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Day 12 [2100 hrs.] Some Rehabilitation Required

[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | Aldea Station | Persenel Quarters] attn: @Even Angels Cry  

Jack retired for the day, beaten, sore, and tired. Walking back to his frankly sub par quarters. Maybe he had spent too much time aboard Federation living quarters. It was ironic, he got caught for not being Federation enough, but now that he was among Klingon's he had a constant reminder that he wasn't Klingon enough for him to actually be welcomed. Stepping into the cramped space he regarded it for a moment with ire. It wasn't too much different from the space he had back when he had been a Lt JG aboard the theurgy, the room was about the same space.

It just also lacked any nicety about it. It had a bed that was a shelf in a wall, a chair with no cushions, nothing plush or back sparing that was for sure. Jack's spine may have been fixed back with the hardened ridges, but this bed was doing his sleeping spine no favors. He sighed, if he were in one of the aldean sides of the station than he could at least have some human comforts, but as it was he both worked and lived in the Klingon side of the station. Taking off his shirt he felt exhausted. He discarded the top half of his uniform and sighed looking down at the robotic arm that he had to work with at the moment. He had been told to remove it once a week for sanitary reasons, and the removal when done correctly didn't hurt, it just felt awkward. He wanted a shower, so now was as good a time as any.

He sat down on the side of his bed, and began to work it off his body. disengaging the suction that kept it attached. He sighed once his stub was free he let out a groan of pain, and sat there in his dark room for a moment.

"Computer open a communications letter to the Theurgy crewmember Jaya Thorne."
He sighed for a moment where did he start this off?

"Begin dictation."

"Jaya, hey it's been a while." He thought for a moment. "Delete letter, start again."

"Hey Party girl!" He shook his head nope that was just bad. "Delete letter, start over."

"Hey puppy bark!"... "Just start again."

"I've been holding off sending anything because you told me you didn't really do relationships, and our last meeting was..."
He remembered the day, the blindfold, leash and collar, all fun activities to be sure. "Rather intense."

"By now you have probably heard a lot about me, that is if you have even cared to look me up. I'll be honest I don't know if you want to talk to me, or meet up with me again. I will warn you i lost about... half of my good looks."
He chuckled at that for a moment. "Maybe you don't answer this, maybe I'm talking into a dark void of a room thinking about the last time I had pleasant human contact and calling you out of a sense of nostalgia, assigning you some characteristics that you don't want to have."

"I'm hoping that you will take this an invitation for more. That I'm in my quarters about to step into a shower, and I'm sending along my exact location with this letter. I hope that by the time I step out of this shower you will be opening my door that I will leave unlocked."

"Mostly I'm just kinda hoping that you are willing to talk to me again. I don't blame anyone who wouldn't want too, my actions, my mystakes are pretty big, and I don't think I can make amends for them."

"But I never hurt or used you, so... right now that's the closest thing I have to a friend."

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #1
[ Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign | Personal Quarters | Uss Theurgy ], @Masorin

Jaya sat on the floor and tried to empty her mind. She had adjusted her room temperature to a more neutral (aka colder) setting and was attempting to follow the meditation practices in that crazy Vulcan book. They weren't terrible. Just... unusual. Many of the techniques focused on remaining calm and understanding the reasoning behind the emotion.

Unfortunately she'd basically only learned the one technique that Seren taight her, and even then, she applied it almost exclusively to deep breathing exercises. With her eyes closed, the hum of the ship was amplified, as was her inhale and her exhale. Each breath made something shift within her bones. Was that normal? Did bones move when you breathed? After a solid minute, she could hear her own heartbeat. It was way faster than she had expected. Was that ok? It slowed down a little when she exhaled, then sped back up again on the inhale. She focused on her breathing. The ship hum swelled, she inhaled slowly and tried to keep her heart rate down. The ship hum waned, she exhaled, curious to see how slow she could make her heartbeat.

[INCOMING PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM OFFICER HI'JAK] The computer chimed and startled Jaya. Her eyes stared at the wall console for a solid 6 seconds while her heart raced and she tried to calm down.

When she finally caught her breath again, she answered. "Thanks, Thea. Read message."

"I've been holding off sending anything because you told me you didn't really do relationships, and our last meeting was..." <long pause> "Rather intense."

"By now you have probably heard a lot about me, that is if you have even cared to look me up. I'll be honest I don't know if you want to talk to me, or meet up with me again. I will warn you i lost about... half of my good looks." <laughter> "Maybe you don't answer this, maybe I'm talking into a dark void of a room thinking about the last time I had pleasant human contact and calling you out of a sense of nostalgia, assigning you some characteristics that you don't want to have."

"I'm hoping that you will take this an invitation for more. That I'm in my quarters about to step into a shower, and I'm sending along my exact location with this letter. I hope that by the time I step out of this shower you will be opening my door that I will leave unlocked."

"Mostly I'm just kinda hoping that you are willing to talk to me again. I don't blame anyone who wouldn't want too, my actions, my mystakes are pretty big, and I don't think I can make amends for them."

"But I never hurt or used you, so... right now that's the closest thing I have to a friend."

Jak. A smile played on her lips. Their last encounter had been... "mmm..." Her lips pressed against one another and her eyelids fluttered briefly shut. Intense was one word for it. She could think of a few more.

Jaya rocked up to her feet and stripped her clothes off. She hoped in her sonic shower quick, then went straight to her closet. What to wear? She toyed with the idea of nothing. No, that would be entirely too forward. Black spandex? No, too difficult to peel out of. Basic Starfleet grey tee and faded blue cargo capris? Yea, ok. Better grab a hoodie to cover the logo. Slip on shoes and ankle socks. Hair up in a pony. Lip gloss. Spot check in the mirror. Smile. Brush teeth! Done. Triple check. Finger guns. Out the door.

Jak had provided his location. He wasn't particularly hard to find. Jaya got several side-eyed glances from some of the men she passed along the way. She flashed them her typical flirty smirk and continued on. When she arrived, the door was unlocked as he had said. She took a moment to survey the room. Definitely not as nice as his last room. She shrugged out of her basic white hoodie and folded it over the back of a chair.

"Jak? Hey, it's me. Jaya. I got your message."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #2
@Even Angels Cry

Jack had taken his arm with him into the shower needing to clean out the area where it connected to his skin. He was getting used to having to remove his limb so he could clean it. All the while as he cleaned himself his thoughts were on Jaya would she come to him? And what would she say when he saw her?

He reattached his arm. Just in time to hear his door open and a familiar voice call out. So she had chosen to come, he really appreciated that.

He pulled a towel and dried himself of the residual moisture left from the sonic shower. Stepping outside. "Hey thanks for coming to see me. You probably have some questions for me Jaya, but if you would humor me for a moment and let me talk I would appreciate it, I've lost a lot and I just want to guard your expectations for a moment." He spoke before she could see him. In truth he was using the door of the bathroom as a bit of a buffer he wasn't sure if he wanted her too see him just yet. He was a little worried that she could draw back in fear after seeing how his body had gone.

"Please close the door."
He said unsure if it was closed or not. "Station Dim lights." He said the command, and the room was suddenly heavily cast in shadows as the lights went down about to around 20%. Jack took a deep sigh as he breathed for a moment.

"I told you that things changed a little since I last saw you. I'm not really sure I like the changes in all honesty. I'm probably being over dramatic, pulling a whole phantom of the opera vibe when the truth is it was just a spider bite." He laughed but the humor was dry. "A giant acid spewing spider. I was so badly burned when I was pulled off the shuttle by the Savi, I was dying more or less. They did wonders reconstructing my face, but they left me... incomplete in a few places."

He moved past the door but kept his good left side towards her. Only letting her see the human half of him as it held up a towel. But when he reached out to grab a set of pajama pants he used his right, now mechanical hand. The thing ran up past his elbow about a quarter of his upper arm. There the black metal was cupped around weakened flesh, flesh that was still very much adjusting to being attached to metal and plastic. He ditched the towel only after his pajama pants were on giving her a tease without ever revealing too much.

When he turned towards her one of his eyes glowed in the darkened room. "I feel legally obligated to tell you that my eye is a holorecorder, due to a short in it's software I can't actually stop it from filming every waking of my life." Looking towards Jaya his face was mostly the same, it had been skillfully reconstructed by the savi, but the melted sensory organ had been left out. "for a week I was human, how the hell do you function with only one heart? I found it almost impossible." He said walking up to Jaya.

"So, what do you think? Honestly... I'm not sure I like the changes."

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #3

Jaya took in the unfamiliar surroundings. The room felt... cold and not in the temperature way. It didn't take long for Jak to emerge, but something was definitely different. The way he spoke. The words he chose. The pacing of his speech. It was too fast, convoluted, almost choppy. She understood the feeling. He had too much to say and not enough space to fit the words into. It was a problem she had been having herself lately.

He didn't step fully into the light either. At least, not at first. To be fair, while she had listened to his recording, she hadn't been focused on the words he chose to use. His diction. Mental A+ for remembering that word! She had given little thought to her attire or anything else and instead was hoping for a semi-continuation of their last rendezvous. But the more he spoke, it became clear thay tonight would be very different.

She tried not to wince when he stepped fully into the light, but some of the grimace still showed. "Oh.. that, that looks.. You look.. different. ... ... ... Hi, Jak."

It was all she managed to say, and riddled with pauses. But her feet brought her close enough to reach out and take his hands when she managed to mumbe her hello. They felt differnet too. Not the hands she remembered. Granted one was cold like metal, but it was more than that. These hands were unsteady despite his sure grip. She gripped them tightly. He didn't need to be a stoic Vulcan or a macho Klingon.

"This isn't a bad look." She smiled and let her thumbs run over the backs of his hands.  "Very sci-fi war veteran, which is all the rage these days. And hey, now you have a cool 'wanna come back to my place and see my battle scar' story." Her smile lit up her whole face. She let go of his hands and stepped into his embrace. Her arms wrapped around his torso and she pressed her cheek to his chest. "It really is good to see you. Honest. So much has happened.."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #4
@Even Angels Cry

Jack saw the way Jaya looked at him with shock, and he kinda expected her to walk out of the room, when she instead stepped closer he felt himself breath a sigh or relief, when she took his hands he felt unsure, unsteady, his breath escalated for a moment and he had to take a minute to breath. He felt her thumbs rub against the back of his hands, and he moved to return the gesture. When it was flesh meeting flesh it was easy, but the artificial hand had no skin, no hair, it was entirely smooth plastic, too smooth, and part of him felt like he could crush her hand if he wasn't careful. Why did I call her here this won't work out well for either of us.

He pulled away from her, not because he particularely wanted too, she felt warm and soft, and like everything he wanted right now, but she was right a lot had happened, and hew wasn't sure what it would take to fix any of it. He wavered because it felt weird even if he did still want her, he wasn't sure he deserved her trust. "Please take a seat, I need to put a shirt on." He said softly deciding that the two of them needed to talk before anything could happen.

"Do you want anything to drink?" He asked softly as he went to grab a shirt. Pulling over the black tank top as he moved around the room, he pulled out the metal chair for her to take while he would sit on the bed. That seemed only fair. "Klingons think their furnature build character, I think it hurts my ass." He said with a crude glib humor.

He pulled out a hidden compartment, a bottle of smuggled bloodwine, and two glasses. Putting it on the desk and pouring them both a glass he sat down on the bed on the other side. He made sure to carry the glass with only his flesh hand, again he was terrified that he could break something with the artificial arm. "I admit, I'm kinda scared."

"But for you I'd like to be honest, and so I will answer any question you ask to the best of my ability, if I use the term classified, or redacted it's only for the parts that involve some of the more sensitive information I've handled as a member of the Imperial Intelligence." Sitting across from her, with a drink in hand, his feet brushing the cold floor of the room, lacking any comfort of the rooms he had become so used too in terms of Starfleet he was ready to at least speak openly.

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #5

Jak pulled out of the embrace far sooner than Jaya expected. The sudden departure allowed the chilly air in the room to greet her body instead of his frame. This evening would play out entirely differently from the last one.. and she was ok with that. Jak was a comfort now, a familiar face amidst the chaos of- well, everything.

Jaya took the chair that was pulled out for her and sat. She crossed her right knee over her left and waited for Jak. It looked like he had a lot on his mind. Tonight would be a good night to talk.

"Jak, no one has said anything about you. Honest. At least not to me. But that's not exactly unusual. I really don't talk to that many people.." Her voice trailed off. She had one friend. Sithick. She didn't really have anyone else. A couple lovers here and there, but they were always one night trysts. There were coworkers of course, those who followed her from the Black Opal or those she'd been reunited with from basic training, but they were acquaintances at best.

Jaya let out a heavier sigh than she expected. If Jak wanted honesty, he was about to get a whole lot of it.

"Jak, wait. I should be honest with you too. I came here tonight because.. well partly because the last time was fucking great. But also because something you said in your recording resonated with me." She paused and took a meausred breath. Honesty was a bitch. "Until last week, I didnt have anyone that I would consider a friend. I had lovers and coworkers and roommates but no one i could talk to or confide in or just hang out with. I told you once that i am bad at relationships, but it goes beyond romamce. I'm bad at all relationships. Until last week, i never had a true friend because all my life, my so-called-friends have always been the first ones to betray me. I swore off the concept of monogamy and romantic relationships because i saw what that did for my own parents. But I'm tired of being alone. You said you were looking for a friend. Well, here I am. I'm looking for that too. Maybe more than that, i dont know, but that's why i came tonight. You're not the only one who's struggling and I'm tired of doing this alone."

There was a need to be closer. To have contact. Jaya rose and stepped to the bed. She sat beside him. "So, you can tell me whatever you want. I'll listen. I will try not to judge, but no promises. My questions ate really all about your new arm, heh. And this bed is really the worst! How do you sleep on this?!" A chuckle slipped past her lips. She was trying to lighten the mood, but she wasn't lying about the bed. It felt like concrete with a blanket over top.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #6
@Even Angels Cry

Jack let out a slight sigh when she said no one had mentioned him, that was a little disapointing honestly, he kinda assumed that he was the poster child for treason at the moment, Hearing that he was still relatively unknown was something he felt he should be glad about. He could see that she had a few things she wanted to say so he would let her speak and let out a breath he had been holding since she had actually arrived at his small home as she moved closer to him.

He wasn't sure where to start talking, but since she wanted to know about the arm he nodded and figgured that would be a good place as any to start. It really was a conversation starter. "I was sent on a mission with the theurgy crew to an old Klingon outpost, and from there I was told to make contact with the empire."

"I worked for Imperial intelegence before I joined up with Starfleet academy, I was deployed during the dominion war mostly because it was unclear if the Federation and the Empire would remain allies after the war, but I got cold feet. I didn't trust Ives enough to deliver their message this was only two days after the simulcast, and Ives was keeping too many secrets." The omega project, the simulcast fake message, he never had a chance to sit down the captain and actually talk with them, so Jack couldn't trust them.

"During the mission, after I had subverted orders, and had a gun pointed at my face, we encountered some venom spewing spiders that had taken up residence in the place. In my haste I thought the weapon they had given me was rigged so I grabbed a hundred year old klingon disruptor, pulled the trigger, and the ancient weapon's plasma charge exploded spewing both the spiders acid and the burning plasma over my hand, arm, face, and some of my upper body. When I was taken off the Sabin by the Savi I was dying. The savi, made me fully human for a while, but they also cut off the infected arm, and cleaned out my left eye socket, the new parts are Federation replacements the Theurgy gave me after I was handed over to the empire for my crimes." It was a long story, but not exactly a complicated one, just uncomfortable because it showed one thing, he hadn't been very trust worthy.

"As for the bed, I haven't slept properly in days, when i do sleep I find the floor is actually more comfortable." the floor at least had a carpet not a good one, but he had cleaned it to the best of his ability and at least it was warm compared to the bed.

"As for why I sent that message, well yeah what we did before... I want a bit more of that, but I'm also tired, and afraid. Because I was a member of imperial intelligence my job was to lie to people. I was pretty good at it, but I can't do that anymore. My lies got people hurt, and I paid for it with a pound of flesh. My only goal now is to help the Theurgy," He sighed for a moment.

"I won't betray you, I don't have it in me to betray anyone anymore." He gave a soft sigh. His head leaned against her shoulder. "A friend, A lover... a pet... I still want those things, and well... I really enjoyed your company before."

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #7

Jaya listened in silence. Truthfully she didn't know what to say. She hadn't really known Jak before and his tale revealed much more than she was ready to hear.  She even remained still when his head touched her shoulder. They had bonded over mutual desire and pleasure. He had opened doors within her body that were cobweb covered, with squeaky hinges from lack of use. She in turn had given him the feeling of complete control in the bedroom, something that Male Klingons rarely experienced. But he had been a stranger. She realized that they were all strangers.

Jaya pivoted and reached for his hands. She had come because she wanted the same things: a lover, a friend. But she needed to know about Jak. Who was he? What did he like or dislike? Did he have hobbies? Dreams? Fears? These were questions she'd never asked anyone before... but it was time.

"That all sounds... terrible. I'm sorry." Jaya took a breath. This was a bit scarier than she had expected. She squeezed his hands and looked up into his eyes. Best to just be out with it. "Hooo, ok here goes. Jak. I like you. I like the sex we had and the wild things we did. I like your face and your body. I like that you thought of me when you needed a friend. I need one too. I think its you. But i don't know anything about you. It didnt matter before, but now? I think i want to know. About you, I mean. Like what were your parents like? What's your favorite color? Food? Planet? Why this career? You know, those kinds of things. And also this is terrifying and i dont do this ever. I'm blaming space madness but it doesn't change how i feel..." Jaya paused. Did she have feelings for Jak? Like actual feelings? "Oh shit, and now I have feelings? Fuck this was a lot easier when I didnt care!"

She dropped Jak's hands and pushed off the concrete slab disguised as a mattress. She headed for the nearest wall and leaned her forehead against it. It felt like ice. She didn't care. Why was she being so stupid? Did she listen to the sappy shit she just spewed all over his room? Fuck! And now it was out there and things would be weird and... FUCK!!!

She spoke into the wall. Her shoulders sagged. Something was caught in her throat. She cleared it. Her voice trembled. "I'm,
uh, I think im just gonna go. Can't really take back making a fool of myself,  and this is... fuck I don't even know what this is. I just. I need... something. I- I'm sorry."
She tried to shield her face. Don't let him see! Her cheeks were wet but that didn't matter. She needed to leave but her body was sluggish and mopey. At this rate, she'd- she'd...

Jaya crumbled onto her feet. Her silent sobs visible by the wrenching of her back with each shuddering breath.
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #8
@Even Angels Cry

Hi'Jak paused for a moment Jaya went all out, and was asking questions he hadn't expected, and one thing led to another so quickly. Jack knew an anxiety attack when he saw them, and stood up, not to block her, but rather clear some distance. If Jaya wanted to leave his room he would have let, her she walked around the small quarters he had been saddled with and watched her intently for a moment unsure what was going to happen, bated breath, then she collapsed crying, and finally he felt like he could move closer to her.

He gently touched Jaya, guiding her down to the floor, bringing her to rest so that her head could rest on his tighs like a pillow. He sat and brushed Jaya's brown hair softly for a moment, petting her calmly treating her like she was fragile or a scared animal using only his flesh hand to brush along her hair, and touch down her shoulder.

He let her rest gently. softly contemplating the questions she had just asked him. "I don't really remember my parents. They haven't been in my life since I was old enough to join the academy on Qo'nos."  His voice was gentle and calm. "I had older brothers and sisters that were full klingon, my mother at some point divorced their father, or he died, and married my father, who was a human, I was their only child. We weren't an important house, my mother never commanded respect or had any great deeds to them, I remember it was a small home, but it was warm, and the Gagh was always warm lively." He didn't remember his family being extremely kind or extremely negative.

"Growing up, I wanted to be a warrior, but upon joining the academy I was heisted from regular classes, and put into a room of about 12 other half breeds, this was just as the dominion war was taking off, it was unclear if Starfleet or the empire would remain allies, and well, like I told you I was pushed into a career as a spy." He shrugged. "Half-breeds fit in easier with Starfleet." He gave a sigh as he looked down at her, and continued to calmly pet her, he saw her tears, and brushed them away, a soft smile on his lips as he pet her.

"Favorite food, I'm partial to targ meat. Reminds me of Qo'Nos, which was my first home and I guess that would be my favorite planet. Earth always felt more alien. I miss looking up at night and seeing the asteroid belt of praxis, the green sky, the warm touch of the first city. Earth always felt more lonely and cold." The tragedy of course being that he would never get to see either again.

"I don't think you're space mad Jaya." He said softly touching her gently his hand brushed down her hair softly. "I think your afraid, and if I'm honest I'm afraid too. I'm kinda used to keeping people at arms length." He smiled and leaned over her looking down at her. "You don't need to be scared of me though, I promise to keep you safe."

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #9

Jaya sobbed quietly in Jak's embrace. She wanted to be alone so she could fall apart in silence. But she didn't want to be alone. She heard his answers. They registered as words strung together into meaningful sentences that she would remember later. His voice was soothing though, and the motions he made with his hands calmed her shaking body.

Jaya laid in Jak's lap long after he finished talking. The tears had slowed to one or two over a dozen unsteady breaths. Her face was a mess. Her head was pounding. Her fingers gently rubbed part of his leg. She should leave... Or at least get up. She didn't want to do either. Maybe he was right. Maybe she was terrified out of her mind. Maybe this was the reason she didn't let people in. Fuck.

"This sucks." Her voice cracked and her words slurred together as she spoke. She cleared ther newly loosened phlegm from her throat. "I hate feelings."

She lay in his lap until the silence was too much.

"...but I dont hate you. <sniffle> You're right, I'm scared. Scared to try. Afraid it won't work out. Terrified to imagine it might. <cough, sniffle> but, I know I can trust you. Maybe because of what we did before.."

Her cheeks warmed at the memory. That would be fun to do again. Tonight? Maybe. For now just lying in his lap was enough.  She turned her head to look up at him, puffy eyes and all. She smiled through wet-streaked cheeks and a runny nose. "Thank you."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #10
@Even Angels Cry

Jack continued to brush her hair softly as she shivered in his lap, he found her to be kinda cute like this, though he wouldn't tell her that. He couldn't help but be a little impressed with her. She seemed to recover from her panic attack and confessed all of the issues that she was having with herself, she was able to confront her fears and for the moment she was able to say that she did want to make something of the two of them, even if she was afraid.

That was a bit more than Jack had at the moment. He was here stroking her hair and looking down at her face, noting that her body was very pretty, but was it wise for him to get together with her, what would happen if they agreed to try and then the theurgy pulled away from this place, there was no assurance that he would be able to get back aboard the ship, no promise that he could get his rank back. No promise of a future.

And if she stayed here what then? She would be giving up her career as a pilot for a relationship with him, and giving up the mission that they had all been working hard to protect. He had never thought love would be a part of the equation for him, Jaya had just poured her heart out for him, and he wasn't sure there was any form of a future with the two of them. It was all too hazy for him to see if there was any kind of future with her, but at the same time if he told her that she felt like she would break.

His artificial arm touched her  gently, a hand running down her shoulder for a moment. She didn't seem to mind his touch and he was glad that the arm did give him some sensation, he could feel her warm body with both hands, the soft texture of her body, he was playing with her hair, enjoying her smell, and her feel, but he didn't know how to physically respond to everything. She said she could trust him because of what had come before, and he was flattered, but at the same time he didn't even really trust himself so it felt like it was misplaced.

If he were still on the theurgy this would be a lot easier. "If you remember last time." He paused for a moment having to think about all that they did sent a pleasureful thrill up through his spine, he had a desire for it, but at the same time wasn't sure if after all the emotion it would be impolite to bring it back up.

"It might be a touch too early to ask this, but would you be okay with me staying the night?" It was far too early to ask these questions, he wasn't even on the ship so again all of this was in the air, and yet he had let it slip out in his eagerness for it. Even as he spoke he couldn't help but blush and look away from her, he felt embarassed just talking about it.

Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #11


Jak's quick response surprised her. She wiped away the extra moisture from her eyes and stared at him. She needed to think but her head felt like it was about to split open. She needed a drink. No, she needed tea? Anything to make her headache go away.

"I don't know, maybe? I don't even know what I'm looking for. I just had fun last time and I need friends too. And something to make this headache go away. Fuck I hate crying!" Her tears were mostly gone now but the evidence remained. She needed cold water to splash on her face and a hot minute to think about Jak's request.

Jaya plunked her sore head back into his lap. She closed her eyes. This wasn't at all what she'd expected when she came here. She needed time to consider it. "I'll think about it. Make my headache go away and I'll have an answer faster."
"Relationships are not my strong suit; I deal in evenings."
 - Jaya Thorne, Asst. Chief CONN Officer, Ensign [Show/Hide]


Re: Day 12 [2100] Some Rehabilitation Required

Reply #12
[ I.I. Officer Hi'Jak | Aldea Station | Personel Quarters] attn: @Even Angels Cry 
It wasn't the answer Jack had wanted, but he understood how this might not have been the best time to make the suggestion. He'd come from his own place in making the request, and he'd believed it might have soothed her, but instead, it seemed like the idea may have come up at the worst of times.

"I understand," he said, and rubbed his temple next to his artificial eye. "Take your time. Unless my duties pulls me away, working with the Klingons as I am, you should be able to get in touch with me fairly easy here at Aldea..."

The silence lingered, since at that time, there wasn't really that much more to say between them. They were on opposite spectrums of personal turmoil, his own being his new duties with the Klingons, and knowing he'd made mistakes on the Theurgy. It was all he could focus on, this failure of his, and the need to both unwind and be in control. Just a smidgen of control in a time in his life when he was at the boot-heel of his new handler. He had pent up frustrations about everything, and no means to take them out on anything.

In the end, they talked some more, but being so far apart in their emotional situation, Thorne soon left, and Jack just sat there, knowing that he'd have to return to his handler again, and suffer the ridicule and scorn once more.


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