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Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Room to Breathe

STARDATE 57564.28
13 MARCH, 2381
1500 HRS

[  Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge |  Deck 28 |  USS Theurgy ]
att: @Numen

Stepping into the Below Decks Lounge was a big step for Mektari, since stepping aboard Theurgy the Ensign had kept herself to herself, spending her off-duty time split the between her quarters and sessions on the holodeck, familiarising herself better with the Theurgy’s controls in simulations and training programs.

If it wasn’t for the fact that she had caught herself talking to herself earlier that same day she would have probably still have been alone with her own thoughts. Instead, Ensign Dumral had made the effort to go somewhere with other living breathing people, somewhere with music and the sound of laughter. Mektari had considered and dismissed the idea of going alone; What good would sitting in solitude in public achieve better than in private?

And so she had left a message for Izar Bila, stating simply that she would be eating then and there - if he was free.

Friendly, yet not friends (as far as Mektari was concerned), the pair had met on the Cayuga. Bila had seemed
personable in general company, but Meki suspected his interest in befriending her lay more in their shared Cardassian heritage than any personal attraction - though she had been wrong in the past in such matters.

Early, as was her habit, Mektari strode into Below Decks with that poise that seemed to come to her so easily. She scanned the officers already present and, seeing no sign of Bila, Meki sought out an empty table toward the holographic dance floor and placed down her PADD. If her company turned out to be a no-show at least she would be able to pretend her isolation was by her own choice.

The ensign approached the bar, glancing between the crew she passed, recognising only a few faces amongst the crowd. To her relief, no one seemed to be paying the Cardassian any real attention, negative or otherwise, and a measure of comfort returned to her as she smiled to the barman and ordered her drink, turning to stare at the viewscreens lining the far wall.

Re: Day 04 [1910 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #1
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @Jubbles 

There had been an unexpected invitation. Barely a couple of lines. A location, a time frame and the activity to be undertaken. Succinct, almost impersonal. Oh for Prophets' sake, he had missed Meki. The relationship between them was odd. But if Bila was used to something it was to unconventional relationships. His friendship with Ravon, the bird-brained pilot, was a proof of that. The young cardasssian was an enigma in herself, somehow standoffish, detached, yet Bila had discovered that she could be charming, an intelligent conversationalist and agreeable company, so he had endeavoured to establish a friendly relationship with her. Mektari was also the first Cardassian he had met since he left Bajor. Which had made his interest about the Ensign more compelling.

As a result, after months of 'fortuitous' encounters and shared shifts, Bila had managed to lure her to share a lunch. She had been reluctant at first, but after a while they had established a routine of shared meals. Bila did much of the talking. Or, at least, he was the guest who shared more about himself. Yet the bajcardie was certain that she also enjoyed those friendly gatherings, that opportunity to be a Cardassian among Cardassians. Or nearly Cardassian

Regardless of it, the chemist was used to the CONN officer occasionally vanishing. That she spent days without answering his summons and, out of the blue, she made contact with him to arrange a meeting again, pretending that nothing strange had happened. No apologies or explanations. The first few times, Bila had been concerned, wondering too much about what had caused this refusal. After a series of similar absences, the hybrid had understood that there was nothing wrong with him: it was simply her nature. So he was not surprised to discover that Mektani had gone about a week without getting in touch with him, even though they had both been stranded at the Theurgy at the same time. However, he was grateful that she had resumed their shared routine, notwithstanding of the different setting.

Thus, he found himself in front of the Lounge' doors, fashionably late, a practice he had learned from his recent interaction with Dr. Parnak. As soon as he stepped into the room, his eyes landed on Mektari. Ultimately, her grey features were an exotic oddity in a Starfleet vessel. With no haste but no waste of time, Bila crossed the lobby, waved to a couple of peer scientists and sat down unceremoniously in front of the Ensign. " Madran, Mektari" he greeted in kardasi. "I've longed our meals," he claimed, his best witty smile sparkling among the scarce beard that garnished his chin. An atypical trait he had inherited from his Bajoran family, "How are you?" he asked, aware that the woman might not offer him an answer that disclosed anything personal. However there was a pleasant je ne sais quoi in knowing what to expect from another person.


Madran → hi, standard greetings
Nx kardasi by noxfox

Re: Day 04 [1910 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #2
[  Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge |  Deck 28 |  USS Theurgy ] att: @Numen

Mektari had already found her seat again at the appointed time that she had expected Bila to arrive, a side-eyed glance to the lounge door was the only outward sign that she had been awaiting any company at all. If there was a flicker of disappointment in her features it was quickly quashed, smothered beneath the same contented smile that she had practised to such perfection.

He had never stood her up for a meal in the past, nor was she accustomed to Bila arriving late. The longer she waited for him, the more convinced Meki became that he wasn’t coming at all. She exhaled through her nose, lips pursed as her thoughts lingered over how long to wait there before heading back to her quarters. The sweet fizz of her fruit juice was a pleasant distraction to keep her there a while if nothing else, maybe she would draw the attention of some other diner.

She was contemplating ordering something a little stronger when the Lounge doors opened once, drawing her gaze to the smiling face of Izar Bila looking back at her. Mektari returned his smile pleasantly as the Science officer approached, offering a nod and gesturing to invite him to take the seat before her. Inwardly, of course, she bit back a twinge of irritation that he had failed in punctuality; Over the course of their association this was the first time he had displayed such a trait and she could forgive that, mostly. This once.

His greeting was given in the language of her birth, a habit she had observed in Bila often and was still undecided on. Part of her almost found the practice charming, an endearing attempt to connect with their home culture. The cynical part of her ( the side she took pains to overcome ) still wondered if he was simply leading her on, as part of some elaborate confidence play in the future -  In Meki’s experience there were not a great deal of Cardassian-Bajoran hybrids who held any true affection for her side of their genetic heritage.

“Greetings Bila, You look well,” she smiled sweetly, sidestepping any conversation of longing for anyone's company.

The true answer to his question, which she did consider, would have been something along the lines of, I’m coping as poorly as ever, everything familiar is upside down and many of the people I was comfortable with are dead or back on our ship.

Another true answer, however, was the reply she filtered and offered in return to Bila, the easy smile never really leaving her lips.

“I’m well, I’ve settled into my new quarters. I’m Assistant Chief Conn officer now - so that’s kept me busy,” she stated before taking a sip of her drink, eyes flicking to Bila again as she set down the glass. “I hope I didn’t drag you away from something pressing? We haven’t seen much of each other.”

There it was, feigned concern masking the real question, Why were you late?

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #3
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @Jubbles 

As usual, Mektani greeted him as the perfect hostess. Kind, polite, with a tiny flattery. He knew it was a mere courtesy gesture, a display of urbanity typical of an educated society. It wasn't that the Federation lacked of manners. Nor that Bila had extensive experience of the subtleties of Cardassian conversation (Not other than that of a little child observing the adults). But it was a part of his unknown father's culture that had always appealed to him. He knew that his position about his species was odd and, for many, uncomfortable. Most Bajoran-Cardassian hybrids rarely reached adulthood, and he had exceeded the age of thirty. Likewise, most bajcardies were raised only among bajorans and were instilled with a deep animosity against the grey part of their ancestry. This wasn't Bila's situation, son of a collaborator woman and raised among Cardassians. He KNEW there had been crimes on both sides. The same as there had been coexistence, and acts of kindness. But most people saw only one side of the conflict, where they belonged or collaborated with, and refused to put themselves in the shoes of the 'enemy'.  Bila had always tried not to position himself on one side or the other, to such an extent that he had been accused of ignoring the worst of each part of his heritage. He was unable to remember how many times he had been called naive for this. The truth was that he refused to hate any part of what he was. Where it came from. Not any more.

As he was reflecting idly on this, Bila searched with his hazel eyes any of the lounge holographic waiters. Then, as Mektari related her promotion to Chieff CONN officer, the hologram of a brunette woman materialized next to the chemist. "A red-leaf tea with kava juice, please Xenia." He requested before turning back to his table companion. "Congratulations for your promotion, my dear," he declared in his most complimenting tone. "They have undoubtedly valued your expertise. I only deplore the way your new duties have been keeping you so busy that you' ve had no time to get in touch with an old friend..."  It was a flattering phrase, sickeningly sweet, but Bila truly thought the woman in front of him was an exceptional pilot. After all, she had held the position of Acting Chief CONN Officer, and had been an officer whom Captain Ziegler had relied upon wholeheartedly. That she was offered a position according to her abilities was the least she deserved. "Well, for my part I' ve been demoted, which has left me more time to devote to science." he explained in a light tone. That wasn't entirely true. While Izar had served as Asst. Chief Science Office under Lt. Vanya in the vessel he had shared with Mektari, the Theurgy had more senior science officers than himself, who held the position he had filled. In fact, his former boss, the Romulan Gynoid, had gone from being the department chief to a mere assistant. Bila retained his rank, but not his command role which, given the circumstances of their new ship, was almost a relief.

"Beside that, well, I had to monitor the replication of modified borg nanoprobes, and I've been working on the ORE's case..."  he vaguely stated. Bila was still perfecting some of his work to protect themselves against the Borg, making sure they had vaccine samples in case of a new encounter, as well as refining the device that had allowed to cure some of the assimilated. Some, not all of them. The weight of the deaths that he had not been able to prevent weighed deeply on his heart, as a pacifist and conscientious objector. This pain was reflected in a pause longer than necessary. Nevertheless, it did not become apparent in his face, which still showed his characteristic mask of cordiality. "I've also had a little disagreement with my roommate, since he doesn't agree with me about the advantages of have a moonshine distiller in the bathroom,"  he added, and shrugged, immediately after pushing a small bottle filled with a handful of white powder towards Meki.

Bila had been known among some of the Cayuga crew for his ability to distil a devilishly strong booze, so strong that it was impossible to obtain in the replicator because it bordered being clasiffied as a dangerous sustance. An alcoholic drink that he used to distribute among his acquaintances in the form of powder and which, depending on the amount of water that was added to the mixture, could become a pleasant cocktail or an alcoholic acid suitable for cleaning engines or dissolving bulkheads.

At that moment, Xenia approached both Cardassians, bringing the drink Bila had ordered. As the holographic waitress deposited the steaming cup in front of the chemist, he gazed at the pilot and asked. "Well, who was next in line to choose food, you or me? If it's my turn, I hope your stomach is ready for something spicy."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #4
[  Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge |  Deck 28 |  USS Theurgy ] att: @Numen

“Make that two teas please, Xenia” Mektari interjected, an apologetic smile to the holographic waitress before she departed.

The congratulations that followed seemed genuine and so the Ensign managed to mask her discomfort at his use of the term of address My Dear. Mektari was confident that Bila only ever meant well. In truth, it was unfair to expect him to understand her dislike for the pet name when she had made no effort to share any information on her Father, let alone his speech habits. In her experience, ‘My dear’ had been reserved for when Gatuk Dumral had delivered a criticism to his daughter or some condescending compliment delivered with razor-sharp wit. Mektari had loved her Father deeply, but there was no denying that the man had developed a suffocating superiority complex.

She gave what she hoped was a humble nod toward Bila as he complimented her talents, replying before he went on. “Thank you, I do try. But really, you make it sound like we’ve been estranged for years, Bila. I’m sure you have been just as busy as I.”

Mektari relaxed back into her seat, shaking her head lightly as her companion spelt out his own change of position upon joining the Theurgy’s crew, a wry grin crossing her lips before the younger woman corrected him.

“Hardly a demotion, Theurgy has almost as many officers aboard as the Cayuga has a crew - “ Meki argued. Indeed, with so large a crew the handful of stranded Cayuga officers were in a distinct minority.  “- and I’m sure that you will have made yourself invaluable already. I suspect they will make us both admirals soon enough.”

The comment was delivered deadpan - as most of Mektari’s jokes were - and with a matter-of-fact tone that evoked the very worst of Cardassian vainglory from the bad old days of the military government. She made a show of checking her nails as she spoke, adding to the picture snobbery she was portraying before a smirk eventually returned to her lips and she took another drink.

Bila’s work, whilst sounding very impressive and likely fascinating in detail, was so far outside of Meki’s wheelhouse that she felt obliged to simply nod in approval. Anything that might help them survive against the Borg was important in any case, and their recent experience had brought the very real threat of that terrible enemy back to the forefront of many of the crew’s thoughts and nightmares.

Mektari was intimately aware of nightmares. Shortly after the fall of Cardassia and the purge enacted by the Jem’Hadar Mektari’s recurring terrors had arisen. For a long time, she had struggled to overcome the nightly disturbances and sleep deprivation that accompanied the experiences. Slowly, with extensive care, her ability to sleep soundly had returned; There had been exceptions of course, and relapses. But not until the return of the Borg had the nightmares returned in earnest.

She looked up from the momentary distraction that had taken her, to see Bila offering her another bottle of his ‘moonshine’, Mektari realising that she had utterly missed whatever he had said in the interim but taking the bottle with a warm smile. Covering her distraction as best as she could with a half-hearted laugh and a nod.

“Surprise me, but maybe not too spicy? I’m due to go leave on an assignment in a couple of hours,” she added, leaving the unspoken sentiment that she would prefer her first impressions with the Captain not to be hampered by unfortunate indigestion. It was her turn to choose in fact, but Mektari was loathed to admit her growing distaste for traditional Cardassian cuisine.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #5
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @Jubbles 

"Well, have I made you fond of kava juice in your tea? Hmm?" He chuckled at her request for a drink like his. "You honor me me." He tease her. While red-leaf tea was a traditional Cardassian brew, kava juice was an authentically Bajoran drink. Bila appreciated the combination of both of them, true to his hybrid nature, but he had found few of his compatriots, neither Cardassian nor Bajoran, that dared to blend both. Or that they made reference to the concoction without a disgusted grimace on their faces.

Her witty retort, with a serious face and a display of military pride made the chemist burst out laughing as he shook his head. "We' ll be admirals in no time, for sure. As sure as my father is Gul Dukat" he assured knowingly nodding. As if he guessed who his Cardassian father had been....

The conversation kept flowing in the same way until Bila caught the attention of theholographic waitress along the table. When Meki answered his query, the hybrid tilted his head a bit, thus his bajoran earring tingled musically. "It's a pity you don't feel too adventurous today," Bila scolded her with a disgusted or obviously false pout. Immediately afterwards he turned to Xenia and began to recite the order. "For me, Ratamba stew, extra spicy, and spinach linguine. Sevala pasta and mesto salad for the lady. I guess you haven't tried Sakelo City specialty yet, have you? At least not during our meals." The issue about what she did or didn't do when she vanished was left hanging in the air, unspoken this time, but suggested by the inquisitive glance of the hybrid. He didn't expect an answer. There was never one. But Bila was curious, like any man of science. Like the vast number of Cardassians.

After a suitable silence in which the half-bajoran scrutinized his table partner with a severe expression, a smile flashed again on his lips as he averted his gaze. New crew members were coming into the lounge, many of them wearing engineering or security gold. For a brief moment, his hazel eyes scanned the crowd, seeking a well-known face, a familiar figure. But he didn't find her. One of the corners of his mouth twitched somewhat, showing his disappointment, but Bila soon recovered his cordial mask. "So, a mission. With this starship holding itself in one... I mean, in THREE pieces just thanks to duct tape and sheer will power, I guess your job will be to fly a lesser vessel," he conjectured looking back at his partner. "A shuttle maybe or the Allegiant again?" he inquired. Everything pointed towards his last assumption as correct, and part of him feared for his friend's fate. After all, his last experience on the small ship had been... interesting. A concussion that had left him speaking in Kardasi, unable to remember any of his other languages. His minion... well, his Cayuga' fellow, assimilated... and then killed at his own hands by the negligence of another crewman. Kyth in the verge of being assimilated too... a real shitstorm. Although the situation of the Theurgy had changed greatly since the battle of the apertures, the possibility of everything turning south was high with the Manta Class involved. That scout was cursed for sure. Prophets hated it, for some reason.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #6
Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen

"It may be growing on me just a little bit." she replied with a slight smile. While she had rarely tried the Bajoran drink, Meki did have to admit that mixed with the Cardassian brew, it did taste nice. That still didn't mean that she wasn't going to shake her head at his teasing.

Chuckling at Bila's reply, it was now her turn to mock him as she feigned shock. "Well I do apologise Bila, I didn't realise I was in the company of someone of such an...infamous bloodline." she replied, although truth be told he was probably correct when it came to the odds of them actually making Admiral one day.

Their conversation continued to follow a similar train of thought and flow at least until he called the waitress over and rolled her eyes at his comment about her not feeling too adventurous, listening as he ordered his food, wincing slightly at the spiciness of it and wonder how his or anybody else's stomach's managed to handle that. She wasn't overly surprised when Bila had ordered her a Bajoran meal, yet another dish she had yet to try. That being said however, she did find the Bajoran food she had tried, mostly thanks to BIla to be enjoyable the odds were in his favour that she would enjoy this as well. "You would be correct in that assumption." Mektari answered. She of course noticed the inquisitive glance that he had given her, the implied question of what she did when not on duty or having meals with him, unasked and yet there.

Meki of course couldn't blame him, not only was he a scientist, who were always an inquisitive bunch but part Cardassian on top of that as well, and they had always been a curious people. The pilot briefly wondered if it was that part of his Cardassian nature that made him want to become a scientist or if there was another reason, a question that she would most definitely get the answer too one day. As for the answer to his unasked question, there wasn't really much that she did do outside of work and her meals with him, often spending time in her quarters or on the holodeck running flight training programs to hone her skills, and more recently to learn the ins and outs of the Theurgy and how to fly her the best she could since coming aboard. If she were being honest with herself, she was a little embarassed by the fact that she lacked a social life....just a little, especially in comparison to Bila who human's would describe being a "social butterfly."

After a few minutes of her thinking and remaining silent, she watched him watch her, scrutinising her as if trying to look into her mind and get the answers he wanted. Luckily he wasn't telepathic, but soon flashed her a smile before averting his gaze. By now more people had starting flooding into the lounge, which had drawn her companion's attention, the chemist clearly scanning the crowd for someone, although evidently not seeing them before returning his attention to her, his line of questioning moving onto her upcoming mission.

"Those and the dry dock the vectors are in, I would imagine those are holding it together too." she replied, again delivering her joke with a straight face. She found it rather entertaining when he stated that she would be flying a lesser vessel and speculated on whether she would be flying a shuttle or the Allegiant. By the tone of his voice, it seemed like he suspected it would be the Allegiant and nodded her head slightly. "You are correct Bila, I will indeed be flying the Allegiant, although I can't really go into the detail of what we're doing but we'll be gone for about 4 days assuming we don't run into any trouble." she answered. "It shouldn't be too bad though, Vanya and Zark are going on the mission too, so at least there will a few Cayuga members going." she said, before pausing and sighing "...Salem is going too." she added. While Vanya and Zark were both good people, Salem had made his feelings about her species known before, and had butted heads with him on a few occasions, although she wasn't sure if Bila had had such interactions with the man. Meki would admit that she was not exactly looking forward to being stuck on that small ship with him for that long, with little to no way to avoid him.

"I hear his sister serves on this ship and is the CSO, have you met her yet? If so does she share the same views about Cardassian's? Or is it just a view that Salem shares on his own? It will be bad enough have to occasionally serve on the Bridge with Salem yet alone with his sister too in that case." 

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #7
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @SilverShadow 

Of course, Meki did not answer his indirect inquiry about her affairs. Bila kept smiling, of course, that she would give him a direct reply had been a narrow probability. But he couldn't help but feel disappointed. And intrigued. Part of him couldn't help wondering what Mektari was hiding with such zeal. Why so much discretion with regard to her own personal life. He respected that desire for privacy, but also wanted to know more about it. Aside from his desire to relate with another Cardassian, that habit she had of leaving him wondering about her, was what had made him start orbiting around her in the first instance. Eventually, he had grown to appreciate her. Bila was a social creature, but he had few real friends. And he liked to consider her as his friend, although he didn't know if that sentiment was reciprocated.

Whatever it was, once Xenia took their order and the holographic waitress walked away from the table, the Cardassian and the hybrid resumed their conversation. Meki punctuated his comment on what prevented their current starship from falling apart, pointing to the presence of the Klingon dry dock. "Oh well, klingon structures are overrated" he rebuked to her deadpan remark, while he disregarded the idea with a theatrical hand- motion. "Made to last, green and with a tasteless lighting. They lack of sophistication and cutting-edge... anything" he joked. Bila had nothing against their new allies, but pranking about the crudity of Klingon technology was too tempting.

Eventually, after this brief chatter, the pilot confirmed him that she would be in charge of the Allegiant's helm and that she would be out for four days. It was a pleasant novelty that she told him how long she would be away, perhaps to compensate for her previous 'vanishing'. Although she couldn't give him too much details of the covert operation, he was pleased to find that there were other former Cayuga crewmembers on board the Manta class during the mission. The bajcardie had never met the andorian zhen, but he knew the romulan droid well enough. After all, he had been her assistant and they had spent countless hours in each other' company. A grin grew gradually on the hybrid's lips... until Meki announced that Martin would also be there. "Good old Salem, mhm?" he whispered tongue-in-cheek. He could hide his feelings very well, if that was his wish, but there was no reason to hide his distaste for the tactical officer. Bila hadn't been the one who had shown a politically correct animosity since their earliest interaction. As he always did, he had tried to swap that first negative impression for a nicer one, but the chemist had soon learned from various sources that Martin was a specist and that, in his eyes, all Cardassians were a bunch of monsters, regardless their origin, their demenaour or the purity of their blood. So Bila had ceased his efforts and had limited himself to the enjoyment of Salem 'cold shoulder' and his fakely professional curt remarks. It wasn't a situation he was fond of and he had little love for the man as a result of his narrow-minded attitude.

Meki interrupted his line of thinking as she kept talking and made some questions about the human and his sister. "Yes, the CSO held a department meeting before the Battle of the Apertures" he confirmed with a sober face. "I barely exchanged a few words with her about the projects I was working on along with Ogamĵan... along with Dr. Parnak, I mean..." he quickly corrected himself. "She looked like a pretty decent person, she looked exhausted and in serious need of a second coffee in order to follow the thread of her own thoughts, but given the level of insanity in which this vessel has been engulfed, who wasn't sleep-deprived at the time," he quipped. Bila had always slept poorly and, since they dealt with the Borg aboard the Cayuga, his sleeplessness and night terrors had only grown worse. If he managed to get some rest at all was thanks to Ejek's prescribed meds. "I doubt she shares her brother's standpoints, but who knows. Maybe she simply hides it better," he added, with a shrug. "In any case, I don't think you'll have a problem with her on the bridge, unless Salem pollutes her views with that biased view of his."

Xenia interrupted their chat at that point, placing the dishes they had ordered in front of them. Bila took advantage of that pause to have a drink of his tea. It was as good as any excuse to take the time to think about how he should word his next request. He left the cup on the table and scratched his bristly chin thoughtfully for a moment. " If..." he began to say in a low voice. "If he does any wrong to you. Anything... unprofessional or uncomfortable... let me know. I'll take care of him," he offered with a conspiracy whisper. That Bila was a man of peace was well known on the Cayuga. He was a conscientious objector and had never touched a weapon. But he would never permit anyone to bully any of his friends. He was not prone to violence, but he would find a way to prevent that Salem abused a Cardassian anew, if that happens.

Nx Kardasi by Noxfox

Ogamĵan →  oldman, politely distanced

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #8
Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen

Meki knew that Bila would be disappointed in her lack of revelation into her activities when off duty, even though the man kept the smile on his face, she knew the man well enough to not be surprised at how he reacted. Perhaps even a part of her enjoyed keeping him in suspense and couldn't help but wonder what he imagined she might be getting up to in her free time. Did he think she worked out? Spent time socialising with other people, perhaps having liaisons with a secret lover perhaps? All of which amused her to an extent, whatever it might have been though was certainly to be more interesting than her actual activities or lack of activities to put it more accurately.

Chuckling at his statement on Klingon design she shook her head "Some might say that they're simply practical. Nothing wrong with something simply being built to last Bila, if they wasn't then my fellow CONN officers and I would have to sit at the helm all day just in case it collapsed and we had to fly the ship away or fall down to the planet." she replied. "I do agree with you about the poor colour scheme however, and even as a warrior race that's no excuse to not update the technology every now and then. she added.

Meki knew that Bila knew Vanya, having served under the Romulan android during her tenure as the Chief Science Officer but she didn't really know if he had had any interactions with Zark or not. Still she nodded when Bila repeated Salem's name. "Mmmhmm" she nodded with a hum, unlike her however, Bila had no problems displaying his distaste for the man, despite the fact she knew he could hide his true feelings very well if he wanted too. At least it sounded like the Human's sister wasn't like him.

"Well that's certainly good to hear, although I can't say I blame the woman for being so tired considering everything they'd been through. We all felt like that. We can only hope she doesn't and that Salem doesn't pollute her views with his own, his are more than enough without having to add anybody else's to the mix, we all have enough problems as it is."

The conversation paused briefly when Xenia brought their food and placed it before them. Like Bila, Meki too took the opportunity to have a drink of her own tea. When Bila spoke again Meki would have to admit to herself that she was surprised at what he said. She never really took the scientist as much of a fighter or a killer and yet here he was offering to "take care" of him for her should he give him any trouble. "While I appreciate the offer Bila, I'm sure that won't be necessarily. For one thing the least I can say about Salem is that he at least maintains some professionalism when we're on duty, I imagine that will be even more so considering the Captain is going on the mission as well. Outside of that we tend to simply stay out of each other's way and while that will be significantly harder to do on a ship the size of the Allegiant, it might just be manageable, besides I can take care of myself." she replied with a smile. "Although I will be sure to tell you if anything does happen and how the situation was resolved. Besides it wouldn't look good for you or your career if you did something to your bosses brother now would it?" she joked with her usual deadpan humour and a raised eyebrow, allowing a slight smirk to cross her lips.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #9
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @SilverShadow 

When Meki expressed her appreciation for the fact that his chief wasn't as... hateful as her brother, Bila merely nodded with a earnest face. After all, she was a woman of science so he expected that she had an analytical and firm mind, as well as a judgment based more on facts than on petty opinions. As much as these came from such a close relative as her twin brother. Many things could be said about the people that made up Starfleet's science departments, but at least they were rational and impartial people.

After he had offered his proposal to the pilot, he took his spoon and began to remove idly the stew that the waitress had placed in front of him. It was hot and was even bubbling happily under his scrutiny. It was so spicy that his eyes watered slightly as he picked out a particularly appetizing tuber. Bila liked to consider himself a gourmet, but the truth was that he had been so famished during his stay in a Bajoran Camp that he still considered eating every day a true pleasure. Most of the Federation's citizens, who had not been subjected to extreme rationing, did not fully appreciate the privilege of having several meals a day as they pleased. Finally, the hybrid selected a particularly succulent piece of vegetable and bit it with gusto. Truly tasty. Not for the first time though, Bila reflected on whether he had any intact taste buds left or if he had inherited his mother's taste sense, in which case he was immune to spiciness.

Once he had given munched and swalloed that first bite, he addressed his table companion again, as he stirred his stew with the spoon. "Look, he may have acted professionally... until he fails to do so. And maybe the stress of everything we'd gone through since the Borg attack would make him do something nasty. Something under the radar. At the end of the day, Captain can't be everywhere at all times..." insisted the scientist. He knew he was being a bird of ill omen, but he preferred that the ensign take some precautions. He wanted her to stay safe. "I know you can take care of yourself but, if something happens, I can deal with this myself, I have my own methods." The chemist looked at her face again and adopted a smug expression as he arched one of his browridges. "Besides this, it would be quite un-cardassian for me to do something morally ambiguous and on the edge of regulations and let myself get caught. I thought you knew me better." He chasticed her, his statement so ambiguous that it was impossible to know if he was truthful or joking.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #10
Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen

Meki watched Bila as he turned the spoon around in his stew, she could feel the heat of it briefly from across the table and knew it was spicy based on the fact his eyes were already watering a little and that man hadn't even taken a bit of it yet. "You must have a stomach lined with duranium to eat that stuff, how on Earth, Bajor and Cardassia to you manage that without burning a hole through your gut?" she asked, partially a joke and partially of genuine curiosity.

Glancing down at her own, thankfully less spicy salad and pasta she gathered a few pieces on her fork and took a bite, giving a slight moan of appreciation for it's taste. "I will hand it to the Bajorans they certainly do make some very fine tasting foods." she smiled after chewing and swallowing it. Observing the chemist as he ate. Despite the fact his eyes were watering a little, he showed absolutely no other signs that the food had any effect on him and shook her head, knowing full well she'd already be chugging down several glasses of tea, water and whatever else she could get her hands on to cool down what she was more than likely sure would be a plasma fire in her mouth.

Evidently however, Bila was clearly not done talking about Salem however and listened to him as he cautioned her about the man potentially doing something devious away from prying eyes. "I think you're worrying just a little too much there Bila, you make him sound like a Cardassian." she dead panned, the small hint of a smile curling at the corner of her mouth briefly. "You're right though I can take care of myself nor will it be the first time I'll have to keep my eyes open for unexpected attacks." she added, inwardly cursing herself for mentioning something that she knew Bila would most likely pick up on. Even if he didn't mention it, she knew it would at least peak that curious mind of his and intrigue him just enough to add it as yet another piece of the puzzle that her up. "I appreciate your concern Bila but I'm sure it will be fine. If it makes you feel better I'll spend time with Vanya, you know he won't be able to anything to her." she added, taking another bite of her food.

As she chewed it, it occured to her that Bila could easily counter that with the fact that like the Captain she couldn't spend all her time with Vanya either and decided to jump in before he could point that out to her. "However if something were to happen, I will let you know." she told him and just hoped that if something did happen, the chemist wouldn't poison the man or something that would kill him or get Bila himself into trouble. "Mmmhmm." she hummed with a skeptical look his way at his final comment "Oh yes because that doesn't at all sound like something a Cardassian would do. Morally ambiguous and on the edge of acceptablilty, never would we do such a thing." she countered in her own deadpan way. Honestly though it certainly sounded like he was implying doing something potentially life threatening to Salem were something to happen and she wasn't entirely sure if he was joking about that or not...much like a true Cardassian.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #11

[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @SilverShadow 

When Meki wondered in amazement how he was able to withstand a level of spice that was close to being considered a biological weapon on several planets, Bila simply shrugged and chuckled softly. "Cardassian eyes, bajoran stomach, I guess," he explained vaguely. It really wasn't that simple, but Bila didn't want to delve more deeply into the complexities of his genetic make-up. As one of the few Cardassian hybrids in the Federation when he first arrived, he had had more medical tests and more DNA analysis than most laboratory rats. Better not to dig into that matter further. At least he seemed to have imbued his home planet's taste for food in Mektari.That was a small triumph. However, he limited himself to a slight nod at those appreciative words, as his mouth was busy chewing on a generous bite of spinach linguine.

He continued in silence as his table companion reprimanded him for his excessive zeal regarding her safety, alleging that she knew how to take care of herself perfectly and that she would spend time with Vanya as well as with the captain. "Listen, I'm not worried Meki, I just want to be PREPARED for what might happen, which is ABSOLUTELY quite different," he answered earnestly, even though the shadow of a smile danced in his hazel eyes. He took the chance to change cutlery and took another spoonful of stew. Bila had lived in the Federation for a long time. Much more than Mektari, and had suffered in his flesh the renconr pre-Dominion war and its aftermath. As a pacifist as he was, he had suffered... situations that he didn't want her to deal with and if he could spare her that bad time he would do so willingly. Idly, his mind remembered the face of one of his roommates in the Academy, another Bajoran hybrid that responded to the crude name of Cross. The chemist couldn't help but wonder about what had happened to him.

Finally, the pilot agreed to inform him of any adverse situation that may occur with the tactical officer. "Mmhmm" he hummed joyfully as he gobbled another mouthful with gusto. "Good girl" he eventually said with a grin to the woman in front of him, his tone as if he were addressing a little child. After all, she was younger than him, so he could indulge in those licenses from time to time. Her acquiescence relaxed his attitude and he was finally able to dismiss Salem Martin topic for the time being.

For several minutes, there was silence over the table, while the Cardassian and the hybrid rejoiced in their own dishes. Finally, after a long drink of tea, Bila raised his head from the food and pointed his fork at the pilot. "Hey Meki, have you met any of the other Cardassians on board? Believe it or not, there are four of us on board... Well, three and a half, you know what I mean" he corrected himself with a gentle chuckle. The slight movement made his Bajoran earring tingle musically. "Given the proportion of grey-skins in Starfleet we start to be a small crowd here, we can form a starfleeter cardassians lobby if we ignore the fact that Ogamĵan is a civilian," he joked. It was indeed an exceptional fact that there were so many aboard a Federation ship. An absolutely remarkable event.

Nx Kardasi by Noxfox

Ogamĵan →  oldman, politely distanced

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #12
Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen

Meki was slowly beginning to figure out that sometimes, when Blia was was acting coy, like a good Cardassian should, implying some hidden secret or agenda was just a playful act, other times it was also the truth, and that he simply didn't want to reveal the truth or the full truth anyway, the trick was in figuring out when he was joking and when he wasn't. The pilot had to give him credit, not only was he very good at it, but it was a genius tactic, if one always acted like you were keeping a secret nobody would be able to tell if you truly were or not. In this case, Meki thought that he was indeed hiding something, not that she was 100% positive of course but she had a hunch. Still she would respect the man and let him have his secrets, Spirits knew she had more than her fair share of them. "I guess so." she replied instead.

As Bila's conversation shifted to Salem again, she nodded in understanding at his words but still couldn't resist a joke at his words. "Careful Bila, there's a fine line between preparedness and paranoia the way you're going on." she said, allowing the briefest of smiles to appear on her face before taking another bite of her food. "Do not worry Bila, I will be prepared as well, the last thing I need is to return without incident and hear that you've wound up in Sickbay with a paranoia stress induced heart attack." She was of course joking but she still meant it, she didn't want him worrying about Salem, while the two didn't get along and he did hate Cardassian's she had been up against people who truly wanted her dead before and knew what to look for, and while Salem certainly had the feelings and even desire to do so, she got the impression that he would never cross that line unless someone of her kind forced him too. Still she would be wary of him regardless for Bila wasn't entirely wrong, the man could very well snap when she least expected it. Then again of course, Cardassian's always expected somebody to try to kill them most of the time anyway and given the people who were still potentially out there looking for her, she most definitely always expected it, not that her companion knew that of course.  The fact that she had told him that she would spend time with Vanya and inform him of anything that might happen, seemed to alleviate his concerns and it felt as though they both could drop the subject of their racist co-worker.

A silence passed over them as the duo took the time to enjoy their meals before Bila picked up the conversation again. Meki knew that there were several other Cardassian's on the ship with them, which had taken her by surprise. There was a time when she was sure that she was the only Cardassian serving in the fleet, or at the very least one of very few. The fact that she had found several more the ship she eventually ended up on was a strange coincidence. If she didn't know any better, Meki would have assumed that one, both or all of them were members of the Obsidian Order sent to get her, but that couldn't be the case since her arrival and assignment to the Theurgy was most definitely an unplanned one, and even the remnants of the Obsidian couldn't have predicted that.

"I have not met them. In fact it was surprising to see so many of us on board when I took a look at the crew manifest." she replied, repeating part of her own inner monologue to him and nodded in agreement. "Yes a small, yet very noticeable crowd." she said, taking another bite of her salad and then a sip of her drink. "So what exactly would be lobby about, dear Bila hmmm? More Kanar in the lounges perhaps?" she deadpanned. 

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #13

[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @SilverShadow 

When Meki warned him about the narrow line which separated paranoia from preparedness, Bila laughed out loud, a hearty, honest laugh that revealed little of the motive behind such hilarity. Nor did the hybrid clear it up once the laughter died on his lips, he only shook his head a little before he focused again on his plates. He only grinned slightly. A smile that remained in his hazel eyes for a long time, despite the silence, each and every time he regarded the pilot. There was an inherent truth in the statement of her table companion, but Bila cannot deny that dying due to a heart attack from something as Cardassian as persecution complex, after a lifetime of anxiety and terror was a fascinating prospect. And an incredibly comical one.

When she confessed that she only had known about Ejek and Parnak from reading their names in the crew manifest, Bila nodded to himself. Another discarded scenario. At least now he had confirmation that she had not spent those days she had been out of his radar in ... their company. The chemist had hoped to succeed with that lucubration. Perhaps she had had a session with the counsellor who had ended in a pleasant chat about the places of Cardassia Prime that both had visited. Or she had shared a cup of tea with the professor. But none of those stories were correct. Sadly." Both are interesting individuals," he told Meki between two mouthfuls of food. "I think the counselor is more a reachable, after all she's a Starfleeter too. Ogamĵan... Well, he's an old man with a lot of Cardassia Prime glued to his scales, you know what I mean." He added wrinkling his obviously bajoran ridged nose. It was easier to imply that the xenobiologist didn't have too much fondness for the bajoran-cardassian hybrids, like most older Cardassian than the real thing. Facts were far more complex. So intricate that in fact Bila wasn't even able to explain it to himself. He had to work further on that. "I think it would be interesting if you could meet them. I dunno, maybe a small meeting for us four, some kanar and Sem'hal stew with yamok sauce" he suggested in passing, without giving it too much importance. It would be at least an interesting meeting, but he doubted that any of them would be willing to attend to such gathering. In fact, the thought of Ejek and Parnak discussing trivialities while they shared a cup of kanar was a mental image he didn't quite appreciate. It grated on his nerves, though he didn't quite know why.

To erase that horrible image from his mind, Bila stirred his plate a bit while his face adopted an impish grin. "Well, I think it's pretty obvious what should be the first item on our newly created Lobby's agenda," he proclaimed before taking a spoonful of his stew. Bila savoured it patiently, stretching the silence and tension long enough to enervate Meki mildly. "Obviously this ship needs to turn the thermostat up to raise the temperature a few degrees," he finally said. Bila had inherited his low tolerance to cold from his unknown father and he preferred to live in a warm environment like the rest of Cardassians.  A warmth temperature far from the standard Starfleet one that forced him to wear thermal clothing under his uniform.

Nx Kardasi by Noxfox

Ogamĵan →  oldman, politely distanced

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #14
Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen

While she wasn't at all surprised at the laughter that came from the hybrid, her warning was also true. Although yes Cardassians were a species that in general were masters at both deception and paranoia in a lot of ways one could take that to the extreme if one wasn't too careful. On the other hand though, as someone who could very well still be hunted by the Obsidian Order now or one day in the future, sometimes it was handy to be paranoid so who was she to judge.

As the laughter died down, Bila returned their conversation to their fellow Cardassians onboard and nodded at his mention that they were both interesting individuals "Most Cardassians are." she replied, which was true. Every one of her people seemed to have an interesting story or personality trait due to some thing or other in their past. Meki tried to recall if she had spotted the counsellor before, perhaps when she had attended her own interview with one of her fellows when she had first come aboard but didn't think so. At the mention of the old man, the pilot nodded in understanding. "One of those how dare some of those Cardassians taint our bloodline by having a child with a Bajoran people I take it." She had known a few Cardassians like that in her time, personally she didn't care about keeping the purity of the bloodlines one way or the other. "Some people are stuck in the old ways and some are just fools. People can't help what situation they find themselves in, be that being a child of two species or being....other things." she replied, almost revealing her own secret that would get her persecuted by her people. Internally she winced as she knew there was no way Bila wouldn't pick up on it, oh well just another mystery about her he would no doubt have fun trying to figure out...or be annoyed by as his curiosity pondered on it. At the mention of them all getting together for lunch and drinks she gave a slight tilt of her head "Perhaps"

Taking a bite of her own meal, the two enjoyed a brief moment of silence as Bila stirred the food on his own plate before grinning and stating that it was obvious what their proposed lobby's agenda should be. "Oh?" she asked and then chuckled when he said the ships temperature should be increased by a few degrees. "Oh most definitely, I never did understand how Humans could tollerate such cool temperatures? They are after all one of the most adaptable species in the galaxy, you'd think a few extra degrees wouldn't phase them so much."

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #15
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @SilverShadow 

"Well, yeah something like that" granted Bila when Meki made a description of how she imagined Ogamĵan was. The hybrid knew, from his conversations with Ejek, that Parnak didn't fit that description exactly, but it was simpler to label him as an old cantankerous man who favored the purity of Cardassian blood and traditions than what he actually was. More than anything because not even Bila knew how to really classify him. Certainly there was some sort of animadversion between them, but that can be understood in two different ways: either the old man was patronizing him in an almost formative way, like a teacher trying to straigthen out a unruly disciple. Alternatively Parnak was simply a segregationist with little love for other species and, even less so, for someone like him, of mixed Cardassian ancestry. Be that as it may, men were scarce among the Science Academies in Cardassia, and the fact that Ogamĵan was a professor at an important university on his home planet spoke greatly of his dedication to science, and of the willpower that that entailed. After all, academic and scientific work was usually regarded as 'feminine' according to Cardassian cultural standards. One had to be made of a very special substance to endeavour and shine in an activity in which one started at a disadvantage. That or to have the suitable contacts in the suitable places. Or perhaps Parnak had annoyed the one who should not.  Whatever it was the case, Bila had a hidden respect for the oldman.

Whatever it was, the chemist quickly removed these concerns from his mind when he noticed the strange inflection in Mektari's words. ' People can't help what situation they find themselves in, be that being a child of two species or being....other things.' Other things. Which other things? Bila looked at his table companion with curious eyes, willing to dig deeper into that thread of conversation. However, if there was one thing he had learned in the time he had spent with the pilot, it was that a direct or abrupt approach would only make the woman refuse to budge. He needed to be more subtle, so a change of subject was mandatory.

So Bila proceeded to joke about the temperature of the vessel and the faux 'cardassian lobby'. Meki seemed to bite the bait with a soft chuckle and proceeded to chastize humans about their temperature of choice for their ships. "I strongly agree, moreover when Federation has several founding members who inhabit warm homeworlds. That insistence on maintaining such a cool temperature should be a form of punishing Vulcans for something they have done in the past." He whispered as he leaned forward, a conspiratory tone in his voice. "You know, something they don't want to tell us, a dark secret that has forced the circumstances into the current status quo," he whispered, then looking for another slip that would reveal a little more of the Ensign's mysterious past.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #16
Ensign Mektari Dumral | Below Decks Lounge | Deck 28 | Vector 3 | USS Theurgy ] Attn: @Numen

Meki nodded before the two fell silent as Bila seemed to get lost in his thoughts. Taking the opportunity to dig into her own food a little more, she wondered just how and why so many Cardassians ended up on the ship, it certainly was unusual. She wondered if they all happened to come aboard one by one by random luck or had some of them been together? She was only here because she was serving on a different ship and had been stranded when the Cayuga had left without her, while it was more than likely the others had suffered a similar fate with the loss of ships it was a little unusual to say the least.

Needless to say Meki noticed immediately that Bila had indeed picked up on her comment and internally cursed herself for her little slip up. She could see in his eyes that he wanted to ask her what she had meant by 'Other things' yet she also knew that he knew that asking her directly wouldn't get him anything, and would therefore have to be far more subtle about it, something that she would have to keep an eye out for. Like most of their conversations there was an almost playfulness to their subterfuge and obfuscation of the facts in their conversations, although she would admit that Bila was a little better at the game than she was. Still she was pay attention and do her best not to slip up again if she could help it.

At his mention of punishing Vulcans, Meki nodded "Well they do have a few things they could punish the Vulcans for. After all look how long the Vulcans made them wait before they could test their Warp 5 engine. I heard that it was ready to go long before they allowed Captain Archer and the Enterprise NX-01 to launch, even recommending that they hold off on that too and look at what history that man and his ship did, how would things be different now had the Humans not acted...well Human and heeded the Vulcan advice to wait even longer?" she replied. Humans could indeed hold grudges. "Of course Humans are also known for their practical jokes, perhaps this was simply one big joke they played on the other species, waiting to see which decided to adjust the temperature first, only nobody did and they're either still waiting or simply forgotten all about it and that's how it's remained to this day." she added with a slight grin.

Re: Day 03 [1500 hrs.] Room to Breathe

Reply #17
[ Lt. JG Izar Bila | Bellow Desk Lounge| Deck 28 | Vector 03 | USS Theurgy]

Att:  @SilverShadow 

Bila listened attentively to Meki's words, his face deceptively serious while he polished off what little was left of his meal. When the dishes in front of him were spotless and pristine, as if they had never hosted an ounce of food, the chemist leaned back, resting satisfied on the rear of his seat. "Who knows" answered the hybrid with an enigmatic smile on his face. "Having read a little about mankind's history, if the Vulcans had not held them back to test their WARP engines perhaps now humans would be a Galactic Empire that would have terrorized the entire Quadrant and neighboring powers. Klingons would be in constant war with them seeking to excel as the best warriors in the Galaxy and the Romulans would have erased Vulcan from existence several decades ago". He pondered with no ironic tone in his voice, as if he were analyzing a strange and unknown compound in his lab instead of a posible present. When he finished that first suggestion, he cocked his head to the side. "Or perhaps they would have already unified most of the species of the Alpha and Beta quadrants into the Federation, all them linked by the same ideals, they would have eliminated hunger and disease from all systems within their borders, and right now we would be living in a utopia where scientific advances and general welfare would be the goal of every citizen, like a nicer render of the Dominion ideal of order." Bila tilted his head again, to the oppisite side, so his Bajoran earring tinkled softly. "Or maybe none of the options will be true and, indeed, we all live inside a giant prank that humans have forgotten and that is why I must suffer this shameful ignominy of needing an extra blanket to be able to sleep comfortably every night."  He joked.

At that precise moment, the holographic waitress appeared next to the scientist. "Lieutenant, Thea has asked me to remind you that your experiment needs supervision in three point five minutes." Bila thanked her for her advise with a single nod and the holographic assistant vanished, to materialize again several tables beyond the reach of their ears. "I'm afraid, my dear, that I must abandon your agreeable company. Science summons me," he said as he rose to his feet. "I hope to share another meal with you soon, perhaps within two days?..." he suggested before his expression became slightly more mischievous as he turned to leave. After barely taking two steps away from the table he turned, his hazel eyes piercing the pilot's greens. "Maybe then you can give me a little insight into what you have been hidden from me today" he suggested with a soft chuckle before he walked again and got lost in the hustle and bustle of the lounge.


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