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USS Theurgy: Mommy and Me

[ Sar-unga Neleo | Flag Bridge | U.S.S. Theurgy ] Shortly after the events of Precarious Parlay...

She wished communications did not take so long. It's likely they had to go find her mother and bring her back to the comms room in order for her to speak, and knowing her mother, it would be a while before she actually came.

She stood in the dark on the flag bridge of the Theurgy. The screen showed that she was on hold, essentially, as the Asurian communications officer searched for her mother. She walked across the room and dragged a chair to the viewscreen. When she had it positioned the way she liked it, she sank into the chair and sighed. Her tail wrapped around the neck of the chair, she settled in so she was sitting sideways. It would be a while. It was still dark, but she didn't feel like turning on the lights and putting the emptiness of this big room on display. She could do something about the chill though.
“Thea, bump up the temperature a few degrees. It's chilly.” She mumbled. In a few moments, she felt the heat coming on.

Though, she couldn't be sure it was Thea's heat that she felt. Within that time, her mind turned to Ives, Trent, the silly diplomat they brought in, Zaraq, Miles, the Federation as a whole...It made her blood boil.

When she considered it, the Federation was really the cause of all of this. Their ideals, morals, the whole idea of committing to a mate for long periods and getting attached and mushy, the diplomacy, the organized death march of her's all Federation values. If this whole ship were run by Asurians, none of it would've happened. Zaraq would've been executed the second anyone found out about what he had done, she would've never become so loving with Miles, the stupid idea of putting the Asurians at risk by lining them all up would've never happened...

She hated to think about it all. So instead, she thought about the ship newly emptied, Asurians climbing on board and starting a new life here. They could have a real, working holo-deck, they could see real trees and plants in the arboretum, eat real food, drink real drink. Everyone would have their own quarters if they liked. She could set her mother up someplace nice and spacious...

Just as she was thinking about her mother, the screen changed. There was her Asurian contact yet again, and she saw her mother's already tear-soaked face in front of her. She had Dyan's face, almost exactly, but her eyes were rounder and her hair longer, silkier. She was just as young-looking as Dyan, her Velsren sac in perfect health despite her poor mental wellness. The poor communications officer never got the chance to really give her official 'here's your mother' statement, because she heard her mother cry out and saw her push the poor gal away.
“<My daughter, my sweet daughter...!>”
“<Mother, don't cry like that, did you think I was dead?>”
“<Yes!>” She sobbed, and Sar-unga let her. There was really no stopping the waterworks when they came on. She's glad at least that much has stayed the same.
”<When I heard so many of my family had died I....I thought—Oh, my little girl, my baby girl-->”
”<I have not died, mother.>”
”<But it's just us now, isn't it?>” She couldn't bear to hear her own mother say that. It was true though. They were alone in this stupid, cruel universe. She must've been making a face, because she heard her mother again,
”<It's alright, my jewel, Mommy's not going anywhere...! Please don't worry, don't-->”
<“I'm not going to cry.”>  She replied, though defensively. ”<I just...wanted to see you. I miss you mother, I...I miss father. I miss my brothers...”> She felt her throat close up. She wanted to run to her mother and let the woman hold her close, but there was thousands of light years between them. She began to sat up in her chair, her head hung so her mother didn't see.

<”Mom...I want to go home.”> She admitted, her voice growing small. She heard her mother stifle another sob. It must hurt her so much to see the only flesh and blood she had left.
“<My baby...I want you to come home. Will you be coming home? It''s so dangerous out there. If I lose you...>”
“<It's not that you're weak, I know you're not. You're my very capable strong lady.'s foolishness, my beauty, foolishness of one can kill many good warriors. Please, come home, I know you'll be safe here.>” She was right. If she stayed, she continued to risk her life. She could no longer trust that anyone here will value her. After all, look what they did to the Asurians in battle. On the other hand, if she went home, what would she do? What could she do?

And most importantly, what about the parasite menace? If she went home...what could she do there?

OOC: Will be continued when I have time!

Re: Deleted Scene: Mommy and Me

Reply #1
“<Mother, I want to go home, but-->”
“<If it is the distance, we can send ships! I will make them do it. I won't let those cravens keep you from your home!>” Her mother bristled. Sar-unga saw her tail flip, her face filled with fire. It was so rare to see her mother determined. She was usually morose, as if fallen in a great pit. It made the young Asurian's heart leap to see her as she should be again. She did not want to pull her out of such a rare, precious moment...
“<Mother,>” She implored, softly, ”<There is something unresolved here. The parasites, they could end the universe and we would be powerless to fight against them. If I go home, how would I deal any strikes against this prey?>”
“<Parasites?>” Her mother's head tilted, her brows furrowed, “<Do you mean the cravens...?>”
“<No no. There is another, far more craven.>” She explained, and she started to realize something quite profound. If her own mother did not know, then none of her reports back to her superiors were actually shared with the Asurian people. Who knew what? Did the queen and her cabinet know? Was it just the Sheromi?
“<They are true parasites. They burrow into the very...very-->” She began to struggle. There was no Asurian word for 'soul' or 'essence'. “<They burrow into the Asuria of a person. The Asuria of non-Asurians. They warp and twist that until the body is under their control. And then they commit acts, to tear apart the non-Asurian's Asuria.>”

It was a difficult concept to explain. She used Asuria to mean both one's 'essence', their pride and joy and very identity, and she also used it to mean the race of horned, tailed, scaley creatures that live off pirating. Her mother struggled with the ideas trying to be conveyed, she could tell. They spent a few minutes trying to clarify ideas. All the while, Sar-unga saw the expression on her mother's face change. She grew more and more distant. It hurt her heart, but she needed to hear this. If only so that someone else knew.
“<...and so these parasites, that is why you have spent so long aboard the craven ship?>”
“<Yes mother. I...I know what my life's purpose is now, and it's to hunt down every last parasite-->”
“<How can you even kill them if they're not solid!>” She cried out, and her eyes grew wet again. Her boldness did not last. Sar-unga's guilt ate a hole into her heart.
“<How do you expect to fight something that almost doesn't exist!>”
“<I don't know, mother! But I must!>” She cried back, yelling at the screen in anger.
“<You're a fool!>”
“<Do you expect me to go home and lie about and just allow these things to do as they please! You expect that I will not fight?!>” She saw her mother stop, her face paused mid-cry. She was silenced.
Do you think I could tolerate watching the universe collapse and never doing anything about it?! Is that how you think your daughter works?!>” More silence. When her mother spoke again, she was quite diminished.
“<N-no...that's not how my daughter works. But,>” She continued, her tone picking up in sadness, “<How could I live knowing I couldn't separate my daughter from the cravens?!>”
“<You can't make me do anything I didn't want to do on my own!>”
“< will stay?>” Now, it was Sar-unga's turn to be silenced. Despite her desire to fight, go down screaming and covered in someone else's blood, she wanted to go home. She missed her mom.

“<I don't know. I don't know Mother...>”

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