

"You are quite good," she rasped, lurching against him to feel his entire length slid home with each heaving thrust. "...for a pinkskin... but you should know better than to call me cute..."

She emphasised her statement by twisting one of his nipples, grinning at him in the dim light. Her warm wetness was sucking on his throbbing piston, and the force of his movements was making the night-stand rock. Tightly, she wrapped her hands around his head, her hold giving him room to touch her breasts - sensitive to his enclosing hands. She began to twist her pelvis to meet his movements, tossing her white hair out of her eyes so that she might taste his mouth again - rolling her body against him as she kissed him  lustful, fervent demand for another release. Her chest was heaving underneath his rough fingers, sharp intakes of air became more rapid. When so short of breath, the climax that hit her was so savage she almost fell off the night-stand. She bit his shoulder to not cream too loudly, the euphoria consuming her mind.

Her sex seized a firm hold on his pumping member, and her nails bit into the bottom of his hair. Her mouth agape, her eyes rolled on the waves of pleasure - all her regrets and her shame forgotten.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #19
Ida disliked being called cute, and yet that was exactly the word he would use to describe her, even as euphoria flooded her, and she reached her climax, her teeth digging into his heated skin, the state of arousal quickly registering the pain as pleasure as he felt her body clench down on his member all but begging him to cum inside of her. As her body arched and conformed to him he felt like his skin was going to melt against her.

Even as he reached his climax and let out an exasperated sigh of his own he squeezed against her body. rocking her against the night stand with every thrust to the point where it was audably slamming against the metal walls of his room. Pressing Ida up between it and the wall to the point where one of the legs on the night stand snapped from the rocking and Nathan's furniture broke under the heavy pressure of the two fucking on top of it.

As it did however he merely grabbed Ida's ass and pressed her against the wall forcing his lips against hers and biting down on her lower lip as he came inside of her His hips continuing to pump against hers as every drop was released inside of her and Nathan felt euphoria of his own Letting out a sigh he collapsed on top of Ida back onto the bed. His body laying next to hers but still connected as he sighed. He chuckled slightly.

"Guess I'm going. to need. another shower." He spoke between panting breaths, though his hands were still wrapped around Ida feeling the need to hold her close as he was still inside of her. his cock still hard and still twitching against the walls of her cunt.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #20
When Nathaniel Isley came, he smothered her against the wall of his quarters, upholding her even as the night stand came apart. Ida had yet to descended from her own climax when it happened, and the sensation of his human seed filling her with warmth added to the experience. He bit her, and she moaned in response, dragging her nails down the sides of his head and across his wide shoulders - digging white grooves across his skin.

He had yet to cease moving, and Ida was glad he didn't - feeling how he continued to prolong the sensation his human organ had given her. She rocked her hips in kind, grinding out every last shred of semen he could give her, before he carried her back to the bed and laid them down on top of the twisted sheets. He had yet to escape her sheath while they lay there, him on top of her, and Ida raked her hair back from her face - her blue eyes opening to take in the mess they had made of each other. Nathan's skin was pearled with sweat, and she saw her own skin equally beaded with perspiration. She was just as winded as he was, and her sex was still twitching in aftershocks around his thick girth.

"I think you are right," she said, swallowing, and she dropped the back of her hands against the sheet, "and I need one as well... Only now... it's not just from my morning run..."

He still had his arms around her where he lay on top of her, so unless she pried him off herself - something she was not quite ready for yet - she was left to his initiative to get off her. While she waited, heart slowly starting to beat slower, she contemplated whether or not she ought to take her shower in her own quarters... or if she would linger a while longer. The pinkskin would make for some further distraction in the sonic shower, but she had duties to attend to... and she could not linger the whole morning.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #21
As much as he wanted too he knew that the assistant chief of security was not just here for his cock and they wouldn't exactly be staying here or doing this often which was a shame because at the moment it felt like exactly what he had needed before the battle tomorrow. He let out a soft sigh appreciating the sight of the blue skinned alien for a moment longer before pulling himself out of her and slowly getting up. He wasn't the type to go for a single relationship and yet at this moment that fact kinda hurt. Like he had just gained something that he had he had needed.

Maybe that was the unfinished business talking. He leaned forward and kissed Ida on the lips softly this time drawing out the last few moments  of affection. "Of course my shower is open to you as well though there is another way to get clean." He chuckled softly as the idea to keep Ida in his chambers a little longer came to mind and his lips returned to her skin as he started to lick her neck taking up some of the sweat that had collected onto her body before moving down lower to her chest.

Her skin was still very much the same as the first time he had tasted her, if a little more salty and he still savored the taste. If this was the last time he was going to have her then he was going to mark this taste well. He moved down to her breasts and sucked on them once more, before going lower still kissing her stomach and trailing down his eyes looking up at the warrior waiting to see if she was going to stop him from going any lower.

"You still taste good." He said jokingly. "Oh and do you want to have coffee after?" The way he asked made everything seem rather casual. Like his mouth wasn't inches away from her crotch which was still drenched in the mix of their fluids. Wasn't coffee something you did before this kind of thing? Hell if he knew at this rate.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #22
As Nathaniel Isley vacated her, Ida felt the loss keenly because of his size, and she let out a shuddering breath - her sex pulsing and contracting in the aftermath of what they had done. No more had she lifted her hands from the sheet than he was leaning over her again, kissing her. She made a sound, but whatever feeble protest she was about to conjure was wiped clear from her mind by his attention, and her hands came to the sides of his head instead - raking fingers through his hair while she kissed the pinkskin back.

As sudden as his gesture had been, he soon offered her to shower there, and she knew that she had wanted to, but wasn't about to admit to any such thing. She was considering what to reply when he began to kiss her neck, feeling his tongue against her skin, and a shiver ran down her spine. Her fingers were still in his hair as he travelled down the expanse of her body. As sensitive as she was in the aftershocks of what she had felt, his mouth on her breasts were a mix of discomfort and pleasure and she gasped while her nails dug into his scalp - words eluding her in the conflicting feelings she felt. He was about to lay those lips further down her stomach, and the shivers he caused made her release a shuddering moan.

"You tease me," she growled, and as she felt his breath against her raw and dewy sex, she put her foot against his shoulder and pushed him away from herself - breaths quick and yet with a hard glint to her hooded eyes. "I will take that shower, since you offered it."

Having said this, she got up and headed to his sonic shower, not looking back. She wanted to, but she forbid herself. She knew she wanted him to follow her inside the shower, but she would not state such a request. She did not want to lead the pinkskin on, making him think she desired a continuation as much as she did, because her sense of duty urged her to end the encounter before it go out of her control. She activated the shower and tried to control her breathing, to restrain herself once more...

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #23
Isley chuckled slightly when Ida said that he teased her. That was part of the intention and when she departed to go to the shower, he smiled lightly chuckling. Watching her bare ass sway as she walked. It was an attractive blue round and firm. The thought came across his mind that he wouldn't have minded fucking it. He doubted the security queen had that angle worked yet, and as much as he would have loved too, he wondered if she would even be open to that kind of play.

Chuckling at the possibility and watching her go, he fully intended to join her, but wanted to create the illusion that she was going to spend the time alone. He waited till he heard the shower (Sonic or otherwise) start to work and than he finally got up from the bed, casually walking into the bathroom to join her. Just because he had already had a shower didn't mean he wasn't apposed to joining one of the more attractive house guests he had in a while.

"May I?" He said lightly walking up behind Ida, his tone as arrogant as before as he casually kissed her neck playfully staying behind her as his hands wrapped around her front. First only wrapping around her stomach before finally moving back down to her sweet blue skinned vagina. Enjoying the touch of her body as he played with her skin.

"Who's teasing? I fully intend on delivering as much excitement as I am available too." he said before biting her again albeit playfully. His other hand moving up to cup one of her breasts squeezing down on her precious skin.

Re: DAY 03: Unfinished Business [0610 hrs.]

Reply #24
Id had almost got her heartrate back to normal by the time the door to the stall opened and she felt Isley press up against her back. The sigh she let out might have been the derisive dismissal she tried to make it into, but she was betrayed by how she couldn't stop herself from arching her back against him - pushing her chest into his strong hands. Her eyes remained hooded, and the sonic vibrations was raising vapour from her skin - rising from between his fingers.

"You may..." she said, and she had every intention to add the third word - not - but something about the way his lips teased her neck whisked the word from her vocabulary. The bare notion of sending the pinkskin away was brushed aside by the hand that stole down between her legs, and all she could get past her lps was a gasp when she felt those fingers delving into her again. More words came from those devilish lips of his, yet it was the scrape of his teet that made her arch her back further against him - feeling his permanently unsheathed organ between her thighs. It was just like it had been on the Allegiant - him behind her and brushing that throbbing thing along her nether lips.

"What you are doing is nothing else than teasing me... and the punishment for that is to make good on your innuendos..." she said and set her hands against the opposite wall, backing up against him a little. She tossed her white hair sideways and looked at him across her shoulder - her eyes narrowed in a mix of reproach and desire. Wapour rose along her back and she started to rub her sex against him - goading him on to continue what he started before she ran too late. She had no intention of reporting late to Wenn Cinn and trying to lie about the reason why she had not been in time for Alpha shift and the last days of drills before they'd reach the Black Opal...

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