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Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Ch 2: S [D01 | 1642hrs] The Spare Tire
Last post by rae -
[ Lt Cmdr. Jaru “Janus” Rel | Cockpit | Wolf-01 ] Attn: @Dumedion @Havenborn
Janus groaned – audibly – at the report of temporal and chroniton whats-its, and he didn’t even care if everyone else on the comm channel heard him. There had been a mandatory overview of temporal mechanics at the Academy, and he’d failed miserably at it, deciding very early on that it was a subject for people far smarter and more scientifically minded to pursue. All he’d ever needed to know was this: there was nothing that fucked up a situation faster than a temporal anomaly. A whole squad of enemy fighters would be easier to handle.

Shadow took the words right out of his mouth, so Janus didn’t comment, an amused smile playing across his face as the new coordinates came through the nav computer. He made a few minor adjustments to his heading, another little adjustment to the intermix ratio for another tiny burst of speed, then was on his way to the chronometric particles. Hopefully they didn’t all get sent back to the dark ages. Janus had no idea how people had lived in the 21st century.

“Confirmed Fred. We’ll keep you updated.” Then he switched com channels, so only the other fighter pilots would hear him. “Wolves, Janus. Set your sensors to search for those chronometric particles. Mark any high density areas, but don’t fly in them–” he almost added ‘for Prophet’s sake,’ then thought better of it. Considering the stories about how the Bajoran gods saw time, this was not the time to be invoking their names.

His valkyrie marked the shuttle dropping out of warp, exactly where they said they would be. Shadow continued without slowing, seconds away from the larger group of ships and the two smaller dots that were Salvo and Javert. And Janus was still bringing up the rear. Damn it all. He was trying to shove down his impatience when the sensor panel lit up with a massive energy discharge – right where Javert was. “Javert report.” Silence. “Anyone got eyes on—” Then Shadow dropped out of warp practically on top of it, young and stupid and far too eager to leap before looking, and her ship disappeared from sensors too.

And he didn’t even know what it fucking was yet.

“Salvo, Janus. Tell that convoy to get moving, then let’s go have a look at this bogey.” If it was a bogey. He hoped it was. That was something he could shoot at and destroy. If everyone was caught in some sort of temporal wormhole… they really should have put a scientist in the shuttle. “I’m fifteen seconds out.”

But fifteen seconds was an eternity in a game measured by nanoseconds. The whole thing could be over long before he even got there.

The whole area was an electromagnetic soup that his sensors couldn’t make heads or tails of, so Janus was forced to drop out of warp further back than he would have liked to avoid falling into the same trap as Shadow, letting his eyes see what the ship couldn’t. He was momentarily relieved to see that it was a ship, though he’d never seen anything like it. A big metal squid. With a bit of electric eel thrown in to keep things interesting. It wasn’t moving, drifting in space along with the two Valkyries nearby. One looked intact. The other wasn’t.

First mission back and he’d already lost one.

“Fred, Janus. We found your temporal anomaly. It’s some sort of ship and it isn’t friendly. Forwarding sensor and visual data to you. Janus out.” The surviving Valkyrie – Shadow – and the bogey started regaining power at the same time. “Shadow, report. If you can move, now would be the time.”

“Unidentified vessel,” he switched to an open comm, because there were rules. His blood was boiling, his skin itching for a fight, Javert’s ship drifting aimlessly off into space, a charred heap with the canopy still attached, no ejection and no chance of survival inside. But the Federation had trained him well, and the Cardassians had taught him what not to be. So everyone got a chance first. “This is Commander Jaru Rel, detached from the Federation Starship Theurgy. I order you to power down any weapons systems and reply to this—”

He noticed the difference the moment the squid righted itself, his HUD lighting up as the electromagnetic field ramped up again. “Or we could fight. Fine by me.” He cut the comm channel immediately, switching back to the wolves only. “Wolf One engaging, weapons free.”

As the bogey lept towards Shadow, Janus was entering the combat zone above them, firing phasers into the empty space between. It ran right into them, though it didn’t do any noticeable damage. Shadow picked that moment to start moving, showing off her dramatic timing. A red light on the TVD appeared as an accompanying shudder ran through the ship, shields visible for a moment as their strength dropped a few percentage points. One of the tentacles trying to scrape his wing. Janus swore, rolled out of the way, then ducked, angling for a strafing run beneath.

“And while these convoy ships are busting ass out of here, someone ask them if they know what this thing is.”

OOC: Also sorry for the wait!!! I figured I'd let Havenborn answer for the convoy while Daniel is talking to them.
Interregnum 01-02 S2 / Re: Day 14 [1630 hrs] Transporter Cassinis
Last post by tongieboi -
[Ens. Joseph Adams | Transporter Room 2 | Deck 5 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griff

Joe patiently watched as Alistair opened a small panel on the bulkhead and checked the display within, nodding along to his words.

"Alright, you. Let's see if you're still gonna misbehave."

He mumbled to the console, and by extension, the transporter itself. A habit he'd fallen into long before he'd came to Theurgy. His fingers positioned themselves on the familiar sliders and began to drag themselves up.

"Alright, energizing now."

He said, this time directly to Alistair as the transporter hummed to life. And at least for the moment, it seemed to be working. The test cylinder he'd left on one of the pads began to dematerialise, just as it should.

And then his console beeped.

Shit. That was never good.

His eyes fell down to the console and he groaned a little before he got to work.

"There's always something with you, isn't there!"

He accused the transporter as his fingers pressed buttons and moved sliders that made up his user interface, briefly forgetting he was in the company of a superior officer and someone who might find it a little strange if he talked to his equipment.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH 2: S [Day 01 | 2239 hrs] Happiness and Other Falsehoods
Last post by tongieboi -
[Ens. Joseph Adams | Bar | Below Decks | Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @joshs1000

The blow hadn't been enough to hurt, but it had been enough to knock out the air from his lungs at that moment, causing a slight 'oof' to escape him. Leaning forwards against the bar for a moment, he chuckled at Lok's words.

"I don't know about spas but I know there's a baths aboard, not to mention a bar like this on each vector."

Joe replied, still grinning a little as he gestured at their surroundings. He'd seen a couple of newer officers attempting to 'run the Theurgy' as they called it. Essentially a large bar crawl encompassing all of the lounges and holosuites aboard. He wondered for a moment if it was still in practice after he'd been woken up again.

Taking another sip of his drink and shrugging off the thought, he suddenly remembered another recreational area aboard.

"Oh! There's an Arboretum too, if you're not into drinking yourself blind or holoprograms."

He remarked. And with that, he took yet another sip of his drink, making a mental note to go more often to the Arboretum to relax. He'd only been once or twice.

Although noticing his companion's eyes on him, he reciprocated the gesture, making eye contact except for when he was drinking.

"I'm mostly into the Holosuites really, there's a load of holonovels on the computers. It also lets me keep in practice with my martial arts stuff."

Deciding to keep his guitar and model ships to himself for the time being, he shrugged lightly once again. Another drink chasing down the last one he'd just had. He was rapidly finding it easier and easier to drink his way through the Romulan concoction that not too long ago had filled his nose and burned its way down his throat.

Maybe that wasn't a good thing.
Interregnum 01-02 S2 / Re: Day 15 [0823 hrs] Starships Aplenty
Last post by tongieboi -
[ Ensign Joseph Adams |Holodeck 03 | Deck 21 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Pierce ]

"Oh, so Enterprises run in the family then?"

He teased, a small grin on his face as he crossed his arms, finally standing still long enough to make eye contact with her again. Although it was clear from his body language that he was an inch away from bolting around again. So many starships and so little time.

Few things matched the Constitution in aesthetics, that was a popular opinion, he'd found. It didn't take him very long before he came to a decision.

"Well, we're here now, we might as well start with the Enterprise. Then we could check out the Bozeman?"

He suggested, although he wondered if Lauren had suggested the Bozeman because it was nearby or if she was genuinely curious about the ship. It was hard to choose really, out of however many ships Starfleet had churned out over the years. (Although judging by the registry numbers, they were somewhere near 70,000 by now)

"You want to be authentic then?"

He asked, gesturing to the bright red uniforms. He supposed they'd change depending on the era of ship they would wear. He didn't mind that at all, really, except perhaps the uniform from the 2350s. The one before last, it seemed like it'd be uncomfortable. Much too tight. Realising he was letting his mind wander again, he lightly slapped the mannequin with the uniform, leaning against it a little.

"I've always wondered if I could pull off this look."

He mused, this was the uniform his grandfather had probably worn aboard the Ambassador after all.
Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: USS Theurgy: What if - The Public Baths
Last post by tongieboi -
[Ens. Joseph Adams | Public Baths | Deck 12 | USS Theurgy ] attn: @AbsintheDeux @joshs1000

Dom would certainly find something of interest in the young man's mind, particularly when Artimis spoke again. A lot of chaotic little emotions, a little uncertainty, but that was to be expected. However his own lustful feelings were mostly dominant by now, wondering what both a Teslyliac and Kzinti might be like in the sack. Not that he knew Artimis' species by name just yet. There'd be plenty of time to get 'familiar' with both races.

He took a deep breath, gathering his scattered, chaotic thoughts, before answering what seemed to be all but a direct proposition for sex from her. That daring of his returning just in time to give him a push in the right direction. That little voice hadn't let him down yet.

"I suppose not, and like I said earlier, I would hate to be impolite."

He'd never had a threesome before, but then again, what better opportunity was going to come along than right now? His unease had all but evaporated by now, now he was really thinking about it.

His brown eyes finally allowed themselves to wander down, watching her toy with her breasts and noticing the identical colours of her anatomy.  Even noting her blush. Yes, he was definitely learning something!

His gaze went back to Dom, a grin breaking across his face at the words of Starfleet Captains for centuries, perhaps bent a little to suit the atmosphere.

"Boldly go, eh? That's the job, isn't it?"

Yep, this was no different than exploring! The only difference was they weren't going to be exploring a celestial body this time.  And with that thought, he straightened up a little in his seat, nodding in assent.

"Alright yeah, let's do it then."
Interregnum 01-02 S2 / Re: D03 {2330 hrs] - …and Party Every Day
Last post by Stegro88 -
[ Lt. T'Less | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 01 | USS Theurgy | Orbiting Qo’noS ] Attn: @P.C. Haring

“How have you been?”

The question was such a simple one. An innocent one. But the answer to it? That spanned more than a decade of life experiences that had irrevocably changed T'Less from the Vulcan Starfleet Cadet working towards a life surrounded by science and discovery to a Vulcan Tactical Officer that had, on multiple occasions been responsible for the safety of a thousand of her fellow crew’s lives. Cadet T’Less had not envisioned herself being put into a position that would make her responsible for anyone’s life beyond her own.

“Dutifully engaged,” T’Less responded, choosing to believe that Reggie was only asking about the time since their encounter in the Public Baths. “While the ship is being repaired, there is still much that can be done. Training, scenarios for further conflict with different Great Houses or preparation for other tasks that we will have to undertake.” As she spoke, and looked at Reggie, she recalculated the possibility of exactly what the Betazoid was asking about and surmised that she was not answering the question correctly.

“But that is not the answer I believe you are seeking,” T’Less declared calmly before taking a sip of her drink, the idea of liquid courage passing through her mind and how she didn’t quite understand it. “I, it has not been easy these last few years. Much has happened and I have often found myself wishing that you had been here for me to share it with,” she answered honestly after a moment’s pause. “But also, at the same time thankful that you had not been. I don’t think I could have handled seeing you hurt... or worse.”
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: CH 2: S [Day 01 | 1857 hrs] Expectations
Last post by joshs1000 -
[CPO Avandar Lok | Arboretum Cafe | Deck 20| Vector 03 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Ellen Fitz

Lok smiled to himself with a half hearted laugh at the mention of him going planetside. Not that he didn’t like going down to explore new planets, it was just that he never had much interest in going to planets that had people on them. To him the perfect away mission was to some world that had never been touched by technology or people. A little odd considering his own love of any kind of technology he could get his claws on to tinker with, but sometimes he just wanted to appreciate some unspoiled nature.

About the time the plates were cleared away was when Lok finally felt full from his many sandwiches and multiple liters of coffee. It wasn’t quite the dinner he had planned but it was better than he had expected; same with Commander Cross, not as bad as he expected for an officer. The man could honestly pass for a non-com, maybe this guy was alri-

“Do you not like fighting?” Cross began once again, turning the topic back to the martial arts.

Lok took a moment to think of his response, partially wondering if perhaps Cross was trying to see if Lok was dodging some sort of training program.

“Well…I just don’t like to do it, I will if I have to and I know my stuff from basic training, but if I’m being honest, Commander, I’d prefer if I never had to again. Bad experiences in my childhood and bad experiences during the War.” He closed his eyes for a moment as he took a drink of the last bit of coffee he had left; the distant taste and scent of Jem’Hadar and Cardassian blood passed over his mind that sent a cold shiver running down to his hands. He suddenly gulped down the last of his coffee in an attempt to wash it away.

“If the ship is ever attacked, you can count on me sir, I’ll do what I have to do”, he said finally after a long pause. In an attempt to perhaps change the topic he smiled at Cross and asked, “I bet you know some of that Vulcan-fu stuff I’ve seen in the past.” He punctuates his point with a little chopping motion in the air. “I saw a competition on Vulcan once, pretty neat….I mean other than the fighting it was pretty boring but you know, still kind of interesting to see.”
Parallel Universes - "What if?" / Re: An Assassin in Agra Fort
Last post by Dumedion -
[PO2 Kino Jeen | | Holodeck 02 | Deck 08 | Vector 02 | USS Theurgy] Attn: @Ellen Fitz @RyeTanker @Dree  (anyone else)
Been a long time, Kino mused silently as her eyes narrowed at the fortress. From her vantage point facing the Northern Tower, Kino studied the ancient structure’s design like a puzzle in her head. She watched the guards move about the walls, the traffic along the River Juma to her left that led down to the Water Gate, and the slow procession of guests and pilgrims as they shuffled to the Elephant Gate to her right. Tricky ingress for sure. Getting out will be much more entertaining. Meh, we’ll deal with that later.

Night had fallen, leaving a clear sky filled with stars but devoid of any moonlight; her cybernetic eye pierced the darkness easily enough, however. The fort itself – an immense bastion of blood-red stone – was thoroughly lit by hundreds of torches and braziers upon its battlements, not to mention the sporadic explosions of multi-colored fire from above.  Apparently, there was one hell of a shin-dig underway. Oh yeah, this’ll be fun, the non-com smirked under the thin silk wrap that concealed most of her face, black as the night itself.

Her eyes settled on a point upon the wall just to the right of the Northern Tower. She’d use it for cover during the climb, once a few minor details were handled. Her eyes flicked about as Kino shrugged the simple cloak from her shoulders where she knelt to inventory her equipment one last time before committing. To the northwest, beyond the walled city, a far more impressive palace loomed in the distance; it’s white walls and curved towers shone like a true beacon of regal power in the night.

Some really pretty buildings, the Trill smirked again. “Be a shame if something happened to ‘em, now wouldn’t it,” she whispered, quiet as the wind, with a grin. The longbow across her back was pulled, arrow notched and raised. Kino loosed a quiet breath then, and took careful aim – timing was critical – she waited patiently, having judged the distant booms of light and sound from the fireworks to hide her shot. Once committed, speed would trump caution. She’d only have precious few minutes to make the climb.

Hundred yards, elevated, moving target. Yeah, no problem, the Trill thought sarcastically. “Sorry ‘bout this pal,” Kino murmured, then loosed.

She was up and running an instant later.

[Moments later…]

Once the guard’s body had been stripped and dumped out of sight in one of the Tower storage rooms behind a wall of wicker baskets, Kino stowed her bow, rope, and clothes beside one of the braziers along the northern wall. She was pouring sweat under the guard's heavy armor, clad in stifling robes and mail. The arced Talwar at her hip felt clumsy, but it was really only for looks; the shield and spear in her hands would do if and when she needed to use them.

Right. Time to find the powder stores and light this sucker up, the non-com panted in the heat, trying to catch her breath – then pulled the rounded helm from her head with a grimace. “Can’t fuckin' breathe in this thing,” Kino grumbled and tossed it aside, then turned just in time to see three armed and alarmed guards. “Ah, crap,” she hissed as they shouted and pulled steel to charge.

The biggest one sneered at her in the gloom, all polished armor, sweating muscles, beard and broken yellow teeth. “Surrender, interloper, and be granted a swift death," he hissed, sword raised high to strike her down.

Kino rolled her eyes at the display while they circled her, then snorted. Please. Try me, dickhead.”

All four moved at the exact same moment.

Kino raised her shield to take the sword-blow from the right as her hand reversed its grip on the spear. The butt of the staff flipped up in a blur to take yellow-tooth in the jaw – prompting a roar of pain through shattered teeth – just as the Trill lunged the spear-tip back and down through the foot of the yuppie behind her. The non-com leveraged her weight up with the blow, lashing out with a savage kick to through the knee-cap of the sword-bearer, then spun the shaft of her spear against the helm of foot-less, who dropped like a boned fish in a clatter of mail. A casual kick to the face of sword-bearer dropped him, just as yellow-teeth was trying to pick himself up off the floor, spitting blood. He lashed out with a horizontal slash at Kino’s shins, which she blocked easily enough with the haft of her spear –  then bashed the edge of her shield into his helm hard enough to dent the bronze-colored cap and send him sprawling.

Kino snorted again as they groaned. Yellow-teeth’s sword was flicked away with her boot while she smirked in amusement. “Aw man, what happened? You boys hang on, I’ll go get help,” the non-com teased, leaving them where they fell. So much for subtlety. Oh well, she shrugged, then dropped the spear in exchange for one of the torches that adorned the wall and sauntered on her way – down the stone access corridor and out into the outer defenses towards the Water Gate.

With a little luck, the bodies would be discovered and the guards worked up into a frenzy, which would make her objective all the easier. If she came across the other 'players'? Well...

We'll deal with that too, Kino smirked.
Interregnum 01-02 S2 / Re: Day 09 [15:30 hrs,] Once Upon the Island
Last post by P.C. Haring -
[ Lt. Cmdr. Harhev | Pirate vessel qu'DuHSum | BIQ'a'bIng Ocean | Qo’Nos] Attn: @Ellen Fitz‍ 

A wave of unexpected, though not unwelcome, relief washed over Hathev when Cross came to.  Immediately he complimented her on her choice of wardrobe, which seemed at first odd since there were very few options for her on this ship.  But at the same time she welcomed the comment and decided that she would likely keep this when they returned to the ship.

“That ‘Klingon Oaf’” she started “Is currently making his way to the bottom of the sea.”

There was a far more sinister undertone to her words, and she shied away from it, as a sense of shame and guilt over took her.  She had killed him… had been brutal about it if she were being honest.  It was logical and prudent, of course to have defended herself and Cross.  But there were far less violent ways to do so. 

In that moment, she understood all to well why her people had suppressed their emotions and the danger in which she now placed everyone around her. 

She considered what, if anything she should tell Cross grateful for his questions that allowed her to avoid talking about what had occurred and worried about the inevitable time when she would have to confront her actions.

“I have not taken a precise heading, no,” she commented, as she began rummaging through the wardrobe looking for pants that would fit him.  “But given our general direction of travel when I carried you down here, we are heading west southwest into open water.”

She produced a pair of black pants that, looked to be made of some sort of leather, and showed them to Cross.  Hathev was about to hand them over to him, but then as her memory of what they had been doing before their interruption on the Island returned to her, a different idea crossed her mind.

“While I believe these will fit appropriately, I do not think it appropriate for you to put them on quite yet.  I do believe that as the humans say ‘turnabout is fair play’.  So,  while I go and see if I can locate a galley, I want you to lay there thinking about all the things I might do to you when I return.  Do you understand me, Mr. Cross?”

She heard his response as she departed to search the ship.
Episode 02: Cosmic Imperative / Re: Chapter 1: The (hopefully) Great Romulan Smash and Grab [Day 1 | 1800hrs ]
Last post by P.C. Haring -
[ Lt. Kestra Pren | Romulan Space Station | Romulan Space ]  Attn:  @Ellen Fitz‍  @BipSpoon‍  @Hans Applegate@RyeTanker‍  @Sqweloookle@Stegro88@Dree

Kestra dove behind cover as a blast of disruptor fire struck against the bulkhead she had just been standing next to. The Romulans had been particularly forceful in their response to their incursion, moreso than she might have expected for a research station. The Admiral’s intelligence on the station indicated it might be hiding some high tech prototypes aside from the Thaloron triggers, and based on what she was hearing through the Starfleet Comm channels, that assessment was spot on.

With the help of Klaudia Cheung’s expertise, the crew of the Mary Baldwin had patched into the comms of the Theurgy crew on board the station. They had two teams, one dubbed Red, the other Blue. Blue was to go after the objective, while Red created distractions. The team from the Baldwin, dubbed “purple” had been left into more of a freelancing role. Help where able, but ultimately ensure the success of both teams to the best of their ability.

She spun out of cover, the barrel of her rifle coming to bear on the Romulans who had them pinned. Three quick squeezes of the trigger, sent three phaser pulses down the corridor. Two Romulans vaporized instantly, the third survived as her shot went wide.

To her left,  PO3 Jenkins also spun out of cover and fired. His shit hitting the elusive third Romulan square in the chest and sending him to the deck that would mark his final resting place.


Together Kestra waved her fireteam forward, her rifle up high on her shoulder, ready to fire. As they rounded the corner, her vision seemed to blur for a second and, if she didn’t know better, the bulkheads seemed to flex and bend as though she were walking through a hall of mirrors. Just then her tricorder beeped. Leaning up against the bulkhead which felt far more solid than it looked, Kestra pulled the tricorder out of it’s holster, flipped it open, and clipped it into the bracket attached to her rifle. Never did her eye leave the gun sight.

She flicked her gaze at the output, but couldn’t fully understand it.

“Pren to Cheung. What the hell am I looking at?”

[[Standby one, Pren. Linking to your tricorder now.]] There was but the briefest of pause. [[Ah… sorry about that. The Romulans are trying to release a neurotoxin into the atmosphere. My virus is blocking it, but it looks like some might have released before I could shut it down.]]

“It’s screwing with my perceptions.”

[[Yeah… it’s non lethal but it’ll make you hallucinate like crazy. Just keep pushing forward. There’s cleaner air up ahead. I’ll guide you if needed.]]

She knew the protocol and signaled the rest of her team to hold their breath as they advanced into the next section of the facility.


The deck almost reverberated beneath them with the sound.


[[Oh shit…]]


The sound grew louder, a rhythm like the footsteps of a metallic giant approached them.

“Talk to me, Cheung…”



Kestra saw it a split second before she heard the warning. The gunmetal monstrosity rounded the corner and opened fire without warning. Debris flew in all directions as the Romulan mech unloaded it’s ordinance. The deafening noise threatened as much disorientation as the neuro-toxin but she closed her eyes and willed herself to focus. The weapon would have to stop firing eventually, and when it did she would respond in kind.

She sensed it more than heard it, a minor change in the rhythm of the noise followed by a noted slow down in the firing rate and then it fell silent.


She wasn’t sure if anyone would follow her cue, and she didn’t care. She jumped out of cover and held the rifle trigger, willing the phaser to fire even faster than it already was. At least two other phasers were firing in unison with her.

But none of it did any good. The mech kept coming, it’s shield bubble illuminating at the points of impact like that of a starship. Not only that, but she saw the gattling disruptors start to spin up again.


She pulled back just in time as another volley of weapons fire chewed through the corridor leaving her to wonder if there would be any cover left. More debris flew and she brought her arm up to cover her face.

When the weapons spun down the second time, Kestra was ready and lobbed a photon grenade at the mech and ducked behind her cover once again.

Even with the benefit of cover, she felt the concussive wave of the weapon’s explosion pressing against her as more debris fell around her. The grenade was strong enough to blow a hole in the hull of a shuttle, or level the side of a building. But as the gattling disruptors spun up again, she realized it was not strong enough to penetrate the Mech’s shields.

She looked across the corridor to the other side of the junction. Jenkins was down and unmoving. She’d lost sight of Lau but the other two on their fire team were struggling to hold their position under the mechs whithering fire.

For it’s part, the Mech hadn’t moved. It’s pilot seemed content to hold that corner and keep them pinned.


She dared to peek around the corner, and saw the Mech take a step and, much to her surprise, the shield perimeter did not push the debris out of the way, but rather allowed the inert material to pass harmlessly inside the bubble. Which made her wonder…

There were plenty of holes in the deck and she could see a service crawlspace under her. But she doubted…

Something caught her eye. A panel, no more like a junction actually and in the briefest of instances, she was back at the academy sitting in an elective engineering extension course pining after a particularly handsome upperclassmen named Bashir. An arrogant, know it all medical student, Kestra remembered not caring about his personality as long as he’d take her to bed with him. Alas, it never happened.

Another blast of debris took her back to the moment and she wiped the blood off her cheek.

“Pren to Cheung,” she called. “Am I looking at a Plasma Waveguide conduit?”

She pointed her phaser at the panel in question so her Tricorder could get a scan of it and relay the data back to Klaudia.

[[Confirmed. What of it LT?]]

“Find me the adjoining plasma conduit, quickly!”

There was but the briefest of pauses. [[Two meters directly in front of you.]]

Directly under the mech. Just what she was hoping to hear.

“Cover me!”

She didn’t wait for a response before tossing her rifle and pack to the nearest person. Pulling two photon grenades from her pack she dove into the hole in the deck and dropped hard into the service tunnel below. She scampered forward as the mech fired into the gap she had used, to get down there, before turning it’s attention elsewhere.

For as short of a crawl the two meters was, it seemed to take forever to reach the point. As promised the plasma conduit ran under the deck, perpendicular to her orientation. She had no way of knowing exactly where the mech was above her, but if this worked, It wouldn’t matter. She armed the grenades and slammed them onto the conduit.

“Fire in the hole!”

The seconds ticked down in her head as she pulled herself out and sprawled out towards the other two fire team members. She found Lau with them, and as she gathered her gear she pulled them with her “Fall back!”

They retreated back into the adjacent section. Already one of her team tore at the emergency panel and was pumping closed the blast doors, sealing themselves off. The deck rumbled again as the explosion deafened them momentarily and send them tumbling down.

[[Are you all right?]]

It was Cheung. Kestra took a look at her teammates. Everyone was alive though she couldn’t assess any injuries thy might have had. For her part, Kestra felt the blood trickling down the side of her face and the debris that had impaled into her left thigh muscle. It wasn’t deep, so she ignored the tenants of first aid and pulled it out, dropping the shard to the deck. It hurt like a bitch but the pain subsided into a throbbing ache.

“We’re in one piece. What about you?”

[[What the hell did you do? The plasma distribution network is flashing a breach alarm.]]

“Detonating a photon grenade next to a plasma conduit will do that you know,” Kestra replied. "We’ve retreated to the adjacent corridor. Can you diver the plasma flow to cut the fire?"

[[Done. I’m also not detecting a hull breach. Other than the radiant heat, it should be safe to re-enter.]]

“What about the mech?”

[[Can’t tell you. Internal sensors are down in that section. Can’t imagine why…]]

Kestra ignored the sarcasm as she took up her gear and squeezed herself through the gap in the blast door, created when the explosion had twisted the doors frame.  She broke into an immediate sweat from the heat. Turning at the junction where they had been pinned, she brought her rifle to bear but a forcefield stopped her in her place. The reason why was obvious.

The section they had been fighting in, like the mech that had pinned them, no longer existed.
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