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CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

She was attempting to ignore her emotional state by focusing on the work that needed to be done. Earlier, she had tried to use physical exertion in a similar manner to draw her attention away from the typhoon that was her emotional state after the meditative exercises she had learnt growing up were of no use. Exercise had helped until exhaustion and duty obligations had forced her to stop before she was able to gain full control though. And it had all begun after finding out about Paris.

She understood what it meant, the bombing. And she knew that it could have just as easily have been any one of several dozen other locations on Earth or throughout the Federation. Vulcan included. Places of cultural, political or spiritual importance that would wound the population without causing any true harm against Starfleet and its ability to wage a war. And she also understood that if the first one didn’t work, that they would try again. Which was why she was here, at the Tactical station aboard the Allegiant.

The scout ship was primed and ready for launch but, to her knowledge, did not yet have a destination. So, she was using the additional time to ensure that the tactical systems aboard the craft were up for handling the rigours of an extended deployment away from the Theurgy. Her tests involved cutting off the Allegiant from the Theurgy completely, to simulate a deployment before running a diagnostic that would test the transition of the vessel’s tactical controls to the back systems, simulating damage to several of the craft’s primary systems.

Closing her eyes for a moment to try once again to centre herself, T’Less found that the ocean in her mind was as turbulent as the last time she had gazed upon it. Unable to spend the time to try and calm it, she reopened her eyes and began the diagnostic test. At first, everything performed as she expected it to but then she noticed inconsistencies. Subsystems activated and then deactivated again. Little things, but enough, in her eyes, to suggest an issue. She was about to cancel the diagnostic and reconnect with the ship and ask Thea to run a check on the Allegiant when the main screen flickered on, showing a Savi Ante standing in some sort of large room.

“Do not re-join your computers,” the Savi warned, their tone causing T’Less to pause. Staring at the Ante on the screen, the Vulcan noted the swell of the Savi’s chest, indicating that this Ante was a female. “My name is Idemgin and I was scanning your ship when I detected the presence of Borg computer code within your vessel’s systems. This is unfortunate. I will be clear. While the Borg code is present, your vessel will not be allowed aboard. I suggest you purge it while you are isolated.” Finished, the Ante disappeared as the viewscreen shutdown once more.

Thinking for a moment, her emotional state once again being disturbed by outside influences, T’Less reached up and touched her combadge; a system not connected to the Allegiant during the test thanks to the simulated comms damage.

“T’Less to Engineering. I require a system’s engineer on the Allegiant immediately. I have a computer error,” the Vulcan reported waiting for the acknowledgement before closing the channel. Taking a deep breath, she opened another channel. Now she had to report to operations about the Borg code.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #1
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | NCO Quarters | Deck 22 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88

It had already been a long day, and it didn't look like it was going to let up anytime soon.  After being woken up by a urgent-message alert, Scruffy had groggily pulled himself out of bed, stumbled to the replicator, and spent probably too long nursing a cup of coffee.  After changing into his uniform, he finally got around to checking the message that had woken him up.  He was to report to the Allegiant and Lt. T'Less for some sort of computer issue, undefined.  That means he'd need to grab some diagnostic gear.  And if the problem was anything more than a glitch, he'd probably have to go back and forth a couple times to get the equipment he needed before the issue was resolved, assuming he didn't have to wait for a software specialist.  Ugh.

There was another, earlier message on his system.  Some sort of ship-wide message...

Scruffy almost dropped his second cup of coffee when he saw the news.  An attack, on Earth, in Paris.  Unknown number of casualties.  Unspecified aggressor.  The Federation wasn't officially in open war with anyone since the end of the Dominion War.  Earth was supposed to be safe.  If Paris could be targeted, then anywhere was vulnerable.  His thoughts immediately went to his grandmother.  They might not have seen eye-to-eye since he joined Starfleet, but he was suddenly as concerned for her as she had probably been for him out here.  At least he could be pretty confident she wasn't anywhere near there.  He didn't think she had ever been to the capital, at least in his lifetime.

Well, he'd have to wait until the official casualty list came in to see if he knew any victims.  Could be sure, the best disaster response and intelligence resources available would be called into service and the instigators identified.  But with everything else going on lately, he really hoped no one trigger-happy was in charge of the eventual response.  The Theurgy had seen first-hand how grave the threats were just outside Federation influence, and how vulnerable it could be.

Well, can't spend all day wallowing in "What if's."  I might as well get my mind off it with a little tech-support.  Finishing off his cup of coffee, Scruffy pushed himself into a standing position and stumbled out the door, working on getting feeling back into his limbs as he made his way down the hall to the turbolift.

Almost an hour after T'Less sent her request, Scruffy beamed onto the Allegiant, diagnostic kit hung over his shoulder, and made his way to the bridge.

Looking around for her, he pushed his thoughts regarding the news down again.  Putting on his most disarming smile, he made his way over, announcing his arrival, "Petty Officer LeBlanc reporting.  Heard you were having some computer trouble?"

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #2
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

"Where is that Engineer?” T’Less wondered as she worked at the Tactical Station’s console. She knew it would take time to assign one to her vague request, but she had assumed that as it was for the Allegiant, that the request would take some sort of a priority. Now, she was fearful of calling again in case the Borg code that she was attempting to contain discovered a way to slip the digital chains that she had encased it in.

Footsteps heralded the arrival of someone and T’Less took a moment to look up from her console, her visage one of annoyance at the gold-uniformed man’s tardiness, something she confirmed with a glance at the chronometer. "Petty Officer LeBlanc reporting.  Heard you were having some computer trouble?"

“It is more serious than that, Petty Officer,” T’Less addressed the man, returning her attention to her console and the process she was attempting that would keep the remnant code isolated. “During a diagnostic of the backup subsystems, it appears as if some sort of remnant Borg code has been released. This was confirmed by a member of the Erudite’s crew. It was also stated that as long as that code remained, the Allegiant would not be allowed aboard their ship. Fortunately, the diagnostic I was running severed all physical and digital links with all external sources before beginning. Now though, the code, which I believe is an incomplete portion of a virus, is beginning to alter itself in an attempt to escape the constraints I have thus far been able to put on it. We must isolate its location and remove the physical architecture that is housing it,” T’Less explained, her tone betraying her annoyance at his lateness as well as the seriousness of the situation.

“If we are unsuccessful, this craft will be jettisoned and destroyed down to its constituent molecules. And we will have lost an asset invaluable to us,” T’Less stated. “I trust you can understand why we must be both swift and judicious in our work, as well as discreet.”

“Please begin.”

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #3
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked with USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88

“It is more serious than that, Petty Officer,” T’Less addressed the man, returning her attention to her console and the process she was attempting that would keep the remnant code isolated. “During a diagnostic of the backup subsystems, it appears as if some sort of remnant Borg code has been released. This was confirmed by a member of the Erudite’s crew. It was also stated that as long as that code remained, the Allegiant would not be allowed aboard their ship. Fortunately, the diagnostic I was running severed all physical and digital links with all external sources before beginning. Now though, the code, which I believe is an incomplete portion of a virus, is beginning to alter itself in an attempt to escape the constraints I have thus far been able to put on it. We must isolate its location and remove the physical architecture that is housing it,” T’Less explained, her tone betraying her annoyance at his lateness as well as the seriousness of the situation.

Scruffy's smile definitely faltered at that news.  This was nothing to mess around with.  For a moment, he didn't even know where to begin.

“If we are unsuccessful, this craft will be jettisoned and destroyed down to its constituent molecules. And we will have lost an asset invaluable to us,” T’Less stated. “I trust you can understand why we must be both swift and judicious in our work, as well as discreet.”

“Please begin.”

He quickly knelt on the floor and opened up his diagnostic kit, pulling out a PADD and connection cable, plugging it into an adjacent console.  "Okay, is it still in the backup subsystems or has it already imbedded itself into the primary sources of those systems?"

"As long as it is in non-critical systems, I'd recommend putting them on standby if it is isolated in the backups, or shutting them down if it is in the primary coding.  From there, we should be able to dump the infected programs into an inactive partition on one of the drives in the computer core.  Working on establishing such a partition now.  If we can get the infected programs locked away, I'll be able to get a portable-core from Engineering and do a bypass while we replace the infected drive."

"I'm also loading an operations emulator from one of the training sims into the partition.  With a little luck the Borg program will continue to occupy the virtual systems without noticing the discrepancy, if it has some sort of self-diagnosis subroutine." 

He worked quickly, adrenaline pumping and giving him a clarity of focus once he shut out all the distractions of possible outcomes.  He barely looked up as he spoke, not waiting to get approval for his idea and start the coordinated effort.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #4
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

"Okay, is it still in the backup subsystems or has it already imbedded itself into the primary sources of those systems?" It was not something that T’Less had thought to check while she had been focused on containing it to secondary systems. Had it already breached her defences? She was not specialised in the computer systems of a starship and did not have the training to combat it at the various levels it needed to be fought at. That was why she had summoned assistance.

“I believe it is still restricted to the secondary tactical systems at this time. That was where I was running the diagnostic,” T’Less responded as she tried to track down any traces of the Borg code in other areas of the Allegiant’s computers. Beside her, Petty Officer LeBlanc began to speak of drive partitions and a portable core. T’Less herself only had a rudimentary knowledge of the detailed architecture that enabled the operation of a starship. Her training had been more focused around how to fight with and against them. It was a flaw in her training, she realised, and a potential area for tactical advantage. Not so much in being able render systems inoperable with a virus, but more the sequential targeting of a vessel’s systems to cause a cascade failure, damage greater than the sum of its parts. It was something she would have to analyse more later. For now, she had Borg to combat.

“I will attempt to restrict the malicious code from moving throughout the craft’s computers,” T’Less declared firmly. “Have someone bring you a core and prepare the bypass. If the infected modules are removed and destroyed, clean and safe ones can be reinstalled properly afterwards. Priority must be given to the destruction of the Borg code.”

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #5
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked with USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88

“I will attempt to restrict the malicious code from moving throughout the craft’s computers,” T’Less declared firmly. “Have someone bring you a core and prepare the bypass. If the infected modules are removed and destroyed, clean and safe ones can be reinstalled properly afterwards. Priority must be given to the destruction of the Borg code.”

"Alright.  Focus on shutting down the tactical systems.  I'll set up a refresh-loop on adjacent systems, hopefully that'll keep any code from taking root there."  Working with one hand, his other reached up and tapped his combadge, "Lablanc to Engineering.  Can you have someone bring a portable computer core and spare data drive up to the Allegiant's docking port?  Looks like the problem is a bit more systemic than we thought, but nothing a bypass and purge can't fix."  Out of respect for the seriousness and sensitivity of the situation, he phrased the request to minimize the likelihood of getting anyone else involved.

Turning his attention back to his PADD while he waited for the delivery, he noticed his partition and emulation setup had finished.  "Alright.  I've set aside most of a component for this, so I think we can dump the entire tactical system once it is offline.  Hopefully the program is still using excess cycles, and will go dormant when the tactical system does as well.  Just to be sure, I'm also putting all non-essentials on standby so you can run a diagnostic on them, just to be safe."

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #6
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

T’Less continued to work at her console, her hands almost a blur as she worked to install digital blocks to prevent the code from spreading. Nearby, Petty Officer LeBlanc was working away, assumably preparing for the backup cores arrival so that they could eradicate the Borg intrusion on the Allegiant. Soon enough, the Vulcan sensed the arrival of another presence approaching the Bridge.

“Petty Officer, I have the core you requested,” the unseen voice said.

“Your best access to the Allegiant’s core will probably be through the first guest quarters on the lower deck,” T’Less directed, unsure if the system’s engineer was familiar with the craft’s layout. “I will remain here and continue to contain the malicious code.”

"Keep an eye on the power readings. Anything else becomes active, we'll know we don't have this contained. I'll signal you when I'm ready to run the bypass," LeBlanc said before exiting the Bridge. Taking the man’s advice, T’Less brought up a readout of the power, noting that it was steady at present. If it spiked or increased at all, then she would need to discover the reason why, and, in all likely hood, have to fight against the Borg on a new front.

Sitting there, alone, against the Borg, T’Less was reminded of a dream she had had after the Battle of the Apertures. She had been floating through the debris of a battle and a reflective piece of material had passed before eyes and she had seen herself in it. The Borg had won. Shaking off the image, the Vulcan concentrated on her task; lest the dream become a reality.

OOC: Thank you to @Griffinsummoner for supplying LeBlanc's speech in this post.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #7
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked with USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88
Unfortunately, Scruffy would have to leave the software alone to the hands of the lovely T'Less.  Couldn't fully isolate the system until he had the backup Tactical Drive ready to go.  He rushed out of the bridge, grabbed the "portable" computer core off the deck with a strained grunt, and headed down a deck, dismissing the engineer who made the delivery.

As fast as he could, he lugged the core into the guest quarters.  Using his tricorder he quickly located the ship's core, set the backup down, pulled the paneling off the wall, and did a quick visual inspection.  He grabbed the I/O cables from the portable core and plugged it in.  Pulling out his PADD, he made sure the portable core was running smoothly and had the Tactical Drive data installed.  He synced it up with the ship's systems, and signaled T'Less.

"Alright, I've got the bypass established.  Switch operational control over to the backup core and dump the primary software into the partition.  Once we've confirmed that the transfer is complete, I'll disconnect the unit I set up earlier.  With any luck, it hasn't gone anywhere else and that'll be the end of it."

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #8
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

T’Less knew she was losing. The power levels had started to randomly spike as the Borg code attempted to spread to additional systems. So far, she had managed to prevent its digital tendrils from gaining purchase, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. The code was learning, where it failed once, it would try again but in a different way. When that failed, it would try a different system and so on, continually probing for weaknesses to exploit.

When Petty Officer LeBlanc announced that he had successfully prepared the core, T’Less paused in her tasks, taking her eyes off the screens for but a moment as she considered response. But a moment was all the Borg code needed. In an instant, it had gained a foothold in the secondary life support systems before T’Less could even react. 

The hatch to the Bridge slammed shut and a warning began to sound. The code had apparently sensed that she was a threat to it. It was trying to vent the oxygen from the bridge in an effort to protect itself. If her life wasn’t in jeopardy, she would have been impressed with the intricacies and intelligence it was displaying. As it was, she didn’t have the time. She had perhaps five minutes before the oxygen levels in the compartment would impair her concentration and ability to combat the virus. It was an effective tactic. Only from the bridge could she transfer the tactical system to the portable drive.

“Petty Officer LeBlanc, the virus has gained a foothold in another system. I am attempting to remove it before transferring the infected Tactical system. Please stand by.”

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #9
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Computer Core | USS Allegiant | Docked with USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88

Hearing the strain in T'Less's voice (subdued as it was) when she alerted him to the spread of the virus pulled his attention away from the bypass.  He immediately pulled out his tricorder and tried to ID where and how it was spreading with a scan of the core and bridge.  He ID'd the dropping oxygen levels, and shortly after found the power spikes in the environmental controls, as T'Less fought to push it out.

"I can make my way to Environmental and try to manually override ventilation controls.  The back corner near you has a floor panel that accesses the top of the computer core.  With access already open down here, it'll provide some airflow as long as the rest of the ship has oxygen.  Worst case scenario, we can do a hard shut-down of the core.  It'll just take a bit of time to get the ship ready to fly again."

He stood up, his legs tensed, ready to dash whichever way he needed based on what T'Less chose as the course of action.  Or if she stopped responding...

Either way, the bypass was on standby, just waiting for the control transfer and data dump.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #10
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

A hard shut down of the entire core was an option that T’Less had already considered and discarded. It would take too long to repair and replace the systems and programming that would be lost by the shutdown, rendering the Allegiant useless as anything more than a section of the Theurgy’s hull. And the Borg virus had already anticipated a manual override and flagged those controls as damaged, rendering them useless. Alternatively, opening the floor hatch was a good idea but would take her away from her station, giving the code further time to spread while also endangering anyone else aboard when the code realised it’s plan was failing and tried something less subtle.

“The virus has already flagged the manual overrides as damaged. They won’t function,” T’Less responded to the systems engineer as she glanced at the floor panel he had indicated. “No, I must remain at my station and contain the code before it can spread further,” T’Less told herself. Keeping an eye out for the code’s attempts to spread beyond the tactical systems, the Vulcan worked to eliminate its presence from the life support systems that it was currently using to try and kill her. Time passed, but T’Less ignored it and the tightening in her chest as the air became harder to breathe. Finally, she had removed it from life support and prevented it from spreading further. 

“Computer: Activate the bypass!” T’Less stammered as she felt out of her chair towards the floor access for the core. Her eyes grew heavy and her arms refused to work as she fiddled with the lock. A flow of fresh air was felt against her skin at the same time as the Vulcan officer lost consciousness.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #11
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Computer Core | USS Allegiant | Docked with USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88

"The virus has already flagged the manual overrides as damaged. They won't function,"

I could physically reopen the vents, do a real 'manual' override, but that would surely take longer than T'Less has.  Quickly weighing his options, Scruffy decided that there was only one way to get the air she needed without shutting down the core.  He reached up and wedged himself into the tight space alongside the computer core, his narrow frame allowing him to fit where one wouldn't expect.  Using the scaffolding, he carefully pulled himself up the shaft, reaching the other side of the bridge access hatch.  He heard a thump against the bulkhead above him, and knew he was running out of time.  He managed to get a solid grip and popped the hatch open.  His loose hair was caught up in the sudden updraft, practically urging him to finish the climb.

He slid the hatch fully aside and popped his head up above the deck.  "Lt. T'Less?  You still with me?"  A look up at the console display showed that the bypass was triggered, leaving the virus contained and ready for physical removal.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #12
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

"Lt. T'Less?  You still with me?" Petty Officer LeBlanc’s voice seemed closer, somehow as T’Less returned to consciousness. She remembered triggering the bypass before falling to the deck and unlocking the floor access to the computer core. The rush of air from the core had felt nice but it hadn’t been enough to prevent her from passing out, albeit temporarily.

“Yes,” T’Less responded, her voice a little shaky as she tried to get her bearings. Opening her eyes, she saw the Petty Officer sticking his head a little way out of the access panel, a part of her mind impressed that he had managed to worm his way that far past the core. “Yes, I will be fine,” T’Less reassured the non-com, as she rolled onto her side to ease her breathing. 

“I have activated the bypass,” T’Less informed the systems engineer after a moment. “Please continue with the removal of the infected memory drives and the installation of the new ones,” she directed her tone firmer as her body recovered from the oxygen shortage it had just experienced. “We must have the Allegiant ready to deploy as soon as possible,” she declared as she wondered what she should have done with the infected drives to prevent any further trouble from the remnant Borg code.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #13
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Computer Core | USS Allegiant | Docked with USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88

Scruffy watched T'Less a few moments, making sure she was recovering now that she was awake.  "Shouldn't take more than a few minutes to replace the drives.  After that's done, I'll take it down to Engineering and use an EM field to do a clean wipe.  Won't be any code left, Borg or not."
His head disappeared back under the bulkhead as he scrambled back down the scaffolding, getting his footing solid before pushing his way backwards out the computer shaft.  Kneeling for his toolkit, he began the process of physically removing the drive, the backup waiting at his feet.

In less than 5 minutes, the old drive was out and the new drive installed.  After making sure everything was ready, he informed T'Less and directed her to switch control from the bypass back to the main computer.  Once that was done, he disconnected the bypass and began cleaning up the space, recoiling cables and replacing paneling.  Slinging the bypass onto his back by its harness, he carried the infected drive in one hand and the toolkit in the other, hunched over but otherwise managing the weight well.  He made his way back up to the main deck to do one last check-in with T'Less before heading back to the Theurgy.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #14
[ Lieutenant T’Less | Bridge | USS Allegiant | Docked With USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Griffinsummoner

Petty Officer LeBlanc’s calm explanation of what came next before disappearing was reassuring to the uncharacteristically unsettled Vulcan. Lately she had been struggling with her emotional control, something of particular concern to her species in general, and this event had only added to the load her mind was bearing. Still though, the situation had been contained without further damage to either the Allegiant or the Theurgy

When the message came through that the systems engineer had completed his task, T’Less did as she was directed and reversed the bypass, returning control back to the main computer core. As she began a full system diagnostic, the Vulcan lent back in her chair and wondered again what might have happened if they hadn’t have managed to stop the Borg code from taking over.

“Thank you for your assistance Petty Officer,” T’Less said to the Terran when he came to check on her. “I fear without your skillset, a great deal of damage may not have been averted. I will ensure it is stated so in my report,” she reassured the man as several thoughts came to her at once. “When you get to Engineering and have completed wiping the drive, I want you to use the replicator to reduce it to its component atoms. I do not want there to be any potential for even a fragment of a remnant of the Borg code to remain,” the Vulcan ordered firmly. “As well, I believe I will be calling upon your skills in the future to discuss ways of getting around the Starfleet protocols protecting their computer systems. If there is a potential for us avoiding causing undue damage to otherwise unknowing Federation vessels, I believe we should explore it.”

“If you have nothing to add, that will be all,” T’Less stated. She had a lot of work to do and wanted to complete it as soon as Vulcanly possible.

Re: CH01: S [D01|1600] Coded Intrusion

Reply #15
[ PO1 Scruffy LeBlanc | Computer Core | USS Allegiant | Docked with USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Stegro88

Scruffy smiled at T'Less as she complimented his assistance, which helped him hide the laugh that threatened him with her suggestion for the drive.  "A little overly cautious, but maybe the situation spooked her more than she'll admit."

In addition, her request for help left him a little off-balance, but he certainly wasn't going to argue with the Lieutenant.  "Not really that much of a digital security specialist and certainly no expert on electronic warfare.  I'm more of a physical systems specialist.  Everything I did here was rather surface-level.  Guess I'll have to do some brushing up, myself."

At her dismissal, he nodded in acknowledgement and shuffled his way off the bridge to carry out her orders.


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